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Fandom Command & Conquer: Warlords Act 1


With his men plastered all over the latest news reports, it appeared that Vladimir's efforts to remain underneath his rival's radar had been completely scuppered. Remnants of CABAL's forces still roamed the countryside so the Commander had hoped that, to any onlookers who witnessed it, his assault would have largely appeared to be the handiwork of rogue cyborgs, but alas it seemed Kane had decreed otherwise. And yet, although he had taken with one hand, Kane had given with the other. Vladimir's media exposure had brought throngs of the mewling masses to the Machine Baptists compound, all pining for the food, medicine and shelter he offered, to the point that both the Almshouse and Bedehouse were full to capacity and now almost threatened to burst from the strain.

Identified by the news report as directly opposing Garzola's rule, Vladimir made it his priority to begin researching the faceplate that they had uncovered months ago. If it was the genuine article, the real faceplate of Kane, that he and his men believed it to be, then it would sway things greatly in Vladimir's favour and in the end, it would matter little what Garzola did or said then because no-one could deny Vladimir's right to rule. Although, he suspected there was little chance his competitor would simply stand aside, not with the power he currently wielded. Even with the support of Kane behind the Machine Baptists, it was highly likely Garzola would cling to the power base he had amassed at all costs so Vladimir continued with his preparations for war. The tiberium veins his men had encountered in the cavern to the west would prove very useful in that regard and the devious Vladimir intended to harvest them so they could be weaponized. If everything progressed as planned, when the time finally came, Garzola wouldn't know what hit him.

1 Exemplar Squads (-1)
Martyr - Can sacrifice themselves to take out 1 Light Vehicle or 1 Light Infantry Group
2 Repentant Squad (0)
Tiberium Flames - Counts as 1 higher for dealing with Infantry, but 1 lower when dealing with Vehicles
4 Rocket Bikes (0)
Heavy Blast - Counts as 2 Higher with Armor or Buildings, but 1 lower for Infantry
1 Triskele Squad (1)
Trample - When facing Infantry in combat, before combat on a roll of 7+ prevents 1 unit from attacking
1 Tick Tank (2)
Encampment - During Battle, can partially dig into the ground to give the defence of a Heavy Structure.
1 Agent R (3)
Supreme Devotion - While fighting for the cause, will continue to fight until the battle ends, even if sustaining deadly wounds
1 Avatar (3)
Renew - In exchange for instantly destroying a Nod Vehicle (Friend or Foe), gains their ability permanently
Deploy and gain unknown schematics

Main Base

Construction Yard: Allows construction of buildings and provides each turn: 2 Credits, 1 Power, 1 Faith
Church of Kane: Provides 1 Faith each turn and once a Season as an action can gain 4 Nod Fanatics (-1)

Ordinance Chamber: Allows training of infantry
Nehemiah Walls: Adds Defence to Base. -1 Energy
Inquisitor Turret: Adds Defence to Base. -1 Energy (Disabled)
Crematoria: Provides 2 Power each turn
Crematoria: Provides 2 Power each turn
Pipeline: Allows Power to be distributed between Main Base and Base Gamma

Feretory: Provides 2 Faith each turn
Anchorage: -2 Speciality Resources for Research and each turn roll a d10, on a roll of 7+ gain a free random Research
Almshouse: Provides 2 Credits each turn
Bedehouse: Provides 2 Faith each turn
Assumption Assembly: Allows production of specialised cyborgs and vehicles

Base Gamma
Hidden Temple of Kane: Unlocks specials the more power it has up to 6 energy. (Power Lvl 6)
Power lvl 2: Activates Shredder Turrets around Base Gamma. Gives schematics for Banshee Aircraft
Power lvl 4: Activates SAM sites and Laser Turrets around Base Gamma. Gives schematics for Beam Cannon Artillery Vehicle
Power lvl 6: Unlocks Tri Missiles. These missiles cost 5 Energy, 10 Credits and 10 Faith to craft. Can only possess 1 at a time. Can be fired at any known location. Can destroy either 2 buildings, 4 Vehicles or 6 Troops. Combination of targets allowed
Stealth Generator: Stealth all within its limits, costs 2 energy to stay active (Disabled)
Power Plant: Provides 2 Power each turn

Small Village
Every turn, roll a d10. On a 7+, gain a Repentant.
Pit of Purgation: Roll a d4, gain roll in Credits

Experimented Body
Cyborg Construction Schematics
Cybernetics Chip (with encrypted data)

Small Village: 1 (Gained nothing)
Pit of Purgation: 4 (Gained 4 Credits)
Anchorage: 6 (Gained nothing)

1. Construct Tiberium Waste Facility: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (+ 2 Power each turn and, in conjunction with the Hidden Temple, allows for the production of Chemical Missiles)
2. Research Faceplate: 6 Faith
3. Recruit Exemplars: 1 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (-1, x2)

1. Send Agent R, 2 Repentant Squads and 2 Rocket Bikes to explore the abandoned civilian depot to the far North
2. Send Scouting Party to the River Guadalmina in the South
3: Divert 6 Energy to Hidden Temple
4: Deploy MCV

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Energy 149914

solace of the choir
The operations centre was abuzz with activity a media team brought in under the orders of Sinclair for a rather odd purpose they’d won the good will of a single town yet this had give. The black hand agent a rather bright idea… speak to the civilian and bring them on side with GDI’s retreat form the region and the good will of other warlords the Choir could easily piggyback of such success while claiming form of unified brotherhood push perfect time to bring more converts into the fold.

”3 2 1 LIVE” one of the crewmen shouted the camera rolling as the large communications array tapped into the civilian media networks.

upon screen was Sinclair dressed in a fine prim and proper suit, white hair and moustache fully visible Beside him was central consensus. “greeting from the brotherhood dear people, I am Sinclair, and this is central consensus, you may think us little more then more Nod warlord squabbling over the scraps left behind, but that is not the case for the brotherhood has always been for the people, those that GDI would abandon and Ignore. What have they done but run back to their blue zones when things have gotten tough, while we have remained to assist you, our mission is not one of making war or building theifdoms no.. but one of recovery for the people here please allow us to assist you and may kane be with you all“ Sinclair speech ended with the brotherhood floating on any screen the message reached before cutting back to normal programing.

Current Buildings: Hall of Assembly, Church of Kane, Tiberium Processing Core, Hall of Song, the Retrofitting Pitsx2, Reactorx2, Strange Drill Device, Shredder Turret, Hall of Repentancex3, Assembly Yard

construct: reactor core
construct: laser fence (+defenses)
construct: church of kane
free actions:
send resources to Seville to assist them (- credits? And faith?)
move northern troops north and use the drill
contact civilian factions

Current units in the base: 5 Unenlightened Squads, 4 Fanatics
Troops to the North, Seville: 1 Unenlightened Squad, 1 Reaper Squad 2 militia squads
Troops to the East: 1 Enlightened Squad


The Great Healer
New Men

Yuri watches the latest reports stream across his screens, looking pleased that powerful coming in from Raquena while shipments were being sent that way. The Great Healer was making his grand introduction to the locals with his charity and healing. The labs were definitely getting more subjects to convert into thralls or other potentials. For now he needed to expand his reach to Valencia because it was time to secure a greater swath of territory.

"Leader, our latest reports show we have likely the forces to make a move on Valencia. Shall I prepare the forces to march on them?" Beta offered as he appears on a screen to report in.

"Yes, and detail our supplies to commence research into Tiberium Medicine. If we have the resources, we'll also want to get another clinic up and running. Leave Alpha to mind things. I'm entrusting you with offering Valencia its opportunity to join us. The only other choice will be conquest," He muses a bit as he heads over to other screens. There was still much need to find data on this rogue researcher. Other pieces were moving on the board beyond he control, but it was absolute that he expand his territory.

Main Base
Construction Pod (Generates +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium)
Tiberium Garden (Heals Forgotten Units, +1 Tiberium)
Tiberium Labs (Tiberium Thrall Production)
Psionics Facility (Complex Tiberium Psychic Production)
Forgotten Roadhouse (Recruit Forgotten Units/Tiberium Fiends)
Reclamation Plant x3 (+ 2 Tiberium x3 = +6 Tiberium)
Remote Viewing Center (Acts a Radar, Allows Scouting without Party)
Power Plant x3 (+2 Energy x3 = +6 Energy)
Underground Research Labs (-2 resources for research and each turn on a roll of 7+ gains a free random research)
Tiberium Clinic x2 (+2 Credits x2 = +4 Credits)

1 Wind Power Plant (+2 Energy)

8 Tiberium Thrall Squads (-1)
1 Tiberium Reader (1)
1 Tiberium Psionic (2)
1 Tiberium Fiend (2)
1 Devil's Tongue Flame Tank (2)
Heavy Flame - Acts as 1 higher for Infantry. Normal damage for Tanks and Structures
1 TW1 Medium Tank (2)
Superior Armament: reroll a failed attack
1 Sons of Forgotten (0)
Safety in Numbers: Gain a +1 for every Forgotten unit, up to a max of +3
The Lost (-1) (Upkeep: 1)
Hidden Strike- Using Forgotten Techniques for Stealth, they can strike at 1 infantry as though they are 2. Usable only once a battle
2 Helicopters
1 Militia

Animal Hybrid Data
4 Tiberium Fiend Pups (Access to Tiberium Fiends at Forgotten Roadhouse)
TW2 Rifles (Access to Alpha Thrall Unit)
Gained access to Southern Airfield. 2 Helicopters, 2 Scout Planes, 1 Commercial Liner. Only the 2 Helicopters are currently functional

Tiberium Harvesting Refinement

1. Research Tiberium Medicine (6 Tiberium)
2. Build Tiberium Clinic (2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)
3. Recruit Tiberium Thralls (-1) (2 Units) (1 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)

Free Actions
1. Dispatch Force to Explore Valencia
8 Tiberium Thrall Squads (-1), 1 Tiberium Reader (1), 1 Tiberium Psionic (2), 1 Tiberium Fiend (2), 1 Devil's Tongue Flame Tank (2) Heavy Flame - Acts as 1 higher for Infantry. Normal damage for Tanks and Structures, 1 TW1 Medium Tank (2)Superior Armament: reroll a failed attack

2. Potential Diplomacy or Attack on Valencia

Comander stats
Intelligence 2
Command 0
Strategy 1
Bureaucracy -1

Tiberium Garden: +1 tiberium
2 Tiberium Refinery + 4 Credits
Hatchery: Makes units
Hive: +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium
2 tiberium pools +2 tiberium
2 Bio reactor +4 energy
Tiberium Supply: either +2 credits or +2 Tiberium.
4 Koth swarms
1 zik warriors
1 Ghek Creepers

The Forgotten Swarm

post soon tired


1. research the alien ship- 8
2. make zik warriors -2 e -2 c 2t
3 build tiberium pool -2 c -1e -1t

free actions

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Credits21 4623
Energy 123514
Last edited:

  • Children of the Crystal

    It had not even taken them a full three hours, and their newly assembled Mammoth already rolled off the tracks towards Alicante in a bold display of power. The Mammoth and its other sibling, along with a unit of other tanks and personnel, were bound for the city to the north to acquire yet another ally for the effort to unify Spain. After this though, Pancho mused as he watched the tanks roll into the distance, their plans would have a shift: they were going for Madrid.

    He stood at the northern gates of the mutant village, seeing the weathered asphalt road turn and slither off into the distance as it turned the gigantic tanks into what seemed to him like little black beetles scurrying on the dry soil. It had taken a lot of work to finish that last Mammoth, but doubtless Omar would request many more of him soon. First, though, there was the business still left over from León: the blueprints for the transmitter which he had sent. Already his subordinate engineers were on the job, gathering components from the storage houses for its immediate construction. The hunchback sighed wearily at the thought of it all. His day of rest would come only the day that Spain's unification is declared - a long, long way from now. Until then, there was always something to be built or repaired.

    One of his engineers then called him over, informing that the preparations were completed, and they were waiting for Pancho to begin the work on the transmitter.
    "Pancho will join you now. Go and tell the others to begin assembling the transmission tower!" he answered, equipping a pair of welding goggles from his belt. Another day of toil under the sun had begun.
Turn 6: Summer

The heat of the summer is beginning to trickle off as soon, the seasons will change once again to the fall before anyone knows it. But the landscape all around them was changing. Factions were becoming larger than ever while others were dying off or coming into conflict with those that are beyond their strength.

Before long, conflict might just spread throughout all of Spain. The goal, a single unified country once again. Whether it was to be fully spread with Tiberium, or bringing back a unity and needed infrastructure, or even converted into a mechanical future, these were all things that were open possibilities


“Kore has requested immediate air and ground support against Warlord Garzola’s forces. The automated mechanized forces are sustaining heavy casulties”- EVA

The Brotherhood of NOD

A woman in a smart looking black suit with Red accents and slicked back hair appeared on the screen. “This is Gabriella Santiagio of the Nod News Network. Warlord Garzola has continued to prove his might against the most hated forces of GDI.”
Images showed a squadron of Tick Tanks engaged in fighting with robotic troops with the mechanical troops having heavy casualties .

“Let’s cut to the ground and see what Garzola’s troops have to say.”

The image cuts to a newsman standing next to a heavily armored Nod Soldier. The armor looks like those used by Nod forces during the Second Tiberium War. “What do you think of the recent victories against GDI?”

“GDI has shown once again that they were weak. They barely beat us during the last war. That’s why they’ve retreated to their precious Blue Zones and left the rest of the people that they are supposed to be protecting to rot. But not us. Warlord Garzola under Nod will bring peace to this land.”

