Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]


Four Thousand Club
DippyDash submitted a new role play:

Colosseum Gods. - In the reality of Harenas, you fight not to live, but to become a god. (Anime themed)

Whether it be our world, or an alternate world or time, you've been kidnapped and transported to Harenas. A reality where the worlds most watched events are gladiator style battles. You were chosen to become a new gladiator in this hostile place. The emperor of Harenas loves the battles more than anything. Do you seek to overthrow him and free everyone, or do you seek to join his side as a god, or do you seek only to survive.
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You wake up from a sleep in your world. You wake up with two bracelets that you cannot remove no matter what. In a dark crowded dungeon. Go.
Jack woke up slowly realizing he wasn't home any more he couldn't see very much his eyes hadn't ajusted yet he could make out shapes of people but couldn't see there faces. He slowly sat up letting his eyes a just trying to figure out where he was
Jesse woke up seeing the people, and the creatures in the dungeon, "Where?...Where the hell am I!?" He exclaimed, "this is a dream, this has got to be a dream!!".

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Vinnie was tired, finished with a day of lessons taught by Sebastian, her so called babysitter. The guy had her sparring all day. He told her she would be competing soon and needed to practice while she had the time, but Vinnie saw no reason in it. She never lost a fight. It would be odd for her to start now. As she went to sleep, he reminded her her parents would be home to watch it. she replied with, "Who needs em there anyways? Not like I asked to see how they're doin. Not like they would ask bout me." With that, Sebastian shook his head at her sadly and walked off. She drifted into sleep.

When Vinnie awoke, her back felt a bit stiff and the air smelled much staler than that of her room. She grunted, opening her eyes and looking around. She was scared. That should be obvious for anyone with common sense awakening in such a place. She saw all the people and immediately thought, slavery. "Open the door, god damnit! Do it now or die slowly!" She yelled, compensating for her terror, with great anger and getting up, looking around like a cornered animal.
The sounds of yelling and clawing filled the halls as several guards ordered them to settle down to make an announcement. "Listen up! Welcome to Harenas, you're here because someone thought you'd be good entertainment in our prestigious arena. Right now you belong to the Emperor. If you resist us, those bracelets will kill you. If you manage to almost get them off, they will kill you. Now line up, single file and we will assign you a cell. Living situations will improve for those who are worthy. Now line up!!!" The people began to line up in droves. Jesse was shoved into the line behind Vinnie.

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Jack heard Vinnie's voice right beside him, he looked in the sounds direction, his eyes started to adjust and he looked at Vinnie," yelling ain't going to help ha know." he grinned as he said this.
Vinnie snarled at Jack. "Nor is sittin around looking a fool!" She said in a thick accent. "Git in line 'fore somebody hurts ya." She nodded, expressionless, acknowledging both Jesse and Jack. She stood in front.
"Alright lady in front, you're with the kid behind you" he said pointing to Jesse as a guard approached to take them to their cell. Jesse said nervously "But-but she's a girl!?". The guard struck him with a whip fiercely as he fell.

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"You with the grin.." Said the guard. "You'll be with.. Him.." He said as he pointed behind him to a man who looked in his late 20s.

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Vinnie refused to take her foot off the whip, staring down the guard. She figured he would be pretty dumb to ignore her.
"Good spirit" said the guard to Vinnie. "Now make yourselves comfy. Training starts tomorrow". Jesse stumbled into the cell, falling on an old dusty mat.

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Vinnie reluctantly walked in. She saw Jesse fall over himself and offered a hand. Her expression never changed though. "You hurt?"
"Well it hurt, but I'll live. This is a dream anyways" Jesse said laughing. "This doesn't happen in real life. Just a really vivid dream."

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Vinnie leaned against the wall, thinking hard. The inner her was laughing at the irony of the whole situation and what she said about her parents. Another part of her was crying because she may never see them again. None believed it could be a dream. So hard faced and looking at what seemed to just be the wall, she only replied with, "hn.."
"I mean. If this wasn't a dream, why would they pick me? I'm just a political science major, hardly been in any fights in my life" Jesse told her laughing in disbelief.

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Vinnie felt a pair of eyes on her, and she glanced down. "There are reasons for everything fate throws at you. You cant question them, or else you will find yourself very lost. You can only work through the truths." She replied, not letting up on her tone, but not really showing any true hostility towards the other.
Jesse's eyes widened as he realized it wasn't a dream. He fainted onto the floor, as a guard walked up and laughed. "He won't make it through his first battle." He cackled to the other guards.

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Vinnie turned around and slammed her fist into the wall nearest the guard, actually indenting the material. It took her no more than a second. "You've got something to say, tell it to the guy when he's up an out'a this hell hole, coward." She said, bloodlust in her eyes. She reached over, feeling safe to act soft for a moment, and lifted Jesse up, setting him in a comfortable position, folding the mat to hold his head up, a little elevated.
"Trust me you're going to fit in just fine" the guard said. The man who was Jack's cellmate was in the cell beside them. "Rest up, tomorrow will be your orientation. Take this you'll need to be hydrated" he told them as he slid a bowl of water beneath the bars.

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Vinnie growled again, not really liking being a favorite of the guard. She looked to see the water and nodded to the guy. "Thank you." She said, honestly, before sipping some but saving a lot of it. She was really thirsty, but this would satisfy her for the time. She took some of the water in her hand and let a tiny bit drip on Jesse's face, thinking that he would need to get some too.
Vinnie looked at Argo, showing a little bit of surprise, but let it quickly melt back into her straight face. "Vinnie." She paused for a moment, feeling a little awkward about ending the talk like that. "Where you from?"
"From a planet called Atros, and you're from earth. That's where the new batch was going to be from." He looked down to the tattered cloth he was wearing. "I've been here for 20 years now. These bracelets cease aging, but aging is better than this."

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