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Name: Reya Arrowheart (Reya is in reference to a ray of sunshine and Arrowheart is in reference to her basis of Apollo)
Appearance: Reya has yellow eyes, tan skin, platinum blonde hair that falls to her elbows when let loose (although it's usually pulled into a left side ponytail), and snow-like wolf ears pop up out of her hair along with a snaggletooth. She is 5ft8in and has a thin figure to go with her small bust. She wears almost knee high brown boots with golden buckles and white shoe string. White short shorts with a brown belt and gold buckle hang around her waist and a cream colored crop top that has gold shoulder cuffs. Black ribbons wind down her left arm in a crisscrossing fashion and end at her wrist. On her other arm she has two gold arm bands that grip her slightly more muscular than average biceps. Running around her forehead and dipping below her wolf ears is a golden circlet with a diamond in the center. (Can you tell she loves gold? xD I'll draw everything out eventually btw)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Faunus
Occupation: Former Beacon student
Semblance: Sun Bow- she is able to summon a bright bow that shoots three fiery arrows
Weapon: Dancing Light- her ebony bow with gold highlights can shift into a spear and the quiver can shift into the form of an ebony shield with the arrows bundled up inside
Short backstory: Reya grew up in Vale with her parents who would nickname her their little ray of sunshine in these dark times. She decided after hearing her dad recount tales from when his mother was a huntress that she wanted to be one as well. Reya understood plenty enough that it would be tough and harsh at times, but she wanted nothing more than to help people and keep them from going through more misery than they already did. She convinced her parents to let her go to Signal, where she designed Dancing Light, and eventually she was able to work hard to get into Beacon earlier than quite a few. Soon enough, everything went downhill and she tried to help the best she could but crushing defeat was all she had earned in the fall of Beacon. Now she's still trying to regain enough hope to fight once again, often wandering out of her parents' house to try and take down just a few more Grimm.

Battle Theme:
Name: Fandango "Fan" Cardio
(Fandango is a purple-ish color.)


Age: 25

Gender: female

Fan is a joyful person who tries to talk as much as she can. She talks a lot even during combat, looking almost mad. She isn't like an angel who helps out everyone, but tends to give out useful advices if she finds anyone who deserves any.
Fan likes to resolve things in simple logic as far as she could, as she finds it "easy and fun." While this can lead into wrong decisions, Fan is generous to mistakes, especially to herself, unless it takes everything down to hell level in a flick.
While Fan can be angered in many cases, she hardly shows any difference. In fact, she is seen with a smug smile most of the time.
She likes her ponytail. NOBODY TOUCHES IT.

Species: human

Occupation: "freelancer teacher" who moves from academy to another.
Also an operative of the resistance.

Semblance:Ballistic pathfinder
Able to modify the direction of a projectile she shot/threw. It is harder for her to modify if it's faster.
She can control one projectile at a time.

Fuchsia & Redberry
Fuchsia is a plain yet strong revolver.
Redberry is a plain dagger with an odd design, similar to a parrying dagger.

Short backstory:
Fan lived in an odd town out of the kingdoms, which is a fact she never liked. The town was run by an old man who believed that Grimm were the judgement for all the sins humans have done and that they must all pray for forgiveness. Fan found out that it was a stupid idea since she was a kid, and planned a great escape. When she was a teenager, she went out the village to meet a team of huntsmen, and left with them before the town people could find her. Since then, she graduated Beacon and traveled around the kingdoms, teaching students whenever she felt like. Her traveling life strangely led her to the resistance, an organization which was fighting the 'unseen enemy.'

Other: (includes theme songs)

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