Conduits: The Blast

Name: Dr. Medusa Holiday (also known as Witch)

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: Born a child prodigy Dr. Holiday was alone during most of her childhood, but that just fine not having to deal with the mouthbreathers. Graduating valedictorian she went to graduating with straight A’s. She was recruited into the First Sons after college with the likelihood of her being a conduit being high and they were right.

Personality: Like’s to use sex appeal to get what she wants and is not afraid to do anything to achieve her goals.

Occupation (Optional): Doctor/Scientist

Inventory (Optional): Cellphone, and Pistol

Faction (Optional): The First Sons

Alignment (Optional): Neutral Evil


-Healing factor


-Superhuman Agility
I was just making sure! :D

Name: Dante Magmus

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 85097

Biography: Dante was your average kid until he stared to do gymnastics in the 5th grade. He was a master since the beginning. He started out on just floor but then worked his way to do all-around. He went to state a few times for his high school. He dealt with bullies calling him "gay" because he was flexible but in all honesty they were all jealous of him. He got all the ladies. He decided to become a professional gymnast and he was to be on the Olympics but his life changed after the blast. He became a wanderer looking for someone to tell him where to go and do what with his powers.

Personality: His is a really nice guy and very outgoing. He is also very protective and loyal to his friends. He will not hesitate to fight someone hurting his friends. He likes to crack jokes sometimes. Like really bad jokes.

Occupation (Optional): Gymnast

Inventory (Optional):

Faction (Optional): Neutral for now

Alignment (Optional): Neutral for now.

Powers/Abilities: Lavakinesis. More commonly known as a mixture of pyro and terrakinesis. He learned how to use them then learned how to mix them.

Other (Optional): He is always chewing gum or smoking. Sometimes at the same time.
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Kiotaro said:
Name: Dante Magmus
Age: 24

Gender: Male


Biography: Dante was your average kid until he stared to do gymnastics in the 5th grade. He was a master since the beginning. He started out on just floor but then worked his way to do all-around. He went to state a few times for his high school. He dealt with bullies calling him "gay" because he was flexible but in all honesty they were all jealous of him. He got all the ladies. He decided to become a professional gymnast and he was to be on the Olympics but his life changed after the blast. He became a wanderer looking for someone to tell him where to go and do what with his powers.

Personality: His is a really nice guy and very outgoing. He is also very protective and loyal to his friends. He will not hesitate to fight someone hurting his friends. He likes to crack jokes sometimes. Like really bad jokes.

Occupation (Optional): Gymnast

Inventory (Optional):

Faction (Optional): Neutral for now

Alignment (Optional): Neutral for now although he is leaning towards good.

Powers/Abilities: Lavakinesis. More commonly known as a mixture of pyro and terrakinesis.

Other (Optional): He is always chewing gum or smoking. Sometimes at the same time.
[QUOTE="Roach of Wrath]Name: Dr. Medusa Holiday (also known as Witch)
Age: 29

Gender: Female

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: Born a child prodigy Dr. Holiday was alone during most of her childhood, but that just fine not having to deal with the mouthbreathers. Graduating valedictorian she went to graduating with straight A’s. She was recruited into the First Sons after college with the likelihood of her being a conduit being high and they were right.

Personality: Like’s to use sex appeal to get what she wants and is not afraid to do anything to achieve her goals.

Occupation (Optional): Doctor/Scientist

Inventory (Optional): Cellphone, and Pistol

Faction (Optional): The First Sons

Alignment (Optional): Neutral Evil


-Healing factor


-Superhuman Agility

Consider both of these accepted. Dreadpool10s given me the go ahead to take over accepting/denying CSs.

Name: Victor 'Bloodshed' McGrath

Age: Unknown


Appearance (Images are Allowed):

Biography: A normal child before the blast, Victor's life was filled with amazement. His parents treated him with love and compassion and were always trying to keep him happy. Then the blast happened. During that time Victor and his parents had been oblivious to what was going on around them. Weeks after the blast, Victor had woken up in a sea of his parents blood. He suddenly felt a sudden wave of hunger wash over him. It was strange though. As if he didn't want anything other than the flesh of those around him. He ran out of his house and pounced into the first he saw, digging his teeth into their throat. After that, he discovered his powers in a battle with another conduit. He decided that instead of being a good do-er, he would use them for his own nefarious reasons. Soon, The First Son's followed his trail of carnage, enlisting him as one of their soldiers and test subjects.