Gabriella turns to look at another camera. “There you have it folks. GDI is in retreat in the Iberian Peninsula and Warlord Garzola is the one to do it. Only time will tell if GDI will attempt to bring in more troops, or abandon the nation, running away from all threats?”- Nod News Network

Machine Baptists

1. Construct Tiberium Waste Facility: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (+ 2 Power each turn and, in conjunction with the Hidden Temple, allows for the production of Chemical Missiles)
2. Research Faceplate: 6 Faith- The Faceplate appears to be genuine. It’s metals appear strong and powerful. With the techniques learned from the mask, Repentant Squads are +1 against small arms fire
3. Recruit Exemplars: 1 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (-1, x2)

Deploy MCV- Gain schematics for Obelisk of Light (Tib War 2 Version)- At the beginning of battle destroy one Light or Medium Armor or 4 infantry units

Hidden Temple of Kane- Unlocks ability to construct The One True Avatar (3) The Will of Kane- Summons 1d4 Nod Militia at the beginning of battle and converts Nod Units to this Nod Faction on a roll of 8+ for each unit (Can only possess one of these at a time)

Main Base Buildings: Construction Yard, Church of Kane, Ordinance Chamber, Nemihah Wall, Inquisitor Turret, Crematriax2, Pit of Purgation, Anchorage, Almshouse, Bedehouse, Assumption Assembly

Base Gamma Buildings: Stealth Generator, Hidden Temple of Kane, Power Plant, Tiberium Waste Facility

Current units in the base: 1 Repentant Squad

Currently in Highway to South: 2 Exemplar Squads, 1 Triskele Squad

To the immediate East is the city of Cordoba, to the South is the River Guadalmina, to the West is a large Cavern, to the North is a vast wasteland

1. Send Agent R, 2 Repentant Squads and 2 Rocket Bikes to explore the abandoned civilian depot to the far North. The depot looks like it has been abandoned for at least a handful of months if not longer. Sitting outside are a couple old humvees in various states of disrepair. (Continued in Exploration chat)

Scouting to the East, the city of Cordoba appears to be a heavily fortified city. It’s thick walls carry behind it, 2 Guard Towers and an EMP launcher. A single Militia squad can be seen patrolling outside its walls.

Solace of the Choir

Construct: reactor core
Construct: laser fence (+defenses)
Construct: church of kane

Send to Seville- -10 Credits, +10 Faith

Current Buildings: Hall of Assembly, Church of Kanex2, Tiberium Processing Core, Hall of Song, the Retrofitting Pitsx2, Reactorx3, Strange Drill Device, Shredder Turret, Hall of Repentance, Assembly Yard, Laser Fence

Current units in the base: 5 Unenlightened Squads, 4 Fanatics

Troops to the North, Seville: 1 Unenlightened Squad, 1 Reaper Squad
Troops to the East: 1 Enlightened Squad

Uisng the drill, the group arrives at an underground tunnels that connect to some sort of strange bunker with a thick metal door.(Continued in Adventure Chat)

To the immediate North is Seville. To the East is a sea of dead trees. To the South is a small Tiberium field. To the West is a strange Communications dish that seems to be transmitting something.


Local News Update:

A man wearing a fancy suit is standing in the city of Leon. “The new Leon Empire has already made its first alliance, surprisingly with a group of The Forgotten known as the Children of the Crystal. Not much is known about them, but rumors abound from the south that they have been striking deals with non forgotten cities, allowing both groups to prosper. It is clearly strange times that we live in.”

Video is shown of the altered helicopter taking off and leaving the city
“The Baroness seems to be taking her vows very seriously. Including protecting her people from the encroaching bandits to the South.”

The León Barony

Train Bazooka Trooper
Build Mieres Walls
Build Mieres Large Artillery Emplacements

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Fortified Walls, Barracks, Heavy Armament Factory, Solar Panel Array, Central Tax Agency, Salvage Yard

León - 2 Levies
Ciñera - 1 Levy
Mieres - 2 Levies
Oviedo - 1 Militia, 1 Levy

Validad: Hugo
Scorched Earth
Tercio Squad
Heavy Mortar
Ol' Bessy
1 light tank
2 Nod Buggies
Mammoth MK.1 Tank

To the immediate North is an abandoned battlefield, to the east is a large hill, to the south is a chain of highways, to the west is a Small Tiberium Field

Scouting West is the major Cement Walls Guarded and Patrolled by GDI forces protecting the blue Zone

Explore the Port city of Gijon: The city was itself once a shining jewel, but now it is ruins and wreckage of a long ago battle, possible even during the last war. Wreckage and destroyed buildings litter the area. (Continued in Adventure Chat)

From the Ramparts of a surprisingly well build makeshift fortress structure, the loud hissing and banging of the figure that stood atop it could be heard even from a distance. The man was clearly barely held together and from the way he was, it wasn’t pretty, pleasant, or comfortable. But even getting close enough, Luciana would recognize the figure the before her, even as changed as he was. It was Diego…… (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Sumpter Skirmishers

Train 2 Unit(s) Receptacle Recruit (-1) for 1 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap
Train 2 Unit(s) Cratographer (-1) for 1 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Fortified Walls, Tiberium Cratex2, Credit Crates, Storage Facility, Recycling Plant, Junkyard, Canteen, PMC training Facility, Freight Service

Units currently within the city: 1 TW1 Orca, 1 Hero (Barry), 2 Humvees

Units in Hidden City: 1 RV, 1 Gideon Riders, 1 TW1 Flame Tank, 1 C-130 Hercules , 1 RV, 1 C-130 Hercules

To the immediate South lies a watery expanse. To the East is the city of San Fernando. To the North an abandoned Shipyard. To the West, an oil rig across the water.

A scouting party travels further South into the waters and comes across an old abandoned GDI cruiser crashed on some rocks.

Initiate Diplomacy with San Fernado with Professor Ignatia, Red Cross Crate (via Freight Service)- San Fernando seems to be a lightly defended city, but they are willing to speak with the Professor. (Continued in Diplomacy Chat)
Explore Cruiser to the Far West ( 1 Anti Air Transport, 1 The Lost, 2 Receptacle Recruits, 1 Cratographer)- The cruiser has moss and barnacles growing on its parts closer to the water. Closer inspection sees that there is a breach in the lower portion of the ship. (Continued in Adventure Chat)
Send Scouting Party past the Battlefield (Far NorthEast)- A strange, almost tribal group of humans seem to have a makeshift settlement.

The Forgotten


A disheveled reporter stands near a field of Tiberium. “Do not believe the lies of Leon. They are not Forgotten and will betray us as all have before them. Do not believe the lies of the Children of the Crystal. They deal with those not of Forgotten, having forgotten the lessons that should have been learned in the past. Look towards the savior of the wastes, Yuri of the New Men. He is the future and the savior of all.”

New Men

1. Research Tiberium Medicine (6 Tiberium)- Allows those with Minor Tiberium poisoning to recover quickly
2. Build Tiberium Clinic (2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)
3. Recruit Tiberium Thralls (-1) (2 Units) (1 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)

Gained access to Southern Airfield. 2 Helicopters, 2 Scout Planes, 1 Commercial Liner. Only the 2 Helicopters are currently functional

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Tiberium Garden, Tiberium Labs, Psionics Facility, Reclamation Plantx3, Power Plantx2, Remote Viewing Center, Underground Research Labs, Tiberium Clinicx2, Forgotten Roadhouse

Units currently in the base: 1 Tiberium Thrall Squads
Northern Highway System Ruins :4 Thrall Units, 1 Tiberium Reader, 1 Tiberium Psionic
Units in Southern Airport: 2 Sons of Forgotten, 2 Forgotten Rocketeers, 1 Tiberium Fiend, 1 TW1 Medium Tank

To the immediate East is the city of Valencia. To the South, a large airport. To the West an abandoned battlefield. To the North, a small Blue Tiberium Field

Scout South sees a strange Metal Pyramid.

Using the remote viewer for East uncovers a large Black ship out in the ocean, just sitting there.

Valencia seems to be heavily fortified. 2 Guard Towers and a Grenade Tower. 2 Medium Tanks and 2 Militia troops can be seen near the entrance.(Continued in Exploration Chat)

Children of The Crystal

  • Construct Radio Transmitter- Can communicate with other Civilian factions. Spending 5 Scrap will allow special outgoing messages​
  • Train 2 Marauders​

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Tiberium Garden, Training Premises, Workshop, Training Depot, Solar Arrayx2, Tiberium Minex3, Trade Road Networkx2, Minefield, Blueprint Studio, Service Garage, Trading Depot

Units currently in the base: 1 Rocket Copter, 1 Stealth Tank, 1 Modified Mammoth Mk1, The Handler, 4 Tiberium Fiends
Units to the North: Tick Tank

To the immediate North is the City of Murcia. To the East A small Tiberium Field. To the South a current battle between GDI and NOD forces. To the West a series of large holes.

Further North past Mercia lies a Tiberium Vein Monster. It's veins seem to be stretching far and wide.

Scouting North Past the Vein Monster uncovers a GDI convoy. They seem to be moving heavy equipment.

Scouts discover the large city of Alicante. It apparently has a functioning airport.

Alicante seems to have a decent defense. 1 Watcher tower and two light tanks greet the group. (Diplomacy with Leon)

The Forgotten Swarm


1. research the alien ship- 8- The material that the ship is made out of seems to be some sort of tiberium based alloy. It can allow your troops to survive better. Zik warriors gain +1 against small arms fire.
2. make zik warriors -2 e -2 c 2t
3 build tiberium pool -2 c -1e -1t​
Comander stats
Intelligence 2
Command 0
Strategy 1
Bureaucracy -1

Tiberium Garden: +1 tiberium
2 Tiberium Refinery + 4 Credits
Hatchery: Makes units
Hive: +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium
3 tiberium pools +3 tiberium
2 Bio reactor +4 energy
Tiberium Supply: either +2 credits or +2 Tiberium.
4 Koth swarms
1 zik warriors
1 Ghek Creepers

The Forgotten Swarm

" That was disappointing " Zysal sighed as the group looked over the alien craft that had been brought to the base. She had expected maybe they would get into it or figure out something of interest. Instead all it had yielded was a minor and honestly pointless possible evolution for the warriors. They had applied it to a test group, a tiberium ally infusion and their disappointment was profound.

" Science is ever advancing, always start with tiny increments " Ryr said though he was no less disappointed in the advancement. The carapace only made it slightly harder for bullets to harm the warriors, and even then it only worked on low caliber small arms quality weapons. That would not stop anyone even before the sleep even the most basic of looter could get their hands on something batter than small arms.

" It was either this piece of crap or a frog, I should have picked the frog" Tryish said as she had been the most excited to bring back something that actually mattered. The island had so far been rather boring with tiberium beasts being the only thing of interest. Tryish even delivered a kick to the ship half expected the thing a fall apart with how little armor it must have if pistols were all it could take.

" The frog is likely a dead end of random mutations, this at least still has some knowledge to give " Ryr countered looking at the spot that had been kicked also a bit worried about damage. " If I do some deeper testing perhaps it may yield better results, though perhaps our methods of directed evolution would still be better" it was hard to admit that this monument discovery that changed the face of science was so useless right now.

" Why does it use Tiberium?" Silhek asked not having been paying much attention to the annoyance of the other and instead dealing with the larva that would be made into their special Tiberium creatures. " I mean it is from space and aliens made it."

" And " Zysal asked not quite sure where this was going. It was a ship from space made with Tiberium, no made from tiberium. " Wait are you.... there is no way"

" Well i mean look at our world we advanced a lot with Tiberium, but not enough for space travel like this. " Silhek gestured to the small craft something space worthy from earth would need so much more to get it off earth and yet 6 people had dragged this to the base. " And if Tiberium eats world like it does ours"

" Then why grow it at home when you can send it to other worlds " Tyrish gasped as the shared realization hit her.

" When conversion is complete like a scavenger come in and eliminate remnants and harvest " Ryr concluded it was a smart way to deal with such a volatile thing like tiberium and humans did the same, if it was dangerous then you made it somewhere far from people or even in other countries so you get all the benefits without issue.

" So aliens want to harvest earth?" Silhek quizzically asked not having fully realized her own question was an answer to one of the greatest questions, where did tiberium come from? It was a weapon and a resource, like if humans had a bomb that turned people into oil.

" It seems so " Zysal rubbed her temples thinking about this, just what the fuck were they supposed to do with this? They needed more forces and stronger ones, but despite being ina red zone their tiberium was lacking. They had wasted so much on the useless research on the ship when its greatest revelation barely involved it. So what was the right move? They were going to be invaded by aliens and there was no way to tell others. Heck if they told others would anyone believe them? This was another issue with them taking on their current form other humans simply didn't understand what they were and how they could help. Even the other forgotten could not understand and would rather die. " We will need to try our best to prepare we need to see to our defenses, and see if we can get word out. " Zysal decided after what felt like hours of contemplation.

" We lack resources, we could try to research the ship again" Ryr suggested thinking there might be a weakness in the ship itself they could exploit against the coming invaders.

" Fuck that We need to make our warriors stronger right now we are far to weak" Tyrish almost shouted a rush of excitement and dread getting her blood pumping.

" Our issue Is resources, that artifact makes tiberium grow faster right? so what if we make our pools grow more Tiberium then we can do both your options " Silheck suggested not wanting to cause court to divide more than it normally was.

" Silhek is right we need to do everything and to do everything we need more tiberium, once we can make more we can afford more research and defense. Ryr use the device to help improve our Tiberium pools " That was the most important thing to get done then they also needed more pools " Silhek you go and nurture another pond and work with Ryr so it is improved as well " Zysal then looked to Tryish " Last but not least i need you to do two things. first we need more warriors and second, you i and an Escort will go to the other forgotten and ask them for help" Zysal explained the orders for now as simply as possible, and while she could send just Tryish Zysal felt she should go as a sign of trust between the two groups of forgotten.

All eyes looked at Zysal rather confused as she had not really left the hive since they had woken. She was to important to lose right now and frankly none were completly sure about the other forgotten. They had made a rather good trade with them, but still they were still human and humans feared what they did not understand " Are you sure " Ryr asked " Yes we can't truth the humans they might have been nice last time, but now they are better armed" Tryish pointed out " Tryish could surely work just as well when it comes to working with them" Silhek said appalled at the idea the queen was leaving.

" No " Zysal shook her head their points were good but all knew she was right in this " We are asking them for some serious help and to take a serious risk i need to go myself and that is the end of it"

"Yes my Queen" The three said though they still sounded unsure.

1. research tiberium pools (+3 tiberium per pool) -8 t

2. make zik warriors -2 e -2 c 2t

3. Build a tiberium pool -2e -2c -1t

free actions
Tryish, Zysal, the warriors, and creepers will head to the humans in the city.

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Credits 23 4625
Energy 154516
Last edited:

The Great Healer
New Men

Yuri stood outside of Valencia looking on at it thoughtfully as Beta stood by his side. He'd generally not left the safety of the base until now after his little discovery of what was likely abandoned Nod labs he had utterly repurposed to his own methods. He strokes his beard and looks upon the city, prepared to present himself to their delegation after they bore witness to the miracle of his research into Tiberium and its effects on the human condition. He would cure those here to convert them to his cause before utilizing them to continue his ongoing efforts to create the next stage of human evolution.

