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Fantasy Crimson Streets

Drinking tea in a single gulp?!! This villainness!! How can you dare not to cherish, not to enjoy every moment of the taste, revel in the care with which the leaves were cut before being allowed to melt?!!
Sorry,Dragongal i just haven't been overly intrested in the rp as of late.its my only fault than any one else ,so i guess i'll put in my resignation so i don't drag any rp progression .
Yes, my character is ready to go. Sorry I haven't been posting recently, I have been really busy. I will be relatively free this weekend, but will post when I can for the rest of the week, but my RT won't be great. Sorry about that. :(
You guys can all still walk and talk and chat, I'm typing up the GM post about the castle now. It might take a bit, though, so, chat with each other if'ns you like.

You are all (in the main group) In motion toward the gates now.

@ataraxiandream will we see your characters when we pass through the gates? I need to know before I can make the GM post.
ataraxiandream said:
Elara is already headed toward the castle, so I don't think so.
Thanks! :) Looks at GM post, thinking, "So many adjectives... why am I such a descriptive person?" xD

Since you are ahead of the group, you will likely be there before them; your character will be kept waiting in the courtyard. However, she won't be waiting long, don't worry. When I make the post, you have first right to post before ANYONE. Ok?
I've got a post ready in my head, but I'm heading to a party and can't exactly get it typed up beforehand. The group will come across Isaac as he walks to the castle at his whimsical pace.

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