
Please dont eat me , i'm Fergalicious
Literally I am crushing on a guy right now so hard but I am SUPER awkward! Any one relate? Any advice? Any embarrassing stories? (> :D )
When I was much younger I was really awkward around girls. I would crush on a girl and fall head over heels with her pretty much momentarily after... which was... not the best thing to do at a young age. I think the most embarrassing story I had was when I was at a pool party (MY FIRST POOL PARTY) at a friend's house. I was sitting on the edge of the hot tub with my back to the pool since I was not a strong swimmer and was splashy splashy with this girl I kinda fancy fancy... and yeah I got pushed into the pool and almost drowned >_> I lived obviously but looked very uncool!

As for advice... now that I'm much older I find that the cliche advice of just being yourself tends to be the most valid. People can tell when you are being fake whether they know it or not. It creates an awkward tension that doesn't really allow for a romantic situation to arise. Even though I might not know you, just be yourself and be confident and the rest will work out.
Oh my that sounded embarrassing! ( :o ) But you did really good telling the story! xD

And good advice, though I hear it quite often xD
I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 and half years now, but before we started dating, I was very awkward around him. With all my other guy friends, I was fine, but the moment my boyfriend appeared I would clam up and practically run away :P I hid behind a bush once... not my proudest moment. But hey, once he actually managed to pin me down, (Apparently from his perspective, he'd work up the courage to talk to me after a few short minutes of small talk with the group, then realise that I had disappeared whilst he'd been talking to my friends :P ) everything worked out xD

This was the first time I ever acted like that around a guy too, with my exs I was fairly straight forward with how I felt.

But the very first time I talked to him pretty much sums up our entire relationship.

I was under a chair, flat on my belly, tying together my sleeping friend’s shoe laces in college, when suddenly a face appears on the other side of the trainers with the line "You're doing it wrong."

Needless to say, I was just shocked at this guy’s sudden appearance. I mean, who the hell was he? I'd never seen him in my group chill spot before. However, regardless of me having no idea who this guy was, I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster before getting dragged into a ten minute, albeit whispered, argument about knot tying and who was wrong or right.

FYI my knot worked just fine and I got to watch my friend hop, very late, to class :P But wouldn’t change it for the world xD . I didn't learn his name then either, our conversation ended with me laughing 'see! I told you it would work', before rushing off to class myself. Was another two weeks till we learnt each others names.

My boyfriend’s first memory of me is my ass sticking out from under a chair… romantic right? :P

I have a bunch of other super awkward stories from uni too. For one.

A guy was coming on a bit too strong at a society social and wouldn't take the hint, so I put my hands up as he tried to hug me.

Me:"Sorry, I'm not a huggy person." (Total lies, I love hugs but this time was an exception to the rule)

Him: "Its cool. I'll make you one."

I just blinked, shook my head then coldly stared at him.

"Really. no. No you won't."

He tried to laugh it off, but the 'death stare' (housemates name for it) was apparently scary.

So tip, don't force hugs. xD It just gives a reeaall creep vibe.
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I haven't had a real crush in a while. There are people that peak my interest, but not enough to actually want to go out with them, well there is this one girl, but we don't really have anything in common. :(
Lokipi said:
I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 and half years now, but before we started dating, I was very awkward around him. With all my other guy friends, I was fine, but the moment my boyfriend appeared I would clam up and practically run away :P I hid behind a bush once... not my proudest moment. But hey, once he actually managed to pin me down, (Apparently from his perspective, he'd work up the courage to talk to me after a few short minutes of small talk with the group, then realise that I had disappeared whilst he'd been talking to my friends :P ) everything worked out xD
This was the first time I ever acted like that around a guy too, with my exs I was fairly straight forward with how I felt.

But the very first time I talked to him pretty much sums up our entire relationship.

I was under a chair, flat on my belly, tying together my sleeping friend’s shoe laces in college, when suddenly a face appears on the other side of the trainers with the line "You're doing it wrong."

Needless to say, I was just shocked at this guy’s sudden appearance. I mean, who the hell was he? I'd never seen him in my group chill spot before. However, regardless of me having no idea who this guy was, I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster before getting dragged into a ten minute, albeit whispered, argument about knot tying and who was wrong or right.

