Crimson Canines (10x)

Connor, realizing his ammunition could do little more then put a ding in the things armor, never the less kept firing. What else could he do? Roll over and wait for the thing to kill him? He had been through far worse and survived. It wouldn't be fitting to end up dying right here all because of some scorpion that decided to dig around in the dirt in the wrong place at the wrong time. But then he remembered, someone had been torn up rather badly by it. And he was still there, no one having gone over to help him in the slightest.

"Keep firing at that damn thing. Keep it right there." he shouted at the others as he strafed closer towards Grey, firing off a few more bursts before turning and dashing towards him. "And you don't make this harder then it has to be." he said, sliding to a crouch next to the downed man and letting the lmg hang by it's strap at his side. Throwing Grey over his shoulder, he began to fireman carry Grey and hustle away from the large scorpion. His back was to it, and he didn't like it. But what was he supposed to do? Run backwards, fire his lmg one handed, and risk tripping over something and missing? No thank you.
As Alexandria sprinted, bullets flew past her, missing her by inches at times. Obviously they weren't too good at controlling where they sprayed their bullets. Either way, the scorpion was drawing near. Alexandria slapped a button on the mine, and the default fifteen second countdown began. She was right by the scorpion now, and leapt to the side to avoid being accidentally stepped on. In a swift smooth motion, Alexandria slid below the scorpion, and leapt upwards. She slammed the mine into the bottom of the scorpion, with seven seconds remaining. With a soft landing, she took of springing out from under the scorpion. However she left her back wide open to the scorpion as she ran, perhaps a costly mistake.
Alerius looked over as Connor sprinted toward Grey and lifted him up. Using his jump boosters he covered the distance between them and landed in a roll. Using the distraction Alexandria made by sprinting in there to deftly swap out Ammo types. Pocketing the two remaining Gauss rounds and popping in a Cylander of his Full metal jacket 44 caliber rounds. Covering the last few feet on foot he was now directly behind Connor guarding his back. Emptying the cylinder into the Scorpion's pretty bug face, aiming for the eyes and mouth.

" CONNOR! I GOT YOUR BACK JUST RUN!" He called out as he dropped the first cylinder and slid another one home, and in a little under a second was firing once more. He was waiting for the explosion to come and would keep firing until it did. "Everybody back away!" He called.

tammynorthland tammynorthland InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum Soviet Panda Soviet Panda BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader CkSmalling CkSmalling
Bade had been distracting from attacking Alexandria, but at the command of Alerius, Bade started rushing away from the giant arachnid. He was slower than most of the crew due to his suit not being built for direct speed. Though he was in the back of the now fleeing group, Bade continued to run. If he slowed down even a little, he would become scattered with the scorpion’s remains. Bade headed for a ditch like area in the sand.

“This is going to look awesome when it explodes!” he said over the com-links for the whole group to hear. “Nice going, Alexandria.”

tammynorthland tammynorthland InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum Soviet Panda Soviet Panda CkSmalling CkSmalling @Adel featherfall
Grey gave his gratitude under his breathe to the savior who took him away from the emperor scorpion. He felt the pain shoot through his shoulder with anger. The body not allowing him to move in the slightest. He was at a complete disadvantage here. Not only could he not fire, he couldn't even move. His cheap metal armor took most of the blow but still took toll on his flesh from the beast. He was lucky he wasnt dead...yet.

The Mine successfully locked onto The scorpion from Alexandria. Meanwhile the timer was ticking down. The gunfire almost hitting a couple of each other. This wasnt an easy fight at all. Nothing was hurting the armor. The scorpion begun to crush the Scout under its massive claws which showed that even it was struggling. The fuel cell got punctured underneath all the pressure from the claw gripping into it. metal begun to crunch and tweak. Glass begun to break. shattering all over the claw and bouncing off onto the ground into the soft sand. That made it even tougher to move around at least for some of the soldiers who were aiding in the attack. the fuel cell was leaking more and more fluid. Finally the mine ticked out.

