Conduits: The Blast

"Natural Sight. It allows me to see through anything, be that a blizzard or intense fog, like it wasn't even there."

Gee, I wonder if this character was created to specifically combat somebody?

Optical Illusions vs. Senses/Technology Distorting Mist

I feel like this is a fight everybody wants to see...

[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"Natural Sight. It allows me to see through anything, be that a blizzard or intense fog, like it wasn't even there."
Gee, I wonder if this character was created to specifically combat somebody?

Optical Illusions vs. Senses/Technology Distorting Mist

I feel like this is a fight everybody wants to see...


Oh yeah, that's sure to be interesting
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]I have to stop and wonder where everybody is getting these Katanas in the ruins of New York...
Then I'd have to realize I can't say anything because my own character has a massive sword...

Sphinx is accepted, anyways.

Hey, Shadow and Felix have excuses.
Name: Vladimir Tepes

Age. 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.772764f79becec66a678498c48a22826.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.772764f79becec66a678498c48a22826.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Vladimir grew up in a very hateful household with grieving and pain. When he was young, his mother died and his father found only one solution to the problem. Women and alcohol. His father would come gone with different women every night always drunk. When they awoke, his father would beat him. Vlad dealt with that for years. He had no friends in school and wasn't good at anything except for being quiet and reserved. Until his sophomore year in high school, he came home late because he didnt want to go home. His father was waiting for him and when Vlad entered his house, his father attacked him. Vlad didnt know what to do do he ran away mere seconds before a blast came from the center of the city. That's all that Vlad remembers. The rest, Vlad love on the streets slowly learning about his powers and slowly becoming stronger. His hate for his father an all who are evil, made him look to join the DUP he has hidden his powers from them as hard as he could.

Personality: Vlad is a righteous guy who lives for doing good. He may be quiet at times but he will always help someone in need. He loves people unless they are evil. He can always tell when someone is bad.

Faction (Optional): DUP

Alignment (Optional): Good

Powers/Abilities: Hemokinesis. No controlling others. No death inducement. No making blood. Has to draw blood from someone to control it.

Other: Makes weapons out of blood.



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I'd like to point out, I'm rather certain the DUP can detect conduits...

Still, let's say by some miracle they've never even tested you.

Name: Xander

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: A seventeen year old boy who is forced to live with grandparents after his parents divorce, and neither are deemed fit to maintain custody. He was walking home from school when the blast happened, and was put into a coma for eleven days until he awoke in an empty hospital, five hundred miles North of New Marais. His goal is to traverse down to New Marais and find his grandparents.

Personality: Immensely Bipolar; Very interested with fire

Occupation (Optional): Works at local video joint(Up until the blast)

Inventory (Optional):

  • Matches
  • Lighter
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Wallet- 47 Dollars, ID, Condoms, Gift Card to video game store, and a receipt from P.F Changs
  • Green Flannel

Faction (Optional):

Alignment (Optional):


  • All Bones 940% stronger than a normal human; stronger than cinder. (Killer headbutt.)
  • Able to leap significantly, and punch and kick stronger
  • Weak Mind Control Abilities (This ability will grow throughout story)
  • Ability to "Power Up". Everything about him grows stronger. His powers do not stop growing until the session ends. Once the session ends, he will implode depending on how much force he exerted, and how much power he used defines the size of the explosion. Once he explodes, he will come back at the same spot that he began the power up session, unconscious.(When he powers up, his eyes turn neon turquoise, and his pupils disappear.

Other (Optional): Has occasional seizures due to mild epilepsy.
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Accepted and denied are the two words I use to, surprisingly, accept or deny a CS.

It's not mean, it just is what it is.

If he tries harder on the CS, fixes the mistakes, and edits his CS or makes another post I can then choose whether to accept or deny him again.
"Deny" holds no "anger" behind it. It only carries with it the definition.

However, it does seem to be a word that you, and many others, hold a negative connotation to. It also greatly depends on how the person saying/writing it is using it and how they say/write it.
Name: Xavier Callaghan

Age: 22(January the 8th)


Appearance (Images are Allowed):

Xavier has blond hair and blue eyes, and usually dons a blue collared, buttoned shirt, jeans. He is always seen carrying a laptop and other devices, as well as an umbrella, around. He adds on a scarf and a pea coat when it gets cold.


Xavier was a gamer, and coder, before the explosion that rocked the world around him. Due to his refusal to accept his becoming of a conduit, he kept it a secret, until his father joined the Militia. He proceeded to run away, out of fear, but before he left the district, a shootout occurred between the Militia and the Mercenaries, where he watched his father die.

At present, he is currently jumping around from district to district, and has found solace from the Unification district, stealing food and water rations and bypassing securities with his power. He spends his time practicing parkour on rooftops, seeking electricity to charge his devices, or people-watching. Unfortunately, he does not spend a lot of time around people, and fails to pick up word quickly on any upcoming shootouts, events, or news, since he does not stick around long enough to learn it, and simply, does not care enough.


Xavier enjoys technology and gaming, and can often be found on his laptop(my precious). In fact, he was on his way to grad school for a computer science degree, before the explosion. Despite his normally cheerful and playful attitude, he has several regrets, predominantly his distance from his father(his only family since the divorce when he was 8). He can be easily embarrassed, flustered, or angered.