FYI my knot worked just fine and I got to watch my friend hop, very late, to class :P But wouldn’t change it for the world xD . I didn't learn his name then either, our conversation ended with me laughing 'see! I told you it would work', before rushing off to class myself. Was another two weeks till we learnt each others names.

My boyfriend’s first memory of me is my ass sticking out from under a chair… romantic right? :P

I have a bunch of other super awkward stories from uni too. For one.

A guy was coming on a bit too strong at a society social and wouldn't take the hint, so I put my hands up as he tried to hug me.

Me:"Sorry, I'm not a huggy person." (Total lies, I love hugs but this time was an exception to the rule)

Him: "Its cool. I'll make you one."

I just blinked, shook my head then coldly stared at him.

"Really. no. No you won't."

He tried to laugh it off, but the 'death stare' (housemates name for it) was apparently scary.

So tip, don't force hugs. xD It just gives a reeaall creep vibe.
ZHNelsonW said:
Has anyone else here had multiple crushes at the same time?
I have actually! For a while I liked a guy... then i met the guy i like now... and i was in a situation where i didnt know who i had to like xD . Then I had seen a quote and it changed my mind...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91385e99_johnnydepp.jpg.05c42c6fd9c219ee1afd443851cdeb54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91385e99_johnnydepp.jpg.05c42c6fd9c219ee1afd443851cdeb54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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oh gosh, i have such a huge crush on a senior (i'm a freshman) who, omg, please, can be the most laziest guy i ever met. and a bit rude too. he's really fun once you get to know him and get him to do stuff, but i swear this kid never wants to do anything bc he's so used to being anti-social and introverted. he really likes to play video games too...

sucks tho, he's Mormon, and i'm not so we can't date, plus he is going on his missionary for his church (?) and will be leaving me after he graduates ;v; i really hopes he at least asks me out to prom bc he didn't bother saying happy birthday, happy valentines day, merry christmas, etc. idk?? we're cosplaying together later in the future tho so i guess that's something to look forward too.

bleh, i also have a crush on my ex-girlfriend again and one of my best friends. so my love life is outta control for a freshman and i need to slow down oops


[QUOTE="r i n n e]

oh gosh, i have such a huge crush on a senior (i'm a freshman) who, omg, please, can be the most laziest guy i ever met. and a bit rude too. he's really fun once you get to know him and get him to do stuff, but i swear this kid never wants to do anything bc he's so used to being anti-social and introverted. he really likes to play video games too...

sucks tho, he's Mormon, and i'm not so we can't date, plus he is going on his missionary for his church (?) and will be leaving me after he graduates ;v; i really hopes he at least asks me out to prom bc he didn't bother saying happy birthday, happy valentines day, merry christmas, etc. idk?? we're cosplaying together later in the future tho so i guess that's something to look forward too.

bleh, i also have a crush on my ex-girlfriend again and one of my best friends. so my love life is outta control for a freshman and i need to slow down oops

Eh, maybe but whatever right? Life happens once... But maybe just ask him to prom? Might do you good!
PastelGummyBear said:
Eh, maybe but whatever right? Life happens once... But maybe just ask him to prom? Might do you good!

i can't, that's the thing. eheh as much as i would love too, i can only go to prom if I"M asked by a senior or junior

funny thing is my two best friends (who can be so awkward in the love department) got asked to proms by their crushes (both juniors) and i'm sitting here like "what." sad thing tho, one of them (whose going to prom) is transferring to another school so this is the only year i get to experience prom with her and i really really really want to go

[QUOTE="r i n n e]

i can't, that's the thing. eheh as much as i would love too, i can only go to prom if I"M asked by a senior or junior

funny thing is my two best friends (who can be so awkward in the love department) got asked to proms by their crushes (both juniors) and i'm sitting here like "what." sad thing tho, one of them (whose going to prom) is transferring to another school so this is the only year i get to experience prom with her and i really really really want to go

Awe that sucks! maybe you should bring it up to him?
PastelGummyBear said:
Awe that sucks! maybe you should bring it up to him?

ehe...i would....but i don't want to like make him feel like he has to go to prom. if i remember correctly, he told me he wasn't going to prom and i don't wanna push that.

though my friends are gonna try and convince him orz i literally don't know how to feel about that

I had a huge crush on a guy and we were both so shy and quiet, but now we're going on 7 months of dating. I know it may not be much to some, but he's my best friend and I'm so lucky. (;

I also just started showing him forum RPs, so I made a new account and helped him make one here as well!
Ah... I remember my first crush. It was nice and sweet, but with most things it was short lived.