A first massive explosion occurred underneath the thorax of the scorpion as it shrieked in terror and blood curdling pain. Only seconds after the first blast the second one went off. It came from the gas lighting on fire from the scout causing it to pop like a giant metal balloon blasting apart the scorpions head and claw clean apart as it shrieked in terror flailing around. The massive fireball consumed the beast with ease as black smoke erupted into the sky like a wildfire. The thorax was probably heating up melting its insides by now and the explosion from the mine didn't help in terms of exposing its vitals. The body flailed and bucked around for a solid minuted while the group all sprinted away from the flame ball of live meat and inards as the smoke begun to cook the body. The scorpion slowed and slowed before collapsing sending sand into the air as it finally stopped moving.


The group assessed the situation first. They moved the scout back over to where Grey was who was then getting helped out by Gears in medical. Gears was not a doctor. However he did know a thing or two about the wildlife in the area. After further analysis of Grey he gave him a shot into his arm where the scrape was. The giant emperor scorpion hunted by using paralyzing venom which it would inject into its victim and then capture it and take it back into its burrow where it would then feast on it underground. The fact Grey got scathed he was lucky he didn't get hit directly. The shot was an anti-paralyze which would soon flow through his blood stream and allow him to move once again. However in order to get full recovery it would take at least a couple hours to move around perfectly. Even an indirect him managed to make a human completely incapacitated.

Grey opened his mouth and spoke to Gears. "I think duct tape will fix the scout dont ya think?" He mumbled regaining some of his movement.

Gears shook his head. "Ok smart ass. Your lucky your alive. Even more lucky I bring needed supplies when we have to venture out this far from Manchine town."

After assessing the situation they managed to get back on the road abandoning the scout which had nothing of use leftover inside. Along with very little that could be salvaged in terms of explosives and medical gear. Gears thanked Alexandria with compassion. Something the spunky asshole didn't do often. The new soldier was still outside the scout as they were loading in. Gears went up and begun to investigate the newcomer.

"I believe I do not recognize you? Who are you and what the fuck are you doing this far out here?" Gears wasn't exactly polite about the scenario.

( BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader feel free to engage in a convo and explain your purpose of having to meet up with a rendezvous group for your specialized assistance.)

Gears nodded his head slowly. Before asking for ID. Which the man complied prominently. Followed by the cue to hop in. "You definitely got fucking lost dude."



As the group neared the rendezvous location they prepared. It was definitely part of the freedom fighters. However there was so much support. They were even getting outside entities that were becoming familiar about the cannement whether it was directly or indirectly. There was plenty of assistance. They made it to the point finally on top of a plateau canyon that was inaccessible without locker axles and 4x4. This must have been why the man named Bade had such a hard time finding it.

upon getting the the point it was just about to be dusk. the group parked and got out. They were quickly greeted by some of the other freedom fighters. Glad to see you made it guys." Greeted a woman with an enchanting voice. "Did you guys come across someone named Bade? He was supposed to be here several hours-" The girl stopped upon seeing the man make his appearance from the truck. "Oh......Your late, but better than never. We chose you for a reason." She took a breathe before sliding her side arm bowie knife pistol into her holster. "Anyway for those who dont know me I'm Jawz. One of the commanders of the freedom fighters like your new friend Grey over there." She said seeing Grey stretch his arms and legs as he got out with his shoulder coated in a fresh bandage. His movement full again.


"I see you can never not be wreckless." Jawz said as Grey rolled his eyes.

"Nice to see you sweetheart." Grey replied nicely.

The girl begun walking with them to the fire. The dinner was just getting finished up. They were serving up some fresh desert potato, steamed scorpion meat, and some wasteland coyote that was bagged by one of the 5 freedom fighters.

"Eat up guys. We need to depart by dark." Jawz said kindly and begun to make her way to her scout she had which had Greys business logo of his cursive initials on the side. Most the local scouts were built by him, especially the ones that belonged to the warriors who battled in the cover of darkness against the Cannement.

Grey sat down. "Everyone ready?" He said as he grabbed up a plate. "Help yourself. Be careful around Jawz outside she seems very kind. On the inside. Shes absolutely bonkers." He said to the group as they all begun to eat.

