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Constanta: Throne of Perdition


Senior Member

Twenty years has passed since the Vampire Lord Uther Lalumiere was slain at the hands of Emilian Varias. With the Prince of Hell's demonic portal destroyed, his castle returned to the abyss and the curse which had spread famine, plague, and corruption throughout the heartlands of Constanta for nearly a half century lifted, Constanta would know a moment of peace. Farmer's crops flourished, and the once abandoned town of Mordova became a bustling center for trade, engineering and religious fervor. However, a silent darkness festers within Mordova's backstreets. A new guild has arisen, challenging the authority of the longstanding Silver Hand. Emilian has fallen gravely ill to some unknown illness, with his nephew Hadrian Varias serving as the current guild master. Mutilated bodies bearing strange scars continue to pile up in street corners and alley ways as the escalating guild war threatens to send the town into a panic.

In the midst of this chaos, the Church of Edifus has returned to Mordova, proselytizing its message of meekness and submission to Edfius, and promising to save the town from the darkness which dwells within its city walls. Fiercely intolerant of magic, the High Priesthood of Edifus instigated a witch hunt shortly after Uther's death; a genocide which continues to this day. With nearly a hundred citizens executed so far, several brave souls have dared to speak out against Edifus, only to have their tongues cut out and their mouths sewn together. Evil stirs in Constana once more. Several adventurers take refuge within the Widow's Flagon, a small tavern on the outskirts of Mordova; unlikely allies soon to embark on perilous journey...

(I will be accepting 4 applications in addition to my own.


NPCs & Lore

  • Uther Lalumiere- Original prophet of Edifus and priest of incredible power who was promised eternal life in order for spreading the gospel of Edifus; a gospel originally centered around love. After nearly a decade of spreading the church across Constanta, Uther began to notice himself age. Perplexed, he attempted to commune with Edifus but to no avail. Feeling cheated, he forsook the teachings of Edifus and made a dark pact with the arch-devil Beelzebub, who in exchange for the priest's soul, prevented him from ever aging, and made him the vessel of the Arch-Devil's power on the mortal plane. He became the original vampire, and the most powerful daemon to ever walk the mortal world. He began to form an army, infecting the most powerful criminals within Constanta with vampirism, an infection which turned humans into lesser versions of himself. For decades he worked to construct a portal to the seven hells. A ritual of such enormous proportion would take time however, and for years he worked in silence. As the portal became more and more complete over the years, hell's influence leaked into the mortal world, leading to what would be known as the Curse Lalumiere. Uther was eventually slain by the Hunter Emilian Varias, and his castle returned to the void.
  • Emilian Varias- The most skilled Hunter of his time, and slayer of Uther Lalumiere. He founded the Silver Hand. For the past several months Emilian has fallen gravely ill.
  • Isabella Dimir- A powerful Witch who helped Emilian to reveal Castle Lalumiere and defeat Uther.
  • Silver Hand- The dominant guild in Mordova established by Emilian Varias. The guild has recently fallen into conflict with a mysterious and macabre rival guild.
  • The Balan Family- A extremely wealthy family which supported Uther during the course of Curse Lumiere. The family mysteriously disappeared after Uther's death.
  • Hadrian Varias- Charismatic nephew of Emilian. Watches over his uncle and is temporarily serving as guild master.
  • Octavian Xan- High Priest of Edifus. Initiated the Witch Hunt and the Purge. Is known for whipping and mutilating himself in order to communicate more closely with Edifus. He strives for a sort of spiritual perfection through self mutilation, and believes that such forms of self punishment are necessary to avoid succumbing to evil like Uther.
  • Curse Lalumiere- A foul curse which spread famine, plague, and corruption throughout Constanta. With the help of the Witch Isabella, Emilian discovered that the source of the curse was a portal to the hells created by Uther Lalumiere. With the destruction of the portal and Uther's defeat, the curse was lifted.
  • The Witch Hunt- A 15 year witch hunt started by the priests of Edifus. The church formed an elite squadron of hunters known as the Fel Hunters. As a result, witches have been forced to either leave Mordova or practice their magic in secret within the town's walls.
  • Fell Hunters- An elite group of Hunters and Crusaders assembled by Octavian Xan, specializing in the extermination of Witches, Vampires and Lycanthropes.
  • The Heccubus Coven- A powerful coven of witches residing with the Ravincal Ruins. They've adopted an isolationist attitude and have erected several enchantments within the surrounding plains and forests to hide their encampment.
  • The Purge- Shortly after initiating the Great Witch Hunt, the priests of Edifus declared a war on all creatures of the night; primarily werewolves and vampires. The Fel Hunters took up this calling as well.

