Crimson Canines (Complete!)

Evie followed Komodo and the others to the mess hall but almost immediately regretted it. While she was mostly dry now, her clothes felt stiff and uncomfortable. She was sick to her stomach anyway after the meaningless slaughter today. Simon offered her soda, which she took and then excused herself from the group.

Evie headed into the locker room, sipping her soda and hoping for an empty shower room. But when she entered, she saw Sarah and a few other girls who were far worse off than Evie. Forgetting her own discomfort, Evie approached the group.

"Hey, happened? Are you alright?" The woman was covered in mud and looked like she'd been crying.

@Zer0 @Orpheus @Commissar Darman
"We can't find our friend!" sobbed the mud splattered girl. "Who are you?"

"This is Alice." pointed a short brunette at her mud-splattered friend. "I'm Leah, and this is Maya." the girl with the long black hair said hi to Evie in a distracted sort of way, she looked like she was in a hurry ro go.

"Are you on duty?" asked Leah, "Do you want to help us?"

@Musical Dragon
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"Sarah was in the center of a lysaur herd, then she was attacked by flayers." Komodo Rhino told Robert quickly. "Simon fired some shots which caused the stampede . . . "

He turned to Simon and the rest who were present. "Listen, I think those flayers are in the site. We need to stop construction, patrols-everything, and bring everyone inside the common room and put them all to sleep with a couple of Evie's grenades." he said in a firm voice. "To do that we have to break into the communications room and make an announcement ordering everyone into the habitat module, and we also need to make contact with The Boss . . ." he paused for a moment before adding, "But first we need to knock out Master Sergeant Axel."

@Orpheus, @CkSmalling

(OOC: Anyone can join in this scheme.)
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"I think I can do that." Connor said, rolling his shoulders a little to loosen them up. "He shouldn't be to much trouble. Especially if he doesn't see it coming." Plus he was a kind of large guy. He wasn't fat, he didn't really look it. He was dense.
Sarah still stood as the others talked. It seemed someone went missing. Hearing Evies voice Sarah decided to make her presence known. Coming up behind Evie, Sarah spoke up. "yea we're off duty." Stopping right next to Evie she whispered to Evie. "I think Flayers are involved."
"I'm Evie, hi," Evie said, trying to smile. "I'm off duty too." While it wasn't the best time for her, maybe helping would take her mind off things. "I'm in."

"Just let me..." Evie hurried over to her locker to grab a jacket. When she turned around Sarah was waiting, looking worried.

"Flayers?" she whispered, swallowing hard. "Crud. Then they definitely need our help."

Her voice returned to a normal volume as she addressed the others. "Let's go. And I want to know exactly what happened."

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman
"Alright," said Komodo Rhino, nodding at Connor. "Anyone else wants to go with him? I'll be with the group breaking into the comms room." he looked at them all before adding. "If we fail or if someone finds out, we'll be discharged or worse, executed."

@Beowulf, your character sees Master Sergeant Axel enter the common room where he sat down with some men around a table to eat an early lunch.
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The three girls led Sarah and Evie out the women's barracks, through the common room where Komodo Rhino, Grizzly, Robert, Connor, and a few others were all speaking in hushed tones in their table, and out into the howling storm that still wasn't letting up.

The three girls mounted their mechas and waited for Sarah and Evie, talking all the while about their missing friend.

"My friend-her name's Angel-she was moving one of those dead lysaurs away together with the others into a forest near this lonely spire of rock where you can usually find Avias flying around," said Alice quickly, marking the location of the spire in their mini-maps with an orange dot. "That was the last anyone saw of her- I can't believe they didn't notice she wasn't with them when they came back! We thought she was here in the construction site, but she didn't answer back through her comms, we looked and asked around but nobody saw her enter the habitat module. So now our squad's looking for her around the spire, but so far we haven't found anything."

@Musical Dragon , @Commissar Darman
didnt really know what to do on that point. komodo seemed o jump t the thought of a plan all too quickly, though it was a good plan hed rather not have to risk himself all the more, he needed some time to understand the situation first before deciding on what to do.

