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Fantasy Compromise Brings Delusion (Arranged Marriage) (Open/Always Accepting)

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

"Thank you Benjamin..."

Benjamin heard Kai say to him, just as he felt her slightly squeeze his hand, quelling a bit of his concern. "H-hey, no problem-m, as l-long as your fee-eling be-better."

Benjamin watched Kai, who seemed to be contemplating somthing, before she flashed a smile at him.

"Can we talk in private? I know the dance is about to start, but we can continue to talk more...until you ask me to dance of course."

Benjamin's heart seem to skip a beat as he felt butterfly churning about in his stomach. "U-uh. o-of c-cours-se, u-uh. Je-ean."

"Understood, mon amie, take all the time you need. I shall await you here." Pélissier said, with a slight bow and a small wink, which only made Benjamin's face flush. Then the two headed off to Kai's tent, leaving Pélissier standing at the table.

"Ah, is it not wonderful to see those two together, mosuier Reith." Pélissier said, as he turned, expecting to see Reith, but found himself standing along at the table. Looking around, he realized he was along, giving himself a shrug and a sigh. He then slumped down into one of the chairs, saying to himself "Et il me semble que je suis seul" before looking over to the table and picked up a piece of jammed melon bread, promptly biting into it as he observed the festival.

The two would venture off to the tent, and as Benjamin stepped into the tent, he was a bit stunned at what he saw and smelled. It seemed fitting for a princess of the seas, but Benjamin was unsure how to approach things. He went over to the pond, and squatted down looking at it.

"Uh, am I-I suppo-ose to st-tep into it-t?"
Benjamin said, looking up at Kai a bit unsure.

If he was suppose to, he would then take a wobbly step in, before sinking down onto the cushions, a bit startled. That would soon disappear, as he noticed Hope wanted out of his pocket. Gently, he picked her out of his pocket, and set her into the pond.

He would then look up to Kai again, his hands folded on his lap, and asked.
"U-uh, so....what was i-it you wanted to-o talk ab-bout?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Well, don't be too sure about that." Ferdrick could only chuckle. "The water folk are hardy people, I know from experience. They smell like nice folks, but if you try to push them to hard, they're be like a wave and come crashing down upon you."

Ferdrick then looked over, to see Benjamin and Kai walk into the water kingdom tent. "I think Benjamin will do fine. After all, he's got Henry, Jean, and of course you."

The pilot then noticed that Pélissier was now sitting by himself.
"Well, looks like the lieutenant's now on his own." He then looked up at Chadwick and thumbed at said lieutenant. "Let's go talk to him, we're done here anyways."

They would have to climb a small slop to reach the tables, but when they got their Pélissier was sitting at a table finishing a piece of jammed melon bread looking rather bored. When the lieutenant saw the two figures approach him, his face brightened.

"Ah, mousier Kiber! And who's this you've bought?" Pélissier said, as he stood up to greet them.

"This big guy? Found him wandering around the transport blimps and I thought he was one of the workers." Ferdrick said with a cheery face.

"Oh, I see." Pélissier said, as he gave a nod in greeting. "But, um, I thought Benjamin said that you were attending a funeral?"

"Seems like the funeral was close, and apparently this thing was loud enough to attract attention." Fredrick said, chuckling a bit.

"Ah, well then..." Pélissier said, before using one of his hands to gesture towards the vacant chairs. "Please have a seat. Our induestrial daughter was here early bringing with her a storm, she left some wine, and the others left some delicious bread and jam. Please, mon amie, help yourself; it would be shame to see the food go to waste."
Theflamre Theflamre

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

"Thank you Benjamin..."

Benjamin heard Kai say to him, just as he felt her slightly squeeze his hand, quelling a bit of his concern. "H-hey, no problem-m, as l-long as your fee-eling be-better."

Benjamin watched Kai, who seemed to be contemplating somthing, before she flashed a smile at him.

"Can we talk in private? I know the dance is about to start, but we can continue to talk more...until you ask me to dance of course."

Benjamin's heart seem to skip a beat as he felt butterfly churning about in his stomach. "U-uh. o-of c-cours-se, u-uh. Je-ean."

"Understood, mon amie, take all the time you need. I shall await you here." Pélissier said, with a slight bow and a small wink, which only made Benjamin's face flush. Then the two headed off to Kai's tent, leaving Pélissier standing at the table.

"Ah, is it not wonderful to see those two together, mosuier Reith." Pélissier said, as he turned, expecting to see Reith, but found himself standing along at the table. Looking around, he realized he was along, giving himself a shrug and a sigh. He then slumped down into one of the chairs, saying to himself "Et il me semble que je suis seul" before looking over to the table and picked up a piece of jammed melon bread, promptly biting into it as he observed the festival.

The two would venture off to the tent, and as Benjamin stepped into the tent, he was a bit stunned at what he saw and smelled. It seemed fitting for a princess of the seas, but Benjamin was unsure how to approach things. He went over to the pond, and squatted down looking at it.

"Uh, am I-I suppo-ose to st-tep into it-t?"
Benjamin said, looking up at Kai a bit unsure.

If he was suppose to, he would then take a wobbly step in, before sinking down onto the cushions, a bit startled. That would soon disappear, as he noticed Hope wanted out of his pocket. Gently, he picked her out of his pocket, and set her into the pond.

He would then look up to Kai again, his hands folded on his lap, and asked.
"U-uh, so....what was i-it you wanted to-o talk ab-bout?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Well, don't be too sure about that." Ferdrick could only chuckle. "The water folk are hardy people, I know from experience. They smell like nice folks, but if you try to push them to hard, they're be like a wave and come crashing down upon you."

Ferdrick then looked over, to see Benjamin and Kai walk into the water kingdom tent. "I think Benjamin will do fine. After all, he's got Henry, Jean, and of course you."

The pilot then noticed that Pélissier was now sitting by himself.
"Well, looks like the lieutenant's now on his own." He then looked up at Chadwick and thumbed at said lieutenant. "Let's go talk to him, we're done here anyways."

They would have to climb a small slop to reach the tables, but when they got their Pélissier was sitting at a table finishing a piece of jammed melon bread looking rather bored. When the lieutenant saw the two figures approach him, his face brightened.

"Ah, mousier Kiber! And who's this you've bought?" Pélissier said, as he stood up to greet them.

"This big guy? Found him wandering around the transport blimps and I thought he was one of the workers." Ferdrick said with a cheery face.

"Oh, I see." Pélissier said, as he gave a nod in greeting. "But, um, I thought Benjamin said that you were attending a funeral?"

"Seems like the funeral was close, and apparently this thing was loud enough to attract attention." Fredrick said, chuckling a bit.

"Ah, well then..." Pélissier said, before using one of his hands to gesture towards the vacant chairs. "Please have a seat. Our induestrial daughter was here early bringing with her a storm, she left some wine, and the others left some delicious bread and jam. Please, mon amie, help yourself; it would be shame to see the food go to waste."
Theflamre Theflamre
"Why did they leave all this food here?" He asked walking over and grabbing some of the bread without waiting for an answer. "it's not poisoned, is it?" he asked as he took a bite again not waiting for an answer. He honestly didn't care either way, once when he was a child he found this nice tasting powder that he liked to stick to his hand using saliva then lick off. He thought it was fun, after a day of eating a small bag full he emptied the bag went inside to ask if his parents could buy more. It had turned out to be rat poison, strangely enough, his parents laughed it off and said he was silly. Ever since that day he started noticing his family was a lot different than most, and would oft consume things that were considered poisons that had seemingly no effect on them. To this day poision is just another topping on his food, which is why he always seems to hoard it not sharing one bite.
Tamara Esgard

"You saw him Tamara? I must have just missed him when I came in" Tamara simply nodded to answer her question. She had probably already talked enough for today. "At least he's not like a nightmare monster or something. I've never seen him, but in my time in the Dark Realm, I heard rumors that he's actually a pretty normal looking guy. Little intense though."

'Dark Realm?..' Tamara peaked up curiously. She had never known anything about Rose having lived in the Dark Realm. She was kind of surprised, but at the same time, she had suspected that Rose didn't spend her entire life in the Fire Kingdom.
"I mean uhh how bad can he look if he... ummm if his sister looks pretty normal." Tamara nodded again, agreeing with her. "I bet he doesn't look bad... well I know he doesn't. Well what I mean is, I personally think he doesn't look bad. Different people different tastes and all, haha." And Tamara was at it again, talking to much and too fast.

