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Realistic or Modern Continuation of miiverse RP

Fuzziestudios said:
Fuzzie got up and stopped the bullets from hitting him. He fired straight back at them. When Kaiser showed up, he pushed him with his mind, sending him flying into building after building. He was out of sight. Then Kaiser Jr tried to punch him, but Fuzzie stopped it. He pushed Kraiser Jr like he did to normal Kasier and followed him. He landed at a train station. Fuzzie punched him over and over until Kaiser Jr pushed him with his mind a few feet away. Then, he picked him up, and slamed him on the ground. Fuzzie than picked him with his minds and threw him at a nearby passing train.
Fuzziestudios said:
Kaiser Jr and a hundred of demon troops surronded Kaiser. They all fired heat lasers at Kaiser. It hurts, a lot, enough to knock off anyone.
the police walked over,

Turned Fuzzie upside down, cuffed him and drove him to prison in the old Tokyo police car.
Kaiser, having to admit it does hurt, his physical body isn't where you attack. He sends out a tremor, knocking out the troops. He walks up to Kaiser Jr., and locks him in the same mental darkness as Fuzzie.

Kaiser walks over to Poppy, Poppy goes to yell, but Kaiser just puts him in the darkness. "NOW." His voice booms to his followers. "PROTECT THE MACHINE AT ALL COSTS. AND IF ANY OTHER 'HEROES' COME... TERMINATE THEM."

In the mental darkness he trapped the others, his white, insane, smile shows in the matching dark sky. "Hello Puppets." He sing-songs.
After a while derek was finally able to telepathise with Rune so he yelled "OH MY GOD RUNE WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING IN TOKYO!?"
Fuzzie was in darkness. Nothing.

F: Hello?

His voice echoed in the void. Than, there was a light. The light became a girl around Fuzzie's age. It was Nari.

F: Nari, I...

N: Shhhh...Its okay. You tried your hardest...


N: No, no...this is only a vision. Andrew...we cant have demons among the Earth. They are powerful and deadly. But...do you know what makes Kaiser Jr so powerful?

F: What that...Matter...

N: That's right, Fuzzie. You need to get Matter back inside you. That is the only way to kill Kaiser, his army, Jr's demon army, and so on...but you must killed Jr. to get him.

F: But...this is what I wanted...no more Matter...

N: Do you want him to roam the Earth? He's a very old demon. You cant kill. You can only...put him back inside...

F: But...no...this is what I have to do! Thanks Nari! So what do I do first?

N: The first thing you need to do...is wake up...

F: Wait, Nari!

Than the void went white.

(Btw Jr destroyed the machine)
Meanwhile the police throw Fuzzie into a maximum security cell and place his sleeping body into the cell with another superhuman
(Oops, my bad.)

Kaiser appears before Fuzzie in the Void. "Hello Puppet!" Kaiser Jr. and Poppy appear next to Fuzzie, both chained to the ground. "Welcome to my world! Perfect, pristine, and orderly. Everything in, place." He sits on what seems to be nothing, and in front of him, a chess board. "Care to play, Andrew?" Asks Kaiser. His grin never wavering.

(BTW, where is everyone else?)
TabbyCatTM said:
(Oops, my bad.)
Kaiser appears before Fuzzie in the Void. "Hello Puppet!" Kaiser Jr. and Poppy appear next to Fuzzie, both chained to the ground. "Welcome to my world! Perfect, pristine, and orderly. Everything in, place." He sits on what seems to be nothing, and in front of him, a chess board. "Care to play, Andrew?" Asks Kaiser. His grin never wavering.

(BTW, where is everyone else?)
@WMBuggle1 @Doomsday
Fuzzie stared at Kaiser.

F: Okay first: I'm not good at chess, and two: only people I care about can call be by my real name!


F: Shut the hell up. Oh hey Jr. Can I talk to the other guy?

K. Jr: WHO?

F: Matter! Let me talk to him!


F: Then I'll take that part of you, out!

Fuzzie grabbed Kaiser Jr's head and punched it over and over again.

Kaiser rolls his eyes. He points with his index finger, and moves Fuzzie to the seat on the opposite side of the chess board, and chains him there. "So, Andrew, tell me about yourself. Well, the things I want to know. And I'll know if you're lying." He moves a rook. "So don't bother. And if you do lie," Poppy appears next to Kaiser, chained and his mouth covered. "This poor child will get the punishments. Now, begin." He smiles.
Fuzzie tried to hide the anger and sadnesses. He was gonna hurt Poppy if he didnt say...what? He didnt describe the things he wants to know.

F: What do you want to know?

