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Realistic or Modern Criminal Activity (Modern Criminal/Gangster Role play)


New Member
First off...
This is a pretty basic description.
My main goal here is to make things more open and changeable by your own will,
so I don't want to give you a 50 paragraph essay on my world and characters.

So, with that
What even is this rp?
Well here's the basics.

As stated, this is a criminal gang roleplay.
Of course criminals have enimies...
expect cops, other mobsters, and physcos.
(Yes you can role play as these, quite obviously)

You played Max Payne?
Max Payne 3?
Watch Detective Movies?
Like Good Washed Up Detectives?
Or Detectives Turned Criminals?
Just think that.
So, yeah, your probably going to be a badass
But that doesn't mean your Jesus Christ reborn.
Further details in rules.

So, Who Am I?
Good question
Pick one you like.
And Remember,
Yes, you can be two characters(no more)
And the best criminals have helpers
Your no Payne
Welcome To New York(rp location lol)

Gang Leader
Gang Leader's Right Hand Man
Gang's Armorer
Gang's Vehicle Expert
Gang's Incompetent Newbie
Video Game Obsessed Hacker

DEA Agents (Multiple Allowed)
DEA Leader
Swat Team(Up to 4)

Mobsters (10/10 Italian Boys With Guns)

and finally
the best character
A crack addict with a love of shotguns and bombs...
What the hell does he do?
You tell me.

This is sounding alright, where to I sign?
You can start by writing a message here
Saying which position you like.
If I think your up for it, I'll approve, and you can go right on ahead with this

Occupation(before now):
Weapon Of Choice:

Yeah yeah, you've seen it 100,000,000 times over
The infamous OC sheet
It's quite a thriller i'll warn you.
As for appearance,
You can draw your oc or just describe
I will then send you a link to my discord server

And then of course.
1.Don't Be An Asshole, Unless your roleplaying in which case jolly fun to you
2.Characters deaths most be approved by creator and well role played
3.Just be realistic, I'd really love to see you take a bullet to the ass in real life and running like Usain Bolt just afterwards.
5.OOC chat, just do this ((hey guys the weather is really cool guys))

Well that ends it.​
Alright brace yourself, it's one of those infamous OC sheets:


Name: Nikolai Volkov

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Height: 189cm (6'2" for all you yanks out there)

Sexuality: Straight. May vary with high blood alcohol.

Previous Occupation: PMC soldier
Personality: Nikolai isn't your garden variety, stereotypical Russian. Okay well- he is, but that's besides the point. So what if he has an insatiable thirst for vodka, prays for the Motherland in private, and looks somewhat like a James Bond movie villain? The important thing is that Niko gets things done. Kidnappings, wetwork, maybe a few beatings here and there - nobody's better at getting other people to do stuff that he wants (or rather, what his boss wants) than himself. Toward his fellow gang members, Niko treats each and every one of his colleagues as if they were a brother or sister, provided he's not barking orders at them. Toward rival gang members, Niko tends to let his bullets do the talking.

Weapon Of Choice: Makarov pistol, silenced.
Name: Mun Jaehyun
Nicknames: Jae (preferred), Foxx, Astro
Age: 17
Race: Korean
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation(before now): Unemployed/Student

Appearance: He is 5'5'' and weighs somewhere between 110 and 120 pounds. He was born with naturally dark hair but he has dyed it many colors over the years. Right now, it is pink. He has hypnotising black irises and has been told that he has a perfect nose and perfect lips but he doesn't believe people who say that. As for his body type, it tends to lean more towards skinny than muscular. He also works out regularly to keep his family happy but he really hates it

Personality: (kinda bio)
He is well known among the city's gaming scene under the username AstroFoxx. He was considered one of the most talented yet secretive gamers on the upper east side. People speculate that he could easily go to professional tournaments but he simply isn't old enough. However this didn't necessarily make him likeable. He was known to cheat and hustle and bet on himself in gamer hangouts. He was mischievous and often in judge based competitions he'd pay or fuck his way to victory. Away from the gaming scene he was an 'honest' caring person who had good grades and took care of his grandma at the weekends. He was seen as a bright young kid who could easily get into an Ivy League school but of course he didn't want that. When he was 16 he promised himself that once he was enough he'd move out of his parents house and be a full time gamer and whilst edit and code on the side for his friends and whomever hired him. He is very driven and wants to reach his goals no matter what.

Weapon Of Choice: Brains and Body. (He doesn't have much experience with weaponry.)
Interested! (I have legit been gone from this wonderful forum for 3 years, I apologize If I'm a bit rusty! The new character profile making seems a lOt fancier-) But, I'd love to be a regular rookie cop! The benefits of literally infinite roles-
Interested! (I have legit been gone from this wonderful forum for 3 years, I apologize If I'm a bit rusty! The new character profile making seems a lOt fancier-) But, I'd love to be a regular rookie cop! The benefits of literally infinite roles-
three years!??!?!?

welcome back~
Interested in being Gang's Armorer if you still need more people
I was wondering if this roleplay is still being carried out? I understand it hasn't been too long but, If you're busy, don't rush!

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