• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed cycho's coding lab (MOVING THREADS)

Not mobile friendly; images are clickable (shows info) and the circular photos on the left can scroll.

Eric Ping

b a s i c
preferred pair:
face claim:
nam joo hyuk
"lost boy"

no slide

no longer do these caresses seem rough,
but feather light skims on flesh,
a hum in twinkling eyes,
no longer filled with overflowing malice,
but the warmth of a child's laugh,
a fluttering of lashes,
no longer closing soulless pupils,
but tear stained whites,
a crinkle of the eye,
no longer gleaming with ill intent,
but the joy of neverland

soft smiles
s e m b l a n c e
Eric's original appearance differs little from his current. His hair was black from birth until he chose to dye it a warm brown.

He walks around with dark brown eyes, usually crinkled in a soft smile and long legs.

If seen from afar, one would wonder how he grew to such heights. Eric stands at an unusual 6'2" thanks to his family's genetics.

His body is lean, built only slightly due to his preference of morning walks over morning jogs. Of course, he does both, but would much rather admire the scenery when passing by.

Because of weekly visits to the gym, he weighs 154 lbs or 70kg. He has no body modifications as Eric is a bit terrified of needles. The boy takes incredible care of his skin, finding himself free of blemishes.

He himself adores the small freckles lining his back as well as his hair, which is usually worn in a fluffy and parted to the side, with an incredibly subtle curl.
h i s t o r y

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In character post that is mobile friendly. The ugh/accordion area can be edited to hold mentions, etc. Pictures can be changed by editing the div img links.

we do names or titles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus bibendum cursus magna ut maximus. Duis sodales ipsum ut odio mattis posuere. Ut sit amet ante pharetra, mattis arcu sed, rutrum dolor. Mauris ultricies laoreet nibh, eu euismod elit varius sed. In volutpat tristique libero, sit amet tristique risus luctus sed. In mattis quam eget purus porttitor auctor. Integer vehicula diam sed urna tristique, vel bibendum justo facilisis. Nam auctor, massa vitae rhoncus vestibulum, lectus odio pellentesque enim, ut congue orci enim at sem. Vestibulum vitae orci vitae tellus elementum scelerisque vitae quis nulla. Cras eget rhoncus mauris, vel bibendum est. Nulla sed ex vestibulum, vehicula arcu vel, ultrices diam. Sed eget mattis nibh.

Ut rutrum augue turpis, eget congue augue convallis et. Maecenas vel augue sollicitudin, consequat lorem sed, fermentum purus. Donec at porttitor nisi. Praesent finibus aliquet nisi, mattis blandit augue rhoncus viverra. Donec varius justo in ultrices laoreet. Sed vitae convallis massa. Morbi pretium tellus arcu, sed venenatis diam pulvinar accumsan.

Sed non tellus pellentesque, viverra lectus ac, viverra neque. Vestibulum fringilla est in purus fringilla, a fermentum ligula malesuada. Etiam posuere iaculis vestibulum. Praesent tincidunt pellentesque magna, a aliquam diam vulputate et. Quisque justo diam, facilisis eu ligula nec, pulvinar ornare sem. Praesent a elit elit. Nam eget lectus augue. Aenean fermentum orci non congue sollicitudin. Phasellus vitae leo finibus, varius sem eget, iaculis mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus bibendum cursus magna ut maximus. Duis sodales ipsum ut odio mattis posuere. Ut sit amet ante pharetra, mattis arcu sed, rutrum dolor. Mauris ultricies laoreet nibh, eu euismod elit varius sed. In volutpat tristique libero, sit amet tristique risus luctus sed. In mattis quam eget purus porttitor auctor. Integer vehicula diam sed urna tristique, vel bibendum justo facilisis. Nam auctor, massa vitae rhoncus vestibulum, lectus odio pellentesque enim, ut congue orci enim at sem. Vestibulum vitae orci vitae tellus elementum scelerisque vitae quis nulla. Cras eget rhoncus mauris, vel bibendum est. Nulla sed ex vestibulum, vehicula arcu vel, ultrices diam. Sed eget mattis nibh.

Ut rutrum augue turpis, eget congue augue convallis et. Maecenas vel augue sollicitudin, consequat lorem sed, fermentum purus. Donec at porttitor nisi. Praesent finibus aliquet nisi, mattis blandit augue rhoncus viverra. Donec varius justo in ultrices laoreet. Sed vitae convallis massa. Morbi pretium tellus arcu, sed venenatis diam pulvinar accumsan.

