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Fantasy Compromise Brings Delusion (Arranged Marriage) (Open/Always Accepting)

Teno Wycleff
Fire Princess

Teno smiled as Tamara babbled about the current topic of conversation. It was very like Tamara. She was endlessly brave and powerful, but when she opened up, she had a stammer and a stutter. It was very endearing. To be fair, it didn't exactly answer her question. Tamara continued to sip the tea and muttered into it about how good it was.

"You saw him Tamara? I must have just missed him when I came in,"
said Rose as she absently poured more tea. "At least he's not like a nightmare monster or something. I've never seen him, but in my time in the Dark Realm, I heard rumors that he's actually a pretty normal looking guy. Little intense though."

She seemed to stop a little as she said that. Teno did not think it particularly odd that she had spent time in the Dark Realm, so had Devon Bronson. Although it was a little odd she hadn't mentioned it to Teno. Then again, maybe she was worried that she would scare Teno. She'd have to ask her about it later. "I mean uhh how bad can he look if he... ummm if his sister looks pretty normal."

"Can I get anyone a refill?" Asked Rose. Teno nodded, accepting the tea. She stared down into the liquid.

"I do believe that the Dark Realm children are adopted. It's not like Kurt and myself," she took a sip and sighed. "Then again I'll find out sooner than later. I've already met the sister. I don't think we'll be big fans of one another. I don't know about you both, but I'm not particularly thrilled about the dance coming up soon. It's nearly noon and the events of the day are going to start."

She thought a little longer. "I guess I am excited about the cultural presentations from all the kingdoms. Kurt and I are going to show our fire creation. Though he's a lot better at it than I am. We'll probably have to leave soon..."

Flynn Wulfgar
"To Be Revealed"

Penelope responded to his praise in a charming way. She seemed to lighten a bit, even laughed a little. It was very refreshing. He smiled as he watched her. But unfortunately, she hardened at the mention of both her brother and her betrothed. It wasn't unexpected. Yet she wasn't upset about him overstepping his boundaries. It seemed she was just... upset. Which was very understandable. He would be upset in her position too. He was lover at heart.
"You're correct, I'm in no hurry to meet that chunk of metal with arms and legs," she said in response to her husband. Flynn couldn't restrain a bout of laughter. Kurt Wycleff was a good man by all accounts, but this was a very accurate description of the Fire Prince.
He was a little surprised that she wouldn't answer questions about her brother. Princess Teno was impossible to shut up about her brother and even Kai was very endeared to Kale. He was as of yet unaware of the Industrial Children. There was more to the adopted sibling's relationship than meets the eye. "Fancy walking and talking? I still want to look around the stalls."
"That sounds divine, my dear," said Flynn as he stood and brushed off his immaculate pants. "I will have to return shortly, as it will be noon very soon and the Royal Dance will be starting shortly." He noticed her gravitating toward some jewelry. It was nice to know such an imposing girl had a soft heart somewhere inside her.
"Tell me when you first became introduced to music, Penelope?" Asked Flynn as he too looked at the necklaces, trying to figure out which one she admired most.

wendy wendy
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Capricornus Capricornus

Water Princess


Kai looked at the glass hesitantly as she raised it to Alice's toast. She began to remember the first time she had the drink. It had been about a year or two ago when her family hosted a ball for her potential suitors, one of the more secretly raunchy ones had snuck in a bottle and mixed it into her drink to mask the flavor and look. It was so intense she'd thrown up on him immediately. Rein and Kale had come to her rescue then and had the boy swiftly banned from the palace and Kai's company for his nasty trick. While it didn't have time to affect her in other ways, the drink left a fowl taste in her mouth for days following the incident.

"To young love, and to Princess Kai. Cheers everyone!" The end of Alice's toast brought her back to the glass she was now bringing to her lips. She downed her drink as quickly as Alice and tried not to think about it, returning the glare she felt from Alice's eyes. The taste lingered in her mouth like the first time and she easily made out the ingredients: oysters, chili peppers, avocado, honey, and pomegranate. Her face became flush from it as Alice's did and Kai was trying her hardest to keep the drink down. She gently placed her empty glass on the table, already feeling the affects of the drink...it was way stronger than she thought. Kai's emotions intensified and she couldn't handle her company any longer. The small rain clouds began to burst above all the water glasses and as they caught her attention, she began trying desperately to stop them. Her gaze was no longer on Alice because she felt as if she proved herself, but she couldn't dare bring them to anyone else at the table.

NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy Katsuya Katsuya that1aj that1aj Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Capricornus Capricornus

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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A light fluttering could be heard in the distance as he approached, he flew high enough that the thunderous sound of his wings flapping sounded quiet almost. after spotting a good landing spot he suddenly dropped falling down towards the ground at traumatizing speeds one of the workers who had spotted him shouted out in surprise only to once again be placed into a state of quiet awe as he suddenly slowed his body floating as if he was sinking through water. He twisted in the air the bells on his head lightly tinkling as he landed gently on his feet he looked at the man and took two steps towards him his long unnatural stride, unnerving the random worker as his leg bent in awkward ways that puzzled the mind. He reached into a pouch on his belt to which the worker started raising his hands in defense before seeing the man produce a small bag of gold pieces. He spoke in quiet tones his voice not his own as it was that of a small child "for your silence" he explained in a child's voice. The man took the coins without complaint not sure if it was money or the fact that a jester had just spoken in a child's voice that made the deal seem the better path. The Jester was adorned in his normal clothing of bright blue cloth and a porcelain mask which didn't show they eyes at all only adding to the fear the man currently had, regardless the man found his opportunity and scurried off already done with the meeting. He sat there silently for a little bit, he had been late on purpose not liking what he had to do next. He turned and walked off finding the secluded area that had been agreed upon before hand "you mustn't do it" he said knowing who he was talking too was close by even if he couldn't see them. "I once thought you and I carried a similar ideal if that remains true you mustn't kill them it would break the bonds that both of us cherish," he said again to no one imparticular his tone of voice had changed from that of a child to that of a deep voiced man he had once heard on the street. He hadn't used this voice for anything but singing yet but this tone accurately showed how serious he was about this. When he had first been invited to this place he had thought it a perfect day, come to the wedding, perform for the royal lines but it was all quite secondary when he had heard they were coming. "I'm going to perform for the Royals as is my job here I hope you know that if you attack them I'll treat you like a threat to all the children in their nations." he had killed a lot of people in his life he was unsure if this would be his last or not, or even if he could. But the Jester had one rule a threat to children would not be allowed to live while he still breathed and if they did what he thought they were here for thousands of innocent children would pay the price.
He walked off to report to Flynn, he was promised a task he wondered what Flynn had in mind just in case he had brought all the bells and whistles torches, juggling pins, his accordion, even a flaming hoop smaller than the space from a child's shoulder to his other shoulder which he could squeeze through after all every preparation must be made when entertaining royalty. He stride became normal which for him was actually quite hard due to his lack of bones, using a mix of magical power and balance he made his way towards the gazebo to seek out Flynn. He immediately asked about where he should set up using his psychic abilities to make the conversation go faster. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk it was just that he was late and wished to get to work as soon as possible since he felt Flynn might be a little mad at his tardiness.
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite @theunknownplayer in all this
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On one of the roads leading to the Homeland, two masked men, one wearing a black coat, the other a suit of armor, slowly make their way to the location where the wedding festival is being held. And as the duo were walking down the road , the man wearing white, beak-like mask, known as Oswald, would occasionally remove a small sliver box and momentarily examine it before returning it to his pocket. As they began to finally near their destination, Oswald suddenly speaks to his silent bodyguard, Jurgen.

