• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.



That was a misclick I swear
OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/ooc-rwby-of-scythe-and-grimms.337473/

Let's go straight to CS's!
Up to 3 chars per person!
+ you can claim canon chars too. Just upload a name and a matching face.
Claimed canon chars:
Tyrian Callows( RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan )
Name: (color naming rules-words resembling colors must be used and explained)
Appearance: (drawings by you, pics, descriptions, all fine.)
Age: (16~19 for former/current students, over 20 for teachers/etc.)
Species: (average human or faunus)
Occupation: (age 16~19 would be former/current student, over 20 can be teacher/etc.)
Semblance: (something like a superpower)
Weapon: (usually a combination of firearm and a melee weapon with color related names)
Short backstory:
Other: (includes theme songs)
A like from a GM(me or Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre ) means you're awesome and you're accepted!
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Name: Ruby Mendeze
Appearance: She has ruby red hair with blue highlights, she wears a black cute dress with boots and tights. Her hair is always in a ponytail, and she loves to wear overbig hoodies cause she looks adorable in them :3
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: New Student
Semblance: Glyphs



Weapon: She carries double daggers while having chains connected to them They are called "Deep Sevens"
Short backstory: Ruby was born the third youngest child in her family, She has many siblings but is to lazy to count them. Ruby was always the shy one out of the family, wanting to distant herself and watch from the sidelines not knowing what its like to interact with anyone
Other: (the second song is her when she is mad)
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Name: Ruby Mendeze
Appearance: She has ruby red hair with blue highlights, she wears a black cute dress with boots and tights. Her hair is always in a ponytail, and she loves to wear overbig hoodies cause she looks adorable in them :3
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Reaper
Occupation: Idk?
Semblance: Glyphs
Weapon: She carries double daggers while having chains connected to them
Short backstory: Ruby was born the third youngest child in her family, She has many siblings but is to lazy to count them. Ruby was always the shy one out of the family, wanting to distant herself and watch from the sidelines not knowing what its like to interact with anyone
Other: (the second song is her when she is mad)

Sorry, but I'd like it if youbadded personality, because I forgot to mention it in the CS and just eidtte it....
Also, what's a reaper...?
Judging by the age your occupation can be former student(if from Beacon) or current student(if from any other academies).
I'll require explanations for your semblance too.
Sorry for the less explanation in th CS sheet, I wrote it in a hurry. Anyways, can you edit your CS as I asked?
Sorry, but I'd like it if youbadded personality, because I forgot to mention it in the CS and just eidtte it....
Also, what's a reaper...?
Judging by the age your occupation can be former student(if from Beacon) or current student(if from any other academies).
I'll require explanations for your semblance too.
Sorry for the less explanation in th CS sheet, I wrote it in a hurry. Anyways, can you edit your CS as I asked?
( Her Glypth is based off a cannon character's
( Yep and I added her personality in her Backstory
Okay, personality seems fine...
I'm sorry but you should choose between faunus and human, that's the only races in RWBY universe....
And I may require example uses of glyphs so we can know how it basically works.
Any names for your weapons?
Name: Cuprum Buckshot
(Color of copper-Cuprum means copper.)

Cuprum is 186cm tall.

Age: 18

Gender: male

Personality: Cuprum is mostly silent around strangers, but tends to talk a lot to people who are close to him. He tries to care for them and watch their back. Cuprum prefers backing up as a team member rather than leading one. He tends to rely on cooperation while in combat.

Species: human

Occupation: Former student of Beacon

Semblance: wraith sphere
Able to summon up to three balls of smoke that can work as either alternative eye or a 30m radius radar of lifeforms and grimms. Cuprum must switch between his own eyes and wraith spheres if he wants to see through the wraith sphere.

Weapon: Copper Surgeon
High caliber short rifle- cleaver-like melee weapon. Two makes up a set. Various types of dust rounds can be used instead of normal rounds. Well aimed normal rounds can easily defeat small Grimms such as Beowolves with a shot or two. Cleaver like blade prevents stabbing attacks, but its slashing attacks are extremely effective to enemies with no to small amount of armor.