CkSmalling CkSmalling Abdel featherfall Abdel featherfall Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Killorkiller Killorkiller LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum

(feel free to roam post a nice post about the scnary. what not. My next post may or may not be the start of the mission so enjoy the freetime. Ill reply tomorrow morning everyone regardless of who replies or does not. But it may not be for the next mission depending on everyones pace)
Connor held onto the back of the single Scout that survived, his feet planted on the bumper and trying his hardest to not fall off. Which was actually rather easy, it was all in the legs. His lmg rested in front of him, a single hand on the trigger and ready to swing it in any direction to spray the area down. Luckily there wasn't anymore unforeseen enemies for the rest of the trip. And as the Scout raced towards the plateau, which reminded him of Scarred Mesa a little bit, he noticed several figures silhouetted against the sky. Well, they weren't shooting at them so that meant they weren't the Canament. But they certainly weren't military trained, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed them. Gently kicking Alerius, he nods to the plateau and says "There's the welcoming party."
When they finally entered the camp, Connor didn't really relax. How were there so many armed people in American territory? How did they not know about this? How did he not know about this? They had the potential to be a bigger threat then Canament, if they won that is. But maybe they'll disband after the Canament were taken care of. Wishful thinking, but one could hope. As this went through his head, he kept his hands on his lmg, which was still pointing at the ground, and trying to look everywhere at once. "Gears, you never told me you had so many... friends."

But he was there now, and they were opening up their armory to him. They had some higher quality stuff here, something he'd ignore for now and report on once this was all over and done with. They even had an mmg, which would have been nice against the Emperor Scorpion, but it was dead in the desert, probably already picked clean to.

Speaking of eating scorpions, they had some cooked up and ready to eat. That reminded him of when he was in the Crimson Canines, before it was absorbed into the broader military. Back when they'd go on hunting trips. He remembered the first one he went on with them. He wrestled a quill boar, a full grown one, probably male to, to the ground and held it there until someone could shoot it. The memory put a small smile on his face, not much but it was certainly there.
Bade looked at Gears as the question that Bade had been waiting for was asked. It wasn't asked kindly, but Bade was prepared.

"I was sent to aid you guys. The freedom fighters thought you could use a heavy-hitter. " he smiled, sounding a little proud of himself. "Which was me. I was also supposed to... Welp. I'm for sure gonna get it." Bade presented Gears with his ID when he asked for it.

Bade had to remind himself that it was Alexandria's mines that took out the scorpion, not his massive fist, which were actually small under the suit he was wearing.
As they pulled into the freedom fighters base, Bade woke with a start. He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep. He suddenly heard his name being said and perked up instantly.

"Hey Jaws! So I was a little-" She had cut Bade off with 'Your late'. "Ya but I made it here. And I've been later." he blurted. At times, Jaws got on Bade's nerves.

At the mention of food, Bade only now realized how hungry he was. He followed the group eagerly. As soon as he was 'ordered; to dig in, Bade grabbed a plate full of food. He hadn't eaten since this morning which was uncommon, at least for him. He sat down with his make shift plate, enjoying the taste. That's Bade realized most of the group didn't exactly know who he was.
Jawz gave a sadistic laugh and tossed a fried up scorpion into her mouth. She felt the potato chip style crunch combined with the meat tossing around her palette as she finally swallowed and held a finger at him. "Just because you operate on rules on your time doesn't mean you can break my rules. Your lucky we needed some backup otherwise I wouldn't have called your ass!" She said crunching into another scorpion. Believe it or not in this region the insects often were widely eaten. Mostly because how easy they were to find and on top of it they had huge amounts of nutrition and protein as an added benefit. Now that being said it still looked disgusting no matter how you prepared the food. Jawz was bit of a warrior to say the least. Her actions and words were equally as loud and on top of it she had a tendency to pick on people. Despite being a freedom fighter sometimes she was the worst enemy.

