Conduits: The Blast


King Dreadpool, the Wrathful
Character Sheet (CS




Appearance (Images are Allowed):



Occupation (Optional):

Inventory (Optional):

Faction (Optional):

Alignment (Optional):


Other (Optional):
Name: Walter Marston

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Walter is a 5ft 9.9 man, with long dark hair (usually arranged as a ponytail) and a poorly shaved beard. Usually wearing a black overcoat above a T-Shirt of his (many) favorite bands, he also goes around wearing jeans and a belt. He's got a leather courier bag, which he tends to keep on.


Biography: Walter was a loved, well-raised child. When he was 10, his father commited suicide. Without much money, they moved to New York City, where he, his mother and his sister lived with his Aunt, Jeniffer Marston. At the age of 16, his mother passed away due to pneumonia. By working two part-jobs, he was able to rent an apartment where he could live with his sister, Amanda Marston. When he was 20, the explosion happened. After spending weeks unconscious, he woke up to find that he had become a conduit - one able to shift Copper.

Personality: Walter is a hard working person. Upon the early death of his parents, he had to rise to the callenge of facing adult life at a young age. Even though his apartment (shared with his sister) is a complete mess, it is extremely hard to find an unpayed bill. He finds refuge on philosophy, being Socrates (more specifically Plato, as Socrates himself left no written knowledge) his favorite. He loves music, and just doesn't play an instrument for the lack of money. He tends to be rude to others, but really friendly to those which he appreciate.

Occupation (Optional): Pizza Deliver at "Tony's Pepino" and attendant on "Discoteka Records".

Inventory (Optional): Courier Bag, pack of cigarettes, some CD's, cellphone, a granola bar and a hot soda.

Faction: Independent

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Powers/Abilities: Copper (Wires, Copper Bars etc) / Enhanced Conditioning / Electrostatic Charges (Though not being able to control Electricity (such as Cole McGrath), he can use it for "Charges", such as air propensions, electric discharges etc on materials that can conduct electricity).

Other (Optional): He is addicted to nicotine.
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Name: Locus

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: Roach doesn’t remember his past or if he has one. The first and only memories of the past is the agonising pain and then there’s nothing. Not wanting to just follow the pack he decided to go freelance, putting his training to good uses for a price. Now he finds himself in New York as the Reapers rise as a hero for hire.

Personality: Roach is a good natured person at heart, but tends not to show that side instead prefers to show the cold hearted, sarcastic, smart-a**, with a moral compass you can pay off.

Occupation (Optional): Conduit Mercenarie

Inventory (Optional): Cellphone and a pistol

Faction (Optional): The Conduit Mercenaries

Alignment (Optional): Neutral


-Enhanced Conditioning

- Controlling Ice

-Proficient with firearms

Other (Optional):
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[QUOTE="Roach of Wrath]Name: Roach
Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: Roach doesn’t remember his past or if he has one. The first and only memories of the past is the agonising pain and then there’s nothing. Not wanting to just follow the pack he decided to go freelance, putting his training to good uses for a price. Now he finds himself in New York as the Reapers rise as a hero for hire.

Personality: Roach is a good natured person at heart, but tends not to show that side instead prefers to show the cold hearted, sarcastic, smart-a**, with a moral compass you can pay off.

Occupation (Optional): Conduit Mercenarie

Inventory (Optional): Cellphone and a pistol

Faction (Optional): The Conduit Mercenaries

Alignment (Optional): Neutral


-Enhanced Conditioning

- Controlling Ice

-Proficient with firearms

Other (Optional):


Name:Abraham Samuels



Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: A mysterious figure, considered to be a former scientist in DUP until a recent incident in Seattle left a power vacuum in the organization and left in ruins. He stepped up out of the blue and took charge of the DUP, taking observers by surprise dragging the DUP back to life in its former self. He reinvented the image of the DUP as a more of peaceful conduits research institute rather then security though still maintains a small security force to assist police in apprehension of Conduits. He disallowed the use of force conduits and opened hiring of both humans and Conduits in various position in the DUP even providing humanitarian support for abused conduits and their families. However Abraham's true intention for the DUP is still a mystery, as stories of conduit workers and aid receivers disappearing without a trace.

Personality:Seems like a charming, polite and jokig old man who really changes his tone in even the darkest of situation. However this hides a highly intelligent, calculating and relentless worrier and researcher taking job seriously believing his working towards the future of humanity. Hands on he never likes sitting behind a desk, rather being in a lab or out in the field apprehending Conduits and fighting gang members.