Sed non tellus pellentesque, viverra lectus ac, viverra neque. Vestibulum fringilla est in purus fringilla, a fermentum ligula malesuada. Etiam posuere iaculis vestibulum. Praesent tincidunt pellentesque magna, a aliquam diam vulputate et. Quisque justo diam, facilisis eu ligula nec, pulvinar ornare sem. Praesent a elit elit. Nam eget lectus augue. Aenean fermentum orci non congue sollicitudin. Phasellus vitae leo finibus, varius sem eget, iaculis mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.[/div][/div]
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][font=inconsolata]ugh[/font][/bg]{/slide}[/accordion][/border][/right][/column][/row][/div][/div][/div][size=1]coding by cychotic[/size][/centerblock]

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Mobile friendly in character post for JustAlexandra JustAlexandra .


we're all a little naive

Ariel Walden
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.
coding by cychotic
Mobile friendly!

Connor Bierworth
t h e a r t i s t
b a s i c
age: 18
dob: may 2nd
ethnicity: german
pronouns: him/he/his
sexuality: bisexual
likes: art, interior design, cloudy days, fog, caffeine, documentaries, horror movies
dislikes: overly hot days, people with dry humor, artists with no humility

eye colour: green
hair colour: dark blonde
height: 186 cm / 6'2"
weight: 65.31 kg / 144 lbs
body type: muscled. fit not overly buff
tattoos: a low-poly owl design on left shoulder
piercings: none
c o n n e c t i o n s
lucifer | the musician - the two seem to be good friends, with lucifer's spunk contrasting with connor's personality. the two like to hang out with each other as well as discuss their arts.
p e r s o n a l i t y
I believe that anything can be made into an artform.
Wrapped in scarves, the coolness of slow mornings, and the scribbling of a notebook, Connor is an aspiring architect, an artist at heart. He is a man of simplicity, choosing efficiency over tedious tides.

Bierworth is a frustrated ball of bursts of energy. Half the time he talks, he sounds as if he is upset or angry. The other half sounds as if he is purely condescending. Always having a sketchbook on hand, Connor is the man you want to go to for deep talks and criticism.

He spares no one the shield of deception, believing that opinions are essentially the art of human beings and should not be prevented from being expressed to its full.

Although seemingly a stuck up prick, Connor attempts to enlighten others with his somewhat awkward and aloof humor. The artist chooses to make friends that hold the same values as him and is able to flaunt a rather daring side (for the sake of his sketchbook, of course) during parties or other events.

During his more wild behavior, Connor will have the tendency to be more humorous in a condescending way. He will tug and pull at a person's strings until something amusing happens.

The world is nothing but his stage and he has no problem controlling his puppets.
h i s t o r y
coding by cychotic
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Surprisingly mobile friendly!

Mitchel Fletcher

for long tings

for long tings


for long tings

for long tings

coding by cychotic
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Surprisingly mobile friendly!

p o w e r

Summon the Moon: London, being the moon, is able to harness its light. Usually, he conjures a light mist filled with what he calls, moon dust, that resemble flecks of gold, but white.

These flecks float in the fog and give off light. He can summon spheres of moonlight as well as send extremely long light shapes in different directions.

The only damaging part of this is within the flecks; if he so chooses, he can direct the mist to lightly disorient and damage foes.

Eclipse: Much like how the moon can be covered by trees above, London is able to call out a large amount of light to him, extinguishing the light of other objects or people. This allows him to become more powerful for his combat ability.

White Lantern: His damaging ability, London is able to manipulate objects around him, much like telekinesis.
However, he can apply moon-magic to them and hurl the objects towards enemies. He must have a suitable amount of matter to do this.

His last resort is the combination of the lantern he keeps with him in a reduced state with an intense amount of moon magic. It will cause a large area to lose light for a variant amount of time depending on the strength of this.

With empowered magic and the lights out, London can conjure light beings that will latch onto his foes and show them their fears or desires, whatever the person hates the most.

o t h e r

Weapons: Carries a single small white dagger as well as his white lantern.

Likes: Quiet, soft music, fireflies, smiling, approval of others, animals
Dislikes: Harshness/bluntness, negativity, extremely loud environments, too much light, sadness
the | London Yamir,| moon
Age: He has lost count, but he does look like he is in his mid twenties.
Gender: Male
Role: Moon
Race: N/A

t r a i t s

London is a man who cares incredibly about outward appearance and is sensitive to the feelings of others. He tries his best to be kind to all that he meets. However, he can be a bit dull and usually that is mistaken for ignorance.