" Jurgen, when we
finally arrive at the brats' funeral, I want you to try to refrain from using any 'violent actions' unless I directly order you to. I have been away from quite some time, and I do not feel like being hunted down because some drunk bumped into you, especially when there's so much work to be done . Understand?


"Good. Now, lets hurry. I've never bee
n to a festival before, and I'd hate to miss it."
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Alice Raveran.jpg
Alice, feeling the effects of the juice and the wine, struggling to hide her wooziness. What was supposed to be a few drinks with her future husband had become another battle hardy situation with her future sister-in-law. The young princess had grown on her, but because Alice had grown up around very vicious and toxic people, she was not accustomed to showing affection to anyone. Even the relationship with her younger brother, who she truly cared for, was not as close of a relationship as she wished it would be. She had gladly taken the roll of an aloof monster, at times, to shield her brother from having to grow up in that life, a fact that she had regretted when she found out she would be moving away. Even the first meeting with the Water Princess was a calculated move. She wanted to know if the girl would have the strength to survive in the Industrial Kingdom, a question she no longer wondered about. She simply wished that, in time, she would be able to build a bond with the girl. After all, they would soon be family.

Alice whispers to Syn, quietly handing her a small wooden box before speaking up again. "Thank you everyone, for indulging me in this toast. You don't need me to spoil your fun any more, and as there's much to do before the coming events, I shall take my leave. Excuse me."

As Alice walks away, Syn approaches Kai. She places the box into the girls hands and whispers into her ear, "Our daughter has asked me to give you this box. It's filled with her personal emergency medicine, take a few of these and you'll feel better in no time." Syn puts her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Industrial science can heal anything."

Alice continues walking, eternally grateful for the cool breeze. As she comes upon the large gaudy statue, she begins to wonder for the first time what her life will be like in her new home. She hits the statue a few times to hear it's dull metallic clang, before making her way to the tents provided to her by Homeland, hoping to briefly rest off some of the effects of the drinks.

lissamissal lissamissal
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Katsuya Katsuya
that1aj that1aj
Capricornus Capricornus

Kurt Wycleff
Fire Prince

"Well...that's quite the surprise." Kurt said, nodding to himself. Kurt and company were currently watching as the industrial and water couple walk away from them.

"They seem happy with each other." Siegfried said, a smile on his face.

"Wonder how long it'll last." The sitting engineer said, as he focused his attention back on the device he was working on.

"Hm, perhaps not for long." Otto just gave a shrug, his face still unamused. "But so far, I believe they have been the most mature out of the couples...Considering you nor your sister have even found your partner, and the water Prince and his partner..."

"Uh guys, you might want to have a look at this."
It was Otwin who said that. As the grouped to looked over to what he saw, they would see a massive statue of a whale and a wolf.

A minute of silence went by before Otto spoke up again. "I think I'll let it speak for itself."

"What the..." Baldwin started, at a loss for words.

"It is, er, quite symbolic of...their union?" Siegfried tried to but his thoughts into words. "Though, don't you think it's a tad bit big for a wedding gift?"

"Maybe he's compensating." Otwin said, leaning against the fence post with his head resting on his hand. "Hey Kurt, do you know how big the water prince's di-" Otwin didn't get to finish his sentence, as a hand belonging to his brother came down upon Otwin's head.

"I don't think that's Kale's gift." Kurt said, looking up at the giant statue. "When I was talking with him, he was holding a small box....I think that's, um." "Alice's""...right, her gift to him."

"Not surprising, I mean look at the way that thing was put together." Detimar spoke up. "It definitely would seem like somthing that would come from the Industrial Kingdom, rather then somthing any of the Water Kingdom folks would make."

"Yeah, your right..." Kurt said, though he became quiet as he studied the statue for a brief moment. Closing his eyes, he gave a sigh, before turning to the witch hunter. "Did you by chance catch a glimpse of, um, my, ur, partner."

The witch hunter just stared at Kurt for a bit, before saying. "Yes...we've spotted her, for a quiet a while now."

"Ah, geez."

"She's been talking with someone." Otto said, next to the Witch Hunter, before he turned his head to look at somthing. "An acquaintance, you can call him..."

Kurt followed Otto's gaze, and spotted the musician, from days ago, walking with the school girl from earlier. At least that's what Kurt thought.

"It's the musician that barged in the other day." Kurt said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Oh, and that school girl. I had a run in with her earlier, think she was trying to talk to Teno bend ended up spooking her I think." Kurt finished, looking back at his companions. "So, where is my partner?" Only to have all of them stare back at him with a mix of stares and looks disbelief.

""That "school girl" is your partner." Victor deadpanned, which lead to Kurt's silence, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "Sh**"

"I think that's an appropriate word to sum things up." Otto said o his friend, before glancing back over to the musician. "Seems like she's quite enjoying her conversation that man."

"Er, maybe she's into music."

"There is no doubt about that." This time Siegfried spoke up. "Did you not hear her play? It was quite a marvelous performance too, and judging by the way that man was looking at her, I'd think he was thinking the same thing."

Kurt just sighed, before placing his free hand on his face. "Oh, by the rays..."

This prompted Otwin to remember somthing. "Didn't you and Otto play string? I remeber going to one of your guys stupid concerts as a kid."

"Yeah, but, but that was ages ago"

"Wait, I remember." Baldwin spoke up in support. "You guys played for us during the war, heck, I remember everyone loved it too."

"Indeed, but it was not a good performance by any stretch of the imagination..." Otto agreed, before glaring at Kurt. "...considering how many notes you kept missing."

"I was rusty! Hell! Still am!" Kurt exclaimed at Otto, before sighing, then he spoke up. "You guys said that my sister haven't met her partner?"

"Unfortunately not." Victor said, still staring at Kurt with his good eye. "She was close, but it would seem that her company dragged her off before she had a chance to."

"She seems really jumpy, although I do not blame her." Siegfried said, as he glanced over to the tent Teno had been dragged into. This only prompted to breath in and sigh again.

"And what about her partner?"

"He's been standing in front of that Purrsian's stall for a while, I believe he is trying to remain inconspicuous." Victor said, nodding at said Dark Kingdom prince.

"I see..." Kurt said, looking over to the Dark Prince. "Hm... he doesn't seem too bad."

