Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)


Maelstrom Engineer
Crossed Spears of Eschaton


An Abyssals and Infernals Exalted Game

By: eszett & WlfSamurai


Doom Drawn and Imminent (Abyssals Story Prelude):

Pale blue lightning bolts illuminate the wastes. Screaming thunders shake the air. The storm clouds wept and scattered teardrops on the Deathknight’s path. They soaked his wild hair and rolled down his bloodless face, salty and viscous on his lips.

I should have brought a hat, thinks the world-killer.

The Architect of Ruins often journeyed into the Labyrinth, finding the realm interestingly relevant to his expertise. The topology of divine nightmares was, at first, a difficult concept to grasp, but in the end (and there always is an end) he concluded that this all was rather enlightening. He did make it something he mastered and his liege found the dedication worthy of praise and reward.

When the Neverborn called on the Deathlord’s sworn servitude and demanded private audience, the Deathknight’s loyalty was recognized and he was chosen to receive the honor. Ah, the tombs of dead gods. To entertain himself as he drags his way through the raging sighs of cannibalized souls, he recalls his first audience with the dead titans. He remembers the way the noose pressed on his neck. He remembers the way they bled, turning dirt to mud. And he remembers the way he felt pity for the last time as he witnessed the infinite misery of the Neverborn alongside his Deathlord.

Pity. Will I feel that strange feeling again? The Architect wonders. His path squishes as his tread steps on the discarded, rotten hearts of those who died heartbroken. Will I see their carcasses and recall my oath one more time? Will I feel sorry for these poor titans?

His left foot sinks into a gap in the squirming corpus, spilling black blood into the Deathknight’s boot. Awkwardly balancing himself on one leg, the Architect takes off and drains the boot -- he finds the stink of regret in the rotten scum rather offensive. Before he takes off again, he kicks at the heap.

The storm removed itself in respect and quivering terror as the Deathknight approached the resting place of the Neverborn that called to him. The Architect feels something. Is pity this infinite cold that pierces my death-numbed skin? Or is pity this hungry hellfire in my heart where nothing is left to burn? Probably not, on both counts. He mentally shrugs and continues on. Into the grotto does he go, fearless in his philosophy that he will, eventually, die no matter what he does anyways.

The Deathknight swims through the shadows, so thick with emotional darkness that not even Essence penetrates them. Instead he feels his way around and navigates by the roaring, distant echoes. The iron floor and basalt pillars shake as entire worlds scream in aimless hate. What I feel now -- is this pity or is this just horror?


Thought does not come anymore. For the first time in a very long while, the Architect feels small. He wishes the sound of his footsteps will not abandon him.

It must have been somewhere between days and an eternity, the time he spent in the tomb. In the end (and there always is an end) even the sound of footsteps abandoned him in terror and disgust. That was a learning experience, because he did not know that was possible. Fatigued, scared and humbled, he falls to his knees in the presence of slumbering mind of the Neverborn. When the Architect realized that the incessant howling noise was becoming something resemblant of syllables and words, he finally decided that, yes, he did feel pity again -- for himself.

Memory fails him. The darkness spilled into his soul and dimmed his mind. When he recounts the ultimate history of Creation at its end, this will be an embarrassing blank. But does that matter anymore? Receiving the presence of the Neverborn in solitude, it was a learning experience that changed him. The feeling of smallness, he recalls, was the most important, for a great plan was revealed to him.

The Architect is a part of this plan -- or indeed, he always was a part of this plan since the moment he received his title. A long journey awaits this ragged, rent man now, for he received the glory of gathering the mightiest champions of Oblivion and sharpening the spearhead of the Void. He will blow the clarion of the dead ones. He will lay the cornerstone for the grand monument to Nothing.

Now, the Architect of Ruins wonders, who shall answer the call of the Neverborn? Who amongst the Knights of Death shall be honored to destroy Creation?


Cracked Cell Circumvention (Infernals Story Prelude):

My beloved Creation, she despaired, naked and ashamed, I had worked so hard to save you. How could I know my work would be your undoing... She would have cried, but her tears had been spent long ago and were a luxury her Master no longer allowed.

He had stripped her of everything, raping her physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. He delved into the depths of her soul and mind taking what was his. When it was done, only a flicker of consciousness was left to her, enough to feel the pain. It was an agony that marked her, always present in her mind like a shadow clawing at her soul. Even now she felt it peeling back her thoughts like a rusty pairing knife against a rotten onion.

