Oh my gooood, I'm having the same trouble right now with this one girl at school! I mean, I know she likes girls already, which is a good thing, but I have no idea how to talk to her without being super awkward! Dx
AutumnWolfe said:
Same with the freshman liking a senior thing.
The senior I like kinda gave some vibes that he liked me.

Like we went on a camping trip in one of the clubs I'm in and on the way back, in the van, we were sitting next to each other. The seat we were in had a broken AC vent so it was really cold and we were cuddled under his jacket. Then he started poking me in the stomach, so I did the same. He kept grabbing my hand to stop me and then we kinda played with each other's hand.

After this repeated a few times, he like laced our fingers together so we were holding hands. Then he proceeded to do the same thing with our other hands.

So, I was sitting there wondering how I managed to be this close to a senior while not giving away any emotions to anyone else in the van. We sat like that for about ten minutes before he moved because we were almost back.

Now he doesn't talk to me much in school and I think I took it the wrong way.
Don't take it the wrong way. High school (which I'm assuming what you are talking about) is a very strange phenomenon. You get people together who should pretty much be the same person cause of how close they are age wise, however; there is this huge gap of self-proclaimed maturity between the years. Comparing a freshman and senior in high school is like an 18 year old and someone who is say late 20s/early 30s just because to someone who is in high school, that is their entire world. It becomes really easy to forget that you have all those years waiting once you graduate and that she in high school is absolutely nothing.

To him it was probably something he really enjoyed and possibly he really really likes you but the situation makes it difficult. I remember being a senior and getting grief from my friends for liking a sophomore. I was constantly told that she is too young blah blah which I found hilarious later on being 22 dating an 18 year old and no one batting an eye.

Luckily, we live in a world where you don't need to risk embarrassing conversations at school and can continue talking to him via Facebook/Instagram/other social media here. I bet if you ask him about it he will just say that his friends wouldn't approve him dating someone so much younger class wise.
AutumnWolfe said:
I would tell my senior I like him, but it's almost the end of the year and I know he's about to go to college so I'll just sit back. Maybe I'll find someone else to be with.
Also, I know differences in religion can be hard. My sister is Christian and she dated/is dating a Muslim. His mom isn't exactly okay with it, but she's had to deal with it since he refuses to leave her.
mm, well i wish you luck! my senior is leaving me to go to Orlando, Flordia for his missionary then probably living in Arizona (since that's where he was born). my other crush is my best friend who is transferring to a different school next year. :/ it sucks but eh oh well~ at least i'll stay in touch with her

and aww that's so cute. at least they know that they love each other? i find that really cute~
Kiosis said:
Don't take it the wrong way. High school (which I'm assuming what you are talking about) is a very strange phenomenon. You get people together who should pretty much be the same person cause of how close they are age wise, however; there is this huge gap of self-proclaimed maturity between the years. Comparing a freshman and senior in high school is like an 18 year old and someone who is say late 20s/early 30s just because to someone who is in high school, that is their entire world. It becomes really easy to forget that you have all those years waiting once you graduate and that she in high school is absolutely nothing.
To him it was probably something he really enjoyed and possibly he really really likes you but the situation makes it difficult. I remember being a senior and getting grief from my friends for liking a sophomore. I was constantly told that she is too young blah blah which I found hilarious later on being 22 dating an 18 year old and no one batting an eye.

Luckily, we live in a world where you don't need to risk embarrassing conversations at school and can continue talking to him via Facebook/Instagram/other social media here. I bet if you ask him about it he will just say that his friends wouldn't approve him dating someone so much younger class wise.
Thank you. I really hope he does like me, but as you said, it wouldn't be approved if we were dating. Also, as he is about to graduate and go to college, it would be somewhat pointless.

I definitely hope to stay in touch with him though.

And I also find it somewhat funny since my mom is almost 40 and my stepdad is only 29. But society accepts them because they aren't as young.
[QUOTE="r i n n e]
mm, well i wish you luck! my senior is leaving me to go to Orlando, Flordia for his missionary then probably living in Arizona (since that's where he was born). my other crush is my best friend who is transferring to a different school next year. :/ it sucks but eh oh well~ at least i'll stay in touch with her
and aww that's so cute. at least they know that they love each other? i find that really cute~

Mine isn't actually going that far for college. Only another city in the same state, but I know college girls will definitely have him soon xD

I also have a slight crush on both of my best friends (a guy and a girl), however both are in relationships.

