• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Compromise Brings Delusion (Arranged Marriage) (Open/Always Accepting)


Water Princess


"K-Kai? W-what's g-goin' on-n?" Kai giggled, it seemed that Benjamin was just as jumpy as her. She mentally noted that, knowing she could probably get away with playing with him like that later. She looked up into his eyes softly, "Well it seems that our friends have teamed up in an effort to scare us awake. The scariest part is that its time for the dance and you're going to get to see how terrible of a dancer I am!" She smirked slightly and winked at her prince. Kai was actually a fairly good dancer and had danced quite often at balls and events in the Water Kingdom. Her comment was mainly because she'd danced with plenty of dancers both better and worse than her as well, she remembered the later more easily, and she didn't want Benjamin to be nervous about their dance. Her feet ached a little still, and she wasn't sure if it was because they were remembering all the partners who'd stepped on them or because they were already sore. Either way no one was going to convince her to put her shoes back on.

She took Reins hand and lifted herself out of her prince's embrace. Turning herself to Chadwick slightly, she fluffed out her dress and spoke kindly, "It's nice to meet you Chadwick. I hope we can become good friends like you and Benjamin have become." Kai looked down to Benjamin who was still sitting atop the soft pillows they'd been laying on. "I'll give you a second to wake up a bit more sleepyhead," smiling she turned to Rein and hooked her arm in his. She spoke sarcastically as if she was a fancy lady "My dear friend would you kindly escort me to the dance floor!" Kai laughed happily and turned to look at Benjamin before she left the tent, "I'll see you on the dance floor...Better hurry before another prince snatches me up!" She knew no one else could dance with her first, but she really enjoyed teasing her fiance, mainly because of how cutely he'd react.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Katsuya Katsuya Theflamre Theflamre

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
Vincent Berny
"Oh the Fire Kingdom! I've actually just been there not too long ago. It was a really nice experience."
Vincent nodded. It was nice to know that, not just anyone, but someone from another kingdom thought that a trip to his own kingdom was a "nice experience". It's not really that specific, but at least it wasn't negative. "I've seen some of them already, but not all. I have only seen the royals from the Water Domain and the Industrial Empire so far."

"Really now?"
Vincent said. Except for Princess Teno, he still has no idea who the others are. "Well, in all honesty, seeing others dance really makes me want to join in on the fun, but certain people, like me for example, just aren't made for this. We don't want anyone to get hurt, do we?" Serenity continued. "How would you be able to hurt someone when you are trying to dance?" Vincent chuckled, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

"If I might ask," Serenity started. Vincent raised his eyebrows and turned his head toward Serenity a little, eyes still scanning for anyone that looks like a royal, though it's hard to tell when you aren't quite sure of their culture yet. "Why are you here today? Hah, this might sound weird, but I actually just meant if you came for the festivities, or perhaps you have your own booth here, or the like?"

Vincent turned to look back at Serenity, "Perhaps a bit of both. I do have a booth here. Just some general goods," he pointed his thumb towards his back, "Though I am quite interested in seeing people from the other kingdoms as well." He looked back towards the gazebo. "I believe that actual peace between us is a real possibility, and when that happens I have to be used to seeing them. Just getting along with them in general." He shook his head as if to clear his mind. "Sorry, was I rambling? I'm not usually like that." Vincent smiled. "Anyways then, how about you?"

Capricornus Capricornus

"I understand." Danil said at length, withdrawing the pouch. He wasn't an optimistic sort but if Prince Kurth thought that he had good odds of making this prospective relationship work then he had no good cause to approach the challenge timidly. So, he spoke with a small smile. "I will give her all the time I can and as much love as my cold, black heart can muster." The joke might be self-depreciating but it was the best he could do at the moment. He was about to follow along with Prince Kurth's plan and finally be introduced to his betrothed.

Then the bell and fanfare from the Gilded Gazebo announced the arrival of the noon hour.

There was no time for introductions before the dance, it seemed. The dance would begin shortly and they would need to be there. He saw Princess Teno and her small entourage exit the tent where she had been... hiding from him. His expression was controlled but he was clearly still worried. He hadn't been this concerned since the first days after his adoption. War was so much simpler. There were only so many ways to lose. But this, a dance, a marriage? There were so many ways to fail that he had a feeling that he didn't even know all of them yet. Still, at least he had one advantage over his counterpart.

He didn't clank when he walked.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a small shape in the shadow of a tent. He turned and beckoned to it to approach. It was one of his messengers with a brief report on the camp where most of Penelope's security was. Maintaining a safe distance to avoid panicking people seemed to be working. Still, contact was important. He took the message from the kobold and read it quickly. There was nothing urgent, merely confirmation that all were doing as they should be and that those with eyes good enough for the task were keeping a close watch on all of the important people at this event from the mountains.

Before dismissing the messenger, he pulled a bag from the saddle of the pony that had been his mount and handed it down to the kobold's delicate claws. It was a heavy pouch but the kobold managed bravely. "Deliver this to the charity booth, there, and then return to your duties." Danil ordered, gesturing to the place where that girl had recognized him. One day, he might have a chance to apologize for his response to her in person. But, for now, he would simply make a donation of all of the drake's claws. Their value on the market was quite high and they had enough innate magic to be easily turned into batteries in the Industrial Empire. Finding a buyer should not be difficult and the proceeds should be quite a windfall for any charity.

Danil was not personally aware of the charitable efforts that went on in other realms, but he knew that the cost of violence could always be measured in orphans and widows. With the names of several orphanages on the booth where she had been, he knew that the money would be well used. And, with that bag delivered, his task list was reduced to one. Well, at least for a short time.

He clamped his teeth together and whistled. It was an eerie sound but carried well even through music and chatter. The Dark Realm guards assigned to Princess Penelope stopped carousing for a moment, snapping to alertness until they spotted their prince. One of them broke off from the group and quickly made his way to where Danil and Prince Kurth were standing, bowing in silence before taking the reins of the ponies from Prince Danil's hand and leading the beasts off to be cleaned and stabled for the remainder of the day. The rest of the guards returned to their part of the party, as the food was plentiful and their task was to blend in as best they could.

"It seems that Princess Teno will reach the dance before us at this rate." He said calmly with a small grin, his composure restored as he turned back to his fellow royal. "Well, Prince Kurth? Forward unto peace?"

BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite , Elekta Kount Elekta Kount , @Fluffyflyinggrape ,

Water Princess


"K-Kai? W-what's g-goin' on-n?" Kai giggled, it seemed that Benjamin was just as jumpy as her. She mentally noted that, knowing she could probably get away with playing with him like that later. She looked up into his eyes softly, "Well it seems that our friends have teamed up in an effort to scare us awake. The scariest part is that its time for the dance and you're going to get to see how terrible of a dancer I am!" She smirked slightly and winked at her prince. Kai was actually a fairly good dancer and had danced quite often at balls and events in the Water Kingdom. Her comment was mainly because she'd danced with plenty of dancers both better and worse than her as well, she remembered the later more easily, and she didn't want Benjamin to be nervous about their dance. Her feet ached a little still, and she wasn't sure if it was because they were remembering all the partners who'd stepped on them or because they were already sore. Either way no one was going to convince her to put her shoes back on.

She took Reins hand and lifted herself out of her prince's embrace. Turning herself to Chadwick slightly, she fluffed out her dress and spoke kindly, "It's nice to meet you Chadwick. I hope we can become good friends like you and Benjamin have become." Kai looked down to Benjamin who was still sitting atop the soft pillows they'd been laying on. "I'll give you a second to wake up a bit more sleepyhead," smiling she turned to Rein and hooked her arm in his. She spoke sarcastically as if she was a fancy lady "My dear friend would you kindly escort me to the dance floor!" Kai laughed happily and turned to look at Benjamin before she left the tent, "I'll see you on the dance floor...Better hurry before another prince snatches me up!" She knew no one else could dance with her first, but she really enjoyed teasing her fiance, mainly because of how cutely he'd react.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Katsuya Katsuya Theflamre Theflamre

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
Name: Chadwick Marygold
Location: royal tent
He smiles at the energy of the woman "well Benjamin I can think of worst people" he said nodding in approval. Not waiting for Ben to recover he leaned over and pulled him to his feet with one hand. He whispered in his ear making sure the other two in the tent couldn't hear "so bed her already? that's considered poor form in most cultures but good for you,". He shook him a little after ward trying to keep him dizzy and confused before dropping him onto his feet. He was trying to get him to fall over because why not? he thought it was funny. Honestly, he hadn't seen his friend in a couple weeks due to the time it took for him to get down here for the funeral. He wasn't royalty and the cheapest way down here was by foot, and he certainly couldn't afford a zeppelin or train down to the border from the capital. He wasn't much for formality anyways so some long greeting to acknowledge the time he had been away wasn't like him. He much preferred the shock and awe form of greeting he had fire crackers hidden in his pack that he had purchased while in the thrall of a good joke, but had decided against setting off things that sounded like gun fire near the prince and his heavily armed guard.
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Katsuya Katsuya
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_Devon Bronson_
- Dance Floor -

"Sweet." said Devon smiling at the tea, then after peering out of the tent surreptitiously, drank the whole thing from the pot. Cleaning was finished in a jiffy, and the tailor stood, wiping his brow, to admire his sparkling handiwork. The tea pot and some of the cups did not belong to him. It was probably Rose's, so he left them on the newly scrubbed table --- he enjoyed the cleaning that he ended up doing it thoroughly.

Glancing at his pocket watch, he realized he was ten minutes late. "Stay." he pointed a stern finger at the pygmypuffs that rolled around absentmindedly, and with that dashed off to where the rest of the merchants were busy preparing for the cultural presentation with his chest of clothes.

As he passed the dance floor he could see that most of the people weren't dancing, perhaps they were shy? Or the royals were to lead the dance first? He felt a twinge of regret, perhaps he shouldn't have cleaned after all, the spare time could have been spent dancing with the fascinating personalities gathered here, such as the intimidating yet funny Tamara, the power house princess Alice who wore the most fashionable clothes among the royals, the scary Penelope, and Teno herself whom he will probably see for the last time in the Dark Realm castle on the day of her wedding.

"I will dance today." swore Devon, clenching his fist, as he ran past them.

The merchants doing the cultural presentation were in a big tent where inside their fashion models were being fitted with clothes. The tailor tip-toed to see over the sea of heads and was pleased when he found his friends.

"You are late!" squeaked a mouse. Twenty other mice who were sitting around little benches in front of tiny mirrors and who were being groomed and gussied up with make up by other mice and some fairies looked up at him in greeting or agreement.

"Apologies, had some cleaning to do." said Devon, whipping his chest open immediately. Inside was a line of tiny mice clothes fashioned to the Fire Kingdom style, with a Devon Bronson flair. Because of the lack of time what with making Princess Kai and Teno's wedding dresses, he decided to make smaller clothes and then fix up the stage with mechanical magnifying lens the stage hands could operate.