He finds it a bit difficult to grasp hard concepts that are not related to human sensitivities. Instead, he excels in being a charmer, using his genuine nature to strike allies.

London is humorous and likes to relate to others, willing to lend a helping hand. He rarely takes frustrations out on others, choosing to distract himself.

Yamir finds himself with self confidence issues, caring too much about outward appearance and being liked by those around him. He will try desperately to please, which is his greatest downfall.

s c a l e

Strengths: He has a rather strong magic skill and is very level headed in his thinking. He has a clear analysis of the best actions to take to ensure the well being of everyone. London is rather elusive, the control over his fog makes it rather difficult for those to see him.

He also is quiet and is able to slip in and out of situations with distractions as well as charm others in or out of combat using his nature.

Weaknesses: London's biggest disadvantage is overthinking as well as the constant need to appeal to others by being nice. He finds himself worrying over impressions and outward appearance, which causes a bit of self confidence issues.

He knows extremely little of physical combat and is a bit frail. If challenged to a physical duel, he would be extremely disadvantaged.
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Mobile friendly! Free to use.

Eric Ping
mood: jittery/nervous
currently: waiting at the altar
location: altar

To say that the three weeks before Eric's wedding were hectic could be taken as a beautiful understatement. Adder, his sister, had ushered him to rather luxurious suit shops and departments, paying no mind to his protests about the cost of such garments. He had pushed through the lavish spending of money, expanded his wardrobe two fold and had suffered the snipping words Adder threw at him.

It was rather tiring, yet exhilarating. Three weeks ago, the man happened on a letter that brought new light to his life. A chance to become someone he always wished to be. Independence and confidence was just within his reach.

He hadn't expected it, really. But he was too joyous to even doubt the miraculous chance that he was chosen for such an event. Eric was excited; a free trip to Costa Rica with someone he could possibly love. And maybe more.

His sister took three weeks off because of it, telling him that she made so much money as it was that it would not matter. By the way he was dragged into shops, eateries, and jewelers made her statements all the more true.

To think those three weeks would fly by so quickly.

"You better have the best time of your life there," Adder had snapped, shoving him into the limo she paid for. "I'm not wasting this money for nothing."

Indeed she had not. Eric stood at the altar, his suit a dark navy blue with a carnation fragrantly attached to his chest, right above his beating heart.

It was loud as drums, pulsing through his ears. Eric slipped the letter out of his pocket, unfolding it with a slight crinkle. Megan Armada. The name had seared into his mind for nearly a month and finally, he would meet her. A smile curled up on his face, bright and a bit nervous.

And then, he saw her, walking towards him. His eyes lit up, skirting away from her appearance and towards her eyes. They were a deep brown and captured light rather nicely.

Odd. It struck him as very odd. He felt as if he should have a stronger reaction, almost, but shoved the thought away. Instead, he kept the smile on his face and swiveled his head so that he faced her fully.
coding by cychotic
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Not mobile friendly. I make too many in character posts and cs layouts oops.

Mitch Fletcher
honey i don't play with fire .
i might steal more than your heart.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pretium nulla in volutpat suscipit. Sed et venenatis lectus, et laoreet purus. Aenean laoreet turpis quis erat consectetur lobortis. Praesent vitae vestibulum lorem, nec sollicitudin quam. Aenean commodo, ante id tristique scelerisque, risus ipsum egestas elit, vitae tincidunt lectus massa sit amet nisl. Vivamus nec eros tincidunt, mattis erat sed, volutpat metus. Etiam vel tempor urna. Aliquam placerat purus malesuada, iaculis purus ut, semper nunc.

Donec volutpat elit nec neque ultricies, at condimentum orci luctus. Aenean euismod arcu vitae finibus varius. Donec tortor enim, sollicitudin nec gravida imperdiet, egestas nec est. Vivamus eu convallis nisi. Phasellus varius dignissim dolor. Pellentesque erat elit, tristique quis euismod quis, lacinia id mi. Quisque tristique euismod nibh quis tempus. Fusce dui elit, commodo in auctor a, pellentesque nec turpis.

