Conversation [PGZA]

Wait, @RubyRose, are there zombies at the scene with the Drifters?

That is literally the only reason I could come up with cows charging people. Unless they have mad cow disease. I've grown up with cows, they don't stampede somewhere, turn around and stampede back through again... unless they're being chased by coyotes or rounded up by humans. So zombies were the only thing to explain their bizarre behavior. 

In short yes, yes I wrote zombies into the cow stampede drifters scene. 
That is literally the only reason I could come up with cows charging people. Unless they have mad cow disease. I've grown up with cows, they don't stampede somewhere, turn around and stampede back through again... unless they're being chased by coyotes or rounded up by humans. So zombies were the only thing to explain their bizarre behavior. 

In short yes, yes I wrote zombies into the cow stampede drifters scene. 

Oh gosh. I know my reason for making the cows charge (getting the bull injured by raiders) probably doesn't make much sense, especially since you probably have more experience with cows than I do. I feel bad for trying to make up a scenario that I knew nothing about, but I could you give me a warning next time before this happens? This all makes me feel really stupid and I feel like I'm being punished for making a mistake IC instead of being told to correct it myself.
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Oh gosh. I know my reason for making the cows charge (getting the bull injured by raiders) probably doesn't make much sense, especially since you probably have more experience with cows than I do. I feel bad for trying to make up a scenario that I knew nothing about, but I could you give me a warning next time before this happens? This all makes me feel really stupid and I feel like I'm being punished for making a mistake IC instead of being told to correct it myself.

I don't even know how to respond to this. 

It wasn't an attack, it was a plot hole that I found a way to fill. 'Do you have a problem with zombies showing up? 
I don't even know how to respond to this. 

It wasn't an attack, it was a plot hole that I found a way to fill. 'Do you have a problem with zombies showing up? 

I'm not saying its an attack, but this kinda stuff usually gets me riled up. I'm really sorry for lashing out at you.

I don't want to say that you need to change it, because I already asked glass to change a post for the scenario, but it might get in the way of Talon getting accepted into the Drifters, or at least the plan I had for him. I just feel really stupid by charging into this scenario head-first and making up a scenario about stampedes that conflicts with the actual truth, especially since you actually know about how cows behave. I feel like some schmuck who doesn't know what he's talking about, and I've tried to avoid that, what with all the research I put into fireworks for Jin.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish that you had told me something like, "Lotus, that's not how cows work" or something - and I know that's not your job or anything, but it would have been nice.

Okay, so I figured out what I'm trying to say.

Really, I just wish you had contacted me from the start about this. I know a stranger on the internet making up facts about something you've got experience in is probably annoying, so I;m sorry about that. However, writing the zombies in and telling me later that I was wrong and zombies are the only thing that would work in that situation feels like an unnecessary slap to the face for me. Yes, I understand that my reasoning was wrong now, but couldn't you have just told me earlier?
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Alright, I fixed what the unstable version of me from 10 minutes ago wrote in the above post, it should sound like a coherent thought now.
@Lotusy @RubyRose

I think the zombies were a good idea and I don't think anything needs to be changed about the scene. The Drifters were being pretty loud but they were expecting a few zombies to show up anyway, it'd be kind of hard to completely avoid that. Talon still has more cows that he can offer up from my understanding. So everything's bueno. Even if he didn't we would find another way to get him in there.

This is how RPs stay dynamic and surprising ya know? We each add on to what's going down and it makes twists and turns for everyone to react to and adapt to. 

Lotusy, no one's really tripping about how much you know or don't know about cows. I think Ruby was just replying the best way she knew how, and it just so happens she knows a lot of stuff about cows and other farm stuff so she figured out a way to expand upon the scenario that made sense to her.

I for one am not too big on research if it can be avoided because it often seems unnecessary. Like unless it's something I can pick out as being blatantly impossible, like the sky turning green out of no where, I'm not gonna fact check you guys on stuff. Like can you imagine? Our characters are well versed in areas that we aren't. I'm cool if I have to do some light research and maybe mentioning some of what I learned. Like I did with Oran for his gun safety thing. I literally just googled gun safety and picked some of the rules off wikipedia that made sense for the post. Nbd.

