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College Haunts [Closed]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
“Why can’t we just share an apartment together?” Valerian whined as he leaned on the bar his ‘sister’ was wiping. The two weren’t really siblings, and in fact, they looked almost nothing alike. Valerian had golden blonde hair to her black, and his eyes were green to her silver. All they really had in common was their pale skin, and a few other similarities they wouldn’t dare show before humans in this bar. “Why can’t I have my own apartment?” He turned his gaze to his ‘father’.

Vergil smirked at the inquiry. “We’ve been over this.” Vergil and Damia were, of course, sharing an apartment. If it could be called that. For how fancy it was, and the fact it literally took up an entire floor of a building, it may as well have been a penthouse. That was usually where they stayed. Vergil was in the hotel business and he had hotels scattered across the globe.

Right now, though, they were in a town where he didn’t have any hotels. It was too small to capture his attention, only having this college that Valerian was attending, and living at. The dorms.

He hated the dorms. They were noisy, and full of humans. His bloodlust was under control, but it was still so tempting to drink right there—he knew better.

He always came here instead. Right now, he was sipping the blood out of a wine glass. If any asked, of course he’d say it was red wine. “Don’t you have a class? What was it, some sort,” Damia couldn’t help the snicker, “Ancient history course?” There were reasons she and Vergil didn’t play as students. They’d never stop correcting the teachers, or just laughing.

Valerian took his white iPhone from his pocket to check, then cursed. He chugged the wine, to the surprise of the few attendees, “See ya,” and with that, he grabbed his messenger bag and ran out the door, leaving Damia to laugh at his departure, and then continue tending to the others in the bar. Mostly, it was students. Townie bars were located further from campus.
"Late! Always late! And it's raining! FANTASTIC!" Serena practically growled as she frantically clutched her history folders to her chest sprinting across the now soggy grass to the Humanities department. It wasn't a very impressive building, but it served us purpose.

It was no surprise she arrived utterly drenched, though thank the lucky stars none of her history papers were wet. "Great, just great." She muttered to herself, flicking soggy brown hair out of her face and unceremoniously leaning against the door of the lecture room that had already began.


I gave serena a brief, meaningful hug before sprinting off with the lads towards the sports block. They always thought it was just soft that I cared so much, but if they knew the truth, im sure they wouldn't dare say such.

It was true I worried about her, but not as much as I should have...before. 'no, cant think about that now ky'. I chatised myself before jogging inside to do weights. "Hey, ky! 10 quid says you can't do 60 weights in 2 mins!" A friend, Jack, yelled over from the corner. "Twenny says you're wrong!" I challenged with a grin and set about our little wager.
Valerian was not usually late, but the rain only made him slower. Sure, he could have run faster than any human, but he had no desire to be noticed. He jogged his way to the humanities building and shook off the cold and the rain, before darting to the stairs and running up them to the third floor, almost slipping and falling on his way up.

When he got there and rounded the corner to the door to the classroom, he noticed another student there. ‘What was her name?’ He should know it, but he didn’t quite recall it until he was slowly moving by her to get into the room without disturbing her. Serena, that was it! She was only seventeen, a freshman of course, and looked upon with various amounts of contempt or admiration for her age.

He gave a nod to her as he walked on ahead to grab his usual seat. Though there were no assigned seats, by this week, everyone knew where everyone else wanted to sit. “And where were you, Valerian?” The teacher interrupted his own lecture to address Valerian, since he had been so bold to walk right across the front of the room.

Valerian took a seat, “Bus was late,” he lied, “So I was out running in the rain,” obvious by his own drenched appearance. “Did you already collect papers?”

“Yes. You can give me yours at the end of class so I can mark it late.”

Valerian let out a breath, rolled his eyes, and then dug out his laptop to begin taking notes.


With Valerian gone, Damia and Vergil did not interact much. He kept himself busy on his computer, and she performed her job as she was supposed to. This would usually continue until 2am, when the bar closed and they made their escape, met up with Valerian, and went to investigate whatever place Vergil had singled out.

Vergil made the comment, “When was the last time you drank?” To Damia when she came near him, though.

Damia lifted her eyes to Vergil, who kept his calmly on his screen, as if she weren’t even there. “A few days ago,” that was a lie. It was more like a couple of weeks ago. Damia knew she was starving, and wondered if it showed. However, she had no interest in drinking from humans, the fatal flaw of her addiction.