Then, he restored her, letting her grasp the full reality of how he had broken her mind, body, and soul. When he was satisfied she understood, he took her apart again, over and over, stretching through a thousand eternities, until torment and madness were all she knew and she craved them like mother's milk.

And she loved him for it.

She noticed, though, that no matter what he did to her, he always left her will intact. He never took her mind from her completely, instead choosing to mar it through atrocity and violation. Though deformed forever, if not in appearance then in spirit and mind, she was still herself. She was still Creation's savior. She was still mother to a Realm of malcontents and fiends.

She was still an Empress.

Twisted and warped as they were, her thoughts often turned back to her true love: Creation. All the work and effort she had spent molding and whipping it into a relative peace fostering moderate prosperity. The years of her elongated life spent craving more power to keep Creation's enemies satiated. It was all in vain. Now she would spend the rest of eternity in torment and misery. Death would never be a luxury granted to her, she knew.

As Ligier, the green sun, baked her torn and used flesh, she felt her Master approaching. The intimate connection she shared with him no longer felt foreign as it stirred an ecstatic dread deep within her heart. Chained to a high tower of mutated flesh and bronze, she looked over the demon-city below, hoping to glimpse him approaching as the smell of rent sinew and burning blood filled her nostrils. But she only saw teaming masses of demons in the corrupt streets and buildings that stretched beneath her.

Then, she felt him coiling around her body until she was plunged into an inky darkness that tasted and smelled of bile. The only sound she heard was her own ragged breathing and cold burned her skin. She couldn't see him, but she felt him slowly molesting her mind.

Before her, in the shadows, a green ichor began glowing as it bubbled and spirt out of a cauldron. Behind it, the massive face of her Master took shape. She felt nauseated as she looked upon his maligned horns and whiskers. His eyes of hellfire bored into her soul like a serrated knife.

His vast maw opened revealing hell itself in his throat. His voice peeled her skin away as he spoke, his tone low and echoing. With each word, the laughter of a thousand demons rang out in infernal harmony. "My infinitely damned Wife," he began, "The time for your use is upon us. The preparations for your infliction upon Creation have been made. We are ready. You shall step into the world and rend its rotten flesh free, exposing it to the glorious corruption of Hell. Rejoice in your gift, for this task is my labor. I shall assign you the finest Green Sun Princes as your honor guard and you shall begin the Reclaimation!"



The gods have erred. As the most favored champions of titans, it is your mission to rectify the problem of Creation. But you will not be the only ones who will decide the ultimate fate of Creation, for two grand powers are at work here: Green Sun Princes, demon-heroes of the Yozis; and Deathknights, world-killers of the Neverborn. Assuming the role of these Primordial Exalted, you will either reclaim or destroy Creation in the most grand service of your titanic masters.

But it is in the nature of the Exalted Host to define their own destinies, not only Creation's.


In Crossed Spears of Eschaton, the players will take the role of champions among the Exalted -- of rage and of destruction. Beginning as the most powerful and influential midst their peers, you will be given a profound task. But this will not be easy, if only because you will be the unknown variables of each other.

Crossed Spears of Eschaton will be a parallel game. One side will feature the Green Sun Princes as the protagonists of the story; the other, the Deathknights. Broadly synchronizing their actions and influence upon the world, their actions will perhaps affect the course of each others plans. Nothing is certain, as is the case of most Exalt's futures. But one truly is -- should both sides come close to their ultimate goal, there will be conflict.

Player characters will start play with a vast amount of experience and resources, befitting the station of the most favored champions of the titans. The Infernals shall receive the mission of enacting the Reclamation -- the Abyssals shall be tasked with the ultimate and total destruction of Creation. How will they achieve such grand plans? It is all up to the choices they make.

Game System Information:

Exalted is a game of heroic and villainous demi-gods putting their fingerprint on their world, called Creation, by channeling Essence–an energy that flows through everything and binds it together. Using this energy, the Exalted can achieve jaw-dropping and unbelievable feats. Because of this, the game ranges from nail-biting social conflict to pulse-driving movie-like combat scenes. So grab your daiklave and head into a world of ghosts, demons, and Gods.

Further information for Exalted can be found at White-Wolf's website.