"I do believe that the Dark Realm children are adopted. It's not like Kurt and myself," Teno sighed."Then again I'll find out sooner than later. I've already met the sister. I don't think we'll be big fans of one another. I don't know about you both, but I'm not particularly thrilled about the dance coming up soon. It's nearly noon and the events of the day are going to start."

"Oh they are? I mean, they don't look very alike, but I thought they were related in some way... ", she simply shrugged it off. "The dance?" Tamara scoffed. "I can be happy that I don't have tl participate. My future partner would hate me and my two left feet. But I'm sure I will love watching it", she laughed.

"I guess I am excited about the cultural presentations from all the kingdoms. Kurt and I are going to show our fire creation. Though he's a lot better at it than I am. We'll probably have to leave soon..."
Teno added.
"Oh! You're right I almost forgot about it! Fire creation? That sure will be amazing to see. I'm also very curious about what the other Kingdoms are going to show us." Tamara sounded almost like a small child who would see magic for the first time. She took anoter sip of her bitter tea, trying not to make a grimace.

She put her teacup back down and turned around when she heard a voice behind her, outside the tent's entrance, just before it opened. Seeing Otto coming through the curtains, accompanied by Siegfried, she got up and bowed before them. "Sir Von Braun, Sir Harrer.", she just hoped that they didn't see this as slacking off. She gestured towards the table. "I, uh, I guess you can join if there's still tea left. Well i mean I'd recommend it if anyone's feeling stressed. But, like, only if you like tea of course. Also the tea is slightly bitter. In my opinion... Of course if you like bitter tea that's great, haha." Tamara mentally facepalmed. 'Waaay to make a good impression.'

BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

Water Princess


As soon as they entered the tent, Kai went straight to the table and set her shoes and music box down. "Uh, am I-I suppo-ose to st-tep into it-t?" Kai just shrugged her shoulders, "I mean you can, but you don't need to. It's not like we're going to be doing anything spiritual." She laughed a little because of his question and her response. Kai walked over and floated down next to Benjamin, watching as Hope splashed around in the pond. Kai splashed her feet into the water next to Benjamin's. "U-uh, so....what was i-it you wanted to-o talk ab-bout?"

Kai grasped her hand in his and looked into his eye as she ran her fingers through his. "Well...um...first I wanted to apologize for the the way I behaved earlier with your sister, I let my emotions get the best of me and it was wrong for me to egg her on like that." She scooted closer to him, "The reason why I did it was because she called me little sister...and I know your Kingdom was definitely informed of what happened...to my actual big sister." Kai's eyes began to water a little, but she wiped them away with one of her hands. "I'm sorry I'm not Katrina, she's the one you were supposed to marry, and she was much more composed then me...Alice would have liked her better too."

She sighed and flung her body back on the pillows. As she laid there she continued to talk, "Second, I'm going to be honest, your reaction to the aphrodisiac and its purpose sort of hurt me. I know you'll probably do that a lot seeing as our cultures are so different. Anyways I decided I should tell you how I really value and am proud of my culture and spirituality. And I'm going to try hard to not feel judged by your questions now."

Kai turned, still laying down, towards Benjamin, "Oh and lastly, I wasn't thirsty...I drank your water so you wouldn't taste my rain. My powers are connected to my emotions and well I kind of ruined everyone's water." She paused letting him take in everything she'd said, it was really a lot of information to process for anyone. Hope was enjoying herself a bit too much now and jumped into the pond creating a bit splash. The water came out towards them, but Kai swiftly stopped it, holding it mid air just in front of them, "Any questions?" She let out a small giggle.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

Teno smiled as Tamara babbled about the current topic of conversation. It was very like Tamara. She was endlessly brave and powerful, but when she opened up, she had a stammer and a stutter. It was very endearing. To be fair, it didn't exactly answer her question. Tamara continued to sip the tea and muttered into it about how good it was.

"You saw him Tamara? I must have just missed him when I came in,"
said Rose as she absently poured more tea. "At least he's not like a nightmare monster or something. I've never seen him, but in my time in the Dark Realm, I heard rumors that he's actually a pretty normal looking guy. Little intense though."

She seemed to stop a little as she said that. Teno did not think it particularly odd that she had spent time in the Dark Realm, so had Devon Bronson. Although it was a little odd she hadn't mentioned it to Teno. Then again, maybe she was worried that she would scare Teno. She'd have to ask her about it later. "I mean uhh how bad can he look if he... ummm if his sister looks pretty normal."

"Can I get anyone a refill?" Asked Rose. Teno nodded, accepting the tea. She stared down into the liquid.

"I do believe that the Dark Realm children are adopted. It's not like Kurt and myself," she took a sip and sighed. "Then again I'll find out sooner than later. I've already met the sister. I don't think we'll be big fans of one another. I don't know about you both, but I'm not particularly thrilled about the dance coming up soon. It's nearly noon and the events of the day are going to start."

She thought a little longer. "I guess I am excited about the cultural presentations from all the kingdoms. Kurt and I are going to show our fire creation. Though he's a lot better at it than I am. We'll probably have to leave soon..."

Flynn Wulfgar
"To Be Revealed"

Penelope responded to his praise in a charming way. She seemed to lighten a bit, even laughed a little. It was very refreshing. He smiled as he watched her. But unfortunately, she hardened at the mention of both her brother and her betrothed. It wasn't unexpected. Yet she wasn't upset about him overstepping his boundaries. It seemed she was just... upset. Which was very understandable. He would be upset in her position too. He was lover at heart.
"You're correct, I'm in no hurry to meet that chunk of metal with arms and legs," she said in response to her husband. Flynn couldn't restrain a bout of laughter. Kurt Wycleff was a good man by all accounts, but this was a very accurate description of the Fire Prince.
He was a little surprised that she wouldn't answer questions about her brother. Princess Teno was impossible to shut up about her brother and even Kai was very endeared to Kale. He was as of yet unaware of the Industrial Children. There was more to the adopted sibling's relationship than meets the eye. "Fancy walking and talking? I still want to look around the stalls."
"That sounds divine, my dear," said Flynn as he stood and brushed off his immaculate pants. "I will have to return shortly, as it will be noon very soon and the Royal Dance will be starting shortly." He noticed her gravitating toward some jewelry. It was nice to know such an imposing girl had a soft heart somewhere inside her.
"Tell me when you first became introduced to music, Penelope?" Asked Flynn as he too looked at the necklaces, trying to figure out which one she admired most.

wendy wendy
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Capricornus Capricornus
Name: Rook Fireforge
Location: Royal meeting
He walked through the crowd, His dwarven plate holding tightly to his muscular body but not producing a single sound nor hindering him in any way due to the Mithril mixed into it, the properties of the magical metal making the armor as light as a feather. The two guards that accompanying him were less silent, two dwarven gray beards in full dwarven steel plate walked beside him clanking with every step. To most, they looked like they were expecting a fight, but in all honesty, this is just how they dressed normally dwarves wore armor like humans wore clothes. This particular set was actually considered a nice set, dwarves didn't change armor for events they felt the quality of armor they wore showed their station in life or at least how wealthy they were, but if they did change into finery the adamantium mitral blend would have been it.
He finally found the tent he was looking for seeing the guards out side it, he knew who would be within, he marched up quickly and before the men could take issue with his march he pushed him self inside "Princess" he said in his naturally deep voice "happy wedding day".


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Isaac Seabury & Marie Canigula
Doctor and his assistant

Hic... hic... Marie downed another glass of the Fire Kingdom's best wine. "Mhm, mhm. You know what they say, to stop hiccups you should drink something. And this is a good one. You can really feel it burning on its way down the throat." Her face was almost glowing red from all the alcohol consumption, yet she didn't feel too dizzy. As she wanted to get yet another refill, a hand slapped her glass out of her hand. She turned around just to see the Doctor standing behind him.
She frowned at him. "Boo, way to ruin the mood Doc-" "Shh!" "Eh - Isaac, I mean. Still trying to keep low profile?", she whispered the last part.
He put his hand on her elbow, but Marie pulled away. "Pff, how much do you think I had to not be able to stand up on my own?", she scoffed.

As she stood up she almost fell over, but luckily, there was another man standing just before her. She grabbed his arm before she could fall and tried to regain balance. She turned around to Isaac. "Well, you know, maybe I did have a little more than I remember? I drink to forget - forget how much I've already drunk that is." Marie laughed way to hard at her own joke, rubbing her eyes.

Isaac walked up to the man. "I am sorry for any inconvenience my fellow... friend might have caused Mister." He eyed the man, with his ever so serious face. The man didn't seem entirely unfamiliar, or maybe the Doctor was confusing him with another person. "May I ask for your name, Sir?"