"Ill go in the field then to observe the Flayers. itll be under the pretense of construction work, and ill be able to look out for anything that may happen"

he got up after taking a fry and proceeded to the locker room to grab his gear and mech,

"You can contact me once you've done the deed and ill notify you of any happenings. i can even set up a rendevouz point if ever"

he took off afterwards.

@Zer0 @Beowulf @CkSmalling
"Go with Sarah!" called Komodo Rhino. "You won't be able to find them in this storm, they don't show up in the mecha sensors."

Oh great, he hadn't thought to far ahead. He had just expected to put the guy out in a good hit to the back of the head. But instead there were a few oters he had to maie sure didn't see. Ah screw it, he'll distract him, at least for the time being. Pulling up a seat next to Sergant Axel, he says to no one imparticular, "Do you know if you can tame a sharkwolf? There's a pack running around with a pup, I saw it while out on patrol in that storm. They'd lost their pup and I found it. I can tell you they weren't to happy about it. Then I gave it back and they were all calmed down. In fact, I think they trust me a little bit now because of it."
"You should have kept it." replied one of the men around the table to Connor. "The professors in the wildlife dome have been looking to capture breeding mothers with their pups. I think they want to see if the monsters can be trained as companions for mecha squads."

Master Sergeant Axel chortled. "You can't even put a leash around them . . . they don't have necks." he looked like he was about to be finished eating.

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The three girls led Sarah and Evie to the spire in Lysaur Valley. It was a ten minute flight through the dark roaring gale, until finally they saw a black lonely tower of rock towering up to the sky. @Commissar Darman, your suit is giving warning signs that the predicted path of the eye of the storm was going to hit the spire.

A clump of blue arrows symbolizing mechas appeared in their navigations system some distance from the massive lonely outcrop of rock where a handful of mechas were huddled up and the pilots seemed to be discussing something. Upon spotting Evie, Sarah, and the three girls, they signaled them to land.

The group matched communication frequencies with the squad and they overheard the conversation.

"It's no good, Alice, the storm's getting worse!" said one girl. "We're heading back!"

There was silence for a while on Alice's end, until finally she said, "I understand," in a disappointed but resolute voice, "but I'm going to keep on looking!"

"Us too!" said Maya and Leah. "Evie, Sarah, you two should go back." Leah told them.

It could be some sort of interference in your character's suit because of the storm, @Commissar Darman, but for a moment it was as though it detected a creature bigger than 'Colossal' class somewhere above you, then disappeared, but there was nothing under the storm clouds.

@Musical Dragon
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Robert listened in on the plan, making mental notes on whwat would go down. Knocking down a Master Sergeant wqs not by qny chance, going to be easy but since there are volunteers, he did nit fight them.

"So Komodo, what do i do? At least i have some idea of what happened and i can live with that."

Simon nodded to komodo understanding the situation and went off to his locker.

"Keep in contact if anything happens"

He took a black device and hid it in the confines of his pocket whilst taking his bow, his handgun, Molly and the ever useful knife and set off to the mech hangar

His N-00B unit looked better without the Bile and blood surrounding covering it. All cleaned up and ready to go. He juggled the gun in his hand and Holstered it sighing at the events that had transpired. He docked inside and inserted his identification to start the mech. Equipping it with a bayoneted rail rifle.a more silent type of gun.

"Activate visual overlay, begin communications diagnostics, mobility systems check...."

After preparations. He gripped the camera in his Molly for good luck as he always does and fired off his thrusters taking off along with several other mechs that did the same.

"Eddy, locate Sarah Bishop's ID signal and set our navigation en route to her location"

A few affirmative blips from the AI and his navigation overlay gave a route to Sarah's location at the time. Oddly enough they were at the Avia spire he planned to visit once the storm cleared up. He followed the route and kept radio silence with Connor, Komodo and Robert just to keep up with any happenings


@Zer0 @Commissar Darman @Musical Dragon @CkSmalling @Beowulf
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Vikram crawled out of his bed, a bit of drool on his pillow. His bed was a mess, his hair was a mess, everything was a mess! He had forgotten to switch off the lights or the soft music playing in the room. After his encounter with Axel, he had just gone to his room and collapsed in a pile, his energy drained out of him. It had been a long time since he'd received a beating like that. His bones still ached.