Game Requirements:

  • Exalted 2nd edition core rulebook. Please be versed in the Exalted rules. If you are not, we're happy to work with you.

  • Exalted 2.5 Errata "Scroll of Errata"

  • Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals OR Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Game House Rules:

House Rules


All Craft abilities are now a single Craft. This means that Craft grants equal aptitude with blacksmithing, agriculture, architecture etc.

When rolling Craft for Esoteric crafts, they are limited by a single other ability, listed below:

Magitech: Lore

Genesis: Medicine

Fate: Occult

Glamour: Occult

Crafting small items roll Perception, crafting large items roll Intelligence.


Every purchase of a charm in a tree grants a free Excellency from that tree. Excellency requirements for charms CAN be met by the free Excellency gained after purchasing a charm.

The following charms grant a single free Ox-Body purchase, capped by your Essence. All Ox-Body purchases are capped by Essence rather than the old limit. Hardy charms either grant a single ox-body OR an excellency, chosen when the charm is taken.


Restless As The Dead

Corpse Needs No Food

Breathless Ghost Emulation

Cadaverous Torpor Technique

Plague Knows Its Master

Injury-Absorbing Discipline

Spirit-Hardened Frame

Wounds Mean Nothing

Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference

World-Denying Invincibility

Plague-Eating Kiss

Black Heart's Venom


By Pain Reforged

Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

By Agony Empowered

The King Still Stands

Driven Beyond Death

By Hunger Nourished

Blight Internalization Transcendence

By Rage Recast

Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai

Invulnerable Wounding Futility

Abalation of Brass and Fire

Scar-Writ Saga Shield

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton

Demon Emperor Shintai

Skyfire-Seizing Repast

Sun-Heart Furnace Soul

Rage-Stoked Inferno Soul

She Who Lives in Her Name

Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy (including each repurchase)

Wholeness Rightly Assumed (including each repurchase)

Force-Suppression Barrier

Heuristic Logos Shintai


Transcendant Desert Creature

Soul-Sand Devil Shintai


Unbound Freedom Infiltration

Splintered Gale Shintai

Running To Forever

Murder Is Meat

Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation

Hateful Wretched Noise


Mother Sea Mastery

Fathomless Poison Haven

Tidal Renewal Discipline

Sea Dissolves Herself

Sea Within Veins Prana

Great Mother's Tears

All-Devouring Depths Shintai

Bitter Heart Unbleeding


Combos work as written in the core rules and errata, except that all reflexive charms the character possesses are assumed to be automatically combo'ed in any charm activation.


Backgrounds may only be acquired through roleplaying after character creation. Backgrounds gained in play default to being Free Backgrounds. Free Backgrounds are subject to the whims of the story and can be lost easily. During play, the player can spend 3xp per dot to make them Fixed Backgrounds. Fixed Backgrounds, while not immutable, possess a degree of protection against plot events and will typically not be lost easily.

Character Creation Information:

Please use the character creation rules as written in the "Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals" or "Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals" books with the above "House Rules" and the following changes:

  • Maximum Essence 5

  • +100 XP

  • Free Bonus Health Levels:
    +3 (0-level) Health Levels.

  • +3 (-1-level) Health Levels.

  • +2 (-2-level) Health Levels.

  • +1 (-4-level) Health Level.

  • Merits and Flaws are NOT ALLOWED.

Ink Monkeys Charms may be used and are considered canon.
I soooooo want to be in. I'll make an Infernal. I have many different ideas so I am willing to wait to see what the other Infernals players want to make so I can compliment them.
Ah, good for you to bring that up! Characters for this game will be selected based on how they complement each other, as well as their mission. It's a tremendous task they are given, so the ability for teamwork will be necessary.

Just something to keep in mind!
Anyway, I was considering a Kimbery (or Malfeas)-favored Scourge, if others had some ideas they wanted to suggest. Alternately, I have a notion for a Slayer with SWLiHN favored. ]

In abyssal terms, I had a Daybreak or a Dusk caste concept in mind. Alternately, a huntress of a Day Caste. (Pictured in my avatar image.)
Someone with a bunch of Adorjan Charms could be fun. Than again, I like a lot of the different Charms that are out there.
I know! I absolutely adore Adorjan's entire charmset. Then again, my favorite part of the Solar/Abyssal charmset is the Athletics tree. (I started out playing Rogues and Barbarians in DnD 3.0, so...yeah.)