Short backstory:
Cuprum was born in a family where he had a huntress mother and dust weapon researcher as a father. Cuprum grew up meeting various huntsmen and huntresses, who were his parents' friends. He developed his dream as a huntsman himself as he grew. With great support from his parents, Cuprum himself became a decent student for huntsmen academy. Then, the fall of Beacon happened.

Other: (includes theme songs)
Name: Ruby Mendeze
Appearance: She has ruby red hair with blue highlights, she wears a black cute dress with boots and tights. Her hair is always in a ponytail, and she loves to wear overbig hoodies cause she looks adorable in them :3
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: New Student
Semblance: Glyphs



Weapon: She carries double daggers while having chains connected to them They are called "Deep Sevens"
Short backstory: Ruby was born the third youngest child in her family, She has many siblings but is to lazy to count them. Ruby was always the shy one out of the family, wanting to distant herself and watch from the sidelines not knowing what its like to interact with anyone
Other: (the second song is her when she is mad)

Alright, seems good enough.
Let's hang in the OOC section until we have enough people to go and have teams and have a starting post.
Name: Grey Winston

Grey is a skinny pale white boy with a unusual grey gas mask covering his entire face. He stands at 5'7, straight body posture, and slim body. His hair is colored snow white. Grey wears a long white sleeve polo with a silver colored tie. Overlapped with a black sweater vest. He wears black pair of pantaloons with a white belt. His shoes are a pair of regular light brown shoes.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Grey is very strict and well disciplined at first glance. Having a close personality traits of an elite war soldier or a strict boy scout. His soft spoken yet serious voice can surely catch an ear or two. He is quick to the point and straightforward on saying and doing the right things, especially if they are doing something wrong and improper things. But despite his near strict and threatening personality and appearance. He is pretty friendly, kind, compassionate, courageous and well soft spoken once you get close to him.

Species: Human

Occupation: Former student of Beacon

Semblance: Supreme steam pressure- This semblance is exclusive to Grey himself. He can release high pressure steam all over his body which can repel enemies with the steams pressure and even burn them. For the steam has a high temperature that can give enemies high degree burns and blisters while being pushed away. His skin turns crimson red and super hot but enough to burn his clothes off. But despite the great ability he only uses this for various escape and attack tactics for it chews up great amounts of energy. The best and longest time that he can prolong the non stop pressure steaming is 30 seconds.


A double sided weapon that has been passed down from the Winston family from generations to generations. It is a hard leather single corded whip with a chain grappling hook in it's other end. This weapon may not be the most lethal type but it's stinging whipping effects can sure bring great pain and bleeding depending on how one cracks the whip in different strengths. The grappling can either be used to grab enemies or teammates closer to him or even vice versa. it's clawed hook does not harm the captured entity. It's safe design is made to catch not pierce. There is a hidden button that triggers the launch and reel mechanism of the grapple. There is no official name for the weapon.

Short backstory: Grey has been born with 4 younger siblings him being the oldest. Both of his parents were professional hunters and huntresses. One day his parents were killed by a mass grimm attack during a family trip. Their children were also attacked in the process including Grey himself. Both parents died that day but the children survived, none died. He attended Beacon academy as soon as he reached the legal age taking the family weapon with him.

*Despite his techy look he is not very wise with technology since his family heavily relies on steam power.

*He did not know his semblance until the attack of the Grimm.

*He has two young fraternal twins, a sister and a brother. (First mentioned are the youngest to oldest.)

*Like mentioned before he takes combat in a strict manner

His passive theme:

His battle theme:
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Name: Grey Winston

Appearance: (Drawing not available for now) Grey is a skinny pale white boy with a unusual grey gas mask covering his entire face. He stands at 5'7, straight body posture, and slim body. His hair is colored snow white. Grey wears a long white sleeve polo with a silver colored tie. Overlapped with a black sweater vest. He wears black pair of pantaloons with a white belt. His shoes are a pair of regular light brown shoes.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Grey is very strict and well disciplined at first glance. Having a close personality traits of an elite war soldier or a strict boy scout. His soft spoken yet serious voice can surely catch an ear or two. He is quick to the point and straightforward on saying and doing the right things, especially if they are doing something wrong and improper things. But despite his near strict and threatening personality and appearance. He is pretty friendly, kind, compassionate, courageous and well soft spoken once you get close to him.