Then began the task of fitting all the little mice in the little clothes. Devon was pleased with how they looked . . . and they were so cute in their teeny weeny shoes he wanted to gobble them up. He took pictures, praising their beauty, smiling as he encouraged them with, "Fabulous! Gorgeous! Absolutely spiffing, I must say!" as they posed and practiced their part in the musical.

His job as the tailor done, he left them to the make-up artists and hair stylist, then went around greeting the other merchants with hand-shakes and bear hugs.

"Quite an event! Didn't think we'd ever come together except in the Merchant's Guild!" said one fashion designer from the Water Domain, Ms. Grace Fasista, a half-kraken lady, whose mermaids were swimming gracefully in a huge water tank on wheels. Ms. Fasista was smoking five different thin cigarettes on smoke holders, each puff giving a different colored smoke with a different aroma. "Devon, darling, how are you?"

"Excited, Ms. Fasista." he grinned, kissing all of her six bejeweled tentacles in greeting when he saw her. "Where's Hasam?"

"Oh the old centaur is waiting outside. He's too big to fit with all that's going."

"His models look quite done. He should go and dance." said the tailor, looking at the centaur and minotaur models from the dark realm who were wearing furs, gothic, and apocalyptic clothes.

"My dear cat, you know how he is, work, work, work. I see your quite done too."

"We all are. Well, fancy going to the dance floor with me, Ms. Fasista? I am eager to dance."

"I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer, Devon, I have seven left feet --- or should I say, tentacles, hohoho, but I will accompany you to the gathering. There is a handsome kelpie I want to talk to."

With that, the tailor offered his arm and Ms. Fasista curled three tentacles around it as they made their way to the dance floor.

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Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Benjamin felt Kai leave his embrassed, and although it gave him some more room to cool off, he was disappointed at the vacuum left by his water princess.

"I'll see you on the dance floor...Better hurry before another prince snatches me up!"

Benjamin didn't know why, but suddenly it felt like somthing had lodged itself in his throat and he started to cough violently.

He didn't have much time to ponder on the cause, as he was rudely pulled onto his feet by such a strong force. It took him a minute to recover, but then he realized who exactly pulled him up.

"Chadwick!" Benjamin exclaimed, a smile appeared onto his face. "Golly! What a surprised."

Chadwick said his part and Benjamin's face went red once more.
"I-It wasn't-t what you thnk-k it w-was! I-I didn't do a-anything! H-honest!"

Benjamin suddenly remembered somthing that turned his face back to t's original color, as he looked up at the big man.
"But, I thought you were at your grandfather's funeral. What are you doing all the way out here in the common lands?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya
Theflamre Theflamre

Kurt Wycleff
Fire Prince


Kurth took his hammer and proceeded to rek-
Kurt watched with a grin as his dark kingdom counterpart, as he watched the courier come and go.

"Ya know, next time you decide to send somthing to my home, ya oughta be more careful on who ya choose... we kinda almost shot down your last courier." It was true, when the thing tried descending upon the FIre Kingdom Capital castle, the guards didn't know what it was, and had only narrowly avoided shooting it down. Getting the present opened wasn't any better, with the entire castle security treating it like a bomb threat. It had only been thanks to the captain, who had to cut it open with a halberd from a distance, did everybody finally realize it was not a trap, rather a gift, a nice one at that too.

"But of course the gift we do appreciate." Kurt continue, now smiling a bit embarrassingly, all the while scratching the back of his neck with his free arm. "Was a really nice dress too, think she might find a lot of use in it."

His face then reverted back to a smile, nodding to what the Dark Prince, as he placed his free hand onto the dark prince's shoudlers. "Right you are brother, forward, to peace."

He then glanced to the side, and spotted something of interest.

"Come, I see my sister, we'd better not keep her in anymore suspense." Kurt said, giving the shorter prince one last pat for reassurance. "But, er, you might want to stand behind me just for a secound. She may need a moment to...comprehend the situation."
Haeo Haeo

Otto von Braun

Otto set down his tea as Siegfried beamed a smile at her and did the same. Otto proceeded to open the tent for everyone as the Fire wizard pushed himself up with his staff and followed the group out.

Once they were out, Otto observed as the greatsword wielding guards had formed up once again around the fire princess. He said nothing, as he turned to see his best friend come striding, as usually, but this time with someone a bit behind him.

"Your brother approaches." Otto had leaned in and whispered it to Teno, keeping the exact same bored expression he always had, before standing back up stright. No matter what he did, Otto always seemed like a professional, perhaps it was because of his expression...

"Bright! If you don't mind holding my sister in place for but just a moment." Siegfried just gave Kurt a questionable look, before placing his free hand firmly on Teno's shoulder, and whisper to her. "Do not fear, I am here for you."

"Better step back a bit." Otto boldly said, not to anyone in particular, as he himself took a step to the side. The guards did not flinch, as they kept their attention.

"Right! Sister! Someone here wants to see you!" Kurt said, almost in a sing-song fashion causing Otto to roll his eyes.It earned a chuckle from Kurt, before he cleared his throat. In a much calmer tone he said. "Here he is...the Dark Prince himself."

Kurt side stepped a bit to allow the group to see, standing there was indeed the Dark Prince. Siegfried began to brace himself for what's to come...
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Capricornus Capricornus
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Lucine Briarheart
"To Be Revealed"

"I think you are quite nice yourself, Koko," said Lucine with a small smile.
"Your friends are here too? Ohh~ I only have one friend here that's not Mr. Devon or Saboton and ... I think he's nervous about his special someone." A nervous look seemed to cross Yoko's face as she spoke of this friend. Lucine hardly had time to register it before, "So I want to check on him after! The only way to do that is by dancing! Heheh! Well anyways, Shall we go to the dance floor, my fair red lady?"
Lucine couldn't help but through her head back as she laughed. Yoko was really something else. It wasn't surprising that the famed Devon Bronson would keep very good company. Lucine took her arm and was pulled along as Yoko skipped her way to the dancefloor. Lucine had to really walk to keep up with the young kitsune, but soon they were at the floor and some light music began to play. There were very few people dancing. Were they shy? What was the point of being shy on a day like today?
She took Yoko so that they were each hand in hand, and one hand on the other's shoulder, and began to spin her around to the music. Their bravery in dancing seemed to open the door to other couples and groups to take part on the dance floor. It wasn't a stuffy court dance, but a more open and vibrant scene. People who weren't ready to dance yet had settled in on the lounges around the edge of the floor.
"Do you see your friend yet, Koko?" Asked Lucine.

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

Teno let the sun warm her as she stood and stretched. It was already noon and the dance floor seemed to be filling up. Teno took a step toward the commotion when Otto spoke to her. He leaned down to her and whispered so that only she might hear. "Your brother approaches." Her eyes lit up upon hearing that. She had been looking forward to watching her brother awkwardly dance for a while now. That warm feeling slowly started to go away when she heard Kurt yell toward the group, "Bright! If you don't mind holding my sister in place for but just a moment."
"Do not fear, I am here for you," said Siegfried as he placed a hand on her shoulder. It seemed... heavier than it should be. Teno cast a long look to Rose and squeezed her hand. Something just wasn't right with this situation. "Better step back a bit," said Otto to himself.
"Right! Sister! Someone here wants to see you!" Said Kurt as he stood before her.
"Kurt, what-" Started Teno, but what her brother said next left her silent. "Here he is...the Dark Prince himself." Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion and Kurt stepped to the side and revealed the person she was most terrified of in the world. The edges of her vision went murky and her ears burned as the Dark Prince was in front of her. And he was---
The man from Devon's stall? So when Tamara had said... then they had been...
She couldn't help it. She didn't want to be rude, truly she didn't. But her powers were hardly hers to control and instead of just her fingertips, fire crawled all the way up her arms. It snaked through her open sleeves and fluffed them out. The fire went all the way up to her shoulder, behind her neck, causing some of her hair to fly away around her. She ripped her hand out of Rose's, praying she hadn't burned her friend.
She wanted to turn and run, but Kurt had been very clever. She was surrounded and Siegfried had a firm hand planted on her shoulder. Fire wouldn't bother him so he wasn't about to let go of her. She didn't even know where she would go. She had run absolutely as long and as far as she could. It didn't matter, because the destination had been chasing her all along. He was standing right in front of her.
With a shaking hand she began to pat the fire on her arms and it slowly began to go down (thanks to Rose's tea for calming her nerves,) until just a small fire burned up her fingers. They were too shaky and unstable, and the ultimate source of her personal fire. They weren't going anywhere. She looked at Rose and Tamara hoping for... something.
She searched for words. None would come. It was like the fire was creeping up her throat and burning the words before she could speak them. Instead she just looked at him. Really forced herself to. It was the most she could do. He wasn't... he wasn't the monster she was imagined. Or it could be a very clever costume. If it wasn't he was... he was handsome.
"I.... ah.... mmm," she said finally, very quietly, almost inaudible. All she could manage. She dipped her head, folding her still burning hands that held the flameproof box for him and cast her eyes aside. By the Gilded Orb she really hoped someone would save her from this.

Katsuya Katsuya
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Haeo Haeo
Theflamre Theflamre
Capricornus Capricornus
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Benjamin felt Kai leave his embrassed, and although it gave him some more room to cool off, he was disappointed at the vacuum left by his water princess.

"I'll see you on the dance floor...Better hurry before another prince snatches me up!"

Benjamin didn't know why, but suddenly it felt like somthing had lodged itself in his throat and he started to cough violently.

He didn't have much time to ponder on the cause, as he was rudely pulled onto his feet by such a strong force. It took him a minute to recover, but then he realized who exactly pulled him up.

"Chadwick!" Benjamin exclaimed, a smile appeared onto his face. "Golly! What a surprised."

Chadwick said his part and Benjamin's face went red once more.
"I-It wasn't-t what you thnk-k it w-was! I-I didn't do a-anything! H-honest!"

Benjamin suddenly remembered somthing that turned his face back to t's original color, as he looked up at the big man.
"But, I thought you were at your grandfather's funeral. What are you doing all the way out here in the common lands?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya
Theflamre Theflamre

Kurt Wycleff
Fire Prince


Kurth took his hammer and proceeded to rek-
Kurt watched with a grin as his dark kingdom counterpart, as he watched the courier come and go.

"Ya know, next time you decide to send somthing to my home, ya oughta be more careful on who ya choose... we kinda almost shot down your last courier." It was true, when the thing tried descending upon the FIre Kingdom Capital castle, the guards didn't know what it was, and had only narrowly avoided shooting it down. Getting the present opened wasn't any better, with the entire castle security treating it like a bomb threat. It had only been thanks to the captain, who had to cut it open with a halberd from a distance, did everybody finally realize it was not a trap, rather a gift, a nice one at that too.