Gears chuckled to the comment that Connor made. He sighed and leaned back in the small camping style chair that they pulled from the back of the militia of scouts at the camp. "Well Connor. There's way more than meets the eye with us. Considering we are increasing our popularity that might be the reason we are getting more connections with the outside world. However most of the time they tend to leave us alone since we are considered the scum of the earth. I guess they are secretly hoping that we just kill each other off. Maybe they just are to busy rebuilding the earth. No way of really knowing. However Jawz has her way with words hence why I guess we got a heavy gunner out here. " He grabbed a bowl and started scooping up some of the food and plopping it onto his plate. Gears watched as Grey himself was hitting his first bowl as well. The wound he took during the battle was healing up but he was going to be left with a possible scar. Not that it was a big deal. They already got him a fresh set of shoulder spaulders from the scout in the armory drawer along with everyone getting a full set of reloaded ammo.

However the special ammo was fully depleted. In the desert Gauze rounds and incendiary ammo and laser style ammo and much others were very hard to come buy and usually had to be traded for. However they were able to get a couple other gadgets considering they would be moving in during the evening. They were all given a set of 12 hour neolights for their firearms as well as night vision goggles. However they were all homemade by yours truly. Grey and their power was limited and had to be used wisely. They would only have 30 minutes of night vision before the system needed recharging.



Manchine desert cave entrance
Time: 20:00

The group made their entrance to the cave. The evening quickly set on them in the desert and the day turned black. They left their scouts back at camp as the group all proceeded on foot. Everyone's bellies full and happy. Weapons locked and loaded. The goggles all were handed out beforehand at camp before leaving the campsite. The mission consisted of Greay, Gears, Jawz, Connor, Bade, Alerius, Alexandria, Nyala, Degan, and 3 other soldiers along with a few left back at camp to help with the evac once the mission was either a success of a failure. They approached the entrance and scanned the area with their systems to make sure it was clear.
"Is anyone detecting anything in their thermals?" Jawz commanded in charge of the mission along with Grey. Who both would be the commanders during the attack.

The mission was simple. They had to see where the tracker would lead them to. Once they find any proof of a hideout for the Cannement. They would set up explosives without being detected. Meanwhile another group will set out to be the distraction for the mission. They would be more upfront and take the route of least resistance. If they managed to find the enemy they would engage in fire fight before getting team a to give them the cue to get out. Once they all were out of the firing range they would set off the explosives.

'Easier said than done' Grey thought about the plan that Jawz and Grey came up with. Of course there was so little they knew about the Cannement hideout. It just made it very hard to make out how the situation would pan out. What if they didn't even have a secret base? What if it was just a small camp and their attack was just a dent in the iceberg again? What about the town, and if they wanted them to go after them while the Cannement terrorized or robbed parts of the city. It was like they were the police or something. It was so complicated. But there were a lot of rumors that they hid out in these general areas of the mountain region. Only one way to find out. The caves were all over the place they ran like veins through the hills and spire like rocky outcrops that surrounded them. They were able to follow tracks in order to make it to a general location then opted for the one with the most signs of travel. The weather made this very hard to do either way but they were able to make due with what they had and traced it down to a few caves that had the longest echo from a sonar scanner that Jawz brought along with her.

"Ok guys which group is going where. Grey will be leading the sabotage and I of course am going to stir up the pot.

CkSmalling CkSmalling Abdel featherfall Abdel featherfall Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Killorkiller Killorkiller LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader
Mission objectives
-Discover Cannement hideout.
-locate weak points in the cave and plant explosives
-stay undetected as long as possible

Jawz group objective

-Discover whose in charge of the Cannement
-Assassinate their leader before instigating combat

(pick which group you want to be in in your next post)
"I'll be in the first group. I don't think an mmg and grenades are what you use for an assassination." Connor grumbled as he got ready to set out with his chosen group. He had a big gun, and knew how explosives worked. He was the perfect man for that spot. Now all he needed to know was who else was going to be in his group with him. Unless it was just going to be him, but looking at some of the people they had gathered he doubted it. Some just weren't meant for sneaking like him. "I'll be taking the front. If I start yelling, it means it's time to start shooting."
The honest truth was that Degan had not been paying attention to much of anything after the incedent with the scorpion. "I will be in the assassination group, i'm predy good at killing people. Kinda my favorite thing to do, also who are we going to be killing? Cause i like to know who they are before i put em int he ground
Bade looked around. Where would he be best at could he kill someone? Probably not. But he wasn't ready to be on a mission with Jawz, because he didn't want to argue. Granted, he would would be great at starting up a distraction.