"Do not be fooled by his appearance." Victor said in even more serious tone. "He, is a nightkin, and he is also the same man that..." Victor turned his head, glancing at Baldwin, who was now glaring at the Dark Prince.

Victor turned around to face Kurt again. "I think you understand what he has done."

"Yeah, I get it." Kurt nodded, taking a secound to steal a glance at his friend for himself. "But we've all done bad things...we've got to put it all behind us, if we want to move on." Kurt then looked back to the Dark Prince. "And that's, gotta start somewhere."

Kurt now turn, facing the Dark Prince. "Before anything else, I must speak with this man..."

"Alright." Baldwin said, pushing himself off the fence post, looking ready for a fight.

"...alone, I must ask him for a favor, from one prince to another." Kurt said, hefting his warhammer onto his shoulder.

"Are you certain? What about your fiance?" Otto asked Kurt.

"She doesn't seem to be in a rush to meet me yet, so..." Kurt responded, though not before turning his head to look at Otto. "Though if you could do me a favor and check on Teno, that would put my heart at ease just a bit."

"Very well then." Otto said, his expression never changing from the start of the conversation.

"I'll come too." Baldwin said as walked over and put his free hand over Otto's shoulder, who face still did not react. "Otto 'ere ain't the best person to calm someone down."

"Then I'll shall join as well." Siegfried chuckled, as he stepped forward. "I believe the young girl may need some guidance in times such as these."

"I, need to find our water kingdom allies and inform them about the security detail that we have discussed." Victor said, looking at Kurt as well. Before the water and industrial couple had walked by, Victor had briefed Kurt about the security details and people of interest around the festival.

"Alright, sounds good." Kurt nodded to his men. "Keep me posted if anything happens, and try not to start anything."

"When have we ever?" Otwin said with a sly smile, causing Kurt to roll his eyes. Then Kurt turned his head to face the Dark Prince once more, before he started to stride forwards towards him.

Kurt's retinue watched as he left, as Otwin pushed himself off of the fence and made his way over to his brother. "I know this isn't the best time to bring this up, but...you still going to find a tutor for Elizabeth's string lessons."

"It's not like I have time to teach her myself, especially with this." Otto replied, not taking his eyes off Kurt. "I don't see her often enough as is... I'd like to give her somthing she can partially keep herself busy with besides school work."

"Ya know, me and Ottmar can pitch in if you need it. You know both of us love Elizabeth very much, and if worse comes to worse I'm sure Kurt can..." "A tutor is not that expensive." Otto said, glancing at Otwin with an annoyed look, before bringing his eyes forward again. "Besides, I don't want to burden him with anymore problems, he has enough on his plate as is."

Otwin just gave a sighing chuckle, before looking at Kurt to. "I suppose your right...but still, if you need help with paying for a tutor, just ask either of us."

"I'll keep that in mind." Otto said, his face became slightly less annoyed.

Otwin just looked down, chuckling to himself, before looking up again and said. "Alright, guess we should stop gawking and start moving."

"I guess your right." Baldwin said, turning to look at Otwin. "For once."

The men would proceed to look at each other and nod, before they parted ways. Victor with Dietmar and Otwin, Otto with Baldwin and Siegfried, all the while the Fire Prince himself made his way towards the Dark Prince.

Otto von Braun

"Leaving already?" A voice came from outside the tent, soon a mustached head popped in. "But I we just arrived"

The curtens suddenly opened, revealing two more people: Otto and Siegfried. "I apologize for all of us for interrupting, but I don't suppose we may join you ladies for tea?" Siegfried was the one who spoke up, while Otto just looked in with the usual unamused look.
BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Capricornus Capricornus
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Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Benjamin wanted to say somthing throughout this entire engagement, but every time he tried he was interrupted by either his sister or the water princess, and everything escalated.

When Pélissier was handed the bottle of wine, he simply muttered the word "Merde" and watched the event unfold.

Both him and Benjamin refused the drink that Syn was handing out. Pélissier because he was currently on duty, and Benjamin because he didn't drink; one of quirks that made Benjamin stand out. The Industrial Kingdom, after all, did have a strong culture surrounding alcohol. Heck, the few times he had attended a ball or gala, or when he'd visit his friends in the slums, which usually ended up with them at a bar, Benjamin would almost always order the semi-contaminated water or root beer, much to his friends great disappointment.

But the next thing Benjamin knew, Kai was downing the aphrodisiac drink, much to Benjamin's horror. He was a bit worried about his sister, but he knew his sister could hold down a few shots with no problem, but he wasn't sure how well Kai could hold down a drink, especially a drink that was suppose to...

"Thank you everyone, for indulging me in this toast. You don't need me to spoil your fun any more, and as there's much to do before the coming events, I shall take my leave. Excuse me."

Benjamin heard his sister sputter out, and watched as she and her engineer left the group. But he did not have time to ponder on it, as he quickly turned to Kai with a really worried look on his face.

"K-Kai, are you o-okay?" The stuttering in his speech was lessened by haste, as the industrial son said his princess's name for the first time. On top of that, his hands automatically found its way to one of Kai's hand, no doubt wanting to comfort her.

"Mon Dieu; Mousier Reith, I think it is best if you go grab some more water and perhaps a rag as well." Pélissier said to Reith, while placing the bottle of wine down and hurried over to the other side of the Water princess.

"Princesse Baymoon, are alright?" Pélissier said, leaning one hand on the table while the other was behind Kai, on her chair. "Are you feeling ill? Dizzyness? Or an urge to puke?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya
Capricornus Capricornus

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Which one?" Ferdrick asked as Chadwick returned, standing up from working on the blimp to turn towards the big man. "Benny's sister? Or Benny's bride to be?"

He then looked over, now at the big statue, after Chadwick made his remark on hit. Giving a low whistle, he put his hands on his hips, and said. "Nah, I think the wolf is suppose to be Alice, and the whale is most likly the water prince....Did ya know that Alice's symbol is the wolf, there's a whole story about it too. Something about a mission to the Dark Kingdom that went wrong, or somthing of the sort. Think she killed one, a big one I mean, those giant ones that can only exist in the dark kingdom. Heard the thing got a number of her crew before she was able to put it down. Since then, think she's made it her symbol."

Ferdrick chuckled a bit before shaking his head. "Least that's what they say .Suppose it's fitting for her. Though, personally I'd make her a hawk, given how aggressive she is. Besides, you don't see wolves in the city, and I doubt she's a country lass either."
Theflamre Theflamre
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_Devon Bronson_
- Table beside Lucine's, Homeland -

Devon, ruffled Koko's head, "In a while, thank you. I'll call you." said the tailor, after watching Miss Vindell pull away Teno and Tamara to the back tent.

He turned back to the prince who seemed a tad sad. "I can't say right now, your highness," said Devon, resuming his business-like air as well and ceased pretending he didn't know who he was. "I'd have to check with the merchant's guild for the price of this hide and know all the details of the clothes you'd like me to make for you, and the size of your bed." he took off his glasses, then rolled the hide back up and tied it securely on to the pony.