"But of course the gift we do appreciate." Kurt continue, now smiling a bit embarrassingly, all the while scratching the back of his neck with his free arm. "Was a really nice dress too, think she might find a lot of use in it."

His face then reverted back to a smile, nodding to what the Dark Prince, as he placed his free hand onto the dark prince's shoudlers. "Right you are brother, forward, to peace."

He then glanced to the side, and spotted something of interest.

"Come, I see my sister, we'd better not keep her in anymore suspense." Kurt said, giving the shorter prince one last pat for reassurance. "But, er, you might want to stand behind me just for a secound. She may need a moment to...comprehend the situation."
Haeo Haeo

Otto von Braun

Otto set down his tea as Siegfried beamed a smile at her and did the same. Otto proceeded to open the tent for everyone as the Fire wizard pushed himself up with his staff and followed the group out.

Once they were out, Otto observed as the greatsword wielding guards had formed up once again around the fire princess. He said nothing, as he turned to see his best friend come striding, as usually, but this time with someone a bit behind him.

"Your brother approaches." Otto had leaned in and whispered it to Teno, keeping the exact same bored expression he always had, before standing back up stright. No matter what he did, Otto always seemed like a professional, perhaps it was because of his expression...

"Bright! If you don't mind holding my sister in place for but just a moment." Siegfried just gave Kurt a questionable look, before placing his free hand firmly on Teno's shoulder, and whisper to her. "Do not fear, I am here for you."

"Better step back a bit." Otto boldly said, not to anyone in particular, as he himself took a step to the side. The guards did not flinch, as they kept their attention.

"Right! Sister! Someone here wants to see you!" Kurt said, almost in a sing-song fashion causing Otto to roll his eyes.It earned a chuckle from Kurt, before he cleared his throat. In a much calmer tone he said. "Here he is...the Dark Prince himself."

Kurt side stepped a bit to allow the group to see, standing there was indeed the Dark Prince. Siegfried began to brace himself for what's to come...
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Capricornus Capricornus
"The family grave yard is pretty close" he shrugged, "also why not? she's attractive and the kingdom will love a new royal baby win win," He smiled and slapped him on the shoulder. He was trying to avoid the topic he had thought about it a little but after a bit of thought, he decided to let sleeping problems rest.
"So how is she... personality wise, is she a bratty noble, a priest? She seemed alright but you're the one who slept with her so I assume you got a better impression,". He was trying to divine information about the woman from his friend, he felt that if they were to continue to be friends in the coming times he should at least know something about the woman he was marrying.
He also felt it was a good way to make small talk with Ben, the man had never had an artful touch and he doubted he would be a good dancer. He felt the need to work up to telling him it was alright to be a bad dancer he was the prince. He knew the man hated being reminded he was royalty, he was a man of the people, not some noble brat, being the prince in public made the ladder seem less true.
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Lucine Briarheart
"To Be Revealed"

"I think you are quite nice yourself, Koko," said Lucine with a small smile.
"Your friends are here too? Ohh~ I only have one friend here that's not Mr. Devon or Saboton and ... I think he's nervous about his special someone." A nervous look seemed to cross Yoko's face as she spoke of this friend. Lucine hardly had time to register it before, "So I want to check on him after! The only way to do that is by dancing! Heheh! Well anyways, Shall we go to the dance floor, my fair red lady?"
Lucine couldn't help but through her head back as she laughed. Yoko was really something else. It wasn't surprising that the famed Devon Bronson would keep very good company. Lucine took her arm and was pulled along as Yoko skipped her way to the dancefloor. Lucine had to really walk to keep up with the young kitsune, but soon they were at the floor and some light music began to play. There were very few people dancing. Were they shy? What was the point of being shy on a day like today?
She took Yoko so that they were each hand in hand, and one hand on the other's shoulder, and began to spin her around to the music. Their bravery in dancing seemed to open the door to other couples and groups to take part on the dance floor. It wasn't a stuffy court dance, but a more open and vibrant scene. People who weren't ready to dance yet had settled in on the lounges around the edge of the floor.
"Do you see your friend yet, Koko?" Asked Lucine.

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

Teno let the sun warm her as she stood and stretched. It was already noon and the dance floor seemed to be filling up. Teno took a step toward the commotion when Otto spoke to her. He leaned down to her and whispered so that only she might hear. "Your brother approaches." Her eyes lit up upon hearing that. She had been looking forward to watching her brother awkwardly dance for a while now. That warm feeling slowly started to go away when she heard Kurt yell toward the group, "Bright! If you don't mind holding my sister in place for but just a moment."
"Do not fear, I am here for you," said Siegfried as he placed a hand on her shoulder. It seemed... heavier than it should be. Teno cast a long look to Rose and squeezed her hand. Something just wasn't right with this situation. "Better step back a bit," said Otto to himself.
"Right! Sister! Someone here wants to see you!" Said Kurt as he stood before her.
"Kurt, what-" Started Teno, but what her brother said next left her silent. "Here he is...the Dark Prince himself." Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion and Kurt stepped to the side and revealed the person she was most terrified of in the world. The edges of her vision went murky and her ears burned as the Dark Prince was in front of her. And he was---
The man from Devon's stall? So when Tamara had said... then they had been...
She couldn't help it. She didn't want to be rude, truly she didn't. But her powers were hardly hers to control and instead of just her fingertips, fire crawled all the way up her arms. It snaked through her open sleeves and fluffed them out. The fire went all the way up to her shoulder, behind her neck, causing some of her hair to fly away around her. She ripped her hand out of Rose's, praying she hadn't burned her friend.
She wanted to turn and run, but Kurt had been very clever. She was surrounded and Siegfried had a firm hand planted on her shoulder. Fire wouldn't bother him so he wasn't about to let go of her. She didn't even know where she would go. She had run absolutely as long and as far as she could. It didn't matter, because the destination had been chasing her all along. He was standing right in front of her.
With a shaking hand she began to pat the fire on her arms and it slowly began to go down (thanks to Rose's tea for calming her nerves,) until just a small fire burned up her fingers. They were too shaky and unstable, and the ultimate source of her personal fire. They weren't going anywhere. She looked at Rose and Tamara hoping for... something.
She searched for words. None would come. It was like the fire was creeping up her throat and burning the words before she could speak them. Instead she just looked at him. Really forced herself to. It was the most she could do. He wasn't... he wasn't the monster she was imagined. Or it could be a very clever costume. If it wasn't he was... he was handsome.
"I.... ah.... mmm," she said finally, very quietly, almost inaudible. All she could manage. She dipped her head, folding her still burning hands that held the flameproof box for him and cast her eyes aside. By the Gilded Orb she really hoped someone would save her from this.

Katsuya Katsuya
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Haeo Haeo
Theflamre Theflamre
Capricornus Capricornus
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Rook Fireforge
He stopped dead in his tracks to turn around and face his old foe, the man owed him lives if it hadn't been for the situation as of current he would have rushed over there and beaten him to death with his metal fist no questions asked. He looked the man over, he knew everything about his fighting style and magics, he knew how he marched his army, he knew his closest officers. Looking at him was almost a question of honor, almost if it had been he would still have gone for it. Luckily he and the dwarves had never met on the battle field, he hadn't been so stupid to attack steel fort unlike some of his lesser Lords which he had killed. His gauntleted hand clenched as he turned and decided to attend the dance him self, he wouldn't be dancing just watching. He wondered how he would get his lives, his thought was to wait tell there was a minor border incident and then directly send a large force to intervein taking their lives there and then. That plan was the only reason he hadn't attacked him self-leading an army in and telling everyone it was a revenge quest.
Regardless he took a few heavy steps forward and stood a few feet behind the princess near the dwarven hammers staring at him with the hate filled eyes of a dwarf with a vendetta against someone. He stretched his neck a large number of popping noises followed the motion due to the heavily muscled object that was a dwarven neck. He wasn't a dishonest man, not even that good of a politician if he asked he wouldn't hesitate to tell him what he was thinking. Let hope he doesn't ask or he might break his nose, He hated nosy foes especially if they still owed him lives
Katsuya Katsuya Elekta Kount Elekta Kount NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy Haeo Haeo Capricornus Capricornus .
2a6e80328b16b90baa0bf4d90b66e2b5--shorter-hair-anime-people.jpg Rein smirked at the Prince before following Kai outside the tent and lead her to the dance floor. He asked her while they waited for Benjamin and Chadwick if they should dance together and as he spun her around; he spotted the industrial duo coming out of the tent. He leaned back, dropping the hand off her shoulder, and bowed his head a bit. "Well I'll let you enjoy yourself with your lover boy...have fun, Kai." After ruffling her hair lightly to not mess it, the kelpie left Kai alone in the middle of the dance floor and walked towards the lounge area.

It's nice to see that a pair of girls, one in a red hood and another with a dark cloak and...fox ears, are dancing together and somehow got others to dance as well. As the crowd grew, he couldn't see that he was at the end of the floor and accidentally bumped into someone. He turned around to see a Kraken lady and a purrsian tailor, from what he guessed. With an apologetic and charming smile, Rein gently lifted one of her tentacles and lightly kissed it. "Pardon me, fair lady of the sea, good sir. I didn't see where I was going with the crowd of the dance floor." He explained smoothly.

"Ah. Where are my manners? My name is Rein from the Water Domain. It's nice to meet you two." Rein's ice blue eyes softened up as he watched the different colored smoke from her five thin pipes swirl around the pair.


fa1c578c8d6b9dd3bc3fc2d03cb22ac0--anime-hair-long-hair.jpg Yoko giggled as Lucine spun her around, her tails swayed happily as she twirled the red hooded girl following along the beat of the orchestra. The young kitsune didn't mind about the none existing crowd, but she did search for her friend as she was worried about-

"Do you see your friend yet, Koko?" Lucine asked.

Yoko shook her head sadly, her ears wilted down. "No...I don't see hi- AH!" Her ears quickly perked up as she spotted the dark prince meeting with the fire princess with the help of the fire prince. Her head unconsciously leaned forward as if she wanted to hear how their first meeting is going. "There! Prince Danil! I got worried for him when I noticed that odd meeting between him and Princess Teno so I gave him a friendship flower as a lucky charm."

Then she flinched back as the fire princess' arms were covered with...well...fire, her ears folding back. "...That's not good..." Yoko muttered nervously, frowning a bit and sighed. She just hopes that they get to know each other more...after all...she honestly thinks Prince Danil is nice, just really awkward.

Then again she just met him today so...what would she know? All Yoko heard of the prince was the harsh rumors and she always took it with a grain of salt.

"Oh! Mr.Devon is there too!..." Yoko chirped as her blue eyes watched the scene from afar. Her ears relaxed; she trusts her boss can calm the princess or at least help her not flambe anybody. "I'll dance with the Prince Danil after he finishes dancing with Princess Teno...hopefully not as crispy either." She said as if that's her deciding choose in a puzzle game.