We grew up together, starting to living next door to me when the new neighbours. I'll never forget the first time when I saw him in the backyard. Day after day I'd watch him the backyard, growing along side him from the distance. He had his ups and down as did I. Spring soon came and I new I had to make my intentions clear.

One day, I walked up to my neigbours house and knocked on the door. Back then, I was quite shy and walking up to that house was no easy feat. When they came to the door, I asked if I could come to the backyard. They let me in, already aware of what I wanted. I strolled out to the backyard where I plucked him and brought him home. My heart couldn't setting down, I wasn't sure if I was nervous or worried. When I got home I headed to the kitchen and brandished my kitchen knife and procceed to slice into the soft flesh. A bit of juice splashed into my face, but It was fine; because it tasted sweet. I then crushed the sweet yummy fluids into a glass and drank it. It was very delicious! That was the first time I crushed an orange. I'll never forget that memory.
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I also want to post the most embarrassing thing I did because of a crush.

My whole junior high class went to a sponsored concert of a prestigious school where they had their chosen male students to sing and dance and perform. I instantly got a crush on this short, chubby guy wearing glasses and his hair was parted on the middle. There were many other handsome performers there but all I could see was him. Then they went around the crowd giving roses, I was on a far corner of the bleachers but when I saw him going up to our side, I ran across the sea of students and hugged him three times. Yes I did. I hugged him three times, as if it was the end of the world. He reached out his hand to shake hands but I was happy enough to touch his finger tips and I began to fangirl and his face was like, "wtf". I had a hard time sleeping after that. But I could say, it was worth it. I don't know if I'll ever see him again, and I don't know if he will actually remember me.

My friends were there when I cried happily, and at school they tease me because I was generally quiet and calm but when I went to the concert my true colors appeared. Having myself get a crush as crazy as that made me confident and feel good. To the original poster, our circumstances may be different but I think that being brave is important if you want to find happiness. *winks* I'm not a crush expert tho. So, I just wish you really good luck!
I've had some of the worst moments.

Once, I tripped and fell right next to them but it wasn't that simple. It was like one of those slow falls where you recover but then keep falling again. Two different guys tried to catch me but I ended up elbowing and kicking all of them by accident. Then I managed to end up on the floor with everyone laughing.

Once we were having a casual talk but his trousers were ripped in the middle so you could see his underwear. We were sitting down and I was having a hard time concentrating because he didn't realise he had a massive rip in his trousers. Suddenly, in the middle of a conversation I just screamed "YOUR UNDERWEAR IS STRIPEY" as an effort to tell him about it, it only ended with him being extremely weirded out.

Not gonna explain how this happened but I also managed to hit him in the face so hard that he almost started crying. It was by semi-accident though.

As for advice, just don't do anything like me. Haha. I'd just say be yourself and don't pretend to be someone else otherwise they won't really love who you are inside. Maybe don't be TOO much of yourself, I'm a naturally awkward person and look what kind of things I managed to do.
[QUOTE="Okashi Yuki]Ah... I remember my first crush. It was nice and sweet, but with most things it was short lived.
We grew up together, starting to living next door to me when the new neighbours. I'll never forget the first time when I saw him in the backyard. Day after day I'd watch him the backyard, growing along side him from the distance. He had his ups and down as did I. Spring soon came and I new I had to make my intentions clear.

One day, I walked up to my neigbours house and knocked on the door. Back then, I was quite shy and walking up to that house was no easy feat. When they came to the door, I asked if I could come to the backyard. They let me in, already aware of what I wanted. I strolled out to the backyard where I plucked him and brought him home. My heart couldn't setting down, I wasn't sure if I was nervous or worried. When I got home I headed to the kitchen and brandished my kitchen knife and procceed to slice into the soft flesh. A bit of juice splashed into my face, but It was fine; because it tasted sweet. I then crushed the sweet yummy fluids into a glass and drank it. It was very delicious! That was the first time I crushed an orange. I'll never forget that memory.