"I'll have all the costs tallied by the end of this week, and the bed cover will be finished five days before your big day if all goes well." he patted the pony's neck amiably, then stood at ease with his paws behind his back. "As for the clothes, I'll only be able to start on them next month because of all the wedding preparations. Is that alright?"

If the prince agreed to it, the tailor would take out an old leather-bound notebook with a pencil strapped to the side, then invite him to sit at the back of the stall to begin discussing with him the details of the clothes he wants made. He asked Prince Danil if he liked coffee or tea, and had whatever he chose brought to them by Koko, including some crisps from the food stalls, and water and hay for the pack pony. Then he took his measurements inside a private little space covered by draped cloth.

They were finished in half an hour, Devon acquiring the last bits of information such as who he was going to report to about the prince's order and the address where he could send his letters. "Your highness, if you would permit me, may I take a picture of you from the front with your arms spread, and also from the side?" he showed him his camera. Then he hesitated for a moment, before gathering his courage and adding, "And . . . if we could . . . also have a picture together with my assistant Koko and my bodyguard Sabaton? With your weapon out and the drake hide spread on the ground, and you look all intimidating?"

Haeo Haeo Katsuya Katsuya billthesomething billthesomething
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Sitting Besides Devon​
Sabaton had been happy to find out that they were indeed serving booze at this event, so instead of mingling with the other guests, Sabaton was busying himself with booze and food, though he was also glaring at anyone who looked to have originated from the industrial empire. Just waiting for them to give him a reason to attack, if looks could kill then Sabaton would have already started another war. But thankfully they don't, so... yeah Sabaton was keeping himself busy by keeping to himself.

So when Devon mentioned his name, instantly stopped his glaring and looked to his feline friend with a raised eyebrow "You Say Something?"
Zer0 Zer0

Keeping an eye on everything
Meanwhile somewhere else Duana was running around, Having been given the task of spying on everyone & everything. by its creator, The Royal Alchemist Occasionally relaying whatever useful information it discovered to Dear Penny.
wendy wendy
Serenity Arkents
Best Friend to the Water Prince

"I, belle femme, am Lieutenant Jean-Philippe Pélissier, at your Service.", the Industrial Son's companion introduced himself. Serenity was glad that Rein liked the flower and that he put it behind his ear. Pélissier's compliment about the flowers made her even happier.

The news, that the Industrial Son's and Kai's meeting went just smoothly eased her concerns. Yet, looking at Kai's interaction with the Industrial Daughter, it seemed as if they didn't connect that well. Kai looked down, before looking up again and searching for Rein. She asked him to take away her plate. "I am afraid I'm not as hungry as I thought."

This sentence alone made Serenity frown. That was definitely not a good sign. Everyone who knew Kai at least a bit knew, that this was not like her. As the Industrial Daughter, who introduced herself as Alice Raveran, approached Kai and called her 'Little Sister', Serenity tried to hide the fact that she was shocked. She wasn't one that easily hated others, but Alice started to slowly but surely become less and less popular to her.

Serenity didn't quite follow their conversation, as she was once more lost in thought. Another person, with a plate full of drinks, passed through the small crows, handing them out to everyone. Serenity accepted it, as to not be impolite.

"Everyone, please gather around, I'd like to make a toast." It was Alice's call that ripped her from her train of thoughts. Serenity kept eyeing the Industrial Daughter, not noticing that she was much more glaring at her than simply looking. "To young love, and to Princess Kai. Cheers everyone!", Alice finished, before downing her beverage.Instead of drinking hers, Serenity flung behind her. It was not because she couldn't handle it, actually her tolerance was pretty high. Just thinking of the taste made her almost gag. 'Young love...' This word echoed in her head. She shook her head lightly.

Her emptied glass in her hand, she kept her gaze on the Industrial Daughter, until she noticed the small cloud hovering over her water glass. Looking around, she noticed it over the other glasses as well. She sighed, knowing exactly whose work this was. If there was only a way that she could calm her down.

"Thank you everyone, for indulging me in this toast. You don't need me to spoil your fun any more, and as there's much to do before the coming events, I shall take my leave. Excuse me." With these last words, Alice excused herself before leaving the table. To Serenity, her departure seemed almost saddening. She still wasn't too fond of her, but at the same time she felt guilting for judging her so fast.

After she had left, several people, including Pélissier and Rein, rushed to Kai to see if she was doing well. Seeing the crowd of people that had accumulated around her, Serenity decided that one more person would probably be one too many. She got up from her seat, leaving her basket on her chair as a placeholder, before going on a short walk to clear her mind.

lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
that1aj that1aj
-Rein Eärendil-
-At the Water Domain dinning table-

When Syn passed the cup to Rein, the Kelpie cringed and shook his head saying, "No, but thank you." He can't drink while on the job. He can see how Benjamin tries to say something between the two and how awkward Alice was starting to become after drinking the juice. It's not like he could do anything right now either because Kai looked like she was determined to prove something.

Sighing and nodding at Pelissier's suggestion, he searched for a cup only to see little storm clouds over them. Not like bringing one without one would be any different: A cloud would be over it and Kai would have to concentrate on that too just so it wouldn't burst anymore then it already has. As Alice stood up and left, having to feel the effects of the green juice, he saw Syn give Kai a medical kit to use. Rein smiled at that, his dislike for the Industrial princess simmered down from that one act of kindness.

Now to bring Kai back...

Walking over to the Princess calmly (as he can because clouds are never a good sign when she's angry) while grabbing a glass with a mini storm cloud over it, Rein said. "Pardon me, Prince Benjamin. Pelissier." Once they gave him a little space, Rein leaned down to sit on the ground with his knees and opened the medical box that she was holding. He searched inside to find anything that might be good for the woozy-ness as he talked nonsensical stuff to Kai. "You know," he started quietly as he grinned from finding the medicine she might need afterwards. "Serenity gave me a flower, I believe it's a dandelion. We should look for some in the Water domain when we get back home. It's a very pretty flower, see?" He tilted his head to show off the flower that complimented his eyes.

Rein was doing what he does best: calming Kai down by talking. "Maybe we can decorate the palace with them too...If the Water domain has any...doubtful but it'll be a treat." He tries to have Kai's attention by bringing the cup of water up to her sight where she can see him just a bit. Kai would be able to see from her hindsight that in his hand is a pill to help relieve the aftereffects of being drunk ready with the glass of water for her to drink it with.

"Here. You should take this, Kai...It'll relieve what you are feeling right now." Rein quietly mentioned with a soft grin on his face. "I'll grab a bucket after you drink the water, just in case."


-Inari Yoko-
-At Mr. Devon's stall-

Yoko laughed when Devon ruffled her hair, making it more spiky then usual. She smiled brightly. "Okay Sir!" Then she looked over at the Prince, who is now confirmed as the Dark Prince by the Purrsian tailor. The little kitsune used her hooded long jacket to curtsy with at the young man (he's older then her, why is she calling him 'Young?!') with a charming smile and continued to do what she needed to do around the occupied tent. She didn't go inside, only to check on the girls once in a while to see if they did anything to her boss's items then she left them alone.