Species: Human

Occupation: Current student of Beacon

Semblance: Supreme steam pressure- This semblance is exclusive to Grey himself. He can release high pressure steam all over his body which can repel enemies with the steams pressure and even burn them. For the steam has a high temperature that can give enemies high degree burns and blisters while being pushed away. His skin turns crimson red and super hot but enough to burn his clothes off. But despite the great ability he only uses this for various escape and attack tactics for it chews up great amounts of energy. The best and longest time that he can prolong the non stop pressure steaming is 30 seconds.

Weapon: (Also no available image yet)

A double sided weapon that has been passed down from the Winston family from generations to generations. It is a hard leather single corded whip with a chain grappling hook in it's other end. This weapon may not be the most lethal type but it's stinging whipping effects can sure bring great pain and bleeding depending on how one cracks the whip in different strengths. The grappling can either be used to grab enemies or teammates closer to him or even vice versa. it's clawed hook does not harm the captured entity. It's safe design is made to catch not pierce. There is a hidden button that triggers the launch and reel mechanism of the grapple. There is no official name for the weapon.

Short backstory: Grey has been born with 4 younger siblings him being the oldest. Both of his parents were professional hunters and huntresses. One day his parents were killed by a mass grimm attack during a family trip. Their children were also attacked in the process including Grey himself. Both parents died that day but the children survived, none died. He attended Beacon academy as soon as he reached the legal age taking the family weapon with him.

*Despite his techy look he is not very wise with technology since his family heavily relies on steam power.

*He did not know his semblance until the attack of the Grimm.

*He has two young fraternal twins, a sister and a brother. (First mentioned are the youngest to oldest.)

*Like mentioned before he takes combat in a strict manner

His passive theme:

His battle theme:

It's after fall of beacon, so I'd rather say 'former' beacon student.
*sad music*
Everything else seems fine!
Name: Alice Blue

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alice is a caring and hardworking girl. Honest and nice, she tries her best to help others if she deems it something she should do and tries to see the best in almost everyone she meets. This doesn't mean she is naive or stupid though and she won't put up with being used or hurt just for someone else's sake.

She appears social enough but upon closer inspection, she is a tad withdrawn. She'll speak and greet others but some may notice that she's not one for prolonged conversation, always making sure to keep a certain distance between herself and those around her, when she can help it at least.

Alice is also a hopeless romantic, fond of love stories and obsessed with the idea of true love. She is also a very curious girl, always tending to get *ahem* down the rabbit hole.

Alice's feelings are attempted to be kept in for the most part though, she can be a bit over emotional, at least when it comes to certain topics.

Species: Bunny/rabbit faunus

Occupation: former student of Beacon

Semblance: Invisibility

Weapon: Lapis Flash

Short backstory: Raised by two loving parents in Menagerie, Alice always wanted to be a huntress. At first just for fun. But then she really got into the whole idea of being a hero. Her parents sent her to Beacon to follow her dream- both having graduated from there themselves. After the fall of Beacon Alice just wants to get home.
Other: (I'll do this later)
Name: Umber Hawethorn
Appearance: 20170609_012624.jpg His symbol is imprinted on his left shoulder.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: While he seems to be a soft, calm person, Umber is quite energetic. He is one of the nicest people one could possibly meet. While he does not like since less violence, he will stand to fight for what he believes is right and will throw his life on the line for those he protects. Umber is incredibly loyal, almost to the point of foolhardiness. He always tries to make light of a dark situation.
Species: Deer faunus
Occupation: Transfer student of Atlas, former student of beacon
Semblance: Hyper stride-Hyper Stride increases a persons physical capabilities exponentially. They would have the strength of Hercules, the speed of Flash, enhanced senses and would be almost invulnerable to any attacks no matter how strong. However it only lasts for about three minuets, and takes a lot of energy.
Weapon: Autumn Storm
The fan is detachable by a quick twist. It is capable of extremely high powered winds and the folds of the fan can be used as a weapon. The fan at the top can be folded in to create a sword. If you twist the handle, it becomes larger to create a staff. Autumn Storm is extremely light, but very flexible and sturdy, thus fitting Umber's fighting style of hitting hard and fast.
Short backstory: Umber's moved around a lot due to his parents being in the white fang. Originally they supported the peaceful protest, but when things turned violent, fled. He himself does have connections within the white fang, but prefers to leave those bridges burned. He was born in atlas, but soon moved to beacon before it fell.
Other: (includes theme songs)Will add later