Character Creation Template

Name: Character’s name.

Age: Character’s age.

Gender: Character’s gender (male, female, other).

Physical Appearance: Your character’s height, hair color, skin color, eye color, clothing, scars, or any other unique physical characteristics. You may upload a photo, but it must fit a 15-16th century european setting. For suggestions, check out the following link. https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=ayami+kojima

Biography: Your character’s history and what has brought him/her to the Widow's Flagon in Mordova (2 paragraph min). This should be thorough and interesting. Is your character being followed? Stalked? Are you hiding, waiting for someone? Perhaps you seek work in the city. Be creative. These paragraphs should be a demonstration of your writing ability. Be sure to refer to your Origin (see below) when writing your Biography.

Weapon Style: Choose 2 Weapon Styles, 1 weapon per style. Normal Attacks deal 1d6 Normal Damage. You may take a shield but for now it will be a purely aesthetic choice.

  • Fast Melee- Dagger/Dual Wield, Short Sword, Scimitar, Rapier, Staff.
  • Heavy Melee- Greatsword, Hammer, Mace, Axe, Flail.
  • Ranged- Pistol, Bow, Crossbow, Darts, Throwing Knives.


  • Hunter- Hunters are driven by a variety of motives. Some are driven by greed, lust, or the the thrill of adventure. Others serve as bounty hunters or mercenaries. And still others are driven by revenge against the creatures of the night which robbed them of their friends, homes and families. What all Hunters have in common however is the ability to stalk and kill prey with ease. In addition to their impressive dexterity, hunters also possesses an in depth knowledge of occult lore, enabling them to use a variety of powders and toxins to expose the weaknesses of their enemies.
    HP: 16
  • Agility: 1d6+2
  • Feat: Occult Lore - Hunters must study the magical prey they stalk in order to effectively eliminate them. After years of collecting bits and pieces of occult knowledge, skilled Hunters are able to coat their weapons in a variety of agents, from holy water, to garlic and liquid silver, putting to rest otherwise invulnerable prey. Your feats cause ENCHANTED enemies to become vulnerable to further damage

[*]Tier I Skills (5 Energy): (Choose 1)

  • Sacred Grenade- Storing a vial of blessed water within a small glass container, the Hunter can create a small grenade that erupts into a swathe of holy light which purges flesh. Deals 1d10 Holy Damage to bosses.
  • Flaming Oil- Applying a viscous substance to their weapons that ignites with friction, Hunters can deliver an attack that sears their opponents. Deals 1d10 Fire Damage to bosses.

[*]Tier II Skills (10 Energy): (Choose 1)

  • Fleshbane- Skilled Hunters are capable of concocting a poison from a variety of rare ingredients. This poison must be carefully brewed and the slightest mistake can prove fatal to the Hunter brewing it. Once applied to their weapons however, they can deliver a vicious strike that festers and seathes. Deals 2d10+3 Poison Damage to bosses.
  • Calculated Strikes- Elite Hunters have developed an understanding of anatomy so complete, that they can inflict a series of perfectly placed wounds upon an enemy in quick succession, severing arteries, and causing major bleeding. Hunters are able to execute this attack most efficiently when emerging from the shadows. Deals 2d10 Bleeding Damage to bosses. If target is above 75% hp, deal an additional 6 damage.

  • Witch- Those born with a gift for sorcery haven’t always been so reviled. Before the emergence of the Church of Edifus, those with such talents were revered and treated as powerful shaman or medicine men. Now they are reviled as demon worshipers, and while some witches are certainly guilty of consulting with demons, most are not. Regardless, most witches must keep their magic well concealed while within the city limits of Mordova. For this reason, many choose to join coven located throughout the ruins and forests. Other chose a life of isolation. Regardless, witches who learn to hone their natural powers through practice and magical experimentation can turn their spirits and minds into weapons of destruction.
    HP: 18
  • Agility1d6+1
  • Feat: Remove Curse- Witches have a natural sensitivity to spiritual activity, and can sense the presence of curses or enchantments upon both objects, the environment. Furthermore their magical talents allow them to dispel these foul presences. Removes a CURSE from an item or the surrounding area.