If the Dark prince agreed to Devon's plans, Yoko went off to find food and desired drinks form the other stalls. Thanking each one with a loud and cheerful "Thank you so much Miss/Sir!". She set them up on the table like she normally would whenever the shop has a costumer, serving them tea or coffee whenever they ran out. Then she placed hay and water for the pack pony, patting the side of his neck as it ate and drank water. "There you go! Nice and yummy!"

She watched her boss and the dark royal client behind a huge cloth to hide behind for measurements. Her tails swayed as her ears perked up. Seems like the Prince is not as scary as most would think he is. She pondered why Princess Teno was afraid of meeting him; after all they saw each other but...he didn't do anything and looked sad at the princess who left in the tent...

"Hmm..." Yoko pondered, tapping her thing finger on her bottom lip before snapping her fingers. "I know-! Maybe-!" She looked at her little teddy bear that has fallen on the table, grabbing him to talk as she unpacked her own items that she brought with in her bag. "Time to get to work, Captain Eyepatch! The mission? Cheer the Prince up!" So she got to work while the Prince and the purrsian were talking behind the private cloth, using her spell to weave and sew the small patches of cloth together while singing something else.

At the end of her song, she sang in a whisper with a grateful smile "Thank Mr. Devon someday...There! Done!" Yoko stopped her sewing needle so she can cut the string from the small blue flower plush that has a yellow button as the middle. She looked at it with narrow eyes, scrutinizing it for a minute before nodding in pride.

"This is worthy to be a 'friendship flower', don't you think so, Captain Eyepatch?" She asked her teddy bear, answered by silence as she nodded again like she just agreed to what it said. "Right...he might not like it since it's a flower...but we'll never know unless we try." Yoko said happily, bouncing back from her little sad episode.


Zer0 Zer0 Capricornus Capricornus Haeo Haeo Elekta Kount Elekta Kount NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy that1aj that1aj billthesomething billthesomething BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite (Long post is long!! XD)
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Kale Baymoon
Water Prince

Seemingly watching the whole scene before him, Kale wasn't seeing any of it. He was actually thinking, and spaced off in the direction that the whole ordeal was going down in. Snapping back to reality, Kale saw Kai and Alice both knocking back a glass of wine, with Alice leaving as Syn handed a box to Kai. Oh god. Do I go with Alice or stay with Kai?

Giving his sister a hug, Kale explained to Rein and Benjamin. "I'm going to go check on Alice and make sure she's okay. Rein, Ben, I'm leaving Kai here with you. Make sure nothing happens to her." Getting up, Kale ran off in the direction he had last seen her.
Alice Raveran.jpg
As Alice enters the beautifully decorated tent, she tosses off her heels and stole on a nearby chair, glad to have her feet planted on solid ground again. As she lay down on the extremely plush bed, Syn enters the tent, arms crossed with a stern look on her face. "You realize that was the only medicine we brought in case something like this happened right? I can look around the booths to see if I can find anything to help with the effects of that drink, but it won't be anything like the potent stuff we brought from home, which would've removed the effects in minutes."

Alice waves her hand dismissively, "Don't bother, I'll just try and sleep some of the effects off before the next official event starts. Just make sure we're not disturbed, the last thing I need is for more rumors to spread if anyone sees me like this."

"Did you achieve what you wanted to in that spectacle?" Syn places a folded up wet cloth on Alice's forehead to relieve some of the heat. "Because the way things stand now, we'll be entering a new kingdom soon without the protection of your men, seeing as you donated your army to protect the girl. I can't even imagine what your enemies will do if they find that out."

Alice lets out a huge sigh of relief at the feeling of the cool wet cloth. A few tears escape her eyes, as she fights to retain her composure. "Did you notice that not one person drank to the toast? Not even the people from our own kingdom."

It had been a long time since Syn saw Alice cry, she wagered that she was probably the only person to have ever seen the act. Alice had not even shed a tear when she received the news that she would be married off to the enemy's prince, and even made to move to their kingdom. Syn wiped the tears from Alice's face, wondering how much of what the girl was feeling was from the effects of the drink and alcohol. She recounted the scene, even remembering seeing that some of them even chose to toss their drinks. Suddenly the assistant burst into laughter, playfully slapping Alice in the face. "And even after your death sentence of a grand gesture! These people still hate you more then the spineless aristocrats back home."

Alice joins her friend in laughter. "But at least the ones back home will take a drink, even if it is to try and get me to drink poison half the time!" The two laugh for a few moments longer.

"it was a necessary evil back home. That heavy handed technique was the only thing those selfish aristocrats ever listened to." Syn replaces the wet cloth with another fresh cool cloth. "I won't lie to you, as I never have. We're moving to a kingdom we do not understand, with a people that already distrust us, with absolutely no protection we can trust. But at the end of the day, you will always have Kaylee and I to see to it that you do not have to go it alone."

"Are you sure you didn't drink any of that green crap?" Alice responds jokingly. She unfolds the wet cloth to cover her face. "I think it best if I got a few minutes of sleep. Please take care of the rest."

Syn nods her head and leaves the tent, taking a firm position outside the entrance. She quickly wave her hand in the air, making quick gestures with her hand as 6 of Alice's guards appear from out of nowhere. Without saying a word, Syn looks to either side of the tent. The guards bow in understanding, disappearing once again to watch the tent from the shadows. As Syn settles into her post, she notices someone in the distance looking for Alice.

lissamissal lissamissal
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Katsuya Katsuya
that1aj that1aj
Capricornus Capricornus

Water Princess


Kai's head began to spin, the drink had begun to make her whole body feel hot and her mouth was watering. She heard Alice leave and then there was a wooden box in her hands. She felt Benjamin and Pelissier surround her. They were asking if she was okay, but the touch of their hands on her body made her heart pound and her head spin even more. "I-I-I-I..." She could barely speak now and all she could get out was a small sigh.

Rein came to her aid as she watched Serenity leave and Kale run off to be with Alice. "You know, Serenity gave me a flower, I believe it's a dandelion. We should look for some in the Water domain when we get back home. It's a very pretty flower, see? Maybe we can decorate the palace with them too...If the Water domain has any...doubtful but it'll be a treat." As he spoke Kai began to feel her heart slow and calmness coated her entire being. Sure enough he brought her back from the brink of her storm and the clouds above the glasses one by one disappeared. A single tear slid across her cheek and fell on her hand where the wooden box once was, but now was empty.

"Here. You should take this, Kai...It'll relieve what you are feeling right now. I'll grab a bucket after you drink the water, just in case." Kai took the pills from his hand even though she was already feeling much better just from his voice alone. She swallowed the pills and gulped down the water. She could taste the rain she had made mixed in with it. Her rain was usually sweet and tasted like happiness, but the rain she tasted now was bitter and sour an obvious sign of her change in behavior. Kai didn't stop Rein as he went to grab her a bucket, instead she turned to Benjamin eyeing his glass of water, "C-can I drink your water please?" It wasn't that she was still thirsty, but she didn't want him to taste it even if he wasn't aware of how her powers were connected to her feelings.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Katsuya Katsuya that1aj that1aj Capricornus Capricornus NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy

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Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Benjamin wanted to say somthing throughout this entire engagement, but every time he tried he was interrupted by either his sister or the water princess, and everything escalated.