And my sister and her boyfriend are goals.
Emotions are fickle when you are young :P I'm totally not saying don't date... But just make sure you take it with a grain of salt. Four years fly by really fast, especially when you are on the cusp of pretty much figuring out your entire life path.
Kiosis said:
Emotions are fickle when you are young :P I'm totally not saying don't date... But just make sure you take it with a grain of salt. Four years fly by really fast, especially when you are on the cusp of pretty much figuring out your entire life path.
Yeah, I'm not taking it too hard since I'm 15. I've got more things to worry about.
AutumnWolfe said:
Mine isn't actually going that far for college. Only another city in the same state, but I know college girls will definitely have him soon xD
I also have a slight crush on both of my best friends (a guy and a girl), however both are in relationships.

And my sister and her boyfriend are goals.
AutumnWolfe said:
Yeah, I'm not taking it too hard since I'm 15. I've got more things to worry about.
aha idk if mine is going to college. I know he can go to any college he wants here in Idaho but I think he's gonna do this missionary then to Arizona

One of my best friends is with my "ex-boyfriend" who i hate with all of my guys. drama right of the bat beginning of the year. great way to start high school

and right?? i'm only 15 too and i'm trying to be like "eeeeeeeeh well this won't matter in like 2 months so.."
[QUOTE="r i n n e]
aha idk if mine is going to college. I know he can go to any college he wants here in Idaho but I think he's gonna do this missionary then to Arizona
One of my best friends is with my "ex-boyfriend" who i hate with all of my guys. drama right of the bat beginning of the year. great way to start high school

and right?? i'm only 15 too and i'm trying to be like "eeeeeeeeh well this won't matter in like 2 months so.."

It sucks knowing both of my besties at one point did like me and I never said anything. I specifically didn't say anything about the girl until about a month ago when I found out she used to like me because I didn't want anyone to know I had liked a girl (fear of bullies, ya know).

And ex drama sucks. One of my exes was dating my enemy and then my old best friend like a week after we broke up. But that wasn't in high school.
Best advice when dealing with a crush is, really to be yourself.

I think everyone to some extent is really awkward and clutzy when they're attracted to someone. Just be yourself, maybe get a number or talk to them on Facebook - I've always found talking online waaaaaay easier than in person. Ask them what they like and try to find some common ground.

Also, my other piece of advice which kind of just relates to my first piece - don't pretend to like stuff just for a crush. Don't change yourself - it's fine to be introduced and actually discover you love something, but don't be a poser. You don't have to love everything your crush does. My boyfriend and I have very little in common - interest wise, but we just work, of course we do like a lot of the same things too - but our music/film/tv taste is very very different!

Wave your freak flag proudly, girl!
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My only real crushes have been when I've been limerent about someone and trust me, you do not want to be limerent about someone.
[QUOTE="r i n n e]

oh gosh, i have such a huge crush on a senior (i'm a freshman) who, omg, please, can be the most laziest guy i ever met. and a bit rude too. he's really fun once you get to know him and get him to do stuff, but i swear this kid never wants to do anything bc he's so used to being anti-social and introverted. he really likes to play video games too...

sucks tho, he's Mormon, and i'm not so we can't date, plus he is going on his missionary for his church (?) and will be leaving me after he graduates ;v; i really hopes he at least asks me out to prom bc he didn't bother saying happy birthday, happy valentines day, merry christmas, etc. idk?? we're cosplaying together later in the future tho so i guess that's something to look forward too.

bleh, i also have a crush on my ex-girlfriend again and one of my best friends. so my love life is outta control for a freshman and i need to slow down oops

Prom is not as fun as you think it is. I went to my old schools prom a few weeks ago and I regret it. Everyone went with dates this year and I didn't have any friends to meet up with because I'm a black sheep and it was sucky. I basically wallflowered it the whole time. Would've much rather stayed at home and played games on my computer :/