At the same time, I love all the possibilities inherent in Kimbery's poison charms and Malfeas' By Rage Recast bits.

Honestly...there isn't a yozi charmset I'm not fond of, so far. Even counting most of The Demented One's homebrew Infernal charms.
...ooh. Sign me up for this ASAP. :D

I've got a few Infernal concepts I'd love to actually play that've been sitting on the shelf for a while now.

Edit: And one of them happens to be a Scourge. >.>
Honestly, Demon-Tyrant Avatar Shintai is my single favorite charm in the game. Hands down.

Edit: What are the concepts you two have been pondering? (so we can see about getting a rough coven fleshed out, perhaps.)
Honestly, I'm up for playing any Caste, though I'd actually prefer not to play the Fiend (for once, if only to diverge from the fact that normally I'm always the Fiend).

I've got a high-compassion Malfean Malefactor based around the notion of leadership through example and bearing the suffering of others to act as an exemplar to promote strength in others.
The Scourge idea I've got is a former member of the Silent Legion that went a little spare when conflicting commands kept him from protecting the young girl he was tasked to defend during an assassination attempt. Charm-wise he's focused on hitting hard and fast (aka a lot of the more violent Adorjan charms) with a secondary focus in the defense-based Malfeas stuff.
Okay: I just realized I should get organized.

My Infernal ideas, by Caste:


  • Ex-Lookshyan Slayer/Defiler Caste with a Pyrrhian Urge and with SWLiHN/Malfeas favored. A former would-be Sorceror Engineer who failed to Exalt as a dragonblood. Or as a Solar. Fights to bring about a more ordered regimented, harmonious creation.Very much so not a people person.


  • Former elemental-blooded daughter of a Garda Bird. Born during Calibration. Firmly in the realm of Things that Should Not Be. In the good graces of the souls of Oramus due to her anomalous nature. High-Compassion. Malfeas-favored with a Cecelynian Urge. Seeks to Conquer creation in order to found a benevolent absolutism that encourages all to become strong enough to bear their own burdens.
  • Malefactor Caste with


  • Scourge with Kimbery Favored. Swashbuckler and adventurer. Erstwhile pirate.
And it is upon us at last. The beginning of the end. :) Fantastic job on the presentation WlfSamurai and Eszett and especially regarding that amazing artwork. Will be formulating my character concepts as the day progresses, hopefully. Initial thoughts are either of a Moonshadow or Day caste for Abyssals and a Fiend or Slayer Caste for Infernals.
Hmm, I have a Fiend who used to be attached to one of the Realm's Magistrates before that particular one was framed and executed (by another Fiend) who now wants to twist the Realm and Threshold into the broken caricature she believes it to be. Would use a Plasma Tongue Repeater with Cecylene favoured (Desert Creature stuff, mostly to start).
Sy'Veria, Malefactor


“Ah, what has brought me to this,” I think to myself as I watch, with admiration and awe in my passionate heart, the Bride as she was being tended a whole tower over. I brush aside strands of hair from my face and run a hand along my shapely form, my skin enjoying the gentle touch of my fingers. I sigh softly and wish to remember the time before times. Those days were gone though and I sink into the cushioned couch sighing in bliss. I bring the spiced wine to my lips and turn my eyes to the visage of power and beauty, the Bride.

My life was a hot and fast one, I was a Slave Dancer, she who wears thin silks and bounds around in harmonic seductive movements. This I remember. I remember then, only faintly, the boys and girls of my village who resented and desired me. I remember my passionate kisses upon lips to be a sign of my friendship. None saw it that way save maybe one girl. In fact it was because of this that got me hated and sold off to Chiaroscuro. My home village, I forgot to visit it these past few years.

I adjust myself and lay my hands on my slender tummy, a finger playing with the gem that lay there. “Ah yes Chiaroscuro,” I whisper to myself and close my eyes. There I sold myself flaunting my young teen form to the masses of men and women who wanted a playful slave. I of course didn’t understand it then, the rules I had made were not the rules people followed. I danced for my enjoyment and survival, I was not given food unless I pleased my masters. I had thought this foolish after a time, and the game got boring so I sought to leave but found myself unable to leave. The guard and restrained me by holding my long shimmering hair and my slender wrists and waited for me to tire before returning me to the place were me and other girls resided.