[*]Tier I Skills (5 Energy):(Choose 1)

  • Viper’s Nest- With this magical feat, certain Witches can summon forth a gathering of pit vipers beneath their enemies. These snakes bite at the flesh, injecting gobs of venom which degenerate flesh. Deals 1d10 Poison Damage to bosses.
  • Storm Locus- Witches who seek to harness the raw powers of nature can create a locus of energy and stormclouds which electrocutes their enemies. Deals 1d10 Lightning Damage to bosses.

[*]Tier II Skills (10 Energy):(Choose 1)

  • Wilting Hex- Witches who master the art of necromancy are capable of weaving a terrible curse. Those afflicted find the moisture violently drawn from their bodies as it slowly coalesces into the shape of a wailing human skull. Deals 2d10 Necrotic Damage to bosses. Deals +10 damage to plants and celestials.
  • Torrent of Flame- With this mighty sorcery, Witches specializing in elemental magic can create a large torrent of flame which circles them furiously. The stream can be directed toward the Witch’s enemies, overwhelming them with scorching heat. Deals 2d10+3 Fire Damage to bosses.

  • Crusader- With the recent surge in religious activity throughout the region, Crusaders from the three faiths have become increasingly prevalent. Crusaders worship the God Edifus, and through years of spiritual and martial training, have learned to harness his powers to deliver divine retribution. They are both warriors and missionaries, and are respected and feared throughout the land. Many Crusaders recently have defected from the Church of Edifus however, believing it to have been corrupted by a malevolent force, masquerading as their God. These defectors have been deemed traitors of the faith, and a death warrant rests upon each of their heads. Like Witches, many rebel Crusaders within the city walls of Mordova have been forced to live in secrecy.
    HP: 20
  • Agility: 1d6
  • Feat: Lay on Hands- Crusaders are well known for their miraculous ability to cure the wounded by invoking the divine powers of Edifus. Two times per rest, restore 1D10hp to one character. Can only be used out of combat.

[*]Tier I Skills (5 Energy): (Choose 1)

  • Baneful Word- Uttering a condemnation, the Crusader can wrack an enemy’s mind with psychic pain. Deals 1d10 Necrotic Damage to bosses.
  • Punish- Crusaders are skilled warriors and those who focus on their martial abilities can deliver a strike with extra force, causing internal and external bleeding. Deals 1d10 Bleeding Damage to bosses.

[*]Tier II Skills (10 Energy): (Choose 1)

  • Summon Avatar- Crusaders who have proven themselves to be true disciples of Edifus are capable of opening a celestial gate and summoning forth a mighty avatar of light which strikes their enemies with a heavenly sword while mending the flesh of their allies. Deals 2d10 Holy Damage to bosses. Each party member regains 5 hp.
  • Imbue- Holding their weapons high into the air and reciting a holy incantation, certain Crusaders are capable of charging their weapons with the power of a mighty lightning bolt and delivering a devastating strike. Deals 2d10 Lightning Damage to bosses. Deals +10 Lightning Damage to constructs and undead.

Acquired Traits: (You may choose 1)

  • Lycanthropy- Most people that become infected with Lycanthropy die within their first full moon: the transformation from man to beast proving too physically and mentally taxing. Those who do survive however emerge forever changed. Under the light of the full moon, Lycanthropes lose all sanity, and turn into eight foot bloodthirsty werewolves that will ravage anything in sight. After years of personal experimentation however, some Lycanthropes have learned how to control and harness their disease to a limited extent. Injecting themselves with small doses of Lycanthropy solution distilled from their own blood, they can temporarily transform into werewolves while maintaining limited control over their own behavior, even without the influence of a full moon. Lycanthropes who engage in such practices play a risky game however, as the side effects are often dangerous and unpredictable, and leave the body ravaged and near the brink of death. Most citizens of Constanta also mortally terrified of werewolves, forcing most Lycanthropes to keep their affliction a dark secret.
    Once per rest, inject yourself with Lycanthropy solution and turn into a werewolf, gaining 50% max hp and dealing an additional 5 Physical Damage with each normal attack for the duration of the battle. While transformed you cannot use skills. At the end of the battle, your hp is reduced to 1.


  • Must keep identity secret from the public.
  • Coming in contact with silver causes 3 hp loss.

