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Fantasy Cursed Island

"Good girl!", Veo smiled as she reached to disconnect the call.


Eventually, a the next day a caravan of carts with supplies of building materials and food arrived. Jalin was much too eager to vacate his seat on that wagon, to have his feet on solid ground so he could actually sense the world around him. "We are here."
Shuffle hopped off as well, sniffing around on all fours a bit before she stretched and stood upright. Roy and Emilia dismounted as well. While the workers and materials were unloading, Kiri glanced around. "Where are the remains of the plant creatures?"
"Ah..." Jalin tapped his cane, "They were... everywhere..."

"Used to be plants all over the place from their attack," Siege answered, coming up to make sure Roy and co. hadn't done anything stupid without her. "We burned the bodies."

"There is one encased in ice," turac directed the plant lizard woman towards where the remaining shambling mound was still frozen. Without active agents trying to thaw the ice, it remained frozen very solidly, barely even glistening with condensation as the sun tried its best to overpowerthe dragon's ice.
Kiri nodded and went to inspect the creature. Or what was left of it. Shuffle had still done a number when she had bored a hole through it.

As she walked off, Roy looked to Siege. "Did you call mom?"
"Ha! No," Siege scoffed, "i choose life!"

"I was going to call her," Turac rolled his eyes, "Then Nidia's parents decided to shout at me for keeping her from harm."
Roy glanced over and raised an eyebrow before Nidia spoke up. "They were upset because he froze me."

"Right then... Well, we have to call her eventually. The longer we wait, the more likely she is to track us down just to yell at us in person."
"Or," Siege held up a hand, "And this is just a thought, we can not call her and not have to deal with getting ripped a new one?"

"Ah..." Turac scratched the back of his head, "You know how mom is... Dad's even worse sometimes..."

"Whatever your situation," Jalin tapped his cane, "How goes progress with our lodging?"

"It's a mess, but it's our mess."
Roy sighed. "Guess I'll have to call her then."

Nidia gave a nod. "The places are nearly death traps at the moment. Watch where you step."
"Noted," Jalin tapped his cane and started towards the quad of homes they planned to inhabit. He raised an eyebrow as they got close, "Well, this will be fun to deal with..."

"That's a big hole," Sinach agreed, having fluttered along from Emilia's shoulder to see what had been discovered.
Emilia gave a nod. "I see many places here that would be make good spots for a web or a nest, but somehow I doubt the structure is stable enough for even that."

Shuffle, curious now from everyone drawing attention to the homes-to-be, scampered over to investigate for herself. Sniffing around, she took about five steps before the floorboards gave way and dropped her into the basement.
Jalin groaned as he heard the floorboards break. "Termites..." He tapped his cane, "I can clear the pests, but I will need something solid to stand on..." When rats infested Niudisa's workshop after they took a trip, Jalin was the one to hun them down and do something with them, so he knew how to work a large volume of pests with his magic.
Emilia stepped forward. "I'll see which parts are most sturdy and find you a spot." She stepped in carefully, testing each board carefully before slowly putting weight on it to make sure it would hold.
Being a large spider woman, Emilia had eight points to work with for getting to a sturdy location to find a path for the blood mage following behind her very carefully, until he had a good portion of the pests within his radius of influence. "Thank you," jalin nodded before he tapped his cane again, his blood trickling out of vents in hsi wrists to find some small pests to leech from, expanding his net and then spreading from there. It was a good thing Roy wasn't there, because the net of tendrils of red liquid spreading out from Jalin out to find pets was something out of the horror novels Siege had tricked him into reading when they were kids.
Emilia tried to stay out of his way, eventually stepping back outside. In addition to the termites, there were also rats nesting in the basement, though Shuffle was currently hunting them down.

Roy had stepped away from the village, sitting against a tree with Nidia's mirror. He took a breath before attempting to call his parents.
There was no one on the other side of the mirror, but Roy could clearly see his own bedroom, still just as he left it when he was last there. Then a blue djinn passed by with a feather duster, pausing as she saw Roy in the mirror, "Roy?"
"Um," Nyah looked back towards the door, "Are you sure you wanna talk to them?" She leaned in close to the mirror, "Jerry's scaring the hell out of me!"
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Nyah groaned, "Okay, but don't get mad at me!" She made Roy promise not to hold these events against her before she left to go find Roy's parents.

When they entered the room and sat down at Roy's desk, Jerry didn't yell, or say anything, actually. She was completely silent, with a frosty expression on her face not seen since the twins were small. If not for being a blue dragon and not a white one, Roy could almost see the frozen fury wafting off of her. Angry was an understatement. Normally, she was loud in her fury, but when she was silent in it... it hadn't ended well last time.
Roy had to lean away from the mirror a bit when Jerry stepped into the room. He had been hoping she would speak first. He wasn't really sure what to say to start this off himself.

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