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Realistic or Modern 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝.

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location ground floor of the apartment complex, waiting for elevator

outfit (see picture)

tag rosefilm rosefilm [/div][/div] [div class=info][div class="scroll"]All he wanted to do was climb into his bed, curl up into a little ball, and go to sleep.

Ryu Sehun stood in the lobby of the apartment complex, waiting for the elevator to indicate that it was there so he could freaking get to his floor and, eventually to his apartment room. As his eyes gazed at the illuminated light that indicated the elevator’s whereabouts, he could feel himself almost zoning out again. He had been so tired these last few days and he could never really figure out why. The boy was tossing it up to the fact he must’ve slept on his neck funny, which was causing the pain and a knot, which was then affecting his sleep patterns. Not to mention he felt like he was coming down with a cold of sorts. Which was why he had visited the doctors this fine afternoon.

As if there was anything fine about it. The sunset was absolute shit. His original plan had been to go to the doctors and, when he returned home, to go ahead and do his usual routine; to go up to the rooftop and paint a picture of the sunset. Practically everyone who lived in the apartment complex had bumped into him at one point up on the rooftop, seeing him painting. And practically every single one of them complained that he almost gave them a heart attack. Well, the rooftop was a great place to get the best view of the sunset. However, Sehun noticed as he was on his way home that there was nothing but annoying, boisterous clouds filling the air. Which meant that he was going to see nothing when it came to painting today.

And then his little visit to the ‘doctors’. Oh lord, he forgot how many people were in the world. As an extreme introvert, spending 90% of his time within his apartment complex (the other 10% spread between painting on the roof and going down to the shops for supplies), Sehun spent most of his time in the waiting room with a foul look upon his face. God, there needed to be another plague soon. He was in that damn waiting room for almost an hour and then when he finally saw the doctor, he was only in there for five minutes. The doctor said ‘get some blood tests done, take some vitamins, and then come back to see me in a couple of days’. When Sehun asked where he could get his blood tests taken, the doctor then informed him that the place he had to get them done had closed ten minutes ago. He was raging. It meant that he was going to have to take time out of his schedule tomorrow to go get his blood tests done and he was not pleased about it at all.

You know what else he wasn’t pleased about? This God damn elevator taking it’s freaking time! “You’ve got to be shitting me” he muttered under his breath as he watched the elevator floor move down, before moving back up again. Sehun leant forward, pressing the ‘down’ button harshly and repeatedly. Did it not realise he had been standing here for almost five minutes for it to come down? Usually, he wouldn’t mind walking up the stairs. But he had made a little trip to a local art shop to buy two more large canvas which came up to his hip. There was no way he was going to climb up the stairs with those two bad boys.

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coded by weldherwings
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