Occupation (Optional):Director/Scientist

Inventory (Optional):Sword cane, pistol

Faction (Optional):DUP

Alignment (Optional): Neutral


  • Top physical condition despite old age
  • Air manipulation
  • Skilled swordsman

Other (Optional):
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[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]
Name: Zabuza Momochi

: He has the appearance and intellect of someone in their early-twenties when in all reality he is just barely a year old.

: Male


: View attachment 83183

: He was still only a baby within his mother's womb when the blast occurred, however it extremely accelerated his initial aging and thus birth. It was only hours after the blast when he was then born, killing his mother in the process. Hours later he then not only appeared to be in his early-twenties, but had the intelligence of somebody of the same age. From that point on, he has also not seemed to age. With no known father, or any family for that matter, he took to caring for himself on the streets.

He did anything and everything he had to to survive. When he soon gained full control over his powers he eagerly used them to cause chaos and destruction as he pleased. Preying upon the weak to survive.

: Growing up and living on his own in what remained of New York City caused him to do whatever it took to survive. This caused him to use his powers to kill, which soon caused him to take joy in it and become a sadistic psychopathic killer. He moved on from killing just who he had to, to survive and instead started killing for the fun, joy, and sport of it.

The peoples hatred for him being a conduit only fueled his blood lust more, making him move on to more massive death tolls as they tried harder to stop him.

: A sword he took from a dead conduit that he felt drawn to, engraved in it was the name "Executioner's Blade"

View attachment 83187


  • Mist Creation & Manipulation: He has the ability to not only create extremely thick mist around him, but manipulate it as well. Those within the mist will have their sense's distorted, for instance a voice very close could sound miles away and one far away could sound extremely close. Their sense of direction will also be distorted, those within even a small patch of the mist would be trapped within it unable to leave because they were walking around in circles in it. The mist however doesn't effect Zabuza himself, and he can clearly see through it.
  • Extreme Cell Regeneration: This is what caused him to age extremely quickly and then once he reached his peak to no longer age. His cells can replicate extremely quickly, so injuries his body sustains can quickly mend themselves back together. This also provides for super-human strength. However to be able to do this he needs to consume blood, which is why his teeth are rows of fangs.


ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name:Abraham Samuels


Appearance (Images are Allowed):



Personality:Seems like a charming, polite and jokig old man who really changes his tone in even the darkest of situation. However this hides a highly intelligent, calculating and relentless worrier and researcher taking job seriously believing his working towards the future of humanity. Hands on he never likes sitting behind a desk, rather being in a lab or out in the field apprehending Conduits and fighting gang members.

Occupation (Optional):Director/Scientist

Inventory (Optional):Sword cane, pistol

Faction (Optional):DUP

Alignment (Optional): Neutral


  • Top physical condition despite old age
  • Air manipulation
  • Skilled swordsman

Other (Optional):
The idea of the DUP being a more humanitarian effort though having hidden intentions seems intriguing....

I'll allow it.
Name: Jacob Smith



Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Jacob was a normal child at birth until his 16 birthday. A month after he received his drivers permit, Jacobs friends convinced him to go with them for a night on the town. He tried to give them multiple excuses to exclude him from they're plans, but they relentless and he eventually joined him. That night, they were victim to a horrible accident. Jacob was driving down the road when the two in the backseat got into a fuss. He turned around to break them up and when he turned back to face the road, he was blinded by a flash of light. That was he last thing he remembered before he awoke in the wreckage. He saw people that were either dying or dead, the charred remains of those who died in the explosion. Then... he saw his friends. Looks of horrors frozen on their face. He began to cry but he fought to keep his thoughts on survival. Nothing on his body hurt but he didn't want o take the chance of hurting himself. He gingerly rose up .As soon as he stood, he was lost in a sea of smoke. Smoke was forcing itself down his throat, seeping into his eyes and up his nostrils. When it all ended he fell onto his knees and was nearly begging for mercy. He didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, figures burst through the clouds of smoke. The paramedics had been alerted of the wreck and were surprised to see that someone had survived. Jacob was held in the hospital for two weeks before the nurses and doctors were absolutely sure he was okay. When he was released he was rushed home by his parents and interrogated. They wouldn't stop asking questions but they let him loose after five minutes. He then immediately went to his computer and began to research what had happened to him while he was in the wreckage. He was close to concluding it to being a figment of his imagination until he found a Wikipedia document describing a man named Cole McGrath. The same thing that had happened to him...... Had happened to this Cole character. He laid back in his seat and took in the situation. That was three years ago.....

