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Creatures of the Night ((Closed))

Alex gave a short laugh."I certainly am. I'm a vampire wolf hybrid."She said with a light huff. She had drank half of the bag already as she nuzzled into Nicoli."How long so you think I'll be stuck in this room?"She asked him softly.
Nicoli shrugged. "That will depend on how quick we can get your blood lust under control." He says. He held her close and gently brushed some of her hair back. "I'm sorry this will be difficult at first Alex but we'll get it figured out." He promises. 
Alex nodded softly."How long did it take for Ember to havennore control over her blood lust?"She asked him softly. Soon, she finished the bag, but she wasn't sure if she had hit the 10 minute mark on it or not.
Nicoli thought for a moment. "She could gain control quickly and keep it for a day or two and then she'd loose it just as quick when she was first starting." He says. "But when she lost control it could be a couple of days before she got it again." He adds. "You have about three minutes to wait before your next one." He says. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. 
Alex groaned, a bit impatient as she sighed heavily."What is there to do in here? Can Asher still come see me? He'll want to see me. You know that, right?"She asked him softly as she leaned against him.
Nicoli smiled. "I will make arrangements so he can come see you. And while I make those arrangements I'll also figure out a way for you to go outside so you aren't cooped up in here the whole time." He assures her. 
"Good. Because if you don't allow me to get out of here sometimes, you're gonna have a worse problem then my blood lust."She said with a soft laugh, watching him.
He chuckled. "On the bright side, you'll be healing quicker since well he together. Look, you're already doing better than you have in a while." He says, he showed her her wound. Then he bent down and kissed it. 
"It's been feeling better since I've been having blood..."She said slowly. Alex smiled, and accidentally released a soft, short moan of pleausre as he kissed her injured side, and she quickly brought a hand up to cover her mouth, blushing deeply.
Nicoli chuckled and sat up again to kiss her lips. "Don't worry about what's going to happen." He assures her, kissing her again. "Besides you're doing well right now. That's all that matters. 
Alex returned his kiss, and snaked her arms up around his neck, as she trailed her kisses down to his neck slowly."I'm not worrying about it. I'm just glad that it's been healing better since I started drinking blood."
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"Me too, I feel less bad about awakening this side of you then." He says gently. He chuckled a little and tilted his head as she kissed him. 

Ember sat sat on the edge of the bed, feeling where Asher had marked her after they'd gone a round. She felt much better than she had before. She just hated that she still couldn't see anything. 
Alex smiled, making a soft sound of pleasure as she trailed her fingertips down his back, along his spine as she left a hickey on his neck.

Asher had quickly showers, and walked out after getting dressed, then, he sat down beside Ember and wrapped an arm around her waist with a smirk.
Nicoli chuckled. "I suppose we've found one way to distract your bloodlust." He teases her, running his fingers through her hair. 

Ember sighed a little, leaning against him. She hadn't dressed yet, she was going to shower after Asher. "You don't have to go yet right?" She asks him. 
Alex smirked."I suppose so. But it's not a bad thing, is it?"She questioned, biting her lower lip seductively as she looked up at him, running her hands through his hair slowly.

Asher shook his head."No. I won't be leaving you for a long time. And you'll be with me 24/7 unless your King and Queen, personally request you. I won't let you go unless they tell me directly, not with a messenger."He stated simply as he looked at her.
Nicoli chuckled and leaned into her touch. "No, no it's not a bad thing at all. I would still caution against being too physically active right now though...just until this is healed." He says, placing his hand gently over her wound. 

Ember nodded, relieved at his protectiveness in some ways. She was still a little afraid and his promise helped. "Will you hunt something for me? While I shower?" She asks him. 
"Then we could just play if we can't actually go and do the deed."She said with a laugh as she continued to run her hands through his hair. And she closed her eyes as his hand rested on her side, it felt surprisingly good.

"Asher nodded."Of course. Can you get to the shower on your own or do you wan some help?"He asked her softly.
Nicoli laughed. "Yes, we can play if that is what you want." He says, he kissed her deeply then. He didn't care what they did, he just wanted to be with her. 

Ember's first response was to tell him she was fine, but she wasn't sure and after a moment she shrugged. "I might need a little help." She says. 
"That's what I want."And she slipped her hands underneath his shirt, running her hands along his bare torso with a smirk. This was a perfect distraction from her bloodlust.

Asher nodded."Alright. Just ask if you need help. I'll stay until you're done with the shower. I'll have somebody else hunt for you, alright? So that I can stay with you."
Ember bit her lip but then nodded. "Alright." She says, getting to her feet unsteadily. She was still disoriented at times, trying desperately to get used to this new darkness. She gripped Asher's arm tightly as she walked towards the bathroom and shower. 
Asher walked with her, guiding her to the bathroom when she needed it, and then allowing her to do it on her own when she could.
For the most part Ember could manage. She stubbed her toe once and occasionally ran her hand into the side wall before she could get the feel of the size of the shower and where everything was. It took her longer than she would have liked but eventually she was finishing. "I hate this." She grumbles as she reached for her robe on the hook where she always kept it. 
"I know you do Love. But it'll get better. I can guarantee that. Just keep that attitude and determination, and you'll get through it."He said softly as he looked at her.
She bit her lip as she put the robe on and then turned her head in the general direction his voice had come from. "What if it doesn't Asher? What am I supposed to do? What if...what if it just gets worse?" She asks. She knew she was being pessimistic but she couldn't help it right now. Right now she felt sorry for herself and she was going to keep allowing herself to feel sorry for at least that day. 
"If it doesn't, it will still be okay. You'll learn to live with it."He said softly, before wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, and held her close."Now, what do you want to wear today?"He asked her softly.

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