Tears began rolling down his face.
"Everything that makes you hurt. Everything that keeps you awake at night. Your sadness, your fears, your story. I already know what they are, but I love to hear the pained voices you monsters use." He laughs maniacally, then stops abruptly, waiting for Fuzzie to start.
Fuzzie was having an internal conflict. Speak or no speak. It was a while before he remembered Nari's words.She knew the answer, but she wasnt here. Fuzzie had to think of the answer, alone. He imaged that he got out of the chair, killed Kaiser and his grandson, saved Poppy and Tokyo, and became the hero everyone needed. But that was only a daydream, but he needed to be the hero now. He decided. Speak.

F: Matter keeps me up at night...he is the one that killed my family and ruined my life. He is the reason the military chases me, why people fear and reject me. Someone would usually die by my hands. Without Matter, none of this will ever happen. I would be dead, in fact I WANNA DIE...
Kaiser laughs, as if it was an amazing punchline to a good joke.

To him it really was. Poppy shakes his head, trying to stop Fuzzie from talking. One of Fuzzie's pieces moves on their own. Then Kaiser moves his. "Next~" he sing-songs.

(Gtg, ttyl)
(The one time I don't check 0n0 )

Rune: *Awakening from a daydream... a really deep one* "The heck... What the heck happened?! Thanks guys! Some friends you are!" *"Derek, is that you? I could ask you the same question" She looked to the nightmare sky* "Looks just like when Oggy got close to the planet." *A flash in the sky* "I keep seeing that flash. Saw it over at Poppy's, my place. Wei-" *An object fell from the sky, like a falling star. She thought for a moment, wondering what it could be, hoping it wasn't what it usually was*

???: "Successful landing... Beginning hunt for false god."
F: ...I fear that people (*mutters* like you) are going to hurt my friends. I feel like I endanger everyone. And I have been living like an outcast...I just feel lost...

Saying those 4 last words, he remembered something. Positive, that is. He remembered a song from a movie he such loves. And now, he'll take that movie into reality.
In the city, the war ranged on. Demon troops were fighting Kaiser's brainwashed army. Demons were hit, people were hit, and buildings were hit. Demons were still coming out the sky rip, but most of them were shot down. Right now, it was basically a draw.

However, demon General Xod saw something fall from the sky. It wasnt a demon, as demons can fly. Xod and twenty troops flew over and saw what the object was.
Doomsday said:
(The one time I don't check 0n0 )
Rune: *Awakening from a daydream... a really deep one* "The heck... What the heck happened?! Thanks guys! Some friends you are!" *"Derek, is that you? I could ask you the same question" She looked to the nightmare sky* "Looks just like when Oggy got close to the planet." *A flash in the sky* "I keep seeing that flash. Saw it over at Poppy's, my place. Wei-" *An object fell from the sky, like a falling star. She thought for a moment, wondering what it could be, hoping it wasn't what it usually was*

???: "Successful landing... Beginning hunt for false god."
Derek then said "WHO WAS THAT!" As he heard the voice too.
Kaiser laughs again. "You're just wonderful! Now," he looks behind himself. "I may invite some more players soon." He turns back towards Fuzzie. Fuzzie's pieces moves forward, then Kaiser moves his. "If you would like, you may ask a few questions." He takes out 4 of Fuzzie's pieces. "But nothing too extreme." He chuckles. "How fun!"
Fuzzie said of the first question on his mind.

F: Where do you come from?

Meanwhile in Hell, the demon council was having a meeting with the demon army. Governor Solaris said to the army:

Solaris: Hell's army. Our king is captured. We need him back and safe. Can you do that for me?


Troop: Short speechs are awesome!

Solaris: THAN GO!

The army took off and headed for the portal.
"I am from the fear in people's minds." He replys confidently. "Any more?" He smiles.
F: Why do you hate humans?

The demons all alined at the portal. They took their tridents and fired heat lasers. They all combined into one big one.

Coming out of the portal was a giant laser. It destroyed buildings and killed many people. The laser moving, doing the same thing from before. Xod saw the laser. He had a big smile on his face. The whole army was here.
Fuzziestudios said:
F: Why do you hate humans?
The demons all alined at the portal. They took their tridents and fired heat lasers. They all combined into one big one.

Coming out of the portal was a giant laser. It destroyed buildings and killed many people. The laser moving, doing the same thing from before. Xod saw the laser. He had a big smile on his face. The whole army was here.
One of the Oni soldiers got to the Japanese parlement building, hoisted down the Japanese flag and hoisted up the flag of Shuhon (it's a red and gold flag with a two tailed cat in the center)
"I hate how they use up the world's resources. How they abuse everything. How they're careless." He grows angry.
F: What are your plans after everyone dies?

The demons came out of the rip. There were millions of them. They flew around the city, searching for their king, and killing the brainwashed people. They used their sences to detect Kaiser Jr. He was located in a human prison.

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