But if it's something like lmfao fucking heavy that I'm never gonna understand or would take way too long to, like Chewie fixing the theater walkie talkies, I'm not gonna bother. Especially since stuff like that really doesn't matter when you think about it. Like does anyone really wanna read a long textbook-like post about everything Chewie's doing to fix the walkie talkies? Nah of course not. So I just gloss over it. She fixed the walkie talkies, how she did it doesn't matter, all that matters is that she did. Nahmean cuh?
@Lotusy @RubyRose

I think the zombies were a good idea and I don't think anything needs to be changed about the scene. The Drifters were being pretty loud but they were expecting a few zombies to show up anyway, it'd be kind of hard to completely avoid that. Talon still has more cows that he can offer up from my understanding. So everything's bueno. Even if he didn't we would find another way to get him in there.

This is how RPs stay dynamic and surprising ya know? We each add on to what's going down and it makes twists and turns for everyone to react to and adapt to. 

Lotusy, no one's really tripping about how much you know or don't know about cows. I think Ruby was just replying the best way she knew how, and it just so happens she knows a lot of stuff about cows and other farm stuff so she figured out a way to expand upon the scenario that made sense to her.

I for one am not too big on research if it can be avoided because it often seems unnecessary. Like unless it's something I can pick out as being blatantly impossible, like the sky turning green out of no where, I'm not gonna fact check you guys on stuff. Like can you imagine? Our characters are well versed in areas that we aren't. I'm cool if I have to do some light research and maybe mentioning some of what I learned. Like I did with Oran for his gun safety thing. I literally just googled gun safety and picked some of the rules off wikipedia that made sense for the post. Nbd.

But if it's something like lmfao fucking heavy that I'm never gonna understand or would take way too long to, like Chewie fixing the theater walkie talkies, I'm not gonna bother. Especially since stuff like that really doesn't matter when you think about it. Like does anyone really wanna read a long textbook-like post about everything Chewie's doing to fix the walkie talkies? Nah of course not. So I just gloss over it. She fixed the walkie talkies, how she did it doesn't matter, all that matters is that she did. Nahmean cuh?

So wait, I'm not sure I understand what idea you're defending - I'm the one who came into the situation unprepared, so are we still going to go with my explanation that the raiders spooked the cows, or Ruby's explanation that the zombies spooked the cows? (I mean, I'd have to go back and edit my first post with Talon if the latter were the case.) Like I tried not to worry about it and just went with what seemed best at the time like you said, but I just got corrected, which led to this whole situation happening. 

Either way, I sorta get what you're saying after that. Like I said, I'm an utter wreck right now, lots of stuff that just made this one little thing explode so much and screw up a whole afternoon. I'm really sorry again @RubyRose for getting mad, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I get that you were just trying to fix a plot hole, and I really hope there won't be any bad blood between us from this.
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So wait, I'm not sure I understand what idea you're defending - I'm the one who came into the situation unprepared, so are we still going to go with my explanation that the raiders spooked the cows, or Ruby's explanation that the zombies spooked the cows? (I mean, I'd have to go back and edit my first post with Talon if the latter were the case.) Like I tried not to worry about it and just went with what seemed best at the time like you said, but I just got corrected, which led to this whole situation happening. 

Either way, I sorta get what you're saying after that. Like I said, I'm an utter wreck right now, lots of stuff that just made this one little thing explode so much and screw up a whole afternoon. I'm really sorry again @RubyRose for getting mad, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I get that you were just trying to fix a plot hole, and I really hope there won't be any bad blood between us from this.

@Lotusy @RubyRose

Mobile rpn is being a real jackhole and won't let me remove those tags up top just fyi guys.

My understanding is the situation with the raiders spooked the cows initially, the cows charged through the clearing, and then came back after being spooked by zombies. Thats right, isn't it? Because if so, we can just keep rolling nothing needs to be changed.
xD @SpookySableye be like

@Lotusy @RubyRose

Mobile rpn is being a real jackhole and won't let me remove those tags up top just fyi guys.

My understanding is the situation with the raiders spooked the cows initially, the cows charged through the clearing, and then came back after being spooked by zombies. Thats right, isn't it? Because if so, we can just keep rolling nothing needs to be changed.

Sure! I'll probably have Talon kill the cow in the bushes, so that'll be untainted hamburger meat.

Anyways, considering how much I fucked myself up with this situation, I don't think I can get a post out today, sorry guys. For now, I'll probably go break down into a crying mess again.
Sure! I'll probably have Talon kill the cow in the bushes, so that'll be untainted hamburger meat.

Anyways, considering how much I fucked myself up with this situation, I don't think I can get a post out today, sorry guys. For now, I'll probably go break down into a crying mess again.