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Name: Toks Ikura Niam (Toxic Uranium)

Age: 17 almost 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Friendly yet prefers to be a loner at times. Used to being an outcast but that doesnt deter her from friends (At times.) Can have that "Kawaii" feel about her at times.

Species: Average Human

Occupation: Current student

Semblance: Toxic Dust - This allows Toks to do a strange thing. She is able to create a weird kind of dust crystal that has nuclear abilities. The Crystals and particals do not have any negative effects on others, but on Toks it grants her strength and movement speed as well as make her seem nuclear herself. She is also the only one known to be able to make Nuclear Dust Crystals at the current moment. They arent able to be mined as they dissapear as soon as there usage is over. Even she herself is unable to use it in weaponry.

Weapon: Uranium Edge

Short backstory:
Toks used to work with her father in the Black Market of Mistril. They transferred toxic chemicals to various scientists where they could not get anywhere else. Toks was helping her father with some materials when a bucket spilled on her after it collapsed. For anyone else it would have meant almost certain death, but for Toks it had activated her Aura allowing it to shield her from certain death. She fainted soon after her father came to see what the loud crashes were. She was soon awake in her bed, with some green glowing dust crystal beside her. She has kept that dust crystal on a necklace ever since.


Name: Prefers the Name Blood. Real name is Merlot Wine


Age: 34

Gender: Male

Personality: Doesn't like to teach in an actual classroom. Gives his students the "Tough Love" Treatment.

Species: Faunus

Occupation: Teacher (Grimm Fighting/Actual Hunting/Gym (He is the one that brings students on Hunting expeditions))

Semblance: OverCharge
Merlot puts all of his rage into an attack, making the shot glow with a ghostly red flame. this goes for all attacks. This attack (and more after) have increased speed, strength, and stability.

Weapon: Red Passion
His weapon is an enhanced Hunting Bow that he received from his passed Wife.

Short backstory:
When Merlot was in his late twenties, he lived in the outskirts of Mistral. He had a beautiful family. A young daughter turning almost 8 and his wife Scarlet Blush. He had left them to go to the market in the kingdom. He kissed his Wife and Daughter goodbye as he left on the week long trip there and back. Upon his return he was Heartbroken. His village was wrecked and burning. Bodies strewn around the village of his friends and loved ones. He ran to his house only to find no one. He searched the entire village for his family but could not find them. The only thing he could find was his Wifes Locket he gave her the past year. He keeps the locket around his neck at all times. He took his wifes Bow and swore to only use this as his only weapon.


RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan I hope these are okay. I tried to put details to not make Toks Semblance OP
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Name: Gera Nium.
-Geraniums, the name, is a genus of flowers. Generally found in tropical mountains [mostly in the Mediterraneans], they're usually colored bright warm colors.
Appearance: Here's a reference, and she's about 5'9 1/2 ft.
Age: 18.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Gera Nium is a very pacifistic person, to say the least. Could easily be described as a gentle giant, she heavily believes in generally avoiding hurting/killing anyone; human and faunus alike. Asides that? She's kind, in a way, but is painfully truthful. Can easily go overboard and hurt someone's feelings and such without realizing it; she's not good at reading people.
Species: Human.
Occupation: Former/Current student [Depending on the roleplay plot?]
Semblance: Think of the Force, from Star Wars. She has the ability to bring objects closer together; something between an invisible graviton and the Force. Also, it is good to note that it can be both items, or just one. If it's two, the force will be split compared to the force of one. Same goes for 3; just parted 3 ways, and so on.
She usually uses it to had that extra umpf to her weapon, gaining speed and making it more deadly.
Weapon: It's a large baton with a wide gripping in the middle and two dense rectangular cubes on the ends. Twist the sides, and it breaks into duel hammers. Gera's weapon do not have a long-range option, but she makes up for it by being extremely talented in melee fights. It's like a game; 0 points to sniping, 10 points to melee.
It's named Antheia, for the Greek Goddess.
Short backstory: For much of her early childhood, she lived on the Vale coastline, with her father. Long story short, the town she lived near was small and had many festivals, where she found her love of dancing and certain sports. They also weren't the richest, and her father worked off the coast as a fisher and inland as a merchant. When she was around 7 or 8, her father began teaching her about Grimm and his own fighting styles. Two years later, he let her go on the boat trips with him. It was generally calm, but too often they hit Grimm; why he taught her at an earlier age. After she complimented her father on his fighting style, he mentioned he was technically a hunter, but left the occupation after breaking under friends' deaths. Later on, she left for academies and promised to stay alright.
Basically she had a pretty chill childhood.
Other: Her fighting style is heavily based off dancing; as to why her weapon is a baton and hammers. Keeps the weight balanced.
Name: Kai Takeshi
Nickname: Black
Appearance: Kai.jpg (Him in his casual outfit)
What he normally wears: (The cloak)upload_2017-6-8_10-53-38.png
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Was a boy who was filled with much hope even his opponents from other schools could feel the mass of pride and strong will from this boy. Kai was always kind to people he would meet and even his friends, he kept his loved ones close to his heart and would risk his life for them. Yet those times has changed as Kai has entered this form of depression and rage as he isn't the same as he used to be before the attack of the grim.
Species: Human
Occupation: Former Student / Basically Rogue (Nor evil or good)
Semblance: Able to draw energy inside of him and release it through his blade, surprisingly his father didn't think Kai could do that. Sometimes he draws so much energy that the blade either steams up or cracks a little.

Weapon: upload_2017-6-8_10-58-39.png(Nothing to complicated) The reason Kai prefers this weapon over the now a day swords that turn from sword to gun is because that isn't his style. Plus this is his father's blade
Short backstory: One of the top students of beacon Kai was a proud member of his family as his father was truly proud of him, but after the fall of beacon this boy seem to gone missing and have only been heard of through rumors and stories. No one really knew much about Kai's past only his father but recently his father died from over stressing if his son was safe or not.
Name: Shadow

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Shadow is a kind and gentle person, as he hates to fight and cause conflict. He's mainly scared of being killed by a grim so usually tends to not fight them. His main focus in life is looking for Kai. A very determined boy to find a lost friend
Species: Human
Occupation: Current student
Semblance: Illusion: Putting someone in a illusion that looks into his eyes, his bodies turns into a horde of ravens that attack the opponent only in the illusion. They can come out of the illusion only if they figure out they are in it. His illusion can shift and changes it's pattern so it's always different the last.
Weapon: upload_2017-6-8_11-54-10.png
Short backstory: Being born in a rich family Shadow was very spoiled and never really had friends growing up but as he got older and more independent more people gravitated towards to him because of his nice personality. Yet there was that one person in Shadow's life who shook is world upside down it was when he was 14 he met a guy named Kai Takeshi or who went by Dark. For some reason this boy seemed so different from the others shadow met in his life, Kai was always so happy and proud of his accomplishments. It seemed like Kai wanted was to get stronger and stronger as the days go by leaving others behind him. Shadow will never forget their fateful encounter as his life was almost in the hands of a ursa Kai swooped in and killed it, ever since then shadow thought of Kai as his hero. Some months after that shadow seen a girl getting bullied and harassed by a couple of guys because of her animal features, so he ran down and took the beating for her until Kai came and scared the bullies off, ever since then they stayed together and promised never to leave each other. Until the fall that's when everything got worse buildings crumbling friends missing, and especially the most important of them all has gone missing.

