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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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Hisan said:
"No you may not. Well not when you're drunk on the taste of blood. You're most likely looking for more." Jekyl said as he slowly turned into Hyde.
"Hello there Isis." Hyde said as he smiles an evil smile


From under her skin hood, she eyes him suspiciously.

"Hello... You. How do you know my name?"

She asked. Chains where tighly wrapped around her arms. How they were not bruised is a mystery.​

Trying to imagine what he was going through was impossible for her, and that pained her greatly.. Yet, unknown to her, she was actually going through the exact same thing. For some reason, she yearned for his touch, for his warmth, his laughter and his smile... And it hurt that she didn't know how to stop whatever was bothering him. Her gaze searched his as if the answer lay in his beautiful gaze. Unconsciously, she gently brought his hand up to her face, brushing the back against her cheek. "I'm sorry... Al..."
Unconsciously, Alfons leaned into her touch. "Don't be, it's... not a bad thing, I don't think." Her hand felt warm and he liked feeling it against his face. "You don't need to worry some much about me."

Hisan said:
"Hard to forget the goddess of beauty." Hyde said with a smile.


Isis pressed her lips to a thin line. Godamn that was smooth.

"And where exactly do you know her from? Because she can't seem to recall the time she told you her name."

She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one leg.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Isis pressed her lips to a thin line. Godamn that was smooth.

"And where exactly do you know her from? Because she can't seem to recall the time she told you her name."

She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one leg.​
"Since you've associated with the gangs it's our job to know about you."

"I don't know why... I just do...." Her eyes lowered from his face to her ha d and her eyes fluttered close as he leaned into her palm. Her mind seemed to ease...just a bit... For one second...

" somehow it hurts to know that as much as i want you to be happ- at ease ... i dont know what to do..."
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"Just you... being here. It helps," Alfons assured. "It's kind of strange actually, how much of an effect you have on me." When had it really begun? It wasn't until today that he noticed it but he only just realized how long these feelings have been developing. Slowly, her presence had grown to be important for him and necessary to function properly. How had she gotten under his skin like this? How long had he noticed her warmth and importance? Alfons couldn't really recall.

Hisan said:
"Since you've associated with the gangs it's our job to know about you."


Isis nodded.

"Makes sence. What is your name?"

She asked, lifting her head a bit. You could see the outline of her nose, and her icy blue eyes.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Isis nodded.

"Makes sence. What is your name?"

She asked, lifting her head a bit. You could see the outline of her nose, and her icy blue eyes.​
Hyde bowed slightly. "My name is Hyde." He says this next part in a much smoother voice. "And I am Jekyl."

Her eyes opened again, meeting his with confusion at his words. Deep down, something warm was spreading in her chest at his words, yet she didn't understand why. "What do you mean... Al?"

His words confused her more than her own feelings. When was the warm feeling she constantly pushed down born? A day ago? A month? A year? When had she started losing herself in his eyes and treasuring his every word and every time they touched, whether it was the brush of the hand or a reassuring stroke on the head?
"You're important to me, Delilah. Is that strange of me?" No, that wasn't strange. She was his second in command. What was strange of him was the feelings of affection rising up inside him. Alfons chuckled at oddity of it all. "No... I don't think it is strange. Perhaps it's the overwhelming fondness I have for you that strange..."


His words brought an odd heat to her face as her eyes widened slightly from surprise. He doesnt mean it in such a way... He is fond of me...as his second... And i am important to him because of that...right? Yet for some reason, she doubted her internal voice.

For some reason though... she didn't mind his words that much once the initial surprise had dissipated. "...i don't think it's that strange... " she murmured softly, lowering her eyes, "After all I am very much fond of you too."
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"...really?" For that one second, she'd forgotten about the redness of her cheeks, the closeness of his body and the warmth in her chest. To hear that he was happy... That she had genuinely made him happy... She couldn't stop the smile that was spreading across her face just at the sight of his... Just for a second, she forgot all the worries and burdens, she only saw him...happy, even if he didn't show it a lot, his eyes said enough.
The warmth in his chest only grew at her smile. It felt like Alfons was going to burst from his heart pounding in his chest. Delilah was just... so... cute. Especially when she smiled like that. Alfons wanted her to keep smiling like that.