Barbas Barbas
Syn watches as a familiar face approaches. Hearing the guard's alerts in the wind, she moves her hand behind her back, making a dismissive motion with her hand. While she was unaware of who this person was, she certainly recognized him as being part of the Water Princess's personal attache.
"Hello Madam. I'm Rein, Princess Kai's servant. I wanted to give her something. It's for the effects from the drink"

Syn nods her head in acknowledgment. "Hello Rein, my name is Syn." She looks down at the milky drink in the the servants hands. "Please relay my thanks to the princess for her thoughtfulness, but it will not be necessary. Alice has been poisoned by nobles so many times during her life that she has grown a remarkable tolerance to toxins. With a little sleep, she should be fine." Syn lets out a large sigh, placing her hand on the young kelpie's shoulder. "Honestly, I'm not all that certain she would accept it. Alice is very aware of the type of impression she gives people, and i believe she refuses help in these situations to understand the pain she causes others."

"I apologize for the extreme measures Alice has gone through today. She truly has lived a hard life and only wishes to make sure your princess will be able to flourish in the Industrial Kingdom."
Syn removes her hand form the Kelpie's shoulder and returns to her position in front of the entrance to the tent. "Thank you again Rein, I shall let her know that you stopped by."

Katsuya Katsuya
"As that may be," Rein started, "I would still like to give my thanks for caring about my friend. Despite the extreme impression she has made, Princess Alice still tried to make peace with Kai...and that's good enough for me." The Kelpie said as she patted his shoulder before returning to her post. "Very well. Thank you, Ms. Syn."

With that, he left the airships to grab a bucket from a stall that didn't need it and continued walking towards the Water Domain table. He pondered if Alice and Benjamin know about Kai and Kale's deceased sister, Katrina. If that's why she keeps calling Kai 'Little sister' or she call her that because their families are getting together through marriage.

He shook his head. No matter. What does matter is the present and future that lies ahead of them. So Rein reached the table to see that Kai and Benjamin wasn't there, only Pelissier, Fredrick, and another person he does not recognize. He placed the bucket down on the table and sat next to the lieutenant.

"Pardon for my absence, Sir Pelissier. I had to get a bucket for Princess Kai...Hello Sir Fredrick." He looked at the other sir who's eating the bread with a friendly grin. "Hello, my is Rein and I'm Princess Kai's servant. What is your name?"

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Theflamre Theflamre NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Oswald Pallando

Deep in thought as he and his silent bodyguard wandered around the massive festival, Oswald is startled after a drunk woman suddenly grabbed onto one of his arms in order to prevent herself from falling over. Somewhat irritated by this, the sorcerer contemplates shoving her away. But after some thought, Oswald uses his free hand to help her regain her balance. "Careful now."

After helping the inebriated woman regain her balance, a man wearing a black robe, who appears to be a friend of the girl, arrives and tries to apologize for his friend's drunken behavior.

"No apologizes are needed."

Thinking that the situation was over with, Oswald almost walks away, but stays put after the robed stranger asked for his name after momentarily staring at him. Somewhat confused by this, Oswald briefly thinks to himself before deciding to answer the stranger's question.

"Why, of course! I am Oswald Pallando."

And this..." Oswald said as he gestured at the armored man standing behind him. " Is my 'assistant', Jurgen."

Capricornus Capricornus

Red Bandit
Unknown Assassin
--Shortly before the event...--

The Red Bandit rested against a tree awaiting their sole companion. It was very risky, as the event of the day was nearly about to begin and they, the Bandit, were supposed to be working there. They tapped their foot impatiently, awaiting the meeting. A voice came to them. "You mustn't do it," said the voice of a child. The Red Bandit laughed joylessly. Of course the jester would say that. They couldn't see their companion, but that was irrelevant to the conversation.
"I once thought you and I carried a similar ideal if that remains true you mustn't kill them it would break the bonds that both of us cherish," said the now voice of a man. The Red Bandit raised an eyebrow behind their mask. The jester had not used this voice with them before.
"You choose to overlook the death of Princess Katrina," said The Red Bandit, in a voice masked with magic. "It was I who ultimately ended her life. You can pretend we had nothing to do with it and carry on. But if I don't remove these vile royals, then the ideals that you cherish, that I cherish, can never be met."
"I'm going to perform for the Royals as is my job here I hope you know that if you attack them I'll treat you like a threat to all the children in their nations," said the Jester. The Red Bandit laughed again. Fat chance. They knew the Jester would stay loyal to them.
"If a stray arrow flies, my dear Jester, you may never know it was me," said the cold Bandit. "You know the Great White Wolf is around and would never allow such a thing," they said with a loud laugh before they wandered off. They knew they would see the Jester again, and with any luck that fool wouldn't reveal their true identity.

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

"Oh! You're right I almost forgot about it! Fire creation? That sure will be amazing to see. I'm also very curious about what the other Kingdoms are going to show us," said Tamara. Teno laughed. How did Tamara possibly forget that she and her brother, and all of pure royal bloodline, had the ability to create fire from within. Before she had much a chance to respond, she heard voices from outside the tent. She was sure that they were familiar, but couldn't pin it until, "I apologize for all of us for interrupting, but I don't suppose we may join you ladies for tea?"

"Sir Von Braun, Sir Harrer.", said Tamara in her usual stammer. "I, uh, I guess you can join if there's still tea left. Well i mean I'd recommend it if anyone's feeling stressed. But, like, only if you like tea of course. Also the tea is slightly bitter. In my opinion... Of course if you like bitter tea that's great, haha."

Teno sprung out of her seat, her teacup clattering just a little bit. Before her were Siegfried and Otto. Otto wore his usual expression of bored observation. Still she was very fond of him, being such an important and present friend to her brother. She was also very fond of Siegfried. Her brother's retinue was quite large, so she made it a point to know them all.

"It's been, what, 15 minutes? Kurt has already grounded me? I even have my two protectors here. Well to be fair, I suppose I thought it would take much less time,"
said Teno jokingly. She studied Otto, searching for any kind of facial change, of course there was none. Instead she turned to Siegfried. She leaned in conspiratorially to him.

"Has my dear dense brother discovered the identity of his bride to be?"
She asked in a hush laugh. Before she could get a response yet another figure burst into the room.

"Princess, happy wedding day," came a very familiar and deep voice. Teno raised an eyebrow and turned to Rook Fireforge, an old friend to her and her family.

"Rook Fireforge," she said going and giving him a hug. "Getting into the mead a little early, eh? It's not my wedding day yet, thank god. Today is just the day everyone is meeting. And to my luck, I've yet to even meet my future husband." She looked back at Siegfried, as though telling him she was still awaiting an answer.

"Come now, who wants tea? Tamara is quite right. My dear Rose has never made it before, and it is wonderful,"
said Teno as she floated back to her seat. She hoped if she kept light and friendly that they wouldn't make her leave and meet her fate just yet.

Flynn Wulfgar
"To Be Revealed"

Flynn watched Penelope buy a little lightning necklace that suited her perfectly. "After I was adopted I was extremely difficult to handle, even though I had nothing to go back to I didn't want to pretend to a princess when I was just a street rat, in fact I am still a street rat." The shared a laugh at that.
"You are a very unconventional princess, my dear," he said. He listened to her talk about how her mother would play piano for her and it would calm her, and how she would play until her fingers hurt. Flynn had similar memories. The went to a stall that had small creatures that looked like dust bunnies and Flynn pet as many as he could before they left the stall. They walked to a stall that had floral arrangements. He bought her a rose before she asked him, "How did you get into music?"
"For you," he said handing her the flower. "I'm not sure if you like roses, but I think a yellow rose may go well with your necklace. It is supposed to signify friendship. I would have gotten you a red one, but I feel as though you may see a lot of that color soon."
He avoided her question as best as he could. His past was not a topic he spoke of if he could help it. It was still chasing him and still controlling much of his life. Still he offered her, "My father was not in the picture much. It was always my mother. She was a... traveler of sorts. A very talented musician within many kingdoms. Some say her teaching influence many current musicians. She taught me what I know. After that, pure luck to get where I am," he said with a charming wink.
Before he could get out any more information, he got a message from the Jester. Well, not so much of a message as much as a physic bombardment. An apology and questions about where to set up. He furrowed his brow and held his temple. He really hated when the Jester did this. Most because Flynn could only reply verbally.
"Would you mind following me just a moment, Penelope. Work business, I apologize," said Flynn. Flynn and Penelope walked over to the Jester who had a sheepish look.
"Jester," said Flynn. "You know I can't ever respond to that. You're not late at all, you must have your times confused. Just set up wherever you want."
Flynn looked to his side, remembering Penelope. "Also, Jester, allow me to introduce Penelope. I've had the pleasure of making her acquaintance today."