Name: Blossom
Appearance: upload_2017-6-8_12-6-31.png
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet and delicate just like a flower, she tends to keep her sadness to herself as she doesn't want others to worry about her. She's sad because the lose of a friend which made them a team of three only a team of two. She's always trying to help others and cheer others up but doesn't want anything in return.
Species: Faunus
Occupation: Current student
Semblance: Petal dance: By activating pedal dance she can create flower pedals out of dust and use them for attacking or defense. They have mid range attacks and close range defense.
Weapon: (but pink) upload_2017-6-8_12-48-15.png
Short backstory: Blossom was always bullied as a kid even till this day certain boys bully her. She had a hate for boys all her life which is why she always ignored her father and gave him snotty attitude and gave her mother the best. She always afraid to make friends with boys since she thought all of them hated her and wanted to hurt her. For some reason boys liked to pick on her but turn around and call her cute and amazing, she thought boys as slimes as a young teenager. Until the day she was saved by two she began to have mixed feelings for the other sex.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Name: Kai Takeshi
Nickname: Black
Appearance: View attachment 319043 (Him in his casual outfit)
What he normally wears: (The cloak)View attachment 319046
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Was a boy who was filled with much hope even his opponents from other schools could feel the mass of pride and strong will from this boy. Kai was always kind to people he would meet and even his friends, he kept his loved ones close to his heart and would risk his life for them. Yet those times has changed as Kai has entered this form of depression and rage as he isn't the same as he used to be before the attack of the grim.
Species: Human
Occupation: Former Student / Basically Rogue (Nor evil or good)
Semblance: Able to draw energy inside of him and release it through his blade, surprisingly his father didn't think Kai could do that. Sometimes he draws so much energy that the blade either steams up or cracks a little.

Weapon: View attachment 319047(Nothing to complicated) The reason Kai prefers this weapon over the now a day swords that turn from sword to gun is because that isn't his style. Plus this is his father's blade
Short backstory: One of the top students of beacon Kai was a proud member of his family as his father was truly proud of him, but after the fall of beacon this boy seem to gone missing and have only been heard of through rumors and stories. No one really knew much about Kai's past only his father but recently his father died from over stressing if his son was safe or not.
Name: Shadow

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Shadow is a kind and gentle person, as he hates to fight and cause conflict. He's mainly scared of being killed by a grim so usually tends to not fight them. His main focus in life is looking for Kai. A very determined boy to find a lost friend
Species: Human
Occupation: Current student
Semblance: Illusion: Putting someone in a illusion that looks into his eyes, his bodies turns into a horde of ravens that attack the opponent only in the illusion. They can come out of the illusion only if they figure out they are in it. His illusion can shift and changes it's pattern so it's always different the last.
Weapon: View attachment 319073
Short backstory: Being born in a rich family Shadow was very spoiled and never really had friends growing up but as he got older and more independent more people gravitated towards to him because of his nice personality. Yet there was that one person in Shadow's life who shook is world upside down it was when he was 14 he met a guy named Kai Takeshi or who went by Dark. For some reason this boy seemed so different from the others shadow met in his life, Kai was always so happy and proud of his accomplishments. It seemed like Kai wanted was to get stronger and stronger as the days go by leaving others behind him. Shadow will never forget their fateful encounter as his life was almost in the hands of a ursa Kai swooped in and killed it, ever since then shadow thought of Kai as his hero. Some months after that shadow seen a girl getting bullied and harassed by a couple of guys because of her animal features, so he ran down and took the beating for her until Kai came and scared the bullies off, ever since then they stayed together and promised never to leave each other. Until the fall that's when everything got worse buildings crumbling friends missing, and especially the most important of them all has gone missing.

