Current Tournament Entries

Good. I say everyone else who is battlingz should also save their precious votes for the better battlers. Like a code of honor.
To each their own, comrade. If they choose to vote for this one over that one, then more power to them. But a code of honor is a bit odd here. It is all for sport, is it not?
For some, it is. I am here to display my skills, I could care less about a VIP or a banner. That could be a plus, though. But I digress. Only time shall tell if this is for sport or if you are indeed correct.
Good luck to us all, and may the best man win!

By the bye, does anybody know when their going to pair up for the battles? Or how the pairings are going to be decided?
Makes sense . . . I kinda thought that they had cut it already, since they went and set this thread in motion. Oh well, I'm really not in any hurry.
Here here to all of the competitors in this! May we all have good fun and spill some blood! (preferably not a lot mind you)

I'm just happy to be apart of this really, this seems quite fun and whatnot. I doubt my mangled, scarred sellsword Aizeth will get too far, but hey, ya never know! I'm actually quite curious though on how we are going to go about doing this...
Welcome to the club, comrade. This will be an interesting outcome, as I have never seen this many competitors in a tournament of this stature in my career. And to be honest, I am oozing with anticipation to show some skill. I wish you the best, as you will surely need it, and welcome to the RpN character battle tournament! :D
I just want to say one thing while I read through all these posts, the training, & the lobby....

Thank you.

Thank you ALL for taking this & showing us what this even COULD be. @Itasko Envious came to me with the idea. It's something I seen on some sites but more like "video game characters" or "vote for your favorite superhero" where the same known names always come on top.

The character gallery is something I have introduced on 3 seperate occasions. It never had the "appeal" from the members that I wanted. Now with over 2,500 characters in our system, I am pleased to see the growth & development that has taken place. The system was developed to help give another level to a somewhat linear "text character". Having the ability to answer set questions, upload images, & display for all to see (as well as link to it on other sites), makes life easier for many.

So back to my point... This event has been welcomed with open arms. It's our FIRST run at this so there was bound to be questions & concerns. If this is something that we truly enjoy doing, I have a developer in the wings awaiting my word to create a custom system to make the next set of events flow that much easier.

P.S. I DO NOT want to do this often. Annual is the idea (should stretch several months) so not to burn out everyone.
No problem. Though I can hardly claim the idea as my own. There was a time when I was introduced to the niche RP and there was likely a person that introduced him to it as well. Though I've never seen it in this magnitude and even if it isn't really all about the "battle" it's still battle-centric enough that I like it. Kudos.
It is. There are many more people than I expected. Even if I don't win, I am going to have learnt so much from this. Other people's writing style, their characters. Good techniques to use in the future. I might even have a couple ideas to add to my ideas thread. xD
I've read a handful of characters so far. Some of them actually surprised me with their originality. Others? Not so much. Either way, there's definitely a good mix of good characters and good writers here.

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