Yeah whatever you need man. Take a minute to chill. Take a walk. Smoke a doobie. I'm about to go do both.
@SirBlazeALot @RubyRose @Danoram

How would you guys like to handle the situation with the group outside the theater? I'm definitely sending Sam up to Gabe so Ruby can write a post for him, but in order for Chewie to let them in, the two on the roof have to recognize that everyone dropped their weapons, and Sam has to go back down and tell her that they've dropped their weapons, and I wouldn't want to hold up up for a whole post cycle just for one action like that, you know? I mean, should I wait for Dano to post (and Stani can drop his weapons) and then make him go to the top, or send him right now so he can tell Gabe about Chewie's plan?
@SirBlazeALot @RubyRose @Danoram

How would you guys like to handle the situation with the group outside the theater? I'm definitely sending Sam up to Gabe so Ruby can write a post for him, but in order for Chewie to let them in, the two on the roof have to recognize that everyone dropped their weapons, and Sam has to go back down and tell her that they've dropped their weapons, and I wouldn't want to hold up up for a whole post cycle just for one action like that, you know? I mean, should I wait for Dano to post (and Stani can drop his weapons) and then make him go to the top, or send him right now so he can tell Gabe about Chewie's plan?

That is a really good question. 

Just so we don't make people wait too long you and I can write out Sam and Gabe's discussion in PM first so that Sam can go up and then go back down to respond to Chewie in one post :)

As for Danoram, at the very least we can assume that he at least moved back with Elliot, Cadence, Daniel & Vanessa. Still, if Dan wants us to wait, I suppose that's alright but at the same time you and I can start working on a response as well if you'd like. Though not right this moment, my sister is calling me to go watch Z Nation ^.^ 
Oh my god guys I just lost my whole post-in-progress to accidentally clicking on the homepage. When I open up the editor, my work is gone. Is there any way to get it back quickly?

Edit: So I looked through the help forum, it's apparently something they don't know how to fix. I don't fucking know guys, I'm devastated. Like I just want to quit, but I want to try and write all of that back again and I'm just really bothered right now. I dunno if there's anyone actually waiting on me to post for a while, but they can probably go on ahead.
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Oh my god guys I just lost my whole post-in-progress to accidentally clicking on the homepage. When I open up the editor, my work is gone. Is there any way to get it back quickly?

Edit: So I looked through the help forum, it's apparently something they don't know how to fix. I don't fucking know guys, I'm devastated. Like I just want to quit, but I want to try and write all of that back again and I'm just really bothered right now. I dunno if there's anyone actually waiting on me to post for a while, but they can probably go on ahead.

Aw man Lotusy, that really sucks. Way to pull it back together. I've been there, where I had written out a long post and it was just gone. I took a whole day to calm down enough to rewrite it. 

I think what you did with Sam was just fine; thanks for letting Gabe know what was going on ^.^ 
Daniel and Vanessa were very cute, though sometimes I want to make Vanessa leave poor Daniel alone >.< 

The way you're making Talon speak... it's interesting. What kind of 'accent' are you trying to give him? Like just to explain it the way I hear it I hear a guy that's a little less intelligent sounding (be aware. I'm not calling Talon stupid. Just if someone were to talk to me in that way I'd question how smart they were in some ways. And yet people who aren't social are good at other things so there's that). 

Overall, good post Lotusy :)
Aw man Lotusy, that really sucks. Way to pull it back together. I've been there, where I had written out a long post and it was just gone. I took a whole day to calm down enough to rewrite it. 

I think what you did with Sam was just fine; thanks for letting Gabe know what was going on ^.^ 
Daniel and Vanessa were very cute, though sometimes I want to make Vanessa leave poor Daniel alone >.< 

The way you're making Talon speak... it's interesting. What kind of 'accent' are you trying to give him? Like just to explain it the way I hear it I hear a guy that's a little less intelligent sounding (be aware. I'm not calling Talon stupid. Just if someone were to talk to me in that way I'd question how smart they were in some ways. And yet people who aren't social are good at other things so there's that). 

Overall, good post Lotusy :)

Thanks, Ruby!

So for Talon I think I get where you're coming from - it's kinda broken English, right? It's mostly based on some of my recent foreign exchange friends - just like Talon, they made the shift over right during their late teen years. And really only know three of them, though, so I'm not saying this is a trend for people who learned English, later in life, as there are plenty of people who probably achieve full fluency, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just think that for Talon, as this world's equivalent of a Native American, forced to learn English after he'd aged a bit, and worked mostly as a farmhand, might not get English down. I dunno, did it happen to sound racist in some way? I'd definitely want to change it if that was the case.
Thanks, Ruby!