Donec blandit diam dui, quis facilisis diam commodo in. Integer non ex auctor, eleifend sapien sit amet, ullamcorper urna. Donec tempor congue eros, id maximus sem imperdiet vel. In ut ante sed nunc hendrerit egestas nec id tortor. Quisque venenatis, ligula eu luctus vestibulum, est velit euismod libero, at pulvinar turpis magna at justo. Ut et ipsum sit amet velit hendrerit aliquet vitae eu mi. Ut orci mauris, consequat a nunc sed, finibus aliquam arcu. Integer odio sapien, cursus a risus nec, sollicitudin hendrerit dolor.

Nam et euismod odio. Donec eget augue eget ex auctor maximus. Phasellus quis orci non nisi varius cursus ut sed neque. Sed ex tellus, mattis sed imperdiet in, suscipit varius tortor. Quisque faucibus luctus orci, nec dignissim nisi consequat quis. Pellentesque a vestibulum nibh. Ut non tortor maximus, elementum turpis at, facilisis elit. Sed tempus vulputate arcu, nec blandit libero lobortis nec.

Cras tincidunt interdum efficitur. Fusce maximus pulvinar elit ac gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed eleifend orci molestie libero semper, maximus tristique augue porttitor. Vestibulum dignissim sagittis rutrum. Nulla tortor sem, ultrices ut erat euismod, dictum aliquam lorem. Pellentesque iaculis convallis lectus, ut malesuada velit efficitur sagittis. Sed pulvinar mattis nibh, sit amet interdum erat pretium id. Mauris efficitur pulvinar nisl, nec porta nisl sollicitudin nec. Sed faucibus feugiat vestibulum. Praesent leo ipsum, consectetur id enim non, porttitor egestas nulla. Sed pretium arcu sit amet iaculis dignissim. In maximus dictum lorem, eu luctus velit vestibulum quis. Donec egestas elit purus, dignissim dignissim mi egestas et. Praesent at mi ut felis scelerisque placerat in euismod sem.

Gentle reminder to NOT use my codes if they do not have a spoiler with code attached. First slide is not mobile friendly; the rest are. c:

| Julius Caesar

Eye Colour: Golden Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Height: 173 cm
Weight: ??
Body Type: Lean
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None

Brief Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec turpis in turpis fringilla sollicitudin vel ac tortor. Nam nec urna feugiat, commodo ipsum eu, aliquam libero. Aliquam laoreet, risus at faucibus luctus, elit nulla hendrerit nunc, et bibendum nunc est eget est. Suspendisse justo sapien, sodales et dignissim ut, dictum vitae tortor. Etiam auctor placerat metus. Mauris a diam maximus, condimentum turpis ut, pellentesque urna. Donec posuere iaculis aliquam. Suspendisse id lacinia nibh. Duis vitae nisl quis massa volutpat scelerisque. Proin scelerisque felis ante, a pellentesque sem blandit non. Morbi feugiat placerat magna, non eleifend tellus sollicitudin a. Quisque facilisis sit amet odio id ultricies. Etiam blandit dui quis tempus faucibus. Phasellus eleifend suscipit enim, sed ornare ligula tincidunt at. Duis volutpat feugiat ex, sit amet gravida dui dignissim eget. Nam at mauris sollicitudin, ullamcorper nisl eu, laoreet augue.​
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec turpis in turpis fringilla sollicitudin vel ac tortor. Nam nec urna feugiat, commodo ipsum eu, aliquam libero. Aliquam laoreet, risus at faucibus luctus, elit nulla hendrerit nunc, et bibendum nunc est eget est. Suspendisse justo sapien, sodales et dignissim ut, dictum vitae tortor. Etiam auctor placerat metus. Mauris a diam maximus, condimentum turpis ut, pellentesque urna. Donec posuere iaculis aliquam. Suspendisse id lacinia nibh. Duis vitae nisl quis massa volutpat scelerisque. Proin scelerisque felis ante, a pellentesque sem blandit non. Morbi feugiat placerat magna, non eleifend tellus sollicitudin a. Quisque facilisis sit amet odio id ultricies. Etiam blandit dui quis tempus faucibus. Phasellus eleifend suscipit enim, sed ornare ligula tincidunt at. Duis volutpat feugiat ex, sit amet gravida dui dignissim eget. Nam at mauris sollicitudin, ullamcorper nisl eu, laoreet augue.

Sed vitae lacus ipsum. Phasellus aliquet magna ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus sagittis laoreet lacus. Phasellus in porttitor lectus. In tempus sagittis dignissim. Integer a congue orci. Aenean tempor neque ultricies commodo mattis. Donec fringilla nunc non sollicitudin ullamcorper. Fusce leo lorem, sollicitudin vitae eros eu, posuere scelerisque est. Morbi at dignissim turpis. Cras tristique luctus hendrerit. Pellentesque dapibus id nisl vel rutrum.