On the whole awkward crushes thing, I'm the epitome of a disaster around people I like and I have the worst luck with guys. I've only ever offically had two relationships and one was bad and the other ended with a nasty breakup including but not limited to another girl, a dead dog, and being told I should die... Great memories -.-
I remember crying in bed about a crush once at night. I text my (then) best friend about it. He replied with "lol".

tetraboo said:
Prom is not as fun as you think it is. I went to my old schools prom a few weeks ago and I regret it. Everyone went with dates this year and I didn't have any friends to meet up with because I'm a black sheep and it was sucky. I basically wallflowered it the whole time. Would've much rather stayed at home and played games on my computer :/
On the whole awkward crushes thing, I'm the epitome of a disaster around people I like and I have the worst luck with guys. I've only ever offically had two relationships and one was bad and the other ended with a nasty breakup including but not limited to another girl, a dead dog, and being told I should die... Great memories -.-
Awe, that sucks. I'm sorry honey :/ but if we're talking about me: I'm sure prom will be tons of fun for me whether I go or not. I'm a very social butterfly and while I don't get involved with my school, I'm really close to my best friends who are going. Plus, I always find myself having lots of fun with my senior because I rarely spend time with him. If I didn't go, my other close friend invited me out a girl's night that night so I get to eat junk food and stuff there :> I don't care about the actual dance. I care about the people who I experience with and that always differs for everybody.

and I'm really sorry your relationships didn't go right ;-; They'll hopefully get better! Even so, everyone has friends. You don't need guys in your life. Also--I'm just awkward. Most of my friends think I'm awkwardly cute. I'm just very awkwardly embarrassing.
Lot of school stories here so I guess I'll throw my workplace..issues about. That and I got through school without any of that palaver.

Basically while trying to nail down whether I'm het or bisexual I started having *short embarrassment break here* complicated (aka ffs stop you're getting really distracting) thoughts involving the guy at the desk right next to me, with soaking my head not being an option I started trying to drop hints.

He seemed to be shooting right back but I couldn't tell if it was just banter or if he meant anything by it and I don't think I could build a functional gaydar even if I had Alan Carr's testicles on hand. Also further confusing me was the openly gay bloke in the office making me unsure if the guy would've mentioned it.

Fortunately or unfortunately I'm not there anymore before anyone asks.
Yeah I've been with my current girlfriend for about 8 months but before we started dating, we met on Tinder (I know, don't say anything) and she said she was looking for more than a hookup. I was intrigued so I pursued her and here we are. The first time I saw her, I was stunned. She was beautiful. There was an instant connection. Her eyes pierced into the depth of my soul. But as much as I pursue her now, she's still one stride length ahead of me.

Anyway, I haven't had a crush since high school. In recent times, I feel as though crushes are a waste of time and I would much rather approach the situation head on instead of letting my feelings intensify for nothing. Such an event usually leads to bad times. Also those feelings are huge distactors for me, personally, so I like to have a stable relationship where I don't have to think about whether or not they 'like me back'.
Cavil said:
Yeah I've been with my current girlfriend for about 8 months but before we started dating, we met on Tinder (I know, don't say anything) and she said she was looking for more than a hookup. I was intrigued so I pursued her and here we are. The first time I saw her, I was stunned. She was beautiful. There was an instant connection. Her eyes pierced into the depth of my soul. But as much as I pursue her now, she's still one stride length ahead of me.
Anyway, I haven't had a crush since high school. In recent times, I feel as though crushes are a waste of time and I would much rather approach the situation head on instead of letting my feelings intensify for nothing. Such an event usually leads to bad times. Also those feelings are huge distactors for me, personally, so I like to have a stable relationship where I don't have to think about whether or not they 'like me back'.
If only it were that easy for me, haha! I'm far too shy to be direct about something like that.
[QUOTE="r i n n e]
Awe, that sucks. I'm sorry honey :/ but if we're talking about me: I'm sure prom will be tons of fun for me whether I go or not. I'm a very social butterfly and while I don't get involved with my school, I'm really close to my best friends who are going. Plus, I always find myself having lots of fun with my senior because I rarely spend time with him. If I didn't go, my other close friend invited me out a girl's night that night so I get to eat junk food and stuff there :> I don't care about the actual dance. I care about the people who I experience with and that always differs for everybody.
and I'm really sorry your relationships didn't go right ;-; They'll hopefully get better! Even so, everyone has friends. You don't need guys in your life. Also--I'm just awkward. Most of my friends think I'm awkwardly cute. I'm just very awkwardly embarrassing.