Personality: At times Victor can be quite friendly at times, although he can turn into a cold-blooded killer at times.

Occupation (Optional): Test Subject/ Mercenary

Inventory (Optional): IPhone, Calling Card (For his own purposes), Dagger.

Faction (Optional):The First Son's

Alignment (Optional): Chaotic Evil

Powers/Abilities: Bone Manipulation: Due to the blast Victor can cause his bone's to soften and become malleable, offering the possibility of many new shapes and forms for them. However, the bigger the object the more pain it causes to Victor.

Healing Factor: Whenever Victor eat's flesh or stay's out of combat, his body automatically heals itself.

Other (Optional): Victor prefers the taste of flesh more than blood.
Name: Maxwell Ryan

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are Allowed): Brown hair, brown eyes, stubble around his chin and lips, muscular

Biography: Originally, Maxwell worked for the DUP hunting down conduits, until the blast when he got his powers. He kept trying to work for them, but the others became jealous of his abilities and kicked him out. He continued hunting conduits on his own, until one day he, in desperation, befriended a conduit. The DUP later captured, tortured, and killed his friend, causing him to dedicate his life to taking out the DUP, along with other gangs, and create the peace he thought he was as a DUP member.

Personality: Serious, very stubborn and persistent.

Occupation (Optional): Vigilante

Inventory (Optional): A cell phone and handgun, along with other ammo and accessories.

Faction (Optional): Vigilante

Alignment (Optional): Good

Powers/Abilities: His powers are fairly vague. He got the normal healing ability, along with increased agility, sight, touch, reflexes, cognitive abilities, basically everything was increased. Not to Hulk level strength or anything, but just a bit stronger than the average human (he is essentially a super soldier, but not a soldier) These hidden abilities allow him to blend in as a human.

Other (Optional): He uses a gun, sword, and whatever accessaries he has. He also refuses to kill innocents except under VERY specific circumstances (you would be hard pressed to find a time when he would) If the enemy is defenseless, he will not kill them, but if they fight back he will not hesitate to kill.
Both accepted. Btw Shadow that Conduit is rather weak, no specific power that makes him unique/powerful.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Both accepted. Btw Shadow that Conduit is rather weak, no specific power that makes him unique/powerful.

I know, but 1. We kinda need another hero, and 2. Having no obvious power allows him to blend in.
Kiotaro said:
Where should I jump in? If you don't mind.
Anywhere you'd like. Just make sure it fits your character to be there. I can't remember if your character is a hero or villain. If he's a hero, maybe he beats up some reapers, or sees the battle between Shadow and the hero gang (that's what I'm calling the alliance of Felix, Jacob, and Max until a better name is made) and has to figure out who's good and who's bad. I don't know, use your judgement
I would like to submit a revision for Max. Everything is the same, except at some point, he stole some First Son nanobot tech. This allows him to use nanobots to make any weapon he wants when necessary. He can also use them to attack. The downside is that, because it was a prototype, the bots have very limited range. I just want Max to be more versatile with his weaponry. Is this okay?
Name: Shard

Age: ???

Gender: To be revealed

Biography: Always had a fascination with rocks and ores. Always loved to watch them glimmer in the light. Her family died in an accident after her powers came. She was angry and she screamed causing crystals to fly everywhere.

Personality: Alone and looking for a partner (don't bother trying to take Shard)

Occupation: TO BE REVIELED (have plans for it)

Inventory: unbreakable crystal sword

Faction: To be revealed

Alignment: To be revealed, but will be very loyal to this alignment... most likely Chaotic Good like Null (hint, hint)


  • Can make very solid crystals out of the earth. Shard focuses long enough, they will eventually become harder than diamonds.
  • Can make swords or shield out of earth.
  • Can make crystal domes
  • can change transparency of crystals.
  • Can go into crystal form to protect herself (makes her almost invincible)
  • incredible defensive and healing abilities

I intend to use this character to help null in some ways, that you will see.
Seeing as I have my suspicions that Deadpool has abandoned this thread...

You put like no effort into that CS. More over, a CS is in place so that we can know what your character is like and then accept or deny it. Therefore, you shouldn't just put "???" or "To Be Revealed" because then we end up not knowing anything about the character we're accepting.

Also, why conceal the gender when you said "Her family died"? That's just shows extremely poor/to little/ to no thought put into the CS.

