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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students


The Cutest of the Damned
Roleplay Type(s)
Ordinary is far from what you are, it's a word that you've never really been called in your entire life. Freak and abomination sound more like what you're use to being labeled by others. But what if I were to say that there is a place for those like you. A place where you are considered, ordinary and normal. A safe haven for where you can be yourself and learn like every other kid. This is Crystal River Highschool. A school for those who are neither pure human or animal, but a mix of the two.
Here is where you can live a normal teenage life. Make friends, go to school, and learn. You will have no problems of being different. For here, we are all the same.

1.) No Mary-Sue or Gary-Sue. No one is perfect, especially here. Besides, perfect characters get boring and basically predictable
2.) No God-moding. Just no. You can't always dodge or land a hit
3.) Grammar and literacy. Do your best to spell everything right and don't worry. Also this is not one of those rps where you have to write like 7 paragraphs. If you write 1 (or even 4-5 sentences) that's fine (just don't forget the details). 1 liners are ok if the occasion calls for it, but try not to do one liners all the time.
4.) Erotic rp is a no no. If things get too heated fade to black. Tone down on gory details if your characters get into a fight. Not everyone is ok with guts spilling out (Plus this is also a school set rp)
5.) No posting until I see your CS and I approve it. It's just common curtesy
6.) Problems? If there are any issues let me know and I will do my best to help. But if a fight breaks out between members please do not take it to the OOC. Instead take it to the private messaging system.


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Wondering around campus Ivy sighed quietly to herself as she glanced around. The hood of her jacket sitting on her low hanging head, wanting to keep herself a bit hidden. Knowing if someone saw the six stripes on her cheeks, three on each one, they'd instantly want to take a handful of steps backwards. Orange locks hanging above her amber eyes and a bit caught in her thick lashes. A sigh escaped her as she walked towards the courtyard garden located on the southwest part of the campus. Once there she sat on one of the small concrete benches and just sat there. Staring at the different colored flowers.
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Wondering around campus Ivy sighed quietly to herself as she glanced around. The hood of her jacket sitting on her low hanging head, wanting to keep herself a bit hidden. Knowing if someone saw the six stripes on her cheeks, three on each one, they'd instantly want to take a handful of steps backwards. Orange locks hanging above her amber eyes and a bit caught in her thick lashes. A sigh escaped her as she walked towards the courtyard garden located on the southwest part of the campus. Once there she sat on one of the small concrete benches and just sat there. Staring at the different colored flowers.
Texangamer Texangamer NightTerror NightTerror