So for Talon I think I get where you're coming from - it's kinda broken English, right? It's mostly based on some of my recent foreign exchange friends - just like Talon, they made the shift over right during their late teen years. And really only know three of them, though, so I'm not saying this is a trend for people who learned English, later in life, as there are plenty of people who probably achieve full fluency, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just think that for Talon, as this world's equivalent of a Native American, forced to learn English after he'd aged a bit, and worked mostly as a farmhand, might not get English down. I dunno, did it happen to sound racist in some way? I'd definitely want to change it if that was the case.

When I was puzzling through, Racist was not what I was thinking. 
I also wasn't thinking about him being a late English Speaker, though. Now that you mention it I see it. The way you did the broken English I was seeing more 'uneducated' or perhaps just a bit vocally dim (no offense) but now that you say 'Learned English as a second language late in life' that makes sense. 

Thanks for explaining! 

I haven't known anyone who learned English late in life really; not personally really. I know people who didn't learn it besides words needed to get by but that's a bit different :P
Thanks, Ruby!

So for Talon I think I get where you're coming from - it's kinda broken English, right? It's mostly based on some of my recent foreign exchange friends - just like Talon, they made the shift over right during their late teen years. And really only know three of them, though, so I'm not saying this is a trend for people who learned English, later in life, as there are plenty of people who probably achieve full fluency, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just think that for Talon, as this world's equivalent of a Native American, forced to learn English after he'd aged a bit, and worked mostly as a farmhand, might not get English down. I dunno, did it happen to sound racist in some way? I'd definitely want to change it if that was the case.

I've personally never met a Native American person, but I did read this book called Reservation Blues (I'm only name dropping it because it is a fantastic book, and I don't mean fantastic as in *pompous moustache twirl* mm yes quite good literature *end pompous moustache twirl* I mean fantastic as in it's really funny and there's cursing and fuckin' in it) for AP English in High School. Which I'm aware is totally 100% not the same thing xD  But the vibe I got from it is that most Native Americans learn English as a first language, because America, and their tribe's language is sort of secondary. That's people who grew up on a reservation though. I can't recall from the top of my head if Talon's backstory involves the PGZA equivalent of a Native American reservation. Just dropping my two cents in here though without actually having read the post. I know I liked the post and normally I don't like posts until I read them, but I was mainly liking it cause I know you had to power through that first draft of the post being deleted by shitpn. I mean rpn. 

1st. I think Garo was already in the courtroom. Are you thinking that he was outside and it was just Lyra and Mikey? Because I was picturing Lyra being in like... the defense place in a courtroom and then Garo and the others being in the 'supporters' section behind her. Though I do envision Emma to be in the seat next to her. Just wanted to point out, but otherwise Shane's pose was good. 

2nd. Oh my goodness Eddie's response! Priceless! I'm so excited to write Victor's response because I can already picture how he's going to feel about that look. There's no question he's going to notice it. 

Victor: Uh oh, someone feels threatened. *inner laughter* 

3rd. Robin made me feel so bad for Lanna. Like... I get upset writing Lanna's post but Robin's concern for her just brought all of that sadness right back. She's such a sweetheart, I love her so much. 

Really good post Spooky :)

1st. I think Garo was already in the courtroom. Are you thinking that he was outside and it was just Lyra and Mikey? Because I was picturing Lyra being in like... the defense place in a courtroom and then Garo and the others being in the 'supporters' section behind her. Though I do envision Emma to be in the seat next to her. Just wanted to point out, but otherwise Shane's pose was good. 

2nd. Oh my goodness Eddie's response! Priceless! I'm so excited to write Victor's response because I can already picture how he's going to feel about that look. There's no question he's going to notice it. 

Victor: Uh oh, someone feels threatened. *inner laughter* 

3rd. Robin made me feel so bad for Lanna. Like... I get upset writing Lanna's post but Robin's concern for her just brought all of that sadness right back. She's such a sweetheart, I love her so much. 

Really good post Spooky :)


Yeah pretty much how you're seeing the courtroom scene is how I'm seeing it too. Garo was already in the courtroom, he just stood up.

I really wanna see the whole "Victor's in love with my girlfriend" thing heat up. MOAR TENSION 

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