He got up, switched off the harsh white light, and went inside his bathroom, stripping his clothes off on the way. He got into the shower and told his room's AI to turn the music to full, hoping it would drown out the sound of his thoughts. Why? I tried to do something right. This is not how things are supposed to happen. Every time the water touched his bruises, a flaring pain went through his body. He stumbled out of the shower, wiping his head and face, the only parts of his body Axel hadn't tried to break.

Axel had broken so much more. Vikram had always coasted on top, away from what he thought were the ramblings and happenings of common soldiers. After all, he had always been special. A star academic, a smart fighter, and a wise tactician to that! This transfer was supposed to be a breeze. He thought he would only have to pull strings here and there, and rise to the top where he belonged. Never had he thought he would have to deal with pathetic mid-ranking officers who tried to act smarter than they were. Looking into the mirror, he only found anger in his eyes, a passion to break the man who had broken him. He gripped the wash basin on its sides, his knuckles turning white. He looked down, his breath almost choking, and saw his nails turned white. Gasping, he let go of the sink and stumbled a few steps back, his gaze caught by his own reflection. He walked back to the mirror, looking into his own eyes, as if reassuring himself. With steel in his voice, to no one in particular, he announced, "Master Sergeant Axel. You've stirred something that should never have been touched. Now you wait."

And he strode out of the bathroom, into the dark of his room.
Controlling a mech was much harder in a storm, and this storm seemed set on knocking Evie off course. The sensors were going crazy, marking rocks as enemies and flashing warnings of large creatures overhead. When the girls arrived at the spire, Evie was exhausted. There was already a group of mechs waiting, but they quickly explained that they were giving up. Evie could understand why - in this weather it would be nearly impossible to find a lysaur, nevermind a human.

"I'll stay," Evie said, surprising herself. She could use a challenge to take her mind off things. "Sarah?" She would understand if the woman wanted to go back. Knowing that there were flayers out there only made it worse.

Evie turned to the remaining mechs. "Where did you last see Angel?" They could start there and spread out in a circle. But if the flayers had gotten Angel like Evie feared, then they were already too late.

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman
Sarah just stared at the sky. Her sensors picked up something big just a moment ago but now it was gone. "Huh?" turning to look at Evie. "oh yea I'm staying too, besides the Eye will be hitting soon." Taking one last glance at the sky, Sarah passed the alert as interference. Taking up position beside Evie, Sarah maxed out the sensitivity of her suits sensors. She wasn't going to be surprised this time. "So did anyone bring a flamer unit? there are Flayers in the area and they seem quite aggressive."
Only Evie, Sarah, Leah, Maya, and Alice remained in the vicinity.

"They last saw Angel there by the dead lysaur, Evie." said Leah pointing into the stormy dark. The orange dot in their mini-maps moved to the silhouette of a hill beside the spire, which was actually the corpse of the gargantuan creature.

"No flamers." Maya told Sarah. "We're all N-00B's here. But don't worry about the flayers, they can't do anything if you're inside a mecha." she said ignorantly, "Just stomp on them."

@Commissar Darman, your suit picked up ten medium sized life-forms inside the spire, along with more than a hundred tiny ones, and six huge ones but located above. Upon inspection of the great outcrop of rock, there is a dark cave with a narrow crack as an opening wide enough for people to squeeze through.

@Musical Dragon
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@Orpheus , your character's mecha flew by a group of other N-00Bs heading for the construction site. They kept telling you to go back since the storm was getting worse. Lightning flashed overhead illuminating five other mechas with their lights blaring beneath the spire in the distance.

It was Evie and Sarah accompanied by three other girls.

The wind picked up. Rattling and clunking sounds bounced off your machine as bits of twig and leaves hit it. Then a gale struck, suddenly pushing your mecha a few meters to the left. The storm's howling was getting worse, soon it won't be safe to fly.

Simon struggled with his mechs controls trying to get a bit more altitude. At this rate he might crash at any time but he had to get closer. I bursted off his thrusters a bit more to get a few meters close to the spire. His systems flaring up seeing the danger of flying.