OOC: Zelda will be trasfering my chars at some point

Raz and Tiger are pruning and watering the plants and trees, they notice s girl and gently wave to her. Tigers bronzeish skin and Raz s dark white and blue skin, Raz's eyes a deep blue with purple mixed in and tigers a soft rose gold with silver in the middle.
Glancing around the hybrid noticed two people caring for the plants in the garden, Guess I'm not alone. Bad choice on my part. Though when she noticed them wave at her however she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up with nervousness. Reaching her hands up and pulling the hood further over her head and face. But as she did this the black patterning on her hands showed against her light tan skin.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Blaise ran around the campus, his head whipping left and right. There was so much to look at and it was all so pretty! He was so distracted looking at everything that he didn't notice that he was about to run into someone until he did. He slammed into her and they both fell backwards from the force of impact. "Sorry! Are you okay?!" He asked, his blonde hair slowly turning pink.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
By the time Ivy looked up to see where the footsteps were coming from it was too late. Yelping as she fell backwards off the bench, a thud was heard when she hit the ground. A groan and low, rumbling growl was heard as she slowly sat up. "Yeah, I'm ok.. I guess," Ivy moaned painfully. Sitting up on her knees so she could see who had run into her, unaware that her hood had slipped off her head. Revealing her darkish orange hair and the stripes on her cheeks. Cat eyes blinking as she looked at Blaise a bit curiously.
NightTerror NightTerror
"That's good!" He cheered, his hair reverting to its former blonde state. He stood and extended a hand to help her up. He took in her appearance for a moment, then his eyes lit up. "You're a tiger hybrid?! That's so cool! Tigers are my favorite!" He exclaimed.
(They are irl too.)
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Ivy hesitantly accepted his hand and pulled herself up from off the ground. Once she was up on her feet she gave a tiny shy smile. But when he mentioned her appearance her eyes dilated and reached behind her head to feel if her hood was up. When she couldn't feel it she looked at Blaise nervously, "Y-you're not scared of me?" Her voice a bit shaky, but her nervousness lessened when the boy said that tigers where his favorite animal. "They are?"
(They're mine to)
NightTerror NightTerror
The hair on the back of her neck stood up again. She felt a few goosebumps as well when she was suddenly embraced by this boy. Luckily it didn't last long, she didn't know how to handle such thing, it wasn't something she was use to. "I'm Ivy," she replied rather slowly. Looking at him out of curiosity as he bounced with excitement.
NightTerror NightTerror
Looking around Blaise noticed to other people watering some plants. "Look Ivy! Let's go make friends with them!" He then grabbed her hand and ran over to the two potential new friends. Dragging Ivy behind him. He came to a screeching stop behind them. "Hi! I'm Blaise and this is Ivy! Let's all be friends!" He yelled.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Wait I don't-!" Too late, the boy had a rather firm grip on her hand. Eyes dilating as she did her best to keep up Blaise not wanting to get dragged across the ground. When she was in front of the two she remembered they were who had waved at her moments before she was knocked off the bench. Amber gaze shooting between the newcomers while she tried to free her hand from Blaise's grasp. The close contact made her blush in embarrassment.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir NightTerror NightTerror
Looking around Blaise noticed to other people watering some plants. "Look Ivy! Let's go make friends with them!" He then grabbed her hand and ran over to the two potential new friends. Dragging Ivy behind him. He came to a screeching stop behind them. "Hi! I'm Blaise and this is Ivy! Let's all be friends!" He yelled.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Tiger gently laughs and says" Raz is the vice princble and I'm the head of security, don't know about friends we hope you two do well and make lots of friends".
Derek grumbled curses under his breath as he wandered around the huge campus of Crystal River High School. It was hot, he was lost, and it was daytime. And that wasn't even the worst of it. His stupid glasses kept slipping off of his nose. A sigh escaped his lips as he continued to wander around. ''I suppose being lost in this place is better than knowing exactly where I was back home.'' Shaking his head, his short dreadlocks moving, he headed towards a huge building where he figured the main office might be.
Ivy just stood there, quietly pulling her hood on her head. Pulling it down a bit more and holding it there. Doing her best to hide herself from the two men. Her amber eyes looked on her green convers and the ground underfoot. This is so embarrassing! How did I get dragged into this? Oh, glancing over at her hand which was still in in Blaise's, That's how.
NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Blaise pouted momentarily, his hair turning blue. "Okay. Thank you." He said. He then peeked right back up. "Nice to meet you Mr. Raz and Mr. Security Guard!" Then he frowned at his friend,"Won't you say hi, Ivy?"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"Oh umm..." Glancing at Blaise she saw him frowning, her eyes grew wide. Oh crap! He's upset. Looking back at the two grown men she started to shake with nervousness, "H-hi." Ivy's voice was shaky when she spoke. She squeezed the boy's hand before glancing at him. But when she noticed his hair had changed color she looked at him surprised.
NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"Oh umm..." Glancing at Blaise she saw him frowning, her eyes grew wide. Oh crap! He's upset. Looking back at the two grown men she started to shake with nervousness, "H-hi." Ivy's voice was shaky when she spoke. She squeezed the boy's hand before glancing at him. But when she noticed his hair had changed color she looked at him surprised.
NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Raz then taps his hand and Tiger turns off the hoses off then Raz days" Oh I'd better take you the principles office so you can get fully sorted" Tiger grins as he sees he's still holding her hand and says" I get she's really cute but she's also very bashful"
Blaise was confused, and his hair turned black, until he realized they were still holding hands. His hair returned back to it's blonde color. He let her hand go and smiled at Ivy then back at the two adults. "Let's go get sorted!" He yelled jumping up and down.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Cute? This was something Ivy hardly heard in her entire life so hearing it was a rarity. Realizing that her hand was now free she quickly brought it up to the hood of her jacket, along with her other hand, and gripped the edges. Pulling the hood as far forward as she could in order to hide her face. This being because she was blushing in embarrassment, causing her to look back at her feet. "S-sure.."
NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Cute? This was something Ivy hardly heard in her entire life so hearing it was a rarity. Realizing that her hand was now free she quickly brought it up to the hood of her jacket, along with her other hand, and gripped the edges. Pulling the hood as far forward as she could in order to hide her face. This being because she was blushing in embarrassment, causing her to look back at her feet. "S-sure.."
NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Tiger gently smiles and says" calm down kiddo and I forgot to introduce myself I'm tiger" " Oh by the ways a women named blood will be your pe teacher and I must warn you while she is fair she also has a nasty temper at times"

Raz then says" Before your friend over heates and falls down she should sit on the bench"
Maxine was humming as she was flying as she saw her dad and her uncle as she lands" daddy and uncle raz" she say showing her wings she just smiled excited about seeing her aunt too as she looked at the others as she got nervous she felt awkward around them she was close to her dad and uncle she was hugging her dads arm as she was smiling looking at him Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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"I'm not going to over heat just because I'm wearing a jacket," Ivy commented quietly. She then glanced up from the to see someone else had joined them, Another person!? How many more are going to show up in this one spot?! As she looked at this girl a bit more her pupils widened, this girl had wings! However her curiosity didn't last long causing her pupils to go back to their normal diamond shape.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir NightTerror NightTerror
Maxine just hid behind her dad as she was shy she was nervous about talking to other people she held onto her dad as she bite her lip as she just looked back at her uncle" ummmm hi" she say scared a bit she was always nervous around people she tucked her wings in as she put back her jacket on as she smiled Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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