Three Years Later

Jacob now stands on a rooftop, staring down at a city in peril. Bodies lie everywhere. People get gunned down, becoming limp, lifeless corpses. The ones that try to fight back and beaten and abused. Before they die they say their prayers, and then their world fades to black. Jacob becomes tired of looking and jumps from his perch on the roof, landing on a man close to killing a women. The man struggles to get Jacob of him but Jacob grabs his face and drowns his cries and shouts to his comrades with smoke. Not enough to kill him. Just to incapacitate him. He turns to his stunned friends who's expressions change to stunned panic to blind rage. This is Jacobs first year in New York and he has already made a huge impact on the local gangs. But not enough. He planned on saving as many people as possible before he died. New York.... was just his first stop.

Personality:Serious at times, although he is extremely friendly.

Occupation (Optional):N/A

Inventory (Optional):Cellphone

Faction (Optional):N/A

Alignment (Optional):Lawful Good


  • Smoke Manipulation: Jacob has the ability to manipulate most sources of smoke and can even store it inside of himself for later use. He can also turn into a ball of smoke for quick transport (of himself or others.).

Other (Optional): Jacob has trust issues.
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AvidElmV2 said:
Name: Jacob Smith


Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Personality:Serious at times, although he is extremely friendly.

Occupation (Optional):N/A

Inventory (Optional):Cellphone

Faction (Optional):N/A

Alignment (Optional):Lawful Good


  • Smoke Manipulation: Jacob has the ability to manipulate most sources of smoke and can even store it inside of himself for later use.

Other (Optional): Jacob has trust issues.
Could you put just a wee bit in the bio? You can use an image for the appearance. Other than that, accepted.
Name: Felix Shane "The Shadow"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Commonly wears a gray/black hoodie and jeans, making it hard to see him. He has blue eyes, brown hair, light white skin. He is about 5'10"

Biography: Very intelligent, kind, and merciful, which greatly contrasts against the job he must do.

Personality: He is a kind hearted, intelligent boy. He prefers not to kill, even though his job requires it half of the time. He never acts outside of the law (except when his job says so) and he like to make as small of an impression as possible, but is more than capable of doing some damage

Occupation: Once a cashier, he now acts as a kind of mercenary against evil

Inventory: He has nothing but his favorite book

Faction: He is on his own (but likes company)

Alignment: he fights against the forces of evil for money, but if things get bad he will do it no matter what.

Powers/Abilities: Shadow

Other: His ability's color is black. He can disappear into black, melt into shadows, and summon objects made from shadows. Because of this, he is regarded as satanic, as his ability resembles what is stereotypically considered evil (all black). This is what keeps him in the shadows (pun unintended) and hidden, and why he does work that most heroes would do for free, but requires money. His ultimate goal is to create peace and be regarded as, if not a hero, a simple member of society
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Assailant said:
Name: Felix Shane "The Shadow"
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Commonly wears a gray/black hoodie and jeans, making it hard to see him. He has blue eyes, brown hair, light white skin. He is about 5'10"

Biography: Very intelligent, kind, and merciful, which greatly contrasts against the job he must do.

Personality: He is a kind hearted, intelligent boy. He prefers not to kill, even though his job requires it half of the time. He never acts outside of the law (except when his job says so) and he like to make as small of an impression as possible, but is more than capable of doing some damage

Occupation: Once a cashier, he now acts as a kind of mercenary against evil

Inventory: He has nothing but his favorite book

Faction: He is on his own (but likes company)

Alignment: he fights against the forces of evil for money, but if things get bad he will do it no matter what.

Powers/Abilities: Shadow

Other: His ability's color is black. He can disappear into black, melt into shadows, and summon objects made from shadows. Because of this, he is regarded as satanic, as his ability resembles what is stereotypically considered evil (all black). This is what keeps him in the shadows (pun unintended) and hidden, and why he does work that most heroes would do for free, but requires money. His ultimate goal is to create peace and be regarded as, if not a hero, a simple member of society
Hello, I am the new person Assailant mentioned wanted to join. In out of character I will go by the name nether.

Name: Null

Age: Unknown


Appearance (Images are Allowed): almost nothing is known about this man's appearance other than him often being seen with a suit. Due to his power, no one can describe his appearance.

Biography: all that is known about Null is that he is a master at chess, seems to have a endless amount of resources/money, and his main goal is trying to create world peace.

Personality:only works for himself. Will not hesitate to kill someone. Very prideful. Avoids direct confrontation for the most part. When he is directly confronted he tends to try and outsmart his opponent rather than using his powers immediately.

Inventory (Optional): can use his powers to disarm foes and call their sword/gun/other to him.

Faction (Optional): None

Alignment (Optional):None


Mind wipe: this causes the target to forget anything that the user wishes. Null tends to use this to keep his identity secret.