Lucine Briarheart
"To Be Revealed"

Lucine was decidedly happy when the Dark Prince left. It seemed that perhaps he hadn't been as undercover as he had previously assumed. She had been watching the events of the day, and there was a lot of excitement to come very soon. The Water and Industrial Kingdoms seemed to be getting along, especially the young prince and princess. She couldn't help but laugh, watching that daydreaming prince she had met on the tram as he played Casanova. She watched with interest as the Dark and Fire Princes met. It so far seemed to be going much better than the meeting of the musical princesses earlier.
"You seem awfully popular," said Lucine to Devon Bronson. She gave him a shy smile and nodded to his small assortment of companions. "I'm Lucine, by the way. Terribly rude of me to be so late to introduce myself."

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Theflamre Theflamre
Capricornus Capricornus
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Zer0 Zer0
wendy wendy
BadJoke BadJoke
Rose Vindell 2.jpg
Rose quietly sat down, happily listening to her two friends. She took a sip of her tea when she heard voices outside the tent. Suddenly, in burst in two people dressed in armored Fire Kingdom attire. Because she mostly focused her research and surveillance on Princess Teno, she had not familiarized herself with many of the people in the kingdom's military. Rose was very uncomfortable around soldiers and military types. Normally it would be fine, but she began to feel a swell of panic with the amount of unknown people crowding in such a confined space. As she began to forcibly calm herself, the space was suddenly further invaded by two armor clad dwarves. She could feel sweat begin to form around her body as the space around her quickly shrank.

Like a beam of light cutting through darkness, she heard Teno's voice break through her panic. "Come now, who wants tea? Tamara is quite right. My dear Rose has never made it before, and it is wonderful."

Rose picks up the teapot and opens the lid to see how much tea was left, thanking her luck that it was nearly empty. She grabs Teno's hand under the table, squeezing much harder then she wanted to, shooting a look of sweaty panic at the princess. "I..I..I'm sorry ya..your highness. We seem ta..t..to be out of tea," she stammers out. The panicked girl releases her grip on Teno and attempts to stand up without drawing attention, holding the empty tea pot in her hands. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "Ex..excuse me your highness, I will go out and get more water and tea leaves." Rose makes a meager bow, before carefully trying her very best to exit the cramped tent without bumping into anyone.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Theflamre Theflamre
Capricornus Capricornus
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
View attachment 347989
Rose quietly sat down, happily listening to her two friends. She took a sip of her tea when she heard voices outside the tent. Suddenly, in burst in two people dressed in armored Fire Kingdom attire. Because she mostly focused her research and surveillance on Princess Teno, she had not familiarized herself with many of the people in the kingdom's military. Rose was very uncomfortable around soldiers and military types. Normally it would be fine, but she began to feel a swell of panic with the amount of unknown people crowding in such a confined space. As she began to forcibly calm herself, the space was suddenly further invaded by two armor clad dwarves. She could feel sweat begin to form around her body as the space around her quickly shrank.

Like a beam of light cutting through darkness, she heard Teno's voice break through her panic. "Come now, who wants tea? Tamara is quite right. My dear Rose has never made it before, and it is wonderful."

Rose picks up the teapot and opens the lid to see how much tea was left, thanking her luck that it was nearly empty. She grabs Teno's hand under the table, squeezing much harder then she wanted to, shooting a look of sweaty panic at the princess. "I..I..I'm sorry ya..your highness. We seem ta..t..to be out of tea," she stammers out. The panicked girl releases her grip on Teno and attempts to stand up without drawing attention, holding the empty tea pot in her hands. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "Ex..excuse me your highness, I will go out and get more water and tea leaves." Rose makes a meager bow, before carefully trying her very best to exit the cramped tent without bumping into anyone.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Theflamre Theflamre
Capricornus Capricornus
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite

Red Bandit
Unknown Assassin
--Shortly before the event...--

The Red Bandit rested against a tree awaiting their sole companion. It was very risky, as the event of the day was nearly about to begin and they, the Bandit, were supposed to be working there. They tapped their foot impatiently, awaiting the meeting. A voice came to them. "You mustn't do it," said the voice of a child. The Red Bandit laughed joylessly. Of course the jester would say that. They couldn't see their companion, but that was irrelevant to the conversation.
"I once thought you and I carried a similar ideal if that remains true you mustn't kill them it would break the bonds that both of us cherish," said the now voice of a man. The Red Bandit raised an eyebrow behind their mask. The jester had not used this voice with them before.
"You choose to overlook the death of Princess Katrina," said The Red Bandit, in a voice masked with magic. "It was I who ultimately ended her life. You can pretend we had nothing to do with it and carry on. But if I don't remove these vile royals, then the ideals that you cherish, that I cherish, can never be met."
"I'm going to perform for the Royals as is my job here I hope you know that if you attack them I'll treat you like a threat to all the children in their nations," said the Jester. The Red Bandit laughed again. Fat chance. They knew the Jester would stay loyal to them.
"If a stray arrow flies, my dear Jester, you may never know it was me," said the cold Bandit. "You know the Great White Wolf is around and would never allow such a thing," they said with a loud laugh before they wandered off. They knew they would see the Jester again, and with any luck that fool wouldn't reveal their true identity.

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

"Oh! You're right I almost forgot about it! Fire creation? That sure will be amazing to see. I'm also very curious about what the other Kingdoms are going to show us," said Tamara. Teno laughed. How did Tamara possibly forget that she and her brother, and all of pure royal bloodline, had the ability to create fire from within. Before she had much a chance to respond, she heard voices from outside the tent. She was sure that they were familiar, but couldn't pin it until, "I apologize for all of us for interrupting, but I don't suppose we may join you ladies for tea?"

"Sir Von Braun, Sir Harrer.", said Tamara in her usual stammer. "I, uh, I guess you can join if there's still tea left. Well i mean I'd recommend it if anyone's feeling stressed. But, like, only if you like tea of course. Also the tea is slightly bitter. In my opinion... Of course if you like bitter tea that's great, haha."

Teno sprung out of her seat, her teacup clattering just a little bit. Before her were Siegfried and Otto. Otto wore his usual expression of bored observation. Still she was very fond of him, being such an important and present friend to her brother. She was also very fond of Siegfried. Her brother's retinue was quite large, so she made it a point to know them all.

"It's been, what, 15 minutes? Kurt has already grounded me? I even have my two protectors here. Well to be fair, I suppose I thought it would take much less time,"
said Teno jokingly. She studied Otto, searching for any kind of facial change, of course there was none. Instead she turned to Siegfried. She leaned in conspiratorially to him.

"Has my dear dense brother discovered the identity of his bride to be?"
She asked in a hush laugh. Before she could get a response yet another figure burst into the room.

"Princess, happy wedding day," came a very familiar and deep voice. Teno raised an eyebrow and turned to Rook Fireforge, an old friend to her and her family.

"Rook Fireforge," she said going and giving him a hug. "Getting into the mead a little early, eh? It's not my wedding day yet, thank god. Today is just the day everyone is meeting. And to my luck, I've yet to even meet my future husband." She looked back at Siegfried, as though telling him she was still awaiting an answer.

"Come now, who wants tea? Tamara is quite right. My dear Rose has never made it before, and it is wonderful,"
said Teno as she floated back to her seat. She hoped if she kept light and friendly that they wouldn't make her leave and meet her fate just yet.

Flynn Wulfgar
"To Be Revealed"

Flynn watched Penelope buy a little lightning necklace that suited her perfectly. "After I was adopted I was extremely difficult to handle, even though I had nothing to go back to I didn't want to pretend to a princess when I was just a street rat, in fact I am still a street rat." The shared a laugh at that.
"You are a very unconventional princess, my dear," he said. He listened to her talk about how her mother would play piano for her and it would calm her, and how she would play until her fingers hurt. Flynn had similar memories. The went to a stall that had small creatures that looked like dust bunnies and Flynn pet as many as he could before they left the stall. They walked to a stall that had floral arrangements. He bought her a rose before she asked him, "How did you get into music?"
"For you," he said handing her the flower. "I'm not sure if you like roses, but I think a yellow rose may go well with your necklace. It is supposed to signify friendship. I would have gotten you a red one, but I feel as though you may see a lot of that color soon."
He avoided her question as best as he could. His past was not a topic he spoke of if he could help it. It was still chasing him and still controlling much of his life. Still he offered her, "My father was not in the picture much. It was always my mother. She was a... traveler of sorts. A very talented musician within many kingdoms. Some say her teaching influence many current musicians. She taught me what I know. After that, pure luck to get where I am," he said with a charming wink.
Before he could get out any more information, he got a message from the Jester. Well, not so much of a message as much as a physic bombardment. An apology and questions about where to set up. He furrowed his brow and held his temple. He really hated when the Jester did this. Most because Flynn could only reply verbally.
"Would you mind following me just a moment, Penelope. Work business, I apologize," said Flynn. Flynn and Penelope walked over to the Jester who had a sheepish look.
"Jester," said Flynn. "You know I can't ever respond to that. You're not late at all, you must have your times confused. Just set up wherever you want."
Flynn looked to his side, remembering Penelope. "Also, Jester, allow me to introduce Penelope. I've had the pleasure of making her acquaintance today."