When Pélissier was handed the bottle of wine, he simply muttered the word "Merde" and watched the event unfold.

Both him and Benjamin refused the drink that Syn was handing out. Pélissier because he was currently on duty, and Benjamin because he didn't drink; one of quirks that made Benjamin stand out. The Industrial Kingdom, after all, did have a strong culture surrounding alcohol. Heck, the few times he had attended a ball or gala, or when he'd visit his friends in the slums, which usually ended up with them at a bar, Benjamin would almost always order the semi-contaminated water or root beer, much to his friends great disappointment.

But the next thing Benjamin knew, Kai was downing the aphrodisiac drink, much to Benjamin's horror. He was a bit worried about his sister, but he knew his sister could hold down a few shots with no problem, but he wasn't sure how well Kai could hold down a drink, especially a drink that was suppose to...

"Thank you everyone, for indulging me in this toast. You don't need me to spoil your fun any more, and as there's much to do before the coming events, I shall take my leave. Excuse me."

Benjamin heard his sister sputter out, and watched as she and her engineer left the group. But he did not have time to ponder on it, as he quickly turned to Kai with a really worried look on his face.

"K-Kai, are you o-okay?" The stuttering in his speech was lessened by haste, as the industrial son said his princess's name for the first time. On top of that, his hands automatically found its way to one of Kai's hand, no doubt wanting to comfort her.

"Mon Dieu; Mousier Reith, I think it is best if you go grab some more water and perhaps a rag as well." Pélissier said to Reith, while placing the bottle of wine down and hurried over to the other side of the Water princess.

"Princesse Baymoon, are alright?" Pélissier said, leaning one hand on the table while the other was behind Kai, on her chair. "Are you feeling ill? Dizzyness? Or an urge to puke?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya
Capricornus Capricornus

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Which one?" Ferdrick asked as Chadwick returned, standing up from working on the blimp to turn towards the big man. "Benny's sister? Or Benny's bride to be?"

He then looked over, now at the big statue, after Chadwick made his remark on hit. Giving a low whistle, he put his hands on his hips, and said. "Nah, I think the wolf is suppose to be Alice, and the whale is most likly the water prince....Did ya know that Alice's symbol is the wolf, there's a whole story about it too. Something about a mission to the Dark Kingdom that went wrong, or somthing of the sort. Think she killed one, a big one I mean, those giant ones that can only exist in the dark kingdom. Heard the thing got a number of her crew before she was able to put it down. Since then, think she's made it her symbol."

Ferdrick chuckled a bit before shaking his head. "Least that's what they say .Suppose it's fitting for her. Though, personally I'd make her a hawk, given how aggressive she is. Besides, you don't see wolves in the city, and I doubt she's a country lass either."
Theflamre Theflamre
"I wouldn't have made the statue at all, it's to big and flashy to be a wedding gift. A wedding give should be something private or useful shared between two people," he grunted sharing his more traditional views on wedding gifts. He had grown up on a coastal city near the boarder, farming out there a wedding gift normally had deeper meaning such as a violen that had been played for the two when they had first met or had a use such as a cow. Also the statue was ugly and the two things didn't go together in his mind, so he guessed it was accurate to the marriage. "Also to awnser to your first question, well I think it's pretty obvious," he said chuckling

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Pélissier took a step back to let Reith through, but that did not stop him from leaning in on the side, a serious expression of concern was plastered all over his face.

Benjamin on the other hand, while also moving slightly back, kept one hand in Kai's hand. Appearntly, he still wasen't to familiar with how the drink worked.

But regardless he was now worried, but then Kai turned to him and asked "C-can I drink your water please?"

Benjamin had barley even noticed his own drink, as he was too focused on her. "O-oh, sure, sure h-here." Benjamin said, who assumed that she just needed more water, did not wasting much time as he gently grabbed the glass of water and carefully handed to her.
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Eh, it's our Industrial Daughter, and everybody knows she loves the attention, especially at things like these." Ferdrick chuckled, as he bent down to grab a rag, cleaning off his hands. "Though you are right about one thing, somthin' like that should have been a bit more....intimate, I suppose you could say."

After he finished cleaning his hands, he kept the rag in his hands as he kept looking at the statue. "How do reckon' she's going to get along with her new kingdom, I mean, you've heard the stories about the sea folk, very symbolic and spiritual, in contrast to our nation, and Alice, for a matter of fact."
Theflamre Theflamre
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Oswald Pallando

Walking through one of the entrance's to the festival with his mute bodyguard following right behind him, Oswald begins to look around at the sprawling crowds of people all around him. Motioning for his bodyguard to follow him, Oswald begins to to wander around the festival, glancing at the various entertainers and food booths, while also ignoring the occasional stare. After spending some time touring the massive festival, Oswald speaks, seemingly to Jurgen.

"Hmm, a little noisy. But overall, not that bad. Though personally, I think they should of hired a few more street magicians."

Capricornus Capricornus

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

Pélissier took a step back to let Reith through, but that did not stop him from leaning in on the side, a serious expression of concern was plastered all over his face.

Benjamin on the other hand, while also moving slightly back, kept one hand in Kai's hand. Appearntly, he still wasen't to familiar with how the drink worked.

But regardless he was now worried, but then Kai turned to him and asked "C-can I drink your water please?"

Benjamin had barley even noticed his own drink, as he was too focused on her. "O-oh, sure, sure h-here." Benjamin said, who assumed that she just needed more water, did not wasting much time as he gently grabbed the glass of water and carefully handed to her.
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Eh, it's our Induestiral Daughter, and everybody knows how loud she likes attention, especially at things like these." Ferdrick chuckled, as he bent down to grab a rag, cleaning off his hands. "Though you are right about one thing, somthin' like that should have been a bit more....intimate, I suppose you could say."

After he finished cleaning his hands, he kept the rag in his hands as he kept looking at the statue. "How do reckon' she's going to get along with her new kingdom, I mean, you've heard the stories about the sea folk, very symbolic and spiritual, in contrast to our nation, and Alice, for a matter of fact."
Theflamre Theflamre
"She'll do fine go around manipulating the population, and most likely the king. Give it like a week, I can see it in the water prince he doesn't have the mental strength to stop her" he didn't mean it as an insult, he just knew industrial nobles and knew a little bit about the water kingdoms nobles. They were of different classeis, in the industrial empire you could be killed something as minor as a miss spoken word. From what he heard of the water kingdom they didn't have nearly as harsh poltics, it was like introducing a shark to a gental flowing stream. "I'm only worried at this point about Ben q12aa

Water Princess


"O-oh, sure, sure h-here." Kai took his glass and drank it quickly, tasting the bitterness of her rain in it as well. She grasped his hand in hers and squeezed it gently. "Thank you Benjamin..."