Absolute Obedience: causes the target to follow any command given to them by the user. This includes committing suicide, or fighting their best friend. This is Null's main power yet no one lives to tell about it because they usually die after witnessing it. There are limits to this power, the main drawback is that it requires eye contact to affect someone. It also must be used within 100 meters of the target. It can be reflected off mirrors, and it can go through any glass no matter how thick. This can affect beings other than humans. After being affected, the victim can go any distance to fulfill the order. (If null used this and told a guy to walk 150 m away from him, he would not stop at 100 meters.)

Will you hand me your weapon? Involves minor telekinesis and this ability disarms his opponents, and gives null their weapon.

In case this seems somewhat familiar, yes, I am referencing Lelouch from Code Geass. I thought it would be a interesting power to have.
Netherdragon said:
Hello, I am the new person Assailant mentioned wanted to join. In out of character I will go by the name nether.
Name: Null

Age: Unknown


Appearance (Images are Allowed): almost nothing is known about this man's appearance other than him often being seen with a suit. Due to his power, no one can describe his appearance.

Biography: all that is known about Null is that he is a master at chess, seems to have a endless amount of resources/money, and his main goal is trying to create world peace.

Personality:only works for himself. Will not hesitate to kill someone. Very prideful. Avoids direct confrontation for the most part. When he is directly confronted he tends to try and outsmart his opponent rather than using his powers immediately.

Inventory (Optional): can use his powers to disarm foes and call their sword/gun/other to him.

Faction (Optional): None

Alignment (Optional):None


Mind wipe: this causes the target to forget anything that the user wishes. Null tends to use this to keep his identity secret.

Absolute Obedience: causes the target to follow any command given to them by the user. This includes committing suicide, or fighting their best friend. This is Null's main power yet no one lives to tell about it because they usually die after witnessing it. There are limits to this power, the main drawback is that it requires eye contact to affect someone. It also must be used within 100 meters of the target. It can be reflected off mirrors, and it can go through any glass no matter how thick. This can affect beings other than humans. After being affected, the victim can go any distance to fulfill the order. (If null used this and told a guy to walk 150 m away from him, he would not stop at 100 meters.)

Will you hand me your weapon? Involves minor telekinesis and this ability disarms his opponents, and gives null their weapon.

In case this seems somewhat familiar, yes, I am referencing Lelouch from Code Geass. I thought it would be a interesting power to have.
Just a random question, but a guy who works only for himself and won't hesitate to kill, doesn't seem like the kind of guy who's ultimate quest is for world peace... actually, I guess that isn't really a question.
Assailant said:
Just a random question, but a guy who works only for himself and won't hesitate to kill, doesn't seem like the kind of guy who's ultimate quest is for world peace... actually, I guess that isn't really a question.
Ya I know, but basically he wants peace on his own terms, and won't accept any other way. So, is my character accepted?


Netherdragon said:
Ya I know, but basically he wants peace on his own terms, and won't accept any other way. So, is my character accepted?
Oh, and I chose the name null for a reason. Null means nothing. And there is practically nothing known about this character, so I thought it fit.
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Netherdragon said:
Hello, I am the new person Assailant mentioned wanted to join. In out of character I will go by the name nether.
Name: Null

Age: Unknown


Appearance (Images are Allowed): almost nothing is known about this man's appearance other than him often being seen with a suit. Due to his power, no one can describe his appearance.

Biography: all that is known about Null is that he is a master at chess, seems to have a endless amount of resources/money, and his main goal is trying to create world peace.

Personality:only works for himself. Will not hesitate to kill someone. Very prideful. Avoids direct confrontation for the most part. When he is directly confronted he tends to try and outsmart his opponent rather than using his powers immediately.

Inventory (Optional): can use his powers to disarm foes and call their sword/gun/other to him.

Faction (Optional): None

Alignment (Optional):None


Mind wipe: this causes the target to forget anything that the user wishes. Null tends to use this to keep his identity secret.

Absolute Obedience: causes the target to follow any command given to them by the user. This includes committing suicide, or fighting their best friend. This is Null's main power yet no one lives to tell about it because they usually die after witnessing it. There are limits to this power, the main drawback is that it requires eye contact to affect someone. It also must be used within 100 meters of the target. It can be reflected off mirrors, and it can go through any glass no matter how thick. This can affect beings other than humans. After being affected, the victim can go any distance to fulfill the order. (If null used this and told a guy to walk 150 m away from him, he would not stop at 100 meters.)

Will you hand me your weapon? Involves minor telekinesis and this ability disarms his opponents, and gives null their weapon.

In case this seems somewhat familiar, yes, I am referencing Lelouch from Code Geass. I thought it would be a interesting power to have.

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