"Do you think they'll find our medical offers acceptable?" Yuri asked in amusement to Beta.

"Of course, Leader. They are desperate, an island of civilization in the wilderness. Our offer can't be denied once they start to see we can at least aid the less infected," Beta replied with assurance as he looks on at the city with his master.

"Send word back to Alpha to proceed with our new data samples we've collected from Valencia's tiberium treatments. This sample ground is far larger, and more diverse for our needs. It should allow the lab to develop the techniques further," Yuri ordered as he clasps his hands behind his back as his escort continued to hold position with him while Beta was already preparing an order dispatch.

"We're stable enough now to expand our hidden labs, Leader. Even if Valencia denies us for some odd reason, we will be ready for the next phase of your work. I've already confirmed this with Alpha," Beta said as he looks back to Yuri.

"Splendid, then proceed. The sooner we expand the labs, the better off our long term projects can see fruition. Now let us see what the people of Valencia think of the Great Healer," Yuri said with another amused smile as they start to walk onward to the city with their escort. Another move that could provide him with a even greater resource base. Never mind the fact that in the long term... he would alter them all into the new iteration of humanity. The New Men must become a reality to survive what was happening to their world.​

Main Base
Construction Pod (Generates +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium)
Tiberium Garden (Heals Forgotten Units, +1 Tiberium)
Tiberium Labs (Tiberium Thrall Production)
Psionics Facility (Complex Tiberium Psychic Production)
Forgotten Roadhouse (Recruit Forgotten Units/Tiberium Fiends)
Reclamation Plant x3 (+ 2 Tiberium x3 = +6 Tiberium)
Remote Viewing Center (Acts a Radar, Allows Scouting without Party)
Power Plant x3 (+2 Energy x3 = +6 Energy)
Underground Research Labs (-2 resources for research and each turn on a roll of 7+ gains a free random research)
Tiberium Clinic x3 (+2 Credits x3 = +6 Credits)

1 Wind Power Plant (+2 Energy)

Medical Access/Demonstration

10 Tiberium Thrall Squads (-1)
1 Tiberium Reader (1)
1 Tiberium Psionic (2)
1 Tiberium Fiend (2)
1 Devil's Tongue Flame Tank (2)
Heavy Flame - Acts as 1 higher for Infantry. Normal damage for Tanks and Structures
1 TW1 Medium Tank (2)
Superior Armament: reroll a failed attack
1 Sons of Forgotten (0)
Safety in Numbers: Gain a +1 for every Forgotten unit, up to a max of +3
The Lost (-1) (Upkeep: 1)
Hidden Strike- Using Forgotten Techniques for Stealth, they can strike at 1 infantry as though they are 2. Usable only once a battle
2 Helicopters
1 Militia

Animal Hybrid Data
4 Tiberium Fiend Pups (Access to Tiberium Fiends at Forgotten Roadhouse)
TW2 Rifles (Access to Alpha Thrall Unit)
Gained access to Southern Airfield. 2 Helicopters, 2 Scout Planes, 1 Commercial Liner. Only the 2 Helicopters are currently functional

Tiberium Harvesting Refinement
Tiberium Medicine - Allows those with Minor Tiberium poisoning to recover quickly

FREE: Random Tech Researched
1. Research Tiberium Medicine (6 Tiberium)
2. Build Underground Research Labs (2 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)
3. Recruit Sons of Forgotten (0) (2 Credit, 2 Energy, 2 Tiberium)

Free Actions
1. Ongoing Diplomacy with Valencia
6 Tiberium Thrall Squads (-1), 1 Tiberium Reader (1), 1 Tiberium Psionic (2)
2. Post 4 Tiberium Thralls at Main Base
3. Post Tanks at Airfield with Sons of Forgotten Unit.​

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solace of the choir
despite lack of response from any of the civilian it seemed the choirs gesture of good will had won them much favour with the population of Seville But aside from thar thier had been no responses. “hmm prehaps the population just rather insular?” Consensus suggested Sinclair nodding. “prehaps A more targeted approach is in order hmm make contact this those... skirmishers yes they appear to have a great grasp on logistics they may be of some use”

Current Buildings: Hall of Assembly, Church of KaneX3, Tiberium Processing Core, Hall of Song, the Retrofitting Pitsx2, Reactorx3, Strange Drill Device, Shredder Turret, Hall of Repentancex3, Assembly Yard, laser fence, command centre,

build: attack bike
research: bonus for unenlightened
build: tiberium extractor (+credits +something?)
free actions:
move eastern troops east (use drill)
Contact:Sumpter Skirmishers

Current units in the base: 6 Unenlightened Squads, 4 Fanatics 1 enlightened, 1 tick tank
Troops to the , Seville north : 1 Unenlightened Squad, 1 Reaper Squad 2 militia squads
Troops to the East: 1 Enlightened Squad


Cheers filled the city as the victorious taskforce returned to a welcoming parade in their honor. Citizens of León lined the streets, waving small flags and cheering for their fellows as they marched in formation. At the head of the procession marched Hugo and Luciana, the Tercio acting as their honor guard. Behind them came the soldiers, the buggies, the tanks and in the rear, as if totally disinterested in the entire affair, marched Scorched Earth.. and Gale who seemed intent to talk and pester them every step as if being welcomed by thousands of excited people was nothing special to the former actress. Music was played, preformed by a local band with speakers set up along the street as cameras were constantly moved back and forth, sweeping across the people of the city, to the brave soldiers, to the podium where the speakers were waiting, this event to be broadcasted across Spain. Vendors selling food and beverages lurked on every corner eager to hawk their wares to the citizens who have been standing for several hours. Behind the force came the prisoners, inside of a transport truck with the top covered by a tarp, Hugo's decision to avoid the citizens possibly throwing food or objects at them and becoming unruly.

The victory column came to rest at the base of the villa, and upon a podium, joined by many of the cities most prominent members of nobility, as well as delegations from the neighboring settlements that joined, stood Baroness Mariana Vásquez resplendent in a beautiful ruby red dress with her hair tied back in a tight bun. A small mile was on her face as she watched them approach, and while she knew of the losses and what happened from the report on the radio, it still was good to see so many familiar places. Hugo, Sofia, Luciana... even Gale, they had all made it and for that she gave her thanks to whomever was listening that the battle had gone remarkably well. She had stayed up many nights worried about the outcome, worried about the losses, of what would happen should they be defeated. The idea of a cretin like Diego having free run of the city and its people still twisted her stomach.

"I was worried," Mariana started, her voice carried by the speakers that now shifted from the music to her voice, "But I shouldn't have been, for the brave men and women of León fight not just for themselves, but for every man, woman and child in Spain. How could victory not be assured when we have so noble a cause?" Mariana asked rhetorically, as she scanned the crowd and periodically turned to look into a camera to better convey her words to the watchers beyond.

"Diego, former leader of the Banditos, a man who has plagued our nation since its fall. Who has fed on the hard work of the citizens. Who has made a career out of spreading misery is gone. His forces, built by those who would see us fail, have been defeated and scattered. We will not be stopped. Together, you and I, and everyone watching or listening, will rebuild this nation. We will give our children a better world and when our great grandchildren look back at this era, at the tribulations and triumphs of our era, they will point to Valladolid and say, 'It started here.'"

Mariana let her words sink in, let the cheers of the crowd simmer down before she continued, "But we have more to be proud of. Even now construction crews go about our land, repairing the roads and power lines. They move to construct waystations so people will be free and safe to travel our lands once again. The victory at Valladolid was yesterday, the rebuilding of Spain is today, but even more then that. I told you all that the Forgotten will never be Forgotten by me, that they are children of Spain, just as we are, and I am proud to announce that the Children of the Crystal, a Forgotten faction has joined with us and have already joined with other cities such as Murcia because, just as I do, they dream of a day when all of our people will be together again. For those of you who wish to help but are too far away, soon the port at Gijon will be rebuilt and you may join us by sea, and if that is unsuitable, please, join the Children of the Crystal, you can find them near Murcia. I know you are scared. I know some doubt it is possible, but we need you. Everything we do is only possible with your aid. For everyone single one of you who watches, or listens, to this broadcast and makes the decision to take a stand. To help rebuild our homeland, a victory is won. A victory against those that would drive us apart, a victory against Nod who seeks to abuse our vulnerability to lure people into cults... A step towards a new, better day."

One more, Mariana let the cheers die. It was the first time she had publicly announced the alliance. She knew that an alliance with the Forgotten, a show of faith, a show of friendship would open doors with more forgotten in Spain but could also just as easily alienate them from the citizens, but coming from the back of a large military victory, she hoped it would soften the blow.

"From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all for your hard work. From rebuilding this nation to our brave men and women who fight to defender her, I am honored to be able to stand before such heroes," Mariana finished and bent her head forward before stepping off the podium and moving back for other speakers to take her spot. Various officials, some prominent local members and Hugo would be giving speeches toady.

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Scorched Earth
Commander Catalina
8* Levy [Gained 2 this turn from Shelter]
1 Ol' Bessy [Light Tank]
1 Tercio Squad
1 Bazooka Trooper
1 Heavy Mortar
1 Militia Squad
2 Ex-Nod Squads
1 Nod Buggies
Mammoth MK.1 Tank'

Captured Units
[Dunno how to handle them, like do I spend an action to try and recruit them or what so noting the here for now]
5 Bandits
2 Light Tanks

Settlement Garrisons
León - 3 Levies, 1 Bazooka Trooper
Ciñera - 2 Levies
Mieres - 2 Levies
Oviedo - 1 Militia, 1 Levy

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Known Locations
North: Old Battlefield -> Village -> Mieres -> Oviedo -> Ruined Port City of Gijon
West: Small Tiberium Field -> GDI Blue Zone
East: Large Hill
South: Chain of Highways

León Buildings
Construction Pod: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap
Fortified Walls: 5 Base Defense
Barracks: Allows Production of Infantry
Heavy Armament Factory: Allows production of Artillery and provides 2 credits
Solar Panel Array: Provides 2 Energy
Central Tax Agency: Provides 1d4 Credits
Salvage Yard: Provides 2 Scrap
Children of Leon Orphanage: 1 Credit and 1 Scrap
Our Lady’s Mercy: 1 Scrap and on a 7+ Generates 2 Levy Squads
Large Artillery Emplacements: 5 Base Defense
Armory: Allows specialized infantry upgrades
Consumer Goods Factory: 2 credits, - 2power

External Settlements
Ciñera [Village]

Power Plant: 2 Power
Village Barracks: Unlocks Bazooka Troopers
Village Tiberium Refinery: 4 Credits, -1 Power

Mines: 10 Credits
Walls: 5 Defense
Large Artillery Emplacements: 5 Defense

Two Guard Towers

Bandit Encampment
Two Nod Laser Turrets
Chain Link Fence
Power Plant:
2 Power

Completed Research
Advanced Communications - Can communicate with other Civilian factions. Spending 5 Scrap will allow special outgoing messages

Levies (-1)
Molotov Cocktail - Levies can threaten light vehicles and infantry in garrisons if they can get close enough.

Militia (-1)

Tercio (0)
Get to da Bunka - Tercio can construct field bunkers that infantry can garrison to greatly increase their defense

Bazooka Troopers [0]
Bazooka - Counts as 2 against heavy armor or buildings

Ex-Nod Squad (0)
Nod Tactics - Counts as 1 higher when fighting GDI or Civilian/Bandits

Lucky Merc (0)
Cooperation - For each additional Lucky Merc on the field, gain +1

Heavy Mortars (1)
Heavy Shells - Can fire shells that do increased damage to vehicles and buildings.

Light Tank (1)
Too Much Ammo - If this unit is destroyed in combat, automatically take out 1 opposing unit.

Nod Buggies (1)
Anti-Infantry - Counts as 1 higher when dealing with infantry units

MM1 Tank (2)
Tough Form - Can survive an attack that would destroy it once per battle

Scorched Earth (3)
Flames of Doom - If in a field of blue tiberium, automatically sets it off. When dealing with infantry, attacks twice a round.

Galeforce (3)
Copycat - Can copy the ability of one unit in battle.

Commander Catalina (3)
Nod Commander - When a unit a falls, give another unit +1 during the battle.

Luciana (3)
Mercenary Commander - At the beginning of the battle, roll a d4. Gain that many Lucky Mercs added to the field.

Hugo (3)
Rage of the Fallen - If an enemy ever rolls higher than Hugo, Hugo gets to roll again, adding a bonus of however many friendly units have fallen in battle.
Deadeye - Upon GM discretion, Hugo may eliminate 1 enemy unit that would be impossible to do so with his attack. I.e. Managing to take down heavy armor or aircraft.

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Credits343** [2 on D4]-11*-4 31
Power107-3-2 12
Scrap125**0-7 19
*Scorched Earth [3], Galeforce [3], Luciana [3], Bessie [2]
**20 Credits and 20 Scrap from battle

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Special Broadcast [5 Scrap]
Rebuild Infrastructure [Rebuild the roads, power lines, etc between my settlements]
Build Waystations [Like defended places on the road between my settlement, places for patrols to be stationed to look for Bandits and places for travelers to take shelter and rest in on the road]

Free Actions
Scout South
Baroness Mariana along with Luciana and the Tercio Squad will Explore GDI Blue Zone [Possible Diplomacy]
Sumpter Skirmishers

"So does anyone hear anything yet?"

The Crate Commander looked to his two compatriots, with Carrie shaking her head, her long blonde locks waving free with no helmet to restrict them, and Del who seemed to have his eyes closed as he rubbed the side of his temples like some sort of mutton chopped medium.

They had travelled between the Vehicle Repair Bay and the Control Room, hoping for some sign from the alien rock, with Barry stating the thing's propensity to glow when interacting but so far, the trio had nothing. The galactic gravel was even supposed to be able to communicate telepathically for God's sake but still nothing. "Maybe we should try...."

"If you say meditation one more time Del, I will beat you with this blasted rock!"

"You know, that might be why I ain't talking to us, pet. It might be sensing your emotions."

Kratt's hand was already shaped into a fist as he held the A.I and was only inches away from Del's head, when Carrie made a brilliant point.