It was now that she realized he had called her by her name earlier and it filled her with a new sense of happiness. Kai decided if she wanted to prevent her fiance from offending her or hurting her heart, she'd have to explain herself more. After all, they were still practically strangers, no matter how well they connected already, there were things he would never understand unless she was honest with him.

"Can we talk in private? I know the dance is about to start, but we can continue to talk more...until you ask me to dance of course." She smiled at him because she was starting to feel like herself again. If he said yes, she'd walk with him, shoes and music box in hand, over to the Water Domain's personal tent. Each Kingdom had their own tent, they were meant to serve the royals as a get away from the event if they needed it. They were decorated to remind them of their home to help calm them.

The inside of the Water Domain's tent had a small koi pond in the middle with pillows and cushions surrounding it, and the aroma in there resembled that of being by shore. There was a table in the back for the prince and princess to place the gifts they'd received, surrounding it was an enchantment that only allowed them to take and place items there in order to keep them safe. Unfortunately, it seemed that only Kai's gift from Benjamin would be placed there, possibly along with her shoes.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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Rein smiled when he saw that she took the pills but then he frowned when he saw that one tear flowing down. "I'll be right back." As he left to find the bucket, the Kelpie walked closer to the Industrial empire's airships and paused for a moment, pondering about something.

Then he grab a glass of water, one that Princess Kai didn't have a cloud over before, muttering something in a different language. The clear water changed as he muttered, slowly becoming cloudy like milk has poured in the cup until it changed into a pinkish white. Then he smiled as he made his way to the airships and saw Syn.

He hurried towards her and when he got close enough, he calmly said, "Hello Madam. I'm Rein, Princess Kai's servant. I wanted to give her something." The Kelpie showed her the milky pink liquid in a glass with a charming smile. "It's for the effects from the drink. I know we're in wary times so I can taste it with you." An aphrodisiac is still a toxin. Rein could have easily made the water in the cup change into an antidote for said toxins for Kai and yet...Alice was nice enough to give her a first aid kit. He wanted to return the nice favor and not let her suffer through the dance if he can.

If Syn did try the drink with him, she would be able to taste orange, pineapple, and something very refreshing that she couldn't pin point. Rein waited to see if she would hand the cup to Alice.

NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy lissamissal lissamissal that1aj that1aj
His Highness Danil Draven Crown Prince of the Dark Kingdom
A certain Purrsian tailor and co.

Danil listened to the admirable tailor as the facade fell away. The timing of his request and the rarity of the item had obvious effects on the time required to assess and complete the order. Still, Danil was no tailor and listened with interest to all of the details that Mr. Bronson explained.

Then he agreed without any preamble. The timetable was reasonable and specifics of cost could be clarified later, when more details were available. After receiving his tea, providing the dimensions of the bed in question he broached the subject of finances. The point was that he was not drawing on the Royal Treasury for these preparations. All of the preparations for Princess Teno's eventual arrival in the Dark Realm were coming out of his own private finances. Given the uncertainty of the people, it had been decided that the Treasury would not become available until after the princess was added to the Royal Family. That is, after the wedding, she would have the same kind of limited access that Danil and his sister currently have. As such, the relevant correspondence would be between the Prince and Mr. Bronson directly as a matter of private business.

Finally, he began to discuss the details of the clothes. For the most part he simply detailed his personal tastes and let the tailor's experience lead the way. He did point out that the Dark Realm did not often indulge in grand display of any kind. Such things had been driven out of their culture by the high chances of attracting dangerous kinds of attention. Yet he explained that the increased safety achieved over the past century had yet to change any of the more paranoid traditions that kept the people in a state of subtle fear. His new garb was intended to dull the edge of this fear and help the people smile again.

It was atypical for Prince Danil to reveal so much of his motivations but he needed Mr. Bronson to understand the purpose of the outfit he was to design. It was far from being a simple desire for fashion. He was seeking to help ease the loss of the people's Dark Princess. He hoped that this might be a step in the correct direction.

After having his measurements taken, he was confronted with something that he had heard about but never experienced. Photography was not something that existed in the Dark Realm. They had yet to develop the manufacturing potential to support the parts required. Still, it was not a thing that he feared. He would have no problem standing as instructed for the first couple photographs as they would likely aid the tailor in completing his order.

Then his left eyebrow jerked upward. The last portion of the request was rather less professional than he had expected. He was unaware that he was any more a celebrity than any of the other royals. Still, he didn't see any harm in it.

"Very well." He said, accepting the terms and agreeing to the photographs.

The pose he struck was one that he had held many nights before battle. His blade bare but low, he maintained a state of relaxed readiness. Yet, the look in his eyes and the subtle nuances of his body somehow made him seem like a viper ready to strike faster than any eye could follow. Indeed, he focused that toward the lens as though he were going to thrust his blade straight through it at any moment.

After the photograph was taken, he left the hide in Mr. Bronson's hands along with the enchanted pass to the Dark Realm's castle. He had not forgotten the embrace that Mr. Bronson had shared with Princess Teno. While he wasn't jealous, or overly concerned by it, the lack of public propriety could pose a problem later. So, he allowed his voice to become cool and his expression to remain neutral, as he spoke with subtle authority.

"I'm sure that you will prefer to deliver the finished goods in person in case any adjustments to the items or other arrangements prove necessary. This token will grant you passage all the way into the castle. Take great care of it. Also, I'm certain that the presence of a close friend will bring great comfort to Princess Teno. As such, I extend my royal invitation to you to accompany her when she comes." He took a breath and let it out slowly. "Unfortunately, my time for private business is at an end. I must now attend to public matters. I look forward to being able to show you the Dark Realm's hospitality. Good day."

With that, he turned and left. He had intended to go to wherever the largest gathering of royals happened to be. However, upon exiting the tent, he found one of them was coming in search of him. Furthermore, it was one who he knew by description and reputation. Though he had not received any correspondence from the Prince of the Fire Kingdom and they had never met during the war, the man's nigh legendary reputation among the Fire Kingdom's warriors had traveled to the Dark Prince's ears frequently. This would be their first meeting in person since that ill fated day years ago.