Zer0 Zer0 BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite lissamissal lissamissal Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Theflamre Theflamre Haeo Haeo
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Name: too long to put down quickly call her cuttlefish
Location: about to hit homeland
She was a bird, a large, metal, beautiful, she thinks she smells smoke, bird, she was also on fire. She looked back at the tail of her plane glad to see it was still very much so, on fire, it meant the engine was working correctly. She was glad to see her two passengers were remaining so calm in the face of them most likely crashing. She then realized the two war-forged (basically robots) were not capable of expressing emotion. She leaned back there and painted eyebrows on them in a dark purple paint of their light gray steel faces. They looked angry now, she thought grimacing lightly as the plane began violently losing altitude, she put her foot on the piloting stick to guide it up to a glide before correcting her error with red paint on their cheeks. They now looked happily angry to her and that was good enough, she glanced over the side of the plane seeing a large zeppelin far below them. She sat back down in the pilot's chair, grabbing the pilot stick thing she called the joy stick before guiding her craft towards the ground.
Gnomish flight was as graceful as Gnomish dance, meaning it was loud, sloppy, and overall much more enjoyable the other forms of travel. She plummetted towards the ground at break neck speeds before pulling up violently before hitting the ground giving a fair few people a surprise as her wings ripped off violently, just as they were made to do. The wings fell down near by and she told the two machine gun wielding machine men to pick them up and put them on the plane. She had made them rip off as a security measure the sides of her plane were far too hard to just bolt them back into place and only she knew how to properly reattach them. The perfect security measure, she began walking toward the large orb smiling as one of the machines swept her off her feet and put her on their shoulders. It was a pre-programmed interaction but she enjoyed it anyway, she wrapped her legs around its head as she normally did, covering its eyes but she had made an order for it to hold the others hand and have it guide it in such a situation. The gnome rode proudly on her two happily angry robot protectors as they held hands and skipped towards the large orb wielding large bayoneted machine guns.
Blakely ‘Blake’ Alagona
Water Princess’ Best Friend || Guard
Blake had been standing around with the rest of guards at the ball, lining the walls as guards from different kingdoms had their own 'section'. No one ordered them to line in order as so, it just happened but no one was complaining. Perhaps it was better that the guards didn't.. 'mingle'. If someone had just taken a glance at the guards, it would've been blatantly obvious that on completely opposite sides of the wall were the Industrial and and Dark Kingdom guards placing as much distance as they could in-between each other. The Fire and Water Kingdoms standing side by side as allies. Of course, they were guards, not royals so who would actually care to notice.

Blake wasn't supposed to be one of the guards for the night; he wasn't actually supposed to be one of the guards to come along the trip at all but here he was. To sneak out of the kingdom to follow his beloved Kai to another kingdom, oh how he had withdrawals from being near his dear abusive princess.

The ball had started and he had his eyes wide open on a lookout for Kai, possibly surprise her a bit. 'Oh how happy she'll be when she sees me,' Blake thought, more wishful thinking. 'she must've been crying for all the days that went by where I wasn't there to wipe away her tears. Oh how it pains me.' Now he was just being foolish.

It wasn't too long until Kai walked in looking marvelous as ever, his dear princess Kai. While most his interactions and thoughts about her were often playfully flirty and sometimes perverted, Blake truly did enjoy her company and he thought highly of her. Waiting until he could have his chance to leave his post, as soon as her company left, ruffling her hair as he did so, Blake didn't hesitate to leave his station. Coming up from behind, he cupped his fingertips around her eyes gently before dipping low to whisper into her ear, "Guess who, dear Princess Kai~" Teasing her with the tone of his voice.
lissamissal lissamissal

Brooklyn ‘Brook’ Alagona
Water Princess' Handmaid
Brooklyn had been one of the few selected maids to have come along with the royal family for the courtship event that was taking place in the Homeland. Of course she was more than happy to accept the request, it was a prestigious event and she had to be on her A-game. That morning before the ball was the most hectic though, all the maids weren't sure where the princess was and they had all been running around trying to look for her in order to dress her and style her hair and do her make up.

It wasn't until Kai was already at the ball that they had all realized it was a bit too late to doll her up now, she had already made an appearance and they all knew how stubborn she was, especially if it meant having to wear those dreaded heels they all knew she hated. So for now, they all waiting and watched from a far for their princess. All 6 maids were relieved to know that she was safe but disappointed that they weren't able to dress her and adorn her with all sort of jewelry for this once in a life time event. After all, she would be dancing with her future husband in front of a crowd of people.

So while 1 or 2 maids watched their princess, a few went off and either helped themselves to the party or helped around with food and drinks. Brook didn't care much for the party so she was mostly just keeping a careful for Kai, talking to a few nobel men who had been drawn to her due to her luring ability but only making small talk at most.

You know, darling, you don't have to be a maid. There's just something about you that just catches my eye. You'd do so well in my.. group of gals. If you know what I'm putting forward." A nobel man spoke slyly to Brook who could only smile and nod. 'An orgy, this man has an orgy of woman. Yikes.' "I'm sorry sir but my loyalty is with the royal family, although I am flattered by your offer, I must deny." "Well can't you be loyal to the royal family and be mine? I own a very successful business in the Blacksmith industry so I'd take care of you very nicely" He stepped forward closer to Brook, taking her hands and squeezed slightly.'Please stop touching me with your clammy hands' The first thought popping into her mind but she only smiled in response, not sure of how to answer that wouldn't bring bad name to the Water Kingdom.

Water Princess


Kai twirled around happily with Rein as she waited for the other royals and her prince to join her on the dance floor. The pain in her feet had vanished the moment they touched the dance floor, happy to let her enjoy herself now. There weren't many others dancing yet, and before she knew it Rein twirled her one last time and then was off to mingle with others, ruffling her hair a little as he left, "Well I'll let you enjoy yourself with your lover boy...have fun, Kai."

She was a little disappointed to be left alone on the dance floor, but she never expected for Rein to be like a crutch for her all day. Then, without warning her eyes were gently covered and an all too familiar alluring voice whispered into her ear, "Guess who, dear Princess Kai~" Her whole body trembled a little at the sound of Blake's voice as she smiled and blushed. "Oh who ever could it be?" Kai brought her hands up to lay over his, "Is it the cute boy from the bakery? Or maybe its the one from my last suitor ball?" She turned slowly, lowering her dear friend's hands until their eyes met. "Oh how disappointing, its just you Blake," she spoke teasingly and stood on her tiptoes to kiss the sides of both of his cheeks, "don't you have some girl from another kingdom waiting for you to seduce her, or you know actual work to do?" Kai smirked cruelly, knowing her best friend could only be here because he snuck in with the guards on duty. She certainly hadn't invited him, not because she was trying to offend her closest friend, but mainly because she didn't want anyone else to see their flirty friendship as anything more than it was, and that alone was all too tempting. Still holding his hands, she placed one on her waist and began to dance with him slowly. "So I see you managed to make it here, without my help might I add. You know I could have you sent back home in the blink of an eye, right?" She giggled and winked, hoping to get a rise out of him. "I'm glad you're here though. Finally I have someone to manipulate and bully just for fun," her tone sounded cruel and serious, but she knew to Blake it would sound like someone just paid you the greatest compliment ever. "Dip me won't you? Unless you're too afraid my fiance will get after you?" Kai smiled daringly, knowing she'd seen Benjamin and Chadwick approaching from the corner of her eye. This was probably her favorite thing about her Blake, getting him into trouble with her, and he obviously liked it too, seeing as he had stuck by her all these years.

undefined undefined Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Theflamre Theflamre

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
_Grace Fasista_
- Dance Floor -

The lady kraken was surprised. "Oh!" she blushed when Rein kissed her tentacle. "Ohhh, ohohoho." she giggled, flashing Devon an excited smile as she put away her smokes. "I-I'm Grace. Nice to meet you too, Mr. Rein, I'm-I'm Grace."

Grace was a violet kraken lady, with the torso of a woman, and eight tentacles flowing down her black dress. She had light purple skin, but her tentacles were a dark violet. Her long ebony hair was fancifully styled two feet high, and gaudy jewels ornamented her person. She had glowing amber eyes that spoke of a woman who knew her own beauty and knew how to carry herself showing it.

It seemed that beneath her excited fluster was a natural confident calmness that took over her surprise, and she recomposed herself gracefully, looking very pleased to meet Rein. "Are you waiting for someone, Mr. Rein?"

Katsuya Katsuya

_Devon Bronson_
- Dance Floor -

Devon, amused by the pair, promptly excused himself saying he just saw some friends and was going to go over and talk to them. "Now who to dance with?" he said cheerfully, looking around. There was a lady in a roguish steam punk Victorian dress that caught his eye.

Suddenly, he caught a flare of flames and saw that Teno was panicking again. She had finally met Prince Danil at last and it seemed she wanted to escape, but one of the royal court members was keeping her in place. The tailor's slit eyes narrowed and he gave a hard glare at their direction, Teno shouldn't be forced to stay like that, she was scared, more scared than earlier. Her chuckling brother should know how terrified she would be.

He huffed, taken by a sudden protective urge to do something. If he marched up to them saying, 'Let her stand on her own two feet.', he would be dismissed immediately as a nosy upstart by the guards and cause an embarrassing scene for himself in front of all the kingdoms. "Oh, bugger it all." he muttered, throwing caution to the wind, any encouragement or reassurance to her would be alright.

But Merlin's beard those great sword soldiers are intimidating, thought Devon, as he strode over there. All these important people . . . He wasn't interfering with the peace between nations, was he? His legs softened to jelly and a dead weight seemed to settle in his stomach.

He stood a respectful distance away behind Teno and her party, then drew himself to his full height. "Kindly unhand Princess Teno, sir, and let her stand on her own two feet."

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Blakely ‘Blake’ Alagona
Water Princess’ Best Friend || Guard
Blake had been standing around with the rest of guards at the ball, lining the walls as guards from different kingdoms had their own 'section'. No one ordered them to line in order as so, it just happened but no one was complaining. Perhaps it was better that the guards didn't.. 'mingle'. If someone had just taken a glance at the guards, it would've been blatantly obvious that on completely opposite sides of the wall were the Industrial and and Dark Kingdom guards placing as much distance as they could in-between each other. The Fire and Water Kingdoms standing side by side as allies. Of course, they were guards, not royals so who would actually care to notice.

Blake wasn't supposed to be one of the guards for the night; he wasn't actually supposed to be one of the guards to come along the trip at all but here he was. To sneak out of the kingdom to follow his beloved Kai to another kingdom, oh how he had withdrawals from being near his dear abusive princess.

