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Fantasy Curse of the Lilac Night OOC

THats easy for you to say, your not having your damn nose broken! xD

Kypher will have his revenge though. You say there's not much Julius can do to Leon? And what if someone were to disable the facility gas and convince him to spike a certain someone's drink? 

A certain someone named Adora... >;D
THats easy for you to say, your not having your damn nose broken! xD

Kypher will have his revenge though. You say there's not much Julius can do to Leon? And what if someone were to disable the facility gas and convince him to spike a certain someone's drink? 

A certain someone named Adora... >;D

Ohhh you evil bastard! It's gonna be on then! Kypher might not be able to die! But he sure can suffer! Let's see how he likes spending the night suffocating to death none stop!
Pfffft, you think he hasn't gone through that already? He once had to spend a whole 36 hours trapped in a noose as he constantly died over and over until someone finally found him and let him down. Your power won't scare him. But mine will scare yours. Because it doesn't matter what you do, Kypher will keeping coming back from the dead, over and over and over again. All it takes is one fatal wound on a pretty little lady's petite body and...

Its a good thing no one has the power to bring back the dead. Except Kypher, of course. ; )

Oh, and if we were to fight when the gas is turned off, be prepared for a taste of your own medicine when I suck the power out of you and choke you out with your own power! Mwahahahahaha!!!

I wish Leon all the good luck. He will need it. >:)
Pfffft, you think he hasn't gone through that already? He once had to spend a whole 36 hours trapped in a noose as he constantly died over and over until someone finally found him and let him down. Your power won't scare him. But mine will scare yours. Because it doesn't matter what you do, Kypher will keeping coming back from the dead, over and over and over again. All it takes is one fatal wound on a pretty little lady's petite body and...

Its a good thing no one has the power to bring back the dead. Except Kypher, of course. ; )

Oh, and if we were to fight when the gas is turned off, be prepared for a taste of your own medicine when I suck the power out of you and choke you out with your own power! Mwahahahahaha!!!

I wish Leon all the good luck. He will need it. >:)

Lol you think Leon's going to give your guy the chance? Also a noose has nothing on Leon, you can still struggle to breath with a noose wrapped around your neck. Leon literally sucks all oxygen from your guys body. That's not a pleasant experience, also I get the whole immortal thing. I had a character who was also immortal in almost the same way. But if your guy is immortal I hope he has a short time that he requires to recover depending on the injury. Otherwise it's the equivalent of godmodding lol. Also @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit I just had an idea that Leon's family was tied into the local politics, and police force of the area if that's okay. I was thinking his mother was some form of politician, and his dad was the chief of police or something like that. Oh also Kypher can try to kill Adora, but she has powers as well. So that won't make it any easier lol. God I can't wait, this is going to be so interesting...I need to look up the affects of being cut off from oxygen completely.
THats easy for you to say, your not having your damn nose broken! xD

Kypher will have his revenge though. You say there's not much Julius can do to Leon? And what if someone were to disable the facility gas and convince him to spike a certain someone's drink? 

A certain someone named Adora... >;D

that certain someone also happens to have a liking on sweet things so plus point for Julius' power but on the other hand she's friends with the journalist. now if kypher would convince julius to poison adora's drink, the fun part would be whether he'd choose a friend or revenge to someone for trying to kill the love of his life since he's a proclaimed "yandere" and all.

Pfffft, you think he hasn't gone through that already? He once had to spend a whole 36 hours trapped in a noose as he constantly died over and over until someone finally found him and let him down. Your power won't scare him. But mine will scare yours. Because it doesn't matter what you do, Kypher will keeping coming back from the dead, over and over and over again. All it takes is one fatal wound on a pretty little lady's petite body and...

Its a good thing no one has the power to bring back the dead. Except Kypher, of course. ; )

Oh, and if we were to fight when the gas is turned off, be prepared for a taste of your own medicine when I suck the power out of you and choke you out with your own power! Mwahahahahaha!!!

I wish Leon all the good luck. He will need it. >:)

Lol you think Leon's going to give your guy the chance? Also a noose has nothing on Leon, you can still struggle to breath with a noose wrapped around your neck. Leon literally sucks all oxygen from your guys body. That's not a pleasant experience, also I get the whole immortal thing. I had a character who was also immortal in almost the same way. But if your guy is immortal I hope he has a short time that he requires to recover depending on the injury. Otherwise it's the equivalent of godmodding lol. Also @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit I just had an idea that Leon's family was tied into the local politics, and police force of the area if that's okay. I was thinking his mother was some form of politician, and his dad was the chief of police or something like that. Oh also Kypher can try to kill Adora, but she has powers as well. So that won't make it any easier lol. God I can't wait, this is going to be so interesting...I need to look up the affects of being cut off from oxygen completely.

kypher's pretttyyy face might get burned haha

also i'm thinking that perhaps adora somehow found out about the article julius wrote about leon and she burnt it or atleast tried to? #baesprotectbaes @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit
that certain someone also happens to have a liking on sweet things so plus point for Julius' power but on the other hand she's friends with the journalist. now if kypher would convince julius to poison adora's drink, the fun part would be whether he'd choose a friend or revenge to someone for trying to kill the love of his life since he's a proclaimed "yandere" and all.

kypher's pretttyyy face might get burned haha

also i'm thinking that perhaps adora somehow found out about the article julius wrote about leon and she burnt it or atleast tried to? #baesprotectbaes @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit

Haha that's my girl! Also I find it amusing that Adora and Leon are so close. Because Adora couldnt hurt Leon with her power, his counters hers. XD
She couldn't hurt him with her power, because it's fire correct? Well fire needs oxygen to burn. Which he can put a field around him that removes all oxygen from the air.