Zer0 Zer0
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Katsuya Katsuya
billthesomething billthesomething
IMG_5244.jpg Penelope Draven: Dark Princess
Location: Homeland
Company: Flynn Wulfgarr

Penelope delicately picked up the necklace as she lay the charm in her palm and gently stroked it with her thumb as Penelope finally made the decision to buy it for herself and so Penelope reached to the side of her dress pulling down a small zip and pulling out 5 silver coins and one gold one as the shop keeper smiled as Penelope had given the women slightly extra. "Tell me when you were first introduced to music." Flynn says as Penelope uncoils the delicate clip before quickly putting it back around her neck and clipping it back in place as Penelope then straightens the necklace before walking to the next stall "After I was adopted I was extremely difficult to handle, even though I had nothing to go back to I didn't want to pretend to a princess when I was just a street rat, in fact I am still a street rat." Penelope says with a small smile on her face. "The only thing that would calm me down was listening to my mother play simple songs on the piano until I fell asleep and from their I learned how to play. I guess the piano has always been my coping mechanism ever since then." Penelope says as she looking at the strange fruits and vegetables that she had never seen before but the shop keeper carefully explained where each one came from. As Penelope walked along the stalls she gently sang under her breath not loud enough for anyone to hear but Flynn was probably close enough to hear the small song that she sang. "I then began to play the piano all day everyday until my fingers couldn't take anymore." Penelope says as the two come to a stall that seemed to be selling rather strange creatures, they looked like a ball of sheeps wool but they had eyes and a mouth and they seemed to come in a variety of colours.

"What are these?" Penelope asked the shop keeper as she was immediately captivated by the little creatures "They are called Grugers Ma'am, would you like to hold one?" The shopkeeper asked as Penelope nodded her head as the shop keeper picked up a bright orange gruger and Penelope cupped her hands together as the shop keeper placed the living ball of orange fluff into Penelope's hands as the young lady had a large smile on her face "Aren't they just the cutest things." Penelope says bringing the gruyer close to her face to get a better look at it. Penelope put the strange creature down but still had a few small strands of bright orange fur on her black dress. "How did you get into music?" Penelope asked as she also wanted to know how he got into music.

As he was answering Penelope turned to see Duana and a rather large guard sitting down looking out at everyone as Penelope found the scene quite funny seeing how small Duana looked compared the large guard but Penelope let them get back to whatever they were doing.


BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite @billsthesomething

Benjamin Raveran
Industrial Son

"Thank you Benjamin..."

Benjamin heard Kai say to him, just as he felt her slightly squeeze his hand, quelling a bit of his concern. "H-hey, no problem-m, as l-long as your fee-eling be-better."

Benjamin watched Kai, who seemed to be contemplating somthing, before she flashed a smile at him.

"Can we talk in private? I know the dance is about to start, but we can continue to talk more...until you ask me to dance of course."

Benjamin's heart seem to skip a beat as he felt butterfly churning about in his stomach. "U-uh. o-of c-cours-se, u-uh. Je-ean."

"Understood, mon amie, take all the time you need. I shall await you here." Pélissier said, with a slight bow and a small wink, which only made Benjamin's face flush. Then the two headed off to Kai's tent, leaving Pélissier standing at the table.

"Ah, is it not wonderful to see those two together, mosuier Reith." Pélissier said, as he turned, expecting to see Reith, but found himself standing along at the table. Looking around, he realized he was along, giving himself a shrug and a sigh. He then slumped down into one of the chairs, saying to himself "Et il me semble que je suis seul" before looking over to the table and picked up a piece of jammed melon bread, promptly biting into it as he observed the festival.

The two would venture off to the tent, and as Benjamin stepped into the tent, he was a bit stunned at what he saw and smelled. It seemed fitting for a princess of the seas, but Benjamin was unsure how to approach things. He went over to the pond, and squatted down looking at it.

"Uh, am I-I suppo-ose to st-tep into it-t?"
Benjamin said, looking up at Kai a bit unsure.

If he was suppose to he would then take off his socks and shoes, rolled up the bottem of his pants, and took a wobbly step in, before sinking down onto the cushions, a bit startled. That would soon disappear, as he noticed Hope wanted out of his pocket. Gently, he picked her out of his pocket, and set her into the pond.

He would then look up to Kai again, his hands folded on his lap, and asked.
"U-uh, so....what was i-it you wanted to-o talk ab-bout?"
lissamissal lissamissal
Katsuya Katsuya

Fredrick Kiber
Lifeguard Squadron Leader

"Well, don't be too sure about that." Ferdrick could only chuckle. "The water folk are hardy people, I know from experience. They smell like nice folks, but if you try to push them to hard, they're be like a wave and come crashing down upon you."

Ferdrick then looked over, to see Benjamin and Kai walk into the water kingdom tent. "I think Benjamin will do fine. After all, he's got Henry, Jean, and of course you."

The pilot then noticed that Pélissier was now sitting by himself.
"Well, looks like the lieutenant's now on his own." He then looked up at Chadwick and thumbed at said lieutenant. "Let's go talk to him, we're done here anyways."

They would have to climb a small slop to reach the tables, but when they got their Pélissier was sitting at a table finishing a piece of jammed melon bread looking rather bored. When the lieutenant saw the two figures approach him, his face brightened.

"Ah, mousier Kiber! And who's this you've bought?" Pélissier said, as he stood up to greet them.

"This big guy? Found him wandering around the transport blimps and I thought he was one of the workers." Ferdrick said with a cheery face.

"Oh, I see." Pélissier said, as he gave a nod in greeting. "But, um, I thought Benjamin said that you were attending a funeral?"

"Seems like the funeral was close, and apparently this thing was loud enough to attract attention." Fredrick said, chuckling a bit.

"Ah, well then..." Pélissier said, before using one of his hands to gesture towards the vacant chairs. "Please have a seat. Our induestrial daughter was here early bringing with her a storm, she left some wine, and the others left some delicious bread and jam. Please, mon amie, help yourself; it would be shame to see the food go to waste."
Theflamre Theflamre
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Kurt Wycleff
Fire Prince

Said Fire Prince was leaning against a nearby wooden post that was staked into the ground, hands were crossed with his head down, helmet covering his face. The Fire Prince's hammer was on the ground, it's head faced down while it's handle facing up.

It would seem he knew when he was being looked at, as he casually flipped the face covering of the helmet up, revealing his face, which was already looking at the Dark Prince's direction with a .

"Well, well, if it isn't my future brother-in-law." Kurt said, folding his arms once more. "Finally, after all this time, I get to meet the one and the only dark prince. I have to say, you've got quite the reputation among my people."

Kurt then pushed himself off of the wooden pool with his feet, still keeping his hands cross as he glanced up at the Purrisan's tent. "Ah, I see you've been to Mr. Broson's place...yes, he does fine work... should drop by and thank him sometime... Did you know he's doing my sister's wedding dress?" Kurt said, as he now looked at the dark prince, his smile still present yet he kept eye contact with the prince. "Though it's quite a damn shame, really...I won't be able to see her in it on her special day..." He then glanced up over at the tent again.

A few moments passed where he did not say anything, seemed like he was thinking to himself. Then somthing unexpected happen, as he was looking at the sign, a single tear drop rolled down his face. It was seem that the crown prince of the Fire Kingdom was tearing up, though not once did his smile falter. He let out a deep breath through his nose, before breathing in again also through his nose.

"...yeah...damn shame..."

A few more drops made it's way down Kurt's cheeks, before he took a hand and wiped them off . Returning his hands crossed, the Fire Prince looked down for a secound, kicking the dirt below him, before looking back at his dark kingdom counterpart. "But then again...I ain't the only one missing his sister's wedding, now am I?"
Haeo Haeo
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