mushy canele
- One on One
titania iseult
dungeon w/ group 1
His face — remember it!
Pale green eyes flicked between Cyril and the dying guard. Capturing him alive was their best option. She doubted it would be possible, which left only getting rid of him.
To rid themselves of the threat, she had to assess it. Powers - what did she know? He had some form of range that had gotten through Carnelian's barrier. A sword hung at his hip. He'd confidently walked into a group of them, so he either had back-up, a plan... or he thought he could handle them himself when their strongest fighters were distracted with the monster.
“Is that a relic of yours? If so, I shall gladly return the favor.” A relic? What relic—that didn't matter. The only people around her who could have one were Vanitas and Carnelian, and she doubted the new third faction member could be levelheaded enough to use a relic in such a situation.
Three things headed towards them; in the dim light, they were barely visible. But after watching her own projectiles fly past, the man's own relic was nothing. There was a lightness in her body that made her confident she could dodge out of the way in time.
"Carnelian — ignore the serpent and focus on him!"
With little hesitation, Dusk threw her bow in front as her mind raced. Think. THINK.
Though it was better suited for throwing than being thrown, she wasn't aiming to hit him with it. The bow was useless in these close quarters—it was a distraction to force his path.
As she dove down to avoid the daggers, Dusk picked up anything she could use as a projectile. Her fingers closed over a rock, around the size of a fist.
Head? No—center of mass!
The rock flew; it accelerated at a speed that would've sent wood splintering apart. The daggers earlier were a snail's pace compared to it. She was aiming for his sword arm, but if she missed, it would at least hit his torso.
Cyril saw it coming—
damn it!
— but he was too close and the rock too fast for him to dodge out of the way. She unsheathed her stiletto, hesitant to throw another projectile when she could see Vanitas now moving in.