My freedom would come later, a year maybe two had passed, my beauty unsurpassed and I knew this. Only the Princes of the Earth could out do me. But I had long since grown bored of this game and this place, and the other slave girls had noticed a growing restlessness in me. They approached me late one cool night and brought to me plans to escape, to make lives for ourselves. Strong women, that was what they were. I agreed with them, and finalized the plan with them, and then came the night of the escape. Seducing the guards one by one we rendered them inactive and left their unconscious forms in the halls. Once we breached the main hall and freedom was in our grasp we found ourselves blocked, many of the Master’s men were there waiting for us with weapons drawn. I didn’t understand the threat then, I didn’t understand killing another person. It mattered little to me at the start. While the girls began to panic I took advantage of the chaos and slipped around and too a spot that I could escape with.

I was free. Or so I had thought. How bitter that night had become. As I climbed the wall and turned to look I saw one of the girls attack one of the men. The cries of murder were raised and I watched in horror as girls with dreams that I had encouraged fell to the ground blood gushing from stab wounds. I remember the crushing feeling of despair, I could have saved them. I could have protected them. I had failed in that, I had led them to their deaths. One of the guards spotted me with tears in my eyes and cried out, but I quickly leapt from the wall and roll into the darkness. I ran forever it had felt and in the darkness deep inside the city far away from the master’s house I cried brokenheartedly.

That was when I got my gift of power, when I became empowered to enact my vengeance against all of Creation’s power. The gods those hateful aloof beings, the Princes of the Earth, men who toyed with the hearts of others for nefarious means.

I was granted a palace and given many gifts, I was taught of power and of might, and I learned of the sorrowful story of the realm of demons. More cruelty from the masters of Creation! I remember the training, and I remember my first Coven. We didn’t get along well did we? Regardless I worked hard, though many could say I hardly worked and played a lot, it mattered little in the scheme of things. While my fellows destroyed or threatened I saved… or rather I turned. The people were miserable and it only takes a few words from someone like me to raise their hopes. Alleviating many from the threat of starvation and promised them that better days would come, all it would take is to demolish of the current order, an order that was a lie. I gathered a small cult in the early days, basking in their worship and gloating as gods started to lose their worshipers.

A finger brushes against my ear where the earrings lay, a ‘gift’ from an angered god. Many gods had sought to silence me, and most of them found themselves adorning my body. This was the case for many years. I lived to free the people from the lies of the gods and the powerful, and I leveled my ambitions to the pleasure houses of Chiaroscuro eventually. A plan had formed and absolutely fun plan. I would take the pleasure houses, rule them and from them I would corrupt and take the city. I would rescue Chiaroscuro from its lies through its pleasures. By then I had a nicely sized cult, one prostitution house was mine and I tended carefully to its needs.

I still remember however the words from the Things from my compatriots, some against me, some for me, and a lot more wary of me. One as weak seeming as I didn't survive so long on merit of seduction, a partial truth. Still I was a well respected member of the Althing, and I loved it. While many didn't flock to my side praising me, I still knew that my power was not to be easily questioned. The Masters were pleased with me, they did not admonish me, though I have worried that Malfeas doesn't see my method's forward or aggressive enough. Until Recently I had no idea what the Ebon Dragon thought of my methods, but it appeared that he had been watching me for quite some time.

I couldn’t focus fully in Chiaroscuro. The Reclamation demands service and when the masters call I have to answer. Bitterly I always followed. Villages were crumbling before us around Paragon as hearts were turned towards overthrowing the god of the place as well as resist the nearby city, and the Lap was easily weakening. An-Teng beyond the mountains even got a taste of my lovely dances, and I’m sure many await the day for my return as well. I have left my mark, I have twisted order and society, I have made the pleasures of the flesh a desired thing. I guess I suppose this is why I am here.

One has to understand the Ebon Dragon, he is of the corruptible sort, a being that thrives on turning society on its head. In that I can see a similarity. I make myself desired, perhaps he likes that sort of thing. So I was called to duty, the Ebon Dragon needed experienced Green Sun Princes, and I answered the call.

“Yes. To guard and support the Bride, for her power will purify the taint of the Blessed Isle,” I whisper to myself half drunk. Once the Blessed Isle fell, well, the Threshold will collapse in short order. I have promised myself to this duty, I will carry it through, I will be recognized for it, the people of Creation will have no other choice but to believe in our cause.