Vergil clicked something. “You should take a break soon.” He was really ordering her to go find a meal.

Damia knew better than to refuse. So, she quickly walked over to the other bartender on duty and made haste to discuss taking such a break in the near future. Vergil wouldn’t let her hunt on campus, so she’d have to be quick about it—which was fine by her. Drinking didn’t provide her with any pleasure, it was just a necessity of life.
(I am so sorry for the late reply! I didn't have any access to a computer for a few days! I'm so sorry!)

Serena was lightly nudged as a fellow student sauntered past her into the room. Valerian! Well, as the teacher said, she didn't actually remember. What an odd name, ancient, she supposed. She spared him a few nervous glances as he took his seat in his usual place, and she made her way to take hers. "And what is your excuse, Miss Jaden?" A bright, hot blush quickly consumed Serena's face, including the tips of her ears. She stopped her ascent of the stairs, making a half-turn towards the professor but never actually making eye-contact. Instead, she fixated herself on a spot on the stage by the central desk. "It was raining miss..." Was all she could muster. A few snickers filtered their way to Serena's ears, which only made her more embarrassed. Her pulse was racing with the stress of the whole situation, and without looking back at the professor she tentatively took her place at the end of the row, not daring to make eye-contact with anyone full stop. Body language tense and jagged, she placed her books on the chair next to her while she took off her drenched jacket. It occurred to her the professor had just looked over her little incident, and had resumed the class, taking back the attention of her fellow students. A little breath of relief left her in a rush, and she finally found the confidence to take a wary glance around the lecture hall as she sat down.


"Ugh." The grunt left him in a rush. 2 minutes, and he'd managed to do 66 weights. "Boom! Pay up, Jackie boy!" He just managed to get out with a chuckle. "Yeah...alright." Jack proceeded to breathe back, equally as worn out. A folded up note was flung in his direction, landing by his chest as he lie on the floor. "Sucker." Kyle managed to laugh, heaving himself up.

"So..." One of the other lads started from the opposite wall, carefully eying Ky as he rose. "You seen the new gang...hanging out at the...Graffity Bar?" He was sitting doing arm work out on one of the machines, and he really looked like he'd been doing it for long enough.

"No?! Since when?!" Jack interjected, collapsing on the nearby bench. Kyle effortlessly caught a bottle of water that was chucked in his direction and sat down next to his mate, listening intently. "Well...funny story." Luke continued. (At least Kyle thought that was his name, they hadn't really spoken much). "The old bartender...the one that...Caeden was dating? You know, Jack..." A heavy sigh was breathed as Luke finally decided to call it quits as he told his story. "The blonde one, curvy, always wore those strapless, low-cut tops?"

"Right up Caeden's street then!" Jack laughed. Kyle didn't know who Jack was on about, as Ky and Serena had only joined the school a matter of weeks ago, not nearly long enough to get up-to-date with all the gos. "Yeah, her. Well anyway, she was getting amazing grades, loaded parents, happy life, yet a sudden 'incident'--" He emphasized 'incident' with the hand signals and everything. "Caused her to up and move overnight? What's the hell is that about?! She didn't tell anyone! Just...disappeared. Naturally Cae was heartbroken. The cow texted him a brief, meaningless goodbye and explanation and they haven't spoken since!"

"Well that's just weird." Ky interjected, taking a long swig of the water.

"I know right?! Then these guys show up like they own the place, and everything's supposed to be hunky dory? Dafuq?!" A few nods and chuckles was all he got in response, but Ky was sure everyone was thinking the same thing. "Damn, something's up there."

(is this alright? :D I wasn't sure if this would fit in with what you wanted...?)
Valerian knew why the teacher disliked him so. On the first day, he hadn’t made a good impression when he corrected her. Of course, she was talking about Egypt, and he needed to correct her on something. After that, Valerian learned his commentary wasn’t appreciated, because what he had to say there was no ‘hard’ evidence for.

There were anthropologists and archaeologists who supported him. Day two, he brought in that. Day three he learned to shut up and just take his notes.