I must deny this character for now, put a whole lot more work into the CS if you want to get accepted.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Seeing as I have my suspicions that Deadpool has abandoned this thread...
You put like no effort into that CS. More over, a CS is in place so that we can know what your character is like and then accept or deny it. Therefore, you shouldn't just put "???" or "To Be Revealed" because then we end up not knowing anything about the character we're accepting.

Also, why conceal the gender when you said "Her family died"? That's just shows extremely poor/to little/ to no thought put into the CS.

I must deny this character for now, put a whole lot more work into the CS if you want to get accepted.

SHOOT, the female was supposed to be shocking... Should have checked my grammar. Anyway, Shard is supposed to meet up with Null if accepted and help give him a bit of an edge. I didn't put much effort, because Null is very powerful as is, and I didn't want to give him a boost that would make him a "god" so to speak. But yes, it is supposed to be a female character.

Name: Shard

Age: ???

Gender: Female (SHOCKING!!!!)

Appearance (Images are Allowed):

Biography: Only Child. Always had a fascination with rocks and ores. Always loved to watch them glimmer in the light. Her family died when another conduit who was unsure on how to react with his new powers, freaked out and started killing everyone in the city. She was the only other conduit in that city. She had hidden it from everyone. Eventually, her parents fell victim to this madman. Shard decided she would be the only one who could stand up to this madman. She killed the other conduit, and hoped she would be greeted back home with applause. But rather, she was feared by everyone, for not only being a conduit, but a murderer. Everyone started telling each other to stay away from "Shard" earning her nickname. She was depressed and she decided to go into hiding, staying clear of others.

Personality: Feels alone, and she wasn't someone to accepter. Feels as though she has a weird sense of judgement, in that it is ok for others to be killed if it is for a "good" reason.

Occupation: No Occupation

Inventory: unbreakable crystal sword

Alignment Chaotic Good.


  • Can make very solid crystals out of the earth. Shard focuses long enough, they will eventually become harder than diamonds.
  • Can make swords or shield out of earth.
  • Can make crystal domes
  • can change transparency of crystals.
  • Can go into crystal form to protect herself (makes her almost invincible)
  • incredible defensive and healing abilities

I assume this is a better CS? sorry bout the first attempt. It's been a while.
Once again, age concealed for absolutely no reason.

No appearance of the character, whether picture or description.

Grammar still seems really off all throughout the CS.

Still denied, try again.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Once again, age concealed for absolutely no reason.
No appearance of the character, whether picture or description.

Grammar still seems really off all throughout the CS.

Still denied, try again.

Age, I will put 18, as I see no need for specifics on that. As for character appearance, I don't understand what you are asking for.
She has shining silver/white hair, tends to wear pitch black dresses, is quite tall, has clear eyes (sort of like water). that a good description?
I also want to add that she can be mischievous, so that way I can use the entry that I want.

that ok?

Hey, would you mind starting a chat with me? I can't start one, and I want you to help with this entrance because of this timing.

Uhh.... Hayabusa


I was born in a test tube with no way to tell the days from the nights. Unknown.


Male. That, I know.

Appearance (Images are Allowed):



I don't remember much... I know that I lived in a large tube filled with water most of my life. I assumed that is where I was born. One day my master set me free and 'disciplined' me. After that, I was made search for conduits and capture them. But mostly, I was used to eliminate the stronger ones. There was one woman.. A scientist I think. She was extremely nice. I hate to admit it, but for a year we dated. Enough of my personal life. Soon, my masters made a terrible mistake. They let me loose on New York and lost control of me. I had found a safe way to extract the GPS chip that lay embedded into my skull. Ever since then, the DUP has been searching for me. And I have eluded them ever since. Imbeciles.


I assume I'm quiet tolerable, nice even, when I'm in a good mood. However, I become enraged if insulted.

Occupation (Optional):

Is test tube baby an occupation?

Inventory (Optional):

A katana I recieved for combat, an earpiece, two shurikens and kunai.

Faction (Optional):

I once belonged to the DUP as an Elimination Unit. But I no longer serve anyone.

Alignment (Optional):



I am a master of illusion. I use my abilities to fool a person's optical sense's. I was also trained to focus my body on one attribute, be that agility, strength, or perception, I have a strong will power, and my final ability is something I call Natural Sight. It allows me to see through anything, be that a blizzard or intense fog, like it wasn't even there.

Other (Optional):

I have trained myself to go long periods without blood. People say I am easy to manipulate, but I disagree.

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