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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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@Regal Rper



(Two girls? xD isnt it only Delilah?)

Delilah stepped slightly in front of Alfons. Whether it was to protect him, divert attention from him or whether it was to keep him calm, no one knew. Her gaze, that had flitted with confusion went back to calm in a split second as she calmly spoke to the newcomers. Why didn't our headquarters glamour work? And why did none of the guards notice these intruders outside? She'd worry about that later.

"Gentlemen," she addressed them, a light tone of amusement masking her caution, "i don't suppose you know where you are or who we might be, do you? What business do you have with us?"

Rather quite surprised at the sudden offense this magic wielder had taken Ginti stared at him with confusion that is till the lightning ball flashed in his hand and pulsated. Oh he thought straightening his posture, only for his attention to be diverted to the girl as she spoke.

"Yes I'm afraid I don't know who you are, but being new around here I would frankly say I don't know who anyone is. But your friend there" Ginti said motioning to Alfons. "Tell him to lower his advance or else things will get messy here. And I suggest-" -a slight wince crossed Ginti's face before straightening out again- "He does it soon"

@Hisan @Dominaiscna
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"Things will indeed get messy, for both sides, which i do not wish for," she said softly as she stood up straighter, giving the new person a calming smile.

"You must understand that if another magic user, a fairly strong one at that and whose origins we do not know of, suddenly appears within our territory, it can be quite alarming." Her skin prickled with magic as she was tempted to use at least some of her glamour and charming skills... But... Not just yet... This man didn't seem very threatening.. Yet...

"May i perhaps have your name?"
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Ignoring Delilah, Alfons was getting angry. Rightfully so, in his opinion. His patience was wearing thin with all of these intruders. And now they had the gall to threaten him? "Things will get messy?" He repeated lowly. His fingers flexed around the still humming ball. Alfons' eyes sharpened onto the stranger. "You come into my home, and threaten me? Granted, I would usually have more patience, but several times I have been insulted by teenaged werewolves, by insane men with split personalities and now I have two men popping in into my own office, telling me things will get messy?! My patience is at an end. So, I still give you an ultimatum, leave now, while you still live."

@The Regal Rper @FaceBloat @Dominaiscna

@The Regal Rper

@Face Bloat

Unconsciously. Delilah took in a sharp breathe, her gaze slipping for a second to Alfons who was behind him. It was rare for him to get so angry and those few times, she was usually worried, but now she was just a hint of scared. The situation was getting worse by the second and she didn't know how to stop it. If someone didn't back down, They would be risking an all out magic battle...
I casually wondered through one of the more densely populated areas of the city, pick-pocketing whoever got close enough while searching for some sort of job from one of the bigger gangs. "How to find a job... Wish i new where one of their headquarters were, wish i new how to divine the way to the nearest magical building, maybe i can find a diviner..?" I mutter to myself, keeping an eye out on everyone near me
"I'm not threatening you, I'm-" an intense pain hit Ginti in the back. His breath now shaky Ginti barely managed an audible sound, seemingly speaking in an entirely different language as sweat began to crease his brow.

Ngh! What are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing? I'm breaking out.

Another sharp burst of pain made Ginti wince once more before his attention was forcefully dragged back by Alfons cracking energy ball. "I'm warning you" Ginti in a dangerously low yet now angry voice. "If you don't calm down and -nrgh!, another burst of pain made Ginti drop to one knee and his glasses slide off his face a bit- pushing them up weakly he continued. "If you value your friend and your own life then I am telling yiu. CALM DOWN!"

@Dominaiscna @FaceBloat @NekoQueen49
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@The Regal Rper @FaceBloat

There was something terribly wrong with this man, as if he was fighting against something, but it was internal. Her eyes read something dark behind his and she through a worried look towards Alfons. "Al..." She murmured in a voice that probably only he could hear. It wasn't threatening, wasn't a warning and didn't hold any menace. Instead there was almost a slight desperation in her voice that she rarely had, almost in a pleading tone.

She needed him to calm down, for all of their sake. The frustration of the situations were getting to him, but right now, they didn't know what they were dealing with and, deep down, she was scared. For him. For Hexlair.
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At Delilah's voice, Alfons could feel himself softening. "Tch." With the small noise of annoyance, the ball vanished when he gripped his hand into a fist. "Just leave," Alfons ordered as he sat back down. He didn't know how the two men got in here, but he didn't particularly feel like figuring it out at that moment. Even if that would have been his primary concern any other day. Alfons was just so emotionally drained he didn't have it within him to care at that moment.

@The Regal Rper @FaceBloat @Dominaiscna
With Alfons anger calming so did the pain on Ginti's face. His shaky breathing grew normal and his pained expressions grew calm as well. Still somewhat sweaty he sighed a breath of relief, the pain and him gone, at least for now.

