Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

"I don't care for anyone to bother me any time soon. I just wanted the letter.. thank you." She said, voice surprisingly deflated of any sign of confidence. On the inside, she was screaming to be left alone. She slipped away into her room, trying to not think about anything. She needed to train, after all. No time to deal with others. She thought of Sebastian and felt her chest ache. He would be telling her to fight it out. To not think. She began practicing with an imaginary opponent.
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]"I don't care for anyone to bother me any time soon. I just wanted the letter.. thank you." She said, voice surprisingly deflated of any sign of confidence. On the inside, she was screaming to be left alone. She slipped away into her room, trying to not think about anything. She needed to train, after all. No time to deal with others. She thought of Sebastian and felt her chest ache. He would be telling her to fight it out. To not think. She began practicing with an imaginary opponent.

(I do not mean all of this btw... I feel so rude!)
The letter said

"I've seen you fight, I respect your style of combat. Hopefully we will meet again" 
Jesse could tell Vinnie was unnerved, "c'mon relax, take it easy" he said in a concerned tone

(Good news, your next battle, you get to pick your opponent/scenario)
Vinnie, after fighting her imaginary opponent, looked to Jesse, scowling not at him. Just to herself. "Im fine."
"You've got a fight today" said Argo, "I'll be cheering for you from the tunnel" he said smiling. Jesse looked at her "I'll help you rise through the ranks, wish me luck today." 
Aegon stood looking out his window. "Excellent, thank you." he told her sternly, he was deeply intrenched in his own thoughts
Vinnie nodded, unsure if she was fighting too. "I will.." She said, a bit of happiness in her voice, but not nearly enough to notice. She thought of something. She looked to Argo. "Could you get me a sword? I will learn to cut with air.." She says, motivated suddenly. "Then both Jesse and I can excel and rise to the top."
Argo handed her a nice sword "Luckily for you I had this picked up for you, it's powerful, sturdy, and perfect for your style of combat"
Vinnie held it, the weight in her hands feeling perfect. Meant to be. "Im just human, without any special powers besides my strength.. but please teach me everything I should be incapable of doing.. and show me how to cut without touching my opponent." Her voice held resolve. She knew he might not be able to do it, but she needed to know. She knew she could learn anything if given the chance and training time.
"It will take intense training, you must increase your strength and your speed to do so, you'll have to be prepared for whatever you must do." said Argo.
"I'll train as long and hard as I must.. I need to be able to beat.. him." She said, determination in her eyes. She's trained for her life time, she was ready to train for another.
(You get to make your own fight and fight scenario yay!)

Argo looked at Vinnie, "You're up, best of luck, keep your wits about you out there"
As Vinnie walked out, sword in her hand, she saw something of a man, half covered in scales and large wings on his back. In his fingers were great claws, yet he stood tall, looking down at Vinnie, obviously experienced. The crowd cheered and he charged Vinnie, speed increased by wings. He slashed down at her with both claws, a tail making its way to wrap around her. She jumped atop its arms and ran up it, trying to slice off its head with her sword, but his tail blocked it with armor like scales as the tried to hit the human like flesh. 
With the tail moving as fast she she was, at first she tried fighting it alone and avouching the claws, getting slashed by the creature a couple good times. She knew she wasn't fighting her best. She could feel it, so she visualized Sebastian telling her all her strategy choices, to be strong and not hesitate. To use all her strength and fouler through a blow without hesitating. She Leaped back getting some distance, before focusing alll her strength at once. She spotted a weak point of the tail. A few scales were missing, so she aimed and moved, faster than ever as it lunged at her, claws sinking into her shoulders. The speed of her strike was too fast to follow with normal eyes and the weight behind it harsh. She sliced through like butter and let the tail fall to the ground. Follow through Vinnie. Theres still energy. Stop now and you will be wasting the best hit you've made. She didn't waste a single motion, pushing it through the dragon mans mid section, sword ending half way through its torso and all the way through, from end to end.
The crowd went wild as they threw gold and roses into the ring "We have a winner!"

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Vinnie looked deeply and coldly into its eyes, knowing her cruelty would be the last thing it wool devour see. It slid off her sword and to the ground and she walked off, not caring for the praise she got. None of this glorifying scene appealed to her. she wiped the blood from her sword onto her hands.
Argo entered the ring as she left embracing her and patting her on the back.

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Vinnie looked at Argo, shocked by his touch, though it was not in any way unwelcome. "The sword is really nice.. thanks." She said, warmed up to Argo.
The giant Minotaur swung it's axe as Argo ran on it an sliced the beasts head off with blazing speed. After it had fallen he jogged back into the tunnel and left.

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