Occupation (Optional): Coder/Thief

Inventory (Optional):

  • Laptop
  • Charging plugs
  • Samsung smartphone(HAH ANDROID FTW)
  • Umbrella
  • Laptop bag
  • Knapsack

Faction (Optional): Neutral(currently)

Alignment (Optional): Neutral(he doesn't like attracting attention from the factions just to achieve something)


Code(similar to video)

Xavier has shown the ability to execute commands using code from his devices, which is why he can bypass the technologically advanced securities of the DUP and the First Sons. Despite the inadaptibility of his power, he can still be strong in combat by conjuring walls of polygons and firing pixelated volleys from his phone. His power can only affect devices in his sight, and his code can only control inanimate objects to a crude extent, and is not at strong at manipulating matter as their respective conduits. His power is also reliant on the charge of his devices, and is powerless when they run out of battery, or are destroyed.

Other (Optional):

Xavier has a weaker physique, and can easily lose when it becomes a battle of physical strength and endurance.

Xavier is currently debating about his sexual orientations and can be seen talking to himself on rooftops sometimes.

If there's anything I should change, add, or remove, notify me c:

edit: Thanks c: But I hope my character won't die so quickly
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Accepted, go for it.

I'm looking forward to seeing if a non-combat conduit will be torn apart in moments or if they'll be effective.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Accepted, go for it.
I'm looking forward to seeing if a non-combat conduit will be torn apart in moments or if they'll be effective.

Yeah. Earlier I considered creating a healer conduit, but then I decided I was overloaded with characters as it is. Shard is kind of an assist character. Her main use is to create crystals that reflect Null's mind control abilities.
Character Sheet (CS

Joseph Dean Kessler

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: During some period of his life, Joseph seemingly vanished for quite some time, apparently to pursue further scientific studies. It is believed that somewhere along the line, he encountered the First Sons, though he joined them for a very brief amount of time, before returning to his home city. Intelligent, brash, and highly interested in science, Joseph's life seemingly changed entirely when the blast struck Empire City, killing his wife and seemingly both of his children. He was one of the few people that knew that the First Sons were behind it. In the beginning, he had helped with initially production of it, though hadn't been informed that it was to be a bomb. He had appeared to lose everything, his home, his family, everything that he had worked for. But... in due process, because of the radiation from the blast, Joseph gained the ability of enhanced speed.

All around him, Joseph was forced to use any resource that was left for his survival, whilst straying away from the freaks that the blast had created. Through time, the chaos began to harden his personality, and he began to wish that he had died along with his family. He believed himself to have been turned into a monster, and that all the other individuals roaming around with powers were responsible for the damage that had been done to his home. Thus, after several months, at which he appeared to have established several connections between newly formed factions, Joseph began planning out a way to eradicate the conduit plague, and in the process, kill all conduits, including himself. To do that, he has spent his time attempting to create a device similar to the ray-sphere, using the knowledge that he had acquired to deduce how it had been made into a bomb. The device would create a field that did the opposite of what the ray-sphere did. Instead of spreading powers into random people with the conduit gene, it would create a path of devastation that would begin killing off people with the conduit gene. A sort of conduit field inhibitor.

Personality: After the blast, the compassionate, highly caring part of Joseph seemed to have simply faded out entirely, replaced by a sudden cruelty towards the conduits spawned from the explosion. A new outlook of humanity was thrust into his mind, causing him to see conduits as a blight, a mistake upon the earth, and that he himself was cursed with such abilities. He seems to be nothing less than a sociopath, and has little to no care about who he has to manipulate in order to achieve his own. In some way or another, he is hypocritical, despising those with special abilities regardless of having powers himself, and even using them to further his goals. One my go as far as to call him a complete narcissist, or perhaps even a psychopath because of the goals that he has pursued.

Occupation (Optional): Anti-Conduit Extremist/Terrorist

Inventory (Optional):

  • An armored uniform
  • Cellphone
  • Compound Bow (With a plethora of different arrows)
  • A Ninjato

Faction (Optional): Joseph doesn't belong to any particular faction, but has contacts in quite a few of them, including: The Conduit Mercenaries, The Militia, The DUP, and one informant within the First Sons, whom he has kept into contact with.

Alignment (Optional): Lawful Evil


  • Intelligence: Joseph's strongpoint, the Anti-Conduit Extremist is a genius when it comes to technology, and is a highly capable tactician, having spent a great deal of time planning out the eradication of the new sub-species, Conduits.
  • Martial Artistry: When it comes to hand to hand combat, Joseph appears to be no slouch, not in the slightest. He is a highly proficient martial artist, and because of this can hold his own and possibly defeat other superhumans even without using his speed capabilities.
  • Enhanced Physiology: Like all conduits, the blast has granted them enhanced attributes beyond regular human capacity, such as strength, stamina, and durability. Joseph's reflexes in particular seem nothing less than superhuman, though that may be a part of his ability of superhuman speed. His metabolism is accelerated because of his inhuman speed, which allows him to virtually continue using the ability for extended periods of time.
  • Supernatural Speed: Joseph's primary ability is greatly enhanced speed, an ability granted to him by the unnatural particles from the blast. The full potential of Joseph's speed is unknown, but when utilizing this ability, he can appear as a blur or simply seem invisible entirely. There are plenty of capabilities that he has using this power, not all of which have been clearly understood.

Other (Optional):

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