Must be nice to be such a social person. I'm as socially awkward as it gets and I have social anxiety v.v I'm in the south (southern girl here, haha) and in my area everyone has to be the exact same or else no one really likes you. Some of the girls here even wear the exact same clothes, makeup, hairstyles, everything and it's very creepy. There's also sooooo many judgy people and it's ridiculous. I've always ended up hanging out with people 10-40 years older than me. I've always gotten along with adults better....

I have friends but mostly they're online so I can't that physical interaction that's so important. Though my bestie might come down and visit me for the summer then take me back to his place and I'm super hyped about that!!
Not really a crush, but I've been seeing someone for 4 almost 5 months, and he's the extroverted one, I'm hardly extroverted, and quite the opposite. We met through Tinder, which, i supposed changes the fact that there was a crush/interest period? I almost stopped talking to him though, but for some reason, I kept talking to him. Now we're at the weird stage where we haven't decide what our relationship is. Whatever. lol.

Our first date was SUUUUUUPER awk though because I can't socialize well for crap. Like, maybe give me a drink and I'll loosen up a bit, but he could talk all night and I'd be okay with it so long as I wasn't being put on the spot too much. I'm just surprised it's kinda lasted this long to be completely honest.
It's not exactly confidence, it's just the intolerence to bullshit. I guess it's something people will gain after being fucked over too many times. :P

tetraboo said:
If only it were that easy for me, haha! I'm far too shy to be direct about something like that.
Cavil said:
It's not exactly confidence, it's just the intolerence to bullshit. I guess it's something people will gain after being fucked over too many times. :P
Plz teach me senpai!!

I guess I'm a bit of a pushover and a terrible judge of character.... Confrontations are horrifying hahaha! Even if the person is being a butt.
Not very related to the thread, but, story time.

So, i'm in the 7th grade. Theres a guy i Reeeeeeally like.

Okay, not really, but it was middle school, you weren't cool without a boyfriend.

*Resume Story.*

So, one day i decide to ask him out, so i'm walking up to him on the way to my neighborhood (Walking home from school.) and i'm slowly making my way up to him as he walks, and i'm a few feet away, and i trip.

Over a fucking crack the size of a dowel rod.

So i smack my face on the ground so hard. You could literally here the crack from my nose as it hit the pavement. So,

I'm sitting there, broken nose, cuts all over my face. Wanna know the worst thing that happens? I start bawling my eyes out from the pain. So hes staring at me like: "What the fuck just happened?" And i'm looking down at the ground crying, so he just walks off and i don't see him again for like a week. (Dad picked me up because he got off work early, YAY FOR LUCK!) So when i FINALLY see him again, we're in the goddamn lunchroom and he comes over and asks if i'm okay, I sit there and say: "Yeah, of course." He just stares at me swith the most doubtful look on Earth, and then says: "Okay, seeya.".

I became an asexual that day.
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Haha, I would love to but I really can't teach such wisdom. Although I'm a non-confrontational person myself. I still get butterflies.

tetraboo said:
Plz teach me senpai!!
I guess I'm a bit of a pushover and a terrible judge of character.... Confrontations are horrifying hahaha! Even if the person is being a butt.
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Also, @tetraboo

I live in the South too, and I've never quite encountered to same thing with everyone being so matchy-matchy but it's probably different for men. I can say, however, that whenever I have encountered a group of women in the same age bracket as you are, they can be vicious.
Cavil said:
Haha, I would love to but I really can't teach such wisdom. Although I'm a non-confrontational person myself. I still get butterflies.
I'm pretty sure I'm just going to grow up and be the stereotypical cat lady, obsessed, alone, and has 20 cats. (OUO) Not that I wouldn't like to grow old with someone... v.v I'm just too awkward

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