nuclear fire though :P  but like im not sure if adora would even hurt leon hmm but on the other hand when night comes things might go...well..crazy
nuclear fire though :P  but like im not sure if adora would even hurt leon hmm but on the other hand when night comes things might go...well..crazy

Nuclear fire? Did you specifically say nuclear fire in your CS? I didn't read it well, but I'm pretty sure fire still needs oxygen to burn....Ugh I'm gonna need to look this up..
Nuclear fire? Did you specifically say nuclear fire in your CS? I didn't read it well, but I'm pretty sure fire still needs oxygen to burn....Ugh I'm gonna need to look this up..

nuclear fire is still fire though but like im sure leon and adora wouldn't get into fight....i think
nuclear fire is still fire though but like im sure leon and adora wouldn't get into fight....i think

Yes but Fem asked to be specific with what our cause of death was. Also Nuclear fire would probably kill Adora it's still radioactive lol. But anyway again does personal opinion affect them once it's dark? I figured they just went homicidal.

Also reply before I sleep peas xD
Yes but Fem asked to be specific with what our cause of death was. Also Nuclear fire would probably kill Adora it's still radioactive lol. But anyway again does personal opinion affect them once it's dark? I figured they just went homicidal.

Also reply before I sleep peas xD

im actually writing as of now

hey would u mind if they arrived at the cafeteria rn?
@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit I was also wondering if I could increase the range of Leon's airless field? Because I now realize 10ft isn't that big a area. I is bad with distance

Nope. 10 feet is large enough. 

that certain someone also happens to have a liking on sweet things so plus point for Julius' power but on the other hand she's friends with the journalist. now if kypher would convince julius to poison adora's drink, the fun part would be whether he'd choose a friend or revenge to someone for trying to kill the love of his life since he's a proclaimed "yandere" and all.

kypher's pretttyyy face might get burned haha

also i'm thinking that perhaps adora somehow found out about the article julius wrote about leon and she burnt it or atleast tried to? #baesprotectbaes @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit

I'd prefer it if he kept the article •3•

@Destructus Kloud Julius would actually be a bit more subtle on revenge, slowly building up on it. It would start with writing articles, then doing something humiliating (i.e.; painting someone's door pink with flowers or tossing their clothes into a lake), then, if it continues, he will use his ability. 

nuclear fire though :P  but like im not sure if adora would even hurt leon hmm but on the other hand when night comes things might go...well..crazy

Nuclear fire? So Adora died like this lol 

Forgive me
Nope. 10 feet is large enough. 

I'd prefer it if he kept the article •3•

@Destructus Kloud Julius would actually be a bit more subtle on revenge, slowly building up on it. It would start with writing articles, then doing something humiliating (i.e.; painting someone's door pink with flowers or tossing their clothes into a lake), then, if it continues, he will use his ability. 

Nuclear fire? So Adora died like this lol 

Forgive me

You realize ten feet isn't alot for a field right? We aren't talking ten feet away and around. It's a field that's ten feet around him. Hell 20 yards around a human isn't much more than my room which isn't very big.
Also what about the Thing with leons family is that okay?

Actually, I don't think that's possible. After all, if Leon was related to the police, I doubt he would've been sent to the Lilac Facility. After all, that sort of thing would give you certain immunities, such as being unable to locked in the five-star prison they're passing off as a safe haven.

There also would be no point for your character to exist in the role play, since he'd be protected. It's sort of like being related to a politician, Y'know? Especially in such a small-town type setting.
You realize ten feet isn't alot for a field right? We aren't talking ten feet away and around. It's a field that's ten feet around him. Hell 20 yards around a human isn't much more than my room which isn't very big.

Boom pi

10π     =   31.4159265359 ft. 

That's the technical area that his power actually covers. The town is very small. Therefore a ten-foot radius is more than enough needed to kill people. 

Here's how much space a five foot radius would be in contrast:

5π  =   15.7079632679 ft. 

Still a good amount of area. 

Let's take this further with 20 feet. 

20π  =   62.8318530718  ft. 

Now thats pushing it, see what I'm getting at? And if we go with the yards system, we multiply that by three:

62.8318530718 x 3 =   188.495559215 ft. 

WAYYY too much area, and enough to cause the mass murder of over half the town of 65 citizens. 

I'm just saying this from a logical viewpoint •3•
Boom pi

10π     =   31.4159265359 ft. 

That's the technical area that his power actually covers. The town is very small. Therefore a ten-foot radius is more than enough needed to kill people. 

Here's how much space a five foot radius would be in contrast:

5π  =   15.7079632679 ft. 

Still a good amount of area. 

Let's take this further with 20 feet. 

20π  =   62.8318530718  ft. 

Now thats pushing it, see what I'm getting at? And if we go with the yards system, we multiply that by three:

62.8318530718 x 3 =   188.495559215 ft. 

WAYYY too much area, and enough to cause the mass murder of over half the town of 65 citizens. 

I'm just saying this from a logical viewpoint •3•

Well then I guess my dad must have not understood my question. Because he's a carpenter, you know paid to know this stuff. So now I'm confused.
Actually, I don't think that's possible. After all, if Leon was related to the police, I doubt he would've been sent to the Lilac Facility. After all, that sort of thing would give you certain immunities, such as being unable to locked in the five-star prison they're passing off as a safe haven.

There also would be no point for your character to exist in the role play, since he'd be protected. It's sort of like being related to a politician, Y'know? Especially in such a small-town type setting.

I suppose your right, but if it became public knowledge then people might not like that Leon was getting special treatment. You know they may demand he be out with the other cursed.

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