Both eyes closed Ginti inhaled deeply and exhaled a long breath to calm himself. There was no point in giving him the chance to get riled up and slip out now, that had been a close call. He'd need to take better precautions next time. Readjusting his glasses and rising on to his feet, Ginti offered an apologetic smile. "Apologies for popping in as suddenly as I did, but I was simply curious is all. Now then if you will, excuse me" Ginti stated his apologetic smile disappearing as he snapped his fingers and a portal draped itself over a part of the building that formed Alfons doorway. "Weigl I'll be back shortly, for now I suggest you wait for me..." he glanced back at Alfons then at Delilah, "somewhere that is not here. Ta-ta." And with that Ginti walked into the portal, following by it closing as soon as he had passed.


@NekoQueen49 @Dominaiscna

@The Regal Rper @FaceBloat

Delilah's shoulders seemed to sag just a little bit, as if relieved, but in her mind, she now had other worries. Alfons. Just from his voice, from his eyes when she glanced over her shoulder, she could feel that he was so tired...emotionally perhaps? She'll have to worry about it later.

Turning back to face the new people, she gathered herself, becoming her poised and calm again. She had planned to somehow talk them into leaving, but by the time she turned, the one who was in pain seconds ago was already stepping into what seemed like a portal and another was left sprawled out on the ground.

Perhaps she should have someone show him out as he seemed completely confused. She stole another glance at Alfons.
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Her brow seemed to furrow when she heard his request, obviously in confusion, but she did not protest. Casting one last cautious look at Weigl and Jekkyl/Hyde (if Hisan's characters are still there), before she turned her back on them and walked back to Alfons side. Upon reaching him, she spoke with her eyes downcast to meet his from his position in his seat, "Al... Is there something wrong?"
Looking up at her, Alfons was lead by instinct when he wrapped his arms around Delilah. Pressing his face into her stomach, he released a small sigh through his nose. "Don't move for now," he said in a voice that didn't allow for any arguments. "Just let me stay here for now."


When his arms wrapped around her middle, she notable froze for a second and her body went rigid. She took in a sharp breathe, then stopped halfway remembering that he could feel her breathing with his face pressed into her stomach. She didn't understand him...why was he... Doing this? She didn't understand herself...why did she not want him to let go?c

After a few seconds, she let out the breathe she had been holding in a sigh and started to relax in his arms. It was.. If she forgot her worries, Quite nice... Gently, her hands lifted so that she could caress the back of his head in a soft, reassuring gesture with one hands and while her other hand held the exposed side of his face, gently holding him to her.
Just like he thought, Alfons' worries melted away. Her erratic breathing was a little troublesome, but... Alfons didn't mind it. Her warmth was spreading through him and made his cheeks tingle delightfully. He was about to release her when her fingers pressed against his cheek and the back of his head, holding him close. Alfons couldn't find it within himself to let her go then. His lips twitched again, but this time it was an involuntary action.

He was slowly losing all control but Alfons couldn't find it within himself to care. It was a sweet helplessness, a lovely void she was dragging him down to. All of the world melted away. Alfons... genuinely enjoyed this.


Delilah too, was no longer in control of her actions. The fingers of one hand gently caressed his hair in light strokes, feeling the soft strands between her fingers. He seemed like he had wanted to let go... Yet changed his mind... Somehow she didn't mind that. Her downcast eyes fluttered closed as a different warmth ...as sort of bliss... Spread from his embrace. Perhaps they could stay like this... Just for a little while longer..

She never had a home, never had a place she belonged, but right there, in that moment, she felt at peace to be there right by Alfons.. For all eternity.

Though something crept into her momentary peace. There was something really bothering Alfons. Breaking the silence, she spoke in a soft voice as her eyes fluttered open to look at the top of his head, "Alfons... Are you okay?"
When Delilah moved away, he grew a little sad. However, the fact that Alfons could still hold her... It was enough for him.

In response to her question, Alfons hummed slightly. "Better," he said. "Thank you for that, Del."


Delilah pulled away slightly, only to kneel down so that she could look him in eyes, searching his when his reassurance was not believed by her. Her hands gently held his in a gentle yet firm grip as she scanned his face for any signs of what he was feeling in side. For that one second, she forgot how close they were, only thinking about him as her face wore an almost sad look.

"You seem so bothered today..." She said softly as her brows furrowed, "are you sure everything is fine, Al?"
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Hisan said:
Jekyl saw the beast walk in and decided to not let it go any farther. "Excuse me there cat. What are you doing?" Jekyl said in a cool tone.


It looked at the man. Being nearly eye level with it, she shifted back. Placing her hand on her hip, she said.

"What? Can't I walk around anymore?"​

((Her right now. Chains and all.))



Alfons nodded, closing his eyes in doing so. "Yes. I don't know why I'm so bothered either. Something has happened that has made me... more emotional," he said quietly, opening his eyes again to look at her gold ones. Her sadness only brought him sadness as well. Alfons wanted to comfort her in some way...

"No you may not. Well not when you're drunk on the taste of blood. You're most likely looking for more." Jekyl said as he slowly turned into Hyde.

"Hello there Isis." Hyde said as he smiles an evil smile

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