The ball had started and he had his eyes wide open on a lookout for Kai, possibly surprise her a bit. 'Oh how happy she'll be when she sees me,' Blake thought, more wishful thinking. 'she must've been crying for all the days that went by where I wasn't there to wipe away her tears. Oh how it pains me.' Now he was just being foolish.

It wasn't too long until Kai walked in looking marvelous as ever, his dear princess Kai. While most his interactions and thoughts about her were often playfully flirty and sometimes perverted, Blake truly did enjoy her company and he thought highly of her. Waiting until he could have his chance to leave his post, as soon as her company left, ruffling her hair as he did so, Blake didn't hesitate to leave his station. Coming up from behind, he cupped his fingertips around her eyes gently before dipping low to whisper into her ear, "Guess who, dear Princess Kai~" Teasing her with the tone of his voice.

lissamissal lissamissal

Brooklyn ‘Brook’ Alagona
Water Princess' Handmaid

Brooklyn had been one of the few selected maids to have come along with the royal family for the courtship event that was taking place in the Homeland. Of course she was more than happy to accept the request, it was a prestigious event and she had to be on her A-game. That morning before the ball was the most hectic though, all the maids weren't sure where the princess was and they had all been running around trying to look for her in order to dress her and style her hair and do her make up.

It wasn't until Kai was already at the ball that they had all realized it was a bit too late to doll her up now, she had already made an appearance and they all knew how stubborn she was, especially if it meant having to wear those dreaded heels they all knew she hated. So for now, they all waiting and watched from a far for their princess. All 6 maids were relieved to know that she was safe but disappointed that they weren't able to dress her and adorn her with all sort of jewelry for this once in a life time event. After all, she would be dancing with her future husband in front of a crowd of people.

So while 1 or 2 maids watched their princess, a few went off and either helped themselves to the party or helped around with food and drinks. Brook didn't care much for the party so she was mostly just keeping a careful for Kai, talking to a few nobel men who had been drawn to her due to her luring ability but only making small talk at most.

You know, darling, you don't have to be a maid. There's just something about you that just catches my eye. You'd do so well in my.. group of gals. If you know what I'm putting forward." A nobel man spoke slyly to Brook who could only smile and nod. 'An orgy, this man has an orgy of woman. Yikes.' "I'm sorry sir but my loyalty is with the royal family, although I am flattered by your offer, I must deny." "Well can't you be loyal to the royal family and be mine? I own a very successful business in the Blacksmith industry so I'd take care of you very nicely" He stepped forward closer to Brook, taking her hands and squeezed slightly.'Please stop touching me with your clammy hands' The first thought popping into her mind but she only smiled in response, not sure of how to answer that wouldn't bring bad name to the Water Kingdom.


Name: Cuttlefish
Location: Home
The gnome and her perceptive eyes spotted the scene first, She quickly used the but of her rifle to bang the second war-forged in the head and point him the right direction. As they approached the scene she caught the last few words particularly the word orgy. "Harem, the word is harem" she corrected, honestly it didn't matter to her what it was called he shouldn't be chatting about it with new acquaintances. It was hard to seem rude to a gnome, Dwarves had tried and failed to offend her before, but this was a little much even for her taste in bad manners.
He turned around smiling at what he thought to be another potential member of his harem only to be greeted by a gnome riding two large steel men with machine guns. The metal men had blue sapphire eyes, cut sharply into angry expressions then pressed into their hard steel faces. The faces were sculpted to look like porcelain masks, the closest Gnomes could get to giving them human like faces, It had only succeeded in making them look really creepy. Beyond their hairless smooth heads the rest of their body was a solid metal plate, at least the outside was. It hand smithed into what looked to be a Nordic form of armor and even a helm that concealed their master crafted heads, only allowing the faint glow of one of their eyes to be seen.
He looked up to what seemed to be on top of the large metal warriors searching for the voice, not believing the metal men had made such a feminine sound. His eyes finally settled on the gnome her legs wrapped firmly around one of the war- forged's heads and her hands on her hips. She started to open her mouth but it seemed he read her mind and ran for his life, Perhaps it was the eyebrows she had painted on them. Must have been she knew they made the 8 foot tall war-forged looked scary. She slid off the man falling 5 feet tell her feet touched the ground, she looked over at the woman he had been talking to and looked at her concerned "are you ok?".



  • 76229f3b4fd90034e5824b20a05d4830--character-concept-character-art.jpg
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Blakely ‘Blake’ Alagona
Water Princess’ Best Friend || Guard
Blake was rather disappointed when he wasn't able to scare his dear princess, having to listen to her list the 'cute' boys who's she met as of recently, becoming fairly jealous of all the attention she had been giving those other men instead of him. "Oh how disappointing, its just you Blake," Although the cute little pecks on the cheeks made up for the lack of attention, "Awh," Blake pouted when she pulled back, "Only two little pecks? What are we? Children? Come on Princess, you know you want to do more than simply kiss me on the cheeks," He pulled her a little closer to him, "I know you've done more to me too." He spoke in a low tone before she moved his hands onto her waist and they began dancing.

"Don't you have some girl from another kingdom waiting for you to seduce her, or you know actual work to do?" He let out a scoff, "You know you're the only woman I want in my life, other woman can't simply compare to your beauty and your wonderful superb abusive personality." He winked, flashing his teeth in a sly smirk. "So I see you managed to make it here, without my help might I add. You know I could have you sent back home in the blink of an eye, right?" "Oh me, oh my. I see myself in quite a predicament but my dear princess wouldn't dare to do such a thing to her more favorite person in the whole wide world now would she? It is okay to admit that you've missed me and that you've been crying for me. I could hear your cries in my heart." Adding a dramatic pained expression as he continued to looked down at her.

"I'm glad you're here though." A proud smile began forming on his face, "Finally I have someone to manipulate and bully just for fun," The proud smile turned into a perverted smile, gently squeezing her hand which only seemed smaller engulfed in his, and squeezing her waist. "Oh don't threaten me to a good time, Princess." Pulling her only ever so much closer, only leaving an inch or two in-between them.

"Dip me won't you? Unless you're too afraid my fiance will get after you?" Without a seconds thought, Blake followed through with her challenge, dipping her in the more grand way before pulling her up to be only a few inches from his face, "I wonder if I could challenge your Prince in shinning armor to the dual for you." He wondered out loud before drawing his face back to be in a more normal distance between them. "Maybe I could start a war for you, a single lone blue Knight against an entire.. uhh.. an entire.. Wait who are you engaged to again?" Cocking his brow up, faking a thinking expression, "I don't care for others who are trying to steal my princess away but who's his faces' army... Me vs 'Whats-His-Face'. Who would win? Or rather.. Who would you root for?" Looking down at her with an impish grin, knowing that she wouldn't take his question seriously but wanting to bait her for a bit since thats all she's been doing the entire time so far.

lissamissal lissamissal

Brooklyn ‘Brook’ Alagona

Water Princess' Handmaid
After all her training, Brook only continued to smile and remain calm as everything went down with the two large men and the gnome woman? It was rather enjoyable watching the hopes of the man for more women joining his orgy drain from his expression and eyes, dropping from a large grin to a rather shocked and fearful expression. He didn't say much before dropping her hands, thankfully, and sprinting the other direction, Brook bowing slightly as a formal way to say farewell to higher class people but it was doubtful that he noticed with the speed which he ran.

Turning back to the new members that joined the conversation, she only smiled calmly to them, "Well hello there, I would like to thank you for saving me from that nobel man." Bowing slightly once more as an expression of gratitude and politeness. "Other than the sweat from that man on my palms, I am quite alright." She smiled a little kinder but remained quiet since introducing herself first would be rather informal especially in her uniform so she only spoke when spoken to or asked of. Of course Brook knew that Kai and Kale wouldn't mind that their servants weren't as formal as she was, but it was second nature to her to act as she did so.
Dawnblade Dawnblade
Blakely ‘Blake’ Alagona
Water Princess’ Best Friend || Guard
Blake was rather disappointed when he wasn't able to scare his dear princess, having to listen to her list the 'cute' boys who's she met as of recently, becoming fairly jealous of all the attention she had been giving those other men instead of him. "Oh how disappointing, its just you Blake," Although the cute little pecks on the cheeks made up for the lack of attention, "Awh," Blake pouted when she pulled back, "Only two little pecks? What are we? Children? Come on Princess, you know you want to do more than simply kiss me on the cheeks," He pulled her a little closer to him, "I know you've done more to me too." He spoke in a low tone before she moved his hands onto her waist and they began dancing.

"Don't you have some girl from another kingdom waiting for you to seduce her, or you know actual work to do?" He let out a scoff, "You know you're the only woman I want in my life, other woman can't simply compare to your beauty and your wonderful superb abusive personality." He winked, flashing his teeth in a sly smirk. "So I see you managed to make it here, without my help might I add. You know I could have you sent back home in the blink of an eye, right?" "Oh me, oh my. I see myself in quite a predicament but my dear princess wouldn't dare to do such a thing to her more favorite person in the whole wide world now would she? It is okay to admit that you've missed me and that you've been crying for me. I could hear your cries in my heart." Adding a dramatic pained expression as he continued to looked down at her.

"I'm glad you're here though." A proud smile began forming on his face, "Finally I have someone to manipulate and bully just for fun," The proud smile turned into a perverted smile, gently squeezing her hand which only seemed smaller engulfed in his, and squeezing her waist. "Oh don't threaten me to a good time, Princess." Pulling her only ever so much closer, only leaving an inch or two in-between them.

"Dip me won't you? Unless you're too afraid my fiance will get after you?" Without a seconds thought, Blake followed through with her challenge, dipping her in the more grand way before pulling her up to be only a few inches from his face, "I wonder if I could challenge your Prince in shinning armor to the dual for you." He wondered out loud before drawing his face back to be in a more normal distance between them. "Maybe I could start a war for you, a single lone blue Knight against an entire.. uhh.. an entire.. Wait who are you engaged to again?" Cocking his brow up, faking a thinking expression, "I don't care for others who are trying to steal my princess away but who's his faces' army... Me vs 'Whats-His-Face'. Who would win? Or rather.. Who would you root for?" Looking down at her with an impish grin, knowing that she wouldn't take his question seriously but wanting to bait her for a bit since thats all she's been doing the entire time so far.

lissamissal lissamissal

Brooklyn ‘Brook’ Alagona

Water Princess' Handmaid
After all her training, Brook only continued to smile and remain calm as everything went down with the two large men and the gnome woman? It was rather enjoyable watching the hopes of the man for more women joining his orgy drain from his expression and eyes, dropping from a large grin to a rather shocked and fearful expression. He didn't say much before dropping her hands, thankfully, and sprinting the other direction, Brook bowing slightly as a formal way to say farewell to higher class people but it was doubtful that he noticed with the speed which he ran.