Lucine Briarheart
"To Be Revealed"

Lucine was decidedly happy when the Dark Prince left. It seemed that perhaps he hadn't been as undercover as he had previously assumed. She had been watching the events of the day, and there was a lot of excitement to come very soon. The Water and Industrial Kingdoms seemed to be getting along, especially the young prince and princess. She couldn't help but laugh, watching that daydreaming prince she had met on the tram as he played Casanova. She watched with interest as the Dark and Fire Princes met. It so far seemed to be going much better than the meeting of the musical princesses earlier.
"You seem awfully popular," said Lucine to Devon Bronson. She gave him a shy smile and nodded to his small assortment of companions. "I'm Lucine, by the way. Terribly rude of me to be so late to introduce myself."

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Theflamre Theflamre
Capricornus Capricornus
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Zer0 Zer0
wendy wendy
BadJoke BadJoke
Name:Rook Fireforge
Location: Princess's tent
"Princess's give me more credit I was drinking last night, I'm just still drunk," He said smiling at his own joke. "I have time for tea though I hope you don't mind if I make it dwarvish" He whipped out a flask from his belt pocket, he hadn't been completely joking before he had been drinking last night but it had been at a human tavern on the way here. He knew this was all too important to be showing up drunk so he hadn't touched a drop of dwarvish alcohol since he began traveling here. He returned the hug awkwardly leaning back to hug upwards to the princess give his short stature. "well let's keep away from the subject of marriage for the moment and talk about gifts." the old dwarf said reaching into his backpack and taking out box marked with the crest of an anvil being stuck with a hammer. He handed it to her happily before she floated back, honestly he enjoyed the princess more than her brother sometimes. Her brother was a brave warrior and a good leader but he lacked the kindness of his sister, and while more dwarves favored that sort of boldness, He had seen far too much suffering and had grown to like the fire kingdom too much to watch them throw away their lives in needless conquest. He saw a fine young girl who would let their neighbors be and not bring about needless violence, he was a dwarf and preferred to keep to his own nation. He looked at the girl who was standing up to leave and realized a little bit of what was happening he leaned over and told his guards to stand outside the tent for the rest of the visit. When the girl left he apologized to the princess "I'm sorry, I didn't know your friend would be so panicked by me and my warriors," He in all his years still didn't understand everything about humans, like why they disliked cramped spaces so much.
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_Devon Bronson_
- Table beside Lucine's, Homeland -

Devon was like an excited kid as he adjusted the camera lenses on the tripod, his tail swishing back and forth. "Fancy a photograph with the prince of the Dark Realm, Sabaton?" said Devon to the berserker. He called his assistant too. "Koko, picture!"

The tailor had never seen a war battle, only heard the stories and legends that were borne out of them. When he was younger and was still travelling with his gypsy family from place to place, he had looked up to the heroes who defended the home realm the Purrsians came from, one of whom was posing like a hardcore warrior right in front of him. "That is brilliant, your highness, please hold that pose right there --- don't breathe."

The tailor couldn't help but take one picture of the prince all by himself, followed by a picture of everyone who wanted to join in, then dared to ask the prince for one more picture of just the two of them. Prince Danil looked steely fierce, but Devon couldn't help but grin cheerfully while pointing gun fingers at him as though gesturing, 'Look who I'm with!'

After the photography, Devon received the enchanted pass soberly, honored to be given such a token, and accepted the invitation to come with Princess Teno when she goes to the castle. He then profusely thanked the prince for taking a picture with him, and wished him a nice day.

"Polite fellow." said Devon to Koko and Sabaton as he watched the prince leave. "Now, let's get this drake pelt inside the tent, Koko." After they rolled it up and secured it with ropes, he placed a paw over the heavy hide for a moment, then picked up one end as though it weighed no more than a book.

From the voices inside, he could tell the tent was full of people. "Good morning, everyone, excuse us --- oh, pardon me, Miss Vindell." he added as he went in and bumped into the lady who was carrying a teapot. He wove his way around the numerous guest in the tent, holding the hide over everyone's heads with Koko's help, before finally putting it down at the opposite end with all his other bags of clothes, hippogriff's saddle, and the sewing machine.

The two then set to wrapping the hide in cloth, Devon taking out one of his enchanted anti-thief locks to link the hide with chains to one of his chests.

As he worked, he glanced at Teno to see if she was alright after her initial alarm earlier and was glad to see her calm. And so with the hide secured, he stood up patting his paws clean, then bid his guests a nice day before exiting.

He was pleased at Lucine's comment when he was back outside. "Devon Bronson." he bowed at her, as he washed his hands clean in a barrel of water. "And not rude at all, Miss Lucine. It has been a very busy morning. " he took a step back and looked at his stall. Everything was now set up and ready, and he added the last bit which was a sign in elegant loopy writing that said, 'Will open at 1 o' clock.'

Now he was ready to enjoy the festivities and eat!

As he admired his stall, he looked at the ground in thought for a moment. "Miss Lucine, Me and my friend are heading out to explore the stalls. Would you like to join us?"

Katsuya Katsuya BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite billthesomething billthesomething
-Inari Yoko-

fa1c578c8d6b9dd3bc3fc2d03cb22ac0--anime-hair-long-hair.jpg Her ears twitched when Devon called her name from behind the cloth and with an excited giggle, Yoko skipped over to see...the dark Prince with a fierce stance like he was about to fight. Her wide eyes blinked as she walked closer to him, holding the blue plush flower behind her as she openly stared at the Prince. Focused as she pondered if that's his choice to pose in the picture. He looks like he's not even breathing either...

"...You're so cool..." She said with an admiring smile, her blue eyes glittered in innocent awe. Her three tails swayed in her glee as she squeezed the plush. She posed by laying on the ground, under his blade, facing the camera with a peace sign and a large fox-like grin. It's a complete contrast to what the Prince's battle aura is giving and Yoko couldn't help but giggle. In another photo, after asking Sabaton if she can climb on his back, she pretended to scream though it was obvious acting as she couldn't hold a serious face without giggling.

Once the photo shoot with Danil was done and before he walked away, Yoko scurried over to his side and lightly tugged on his cloak to grab his attention with a shy smile. Her ears folded back a bit as she offered the small blue flower plush pin to the Dark Prince. "Here! It's a friendship flower. I hope you like it. I made it blue so it can be more...manly." The kitsune commented after pondering to describe the purpose of the color. "...You're a lot nicer then most give credit for. I'm sure the Fire princess will see that side of you too. Well have a good day, Sir Dark Prince." She quickly curtsied and went back to Devon's side to hear his opinion on the prince. Yoko agreed wholeheartedly.

The kitsune picked up the other end, struggling a bit but manged to carry the rolled up hide easily enough. However, when they went inside the tent, Yoko's ears folded back at how crowded the tent became. One of her hands reached behind her back and took out a white mask with two red dots at the corners of the eye holes; she put it on and changed into a tiny fox with three fluffy tails that are tipped in red. A green magatama with blue beads decorated her fluffy neck. She bit onto the hide and floated up to carry the rolled up cloth over the heads of their guests, making sure it wouldn't hit anybody while putting it anyway.

Then she hop-floated away from the crowded tent, back flipping as her form changed back into that of a little girl with fox ears and tails; putting her mask away again. Her ears twitched when Devon talked with the lady in red as she stretched her arms over her head. Then she smiled excitedly at the prospect of having a new person joining them to look around and enjoy the festivities. "Oh~ Please come with us! The more the merrier!"

"Oh! and I'm Inari Yoko, but please call me Koko!" She introduced herself cheerfully, not minding that she repeated her name so many times today.