Ut vitae ex venenatis, varius neque vel, tempus erat. Nulla ullamcorper sem vestibulum risus porttitor, vel egestas leo lobortis. Nam quis mi a leo porta vestibulum ut vel nisi. Sed nec quam convallis, feugiat augue sed, auctor metus. Nullam in urna nunc. Mauris vitae elit ut diam elementum mollis vel vel metus. Donec imperdiet eu erat sed accumsan. Praesent sit amet nisl eu tortor tincidunt lobortis. Proin tincidunt felis a lectus dignissim, et gravida magna scelerisque. Phasellus ultrices mi augue, posuere aliquam sapien tincidunt nec. Duis congue iaculis lorem, commodo pretium lacus iaculis nec. Nullam consectetur, enim eget commodo vehicula, dui lorem sollicitudin sapien, eget auctor lectus elit ac augue. Pellentesque gravida urna tellus, ac mattis neque pulvinar molestie. Proin molestie est sapien, a mollis ex vestibulum vel. Phasellus et enim risus. Donec blandit magna ac felis convallis, non egestas felis consectetur.
[name here]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec turpis in turpis fringilla sollicitudin vel ac tortor.

[name here]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec turpis in turpis fringilla sollicitudin vel ac tortor.

[name here]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec turpis in turpis fringilla sollicitudin vel ac tortor.
-more stuff
-even more stuff
-so many things
-more stuff
-even more stuff
-so many things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec turpis in turpis fringilla sollicitudin vel ac tortor. Nam nec urna feugiat, commodo ipsum eu, aliquam libero. Aliquam laoreet, risus at faucibus luctus, elit nulla hendrerit nunc, et bibendum nunc est eget est. Suspendisse justo sapien, sodales et dignissim ut, dictum vitae tortor. Etiam auctor placerat metus. Mauris a diam maximus, condimentum turpis ut, pellentesque urna. Donec posuere iaculis aliquam. Suspendisse id lacinia nibh. Duis vitae nisl quis massa volutpat scelerisque. Proin scelerisque felis ante, a pellentesque sem blandit non. Morbi feugiat placerat magna, non eleifend tellus sollicitudin a. Quisque facilisis sit amet odio id ultricies. Etiam blandit dui quis tempus faucibus. Phasellus eleifend suscipit enim, sed ornare ligula tincidunt at. Duis volutpat feugiat ex, sit amet gravida dui dignissim eget. Nam at mauris sollicitudin, ullamcorper nisl eu, laoreet augue.

Sed vitae lacus ipsum. Phasellus aliquet magna ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus sagittis laoreet lacus. Phasellus in porttitor lectus. In tempus sagittis dignissim. Integer a congue orci. Aenean tempor neque ultricies commodo mattis. Donec fringilla nunc non sollicitudin ullamcorper. Fusce leo lorem, sollicitudin vitae eros eu, posuere scelerisque est. Morbi at dignissim turpis. Cras tristique luctus hendrerit. Pellentesque dapibus id nisl vel rutrum.
coding by cychotic
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basic data
Name: Kai Aster
Presumed Age; 22
Gender; Female
Race; Huntsmen
Organization; The Wild Hunt

The Hunt & Finale
Kai is able to transform herself to the race she has consumed in The Hunt. During Finale, Kai retains the form seen in the image above, her actions overwhelmed by dark matter.

Basic Energy
Primarily uses water, as she manipulates it with ease. She will use earth energy if she wishes.

Kai prefers to use nature, combining both water and earth to create red coloured vines that she can control at will, along with other things.

Enhanced Energy
When using enhanced energy, Kai takes upon darkness and illumination to control surroundings and manipulate the vision given to others.

Advanced Energy
Kai specializes in Soul Leech energy, calling about her powers to take and wither the life from nearby plant organisms. This fuels her and allows her to gain an epic speed and sense boost, with strength added. This energy is stopped if she is secluded, as she must have a physical connection to all plant life when using the ability.

This ability, if used too long, will cause the plant life around her to encapture her within a cell of vine. She cannot escape until she recovers fully and regrows the life around her.

A greedy, somewhat spoiled woman, Kai takes what she wants, watching from the sidelines until she is able to pounce. Her symbol, the rabbit, has turned vicious to represent her first impressions versus the later image she has.

Cunning and incredibly manipulative, Kai has difficulty being wholly good, instead taking anything for her own gain whether or not it goes against morals.