Name: Blossom
Appearance: View attachment 319079
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet and delicate just like a flower, she tends to keep her sadness to herself as she doesn't want others to worry about her. She's sad because the lose of a friend which made them a team of three only a team of two. She's always trying to help others and cheer others up but doesn't want anything in return.
Species: Faunus
Occupation: Current student
Semblance: Petal dance: By activating pedal dance she can create flower pedals out of dust and use them for attacking or defense. They have mid range attacks and close range defense.
Weapon: (but pink) View attachment 319088
Short backstory: Blossom was always bullied as a kid even till this day certain boys bully her. She had a hate for boys all her life which is why she always ignored her father and gave him snotty attitude and gave her mother the best. She always afraid to make friends with boys since she thought all of them hated her and wanted to hurt her. For some reason boys liked to pick on her but turn around and call her cute and amazing, she thought boys as slimes as a young teenager. Until the day she was saved by two she began to have mixed feelings for the other sex.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan

Depending on how things go, you might have a char or two out of teams.(we got ACGR and an unnamed second team.)
Name: Emeril 'Emerald' Beryl. His nickname comes from his name, but also from the colour scheme he tends to wear.
Age: 17.
Gender: Male.
Species: Human.
Occupation: Current student.

Personality: In short, Emeril is a surprisingly intelligent brute. He, thanks to his dad, knows a fair deal of maths and sciences (mainly around Engineering, though) but does sometimes struggle with other subjects. However, this has never bothered him. He knows he isn't the brightest bulb out there, but doesn't mind. He is a nice guy who'll get on with pretty much anyone but often gets into fights with bullies. 'They shouldn't be giving it if they can't take it', as he always says.
Short backstory: Emeril comes from a family of well known designers and engineers, and are mostly known for their weaponry and armour technology. Emeril is no different - his gunlance and armour are his own design (well, with help from his dad) and built by him (and his dad's CNC machines). His childhood was somewhat bland and standard (school, fancied becoming a Hunter etc - you could say he wanted to become a 'Monster Hunter' :P) except for his dad who often did little engineering projects with him. Emeril loved doing the little engineering projects with his dad. However, over time, he started to feel an urge to fight especially since the fall of Beacon so took up arms and here we are.

Semblance: Force redirection and application/ This allows him to redirect force acting on himself to a touching object with enough mass, which in most cases would be the ground, which allows him to negate fall damage for pretty far, around a cliff or office block size, and also allows him to negate knockback (for all intents and purposes, it is like he is anchored to the ground). His aura would still take damage from a heavy beast's attack, but instead of being flung he can stand his ground, or even launch himself into the air for a devastating gunlance attack. He can also do some force punches and kicks that don't do much damage, but instead do incredible knockback. When redirecting force, it would be like if the Grimm or whatever attacked the ground directly. In cases of heavy attack on weak ground, it would probably crack and cause rough terrain or collapse in cases of on the side of a cliff.
In short, his ability is that he cannot be knocked back by an attack and he can cause knockback in his own.

Weapon: The Jade Dragon is essentially a large gunlance with several mechanisms. In short, the Jade Dragon can perform powerful explosion based attacks and deal hefty damage with the greatsword like blades at the tip.
In more detail, the Jade Dragon works with several storage tanks of fire dust (and a small one for lightning dust, but we'll get to that) in the back of the lance behind protective plates of metal. These dust tanks are for the 'gun' part of the gunlance, which reloads through simple centrifugal force. The barrels themselves are made of a highly resistant to explosions material and with good reason - when he triggers the gunlance a loud and powerful explosion shoots out from the barrels that can shred matter and flesh asunder. He can fire each round separately, or all at once. He can also do something called the 'Dragon's Fire' where he charges up the gunlance with the lightning dust that energizes the fire dust in a way that creates a more brutal and powerful attack known to paralyze smaller creatures and Grimm (if they were to survive it, that is). However, the process of energizing the fire dust also superheats the gunlance meaning that any fire dust that gets reloaded into the barrels is discharged within the same second. He also cannot use Dragon's Fire again as the explosion might tear the gunlance apart if it hasn't cooled down. The gunlance also has a greatsword that can pop out of it at any time, and is pretty devastating if it were to hit. He also wields a near weightless, yet effective, shield that is made of a resilient metal and folds together into a bracer on his wrist.