The alien artifact hadn't talked to either it's Nod finders, or it's GDI salvagers, the two sides undoubtedly hostile and conceited with their efforts against each other. So maybe it was the same thing here.

Boon was already suspicious of the thing, not daring to take it to Weapon Testing in case the A.I proved dangerous so straight away, Boon had already proven himself on edge to the rock. It didn't help that the WildCatter facility still gave him the willies even though it was proving a God send in helping them with their intended research.

If they could get it off the ground.

With the only man who had communicated with so far, still away at San Fernando with Professor Ignatia, the only other person who may have had insights into this predicament, Kratt's project was at a standstill. Taking a deep breath, Boon handed the A.I to Del. "You may be right Carrie" he mused "Maybe it's picking up on my bad vibes or something." Kratt ruffled the hair under his bandana for a moment or two as he tried to relax before going to leave. "I'm gonna head to the Canteen and get a drink. See if that relaxes me a little..."

Carrie and Del nodded their confirmation to the back of Boon's head, with the the crotchety Commander himself hoping his absence to grab a bottle would help twofold, his negativity hopefully going out the door with him.

1 Recrational Vehicle
2 Humvees
1 C-130 Hercules
1 Gideon Riders
1 TW1 Orca
1 TW1 Nod Flame Tank
2 Hero Units
1 Anti Aircraft Transport
1 Wildcats
2 Receptacle Recruit
2 Cratographer

Construction Pod: Allows construction of buildings/ Produces 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap
Fortified Walls: +Base Defence
Storage Facility: Produces Light Vehicle units
2 Credit Crates: Produces 2 Credits
2 Tiberium Crate: +Base Defence
Junkyard: Produces 2 Scrap
Recycling Plant: Produces 2 Power
WildCatter Facility: Reduces Research costs/ +7 produces Wild Cat (roll 4)
Red Cross Crate: Heals Units
Conveyor System: Reduces Crate building costs
Canteen: Produces 20% of Unit total in Scrap
PMC Training Facility: Allows training of Infantry units and on +7 produces an owned Mercenary unit (roll 7)
Freight Service: Allows transport of Crate type buildings between Bases

Damaged Titan
Alien A.I
Strange Parts
Massive Tiberium Crystal

Paid Actions:

Train Unit(s) Recrational Vehicle (0) for 2 Credit, 2 Energy, 2 Scrap
Conduct Research on Alien A.I for 6 Scrap

Free Actions:

Explore Battlefield to the Far North ( 1 TW1 Orca, 1 TW1 Flame Tank, 1 The Lost, 1 Receptacle Recruits, 1 Cratographer)
Send Scouting Party past the Battlefield (Further North)​

ResourcesSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this Turn
Energy 222

  • Children of the Crystal

    "You're going old-fashioned?" Omar grinned as he inspected the schematics laying spread out on his table: a simple pick-up truck with a mounted gun in the back. Cheap, reliable and effective against the right opponents. Why was he going to reject this idea? It had worked well, as history had taught them, and they needed an edge against infantry. They had the tank superiority, but still, Omar's Forgotten cell wasn't quite fit to fight large-scale battles against mere men and women yet. This would help turn things around.

    "Yes! Yes!" Pancho nodded with an amused giggle. He pointed across the paper to the simple machine gun and the welded armour plates. "It's what we can afford to do with our current resources as the best material goes to the Mammoths. I've already put my engineers on refitting another helicopter for war; it should be completed within the month."

    Omar nodded satisfied, sitting down in his chair. All these vehicles would be vital for their push towards Madrid. He looked up at Pancho standing on the other side of the table, veiled in the room's darkness. "I take it that everything is going well, then. Good. And do not worry about resources, my dear Pancho. We'll be swimming in credits and metal by the end of the year. What we need is more manpower, and quickly. If not, then who will steer our tanks and fight our battles, and who will feed them all? An army marches on its stomach." There was silence in the room, and Pancho decided to hear his master out. "Alicante is our best bet to acquire it all, and they will offer it freely, I hope. Later, I do not doubt that we will see many other cities that may join us on our parade to Madrid."

    "And fuel, Master?" the hunchback asked with concern, narrowing his eyes into slits. They were running low on that, too, and that was no secret. "We're already trading all we can for any drop there is in Murcia. Will Alicante cover that once- ... if we begin trade?"

    "I should hope so," Omar answered dejectedly. Whatever happened now, they could not lose their momentum. Omar felt the constant tension to keep up the pressure on his people, but he dared not let them rest yet. Otherwise, he feared the worst would come to happen to them all. It was not a race he would give up lightly.

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Vladimir looked over to the east from his vantage point on the balcony of the Church of Kane's tower, his gaze set firmly on the city of Cordoba. The home of one of the first tribunals of the Spanish Inquisition, it would make a fitting stronghold for the Machine Baptist's own crusade to covert others to their cause and eliminate the other heretical factions. It had been on his agenda for a while now, ever since he first established a presence in the region, to bring the city into the fold but the initial report from the scouting party in those early days had caused him to reconsider acting too prematurely.

Despite the city's history, Vladimir was cognizant that its modern population may not hold the same ideals as the Machine Baptists did and in the event they not see eye to eye, the paltry force he had first arrived in the area with could of done little against Cordoba's well fortified walls. But now things were different, his army was numerous and battle hardened and the Messiah himself stood assuredly behind their cause.

It was only through Kane's favour that they had managed to come this far. Each blessing he had bestowed upon them thus far was further testament that their vision, their purpose was the one and only path towards Ascension. With Kane guiding his actions, Vladimir knew victory was assured. By days end, be it by concord or conflict, Cordoba would belong to him.

3 Exemplar Squads (-1)
Martyr - Can sacrifice themselves to take out 1 Light Vehicle or 1 Light Infantry Group
2 Repentant Squad (0)
Tiberium Flames - Counts as 1 higher for dealing with Infantry, but 1 lower when dealing with Vehicles
Faceplate Research - +1 against small arms fire

6 Rocket Bikes (0)
Heavy Blast - Counts as 2 Higher with Armor or Buildings, but 1 lower for Infantry
1 Triskele Squad (1)
Trample - When facing Infantry in combat, before combat on a roll of 7+ prevents 1 unit from attacking
1 Tick Tank (2)
Encampment - During Battle, can partially dig into the ground to give the defence of a Heavy Structure
1 Agent R (3)
Supreme Devotion - While fighting for the cause, will continue to fight until the battle ends, even if sustaining deadly wounds
1 Avatar (3)
Renew - In exchange for instantly destroying a Nod Vehicle (Friend or Foe), gains their ability permanently
1 Modified Stealth Tank (3)
Attacks twice at the beginning of battle
Deploy and gain schematics for Obelisk of Light (Tib War 2 Version) - At the beginning of battle destroy one Light or Medium Armor or 4 infantry units

Main Base

Construction Yard: Allows construction of buildings and provides each turn: 2 Credits, 1 Power, 1 Faith
Church of Kane: Provides 1 Faith each turn and once a Season as an action can gain 4 Nod Fanatics (-1)

Ordinance Chamber: Allows training of infantry
Nehemiah Walls: Adds Defence to Base. -1 Energy
Inquisitor Turret: Adds Defence to Base. -1 Energy
Crematoria: Provides 2 Power each turn
Crematoria: Provides 2 Power each turn
Pipeline: Allows Power to be distributed between Main Base and Base Gamma

Feretory: Provides 2 Faith each turn
Anchorage: -2 Speciality Resources for Research and each turn roll a d10, on a roll of 7+ gain a free random Research
Almshouse: Provides 2 Credits each turn
Bedehouse: Provides 2 Faith each turn
Assumption Assembly: Allows production of specialised cyborgs and vehicles

Base Gamma
Hidden Temple of Kane: Unlocks specials the more power it has up to 6 energy. (Power Lvl 6)
Power lvl 2: Activates Shredder Turrets around Base Gamma. Gives schematics for Banshee Aircraft
Power lvl 4: Activates SAM sites and Laser Turrets around Base Gamma. Gives schematics for Beam Cannon Artillery Vehicle
Power lvl 6: Unlocks Tri Missiles. These missiles cost 5 Energy, 10 Credits and 10 Faith to craft. Can only possess 1 at a time. Can be fired at any known location. Can destroy either 2 buildings, 4 Vehicles or 6 Troops. Combination of targets allowed
Unlocks ability to construct The One True Avatar (3) The Will of Kane- Summons 1d4 Nod Militia at the beginning of battle and converts Nod Units to this Nod Faction on a roll of 8+ for each unit (Can only possess one of these at a time)
Stealth Generator: Stealth all within its limits, costs 2 energy to stay active
Power Plant: Provides 2 Power each turn
Tiberium Waste Facility: + 2 Power each turn and, in conjunction with the Hidden Temple, allows for the production of Chemical Missiles

Small Village
Every turn, roll a d10. On a 7+, gain a Repentant.
Pit of Purgation: Roll a d4, gain roll in Credits

Experimented Body
Cyborg Construction Schematics
Cybernetics Chip (with encrypted data)
Faceplate - Researched

Small Village: 6 (Gained nothing)
Pit of Purgation: 4 (Gained 4 Credits)
Anchorage: 6 (Gained nothing)

1. Construct Tri Missile: 10 Credits, 5 Energy, 10 Faith (Can only possess 1 at a time. Can be fired at any known location. Can destroy either 2 buildings, 4 Vehicles or 6 Troops. Combination of targets allowed)
2. Recruit Repentant: 2 Credit, 2 Energy, 2 Faith (0, x1)

1. Send all forces (3 Exemplar Squads, 3 Repentant Squad, 6 Rocket Bikes, 1 Triskele Squad, 1 Tick Tank, 1 Agent R, 1 Avatar, 1 Modified Stealth Tank) to explore Cordoba to the East
2. Send Scouting Party further East past Cordoba
3: Divert 6 Energy to Hidden Temple

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Energy 1411912

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Turn 7: Summer

The Bandit Warlord Diego has finally been defeated, bringing a much needed stability to the North Western part of the Iberian Peninsula. The people seemed happier and more free than they had in a long, long time. All eyes were on what would happen from this new Leon Empire that was emerging and bringing health and happiness to the field.

To the East of the lands, word was spreading of a great healer among the Forgotten who was giving aid to all, Forgotten and non Forgotten. People were flocking to both causes.

Scattered Transmissions from Zaragoza have been emerging of attacks from Nod forces with the GDI forces to their east attempting to respond with troops.


“Kore’s forces are in full retreat. They are requesting any reinforcements against Warlord Garzola’s troops. This will be the final push that can be afforded to make any headway against Nod. Please be advised that should Garzola eliminate Kore’s forces, his position will not only become entrenched, but so will his support of power within the NOD hierarchy.”- EVA

The Brotherhood of NOD

A woman in a smart looking black suit with Red accents and slicked back hair appeared on the screen. “This is Gabriella Santiagio of the Nod News Network. Warlord Garzola has once again continued to prove his might against the most hated forces of GDI. GDI has been taking heavy casualties against his tactical genius and skill. He really is showing that he is the second coming of the almighty KANE.”
Images showed a squadron of Tick Tanks supported with heavily armed soldiers engaged in fighting with robotic troops with the mechanical troops having heavy casualties .

“Let’s cut to the ground and see what Garzola’s troops have to say.”

The image cuts to a newsman standing next to a woman decked out in all kinds of gear. The armor looks like that of a Nod Commando. “What do you think of the recent victories against GDI?”

“GDI continues to show that they are weak. They have always been weak and they only won due to the overconfidence of NOD, not due to their own skill and power. That’s why they’ve retreated to their precious Blue Zones and left the rest of the people that they are supposed to be protecting to rot. But not us. Warlord Garzola under Nod will bring peace to this land.”

Gabriella turns to look at another camera. “There you have it folks. GDI is in retreat in the Iberian Peninsula and Warlord Garzola is the one to do it. Only time will tell if GDI will attempt to bring in more troops, or abandon the nation, running away from all threats?”- Nod News Network

Machine Baptists

1. Construct Tri Missile: 10 Credits, 5 Energy, 10 Faith (Can only possess 1 at a time. Can be fired at any known location. Can destroy either 2 buildings, 4 Vehicles or 6 Troops. Combination of targets allowed)
2. Recruit Repentant: 2 Credit, 2 Energy, 2 Faith (0, x1)

Explore Cordoba with 3 Exemplar Squads, 3 Repentant Squad, 6 Rocket Bikes, 1 Triskele Squad, 1 Tick Tank, 1 Agent R, 1 Avatar, 1 Modified Stealth Tank: With such a large Nod Force arriving, the forces of Cordoba have holed up within its walls. A transmission is sent to the group. “If you are planning to attack this city, We recommend that you turn around and go home. Reinforcements are on their way.” (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Main Base Buildings: Construction Yard, Church of Kane, Ordinance Chamber, Nemihah Wall, Inquisitor Turret, Crematriax2, Pit of Purgation, Anchorage, Almshouse, Bedehouse, Assumption Assembly

Base Gamma Buildings: Stealth Generator, Hidden Temple of Kane, Power Plant, Tiberium Waste Facility

Current units in the base: 1 Repentant Squad

To the immediate East is the city of Cordoba, to the South is the River Guadalmina, to the West is a large Cavern, to the North is a vast wasteland

Scouting East past Cordoba is an abandoned battlefield

Scouting to the East, the city of Cordoba appears to be a heavily fortified city. It’s thick walls carry behind it, 2 Guard Towers and an EMP launcher. A single Militia squad can be seen patrolling outside its walls.

Solace of the Choir

build: attack bike
research: bonus for unenlightened- Unenlightened gain a +1 against infantry
build: tiberium extractor (+5 Credits +5 Faith)

Current Buildings: Hall of Assembly, Church of Kanex2, Tiberium Processing Core, Hall of Song, the Retrofitting Pitsx2, Reactorx3, Strange Drill Device, Shredder Turret, Hall of Repentance, Assembly Yard, Laser Fence, Tiberium Extractor

Current units in the base: 6 Unenlightened Squads, 4 Fanatics 1 enlightened, 1 tick tank
Troops to the , Seville north : 1 Unenlightened Squad, 1 Reaper Squad 2 militia squads
Troops to the East: 1 Enlightened Squad

Contact Sumpter Skirmishers

To the immediate North is Seville. To the East is a sea of dead trees. To the South is a small Tiberium field. To the West is a strange Communications dish that seems to be transmitting something.