She cares not for others and will make her rash attitude apparent after she has used a person. Despite this, she is able show a nicer side disguised as soft, teasing insults for those she holds in her favour.

Kai had lived before as a Fledgling, drawn by the immense promise of power that the Hunt would give her. Previously, she had chosen to leave her house out of her own accord to prevent an arranged marriage from binding her to an abusive man.

Seeking a way to strengthen herself, Kai turned to the Wild Hunt, quickly rising in prowess and power by devouring souls. Her parents had been nobles controlling soldiers, and she often sparred with them despite her parents' wishes.

Kai has developed her personality through the culture as well as the time she had before the Hunt. Her supression has led her to be calculating and rash, her words sharp when need be and selfishness became her premise.

She now follows the Wild Hunt in their ways.
coding by cychotic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a maximus risus. Suspendisse porttitor libero orci, ut convallis risus volutpat eget. Donec cursus porta ligula eu sagittis. Morbi et magna libero. Mauris libero massa, ultrices eu imperdiet ac, vestibulum in tortor. Fusce et iaculis orci. Suspendisse pretium scelerisque vehicula. Vivamus dapibus imperdiet elementum. Donec quis leo finibus, bibendum erat sit amet, imperdiet turpis. Nunc ac metus a arcu aliquet accumsan tempor vitae massa. Aenean euismod, nulla tincidunt mattis aliquam, libero risus auctor nibh, a porta orci diam sed magna. Nullam non lacus pharetra, porta sem sit amet, posuere ipsum.

Nulla efficitur purus a magna lobortis suscipit. Duis ornare semper diam, et varius mauris interdum et. Aenean vel elit faucibus, viverra urna et, faucibus erat. Fusce vitae lectus et purus faucibus mattis et sed orci. Integer vel neque lobortis, pulvinar neque vel, consequat quam. Maecenas auctor suscipit felis nec finibus. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut enim vehicula sollicitudin. Nam eget neque ut augue vestibulum euismod non et lacus. Duis tellus libero, placerat vel sapien at, pellentesque pellentesque sapien. Aenean non quam id nulla ultrices iaculis. Quisque lobortis sem gravida, luctus metus ut, sodales felis. Curabitur non ligula tincidunt, pharetra urna non, interdum eros. Phasellus molestie sapien id scelerisque fermentum.
link | link | link

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Nulla efficitur purus a magna lobortis suscipit. Duis ornare semper diam, et varius mauris interdum et. Aenean vel elit faucibus, viverra urna et, faucibus erat. Fusce vitae lectus et purus faucibus mattis et sed orci. Integer vel neque lobortis, pulvinar neque vel, consequat quam. Maecenas auctor suscipit felis nec finibus. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut enim vehicula sollicitudin. Nam eget neque ut augue vestibulum euismod non et lacus. Duis tellus libero, placerat vel sapien at, pellentesque pellentesque sapien. Aenean non quam id nulla ultrices iaculis. Quisque lobortis sem gravida, luctus metus ut, sodales felis. Curabitur non ligula tincidunt, pharetra urna non, interdum eros. Phasellus molestie sapien id scelerisque fermentum.[/div][/div][/font][/div][div=background: transparent;
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coded by cychotic
titles here:

plot description
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at ultrices enim. Pellentesque in feugiat ligula. Aenean sed vestibulum massa, id tincidunt purus. Nullam pretium lobortis tortor, scelerisque mattis nisl faucibus feugiat. Maecenas massa arcu, auctor nec diam at, mattis varius sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse vitae urna mauris. Ut ac ullamcorper nisi, in aliquam ligula. Sed varius euismod enim, nec interdum metus hendrerit id.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse molestie urna eu massa ornare aliquet. Phasellus metus enim, consectetur sed lacinia tempus, suscipit et nulla. Nam sed tortor eget sem porttitor pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed at libero ut nunc faucibus vestibulum. Aenean vel placerat metus, aliquam laoreet sapien. Ut molestie nisl eget ligula dapibus, at convallis velit consequat.

Duis quis arcu nisl. Ut tempus pellentesque posuere. Nulla facilisi. Nulla eu ipsum sit amet tortor convallis laoreet. Nunc lobortis suscipit interdum. Vivamus viverra pretium ipsum, et consectetur ipsum consequat a. Morbi volutpat metus sed nibh feugiat venenatis.