He also wears heavy plate armour. He is the very definition of a 'tank'.
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Name: Emeril 'Emerald' Beryl. His nickname comes from his name, but also from the colour scheme he tends to wear.
Age: 17.
Gender: Male.
Species: Human.
Occupation: Current student.

Personality: In short, Emeril is a surprisingly intelligent brute. He, thanks to his dad, knows a fair deal of maths and sciences (mainly around Engineering, though) but does sometimes struggle with other subjects. However, this has never bothered him. He knows he isn't the brightest bulb out there, but doesn't mind. He is a nice guy who'll get on with pretty much anyone but often gets into fights with bullies. 'They shouldn't be giving it if they can't take it', as he always says.
Short backstory: Emeril comes from a family of well known designers and engineers, and are mostly known for their weaponry and armour technology. Emeril is no different - his gunlance and armour are his own design (well, with help from his dad) and built by him (and his dad's CNC machines). His childhood was somewhat bland and standard (school, fancied becoming a Hunter etc - you could say he wanted to become a 'Monster Hunter' :P) except for his dad who often did little engineering projects with him. Emeril loved doing the little engineering projects with his dad. However, over time, he started to feel an urge to fight especially since the fall of Beacon so took up arms and here we are.

Semblance: Force redirection and application/ This allows him to redirect force acting on himself to a touching object with enough mass, which in most cases would be the ground, which allows him to negate fall damage for pretty far, around a cliff or office block size, and also allows him to negate knockback (for all intents and purposes, it is like he is anchored to the ground). His aura would still take damage from a heavy beast's attack, but instead of being flung he can stand his ground, or even launch himself into the air for a devastating gunlance attack. He can also do some force punches and kicks that don't do much damage, but instead do incredible knockback. When redirecting force, it would be like if the Grimm or whatever attacked the ground directly. In cases of heavy attack on weak ground, it would probably crack and cause rough terrain or collapse in cases of on the side of a cliff.
In short, his ability is that he cannot be knocked back by an attack and he can cause knockback in his own.

Weapon: The Jade Dragon is essentially a large gunlance with several mechanisms. In short, the Jade Dragon can perform powerful explosion based attacks and deal hefty damage with the greatsword like blades at the tip.
In more detail, the Jade Dragon works with several storage tanks of fire dust (and a small one for lightning dust, but we'll get to that) in the back of the lance behind protective plates of metal. These dust tanks are for the 'gun' part of the gunlance, which reloads through simple centrifugal force. The barrels themselves are made of a highly resistant to explosions material and with good reason - when he triggers the gunlance a loud and powerful explosion shoots out from the barrels that can shred matter and flesh asunder. He can fire each round separately, or all at once. He can also do something called the 'Dragon's Fire' where he charges up the gunlance with the lightning dust that energizes the fire dust in a way that creates a more brutal and powerful attack known to paralyze smaller creatures and Grimm (if they were to survive it, that is). However, the process of energizing the fire dust also superheats the gunlance meaning that any fire dust that gets reloaded into the barrels is discharged within the same second. He also cannot use Dragon's Fire again as the explosion might tear the gunlance apart if it hasn't cooled down. The gunlance also has a greatsword that can pop out of it at any time, and is pretty devastating if it were to hit. He also wields a weightless, yet effective, shield that is comprised of energy and is activated by a watch-like device on his wrist.

He also wears heavy plate armour. He is the very definition of a 'tank'.
In my experience of RWBY, rhere hasn't been energy type melee weapons/shields... You'd be better off saying that it's a folded shield(similar to Jaune's.)
Also, about your semblance, it might be better with a 'measurable' limit in directing force in given time or something. Just for a bit of... balance.
Everything else seems good!
In my experience of RWBY, rhere hasn't been energy type melee weapons/shields... You'd be better off saying that it's a folded shield(similar to Jaune's.)
Also, about your semblance, it might be better with a 'measurable' limit in directing force in given time or something. Just for a bit of... balance.
Everything else seems good!

well, he still takes full damage from an attack. its just he cant be knocked prone or anything like that. is that what you meant?

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