"Everyone goes for the big guy." Bade said. "I'll go with the team who will do the distracting. And yes, I can be quiet when I want."

Bade had been known for being a chatter box in the military, with high spirits but a big mouth. He could talk to just about anyone. But now that he was older, Bade learned to keep his mouth shut on missions. He just wanted to clarify that. His suit hissed almost silently as he collided his left fist into his right palm.

"Trust me. I've got this." Bade finally said, with a cocky smile on his face.

tammynorthland tammynorthland InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum CkSmalling CkSmalling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller
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As the group made their separate way Jawz separated while Grey took Gears and went his own way to serve a pathway more sneaky and loading the explosives into the bay. The caves carressed the inside of the mountains and were like the veins in the human body. Sometimes getting thin other times it was wide enough to drive a car through. The main thing they were noticing was the wildlife. Their lights on their rifles that were all attached at the rendezvous point lit up beams of beauty in the cave. Stalagmite and stalactite hung and sat on the floor and ceiling. The wildlife mostly didn't consist of bats. Rather mid sized bugs and even a couple nest of Caverats and Lordenmice. The wildlife scurried. A couple earth owls hooted and created echos. It was almost a whole new world. These were the mines that were once farmed and some of them were definitely failed mining missions. THe caves here were about 7 years old when the Manchine settlement first started digging into the outcrops. But this area was left alone due to the lack of minerals. However some of it was still natural. Hence the beautiful formations. While other parts were chiseled and yanked and blasted apart by explosives and drills or all shapes and sizes.

"Do you think someone would really want to live in a shit place like this?" Gears chanted under his breath to keep the quiet edge. He was following the tracker.

"Cmon bro dont be so negative. no one ever comes here it makes sense." They dwelled deeper into the cave.


Jawz was leading the other half of the group down a main shaft which was man made for certain. The easiest way they could tell was the drill marks scarred on the walls from over 5 years ago. "Guys it fucking stinks in here." Jawz cursed completely grossed out. The mid sized bugs scurried around as she fired a round into one with her silenced pistol out of anger. Tiny lights made of nuclear beams lit up the main shaft. They had their scanners on their HUDS that only Jawz and one other of the fighters had on their wrist. They were making sure no wildlife or enemies were in the area. However the signal was beginning to take longer and longer to scan the deeper they got into the cave. Jawz silenced another scurrying critter this time a megaroach. The size of her head got splatted against the wall.

"Guys there is something up ahead." The soldier with the HUD on his wrist warned. His name was Yoki. A fighter of melee weapons. His chimera was made by Grey as well. I was a single hilt but twin blades SMG. the weapon was rather unique.

"What was it?"

He hushed everyone.

(menwhile Soviet Panda Soviet Panda sees a shadow creeping around the corner. He goes to investigate and chooses a stealthy attack.)
InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum Abdel featherfall Abdel featherfall BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller CkSmalling CkSmalling

stealth team:
BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader bade
Killorkiller Killorkiller degan

Attack team:
nyala(original writer dropped out she will linger until mission is over)
connor Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

who else? is where?
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Alexandria had chosen to join the attack team. She was on the edge of the group, and walked against the cave walls. "Last time I was in a cave I almost got eaten by a plant," she said just before Yoki told everyone to be quiet. Alexandria quickly silenced herself, and put her finger by her chimaera's trigger. Thinking about it now, it would have been better for her to be in the front with her shotgun. Being on the edge makes shots too difficult without risking friendly fire. Alexandria's simple solution was just not to shoot until they were out of the way then. Besides, the more bodies in front of her the better.
Degan found Jawz to very funny, she complained about things and it put a small smile on his face as he trotted along with the others. It was true there was a large number of incects in this place and it was not the nicest, but Degan had long since lost his sense of smell. Well that was not fully true, he had lost most of it due to alterations that had been made, and the rewiring of his brain. Felling the soft crunch of the tunnel floor beneath his boots, Degan stopped when he saw Yoki move off to investigate something.