Zer0 Zer0 BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite billthesomething billthesomething Haeo Haeo

Kale Baymoon
Water Prince

Poking his head into the Industrial tent, Kale looked around. "Hello? Alice? Are you in here?" Seeing nobody, Kale walked in further cautiously. Seeing Alice in a chair, he walked over to the Industrial daughter. "Hey. Are you doing okay?" he asked. "I just wanted to check up on you. Kai's doing fine, in case you were wondering."
Devon was like an excited kid as he adjusted the camera lenses on the tripod, his tail swishing back and forth. "Fancy a photograph with the prince of the Dark Realm, Sabaton?" said Devon to the berserker. He called his assistant too. "Koko, picture!"

The tailor had never seen a war battle, only heard the stories and legends that were borne out of them. When he was younger and was still travelling with his gypsy family from place to place, he had looked up to the heroes who defended the home realm the Purrsians came from, one of whom was posing like a hardcore warrior right in front of him. "That is brilliant, your highness, please hold that pose right there --- don't breathe."

The tailor couldn't help but take one picture of the prince all by himself, followed by a picture of everyone who wanted to join in, then dared to ask the prince for one more picture of just the two of them. Prince Danil looked steely fierce, but Devon couldn't help but grin cheerfully while pointing gun fingers at him as though gesturing, 'Look who I'm with!'

After the photography, Devon received the enchanted pass soberly, honored to be given such a token, and accepted the invitation to come with Princess Teno when she goes to the castle. He then profusely thanked the prince for taking a picture with him, and wished him a nice day.

"Polite fellow." said Devon to Koko and Sabaton as he watched the prince leave.
Sabaton's eyes instantly shot wide open at tailor's words "The Prince!? The Prince is here!?, I.. Uh.. I mean, of course, i wouldn't miss the opportunity for the world" After recomposing himself, he posed behind the prince, while he intended to try to appear unintimidating by smiling, but those who saw the picture could only see a tusked giant that looked to be ready to kill the prince and like he was going to enjoy it immensely "Devon, this is why I don't smile" He told the cat while showing him the picture of him with the prince
_Devon Bronson_
- Table beside Lucine's, Homeland -

Devon waved a careless paw. "Pshaww, you look . . ." Devon paused for a full eight seconds, as he stared at the photo, " . . . of the same mold as the prince, Sabaton . . . Strong." he nodded at him, encouragingly, with his jaw set firmly as though he was trying to look serious.

"I mean, doesn't he look strong, Miss Lucine, Koko?" he turned to the ladies, showing them the photo. "In a murder-your-family-with-an-ice-pick sort of strong, yet strong nonetheless?"

Katsuya Katsuya BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite billthesomething billthesomething

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Benjamin needed a moment to take all that in and process it, but he was done he gazed upon his princess with a look of mixed concern and...guilt?

He too laid down next to her, looking into her pretty eyes, he could not help but blush. But instead of speaking, Benjamin soon swallowed, before bring himself towards Kai in an embrace, bringing his forehead to bear against hers, to the point both their noses were touching. A bold move indeed, but there was viable shaking from the boy as he did so.

"Th-th-th...thank, you-u." Benjamin stuttered as he closed his eyes to take a deep breath, before softly looking into Kai's eyes. "F-f-for t-t-tell-ling me-mee."

Benjamin gulped again, before continuing. "It wasn't your fault, I should of stopped it from getting out of hand. My sister can be very, terribly blunt, but...I should of stepped in, should of...should of..." It was then Benjamin couldn't hold back, and tears started to flow out of his eyes. "...I'm sorry...I didn't protect you...I'm so-sorry...I hurt you...I'm..."

The small trickle of tears was slowly becoming a thin stream, as Benjamin moved an arm to try to hide his face. It took him a few seconds to regain his composure, mostly trying to bring his breathing back under control. He was now starting to sniffle a little, but it didn't make him break eye contact with his princess, although it was a bit blurred by the tears. "I-I-I...a-a-m-m...sorry for...hu-urting...you." Benjamin was able to get out. "I-I was just...I-I was j-just surprised...I-I did-d not understand-d...but I did not mean-n to hurt you...but from now on, I-I-I, I-I swear, that I-I... will be-e... mo-re m-mindful about what I-I say...I-I don't want to hurt you again."

He then paused for a moment, looking away as he thought about what he was about to say next, then he looked back at her and continued, tears streaming down a bit harder. "A-and my sister...I a-apologize for what sh-she did, b-but...it's th-the way she is...I can't change who-who she is...she's gone th-through a lot, too... more th-then I ev-ever kno-ow...but, I k-know now th-that she ma-ay have j-just stepped over a-a boun...boundary...a-and for that-t...I'd like to.... a-apologize... f-for her."

Another pause in the conversation, this time Benjamin was thinking of a conversation he had earlier with .

"K-Kai." Benjamin said, his confidence was now bolstered a bit. "I-I am tr-truly so-rry for your-r si-sister...b-but don't apologize f-for being...y-you...p-please...d-don't take this-is the wrong w-way...b-but..."

Benjamin swollowed again, before pushing onto his point. "I-I...think...your be-beautiful...th-the... way...you-u...a-are."
lissamissal lissamissal

Otto von Braun

"Pardon you, dwarf." Otto said as he watched the dwarf push himself to the front, but this only got a chuckle out of the pyromancer. "Dwarfs, what can you expect? It's not like Stormhammer is any differnt."

"I suppose..." Otto said, eyeing the dwarf pouring alcohol into his cup, before he took a seat along with the wizard.

"Yes, indeed." The wizard kept chuckling, as he turned to speak with Teno. "As for your brother, he has indeed been notified on who his bride is, .though he has chosen to speak with someone at the moment. And, well, you better ask him yourself when you get the chance."

"It's not who you think it is." Otto added in. "Don't worry, he's not that kind of man... Besides, those things tend to go straight over his head."

As Rose stammered out about the emptiness of the pot, Siegfried turned his head a look at her, and gave her a curtious smile. "Please, it is no trouble at all, if nothing else we are burdening you." He then turned himself back to Teno just as Rose left, and continued on. "Truth be told, we're not here for tea. Rather, we are here to see you. Although it is true that your brother did send us, but he did not send us for protection..."

"The two of us are the last people he'd ask for protection." Otto snorted, as he was now crossing his arms and hunched forward a bit. Otto could fight, and Siegfried could erect a flaming wall as protection, but either way there were others in Kurt's retinue that were better suited for protecting, like Volker or Ottmar.

"Indeed, he has sent us more to check on how you are doing."
Siegfried said, as he stuck his staff into the ground and gently took one of Teno's hand before giving her a reassuring pat. "So tell me, young friend, how are you faring? I understand you are nervous about meeting your husband, but is there somthing keeping you?"

"If you can't find him..." Otto started as he gazed upon the princess. "...we can get Victor down here and point out this prince of yours. By the rays, he know who just about everyone is at this festival."
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Capricornus Capricornus
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Water Princess


Kai was surprised when her prince laid next to her and even more so when he brought her into a loving embrace. Her heart and head were screaming at her and she could feel all her emotions at once. His body was shaking a little as was hers, and it took Kai a moment to realize she was holding her breath. "Th-th-th...thank, you-u. F-f-for t-t-tell-ling me-mee." She felt drawn even closer to him as he spoke and prayed that his cute stutter wouldn't fade. There was clearly a magnetic connection between them and Kai hoped to never be without his embrace again.

As he continued to speak she looked back into his eyes, her's full of kindness. "It wasn't your fault, I should of stopped it from getting out of hand. My sister can be very, terribly blunt, but...I should of stepped in, should of...should of...I'm sorry...I didn't protect you...I'm so-sorry...I hurt you...I'm..." Kai didn't say anything as he cried, but she brought her hand to his face to softly wipe his tears. She wanted to make sure she'd heard all he wanted to say before she spoke.

Benjamin looked away for a moment and Kai could feel herself aching for his eyes to come back to her. When he did there were more tears streaming down his face. This amount of emotion rivaled her own, and it made her feel more comfortable knowing he could feel as deeply as herself. "A-and my sister...I a-apologize for what sh-she did, b-but...it's th-the way she is...I can't change who-who she is...she's gone th-through a lot, too... more th-then I ev-ever kno-ow...but, I k-know now th-that she ma-ay have j-just stepped over a-a boun...boundary...a-and for that-t...I'd like to.... a-apologize... f-for her."