"No use.... I have to get down."

He landed once he got closer now a walking distance from the group. He had to contact them now, whatever they're doing its gonna get worse if they stay there.

"Bishop, Griffin.. Come in. This is Strangelove, there's a powerful storm coming in and it won't be safe to fly soon enough. Let's get back to base"

He kept a feel of his surroundings making sure nothing is awry

"Take everyone with you as well. I'm just a few meters away"

@Zer0 @Musical Dragon @Commissar Darman
"You're with us, Robert." said Komodo Rhino. "Let's go." He, Grizzly Sloth, and the others stood up and made their way outside the habitat module and into the pouring rain. The comms room was located in another smaller module a few meters away from the main habitat on the highest point of the hill where electric wires branched out from a pole with a blinking red light.

There was one combat grade mecha crouching beside the smaller habitat module. It was larger and bulkier than the N-00Bs and was more than twenty-five feet tall. It was armed with a giant sniper rifle and was looking through the scope, scanning the area outside the construction site from left to right. Upon closer inspection, it was actually an Amber Fox mecha and the pilot was none other than Sora, leader of the Amber Fox rescue team the squad worked with weeks ago. Opposite him some meters away was another sniper mecha, this time a Crimson Canines model, scanning the opposite half of the construction site, but they couldn't see who the pilot was.

Komodo Rhino slowed his walk. "It's Sora. Should we bring him in on the plan?" he asked Robert and Grizzly Sloth.

Grizzly Sloth just shrugged. "You two make the call. I'm going in." and he disappeared inside the small habitat module.

"We've got a problem." came Grizzly's voice later. "It's someone's birthday so there's about twelve people inside the comms room. How do we knock them all out?"


(OOC: Anyone who wants to join in on this is still welcome. I will move this part of the story forward tomorrow)
A strong gale blew against the inflatable habitat module, pushing the walls of carbon fiber mesh of the Common Room inside like a balloon.

"Whoa!" cried a lot of soldiers as some boxes of supplies stacked against the wall came tumbling down. The storm was really getting worse.

Master Sergeant Axel ate the last of his steamed potatoes and fried bullymong meat, stood up, then said, "Let's go, Corporal." to one soldier with heavily tattooed arms who had finished eating earlier and was just chatting and joking with some guys.

"Later." said the tattooed man to the guys and followed the Master Sergeant out of the Common Room and out into the thundering storm.

They seem to be heading for an area where inactive mechas were standing in the rain. Other than the two, there were two combat grade sniper mechas in the area one of which was piloted by Sora, but their eyes were looking through their scopes and scanning outside the construction site. There was also Robert and Komodo Rhino who were walking slowly some meters away towards the smaller habitat module where the comms room was located.

Master Sergeant Axel and the Corporal are walking side by side along a well lit path towards the inactive machines. By default, the average soldier is proficient in close quarter-combat, but your character seems stronger than the both of them combined.

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"If Angel is anywhere nearby, she's in there," Evie said, motioning to the spire. "Right where the flayers are." Great, just great. The others were oblivious to just how dangerous a nest of flayers could be. Luckily the tranquilizer bombs Evie had seemed to work well enough. Though a flame thrower would be better.

"Strangelove?" Evie echoed, struggling to remember who that was. "Sorry, you're not coming through very well. Where are you?" Her mech swayed in the wind as she turned to look for Simon's mech. "And we can't leave yet - we have a missing person out here."

As Simon got closer, she added, "But I think I know where she is. If you could help, we might get out of here faster."

Slowly her mech turned to Sarah's. "The entrance looks pretty small. Looks like we're going in without our mechs." The situation was just getting worse and worse.

@Zer0 @Orpheus @Commissar Darman
'Screw it.' Connor thought to himself as the Corporal and Axel left. 'How hard can insubordination be anyways? All I gotta do is give them a good wallop and the rest can bail me out.' And with that encouraging thought, he got up and followed after bye two. Soon enough he saw them, caught up to them, and wound up to give one a solid blow to the back of the head.

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