Serena got off easy, perhaps because she didn’t ask about the paper, or perhaps because it was assumed she heard what was said to Valerian. Neither of them were bad students. The teacher was just…strict. ‘Could psychoanalyze her, but that won’t get me any points.’ Unmarried, overachiever was enough, anyway.

He typed away as the woman lectured, occasionally flipping to his e-mail to chat with Vergil about business and plots of where to go next. There was one last cemetery in the town to look into at a ‘skim’ level, before they decided which ones to go over a second time. Naturally, he typed that into google to get some good images of it, and do his own research.


“Yes?” He didn’t bother looking up from his screen.

“Did you hear what I just said?”

They were now studying Mesopotamia. “Gilgamesh’s lover Enkidu died,” snickers. It hadn’t been stated overtly that they were lovers. “Forgive my typing, I’m writing what you’re saying verbatim.” Not true, to anyone who could see behind him. He was reading ghost stories about Stoll Cemetery. He was typing a lot, though, sending information back to Vergil.

Thunder roared, and the teacher resumed lecturing, and likely would do so until the bell.


Damia loved the rain. Its fall was cold, but it didn’t affect her in the least. She smiled as she strode out into it, not bothering with an umbrella or a coat. Sure, she’d come back soaking wet, but plenty of the men who attended the bar would appreciate the way her shirt clung to her body, and that would mean more tips. ‘Not that I need them.’

No, she, Vergil, and Valerian were well off. They didn’t even need to do this stupid job with the bar, but Vergil insisted.

Sometimes, she thought it was just how he got his kicks in old age. Trying to blend in. For someone as old as him, he did amazingly well.

‘Now where to get food?’ She hadn’t really explored this place for a good area. She knew campus was off-limits, but she wandered near it anyway. She had fifteen minutes. Her steps took her around near the sports block, and her lips twisted into a smile. ‘There.’

Damia wouldn’t drink from just anyone. She preferred those in good health, if she absolutely had to drink from humans (and she did). Those in good health recovered quicker from the bite, and were less likely to be permanently damaged. The issue, of course, was that they were also, usually, strong. Difficult. Damia was stronger than the average human, but not when she was hungry.

There was a young woman with headphones in her ear walking out, and Damia moved towards her. The blonde gave Damia a smile, and she returned it, then touched her arm. Out popped a headphone, “Yes?” She met Damia’s eyes.

“I lost my water bottle here the other night. I think they might have thrown it out. Can you show me where the dumpsters are?” The lie was smooth and convincing. Vampires couldn’t outright hypnotize a person, but looking in their eyes did seem to quell a human’s instinct to run. Trust was gained quickly. It was a trick Vergil used frequently in business meetings.

“Oh, sure, just this way,” and the woman walked ahead to lead Damia around the building. It was at the back, as she motioned to the dumpsters, that Damia acted. “Right—” and then a gasp as she was slammed up against the brick wall. Before she could squirm or fight back, Damia dug her fangs into the woman’s neck.

Some continued to fight, but not many. The bite wasn’t painful, but pleasurable, to convince the prey not to fight. It was a venom that was secreted into the bite that relaxed them, and this woman fell prey to it. A soft moan escaped her, and Damia did her utmost to make it look as if this were simply an intimate session, just in case, and her ‘lover’ just happened to have a really sensitive neck.
Serena risked a glance at Valerian when he got told off...again. She hid her smirk at the plainly obvious lie he told miss by fixating her gaze on her notes pages, not wanting to draw attention to herself. Serena's seat wasn't too far from Valerian's. He was one row down and six seats across, so if she so much as giggled it would probably wouldn't go unnoticed, and she couldn't have that. Usually, she would've gotten away with it, as Serena had become kind of a pro at hiding things, especially emotions...but today, no, not today. Everyone was playing let's make Serena as embarrassed as humanly possible, and it all started when the teacher barked up at her: "Serena? Is there something funny?!" It had only been about a minute since she'd spoken to Valerian, and now her?! Great. Just great. "No miss." She groaned out in the familiar dull tone of a scolded pupil.

"I should hope so! This is History, not Art, Ladies and Gentlemen! There will be no fooling around in my Lectures, is that clear?!" A chorus of 'yes miss' rung out. Serena, unusually, still had some left over annoyance from the events that had occurred over the course of the day so far, and muttered, what she thought was to herself: "If fooling around isn't allowed, then why are you here?!"