Flicking out one of his SMGs, Degan stood on stand by.
tammynorthland tammynorthland
Jawz gave off a harsh glance at Degan. "Are you laughing at me?!" She whispered into her intercom underneath her breathe loudly and pissed off. The girl wasn't all about the fucking nasty ass bugs. She didn't have time for it. Let alone she absolutely hated bugs. The scorpions she had to eat earlier was just a front. She couldnt stand the nasty things. Hence why she stuck with the other snacks and meals to eat around camp including sneaking a bite of chocolate. she had that was melted from the heat anyway.

Meanwhile Alexandria was well guarded by the others. Jawz wasnt familiar with anyones fighting styles other than Bade. But he was with the stealth team. There was no way she knew how Alexandria would fight. She was slightly nervous and didnt feel quite settled about the girl

Connor made his move onto the victim as the radar came closer and closer.

Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Killorkiller Killorkiller

InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum Abdel featherfall Abdel featherfall BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller CkSmalling CkSmalling
"Shut up." Connor hissed. Just as he said that, he noticed something in the dark. "I see something. Going to check it out." As he whispered into the comms, he flicked his night vision on and raised his mmg. Even with the night vision allowing him to see better, he still couldn't make out what he had seen. So he carefully and slowly moved closer, trying to be as quite as possible and his finger on the trigger.
Bade had been selected for the stealth team, which was sort of pleasing. He didn't really want to be constantly criticized by Jawz. To Bade, Jawz was the one person who had serious OCD and would criticize the heck out of you. Though, he probably was better for the attack team, seeing how he wasn't particularly the stealthiest person of the group. Bade shook that thought off, bringing to mind the fact Jawz was leading that group.

" **** place?" Bade laughed, mockingly. "I've seen worse. Serious. This isn't that bad."

Bade followed the group, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

tammynorthland tammynorthland InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum CkSmalling CkSmalling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller
As Connor silenced the assailant green ooze erupted from the body. Everyone rounded from the corner and Jawz fired a double tap shot as well as claiming she got some of the credit the cave smelled immediately. It was a massive cockroach. It was the size of a small mech support droid. More than likely it was a bit bigger. It crunched underneath the pressure of the shell getting diced into by Connor and his blade. One top of it there was something hanging out of its mouth. It appeared to be tattered clothing along with a couple pieces of flesh.

Jawz skimmed over it followed by the others circling around it. It was the largest one they had seen in the cave. Heck none this size hang in this type of area.

"This thing just ate..." Jawz examined closely looking at the kill Connor made. "Clean kill man." she referred to Connor mentally tilting her hat. She turned on her optical scanners and begun digging into the specimen.

As she came to later find out. The thing had remains of human blood in its mouth. But cockroaches are scavengers....."Why would this thing attack a human?"

Her mind raced around.

"Unless it found a cheap kill that was already dead..." Yoki chimed in. He was not any expert but in his eyes. This seemed like an older kill. And there was no smell of rot. Signalling the kill was fresh.

Upon looking as well Killorkiller Killorkiller and InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum alexandria and degan notices the stomach was very full and bloated as well. perhaps there was something inside they could use? if they were to gut the creature.


The stealth group was heading further into the stomach of the cave system. Finally they were starting to get somewhere and came across a larger shaft. "You think we found something?" Gears asked Bade. The guy was being rather quiet. He figured a little humor would lighten up the dead quiet.

Grey was still tagging along the front. Finally saying something to Bade. Grey didn't trust the guy. Not because he was still a stranger but because the guy tended to be to straight forward. Guess they all have trust issues right now. "Bade. where did you say you were from?" He asked quietly.

tammynorthland tammynorthland InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum CkSmalling CkSmalling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader
Connor looked a bit disgusted as he eyed the green goop that was now on his mmg/axe hybrid. "Yeah, thanks." he said to Jawz as she commented on the kill. "I say we just keep an eye out for big cockroaches and kill them as we come across them. I don't care why it decided to eat someone, I don't want to give any the opportunity to eat me." As he spoke, he looked for something to wipe the goop off with. Not finding anything, he asks "Anyone got a rag I can borrow?"
Bade was looked at Gears.