Donec in magna lacinia, elementum ex ut, dignissim dolor. Praesent id lorem tempus, rutrum elit quis, tempus libero. Maecenas elementum tincidunt tempor. Donec rhoncus iaculis massa sed efficitur. Praesent lacinia mauris nec ornare vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras pellentesque hendrerit nulla quis pharetra. Etiam interdum elementum consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In consectetur quis ante eget fermentum.




role slots


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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse molestie urna eu massa ornare aliquet. Phasellus metus enim, consectetur sed lacinia tempus, suscipit et nulla. Nam sed tortor eget sem porttitor pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed at libero ut nunc faucibus vestibulum. Aenean vel placerat metus, aliquam laoreet sapien. Ut molestie nisl eget ligula dapibus, at convallis velit consequat.

Duis quis arcu nisl. Ut tempus pellentesque posuere. Nulla facilisi. Nulla eu ipsum sit amet tortor convallis laoreet. Nunc lobortis suscipit interdum. Vivamus viverra pretium ipsum, et consectetur ipsum consequat a. Morbi volutpat metus sed nibh feugiat venenatis.

Donec in magna lacinia, elementum ex ut, dignissim dolor. Praesent id lorem tempus, rutrum elit quis, tempus libero. Maecenas elementum tincidunt tempor. Donec rhoncus iaculis massa sed efficitur. Praesent lacinia mauris nec ornare vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras pellentesque hendrerit nulla quis pharetra. Etiam interdum elementum consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In consectetur quis ante eget fermentum.[/font][/color][/scroll][/color]
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][font=Roboto]role slots[/font][/div][comment]--------------



Not mobile friendly.

Goddess of Innocence

Talia (tah-lee-ah)
"Lemurs are cute, no?"

basic data
dominion: dreams, innocence, youth, imagination
age: n/a
gender: none, but appears most often in a female body

sexuality: pansexual
height: 5'4"
-hot chocolate on rainy days
-horror stories
-freezing temperatures
-nagging 'adults'
theme: searching

relationship: single
crush/interest: none as of now
communication status: talks easily with others, but is usually withdrawn due to tired nature
- does dream walking count (ability to enter others' dreams/nightmares)
- ignoring 'boring' orders
- wildly creative
- gives literally the best hugs
bio: A child of Eirene (goddess of peace), Talia was born during ancient times, when the world was busy with war and tainted with agony. She arrived almost unknown, planting seeds of youth and joy in new generations, as her mother had instructed her. Talia remembers little of her past, choosing instead to bask in the light of day and sleep away the times in which there is large conflict. She rarely chooses to truly help one side of conflict and remains a neutral bearer of small joys. (there was that one time in which she screwed things up, but she doesn't want to talk about it just yet)
personality: Talia is a very care free person, who has her priorities terribly out of order. She's an upbeat spirit who wanders around, leeching energy from others and bugging them with childlike innocence. The girl is persistent if needed, but generally tends to go with the flow. She is easily frustrated if things don't go her way and her childness can irritate a poor soul if one does not know how to properly keep up with her or entertain her. Talia dislikes being serious, tending to give off a dark energy when her mood is down. (happens rarely, thank gods)
[Fieldset=Goddess of Innocence][row][column=span4]
[B][COLOR=rgb(102, 0, 51)][SIZE=4]Talia (tah-lee-ah)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#b30059][I]"Lemurs are cute, no?"[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][border=0px]
{slide=[bg=#5D4157][COLOR=#ffffff]basic data[/COLOR][/bg]}[COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]dominion:[/B] dreams, innocence, youth, imagination
[B]age:[/B] n/a
[B]gender:[/B] none, but appears most often in a female body[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]sexuality:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] pansexual[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]height:[/B] 5'4"[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
-hot chocolate on rainy days
-horror stories
-freezing temperatures
-nagging 'adults'
[B]theme:[/B] searching[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
{slide=[bg=#A8CABA][COLOR=#ffffff]social[/COLOR][/bg]}[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]relationship:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] single[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]crush/interest:[/B] none as of now
[B]communication status:[/B] talks easily with others, but is usually withdrawn due to tired nature
- does dream walking count (ability to enter others' dreams/nightmares)
- ignoring 'boring' orders
- wildly creative
- gives literally the best hugs [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]{/slide}