  • Vampirism- Vampirism stems from that dark oath taken by Uther Lalumiere nearly a century ago. While the powers and afflictions of those who contract vampirism are considered lesser than those of their original maker, Vampires still haunt the nightmares of the citizens of Constanta. Those who are bitten and drink the blood of their makers enter into a nightmarish sleep for several days. Their bodies turn cold, their skin pale, and two hollow fangs sprout from their mouths. When they awaken, they must feed upon blood immediately to avoid going into a permanent coma. The vampire’s need to feed has made these creatures natural enemies of humans. A small number of vampires choose to live off the blood of rats, boars, and deer in the wilderness. Regardless, with the Vampire Lord Uther Lalumiere recent defeat, vampires are more despised than ever; fearing that they may be the harbinger of his return. Those who choose to live amongs mortals do so at their own peril.
    Once per rest, you may feed upon an enemy, stealing 1d10+2 hp.
  • Gains 2 Agility


  • Must keep identity secret from public.
  • Skin cannot come in direct contact with sunlight (must wear a hooded cloak for example) or else vampires take 1d10 fire damage each time they post until they are covered or find shade.
  • Vampires cannot be cured by restorative magic (i.e. Potions or Lay on Hands).

1.) Normal Battles vs. Boss Battles: Before a battle, I will state in parentheses whether or not we are fighting a Normal Enemy or a Boss. Battles with Normal Enemies are completely up to you; you can kill them in one hit, parry back and forth for a while, whatever. It's entirely your call how you narrate battles between your character and Normal Enemies. When fighting Bosses, we will use the dice system. When using the dice system, state what your character is intending to do and post the damage roll. I will then narrate whether or not the attack hits (in the case of Normal Attacks), and what the results were. Normal Attacks have a 75% chance to hit. Skills are guaranteed to hit.

2.) HP and Unconsciousness: Crusaders begin with 20 hp, Witches 18 hp, and Hunters 16 hp. You shall remain unconscious until you rest or are healed.

3.) Resting: Resting restores player's hp and per rest abilities.

4.) Energy: Each character regardless of Origin will start with 15 Energy. Energy is restored after each battle.

5.) Battle Order: I shall roll a dice representing Agility for each character before a Boss Battle to determine the order. Hunters shall begin with 1d6+2 Agility, Witches with 1d6+1 Agility, and Crusaders with 1d6 Agility. The order will be from highest score to lowest score.

6.) Boss Attacks: Boss attacks have a 50% chance to hit. The Boss will target players randomly or the entire party.

7.) Posting Requirements: I require that players post at least once every 5-6 days. During battles I’d prefer that players post sooner, so that we can finish them faster. I don’t think this is asking too much. If a player neglects to post after 7 days the story-line will continue on without them and they shall be left behind. This is especially important given the battle order; if it’s your turn to post during a battle and you neglect to do so, it will prevent the rest of the party from finishing the fight. If you don’t think you’ll be able to meet this requirement, please don’t apply.

8.) Be kind and respectful: Treat your fellow RPers with kindness and respect. If there are tensions in character within the RP, make sure that players aren't taking it personally out of character. Absolutely NO racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise derogatory language or references will be tolerated whatsoever.
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Fane: Fane rested upon a wooden chair, legs crossed in the corner of the tavern. His hid the majority of his face beneath his black overcoat. A candle burned ever so slightly on the table beside him as the rain pounded upon the roof. He wanted to keep a low profile, at least for a couple days or so. He'd heard word that the Fel Hunters were making a sweep through the city; if they were to discover his identity as a witch he'd surely be arrested and executed. Once things had settled down in the city, Fane would investigate some of the locations he'd beheld in his visions.

Cool air filled the room as three figures entered the tavern. The eyes of the twenty or so patrols turned toward the figures as they made their way through the tavern. The lanterns went out as they passed, and an unearthly chill ran up Fane's spine as they passed. The spiritual energy which surrounded them was especially foul; he could only speculate who or what they may be. The leader of the three pulled back her hood slightly, revealing her pale skin, long locks and exquisite beauty. She approached the Inn Keeper, who looked back at her with terror. "We've come to collect Oldrus..." the woman said caressing the old, sweaty inn keeper's face. The man struggled to collect his confidence. "I...I'm no longer scared of you and your kind....the Silver Hand...Hadrien...he promised to protect me..." the man stuttered. The woman began to laugh hysterically. "Is that so...then were is he now? The Silver Hand is on its way out old man...now pay up or face the lady's wrath!" The man began to sob. "I don't have it...if you could just give me time!" the Inn Keeper pleaded. "Time's up. If you cannot pay in gold, then you shall pay in blood!" The woman threw her cloak from her shoulders as two large demonic wings sprouted from her back. A torrent of wind began to circle her, putting a hole in the roof of the Widow's Flagon and causing its patrons to flee in terror. "Burn this place to the ground!" The woman screamed as she grabbed the Inn Keeper and began to take flight. Fane stood his ground, and noticed three other patrons that refused to flee as well; a crusader clad in white robes, a female fighter clad in a black garb, and a man in grey robes from head to toe, wielding a long sword. The she-vampire took off into the night with the Inn Keeper, with her companion, leaving one vampire behind. "Four delicious morsels all to myself...most fortunate" the vampire said with a sinister grin as morphed into his demonic form. "Defend yourselves!" the hooded man shouted at Fane and the other two warriors as he coated his blade in liquid fire and assailed the demon. (Boss Battle: Rogue Vampire, Demon (no immunities), 50 hp).