"Huh?" he said. "Nawh. Not yet."

Bade could tell Grey couldn't trust him due to the tone Grey used in his question. He let out a long - but quiet - sigh.

"I came from a small town in the U.S., if that answers your question. Dad died in the service. But..." Bade cut off his sentence, deciding this wasn't the time. "Listen, Grey. I understand if you don't trust me, but I worked in the military. I was made for this stuff. You can trust me. I promise."

Bade's voice wasn't angry, nor was is bitter. Bade was trying to re-assure not only Grey but the entire group. He didn't want to be that one guy everyone thought was a spy or traitor. He also didn't want to come off as a jerk either.

"You guys can ask Jaws about me. She'll have a mouthful to say about me." Bade joked. "I'll tell you stuff when we get back. Safely."

Bade stepped forward again but stepped rather hard on a spiked bug.

"Man... I just got this suit cleaned."

tammynorthland tammynorthland InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum CkSmalling CkSmalling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller
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As the group sliced open the massive killed bug it released a pit filled with flesh and bone. The body parts were rotted. Not all human some were from what appeared to be an animal. "What the fuck is this shit?" Jawz spoke with anger. she had confusion in her head. Along with frustration as to how something got snagged up like this. The body parts were appeared to be eaten whole. Cockeroaches. Yes ones this big arent predators. Jawz turned on her scanners and scanned the remains of the inside of the cockroach.

"Human DNA detected." the scanner spoke out loud through the speaker but not loudly. "Triyuk DNA detected." the voice chimes a few minutes later again. Jawz tilted her head in confusion.

"wait that doesn't make sense." Yoki spoke before finishing his sentence. "Triyuk are a wolf like creature in the rain forest regions. Theres no reason that a cockroach would be able to eat that in the desert. especially the manchine desert."

Jawz stroked her hair and adjusted her sandstorm goggles. "Then is my scanner broken your saying?" She jumped to conclusion.

"No I am just saying that there would be no logical explanation as to why one would even be able to get here."

The entire group was perplexed, Jawz tried to shake it off but just couldn't manage.

They noted some memory files from her chest camera she had mounted to further look into but of course it didn't seem to be their issue. Of course it was extremely strange, their mission was to eliminate the Cannement headquaters.


The group Grey was leading alongside Gears and the others started getting narrow. Their link on the tracker was closing in closer to the Cannement soldier they plopped the tracker on his coat. But.....the halls started getting smaller and smaller. As they closed into a gap only small enough to crawl through and pushing all their weapons. "This better not lead to a dead end or we arent even gonna be able to get out of here." Gears said in frustration.

"Trust me being in here isn't exactly my cup of tea." Grey replied.

After more crawling the cave begun to open up. they crawled to a crouch the rearmed themselves, then to a standing with a slight duck. Finally the cave opened up fully.

The was standing on a ledge. Their eyes adjusting to the light. As it adjusted it revealed to them a massive laboratory. the walls were filled with holographic computers, along with testing facilities and computers and digital scanners that filled the room. It appreared to be in a hulliung of the cave. abandonned from the mining. This didnt make sense. why would the Cannement have a terrorist operation with equipment like this. Chemicals lined the walls and cabinets probably containing more test tubes, equipment, and much more inside were probably loaded inside. Some of the giant cylinder tanks were empty while others had objects floating around but at the distance they were at it wasnt certain what it was.

"I think we found the wrong place guys." Gears gasped.


Grey whispered. "why would the cannement be here?" He whispered checking his tracker and saw indeed it was leading them to the right location. Now things were really getting wierd.

"Why is this all here?" Gears said.

Grey said for a moment and drew out his twin machine gun pistols. "from the looks of it......This isnt the Cannement." He made his way down the ledge with a couple vaults and leaps as quietly as he could alongside his team. There didnt appear to be any enemies....or for the matter. anything at all. It looked abandoned. "Looks like no ones home...."

InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum CkSmalling CkSmalling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader @The Broken Mind (the broken mind will be joining us after this mission. I am tagging to get a warm welcome.)
The smell of the cockroach was sickening to say the least as it was gutted and it's insides spilled out on the floor of the damp cave. The more they went into the this tunnel the less Degan liked it, and the more on edge he got, after all this place was cold, damp, smelly, and had things that apparently liked to eat humans. All reasons not to go forward anymore, however, Degan also prided himself with never backing down from a challenge or difficult situation. That was part of the reason why he had become the way he was, his refusal to run had hurt him in more than a few ways.

Taking another look at the gutted roach Degan grimaced, "Well that was.....gross." He said wiping his nose with a grimy hand.
"Perhaps the wolf was killed by something else, and then brought here where it was left. This roach found the remains and decided to eat them." Degan suggested.
tammynorthland tammynorthland Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
"I got a plan. If it isn't with us, we shoot it. Human or not. Sound like a good plan? Because it sounds like a good plan to me." Connor growled, wanting to continue with their mission. He was already getting antsy. Stuck down in a cave, equipped with second hand and somewhat outdated equipment, if not completely home made. He wanted to leave as soon as possible and see the sky again. And if that meant gunning down giant cockroaches or Triyuks, then so be it. "Lead on." he continued to Jawz, gesturing slightly with his gun in the direction they had been heading before the cockroach captured their attention.
"that still wouldn't explain why there was fucking 50-50 in the specimens DNA pool. It would show 100 percent of each. but that wasn't the case there." Jawz replied to Degan.
The group made their way until the cave begun to open up in the main shaft. It revealed a massive laboratory entrance. There was a massive gate the whooshed open as they made their way into it. The gear of scientific experimental equipment lined the walls. Followed by the main cave opening up massively into a cavern. Jawz gasped at the site. "What the fuck is this??" Jawz gasped as her allies quickly scanned the area. Connor made a great comment to shoot anything that is appearing to be the enemy. And Jawz liked the idea. "Connor I agree with the idea. We need to be on our toes because now things arent looking to be what we all originally thought." As they scowered the labs cameras were not apparent. Neither were security. Whoever were here in this place obviously weren't home and on top of it there was nothing that had to do with the Cannement. Why would the tracking system lead them here in the first place? More importantly why would they have anything to do with a lab this far out of town. They wouldn't have any motive to fork out all the money and time to build it and from the looks of it nothing had any correlation to weapons of mass destruction, bombs, firearms, or even a tiny boobie trap. The technology was very advanced as well.
As they approached the main hall they held up their firearms. Jawz flew into cover along with the rest of the gang taking defensive formation. "I see movement!"


Grey and the group were on full alert. They moved about the columns of giant empty test tubes along the center of the building. They used them as cover along with using the cabinets and desks to help keep them hidden in case anything were to pop up. Grey yanked his machine pistols into an atack position. "Hold.... unknown hostile ahead." He whispered into his comm system.

The signal was picked up inside of Jawz intercom. It was Grey he was whispering something. "Grey come in can you hear me?"

Grey took a step out of cover. He sighed and lowered his weapons. "Are we about to fire at each other?" He said noticing the blondes hair hidden behind a glass tube.

She chuckled a bit before taking a look for herself. "Uh.....Yea thats us..... Plan didnt go as planed huh?" they all regrouped and Grey greeted her with a friendly handshake followed by the other teammates.

InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum CkSmalling CkSmalling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader @The Broken Mind
Bade stunned at the sudden change in scenery. It looked like an advanced science plant. He followed Grey carefully, trying not to be spotted. At Grey's sudden command to 'hold', Bade took the rifle off his back. He was preparing himself carefully for a sudden attack when Grey lowered his weapon.

"You guys are really random to be honest," Bade said, carefully. Then, he noticed Jaws and her team on the other side. He mouth the word 'Oh' and followed Grey's team as the conversed with Jaws's agents.

tammynorthland tammynorthland @CkSamlling Soviet Panda Soviet Panda LordPicklesworth LordPicklesworth Killorkiller Killorkiller InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum

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