Ky had spent the rest of the session doing leg and arm workouts, and when the bell finally rung for an hour, he didn't hesitate to get up and go. His farewells were brief as he headed out into the brisk air. It had stopped raining, thankfully, so he could go through the uncovered shortcut back to the bar without having to worry about getting wet. He'd just rounded the corner from the block, heading towards the alleyway before he heard...was that a moan? Ky's footsteps instantly slowed as he crept up to the side of the walkway, listening for any signs of whether it was safe to proceed or not. He wasn't in a very good vantage point, so his human ears couldn't detect anything more. Tentatively placing one foot in front of the other, he managed to poke his head round the side of the brick walls, but as soon as he saw a body, he snapped it right back. From what he'd seen, there were two people there and one was...sucking? Or just passionately kissing, he couldn't decide, the other person's neck. On normal circumstances, he would've assumed it was two lovers and walked on, but something disturbed him. The girl pressed up against the wall was as pale as a sheet, it was as if her life force had just...gone! It didn't seem natural! Certainly not the actions of two star-crossed lovers. He was debating what to do next, when a startling realization hit him. Whatever was happening down there had stopped, and he had to make a split decision, 'cause if he was caught here there would be a lot of horrible explanations needed. Finally, Kyle managed to reason himself into what he deemed a logical decision. If it's a totally normal thing, then they won't mind me walking down...will they?! Kyle rounded the corner.
Valerian heard her, and glanced back with a little smirk on his lips at the comment that escaped Serena. He didn’t say anything, nor attempt to mouth anything, but looked right back to his screen.

When the bell rang, he dug his paper out of his bag and shut his laptop. He left the paper on the table as the teacher wrapped up her own things, “Don’t forget to mark it late!” He called to her, before walking back to his desk and putting his laptop in his bag.

“Valerian, I’d like to talk with you, if you have a moment,” she said as she took his paper.

“Don’t. Father needs me.” Never dad. Never anything informal. Always ‘Father’. “See ya,” he gave a half-salute, half-wave, as he took his leave. He was relieved to see that it had stopped raining. Unlike Damia, he was sick of the rain. He grew up in rainy London, after all, and that was where their home still was. ‘I wanted to get away from the rain.’ But no, of course they couldn’t do that. Couldn’t go to a desert or something.

As the thought crossed his mind, he couldn’t help but laugh aloud. Vampires in a desert. Well, of course that had happened—Vergil was from the desert.


The rain lightened and stopped during the process, which really didn’t take much more than a couple of minutes. Damia never killed—not anymore. Once upon a time, she’d ripped throats opened, drunk people and vampires alike dry, and killed without regard.

Humanizing had, and still was, a struggle. If it weren’t for a very strong survival instinct, she might have resorted to old methods. As it was, human technology had advanced too much. She had to worry about these petty things now.

The woman slumped against the building, and slid down it to a sitting position when Damia licked her tongue over the wound to close it and then backed up. She was dazed, delirious, and Damia offered her a hand. The woman’s vision tried to focus on Damia, “You okay?” Damia knew she wasn’t. A cold hand accepted Damia’s, and Damia pulled her back to her feet. “You need a drink,” she said, and meant it quite seriously.

The woman would need water to recover what was lost. “C’mon.”

“What…what happened?” She slurred as a boy rounded the corner. Damia shot him a glance, but didn’t think much of it.

“Lost your footing,” Damia lied, unaware the boy had seen more than just this. The two started to walk, “Hit your head on the wall rather hard.” Damia would lead her to the bar and see that she got some water in her, before sending her out into the world again. The woman followed along without struggle, but did reach back to try and see if she could feel any blood on the back of her head, or a bump. Nothing, of course, was there.

Humans were wonderfully easy to manipulate. They never wanted to believe the truth, and so they’d believe the lie, even without evidence. It was easier.
Serena saw Valerian smirk back at her, but didn't think anything of it. Why would someone as confident as that pay any attention to her? If she was honest, she was kinda jealous. To have that ease of confidence, to not be afraid of who you were or what you knew...that was something she needed, craved in fact. Serena used to have all that, and perhaps that was the worst part. She knew what it felt to be like that, and the horror of all that being taken away tore her in two. Her lips couldn't help but curve up in an unwillingly smile at the further snarky remarks Valerian shot at the teacher. God, she looks peeved. But Serena darted out the door, and began heading for the bar she had arranged to meet Kyle, before the teacher managed to grab either her or Valerian about the papers. Ah, well. She thought to herself as she exited the building.