Local News Update:

A man wearing a fancy suit is standing in the city of Leon as celebration reigns all around. “The new Leon Empire has cemented a powerful victory today against the Bandit Lord, Diego. Formerly the leader of the Banditos, a group that had been ravaging the land for a while, he amassed a large force in an attempt to take out Leon before they could build up further. However, this victory shows that the enemy of Leon is going to have to work extra hard as the people that fight for her have what it takes to defend their borders.”

Video is shown of the battle against the Bandit Lord from a distance as they charge into the breach. “These fearless men and women are striving to bring Spain into the present.”

The León Barony

Special Broadcast [The people are invigorated. Gain 3 Levies and 1 Heavy Mortar]
Rebuild Infrastructure [Movement between all Leon locations is simple and easy and +5 Power for the Leon Empire]
Build Waystations [+5 Defense for all Leon settlements and the Roads are actively patrolled by 2 Tercio at all times]

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Fortified Walls, Barracks, Heavy Armament Factory, Solar Panel Array, Central Tax Agency, Salvage Yard

León - 3 Levies, 1 Bazooka Trooper
Ciñera - 2 Levies
Mieres - 2 Levies
Oviedo - 1 Militia, 1 Levy

Validad: Hugo
Scorched Earth
Tercio Squad
Heavy Mortar
Ol' Bessy
1 light tank
2 Nod Buggies
Mammoth MK.1 Tank

To the immediate North is an abandoned battlefield, to the east is a large hill, to the south is a chain of highways, to the west is a Small Tiberium Field

Scouting West is the major Cement Walls Guarded and Patrolled by GDI forces protecting the blue Zone

Explore the Port city of Gijon: The city was itself once a shining jewel, but now it is ruins and wreckage of a long ago battle, possible even during the last war. Wreckage and destroyed buildings litter the area. (Continued in Adventure Chat)

The Baroness and Crew arrive at a GDI checkpoint at one of the walls leading into the Blue Zone. (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Sumpter Skirmishers

Train Unit(s) Recrational Vehicle (0) for 2 Credit, 2 Energy, 2 Scrap
Conduct Research on Alien A.I for 6 Scrap- Unlocks Improved Power systems. All Power plants now generate an additional 5 Energy

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Fortified Walls, Tiberium Cratex2, Credit Crates, Storage Facility, Recycling Plant, Junkyard, Canteen, PMC training Facility, Freight Service

Units currently within the city: 1 TW1 Orca, 1 Hero (Barry), 2 Humvees

Units in Hidden City: 1 RV, 1 Gideon Riders, 1 TW1 Flame Tank, 1 C-130 Hercules , 1 RV, 1 C-130 Hercules

To the immediate South lies a watery expanse. To the East is the city of San Fernando. To the North an abandoned Shipyard. To the West, an oil rig across the water.

A scouting party travels further South into the waters and comes across an old abandoned GDI cruiser crashed on some rocks.

Explore Battlefield: It looks as though a large scale battle between GDI and Nod forces. Destroyed vehicles litter the area. (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Send Scouting Party past the Battlefield (Far NorthEast)- A strange, almost tribal group of humans seem to have a makeshift settlement.

The Forgotten


A disheveled reporter stands near a field of Tiberium. “All Hail Yuri of the New Men. He has reached out to many and has touched their very souls. He is healing the wastes and bringing peace with him as he travels.”

New Men

FREE: Random Tech Researched- Gain Access to Tiberium Cannon- Unlocks Forgotten Cannoneer(1) Acts as 1 lvl higher when dealing with non forgotten vehicles or building.
Unlocks Tiberium Rifleman(1) Acts as 1 level Higher when dealing with non forgotten infantry
1. Research Tiberium Medicine (6 Tiberium)- All infantry units have a 9+ save during battles
2. Build Underground Research Labs (2 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)
3. Recruit Sons of Forgotten (0) (2 Credit, 2 Energy, 2 Tiberium)

Gained access to Southern Airfield. 2 Helicopters, 2 Scout Planes, 1 Commercial Liner. Only the 2 Helicopters are currently functional

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Tiberium Garden, Tiberium Labs, Psionics Facility, Reclamation Plantx3, Power Plantx2, Remote Viewing Center, Underground Research Labsx2, Tiberium Clinicx2, Forgotten Roadhouse

Units currently in the base: 5 Tiberium Thrall Squads
Northern Highway System Ruins :6 Tiberium Thrall1 Tiberium Reader, 1 Tiberium Psionic
Units in Southern Airport: 2 Sons of Forgotten, 2 Forgotten Rocketeers, 1 Tiberium Fiend, 1 TW1 Medium Tank

To the immediate East is the city of Valencia. To the South, a large airport. To the West an abandoned battlefield. To the North, a small Blue Tiberium Field

Scout South sees a strange Metal Pyramid.

Using the remote viewer for East uncovers a large Black ship out in the ocean, just sitting there.

Valencia seems to be heavily fortified. 2 Guard Towers and a Grenade Tower. 2 Medium Tanks and 2 Militia troops can be seen near the entrance.(Continued in Exploration Chat)

Children of The Crystal

  • Construct 1 Rocket Copter (1) (Costs 2 actions)​
  • Research Technical unit (1), a fast and agile anti-infantry pick-up loaded with a mounted machine gun. Ability - Suppressive fire: Hostile infantry units nearby are unable to attack for that turn.​

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Tiberium Garden, Training Premises, Workshop, Training Depot, Solar Arrayx2, Tiberium Minex3, Trade Road Networkx2, Minefield, Blueprint Studio, Service Garage, Trading Depot

Units currently in the base: 1 Rocket Copter, 1 Stealth Tank, 1 Modified Mammoth Mk1, The Handler, 4 Tiberium Fiends
Units to the North: Tick Tank

To the immediate North is the City of Murcia. To the East A small Tiberium Field. To the South a current battle between GDI and NOD forces. To the West a series of large holes.

Further North past Mercia lies a Tiberium Vein Monster. It's veins seem to be stretching far and wide.

Scouting North Past the Vein Monster uncovers a GDI convoy. They seem to be moving heavy equipment.

Scouts discover the large city of Alicante. It apparently has a functioning airport.

Scouting the NW has uncovered a vast Field of Tiberium

The Forgotten Swarm


1. research tiberium pools (+2 tiberium per pool) -8 t

2. make zik warriors -2 e -2 c 2t

3. Build a tiberium pool -2e -2c -1t

Interaction with the human city (Diplomacy Chat)​

The Great Healer
New Men

Yuri regards the new map as he looks over the territory he has expanded his influence over. He pauses only to pour himself some tea, adding some sugar and cream, taking the cup and saucer with him to sip while reviewing it more. Alpha and Beta were present, waiting patiently for him to speak. Yuri paused as if considering the data reports even as he taps a screen.

"We've managed to acquire a suitable zone of control. The trick is stabilizing it and establishing patrols. These militias we've gained could do that, plus it will keep them busy while we start to build new facilities in these holdings. Over time these settlement will become more like us. In the end they will become New Men and embrace it," Yuri said a grim smiled as he sips his tea again.

"Leader, we have built up a significent force. We can protect some road building. That should also make flow of resources easier along with troop movements. Valencia would be a good start to show favor. After that we can get Raquena and the Airport. We just need new task for the airport along with likely building new fabrication facilities to get the more damaged craft back online for us," Beta said as he adjusts a valve on his tubing to his mask.

"We're also set to continue lab expansion, Leader. The second cluser is complete and we've already begun layouts for Section 3. There is likely space for a Section 4 even. The labs are also starting to yield some advances for us beyond what focus you give us," Alpha offered, his uniform more worn after his stationing at the Airport for his earlier loss of a number of units. He seemed to be taking to guiding research as a means of seeking favor as Beta continued to gain in Field Command status.

"Hmmm, both excellent points. Build the new roads with Valencia. It will be another sign of good will between us and start to draw patrols out. This will allow us to send other units into the city to spread the vision more discreetly," Yuri intoned as he pauses to stir his tea as if lost in thought for a moment. "As for the labs... I agree with your estimate. Continue expansion and press on with Tiberium Medicine research. Our studies into the limits and enhancement of the human body are paramount to achieving the greater goal we all are workings towards."

The pair bow and leave, understanding they were dismissed with orders given. Yuri watches them go before taping entries and replaying new broadcasts. Again his focus on this female scientist, this tiberium expert. He had to find her and make her useful. Then again he needed to shore up his territory. Even if he couldn't get her, he needed to secure his own secret labs while they continued to advance the evolution of Homo Tiberius.​

Main Base
Construction Pod (Generates +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium)
Tiberium Garden (Heals Forgotten Units, +1 Tiberium)
Tiberium Labs (Tiberium Thrall Production)
Psionics Facility (Complex Tiberium Psychic Production)
Forgotten Roadhouse (Recruit Forgotten Units/Tiberium Fiends)
Reclamation Plant x3 (+ 2 Tiberium x3 = +6 Tiberium)
Remote Viewing Center (Acts a Radar, Allows Scouting without Party)
Power Plant x3 (+2 Energy x3 = +6 Energy)
Underground Research Labs x2 (-2 resources for research and each turn on a roll of 7+ gains a free random research = -4 for research, two 7+ rolls to gain free random research)
Tiberium Clinic x3 (+2 Credits x3 = +6 Credits)

1 Wind Power Plant (+2 Energy)
1 Militia

2 Guard Towers
1 Grenade Tower
2 Medium Tanks
2 Militia

10 Tiberium Thrall Squads (-1)
1 Tiberium Reader (1)
1 Tiberium Psionic (2)
1 Tiberium Fiend (2)
1 Devil's Tongue Flame Tank (2)
Heavy Flame - Acts as 1 higher for Infantry. Normal damage for Tanks and Structures
3 TW1 Medium Tank (2)
Superior Armament: reroll a failed attack
2 Sons of Forgotten (0)
Safety in Numbers: Gain a +1 for every Forgotten unit, up to a max of +3
The Lost (-1) (Upkeep: 1)
Hidden Strike- Using Forgotten Techniques for Stealth, they can strike at 1 infantry as though they are 2. Usable only once a battle
2 Helicopters
3 Militia

Animal Hybrid Data
4 Tiberium Fiend Pups (Access to Tiberium Fiends at Forgotten Roadhouse)
TW2 Rifles (Access to Alpha Thrall Unit)
Gained access to Southern Airfield. 2 Helicopters, 2 Scout Planes, 1 Commercial Liner. Only the 2 Helicopters are currently functional

Tiberium Harvesting Refinement - Harvesting Tiberium has increased yields.
Tiberium Cannon-Unlocks Forgotten Cannoneer(1) Acts as 1 lvl higher when dealing with non forgotten vehicles or building.
-Unlocks Tiberium Rifleman(1) Acts as 1 level Higher when dealing with non forgotten infantry
Tiberium Medicine - All infantry units have a 9+ save during battles
Tiberium Medicine - Allows those with Minor Tiberium poisoning to recover quickly

FREE: Random Tech Researched
1. Research Tiberium Medicine (4 Tiberium)
2. Build Underground Research Labs (2 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)
3. Build Roads (Valencia to Main Base) (2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)

Free Actions


≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Hugo watched through the busy marketplace of León, not really looking for any produce or merchandise, and more just taking in the sound and feel of the city. The city had grown more and more lively with each passing season and now it was starting to feel like it did before the fall. Before the wars. It was almost enough to make the old soldier suffer from serious melancholy. Each open stall, each reconstructed store front, each happy person that moved from place to place, buying food was a sign they were moving in the right direction. For some reason, it felt like he didn't spend all that much time in the city, as if he was always moving from place to place, which was both right and wrong. He spent long amounts of time in the city, but perhaps he was never truly in the city? Instead of walking the streets, as he was now, he looked at it from above, from the home of the Baroness, looked at it from the point of view of a leader who would make decisions instead of a denizen of it's walls... The thought did not sit well with him. Perhaps when the Baroness returned from her diplomatic mission to the Blue Zone, he would speak to her about taking some time to travel through the city, with the proper security detail, of course.

The sound of construction was a constantly in the background and had been for sometime. Despite all the work put in so far, there was still a lot to do. The city... the nation.. was in rough shape and rebuilding it was going to be an extensive project that Hugo doubted he would live to see, but at least he would get to see the start and, hopefully, pass on knowing it would someday be finished. That someday, the youth would not have to worry about poisoning and starvation as it was in his day.

A fools hope, perhaps.

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Scorched Earth
Commander Catalina
11 Levy
1 Ol' Bessy [Light Tank]
1 Tercio Squad
1 Bazooka Trooper
2 Heavy Mortar
1 Militia Squad
2 Ex-Nod Squads
1 Nod Buggies
Mammoth MK.1 Tank'

Captured Units
5 Bandits
2 Light Tanks

Settlement Garrisons
León - 4 Levies
Ciñera - 2 Levies
Mieres - 2 Levies
Oviedo - 1 Militia, 1 Levy
Bandit Encampment - 2 Levies

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Known Locations
North: Old Battlefield -> Village -> Mieres -> Oviedo -> Ruined Port City of Gijon
West: Small Tiberium Field -> GDI Blue Zone
East: Large Hill
South: Chain of Highways

León Buildings
Construction Pod: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap
Fortified Walls: 5 Base Defense
Barracks: Allows Production of Infantry
Heavy Armament Factory: Allows production of Artillery and provides 2 credits
Solar Panel Array: Provides 2 Energy
Central Tax Agency: Provides 1d4 Credits
Salvage Yard: Provides 2 Scrap
Children of Leon Orphanage: 1 Credit and 1 Scrap
Our Lady’s Mercy: 1 Scrap and on a 7+ Generates 2 Levy Squads
Large Artillery Emplacements: 5 Base Defense
Armory: Allows specialized infantry upgrades
Consumer Goods Factory: 2 credits, - 2power

Region-Wide Buildings
Rebuilt Infrastructure: Movement between all locations is easy, +5 power
Waystations: +5 Defense for all locations, 2 Tercio patrollers

External Settlements
Ciñera [Village]

Power Plant: 2 Power
Village Barracks: Unlocks Bazooka Troopers
Village Tiberium Refinery: 4 Credits, -1 Power

Mines: 10 Credits
Walls: 5 Defense
Large Artillery Emplacements: 5 Defense

Two Guard Towers

Bandit Encampment
Two Nod Laser Turrets
Chain Link Fence
Power Plant:
2 Power

Completed Research
Advanced Communications - Can communicate with other Civilian factions. Spending 5 Scrap will allow special outgoing messages

Levies (-1)
Molotov Cocktail - Levies can threaten light vehicles and infantry in garrisons if they can get close enough.