Motivation: To protect the Bride and her Mission at all costs.

Caste: Malefactor

Concept: Former Slave-Dancer/Songstress now Priestess of Desires

Urge: Capture and control the Chiaroscuro Harlotry and Slave systems to take control of Chiaroscuro’s population. (Cecelyne)

Patron: She Who Lives In Her Name

Intimacies: Cecelyne (Reverent Awe), The Bride (Protective Love), The Ebon Dragon (Wary Trust), The Reclamation (Strong Duty), Her new Covenmates (Playful Joy), Chiaroscuro (Desire to control), The Realm (Annoyance), Death (Fear), Being Mischievous/Playful (enjoyment), People of the South (Desire to free), Slavery (Contradictory dislike), Slavers and Slavemasters (hate), Gods (Hate).


Str ● - Dex ●●●●● - Sta ●●●

Cha ●● - Man ●●●● - App ●●●●●

Per ●● - Int ●●● - Wit ●●


Integrity ●● - Performance ●●●●● (Manipulating Hearts ●) - Presence ●●● - Resistance 0 - Survival 0

Archery ●● - Dodge ●●●● - Athletics ●● - Occult ●●●● (MHM Attacks ●●) - Socialize ●● (Deceiving Others ●)

Awareness ● - Lore ●● - Linguistics - ●●

Languages: Flamespeak | Old Realm, High Realm



Cecelyne Cult

Cult ●●●

The Dancer's Cult of Passions, this cult was born from the masses of the South, from one Pleasure House in Chiaroscuro who slowly turn the lonely and disenfranchised to her side to the reserved people of An-Teng's fishing villages. They are not terribly active and worship her in secret, when the Reclamation turns hot they will come to her aid in helping turning more to her cause. With Sy'Veria's growth they have unified their method's and communications allowing easier activity among the various places in the South.


Cecelyne Demons


Cecelyne Demons

Infamy ●●●●

Sy'Veria is very loyal to the Reclamation, perhaps even willfully blind to the cruelty that it actually brings, but she enjoys twisting and corrupting the whole of Southern Society, nothing brings her more joy than seeing former Slaver and Slave Masters turned into slaves themselves, nothing else creates in her a sense of accomplishment than when she has gods sacrificed to Cecelyne. Sy'Veria's efforts are well known to the whole of the Thing, not that she cares overly much what others thinks but the perks of being one of the top Infernals in Malfeas can be addicting at times and she will strive to keep her place.


Backing 4 (Reclamation)

Mentor 4 (Reclamation Yozi)

Influence 4 (Demon Realm)

Resources 4

Used Temporary Benefits

SWLiHN Manse 2 - With Impervious Diamond Heart Hearthstone, her current Demon Realm Residence.

Artifact 2 - Vitriol tainted Starmetal Discreet Essence Armor

Manse ●●●

The Crimson Tainted Oasis - This Vitriol Manse is a beautifully constructed pyramid that towers over a pure looking Oasis of lush trees and green plants. Around the Pyramid lie four Malfean Black Pillars each lying at the Pyramid's cardinal directions and etched with Old Realm words that praise the Endless Desert. In a place that has become a trade route between Gem and the rest of the South it remotely attempts to corrupt the distant city. It provides a Stone of Chrysalis.

Unwoven Coadjutor

Ara'Vaine, guides Sy'Veria usually with seductive manipulation or less often sincerity.

Sukari, Custom Demon, nothing else though just for appearance and attitude. Think Succubi in appearance, manipulative, and are generally thieves, assassins, information gatherers.


Malfeas Charms

Devil Hardened Body x 1 (Free)

Cecelyne Charms

First Cecelyne Excellency x 5

Sorcerous Enlightenment (Emerald)

Hellscry Chakra

Transcendent Desert Creature

Sands Through Finger Defense

Locust Mana Plague

Spawning Pit Sanctification

Holy Land Infliction

SWLiHN Charms -

First She Who Lives In Her Name Excellency x 5

Factual Determination Analysis

Essence Dissecting Stare

Mind Hand Manipulation x 1

Principle Invoking Onslaught

Constructive Convergence of Principles x 3

Will-Crushing Force

Crystal-Fire Barrier

Counter-Conceptual Interposition


Compassion ●●●● - Conviction ●● - Temperance ● - Valor ●●

Willpower 9/9

Torment 0/10 (Cecelyne)