He paused for a moment and Kai moved closer, if one could move in anymore closer than before. "K-Kai." The way her name sounded coming from Benjamin was like pure bliss. "I-I am tr-truly so-rry for your-r si-sister...b-but don't apologize f-for being...y-you...p-please...d-don't take this-is the wrong w-way...b-but..." Oh no, did I do something wrong... "I-I...think...your be-beautiful...th-the... way...you-u...a-are." Kai felt herself begin to grin stupidly again and her face took on the color of a pomegranate. She didn't know how to respond, it was as if she'd forgotten how to talk completely.

It was all to easy for her to lean in to kiss him, their lips were so close she could feel his breath on them.

But she stopped... in her heart everything felt so right, yet there was that little pang inside her reminding Kai how she'd been longing for adventure all her life and wasn't in search of finding love...She didn't even understand what was happening between them... was it love?...what even was love?... this was all too fast for her now. Unsure and confused with her own feelings, she knew she couldn't give Benjamin her kiss...her first kiss... until she was sure how she felt for him, and he for her. Kai sighed and pushed herself way from his lips, but stayed in his embrace. "I-I'm sorry...I'm just not ready for that yet...I-we need more time." she paused, feeling embarrassed that she couldn't bring herself to kiss him. "You should know though, I think it's very strong and brave of you to show me your emotions like that. I know you're going to be a great King and I feel honored that I will get to stand beside you as your equal." Kai found his hand and intertwined her fingers in his. She searched his eye desperately hoping he'd understand. "Do you think we can just lay here for a bit longer?" She wasn't ready to face the festival and all the chaos that seemed to follow her around again. All she wanted was to stay there in Benjamin's company until she couldn't any longer.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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Isaac Seabury & Marie Canigula
Doctor and his assistant

"I am Oswald Pallando." The man introduced himself. "And this is my 'assistant', Jurgen.", he added, pointing at the man standing behind him. "Very well. My name's Isaac. Isac Seabury, and this lady is m-" Before Isaac could finish his sentence, Marie wrapped her arm around Oswald's shoulder. As she spoke, a strong smell of alcohol emerged from he mouth. "My name is Marie but you can call m-" Again, the two interrupted each other. This time it was Isaac. He jerked Marie's hand off Oswald's shoulder and puller her back to his side. "Can't you for once, just a single time, stop pestering other people. Also take this." He held out a tiny sample tube. "I'm almost feeling drunk, solely because of the smell coming from your mouth, so I would be glad you would turn away when talking. That's the least you could do. Disgusting." Marie pouted, yet she still complied and drank the liquid the doctor gave her.

"So, as I was saying, before a certain someone interrupted me. This is Marie Canigula, a... friend. You must have probably noted that she is... slightly inebriated, so I will excuse us in advance for everything that she might say or do." "Hey. Stop talking about me as if I wasn't standing here. And I'll repeat it again, I am not drunk!... Maybe a little but n-", she stopped herself mid-sentence as she felt Isaac's glaring gaze lying upon her.

"It is quite a beautiful day. The main festivities haven't even begun yet, but how are you enjoying this day so far? Well, believe this is the reason why both of you are here, is it not?", he asked, his tone ever so serious. "Of course they are, why else would you be here today? Hehe, silly." Marie's voice got quieter as she noticed Isaac looking at her again. "What did I tell you about talking to me when smelling like booze?"

Barbas Barbas
Name: Fredrick Klovn
Location: Homeland
He couldn't properly express what he wanted to with the red bandit as neither of them was going to voluntarily give up their position to the other, so instead tried to use words "if that stray arrow were to fly towards the industrial daughter, I'm not sure if I could save her," If he wanted to be accurate he would have said if I'm not sure I would save her. He had indeed allowed the death of the princess, but that had been a personal choice he preferred to keep the reasons behind to him self. He walked away from the private meeting place bending awkwardly for a few seconds before straightening his walk to what seemed to be a normal stride.
He had to train for many years to walk like this given his lack of bones, he used a mix of his magical air swimming and his strong leg muscles to support the extremely awkward movements. He had also trained for many years to make it look effortless, suppressing grunts and heavy breathing that normally came with such effort. He walks off to find either the composer or the Royals, either would work at the moment.
He finally found Flynn, a welcome sight and learned that he wasn't late which made him smile, though he doubted the musician could tell that. "ah that is good to hear" he said his voice imitating a young man he had once meet at the docks, they had fished together and shared stories he hoped the young man was doing well these days. "So this is a royal meeting, It's funny how I am excited and anxious for this event," he said twirling around slowly to look around. "So when shall I perform or should I just work throughout the day" he only called it work since he had been contacted to do this, honestly if anything this was one of the more enjoyable activities he would partake in, in his life if all went well.
Not enjoying the regularly standing he flapped his wings once to lift him self a little into the air then used air swimming too slow his fall. This was how his people normally moved around the surface, slowly floating every where they went he personally thought it was more comfortable but he liked seeming somewhat normal even if he was a winged jester. His wings when relaxed were just as bendy as the rest of his body able to squeeze into regular clothes when pressed against his body, but while in use his muscles in his wings hardened to the point they would seem like a bone to the touch. Even with his present state of floating slowly to the ground before once again pushing him self up into the air again, he made sure to keep the eyes of his mask focused on Flynn, very few people who looked at him would figure out the eyes of the mask were actually not present and they were looking at his true eyes, they were just pitch black due to his origins deep below the sea.
The jester outfit though seemingly normal had metal plates on his forearms and a plate on his back and front sewn in below the first layer of cloth. while some might see it as an impairment to his flexibility it made hiding his daggers easier since he didn't have to worry about them leaving an outline through the cloth. Also, he was flexible, not invincible so the plates as few they seemed to be protected his vital organs from direct attack and made him less easy to simply sneak up upon and kill in one terrible stroke. Plus they blend in with the outfit being well made with a mix of gold and steel and added some much-needed color to his mostly blue and black suit with golden stitches that held the plates in place.
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite


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IMG_5244.jpg Penelope Draven: Dark Princess
Location: Homeland
Company: Flynn Wulfgarr and the Jester

As soon as Penelope had asked her question something bright yellow caught her attention as Penelope soon realised then it was a bright yellow rose and Penelope looked up to Flynn as he spoke "For you." He says as if he'd done this a thousand times before "I'm not sure if you like flowers but I think yellow may go well with your necklace. It is supposed to signify friendship. I would of rather gotten you a red one but I feel as though you may see a lot of that colour soon" Flynn says as Penelope felt her heart stutter for a few moments as she sheepishly took the yellow rose from him with a small smile as she brought the rose to her nose taking a deep breath in as the scent of the rose filled her nostrils as she smiled "Thank you." She says happily as she held the Rose with extreme care as she didn't want a single petal to wither.

Flynn spoke about his past as if it were something painful and as he spoke Penelope just nodded her head but she felt her chest clench again at his wink and Penelope didn't know why her heart was reacting to him like this as the 17 year old had never felt a feeling like this before, the feeling of complete comfort. "Sometimes luck favours those who didn't have a great start in life." Penelope says as luck was a big part in her life otherwise she wouldn't be a princess at all. At Flynn's request she followed him to someone called 'Jester' and Penelope remains silent by Flynn's side as the two talked but out of the corner of her eye Penelope saw small movements that would be hard for others without extremely good eyesight to notice but it seemed the lizard people her brother had contracted seemed to be following the Princess even if she made a slight movement. Penelope soon snapped back to reality as Flynn was introducing to this person called 'Jester' as the poor bloke seemed to be having trouble finding his set up and Flynn didn't look exactly pleased which seemed different from his rather care free impression. "Also allow me to introduce Penelope, I've had the pleasure of making her acquaintance today." Flynn says as Penelope nods her head respectfully to the Jester "Nice to meet you Jester." Penelope says to them but then glances back to Flynn saying "The pleasure was all mine." She says once again looking at the rose smiling softly as Penelope didn't realise such a trivial thing could make her smile and genuine smile.

BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
The Adventurer

Listening to the soft padding of the grass below his feet, Orville made his way across the plains, the Kingdom of Fire hanging on the horizon ahead. "There it is Percy, the Fire Kingdom." Orville remarked, stopping to fully observe the land. "And listen Percy, I think I hear music already." He said with a smile. The book gave a quick spin of excitement before floating back to Orville's side. "I think this would be a good time to rest. No sense in arriving famished. Let's go Percy." Orville instructed as he began to walk further into the plains, the mountain range looming over him casted a shadow across his path. Settling on a clearing at the base of a hill, Orville took a seat and began to dig around in his bag he had loosely draped around his shoulders, taking out a leather canteen and a half of an old but still edible sandwich. He took small bites of the sandwich and sips of his water, he was definitely in need of a restock. Orville was slightly worried he would be denied access into the Kingdom and would have to harvest his own provisions in the wild, a task he was not currently feeling up for. As he silently continued to eat, the pages of the book began to flip rapidly before stopping on a blank page. Ink appeared on the page seemingly from nowhere as the beginning of a sketch of the Kingdom was drawn onto the page. With his mouth full, Orville chuckled and smiled at the book. "That is very good Percy." Orville praised, in a tone a parent would use to encourage their child. Orville finished his sandwich and the last of his water as the page in the book now had a fully detailed drawing of the Fire Kingdom. As Orville stood the final details were added to the book's drawing, a small smiley face in the bottom right hand corner. "Time to keep moving."