Militia (-1)

Tercio (0)
Get to da Bunka - Tercio can construct field bunkers that infantry can garrison to greatly increase their defense

Bazooka Troopers [0]
Bazooka - Counts as 2 against heavy armor or buildings

Ex-Nod Squad (0)
Nod Tactics - Counts as 1 higher when fighting GDI or Civilian/Bandits

Lucky Merc (0)
Cooperation - For each additional Lucky Merc on the field, gain +1

Heavy Mortars (1)
Heavy Shells - Can fire shells that do increased damage to vehicles and buildings.

Light Tank (1)
Too Much Ammo - If this unit is destroyed in combat, automatically take out 1 opposing unit.

Nod Buggies (1)
Anti-Infantry - Counts as 1 higher when dealing with infantry units

MM1 Tank (2)
Tough Form - Can survive an attack that would destroy it once per battle

Scorched Earth (3)
Flames of Doom - If in a field of blue tiberium, automatically sets it off. When dealing with infantry, attacks twice a round.

Galeforce (3)
Copycat - Can copy the ability of one unit in battle.

Commander Catalina (3)
Nod Commander - When a unit a falls, give another unit +1 during the battle.

Luciana (3)
Mercenary Commander - At the beginning of the battle, roll a d4. Gain that many Lucky Mercs added to the field.

Hugo (3)
Rage of the Fallen - If an enemy ever rolls higher than Hugo, Hugo gets to roll again, adding a bonus of however many friendly units have fallen in battle.
Deadeye - Upon GM discretion, Hugo may eliminate 1 enemy unit that would be impossible to do so with his attack. I.e. Managing to take down heavy armor or aircraft.

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Credits3125 [4 on D4]-11*-4 41
Power1012-3-3 16
Scrap1950-11 13
*Scorched Earth [3], Galeforce [3], Luciana [3], Bessie [2]

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Research Encrypted Battle Plans [Diego]
Rebuild Port Gijon
Recruit Bazooka Trooper

Free Actions
Scout South
solace of the choir

Current Buildings: Hall of Assembly, Church of KaneX3, Tiberium Processing Core, Hall of Song, the Retrofitting Pitsx2, Reactorx3, Strange Drill Device, Shredder Turret, Hall of Repentancex3, Assembly Yard, laser fence, command centre, Tiberium extractor

research: Unenlightened gain a +1 against infantry

build: tick tank (use 2 actions)
research: improved cybernetic frame
free actions:
move eastern troops west (use drill)

Current units in the base: 6 Unenlightened Squads, 4 Fanatics 1 enlightened, 1 tick tank, attack bikes
Troops to the Seville east: 1 Unenlightened Squad, 1 Reaper Squad 2 militia squads
Troops to the East: 1 Enlightened Squad

Comander stats
Intelligence 2
Command 0
Strategy 1
Bureaucracy -1

Tiberium Garden: +1 tiberium
2 Tiberium Refinery + 4 Credits
Hatchery: Makes units
Hive: +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium
4 tiberium pools +12 tiberium
2 Bio reactor +4 energy
Tiberium Supply: either +2 credits or +2 Tiberium.
4 Koth swarms
3 zik warriors
1 Ghek Creepers

The Forgotten Swarm


1. research tiberium pools (on a plus 7 spawns a koth swarm) -8 t

2. make Koth swarms -1 e -1 c 1t

3. Build watchtower (+5 defence) -2e -2c -1t

free actions
Tryish, Zysal, the warriors, and creepers will head to the humans in the city.

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Credits 25 3628
Energy 163518

Sumpter Skirmishers

Doctor Geraud sat in his office, gazing at his laptop, a gentle melody of almost soft bubbles emanating from it as he waited for it to connect. He had been looking forward to this conference for the past week after receiving the first email from Professor Mobius's secretary. At first he thought it had been a hoax, with the secretary's email to him coming off rigid, almost robotic in it's wording but with the guy from IT clarifying it as legit according to it's IP address and router location, Geraud responded.

Luckily he had the forethought to delete those emails for his planned holiday in the Chilean Blue Zone from his spam folder before the tech arrived. The holiday package was quite a find and cheap too, but Geraud didn't want anyone to know he was taking time away from his official GDI business to plan a relaxing holiday for himself. Getting to converse with the leading mind in Tiberium research would be a great start to his holiday. Thinking the man was a bit stuck up, and overly formal in his first email, Geraud worried he would be much like his secretary but after reading his second email, Professor Mobius seemed to have relaxed or at least come out of his shell a bit through their continued correspondence.

Hopefully he would be much the same in their video chat, as the app finally connected. "Hello Ignatio!"

Geraud's joy at meeting his colleague was short-lived However as he was met with a black screen. "Ignatio, I don't think your camera's on. All I'm seeing is a black screen"

In the corner of the screen, text began to appear. "Sorry, my friend. Give me just a moment."

A rotating circle appeared on screen, as the app tried to reconnect. Geraud waited, looking around the room indifferently. A moment later, a familiar face appeared on screen, the long blonde hair and eccentric smile of Ignatio Mobius in full view. "Greetings, Doctor Mobius. It's good to finally talk to you in person. Almost"

Geraud laughed to himself though his fellow scientist seemed to miss the joke, staring at him with the same eccentric smile. Another batch of text rolled on from the corner of the screen. "Yes quite. You are a funny man Professor Geraud"

It didn't seem like it thought Geraud, looking at Mobius's reaction. He knew the man was absent minded but he just seemed to be staring at him with the same smile. Geraud was starting to feel a little uneasy before he came to the obvious realisation. "Excuse Ignatio, I think there's a problem on your end. You seem to have frozen."

The message Doctor Mobius paused for a moment before quickly disappearing. Again the App began to reconnect with Geraud just looking at the screen, with the slightest hint of annoyance. Before long the face of Professor Mobius appeared on screen as he reclined into his chair. "Testing, testing" he stated

He seemed to be looking away from the screen but at least the Professor was now audible and moving. "Yes I can hear and see you know, Ignatio. I was starting to worry."

Mobius nodded along as if listening before suddenly interrupting "Well I can answer all your questions but let me ask you about your research first." His head jerking quickly to one side in the middle of his words.

"Are you okay Doctor?"

Mobius nodded along again before responding. "Please go on"

Must have been a fly or something thought Geraud "As long as your sure? Like i stated through our correspondence..."

As the professor began to explain, unbeknownst to him, on the other end was a lone stone resting vacantly on the command console of the Control Room within the WildCatter Facility, a multitude of screens lit up around it for various purposes. On the left console was a list of emails, the title of one reading Chilean Blue Holiday Package among others. On the middle console lay a mass of code, seemingly cracked open and edited, while on the right was an old news reel of Doctor Mobius at a press conference, the video paused within some form of editing software....

All the while the stone pulsed gently as Geraud talked, listening and learning.

2 Recrational Vehicle
2 Humvees
1 C-130 Hercules
1 Gideon Riders
1 TW1 Orca
1 TW1 Nod Flame Tank
2 Hero Units
1 Anti Aircraft Transport
1 The Lost
1 Wildcats
2 Receptacle Recruit
2 Cratographer

Construction Pod: Allows construction of buildings/ Produces 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap
Fortified Walls: +Base Defence
Storage Facility: Produces Light Vehicle units
2 Credit Crates: Produces 2 Credits
2 Tiberium Crate: +Base Defence
Junkyard: Produces 2 Scrap
Recycling Plant: Produces 2 Power
WildCatter Facility: Reduces Research costs/ +7 produces Wild Cat (roll 4)
Red Cross Crate: Heals Units
Conveyor System: Reduces Crate building costs
Canteen: Produces 20% of Unit total in Scrap
PMC Training Facility: Allows training of Infantry units and on +7 produces an owned Mercenary unit (roll 7)
Freight Service: Allows transport of Crate type buildings between Bases

Damaged Titan
Alien A.I (Researched)
Strange Parts
Massive Tiberium Crystal
Yellow Tiberium

Improved Power systems: All Power plants now generate an additional 5 Energy

Paid Actions:

Construct Addition Back Channel Research for 2 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap (On a roll of +7, produces random research. +1 to roll for every credit spent)
Conduct Research on Damaged Titan for 6 Scrap

Free Actions:

Send Scouting Party past the Battlefield (Far NorthWest)
Repair and Maintain Oil Rig (10 credits +2 Upkeep)​

ResourcesSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this Turn
Energy 123

It was just as Vladimir had proclaimed; Cordoba now belonged to him. He had managed to achieve his goals through diplomacy rather than by combat and, although the corpses that would have arisen from a battle with Cordoba's forces would have been of great benefit to the newly constructed Crematoria within the city's walls, by settling matters peacefully, it made the Machine Baptists appear more like misunderstood missionaries then menacing invaders.

Vladimir was aware though that not all would take kindly to their city's new occupiers so he immediately set about taking steps to correct it. As a show of good faith to the city's residents, Vladimir ordered his men to repair the Mezquita, one of Cordoba's more prominent churches that had unfortunately fallen into disrepair in recent years. He also began walking the streets, under heavily armed guard of course, in an attempt to meet his new people and spread his teachings but it soon grew tedious for the conceited commander, so he instead drew up plans to build a broadcast station to spread his teachings to every household within the city. These acts did much to bolster his and his men's standing with the populace, to the point that when Vladimir managed to convince the mayor to implement a new tax to aid the Machine Baptists in the war effort, it was met with hardly a grumble.

3 Exemplar Squads (-1)
Martyr - Can sacrifice themselves to take out 1 Light Vehicle or 1 Light Infantry Group
4 Repentant Squad (0)
Tiberium Flames - Counts as 1 higher for dealing with Infantry, but 1 lower when dealing with Vehicles
Faceplate Research - +1 against small arms fire

6 Rocket Bikes (0)
Heavy Blast - Counts as 2 Higher with Armor or Buildings, but 1 lower for Infantry
1 Triskele Squad (1)
Trample - When facing Infantry in combat, before combat on a roll of 7+ prevents 1 unit from attacking
1 Tick Tank (2)
Encampment - During Battle, can partially dig into the ground to give the defence of a Heavy Structure
1 Agent R (3)
Supreme Devotion - While fighting for the cause, will continue to fight until the battle ends, even if sustaining deadly wounds
1 Avatar (3)
Renew - In exchange for instantly destroying a Nod Vehicle (Friend or Foe), gains their ability permanently
1 Modified Stealth Tank (3)
Attacks twice at the beginning of battle
Deploy and gain schematics for Obelisk of Light (Tib War 2 Version) - At the beginning of battle destroy one Light or Medium Armor or 4 infantry units

Main Base

Construction Yard: Allows construction of buildings and provides each turn: 2 Credits, 1 Power, 1 Faith
Church of Kane: Provides 1 Faith each turn and once a Season as an action can gain 4 Nod Fanatics (-1)

Ordinance Chamber: Allows training of infantry
Nehemiah Walls: Adds Defence to Base. -1 Energy (Disabled)
Inquisitor Turret: Adds Defence to Base. -1 Energy (Disabled)
Crematoria: Provides 2 Power each turn
Crematoria: Provides 2 Power each turn
Pipeline: Allows Power to be distributed between Main Base and Base Gamma

Feretory: Provides 2 Faith each turn
Anchorage: -2 Speciality Resources for Research and each turn roll a d10, on a roll of 7+ gain a free random Research
Almshouse: Provides 2 Credits each turn
Bedehouse: Provides 2 Faith each turn
Assumption Assembly: Allows production of specialised cyborgs and vehicles

Base Gamma
Hidden Temple of Kane: Unlocks specials the more power it has up to 6 energy. (Power Lvl 6)
Power lvl 2: Activates Shredder Turrets around Base Gamma. Gives schematics for Banshee Aircraft
Power lvl 4: Activates SAM sites and Laser Turrets around Base Gamma. Gives schematics for Beam Cannon Artillery Vehicle
Power lvl 6: Unlocks Tri Missiles. These missiles cost 5 Energy, 10 Credits and 10 Faith to craft. Can only possess 1 at a time. Can be fired at any known location. Can destroy either 2 buildings, 4 Vehicles or 6 Troops. Combination of targets allowed
Unlocks ability to construct The One True Avatar (3) The Will of Kane- Summons 1d4 Nod Militia at the beginning of battle and converts Nod Units to this Nod Faction on a roll of 8+ for each unit (Can only possess one of these at a time)
Stealth Generator: Stealth all within its limits, costs 2 energy to stay active
Power Plant: Provides 2 Power each turn
Tiberium Waste Facility: Provides 2 Power each turn and, in conjunction with the Hidden Temple, allows for the production of Chemical Missiles

Small Village
Every turn, roll a d10. On a 7+, gain a Repentant.
Pit of Purgation: Roll a d4, gain roll in Credits

Watch Tower
Watch Tower

Experimented Body
Cyborg Construction Schematics
Cybernetics Chip (with encrypted data)
Faceplate - Researched

Small Village: 8 (Gained Repentant Squad)
Pit of Purgation: 2 (Gained 2 Credits)
Anchorage: 4 (Gained nothing)

1. Construct Tithe Church (and establish tithe system) in Cordoba: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (Provides 2 Credits each turn)
2. Construct Broadcast Station in Cordoba: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (Provides 2 Faith each turn)
3. Construct Crematoria in Cordoba: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (Provides 2 Power each turn)

1. Send 2 Repentant Squad, 2 Rocket Bikes, 1 Tick Tank, 1 Avatar and 1 Modified Stealth Tank to explore the Abandoned Battlefield to the East
2. Send Scouting Party further East past the Abandoned Battlefield
3: Divert 6 Energy to Hidden Temple

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Energy 12111112


  • Children of the Crystal

    Omar stood leaning against the corrugated wall of metal with half-closed eyes and a drooping head, breathing in the hot, debilitating midday air pouring in by the old warehouse's open gates as he idly reminisced about better days. Golden rays of sunshine peeped inside through the great apertures, colouring the Murcian tradesmen and the fuel trucks parked inside of the warehouse. He started, seeing the men of Murcia had finally come to an agreement about their fuel with his own foreman. They turned to face him with contented smiles, grinning like depraved hyenas; Omar recoiled. He got the feeling that regular folk would take more offence to their hideous appearances than any of the Forgotten could ever come close to spark.