Oh my god! In the start I thought that was a real person! Then with the whole knife thing you spooked me so badly! Great job though, you made me laugh, well done.
[QUOTE="r i n n e]

oh gosh, i have such a huge crush on a senior (i'm a freshman) who, omg, please, can be the most laziest guy i ever met. and a bit rude too. he's really fun once you get to know him and get him to do stuff, but i swear this kid never wants to do anything bc he's so used to being anti-social and introverted. he really likes to play video games too...

sucks tho, he's Mormon, and i'm not so we can't date, plus he is going on his missionary for his church (?) and will be leaving me after he graduates ;v; i really hopes he at least asks me out to prom bc he didn't bother saying happy birthday, happy valentines day, merry christmas, etc. idk?? we're cosplaying together later in the future tho so i guess that's something to look forward too.

bleh, i also have a crush on my ex-girlfriend again and one of my best friends. so my love life is outta control for a freshman and i need to slow down oops

Same with the freshman liking a senior thing.

The senior I like kinda gave some vibes that he liked me.

Like we went on a camping trip in one of the clubs I'm in and on the way back, in the van, we were sitting next to each other. The seat we were in had a broken AC vent so it was really cold and we were cuddled under his jacket. Then he started poking me in the stomach, so I did the same. He kept grabbing my hand to stop me and then we kinda played with each other's hand.

After this repeated a few times, he like laced our fingers together so we were holding hands. Then he proceeded to do the same thing with our other hands.

So, I was sitting there wondering how I managed to be this close to a senior while not giving away any emotions to anyone else in the van. We sat like that for about ten minutes before he moved because we were almost back.

Now he doesn't talk to me much in school and I think I took it the wrong way.
AutumnWolfe said:
Same with the freshman liking a senior thing.
The senior I like kinda gave some vibes that he liked me.

Like we went on a camping trip in one of the clubs I'm in and on the way back, in the van, we were sitting next to each other. The seat we were in had a broken AC vent so it was really cold and we were cuddled under his jacket. Then he started poking me in the stomach, so I did the same. He kept grabbing my hand to stop me and then we kinda played with each other's hand.

After this repeated a few times, he like laced our fingers together so we were holding hands. Then he proceeded to do the same thing with our other hands.

So, I was sitting there wondering how I managed to be this close to a senior while not giving away any emotions to anyone else in the van. We sat like that for about ten minutes before he moved because we were almost back.

Now he doesn't talk to me much in school and I think I took it the wrong way.
aw, i'm sorry honey. but that must've been pretty memorable? i love it when i hold my senior's hand.

i remember that's all we did in 4th hour of the last day of semester 1 (shared semester 1 4th hour with him) and i was so happy for the rest of the day. we held hands throughout the whole 90 minutes we have of that class and omg it was the greatest thing ever

he has came to my house like once (we were watching an anime) and aaawe he was so cute when he was playing with my baby brother and i got to hold this hand again LOL plus we had sushi. that day was a nice day...actually THAT DAY WAS THE LAST FINAL DAY LOL my semester final week was the week i held hands with him all the time.

i know my senior has a crush on me bc he was the one who confessed to me ...then said he couldn't date me (or rather he's staying in the friendzone) bc he's Mormon
[QUOTE="r i n n e]
aw, i'm sorry honey. but that must've been pretty memorable? i love it when i hold my senior's hand.
i remember that's all we did in 4th hour of the last day of semester 1 (shared semester 1 4th hour with him) and i was so happy for the rest of the day. we held hands throughout the whole 90 minutes we have of that class and omg it was the greatest thing ever

he has came to my house like once (we were watching an anime) and aaawe he was so cute when he was playing with my baby brother and i got to hold this hand again LOL plus we had sushi. that day was a nice day...actually THAT DAY WAS THE LAST FINAL DAY LOL my semester final week was the week i held hands with him all the time.

i know my senior has a crush on me bc he was the one who confessed to me ...then said he couldn't date me (or rather he's staying in the friendzone) bc he's Mormon

I would tell my senior I like him, but it's almost the end of the year and I know he's about to go to college so I'll just sit back. Maybe I'll find someone else to be with.

Also, I know differences in religion can be hard. My sister is Christian and she dated/is dating a Muslim. His mom isn't exactly okay with it, but she's had to deal with it since he refuses to leave her.

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