Essence ●●●●●

Personal Pool 24/24

Peripheral Pool 53/53

Combat Block

TK Blow

-S:5 A:15 D:5B/2 PDV:7 R:5 Range:14-

TK Clinch

-S:6 A:15 D:5B/2 R:1 Range:14-

TK Blade

-S:5 A:15 D:5L/2 P (Agg to Creatures of the Wyld) PDV:7 Range:14-

07 - DDV

08 - MDV

03 - JB

Soak 3B 1L

Armored: 8B 6L 5A

Hardness: 3B 3L

Health [/ - X - *]

-0 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ] [ ] [ ]

-X [ ]

-D [ ]

BP 0/18

14 Essence 2- 4

4 Willpower 5 > 9

XP 1/100

32 Essence 4 > 5

08 Charm: (Cecelyne) Spawning Pit Sanctification

24 Charm: (SWLiHN) Constructive Convergence of Principles

08 Charm: (SWLiHN) Will-Crushing Force

08 Charm: (SWLiHN) Crystal-Fire Barrier

08 Charm: (SWLiHN) Counter-Conceptual Interposition

06 Background: Cult 1 > 3

06 Background: Infamy 2 > 4
As much as I'd love to play an Infernal AND an Abyssal, I can see that there is already a cacophony of Infernals signing up so, I shall play my Abyssal. I find the House Charm Rules a little odd and I query why they were chosen and what the intent of them is?

EDIT: is it 3xp per dot to buy backgrounds after standard chargen but during spending the +100xp or do we also have the option of calling them 'free' backgrounds?

Twisted Basalt Shard of Joy and Despair

Caste: Midnight Caste

Concept: Zealot & warrior-priestess

Motivation: To destroy the joy of life

Standing at the side of her Master, the Abyssal graced by her masters with the title Twisted Basalt Shard of Joy’s Despair whispered her name to the horrors deep beneath the world whom consumed it utterly.

Basalt Shard, Twisted Basalt, Twisted Despair, known by which ever combination of her title suits her whimsy, she only remembers her betrayal in the bedchamber by the one she loved and the arms of death squeezing her throat. Pleasure undeniable in its’ intensity and demands broke first her body then her mind washing away any memory of life underneath the Sun. With her life and the unbearable sensations ebbing away Twisted Despair was offered to suckle on the teat of Oblivion and latched on with her new razor sharp teeth.

Like the many wretches of the afterlife, Shard takes joy in neither pleasure nor pain, victory nor sacrifice. Nothing except a bored ennui and adoration of her Deathlord. All that gives her existence solace is the burning in her heart for Master and the warm satisfaction of warping the Living and the Dead into twisted reflections of themselves and nudging them towards Oblivion. Her only regret is that she must wait until the last soul has been devoured by the pit before she can join them all.

As she leads prayer services for the Masters’ chosen the Whispers of the End of All Things wrap tightly around her like a cloak. They tell her things. She listens. And obeys.
Coyotekin said:
The Verdant Emptiness Charms for Cecylene are some of my favorite
I also <3 the VEE Charms from Cecylene and long to play a 'May your wish be granted' style genie and corrupter in the Realm.
The Charm House Rules were chosen so those charms aren't XP sinks and you can focus your concept more with cooler signature charms. In addition, we like making you guys a bit hardier. :D

The background rule in House Rules is for AFTER character creation only. Please purchase backgrounds as normal following the Character Creation rules in either book.
How do the house rules work for Infernals since they are required to purchase Essence x First Excellency for their Charms?

EDIT: You may want to make clear if playing a character in both games is allowed or not ^_^
I changed the wording for the Excellencies in the Charms section. It should be clearer. For Infernals, the only change is you're not gaining an Excelleny in an Ability but in a Yozi.
WlfSamurai said:
I changed the wording for the Excellencies in the Charms section. It should be clearer. For Infernals, the only change is you're not gaining an Excelleny in an Ability but in a Yozi.
Just to make sure I've got this right. Say that I'm working on an Infernal that's Essence 3. As long as I nab three charms from the tree that I want the Excellency in, the freebie excellencies will cover the normal requirement, correct?

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