    His foreman stepped back, letting the traders come closer to him. The caravan master cackled: "It is a pleasure doing business with you again, oh Master of the Forgotten. One thousand credits! That is the price for our three tankers of juice to you. Your foreman says it can be arranged."

    "Can? Of course it can!" Omar narrowed his eyes. "And if you want us to keep our pretty business blooming, I suggest you start pumping it into our silos pronto." He knew them for the vultures that they were. You could not let yourself be bossed around by their otherwise outrageous demands. "One thousand credits, just as we agreed."

    "Of course, amigo. One thousand, as agreed." The caravan master wiped the smirk off his face and spoke more bluntly. "Just don't be a hard-ass, aye? There's plenty more people about now that can afford our services if you're so ungrateful of us."

    Omar couldn't help holding back a chuckle.
    "Afford you? What nonsense is this? There isn't anybody rich or stupid enough for that." He would not be subdued by these pathetic empty threats.

    "No?" The caravan master pulled up a tattered map from his pocket and unfolded it. "There!" He pointed on its surface for Omar to see. "We hear there's a new player in town who would be very interested in what we can provide."

    "Valencia!" Omar widened his eyes as he leaned in to read. "How come I've not heard of this? Who's over there now?"

    "They call themselves the New Men. Uh, strange folk, I hear, but very generous if you please them. Valencia joined them willingly under their wing. A- apparently they offer medicine for the sick and do their best to find a cure for your... erm, affliction. I've heard on the grapevine that they show promise!" The trader grinned again, squinting his eyes at Omar.

    What did that mean? The New Men are attempting to cure tiberium poisoning? Omar's heart pounded wildly; he could scarcely believe it. "That immediately makes them a hundred times better people than you! I'll find and speak to these so-called 'New Men,' and we'll see." He faced his aide with grim eyes. "Foreman, finish up this transaction. I just received an important matter to attend to."


Turn 8: Summer

The Bandit Warlord Diego has finally been defeated, bringing a much needed stability to the North Western part of the Iberian Peninsula. The people seemed happier and more free than they had in a long, long time. All eyes were on what would happen from this new Leon Empire that was emerging and bringing health and happiness to the field.

To the East of the lands, word was spreading of a great healer among the Forgotten who was giving aid to all, Forgotten and non Forgotten. People were flocking to both causes.

Scattered Transmissions from Zaragoza have been emerging of attacks from Nod forces with the GDI forces to their east attempting to respond with troops.


“Requests for Reinforcements have gone unheeded. Kore’s final message is that she will have her forces attempt to hold the line in one final blockade. If this fails, Warlord Garzola will have complete free reign of all land up to the Blue Zone”- EVA

The Brotherhood of NOD

A woman in a smart looking black suit with Red accents and slicked back hair appeared on the screen. “This is Gabriella Santiagio of the Nod News Network. Warlord Garzola continues to prove his might against the most hated forces of GDI. The GDI Autonomous Division, clearly an attempt by GDI to make an A.I. as powerful as the hated CABAL, is no match for the second coming of KANE.”
Images showed a squadron of Tick Tanks supported with heavily armed soldiers engaged in fighting with robotic troops with the mechanical troops having heavy casualties. They fall in droves and are trampled by the Tick Tanks

“Let’s cut to the ground and see what Garzola’s troops have to say.”

The image cuts to a newsman standing next to a Man decked out heavy armor and carrying a large cannon. It looks like some sort of anti armor trooper. “What do you think of the recent victories against GDI?”

“GDI are fools. And if they think that machines can best the might and intelligence of flesh and blood, then we’ll show them that they are wrong. Warlord Garzola under Nod will bring peace to this land.”

Gabriella turns to look at another camera. “There you have it folks. GDI is in retreat in the Iberian Peninsula and Warlord Garzola is the one to do it. Only time will tell if GDI will attempt to bring in more troops, or abandon the nation, running away from all threats?”- Nod News Network

Machine Baptists

1. Construct Tithe Church (and establish tithe system) in Cordoba: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (Provides 2 Credits each turn)
2. Construct Broadcast Station in Cordoba: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (Provides 2 Faith each turn)
3. Construct Crematoria in Cordoba: 2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Faith (Provides 2 Power each turn)

Explore Cordoba with 3 Exemplar Squads, 3 Repentant Squad, 6 Rocket Bikes, 1 Triskele Squad, 1 Tick Tank, 1 Agent R, 1 Avatar, 1 Modified Stealth Tank: With such a large Nod Force arriving, the forces of Cordoba have holed up within its walls. A transmission is sent to the group. “If you are planning to attack this city, We recommend that you turn around and go home. Reinforcements are on their way.” (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Main Base Buildings: Construction Yard, Church of Kane, Ordinance Chamber, Nemihah Wall, Inquisitor Turret, Crematriax2, Pit of Purgation, Anchorage, Almshouse, Bedehouse, Assumption Assembly

Base Gamma Buildings: Stealth Generator, Hidden Temple of Kane, Power Plant, Tiberium Waste Facility

Current units in the base: 1 Repentant Squad

To the immediate East is the city of Cordoba, to the South is the River Guadalmina, to the West is a large Cavern, to the North is a vast wasteland

Scouting East past Cordoba is an abandoned battlefield

Explore Abandoned Battlefield- It looks like an engagement from the last war between GDI and NOD and even CABAL forces littered about. (Continued in Exploration Chat)

Solace of the Choir

build: tick tank (use 2 actions)
research: improved cybernetic frame- Cybernetic troops gain +1 against Heavy Weapons

Current Buildings: Hall of Assembly, Church of Kanex2, Tiberium Processing Core, Hall of Song, the Retrofitting Pitsx2, Reactorx3, Strange Drill Device, Shredder Turret, Hall of Repentance, Assembly Yard, Laser Fence, Tiberium Extractor

Current units in the base: 6 Unenlightened Squads, 4 Fanatics 1 enlightened, 1 tick tank
Troops to the , Seville north : 1 Unenlightened Squad, 1 Reaper Squad 2 militia squads
Troops to the East: 1 Enlightened Squad

Contact Sumpter Skirmishers

To the immediate North is Seville. To the East is a sea of dead trees. To the South is a small Tiberium field. To the West is a strange Communications dish that seems to be transmitting something.


Local News Update:

A man wearing a fancy suit is standing in the city of Leon as celebration reigns all around. “The people of the new Leon Empire continue to celebrate the powerful victory against the Bandit Lord, Diego. It seems that the people are happy with all of the major changes and that life has finally started to improve once more, reaching heights that have not been seen since before the first Tiberium War”

Video is shown of the celebration and rebuilding of the nation. “These are the happy people that are striving to bring Spain into the present.”

The León Barony

Research Encrypted Battle Plans [Diego]- Battle plans list the main backer of the plan to be a Nod Faction known as The Revenant out East. It seems that Diego’s orders were to join the assault on Valencia after taking out Leon.
Rebuild Port Gijon- Gain access to a port. Can build Transport ships
Recruit Bazooka Trooper

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Fortified Walls, Barracks, Heavy Armament Factory, Solar Panel Array, Central Tax Agency, Salvage Yard

León - 3 Levies, 1 Bazooka Trooper
Ciñera - 2 Levies
Mieres - 2 Levies
Oviedo - 1 Militia, 1 Levy

Validad: Hugo
Scorched Earth
Tercio Squad
Heavy Mortar
Ol' Bessy
1 light tank
2 Nod Buggies
Mammoth MK.1 Tank

To the immediate North is an abandoned battlefield, to the east is a large hill, to the south is a chain of highways, to the west is a Small Tiberium Field

Scouting south of the Tiberium field reveals the ruins of the city of Valadolid

Scouting West is the major Cement Walls Guarded and Patrolled by GDI forces protecting the blue Zone

The Baroness and Crew arrive at a GDI checkpoint at one of the walls leading into the Blue Zone. (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Sumpter Skirmishers

Construct Addition Back Channel Research for 2 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Scrap (On a roll of +7, produces random research. +1 to roll for every credit spent)
Conduct Research on Damaged Titan for 6 Scrap- Can now build Scrap Titans

Scrap Titans(2) Wall Buster- Instead of attacking normally, can destroy a wall or defensive structure in a single blast

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Fortified Walls, Tiberium Cratex2, Credit Crates, Storage Facility, Recycling Plant, Junkyard, Canteen, PMC training Facility, Freight Service

Units currently within the city: 1 TW1 Orca, 1 Hero (Barry), 2 Humvees

Units in Hidden City: 1 RV, 1 Gideon Riders, 1 TW1 Flame Tank, 1 C-130 Hercules , 1 RV, 1 C-130 Hercules

To the immediate South lies a watery expanse. To the East is the city of San Fernando. To the North an abandoned Shipyard. To the West, an oil rig across the water.

A scouting party travels further South into the waters and comes across an old abandoned GDI cruiser crashed on some rocks.

Explore Battlefield: It looks as though a large scale battle between GDI and Nod forces. Destroyed vehicles litter the area. (Continued in Adventure Chat)

Send Scouting Party past the Battlefield (Far NorthEast)- A strange, almost tribal group of humans seem to have a makeshift settlement.

Send Scouting Party past the Battlefield (Far NorthWest) Your troops discover the wall to the GDI Blue Zone. It towers over everything nearby.

Repair and Maintain Oil Rig (10 credits +2 Upkeep)

The Forgotten


A strange message originating from Islas Baleares hits the airwaves. It is partially filled with static and erratically stated.

“Aliens are among us. They have landed on Earth. We have proof. An alien spacecraft within our very borders. The people need to secure themselves and prepare.”

New Men

FREE: Random Tech Researched- Gain the ability to fly aircraft remotely
1. Research Tiberium Medicine (4 Tiberium)- Ability to reverse the Middle stages of tiberium poisoning
2. Build Underground Research Labs (2 Credit, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)
3. Build Roads (Valencia to Main Base) (2 Credits, 1 Energy, 1 Tiberium)

Gained access to Southern Airfield. 2 Helicopters, 2 Scout Planes, 1 Commercial Liner. Only the 2 Helicopters are currently functional

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Tiberium Garden, Tiberium Labs, Psionics Facility, Reclamation Plantx3, Power Plantx2, Remote Viewing Center, Underground Research Labsx2, Tiberium Clinicx2, Forgotten Roadhouse

Units currently in the base: 5 Tiberium Thrall Squads
Northern Highway System Ruins :6 Tiberium Thrall1 Tiberium Reader, 1 Tiberium Psionic
Units in Southern Airport: 2 Sons of Forgotten, 2 Forgotten Rocketeers, 1 Tiberium Fiend, 1 TW1 Medium Tank

To the immediate East is the city of Valencia. To the South, a large airport. To the West an abandoned battlefield. To the North, a small Blue Tiberium Field

Scout South sees a strange Metal Pyramid.

Using the remote viewer for East uncovers a large Black ship out in the ocean, just sitting there.

Valencia seems to be heavily fortified. 2 Guard Towers and a Grenade Tower. 2 Medium Tanks and 2 Militia troops can be seen near the entrance.(Continued in Exploration Chat)

Children of The Crystal

  1. Construct 1 Technical (1) (Costs 2 actions)​
  2. Train 1 Marauder (0)​

Current Buildings: Construction Pod, Tiberium Garden, Training Premises, Workshop, Training Depot, Solar Arrayx2, Tiberium Minex3, Trade Road Networkx2, Minefield, Blueprint Studio, Service Garage, Trading Depot

Units currently in the base: 1 Rocket Copter, 1 Stealth Tank, 1 Modified Mammoth Mk1, The Handler, 4 Tiberium Fiends

Units to the North: Tick Tank

To the immediate North is the City of Murcia. To the East A small Tiberium Field. To the South a current battle between GDI and NOD forces. To the West a series of large holes.

Further North past Mercia lies a Tiberium Vein Monster. It's veins seem to be stretching far and wide.

Scouting North Past the Vein Monster uncovers a GDI convoy. They seem to be moving heavy equipment.

Scouts discover the large city of Alicante. It apparently has a functioning airport.

Scouting the NW has uncovered a vast Field of Tiberium

Scouts NW past the Tiberium fields discovers an abandoned GDI base

The Forgotten Swarm


1. research tiberium pools (on a plus 7 spawns a koth swarm) -8 t

2. make Koth swarms -1 e -1 c 1t

3. Build watchtower (+5 defence) -2e -2c -1t​
Comander stats
Intelligence 2
Command 0
Strategy 1
Bureaucracy -1

Tiberium Garden: +1 tiberium
2 Tiberium Refinery + 4 Credits
Hatchery: Makes units
Hive: +2 Credits, +1 Energy, +1 Tiberium
4 tiberium pools +12 tiberium
2 Bio reactor +4 energy
Watchtower +5 defence
Tiberium Supply: either +2 credits or +2 Tiberium.
9 Koth swarms
3 zik warriors
1 Ghek Creepers

The Forgotten Swarm

"This can't stand " tryish shouted "You told them we would tell them when we were ready and they decided to go ahead and call out to the world

The situation had deteriorated with the other forgotten. There was lacking trust between the two groups and now they had gone agonst their word. Without things set up without explanation there was a chance any group that showed up would not understand what they saw. It seemed like the others wanted outsiders to kill the swarm. That was at least what many whispered and zysal herself was unsure. The pools were already giving out more swarms so that was helping their defence. They still needed work but the towers needed it more. With only one functional they were exposed.

"Perhaps " zysal said rubbing her temples.

"we should deal with threats before they get stronger" Ryr said having mostly decided they might not be coluding but being on the safe side was best.

"The hive must be protected from traitors" Salhek said everyone was on the same page even those that were normally enemies.