Beginning the final leg of his journey to the Fire Kingdom, Orville began to see a few people making their way around the outer areas of the Kingdom. Feeling nervous, Orville took a few deep breaths as he grew ever closer.
"Now Percy," Orville began "Be sure to stick close to me when we make it inside. I don't need you wandering off now. Once we make it inside we can find an inn to rest for the evening, and once morning comes we can begin our search for answers." He said, now only mere steps away from the outside of the Kingdom. Orville stopped and looked up and admired, the Kingdom certainly was huge. A lot bigger than what he had back home. Orville found comfort in this, as bigger meant more people who could help him on his way. Orville's attention was quickly brought back to reality as he noticed large, heavily armored guards surveying the gates. A few had already taken notice of Orville and he could feel their eyes on him. "Alright Percy, time to find our way in."

Oswald Pallando

Listening to Isaac as he introduced himself, as well as his drunken assistant Marie, who interrupted him before wrapping her arm around Oswald's shoulder, which seemed to irritate Isaac a great deal. And before Oswald could say something, Issac grabs Marie and yanks her away before scolding her for her behavior..

After scolding drunken assistant, the Doctor hands her a small tube filled with an unknown liquid and tells her to drink it. Afterwards, the Doctor apologizes for his assistant's behavior for a second time. He than asks the wandering Mage if he was enjoying the festival, which Oswald immediately answers.

" I found it to be quite enjoyable so far. Though personally, I find some of the entertainers to be somewhat mediocre. "

But after hearing Isaac ask for his reason for being at the festival, Oswald briefly pauses and considers whether or not to answer truthfully. But after thinking it through, the masked mage decides to give the Doctor, and his assistant, and honest answer.

" To tell you the truth, I didn't come here for the festival. I actually came here to see if I could get a glimpse at the Gilded Orb. Something that has come to fascinate me a great deal in recent years."

Capricornus Capricornus
"As that may be," Rein started, "I would still like to give my thanks for caring about my friend. Despite the extreme impression she has made, Princess Alice still tried to make peace with Kai...and that's good enough for me." The Kelpie said as she patted his shoulder before returning to her post. "Very well. Thank you, Ms. Syn."

With that, he left the airships to grab a bucket from a stall that didn't need it and continued walking towards the Water Domain table. He pondered if Alice and Benjamin know about Kai and Kale's deceased sister, Katrina. If that's why she keeps calling Kai 'Little sister' or she call her that because their families are getting together through marriage.

He shook his head. No matter. What does matter is the present and future that lies ahead of them. So Rein reached the table to see that Kai and Benjamin wasn't there, only Pelissier, Fredrick, and another person he does not recognize. He placed the bucket down on the table and sat next to the lieutenant.

"Pardon for my absence, Sir Pelissier. I had to get a bucket for Princess Kai...Hello Sir Fredrick." He looked at the other sir who's eating the bread with a friendly grin. "Hello, my is Rein and I'm Princess Kai's servant. What is your name?"

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Theflamre Theflamre NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
"I am Chadwick Marygold, a close associate of Prince Bejamine first of his name," He said standing quickly enough to knock over the chair he had been sitting upon. He stuck out his gloved hand before realizing it was dirty, covered in dirt and oil so he quickly bit the tip middle finger of his glove and pulled it off. He then stuck out his slightly less dirty palm, though there was another problem he stood a few feet above her and now had to bend over to put the hand at a level he could easily shake. He bent over slightly and let his hand drop with his body now looking at the man directly. Even after two years away from his family, he was still getting used to shaking short peoples hands.
He thought over his own word choice, was "close associate" the correct term for what he was? He did admit he and Benny spent a decent amount of time together but it was never business between them it was always some silly discussion about planes. A passion of his he had to admit but still it was silly for the prince to talk to him particularly about planes. He had always thought of him as a friend, he dressed like regular folk, he talked like regular folk, so he had treated him as an equal not a superior, at least behind closed doors. He wondered if he was a close associate or just a plain old associate, a more politically minded person would have bickered with him self for a little while before settling on a decision, however he wasn't that person and quickly dismissed the rest of the thought and settled on the idea the prince and he were good friends.
It was a weird thought he had never had many friends, not bold ones anyway, the friends he had acquired more or less were just using him as a bullet shield form stronger children. But Benny, he had brought his own spin on things instead of just following him around like a lost puppy. No ben engaged him mentally as an engineer, not something he had found anyone else to do, most looked at him like some kind of weapon, like he was put on this planet for nothing but smashing things and doing hard manual labor, but Benny, once he learned that he was an engineer thought of him as just that an engineer. He was not some smasher of random things, not some huge labor machine eating lumber and shitting out money, he was a rather good engineer that more than any thing was why he hadn't attempted to scare Benny away or simply avoided him, because despite the size difference he saw them as equals, and for that he liked the prince.
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Alice Raveran.jpg
After watching the young Kelpie walk away, Syn walks back into the Industrial Kingdom tent. While she herself was also a noble, Syn did not enjoy the over decadence that many of the higher class lived for. Her home, while large, was decorated in a utilitarian manner, favoring function over form. The Industrial Kingdom tent was no exception, it was designed with a typical Industrial noble in mind. The walls of the tent were lined with the finest of fabrics, the rugs were imported from the most exclusive shops across every kingdom, even the extraordinarily plush mattresses sat atop frames that were made from a dark realm wood that most likely came at the cost of lives to gather. The woman walks through the large tent to where she left her charge. "I assume you heard all that," she says, addressing the woman she had left sleeping only moments before.

Alice nods her head, still looking flush and sickly. At some point during the Kelpie's arrival, she had moved to the chair, his words causing a restlessness within her soul.

"You should be resting Alice. You look absolutely terrible, and the day is not even half over," Syn says in her usual scolding manner.

"My plans are in shambles Syn, nothing has gone according to plan today. With the interruption at the statue and the pissing contest at the Water Kingdom tables, I have not been able to spend more then a minute with the Prince." Alice pulls the now hot wet towel from her head, tossing it across the tent in a fit of annoyance. "I need to rework my strategy, I nee--"

"What you need, is to get some rest," Syn quickly interrupts. "For goodness sake, you're the Industrial Daughter, but you're acting like a child. How are you supposed to do anything worthwhile when you cannot even think clearly, let alone stand without feeling sick." Syn grabs another towel from the beautifully arranged collection of clean linens, soaking the towel in a bowl of water beside the bed. Syn wipes the sweat and smeared make up from Alice's face, placing pillows behind her aching back. Suddenly from outside, she hears the faint indistinct whistle of another approaching guest. She had been expecting this person to show up, although she had hoped Alice had recovered a bit more before it happened. "The water has gotten a bit lukewarm," Syn explains as she places another wet towel onto Alice's face. "Excuse me while i get more cold water." Syn turns to leave, happy to see that her friend had already fallen into a deep sleep. She quickly and quietly exits the tent, before the arrival of the new visitor.

A few moments pass, as Syn watches the entrance of the tent from the shadows. She watches as the Water Prince carefully looks around the entrance of the Industrial Kingdom tent. Syn laughs to herself, wondering if the prince realized how heavily guarded the tent really was, despite the obvious lack of a standing guard.

"Hey. Are you doing okay? I just wanted to check up on you. Kai's doing fine, in case you were wondering."

The unfamiliar voice stirs Alice from her deep sleep. As she adjusts her position in the seat, the towel on her face slides off to reveal the face of her soon to be husband, causing the heat in her head to suddenly spike. Without thinking, Alice pulls the Prince forward, attacking with a passionate kiss before anything can be said between either of them. As the fog of just having woken up wears off, Alice realizes the current predicament she has now put herself in. She awkwardly releases the prince from her grasp, pushing him back a bit in embarrassment. "Sorry about that Kale, I'm not quite myself at the moment," she says, trying hard to keep her cool. Alice sits back in the chair, wiping some of the sweat from her forehead and awkwardly waiting for the prince to respond.

that1aj that1aj

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