Current Tournament Entries

[QUOTE="Giovanni Carter]Hehe that means no research. Clever trick.

Sure there is. Click the characters name (not the user name) on the first page. I just didn't want to draw MORE attention to certain characters because they were featured =)
Hmm... I feel like you should add the first round's competitors on the chart so we can know who to study. Like, put a 1 next to them or something.
[QUOTE="Giovanni Carter]lol such as yourself, sweetie?

Ooooooooooooooooooo, we got some sass goin' on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What? Sass is now mistaken for sweet talk, ma cher? 
And one person to immediately catch my eye is the 'songstress' cheshire thunderstruck. I happen to know a lot on songstry and vocaloid stuff, so this will be an interesting little competition coming up. Hehehehehehe
I lost in the second round.

There was an established problem with my character's weakness from the word go as the environment was a Volcanic Tunnel. It wasn't that he found himself in danger because of heat, rather it was because he couldn't smell anything but brimstone.
Well, that has to suck. A loss by technicality. But hey, it happens from time to time right? Hopefully, we get to face off in a friendly match, and I wish you the best of luck in this tournament. Gonna plan to whoop some can here.
So... Gods, demons, dragons, magical dudes and supernatural beings abound, eh?

I'll pack some extra bullets. :cool:
I have a duo character, Blaze, a minecraftian with Blaze powers, and his partner, Tom, a genius Minecraft cow. They were created as one character, so they get to complete together.
People seem to forget that the main focus of the tournament is solid characterisation, rather than have an OP fighter. So if you have somebody who's a frail, troubled character but who is well written, interesting and believeable, they'll triumph over a one-dimensional fire-breathing hemi-God. So people needn't worry about fighting as they are atm :')
I have put over four years of roleplay into my character. What most see on this site, is rather outdated stuff. And I even have the weapons detailed to the point it shows the history of the weapon. I love a good quality roleplay.

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