" Yes yes but can we deal woth a fight on two fronts?" Zysal asked knowing they could not. "We must be ready to weather the storm build all the defences you can and improve them as well we may have to fight the world to live"

1. research advanced watched towers (+3 more defence per tower) -8 t

2. Build watchtower (+5 defence)

3. Build watchtower (+5 defence) -2e -2c -1t

free actions

ResourcesBegan this turnSpent this turnGained this turnEnd this turn
Credits 28 4630
Energy 184519
Epilogue of Act 1


The meeting between Baroness Mariana Vasquez of Leon, Senator Meza and Colonial Torez went well. In the history books, it is not known exactly what was said at that meeting, but whatever it was, it was enough to sway the representatives of GDI to lend their support in helping Leon and its allies known as The Children of The Crystal to reclaim most of Spain and even redraw the borders of what was considered under the protection of GDI.

In an intense campaign that involved a pincer attack on three sides to free the embattered territories of Zaragoza from the Nod group known as The Revenant; Leon, The Children of The Crystal and The Matterhorn Division, forged the kinds of bonds that could only be found on the battlefield.

The Evil A.I. had set its eyes on becoming the next CABAL, only much more effective. It had slowly worked its way up in the world, gathering more and more land with its human agents. Many lives were lost from the intensity of the fighting, but at long last, the hero Hugo had managed to land the final blow on the machine, destroying the compound that held its mind with massive amounts of C5.

He could be heard saying that he was getting too old for this shit as he pulled the trigger.

It wasn’t long after that, before the factions turned their sights on the corrupt and bandit filled Capital of Madrid. Even with its thick and hearty walls, it did not last long against the battle hardened troops of Leon, the mechanized vehicles of GDI and the makeshift and older armaments of the Forgotten. Order was at long last restored to the North.

In the Southern reaches, The Solace of the Choir, a NOD faction, run by a shackled A.I. that seemed to have the best interests of NOD at its heart, managed to form an alliance with the civilian faction, The Sumpter Skirmishers in order to better protect the people and the territories that they controlled.

It wasn’t long, however, until The GDI 1st Autonomous War Division was completely overrun by the NOD Warlord, Garzola. At that point, Nod forces began to encroach on not only the lands of The Skirmishers, but also The Choir. The duo fought back with the full force of their capabilities. Machines and wily Boxy humans engaged in combat that lasted for months.

While Garzola’s troops were pushing forward against his foes, the Machine Baptists, whom believed that their leader was the true second coming of KANE, launched a sneak attack from the side and rear of Garzola’s Empire.

If the fighting had started with all three factions attacking, he might have stood a much better chance. However, this attack came after the Warlord had moved the majority of his troops towards the front after a series of victories. In retrospect, it seemed that those victories had come far too cleanly, almost as though another faction had been assisting from the shadows.

But that hindsight did not help the Warlord as his forces were crushed. The Warlord was squirreled away by the Machine Baptists, for reasons only known to them.

This allowed the Sumpters to gain the entire Southern coast and the Choir to gain more land north of their position. The Machine Baptists seemed to gain much of the Northern areas of those two factions, including towards the newly built GDI walls.

While these battles were all occurring, the mastermind, Yuri had been gathering the good will of the people as the Great Healer. Town after town, city after city had come under his power. People disappeared, but that was overlooked as the good will and benefits outweighed looking too deeply at what was going on.

Eventually Yuri had settled on sending troops out to investigate the islands of the Red Zone. He had intended to earlier, especially after hearing that broadcast, but other research and expansion took much greater priority.

In his time exploring, he came across the old designs for a teleporter created by one, Albert Einstein during WW2 to fight the Russians, The Chronosphere. He knew that with it, he could be invincible. Being able to teleport his troops anywhere that he liked would bring vast superiority to his faction, far above any of the others. No longer would he have to wait hours, days or even weeks for troops to reach the battlefield. Now, it would only be an instant.

Now that it was up and running, The Great Healer used the Chronosphere to ambush the island, killing most of its inhabitants, normal forgotten and strangely mutated forgotten, alike. Those that had not been killed or escaped in the confusion, were captured and used for his experiments. He knew that he would gain great insight into Tiberium research under that wing.

However, The Children of The Crystal had gotten too close to his operations and as such, he had to deal with it. His agents were caught poisoning the water supplies of their lands and all out war erupted. The Chronosphere aided greatly in his victories. And he had an almost endless amount of bodies to throw at the Northern Alliance, but in the end, the ones known as Scorched Earth and Galeforce single handedly demolished his base of all his best troops while others were out fighting in the homelands and capitals of his foes.

Yuri was lost after a last ditch effort to use the Chronosphere to recall his troops. And without the evil mastermind, his faction soon fell to the winds.


GDI had for the most part, continued to fall back and secure locations designated as Blue Zones, using newly advanced sonic technology to completely drive Tiberium out of those regions and push back its progress in designated Yellow Zones that were considered under GDI protection such as the majority of Spain.

As time progressed and the threat of an attack from the Brotherhood seemed less and less likely, mostly due to in fighting between the factions of Nod, The Walkers and other mech technology was mostly mothballed and replaced with more traditional military hardware that was effective and far cheaper, without any of the exploits that had been discovered during the War.

The GDI 1st Autonomous War Division

During the major conflicts, Kore had been a testbed for GDI technology. A more advanced version of EVA that was kept under constant supervision to ensure that there was no rampancy on the part of the A.I., such as had happened to the Nod A.I., CABAL.

Unfortunately, not only was her mechanical troops unable to compete on a larger scale with the human troops fielded by other factions, but her tactics left something to be desired. That, along with her inability to spread good will to the civilian population, led her base to be overrun by the Nod Warlord Garzola.

As GDI was downsizing and reducing its military budget, the performance of KORE was enough for them to mothball the project and deactivate the A.I. at such a time. The project was far too costly when success was not achieved.

The A.I. core was removed from the confines of the Philadelphia and placed in a guarded secure bunker somewhere in the Western United States.

Matterhorn Division

Under the command of newly promoted Marissa Lavigne, the division made great strides in protecting the North Eastern section of Spain before joining up with the forces of Leon at the behest of GDI command.

Her brilliant use of technology in combination with her crew’s engineering skills, helped secure positions that would have otherwise been thought lost.

For her part in their victories in securing Spain, she was given medals denoting her bravery and expert command.

She would remain in a command position in Spain under the watchful eye of Councilwoman Vaszquez

The Brotherhood of NOD

Nod would go on to control over a third of Spain. Nearly a half of Spain if one counted its alliance with the Skirmishers.

The factions were divided as Nod usually is without its leadership, each piece demanding to be the largest piece that all the others should follow.

The shackled A.I. had proven to be much stronger and quieter than its loose counterpart. Able to actually show a helping hand for the people. With GDI leaving those in the yellow zones to suffer, it was only natural that Nod would step up and help. Gaining supporters by the droves.

The Sumpter Skirmishers shared their breakthroughs in Tiberium Research with the Choir, helping to turn back the tide on Tiberium Poisoning, leading the way towards true Divination for Nod. Those that would be able to use Tiberium based drugs to help them not only take pain at higher levels, but also to help them SEE.

It was through this sight that the True Believers were not surprised when Kane once again Rose from the Ashes, ignoring his own death once more.

As they say, you can’t kill the messiah.

Machine Baptists

Kane was pleased with what Vladamir Zakharov had done in his absence. He had truly followed the path of Kane, the path that many did not choose to follow.

But now was not yet the time for the others to follow these truths. They were not yet ready for them. There would be the time, soon, oh so very soon, that he would need to call upon these half machine, half men. But for now, he would send them to bunkers for further treatment and transformation.

Vladamir was promoted to being a part of Kane’s Inner Council. A member of the very few Elite that stood by Kane’s ear and promoted his glory. He was privy to secrets that a basic neophyte could only dream of.

Solace of the Choir

Central Consensus had proven to be a success. A shackled A.I. that could follow orders and perform better than CABAL ever had.

It had been deemed that they would continue down this path, helping the people and gathering up support for Nod. The fortification of Spain would be important to Kane for the future and they would be a glorious part of it.

The Black Hand forces in the region would be given more operational pathways for greater control of the population while Central Consensus brings about the word of peace through power. They would grow their base of support and become a stronghold of religious zealotry for many years to come.


Revenant had been an A.I. that had run rampant. It came very close to overrunning all of Spain, starting with the North. If it had been allowed to overtake Zaragoza, the war might have taken years instead of months.

With the A.I. destroyed, its forces were either disassembled or scattered to the winds. Its memory would live on as a cautionary tale in the same vein as CABAL, but one that had not heeded the stories of the past, dooming to repeat it.


Due to Leon, the majority of civilian civilization within Spain had been greatly improved. Infrastructure was brought back to the land, and with it, Hope. Hope for a better tomorrow that could finally be a reality.

That reality became real when Leon secured GDI support for the region, becoming a full part of the GDI civilian branch. The northern and eastern regions of Spain became better off and in some areas, even Forgotten were once again welcome.

The León Barony

The Death of Diego had truly been the beginning of things to change. Leon had gained more support than ever and with the Baroness talking with GDI, managed to gain greater improvements for the region.

The Baroness was soon enough brought onboard as a Councilwoman for Spain. A voice for the people. One that was able to help improve those under her care. And while they were not able to fully gain all of Spain, most of it was firmly under her control.

The outside wastes were filled mainly with Nod forces that they had never been able to route. The type of situation that only allowed them to further entrench themselves.

She assembled her own Council for Spain that included Elodia Avila of Zaragoza and Omar of The Children of The Crystal. With them behind her, she could better assist the needs of the people and further improve Spain as a whole.

Hugo was promoted to her Commander, much as he just wanted to retire, she still needed his expertise in military affairs for skirmishes that broke out along the wall. He never got over the deaths, but he could rest easy knowing that the next generation would grow up in a better place.

Scorched Earth left one day. No goodbyes, no notes, just vanished into the winds. Ever now and again, reports come in of a Nod base being engulfed in flames and most assume that it is them who was the cause.

Galeforce returned to the theater, putting on one woman plays. Her favorite and most popular ones are her retellings of the wartimes retaking Spain for the people. Sometimes one could actually spot the Former Baroness up in her private box, a smile crossing her face whenever Galeforce would act as her, giving a rousing speech to the people.

Lucianna was offered a commission for all her hard work during the battles, but she turned it down. Her and her Lucky Mercs instead went out east to help rebuild the lands that were decimated by Yuri. The people needed her help, she said. And she needed to help them.

Commander Catalina continued on helping the rebuilding of Spain, but one day was found poisoned along with several other former Nod officers. The assassin was apprehended, but his only words before biting down on a cyanide tooth was that The Prophet does not abide traitors.

Sumpter Skirmishers

The work of the Professor had aided in improving the life of those on the other side of the border with greater protection and reversal of the effects of Tiberium poisoning. In addition to her own work, she acquired the data from Yuri’s New Men, improving her own research.

It wasn’t long before those within their Nod aligned faction began to take notice. They made sure that she had enough supplies and test subjects for greater experimentation, culminating in the greatest Tiberium Resistance yet.

The alliance between Boon S . Kratt and the Choir had proved quite fruitful. He was able to better take care of his own people, and ended up with the entire Southern Coast of Spain. No easy feat, but now, he had the power on rival of any Warlord of the Wastes. Especially with his acquired former GDI goods.

It became a common sight in the regions controlled by Kratt for Junk Titans to be spotted. Their fierce cannons, protecting all that belonged to the crate based man.

However, it wasn’t long before the man started over indulging in alcohol and even the newer Tiberium Based drugs. With the improved resistance to Tiberium, they soon became all the rage.

There was just something about it that kept him coming back. But the man’s mind was his own. And he continued to have thoughts of expanding his growing empire out to Africa.

It was noted in a recent GDI report of a large buildup of military grade forces on the southern coast of Spain. They would keep an eye on this man in the future.

The Forgotten


For many of the Forgotten factions within Spain, only ruin continued to follow them where ever they went. But, for those that followed Omar and his Children of the Crystal, things began to look up for them with their alliance with Leon after the defeat of The New Men.

It proved to be a deal that gained them much of the Eastern coast of Spain and even the islands to the East that were so terraformed that they were considered red zones by GDI.

Unlivable for normal humans, to be sure, but Omar knew that many of his people that disliked being around other humans, might prefer the challenges that came with living there.

New Men

Yuri had imputed the coordinates into the Chronosphere. He was planning on bringing back his entire army. That would stop this crack team of invaders from threatening all his plans that had come so far.

That would make sure that he would conquer all of Spain and after that, the entire world. These inferior beings would not stop the superior mind that was Yuri.

As he pushed the button, the heavy flames sprouted out from Scorched Earth’s flames thrower, sending the machine into meltdown.

A brilliant flash of blue light occurred, followed by all fading into black. When the brilliant strategist came to, he found himself in a medical bay.

The technology around him looked ancient. It must be a forgotten base of some kind that he was teleported to. It must be.

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming closer as Yuri sat up in the bed and saw for certain that he was not in a Forgotten Base.

The man before him was shorter than himself, with thick black hair and a thick mustache. There was no mistaking who was before him.

“My friend, you and I are going to do wonderful things.” Chuckled Joseph Stalin.

Yuri smirked as thoughts came to fruition. IN this time, things will certainly go his way. “Yes indeed they will. Most assuredly.”

Children of The Crystal

Omar’s seat on the Council helped him gather greater rights for the Forgotten throughout Spain. While incidents still broke out, there were now many who were not openly hostile to them. Many of those who had felt abandoned could feel such as people again.

And those that did not feel as if they could live together in harmony, would be relocated to the lands where Forgotten could feel most at ease.

Omar ensured that there were Forgotten Militia that would protect the land and safeguard them from the greater Tiberium based threats. Not an easy task, to be sure, but one that in these times, he felt that his people were best suited towards.

The Forgotten were no longer as such. They were remembered for their help in freeing Spain from its dissidents. They would be remembered as brothers and sisters in arms. There was even a statue built in Madrid commemorating the alliance, so that none would forget their sacrifice.

The Forgotten Swarm


With many of their swarm dead, Zyzal realized that no humans nor forgotten could be trusted. They were all murderers and thieves. Looking out for themselves and killing any that was different than what they liked.

She took herself and her leadership, along with what little of the swarm survived and retreated deeper into the red zones, looking for ways to mutate even further and spread the Red Zones even more throughout the world.

Perhaps if others were forced to become like them, they would not be so hasty to judge all life.

Rumors abound of monsters in the Red zones, stealing people from Yellow zones to never be seen again. Told as fables to children to keep them in line, but very much rooted in fact.

When would The Swarm Rise again?​

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