{slide=[bg=#CAD7B2][COLOR=#ffffff]background[/COLOR][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][SIZE=3][FONT=Raleway]}[/FONT][/SIZE][B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]bio:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] A child of Eirene (goddess of peace), Talia was born during ancient times, when the world was busy with war and tainted with agony. She arrived almost unknown, planting seeds of youth and joy in new generations, as her mother had instructed her. Talia remembers little of her past, choosing instead to bask in the light of day and sleep away the times in which there is large conflict. She rarely chooses to truly help one side of conflict and remains a neutral bearer of small joys. (there was that one time in which she screwed things up, but she doesn't want to talk about it just yet){/slide}[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
{slide=[bg=#EBE3AA][COLOR=#ffffff]personality[/COLOR][/bg]}[B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]personality:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] Talia is a very care free person, who has her priorities terribly out of order. She's an upbeat spirit who wanders around, leeching energy from others and bugging them with childlike innocence. The girl is persistent if needed, but generally tends to go with the flow. She is easily frustrated if things don't go her way and her childness can irritate a poor soul if one does not know how to properly keep up with her or entertain her. Talia dislikes being serious, tending to give off a dark energy when her mood is down. (happens rarely, thank gods) {/slide}[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Actually looks pretty good on mobile at least on a tablet that is.
Mobile friendly.

Not Your Average Fairytale

So I got this idea from this person on this site: http://www.hexrpg.com/f/136/101720
I do not take any credit for coming up with this (although, I mean, is anything really original anymore tho)

You will be playing your choice of fairy tale character, at a high school age, who will be attending J. Fanskeen Boarding School - run by the one and only J. Fanskeen. The boarding school is located in the middle of nowhere and is typically where rich parents send their kids when they are tired of having them around, for one reason or another. The classes are reasonably difficult, but otherwise - life there is good. The food is delicious, the rooms are decent, and the campus is big. There are plenty of things to do there, including a Rec Room, a small theater, a large swimming pool, a park, and more. You and the other students (especially the other tales) will have love, hate, drama and all whole array of things occur while at the boarding school. So pack up! and get ready for an exciting year.

Boarding School Rule: (Remember: Rules are meant to be broken)
1. No alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs on campus
2. No intoxication of any students for any reason
3. No fighting
4. The opposite sex cannot be in dorms after 8pm
5. Curfew is at 11pm
6. No sexual acts between students or teachers
7. During class time, outfits showing more than 6in above the waist, no spaghetti straps, no hats, no "wife beaters".
8. Students may not leave campus without permission from a parent or school administration

RP Rules/Info:
1. Most minimum is 2 paragraphs (approx. 14 sentences)
2. Must follow RPN guidelines (sexual stuff and all that)
3. If the RP is dying down - do something. Don't just let it die. Make a move! Do something exciting! Make people want to respond. We're not here to talk about math class, people.
4. Your first post will be arrival at the school.
5. There will be dates to reach different things, to keep the roleplay moving on. If you do not reach the part you must by the time limit, we will move on without you, and you will have to catch up. If you have a reason for missing it, it's fine, but you will still be behind. Again the RP will not wait for you
6. If your character is not done by the due date and you don't tell me before hand it won't be done, you're out. No if's, and's or but's.
7. We will have pre made relations between characters. You do not have to have a lot but you should have at least one. I reccomend having several, though, I have found from personal experience it makes things exciting if there is drama.

Now, what you've all been waiting for:

Fairy Tale Characters:
- Cinderella
- Prince Charming
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Huntsman
- Beauty (Belle) (must have relationship with Beast, even if it is toxic)
- Beast (must have a relationship with Beauty, even if it is toxic)
- Ariel (TAKEN; By Me)
- Aurora
- Ursula
- Captain Hook
- Peter Pan
- Rapunzel
- Rumplestiltskin
- Pinocchio
- Jack (and the bean stalk)
- Jasmine
- Aladdin
- Snow White
- Robin Hood (TAKEN; By Cychotic Cychotic )
- Maleficent

I know this is not all of the characters - it was hard to choose but I tried to do the main ones. I stayed away from the new princesses (Tiana, Elsa, etc) because I personally just don't like them as much. Please take creative liberty with these characters, but at the same time try to keep them true to themselves. I don't care if you change the race of them, either (especially since almost all of these are white characters).

For now I am doing first come first serve, but if you want to challenge someone who has picked a character you want, both of you must send me examples of your writing, and I will pick the one that I would see best fit for the character.

coding by cychotic
Hey is there a link for this? I'd be interested in it if there is sorry I was just interested love this code too by the way!
I'll be moving to a different thread solely for freebies! This thread will be closed and replaced with a thread to display my original items.

Thank you c:

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