Turning back to the new members that joined the conversation, she only smiled calmly to them, "Well hello there, I would like to thank you for saving me from that nobel man." Bowing slightly once more as an expression of gratitude and politeness. "Other than the sweat from that man on my palms, I am quite alright." She smiled a little kinder but remained quiet since introducing herself first would be rather informal especially in her uniform so she only spoke when spoken to or asked of. Of course Brook knew that Kai and Kale wouldn't mind that their servants weren't as formal as she was, but it was second nature to her to act as she did so.
Dawnblade Dawnblade
"well you should be careful, nobles become infatuated with foreigners Luckily us dark kingdomers don't have much in the way of nobles." She said taking a large amount of pride in her back ground as a part of the dark kingdom. Some people didn't, They were unhappy with being in the dark kingdom, the undead, the bandits, the chance of being randomly attacked by creatures that defy any explanation due to the fact they are made entirely of babies. Some people were just too picky, she happened to like the strange flavor of life that came from living in the dark lands.
She realized she had spaced out a little bit and snapped back to reality looking at the woman ."My name is cuttlefish" She announced seemingly out of the blue, she stuck her hand out it was small and cloaked in a leather glove that had animals stitched into it. Lots of them, in a vase rainbow of color the same theme followed with her clothes, the result of an idle gnome with thread. "You look like a maid" she quickly said looking at her. "But where from?" she said not truly asking her but trying to figure it out her self, she quickly circled the maid. When another maid tried to answer she made a very loud popping noise with her mouth till she stopped trying to mess up her game. "I deduce you are from the water kingdom!!" she said after her eyes settled on one of the necklaces worn by another one of the maids.
She smiled gleefully at her small victory over no one, in a contest against her self, she looked her in the eyes happily enjoying the blueness of them. "Like water splishy splashy" she mummered to her self before going on looking her over to try and figure out more about her. She kept her hand out for a hand shake the entire time and if the made took it she would begin shaking it vigoursly and walking around her all the same.

Rose Vindell 2.jpg
Rose and Teno were led out of the tent by the two Fire Kingdom members. Rose desperately tried to keep hold of Teno's hand as the two placed their hands on the princess, anchoring her to her spot. Rose could feel the heat build around the princess as her brother approached. The heat slowly rose in intensity as her brother began to talk, but Rose refused to let go. She had learned from her interactions with the princess that if she began to flame up, there was definitely something wrong.

Suddenly, standing before them was the Dark Prince. She had heard much of him during her time in the Dark Realm, but this was the first time she'd actually seen him in person. She had heard that he looked quite fetching, but the rumors did not do him justice. He was actually quite handsome, but carried himself in a "business before pleasure" sort of way. His eyes especially seemed as though they'd seen much pain and held many secrets. Although she doubted it, she wondered if he knew of her at all. The only thing the kids at the facility were told about who was in charge was that the program was run by someone very high up in the Dark Realm hierarchy. It was all they really needed to know, you can't give anyone up if you don't know enough to incriminate anyone.

She was suddenly pulled from her thoughts when Teno yanked her hand away quickly. Rose saw the flames carry up from her hands up through her arms and throughout her body. She was so captured by her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed the increase in heat. Teno's normal heat was very warm and inviting, but these flames felt wild and uncontrolled. Rose looked down at her hand, her normally dark brown skin had become an almost glowing red. She could feel Teno's pain, confusion, and insecurity in the throbbing pain of the burn. The pain made her want to cry, although more for Teno then herself. She knew the pain in her hand would subside, but she felt crushed knowing that she could only stand by helplessly as her friend was settling in to feel this pain for the rest of her life.

It was at that point that Rose resolved herself to follow Teno on any adventure she set out on. It wasn't much of a gesture, but she placed her hand onto Teno's back to show her that she wasn't alone. She could feel Teno's fire rage, going so far as to heat her hand and singe pieces of her dress with the falling embers, but none of that mattered anymore. Rose would prove to the princess that she could endure her fiery passions and emotions, hoping her presence would become a soothing rock for the troubled girl.

Rose was so enraptured in what was happening with the princess, that she didn't hear what anyone was saying. She also didn't notice the Purrsian tailor who was seemingly speaking to the Fire Kingdom members on either side of the princess.

Capricornus Capricornus
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Theflamre Theflamre
Zer0 Zer0
Tamara Esgard

Tamara stood in front of the entance of the tent, as if she was guarding it. Yet, what she was actully doing was enjoying the sunlight whilst waiting for the rest. She didn't feel as nauseous as before, thanks to the fresh air that cleansed the still somewhat present smell in her nostrils.

As she heard the opening for the tent open, Tamara stepped two steps aside to open the path for those who were exiting the tent. As soon as she saw Teno, along with Rose hand in hand, she returned to her initial position, standing right behind her. Tamara assumed they would head towards the Gilded Gazebo, yet, before they could take a step, they were forced to pause. Curiously, Tamara's gaze wandered around, from left to right, up and down, trying to search for the reason that made them stop in their tracks. Only then she noticed another familiar face approach. It was the Prince of the Fire Kingdom, Teno's brother, and along with him, he brought another person.

Tamara squinted lightly, trying to figure out who exactly was the person behind Prince Kurt. As they got closer, Tamara started to recognize his companion, who turned out to be- "Oh, sh..oot.", she murmured to herself. Before she could say or do anything, the Prince asked for someone to keep the Princess in place. Siegfried, who followed his orders, placed his hands on Teno's shoulders, in reaction to which she seemed to tense up.

As Prince Kurt arrived, he didn't waste a single second before introducing the Dark Prince. Still standing behind Teno, Tamara bowed deeply before the two royals that had just arrived. Whilst doing so, she noticed that, in addition to her already tense posture, flames started to form on her hands that expanded along her arm. Tamara got back up, her and Teno's eyes met, who was looking around between her and Rose. Tamara clenched her teeth, her gaze expressing how sorry she felt as she had to watch the whole scene unfold in front of her.

As she wanted to open her mouth to say something, she was interrupted by another familiar face who joined the scene. It was Devon, the Fire Kingdom's best known tailor, and that for a reason. "Kindly unhand Princess Teno, sir, and let her stand on her own two feet.", he said. As Tamara looked over to him, she was rather surprised. Not only by what he said, but also by his height. She wasn't sure about having ever seen him this tall. As much as Tamara agreed with what he had said, she would have never dare to do the same.

Serenity Arkents
Best Friend to the Water Prince

"Really now?"
Serenity nodded. For some reaso Vincent seemed amused by what she had to say, to which Serenity couldn't but smile.

Vincent looked around for a bit, before turning back to Serenity to answer her question. "Perhaps a bit of both. I do have a booth here. Just some general goods," Serenity looked into the direction that Vincent was pointing to. "Oh wow. That's somewhat amazing." She seemed impressed, mostly because to her, Vincent seemed somewhat young to be having his own booth. Actually, she didn't estimate him to be much older than herself, but more likely around her age.
"Though I am quite interested in seeing people from the other kingdoms as well. I believe that actual peace between us is a real possibility, and when that happens I have to be used to seeing them. Just getting along with them in general." Serenity nodded, somewhat absentmindedly, thinking about what he just said. This whole fest had actually made her forget about the actual marriages and their importance.

"Sorry, was I rambling? I'm not usually like that."
Serenity snapped back to reality, only noticing then that she had put on a rather serious face. "Oh. Oh no! Don't worry about it! I actually enjoy listening to others talk. Much more than actually talking.", she chuckled. "Anyways then, how about you?", he asked. "Me? Well I was actually invited here! By the Water Domain Royals. And, well, I'm kind of like you, I'm here because I'm interested in the different cultures and their people.", she replied while further avoiding the wedding topic. She looked at the Gilded Gazebo where she noticed two not too unfamiliar people dancing. "Oh, wait", she exclaimed, while tapping Vincent on his shoulder. "See there?", she pointed with the other hand towards one of the dancing pairs, Kai and Blake. "The blue haired girl, who is currently dancing with the light blue, almost white, haired boy? That's one of them. Princess Kai, from the Water Domain. Seems like you can check off one of the royals from your list.", she chuckled.

She continued watching the two of them dance around the Gazebo, while almost silently humming the melody of the song to which they were dancing.

Last edited:

Water Princess


Blake was a graceful dancer and moving with him was easy, he knew how lead. Kai wasn't shocked when she felt her body drop towards the ground as quickly as it was brought back up. Her face being so close to his didn't really affect Kai as it would any other girl. Perhaps she'd grown so accustomed to his flirtatious aura that it just felt natural now. "I wonder if I could challenge your Prince in shinning armor to the dual for you. Maybe I could start a war for you, a single lone blue Knight against an entire.. uhh.. an entire.. Wait who are you engaged to again? I don't care for others who are trying to steal my princess away but who's his faces' army... Me vs 'Whats-His-Face'. Who would win? Or rather.. Who would you root for?" Kai smiled back at him and scoffed slightly. "Oh yeah! You against the whole Industrial Empire...I think his sister, Alice, could take you down all on her own." She knew what he was saying was just a joke, but a small part of Kai actually started to wonder who she would choose if there was a dual between the two. "And 'Whats-His-Face' has a name you know, it's Benjamin..." as she said her prince's name, with a slight sigh at the end, a dreamy look came across her face. Blake would definitely be bothered by her now, but she couldn't help it.

Kai and Benjamin were almost exactly the opposite of her and Blake. With her prince, every interaction was simple and sweet. She felt like a totally different person with her flirty best friend. Kai was more daring and playful than usual and Blake did a great job of helping her act a bit more... sexually abusive? rebellious. Her face took on a slight blush and although the music didn't slow, she moved closer and leaned her head on Blake's chest. "He's really sweet and not a perv like you," Kai teased, but then took on a more serious tone, "...and you know how against this marriage I was, but I feel like he might make me happy," she took a deep breath and sighed,"I just hope I can be content." Kai backed off of her friend and returned to her usual playful ways, "I guess I'm gonna just have to bring you along when I leave." She got on her tiptoes and leaned to whisper in his ear, "So when he doesn't please me, I can take you as a lover." The princess plopped back down and giggled, teasing Blake with a flirtatious grin.

undefined undefined

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
His Highness Danil Draven Crown Prince of the Dark Kingdom
Prince Kurth, Princess Teno, and a whole bunch of other people too!

Danil had received word of the near disaster that his messenger had caused by approaching openly during the day instead of at night, as instructed. It certainly didn't bolster his confidence much to be reminded of that right before this particular moment. He was distracted enough by those thoughts and a sudden flash of nerves that he almost missed the preparations that Prince Kurth put into place before introducing him.

Really? Holding her in place to physically keep her from running?

It was hard for him to accept the reality at first, but... in the first few moments after being introduced Danil saw that Princess Teno might well have abandoned dignity and simply fled. Her fear seemed to be strong enough to justify the precautions. She was trying to cover his earlier gift as much as she could, even with him right here. She even burned one of her companions when her magic acted on her terror. Danil was not accustomed to facing a challenge head on.