Standing up from his seat, Alfons wrapped his arms around her a second time. He didn't even know what he was doing until he was doing it. Delilah was just so adorable, Alfons couldn't help himself. He pulled her in even closer and rested his chin on top of her head, finding she was the perfect size to do so. She just fit so perfectly in his arms.


This time, when he wrapped his arms around her, she didn't flinch or freeze. When she felt him hug her, her hands instrinctively rested on his chest, gripping at the soft fabric of his shirt as if to keep her close to her. Her head buried into the curve of his neck, fitting perfectly right there as if she had been a puzzle piece, crafted delicately and intricately so that she would fit no where else, be connected to nothing besides him. He really was her home.
"Just stay here with me, okay? Then I can stay this happy forever, and I can find ways to make you happy as well. So stay right here with me," Alfons whispered into Delilah's golden brown hair. Even f it wasn't the most appropriate time, Alfons couldn't help but think of how good her shampoo smelled.

Hisan said:
Hyde bowed slightly. "My name is Hyde." He says this next part in a much smoother voice. "And I am Jekyl."


(Wait, they are two different people?)

Isis nodded.

"Nice meeting you guys."

She said, fumbling with the chains around her arms.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(Wait, they are two different people?)

Isis nodded.

"Nice meeting you guys."

She said, fumbling with the chains around her arms.​
(Two spirits one body)

"Are you nervous?" I say as I grab your hand gently.
Hisan said:
(Two spirits one body)
"Are you nervous?" I say as I grab your hand gently.


(Ah... Makes sence)

She looked down at his hand on hers. She was never touched. Looking up at him, she said.

"Ah... No, just these chains annoy me..."

She said, running her eyes through his face.​
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Hisan said:
"Then why not take them off?" Hyde said as he started run his fingers along them.


((Mind you, her arms are already crossed over her chest))

She shivered lightly, pulling her arms closer to her chest slowly. The chains where like a part of her body. The price of having two forms.

"I... I can't. They are like a part of me. Bonded to my skin."

She said, looking down at his hand.​

Michael Michaelis

"You have arrived, Sir..." The driver gently opened the limo door, allowing his boss to gracefully exit the vehicle. Michael smiled warmly at the man.

"Ah..." Michael turned towards the huge building with cheering fans forcefully being blocked by bodyguards. Michael graced the red carpet, popping a single red rose from the inside of his tuxedo. He held it gently in his hand, before handing it to a teen who sudden fainted from the excess excitement.


Michael winked at them then executed the most beautiful smile he could possibly foster. That was the only thing he needed to do to make these humans go insane. It was quite amusing to the demon.

He managed to make his way to the building. Several guards escorted him to the backstage room, where he would normally prepare himself to perform. He found it quite annoying to be escorted. It was as if he had no control of his own movements. However, he ignored the matter.

There were quite a number of celebrities which he greeted respectfully. They were all thrilled to be able to meet one of the most well renowned musician and Singer.

A band made their way to the stage in style using an automatic ladder. Bright lights and the vocal energy was what gave them their successful evening. It was truly loud and Michael was sure that anyone close to the music hall or a bit beyond it's distance would be able to hear. He had to admit, they were truly gifted.

As they made their way backstage, Michael congratulated them. Bowing their heads with respect and joy, they smiled.

Fixing himself for the final time, Michael then awaited his turn to perform.

@ anyone who wishes to see the performance xD )​
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As Misery was making his way to his apartment when he heard quite the ruckus coming from his left. He had nothing better to do and decided to head towards it. "What's the ruckus?" He asked someone and they led him to the music hall where he sneaked past the ticket collector and looked at the band on stage. "Wow they're actually pretty good." @Dark Child

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