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Fantasy Crimson Skies (Vampires and Lycans)


Shirtless Conversationalist

In 1700's England, a war was in full swing. Vampires and werewolves had been fighting for what seemed like centuries, keeping to the shadows, a world long forgotten. No one knows how the war started, but for every vampire or werewolf, they knew their orders; find and kill the enemy.

Through the years, the war died down slowly. Neither side had made any progress in centuries, just lost thousands of their kind. They needed something else, something to help them gain an advantage over their opponents.

Every species knew about the legends, about the secrets that tried to remain hidden. A small group of humans were their only hope to win the war. But for centuries, neither side knew how to find these humans, or even how they were special. They were both determined to find them, though. Werewolves needed their blood to make them stronger, and the vampires wanted to turn them, to use their powers, which would be enhanced by the vampiric transformation, to destroy the werewolves once and for all.

In modern times, a group of humans are special in every way. Very bright and all hold a special ability. While none of them know where their abilities came from, they all know that they need to keep it a secret. A secret from what, they couldn't tell you. But it was important that they did.

Late one night, one of the girls from the group was walking home from an outing with friends. She took a shortcut through an alley, happy and relaxed. That is, until one of the midnight creatures came and surprised her. Hungry, he attacked the girl, expecting an easy meal. Until she used her powers to stop him. But while it might have saved her life, that one vampire knew how to find the special humans. He ran back and told his leader and word spread like wildfire.

The girl ran home, blood dripping down her neck. It didn't take long for the vampires to find her. They sat outside, waiting for her to leave or for one of the other to appear. But the sun rose before she left, and the second sunlight hit, she ran, making her way to the train station. The girl called her friends, warning them of what they were running from.

But what they all came to realize one way or another was that they couldn't run and hide. They had three choices; join the vampires and fight for the freedom they would never know again, be killed by the werewolves, or stay, fight, and hope for survival.


1. All RPN rules apply to this thread.

2. When (and if) your character and another character begin to get romantic, fade to black once the clothes come off.

3. Please, no godmodding.

4. I understand you all have lives. But if you're not going to be on for an extended amount of time, please let us know.

5. Absolutely no one-liners. I want at least 2 paragraphs, 5 detailed sentences in each post.

6. Your character must be approved before you post.

She had been out all night, hips swaying to the fast beat, a drink in her hand all night. She laughed with her group of friends, getting more and more drunk as the night progressed. The shy girl that she usually was was no longer there, and instead she was this talkative butterfly, as happy as could be. The end of the night was beginning to roll around. The lights in the club came back on, people were pushing out of the building, and little Sansa stood on the sidewalk, waving her goodbyes to her friends before turning on a heel and walking through the streets. The girl hummed herself as she moved, hips still moving to the sound that resonated in her head. The girl didn't live far, but a walk was a walk, and in this town, anything could happen.

And it did.

The moment her body turned into an alley, she was pinned against the brick wall, shadows hiding the two from wandering eyes. But she could see in the dark quite well; she could see the sharp features of the man, the crimson eyes and the lips that were pulled back in a snarl. She didn't move, didn't scream, just peered into his eyes, imagining him letting her go. His grip loosened and his face relaxed, but suddenly, the creature growled, parting his lips and plunging his teeth into her neck. Sansa let out a whimper then, moving her hands to press against him. Suddenly, the man was on the ground, writing in pain as the electricity that flowed from her was bouncing around in his body. As soon as she hit the ground, her feet began moving, ignoring the throbbing pain on her neck.

She took the stairs three at a time, fumbling for her keys and opening it suddenly once it was finally unlocked. Was he following her? Was he hungry for more? Was it wrong to use her abilities to fend him off? If only her mind control had worked. It almost did. The girl didn't even move to get herself cleaned up for a long time. Just sat in the middle of her living room, wondering if the stories of vampires being unable to enter one's home without permission was true.
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