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Yuri Crime Roleplaying
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I write stuff you have never heard of and I doubt you will follow or even read. I write off the wall stories you might not even understand. I also play at rpnation and writerssanctum, and I started back on AOL forums, before joining Yahoo! I liked Planet Black (Cornelius), Life Within (Green Abduction), Kill All Humans, Ghost in the Shell (My Secret Roleplay)(Section 9: Rebooted)(Return of the Laughing Man)(Pure Lithium Madness), Tomorrow and Yesterday, Mona-lisa and the Bloodmoon, Atlanta, Mortal Kombat, True Crime Streets of Osaka, and a few others. I like to write Yuri as well. As you can see, I like Crime Roleplaying.
I like original characters, custom characters, and you can use characters you have already made for other roleplaying forums as well. Characters are not required to be Yuri, but can be if needed.
okay so is it okay if i use a canon character from a show? or does it have to be original characters only?

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