Agility Roll:





Rogue: [dice]9500[/dice]

Battle Order:






Elise sighed as the light from the fire dancing across man's sword crackled, heating the air around it. She glanced down at her mug sadly, the alcohol sloshing around in its depths. Raising it to her lips, she took a swig before standing on unsteady legs, head swimming, glass still in one hand. She pounded one fist against her chest, taking a deep breath and reaching under her cloak. After a moment of confused groping, she found the grip of her crossbow, and drew it, pointing it at the beast standing before her.

"Y'know.... All I wanted was one damn drink." She spat, slamming the mug down onto the bar top. "And you just have to come in here and go all.... all... whatever the hell that is on me? Well guess what you filthy fang." Her words began to slur slightly as the alcohol began to take its toll.

"I have a crossbow and an itchy trigger finger."

She pulled the release on the bow, sending a silver-tipped bolt flying through the air towards the monster.

((I just put 1d6 here, right?))

Not waiting to see if the bolt even struck its target, she glanced back towards the counter, grinning as she spotted her mug.

"There you went...." She slurred, taking another swig from its murky depths.
Scarfing down the last bits of food while the kidnapping of the bar keep took place he blessed his cup of water and emptyed the now blessed contents of the cup onto his silver two handed axe and takes a wide swing onto the vampire's new form "Take this you foul beast!!" Swings the great Axe into the shoulder blade of the monster
Elise Roll: [dice]9512[/dice]

Gerald Roll:[dice]9513[/dice]

Narrator: Elise's arrow pierced the creature's arm (48 hp remaining). The vampire grunted in pain before ripping the arrow from his arm. "You're going to have to do better than that sweet heart" the vampire muttered. Distracted, the vampire quickly found itself the victim of Gerald's attack, as his axe sliced his right side drawing dark red blood (42 hp remaining). The vampire dissolved into black mist before reappearing outside the Widow's Flagon.

Fane: Fane gazed at the creature with disdain. "Don't run from me demon!" he shouted as he darted toward the creature. He stretched forth is hand toward the vampire and began to weave a macabre curse within his mind. He tapped into the vampire's vital processes, sensing the cold blood within its body. With one final stretch of his hand, he completed the foul hex (5 energy remainin). [dice]9514[/dice] The sound of steam and hallowed screams followed as a portion of the moisture within the vampire's body was forcibly evaporated, causing the vampire to fall to its knees as the water vapor from its body coalesced into the shape of a howling skull (34 hp remaining).

Narrator: The vampire returned to his feet as rage spread across his face. He hissed violently before thrusting his hands upward, causing a wave of hundred of spines to sprout from the ground in the direction of Elise, Gerald, Fane and the mysterious rogue. (Boss attack hit) [dice]9515[/dice] (party takes 4 damage).
Although she had managed to avoid being killed by the spines, Elise was rather distraught to find the remains of her drink splashed over her outfit. One of the spines had knocked the drink from her hand, emptying its contents onto her and the floor. The mug lay on the ground in pieces, and with a sullen sigh Elise turned to face the demon.

"I'm gonna flay you alive for that, fang." She sputtered, reaching for her belt. After a moment, a flask of water was sent flying through the air, a warm radiance spreading into the air around it.

(Sacred grenade, 1d10 holy damage, -5 energy)

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(16 HP)Pulling a few of the tiny spines out of his right arm Gerald let's out a huge sigh in dissatisfaction of not cleaving the monster's limb off and pulls the cross bow around to the front of his body from it's leather strap which he then takes aim for the creatures head and fires the silver bolt tip towards the monster

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