For much of his life, every challenge, every threat, every enemy. All of them had been safer to defeat when approached obliquely. Here, he had no such options and if he failed here... there would be no mitigation for the casualties that would result. He had to do this right. He needed to focus all his attention on her to have a chance of doing this right. At least he had taken one precaution.

He reached into his pouch and pulled out a closed flower. The petals were tightly shut and the color of deep amethyst with the edges glowing like amber coals. The stem was coated in a deep green crystalline material with flecks of gold that shimmered in the light. As an added benefit, this material was fire proof. The flower itself was not fire resistant, but the stem was well protected and more than nine inches long to allow for possible accidents. The coating itself was actually a type of amber made from a low altitude tree native to the northern reaches of the Dark Realm.

"Princess Teno, it is an honor to meet you at last." Prince Danil said, finally. His voice was composed and even but there was a note of sadness under the surface and his eyes had a subtle shadow of doubt in their depths. "I hope that my appearance and this small gift may diminish some of your... apprehension... regarding this diplomatic... arrangement. This flower is not a common variety but I believe it was included within the book that I sent to you. I... hope that the text was to your liking. I had... little information regarding your preferences."

With that, he held out the flower for her. He didn't approach and his movements were relaxed and slow. He was acting almost like he was dealing with a frightened deer. With the importance of this moment so firmly in his mind, he could only manage the appearance of calm. Inside, he was coiled like a spring and winding tighter by the moment in spite of Prince Kurth's encouragement.

Theflamre Theflamre
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite ,
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Zer0 Zer0
Capricornus Capricornus

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

Teno felt Rose's hand against her back. The pressure was gentle and Teno felt herself calming just from the touch of her friend. Her initial panic at the situation created by her brother was beginning to subside into a smaller anxiety. The flames on her fingers that rose and grew on her like gloves were not, however, going anywhere. Teno noticed a figure from the corner of her vision. Devon!
"Kindly unhand Princess Teno, sir, and let her stand on her own two feet," he said in a more commanding voice than she had heard from him before. He seemed taller and more powerful. Teno felt so thankful for the love that surrounded her. All the warmth and kindness that came from Rose, Tamara, Devon. And in their own way, from Kurt, Siegfried and even Otto.
"Devon," Teno breathed, finally able to find words. She turned to him, placing her hand gently on Siegfried's own. "Thank you. It's... it's very good to see you. You're so very good to me." Her words were quiet, and aimed at seemingly everyone. She would allow Devon's interaction with her brother's retinue be handled without her. She had other matters to attend to. Prince Danil was removing something from the pouch he wore and Teno tensed as she watched him. Her eyes were drawn back to him, not quite eye to eye, but she watched cautiously. To her surprise he withdrew a beautiful purple flower, with orange and red edges. The stem had a had a coating of something that wasn't quite natural.
"Princess Teno, it is an honor to meet you at last," said the Dark Prince. There was a soft hitch in his voice. Teno couldn't quite place it, but it wasn't... it wasn't hardened as she would have expected. "I hope that my appearance and this small gift may diminish some of your... apprehension... regarding this diplomatic... arrangement. This flower is not a common variety but I believe it was included within the book that I sent to you. I... hope that the text was to your liking. I had... little information regarding your preferences."
Teno felt her cheeks grow warm, but for once it wasn't from her fire. She was embarrassed at her actions. She didn't think of herself as a shallow person and it was very humiliating to think that her inner emotions about Danil were so easy to read. She supposed her human flame act didn't help. He held out the flower to her, slowly and carefully. She actually appreciated his gentleness. She looked down at her hands, still aglow and frowned. No way she could take that flower. For a million reasons.
"Tamara, dear," said Teno turning to her guard. "You would please, ah, take the flower for me? At the moment I... it might be best if I did not." After Tamara responded, Teno looked down at her hands again, before mustering enough courage to look at Danil, in his eyes, for just a moment.
"F-forgive me, sir," said Teno, her words stiff and forced. She couldn't yet bring herself to say his name. "My rudeness does not become me. I-I-I should introduce my... ah... my..." She wasn't quite sure what to call her little group. Most of them belonged to Kurt's retinue. "This is Tamara, my personal guard and graduate of the Fire Guard. She is the most brave person you could hope to meet. She is my Great White Wolf.
"And this is Rose Vindell. I imagine y-y-you must have heard of the attempt upon my life. Rose is the one who saved me. She is... my best friend. I shan't call her a lady in waiting or hand maiden, for those titles do her no justice. She is my best friend. The book y-y-you gave me was our constant companion as she recovered her health. I... ah... I deeply enjoyed it. Th-tha-thank you. For... f-for all your gifts."

Her train of thought calmed when she spoke of her friends, but continued to be rattled when she recalled her was there too. She looked down at the box in her hand, almost startled by it. Now or never right? "I have... I ah... mmm," her words were, once again not hers. Maybe now wasn't the right time. Not when she couldn't even hand it to him without burning him. That would be a hell of a way to start the marriage.
She swallowed hard and held the box tighter. Perhaps later she would give it to him. Instead she looked at him and fought to give him her attempt at a smile. It was small and nearly a grimace, but his face didn't show much emotion either, so perhaps it would be enough.

Lucine Briarheart
"To Be Revealed"

"There! Prince Danil! I got worried for him when I noticed that odd meeting between him and Princess Teno so I gave him a friendship flower as a lucky charm," said Yoko excitedly. Lucine looked over to the small gathering of royals and rolled her eyes. Their interactions meant very little to her. Still she was curious what kind of relationship Yoko could have with the Dark Prince. "Oh! Mr.Devon is there too! I'll dance with the Prince Danil after he finishes dancing with Princess Teno...hopefully not as crispy either."
Lucine laughed at the joke. "I wouldn't pay much worry to Princess Teno, Koko. She's just a kid whose scared of her own shadow. I'm sure he will be happy to dance with you."
They continued to dance for a while. The music was jovial and the people who were dancing were having a very good time. This whole event might turn out better than she could have foreseen. Maybe peace would be brought to the kingdoms. Maybe.
"I do like your boss, Koko. He's a very good man. Cat. Cat man? Whatever he is, he is very good and kind. You are lucky to have him in your life. I wonder if he would ever consider adopting. He would be a good father."

Flynn Wulfgar
"To Be Revealed"

The players were very good and practiced and it wasn't very long before Flynn realized he was more or less useless until his compositions were to be played. He decided that now would be a good time to engage in some dancing. He looked around at the possible companions. Many many good looking people were waiting around the edges of the dance floor, nervously awaiting a dance. Flynn noticed someone who wasn't yet dancing and made his way to them.
"Penelope," said Flynn sliding in next to her. He almost seemed to purr her name. He made a discreet pointing gesture to the distance where the Fire ensemble seemed to be gathered. He couldn't really tell what was going on, but it did mean he wasn't under the watchful eye of the prince and his royal pain in the ass advisor. "It would seem that you are free to dance, hmm?"
He held out his hand to her and if she accepted he would lead her out to the dance floor and would show everyone how much his dancing lessons had paid off.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Katsuya Katsuya
Capricornus Capricornus
Haeo Haeo
Zer0 Zer0
Rein just loves how the kraken lady was blushing, chuckling when she looked excited at the Purrsian tailor. That's charming. "Lady Grace," he drawled as if he was savoring a delicious chocolate truffle. "What a fitting name for a lovely lady such as yourself - Oh! Yes, I hope you enjoy the festivities, Good sir!" He quickly added to Devon before returning his attention to Grace with a warm and friendly grin.

"No, I was not however," Rein's grin changed into a more debonair smile though his tone stayed friendly and calm. "I'm rather glad that I wasn't or else; I wouldn't have bumped into you. Tell me, are you enjoying the festivities here?" He offered an arm to the kraken lady and if she wanted to, they could sit in the lounging area to sit and talk all they want.


"I wouldn't pay much worry to Princess Teno, Koko. She's just a kid whose scared of her own shadow. I'm sure he will be happy to dance with you." Lucine said, making Yoko's ears perked up. She gave the red hooded young lady an unsure but encouraged smile.

"You think so?"
The kitsune was just glad nothing happened to her boss yet for speaking up. Then she sighed. "I don't blame Princess Teno for being scared, but I believe she can brave her fears head on and see that not everything is as scary as she thinks. Like the Prince. He's facing his fears right now with this meeting." Yoko said as if she had her own experiences of being afraid everyday. Her ears perked up again when Lucine spoke up again.

"I do like your boss, Koko. He's a very good man. Cat. Cat man? Whatever he is, he is very good and kind. You are lucky to have him in your life. I wonder if he would ever consider adopting. He would be a good father."
The kit nodded in agreement, giggling as she spun Lucine around joyfully.

"I don't know if he would adopt but Mr. Devon does make a good father figure." Her blue eyes glittered in deep admiration for the purrsian, her three tails swayed happily. "I count my blessings of meeting Mr. Devon everyday. Really. He's so nice and sweet! He even gave me a place to call home when no one else would let me in their shops to eat before...when the wars were happening and I was traveling around. Hehehe!"

She suddenly hugged Lucine tightly, her fox ears folding back. "That's why I believe what you are doing is very admirable! Honestly, truly, surely, and most definitely-! So I'll wish on every star I see for the kids you are looking out for will get a home soon!" She declared innocently as she leaned back and smiled widely.

BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite Zer0 Zer0

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

Teno felt Rose's hand against her back. The pressure was gentle and Teno felt herself calming just from the touch of her friend. Her initial panic at the situation created by her brother was beginning to subside into a smaller anxiety. The flames on her fingers that rose and grew on her like gloves were not, however, going anywhere. Teno noticed a figure from the corner of her vision. Devon!
"Kindly unhand Princess Teno, sir, and let her stand on her own two feet," he said in a more commanding voice than she had heard from him before. He seemed taller and more powerful. Teno felt so thankful for the love that surrounded her. All the warmth and kindness that came from Rose, Tamara, Devon. And in their own way, from Kurt, Siegfried and even Otto.
"Devon," Teno breathed, finally able to find words. She turned to him, placing her hand gently on Siegfried's own. "Thank you. It's... it's very good to see you. You're so very good to me." Her words were quiet, and aimed at seemingly everyone. She would allow Devon's interaction with her brother's retinue be handled without her. She had other matters to attend to. Prince Danil was removing something from the pouch he wore and Teno tensed as she watched him. Her eyes were drawn back to him, not quite eye to eye, but she watched cautiously. To her surprise he withdrew a beautiful purple flower, with orange and red edges. The stem had a had a coating of something that wasn't quite natural.
"Princess Teno, it is an honor to meet you at last," said the Dark Prince. There was a soft hitch in his voice. Teno couldn't quite place it, but it wasn't... it wasn't hardened as she would have expected. "I hope that my appearance and this small gift may diminish some of your... apprehension... regarding this diplomatic... arrangement. This flower is not a common variety but I believe it was included within the book that I sent to you. I... hope that the text was to your liking. I had... little information regarding your preferences."
Teno felt her cheeks grow warm, but for once it wasn't from her fire. She was embarrassed at her actions. She didn't think of herself as a shallow person and it was very humiliating to think that her inner emotions about Danil were so easy to read. She supposed her human flame act didn't help. He held out the flower to her, slowly and carefully. She actually appreciated his gentleness. She looked down at her hands, still aglow and frowned. No way she could take that flower. For a million reasons.
"Tamara, dear," said Teno turning to her guard. "You would please, ah, take the flower for me? At the moment I... it might be best if I did not." After Tamara responded, Teno looked down at her hands again, before mustering enough courage to look at Danil, in his eyes, for just a moment.
"F-forgive me, sir," said Teno, her words stiff and forced. She couldn't yet bring herself to say his name. "My rudeness does not become me. I-I-I should introduce my... ah... my..." She wasn't quite sure what to call her little group. Most of them belonged to Kurt's retinue. "This is Tamara, my personal guard and graduate of the Fire Guard. She is the most brave person you could hope to meet. She is my Great White Wolf.
"And this is Rose Vindell. I imagine y-y-you must have heard of the attempt upon my life. Rose is the one who saved me. She is... my best friend. I shan't call her a lady in waiting or hand maiden, for those titles do her no justice. She is my best friend. The book y-y-you gave me was our constant companion as she recovered her health. I... ah... I deeply enjoyed it. Th-tha-thank you. For... f-for all your gifts."

Her train of thought calmed when she spoke of her friends, but continued to be rattled when she recalled her was there too. She looked down at the box in her hand, almost startled by it. Now or never right? "I have... I ah... mmm," her words were, once again not hers. Maybe now wasn't the right time. Not when she couldn't even hand it to him without burning him. That would be a hell of a way to start the marriage.
She swallowed hard and held the box tighter. Perhaps later she would give it to him. Instead she looked at him and fought to give him her attempt at a smile. It was small and nearly a grimace, but his face didn't show much emotion either, so perhaps it would be enough.

Lucine Briarheart
"To Be Revealed"

"There! Prince Danil! I got worried for him when I noticed that odd meeting between him and Princess Teno so I gave him a friendship flower as a lucky charm," said Yoko excitedly. Lucine looked over to the small gathering of royals and rolled her eyes. Their interactions meant very little to her. Still she was curious what kind of relationship Yoko could have with the Dark Prince. "Oh! Mr.Devon is there too! I'll dance with the Prince Danil after he finishes dancing with Princess Teno...hopefully not as crispy either."
Lucine laughed at the joke. "I wouldn't pay much worry to Princess Teno, Koko. She's just a kid whose scared of her own shadow. I'm sure he will be happy to dance with you."
They continued to dance for a while. The music was jovial and the people who were dancing were having a very good time. This whole event might turn out better than she could have foreseen. Maybe peace would be brought to the kingdoms. Maybe.
"I do like your boss, Koko. He's a very good man. Cat. Cat man? Whatever he is, he is very good and kind. You are lucky to have him in your life. I wonder if he would ever consider adopting. He would be a good father."

Flynn Wulfgar
"To Be Revealed"

The players were very good and practiced and it wasn't very long before Flynn realized he was more or less useless until his compositions were to be played. He decided that now would be a good time to engage in some dancing. He looked around at the possible companions. Many many good looking people were waiting around the edges of the dance floor, nervously awaiting a dance. Flynn noticed someone who wasn't yet dancing and made his way to them.
"Penelope," said Flynn sliding in next to her. He almost seemed to purr her name. He made a discreet pointing gesture to the distance where the Fire ensemble seemed to be gathered. He couldn't really tell what was going on, but it did mean he wasn't under the watchful eye of the prince and his royal pain in the ass advisor. "It would seem that you are free to dance, hmm?"
He held out his hand to her and if she accepted he would lead her out to the dance floor and would show everyone how much his dancing lessons had paid off.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Katsuya Katsuya
Capricornus Capricornus
Haeo Haeo
Zer0 Zer0
Rook Fireforge
He was watching for something, perhaps an excuse to throw him self at the man, perhaps a reason to pull the princess out of this situation. His fist clenched visibly as the dark prince started moving, his hands stayed at his side though only out of pure force of will. He could snap the prince's neck with his bare hands, but he wouldn't be so quick if he decided to do it. He would pound the man's chest untell his ribs broke inwards ripping into his lungs, he had done it before to another man in his youth. He could almost see it, the prince's face coughing up blood as the light faded from his eyes, the only thing he couldn't get right in his head was the eyes, the real facial expression. Would it be of terror, as the last man's face had been? maybe, he would enjoy it, the brave prince's eyes looking at him with the horror and knowledge of his death. Then he would shit himself, as most bodies did and that would be the end of him laying there blood filling his lungs, and his own backside covered in excrement. It's what was expected of the Dwarven Thane at this point a terrible bluntness and uncaring cruelty towards his foes. Perhaps it had grounds in reality, not many knew his full story but what they heard would hint at him being an overconfident sap who did nothing but relies on his own strength and the strength of his dwarves.
He looked attentive and his face dispassionate but observant of the situation he watched every step as the tailor approached. He knew the man, not personally but deeply, the dwarf though he may not look it was well versed in most people that would normally attend this sort of event. The tailor had been an expected and well-received guest. So he hadn't moved an inch while he had approached he continued to stand there dispassionately observing. What might have been surprising to some was when he left, he turned and left the princess with the dark prince. Not many people would understand what that meant it was a showing of trust to the dark prince. He went towards the dance floor if the dark prince was here he knew what he was looking for was there.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy Katsuya Katsuya Capricornus Capricornus

Blakely ‘Blake’ Alagona
Water Princess’ Best Friend || Guard
"Oh yeah! You against the whole Industrial Empire...I think his sister, Alice, could take you down all on her own." Blake chuckled the last part of her comment, "Oh? Alice you say? Is she single?" A smirk appearing on his face, "And 'Whats-His-Face' has a name you know, it's Benjamin..." A look of which Blake didn't often see appeared on Kai's face when she spoke of her Prince, Benjamin. She only ever gave that expression when she saw food or cute animals. In a way, he knew that this day was to come and, despite all his jokes, he wouldn't be able to stop the fact that she was to get married to a another man. Seeing how mushy she got when she thought of another man in his presents caused him to grew rather irritated yet he remained calm for the most part, his eyes becoming the slightest bit bitter however. No matter how hard you train yourself to be calm in any situations, your eyes will always betray you it seems.

Kai leaned on his chest which relieved him, at least she didn't have to see his eyes and how sullen they had become from her expression alone. "He's really sweet and not a perv like you," Blake snickered at her comment of him being a perv, he couldn't deny that it wasn't true, "...and you know how against this marriage I was, but I feel like he might make me happy," He couldn't help but squeeze her tiny hand firmly, not realizing how much pressure he was placing but catching himself before he could hurt her, "I just hope I can be content." He was being selfish, he realized that the moment she said finished her sentence, returning back to his normal self, his facial expression softening as well as his eyes. "You'll be happy, I'll make sure of it. I promise." "I guess I'm gonna just have to bring you along when I leave." "Exactly, and thats why I can always keep my promise because as long as I'm with my dear Kai, I can threaten whoever is causing you such grief, even if its the Prince himself." Sneaking a quick wink, "I can start by breaking his fingers one by one and after that I'll start a flame with a match and--" Blake stopped himself as he remembered that perhaps his ways of resolving problems was maybe a bit too violent to speak openly about, "I mean, I'll start by writing a strongly worded letter to Sir "What's his Butt" addressing his poor satisfaction rate and if he does not greatly improve his performance, his may be evicted. Evicted from what? I'm not sure, perhaps onto the couch, I still have to work on that part of the letter."

Blake was so invested in his strongly worded letter plan that when Kai came up to whisper in his ear, it took him by surprise. "So when he doesn't please me, I can take you as a lover." Followed by her signature flirtatious grin which only made the fire in his eyes ignite, grinning back with a devious grin, "I'll be waiting for the day that he falls short of satisfying you because the moment he lets his guard down, I'm going to come and sweep you off your feet, Dear Princess Kai." Just as he stated her name, Blake swiftly got on one knee, taking the hand he was holding to dance with and giving it a small kiss on the knuckle of her hand, glancing up at her to see her expression with half teasing, half flirtatious eyes. From dancing to being on one knee, kissing her hand, it happened so quick and so effortlessly, as though it were planned. If this Prince Benjamin were to see this, it would've made Blake's day to see his expression as well.

lissamissal lissamissal Elekta Kount Elekta Kount [Mentioned]

Brooklyn ‘Brook’ Alagona
Water Princess' Handmaid

"well you should be careful, nobles become infatuated with foreigners Luckily us dark kingdomers don't have much in the way of nobles." Brook nodded in agreement, it was true for the most part but having men approach her wasn't something she was a stranger to. In a way, it was ingrained into her normal everyday routine and she often didn't notice the stares from strangers anymore, although it was rather difficult to ignore when they would whisper about her, whether good or bad. "My name is cuttlefish" "Brooklyn Alagona at your service, please to meet you Cuttlefish." Curtsying slightly as she introduced herself before taking Cuttlefish's hand to shake.

"You look like a maid," She nodded since it was true that she was a maid after all, it wasn't something she was ashamed about, "but where from?" Brook glanced from her peripheral vision as she watched Cuttlefish circle around her, another maid, Allison, tried to jump in by answering the question but was quickly shot down by a loud popping noise coming from her mouth. "I deduce you are from the water kingdom!!" Brook could see her eyes wandering to the blue gem that all the Water Domain's palace servants wore, whether on a ring, a bracelet, pendent, earrings, necklace, or whatever type of accessory that they wore to be identified as a worker. Brook wore hers like a necklace as most of the maid's did and, if she could recall correctly, Blake wore his on an earring on his left side which was rather odd since most male servants wore the gem as a ring but to each their own I suppose.

"Like water splishy splashy" Cuttlefish was a rather odd girl but Brook was not one to judge, she was sweet despite her bounciness but that was possibly a good aspect of this new girl. Brook nodded before speaking with a kind smile on her face, "Congratulations, you've guessed correctly. Yes, I am a maid from the Water Domain. You're quite a detective which I applaud you for. If you do not mind me asking, but what brought you to the Homeland? The celebration alone perhaps? It is quite a big event after all." Brook asked, curious but also looking to make small talk for a bit, perhaps if she ever did visit another kingdom on her own time, she'd have someone to call for within the Dark Kingdom. She didn't make friends outside the palace often so she didn't know where to start but this could be a possible start of one.

Dawnblade Dawnblade

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