It didn't take long for her to reach Graffity Bar, and for once, she entered with a small smile in her face. Happiness wasn't an emotion that came naturally to her anymore, so it felt...strange. She tried to ignore the fact that Valerian was also in there as she went to order to Fanta's from the bar, and took her seat by one of the windows, eagerly awaiting her brother's return.


Oh. My. God. Those. Were. Not. Lovers. Kyle was frantically wracking his brain for any sort of explanation as to what he just witnessed, but there was absolutely none that could satisfy. What the hell was she doing to that poor girl, 'cause it definitely wasn't kissing? Dazed, confused and utterly bewildered, Kyle decided to run back to the bar, whether it was out of need to see his sister or just plain fear as to what he just saw, he would never be able to work about, but either way: he ran fast.

Kyle shoved his way through the door less than 5 minutes after the incident, and spotted his sister instantly...but he also spotted the girl from before, the one who was 'kissing' the other. Oh god. He sat down opposite his sister, utterly rattled, glugging down the fanta she offered in four large gulps. "What on earth happened?!" She breathed, panicked.

"Honestly, I do not know."
Valerian was back before Damia, and he did find it odd when he arrived. “Where’s the Dame?” he inquired, utilizing a nickname she protested on bad days.

“Getting a snack,” Vergil answered. He looked up from the information that had been provided to him by Valerian. “How are you?” And Valerian slid into the seat, relaxing in the environment then, glad Damia was taking care of herself. He wished she’d go ahead and drink from the blood bags like he did, but he knew how difficult it was for her to adjust.

“I’m all right. The teacher decided to mark my paper late,” he shrugged, “but whatever.” He wasn’t taking the class for a degree or anything. He had one in business already, people here just didn’t know that. “How are things going?”

Vergil shook his head, seeming a bit disgusted, “What’s-his-name in New York is claiming airspace or something. Says I need to buy it.” Vergil never remembered the names of people who annoyed him, out of spite.

Valerian laughed, “Air space. It is a thing.”

Vergil huffed. “You remember Chicago, don’t you? We had to buy it there, too.”

“It’s ridiculous.”

As they continued to converse about building plans for the new hotel in New York, someone entered in a rush and went to join Serena. Valerian noted it out of the corner of his eye, and wondered briefly who he was to her. Then Damia returned with a woman, and set her up at the bar. She moved smoothly back around the bar and fetched the woman a glass of water. She resumed her duties fluidly, making absolutely no effort to hide the fact that she was drenched.

Rather, Valerian had to stifle laughter at the way she was now ‘entrancing’ the men—and some women—at the bar by commenting on the rain and smoothing her hands over her tank top, pulling it closer to her chest as she did so.

Damia did notice the man who had run off, though. Vergil caught on to where she kept glancing, and mentally sighed. He lifted his hand, “Dame, a drink,” he called, and she answered his request without even asking what he wanted. A cup of what looked like red wine was set before him. When she was close, he whispered. “Were you caught?”

“Maybe,” was the answer, and when she pulled back, she saw Vergil’s gaze harden on her. ‘I know.’ She’d deal with it if she was, but right then she wasn’t sure.

Kyle’s reactions were like those of a witness, though. She’d seen it too many times.

And yet, she went right back to playing her role as if nothing was gone. Soon enough, the blonde woman had enough to drink, and went on her merry way.

(Btw, would the vamps be able to hear Serena and kyle's convo? :o )

"It's hard to explain..." He started, a it wasn't a lie. He really did have no idea where to begin on this one.

"Well," his sister interjected, grasping his attention. "'Difficult to explain' is hardly an uncommon phrase used between us, Ky. Just spit it out." Serena was only ever this carefree with language when around him. Only because there was no one else she would trust. Ever. Her parents were a no go for sure, friends? Not a hope in hell. It saddened Kyle that his once bouncy sister had been reduced to a nervous wreck, forever looking over her shoulder. It was disgusting. One day, when he plucks up the courage (A.K.A is legally allowed to) he'll make the people responsible pay, because there's no way he's letting them go to hell without having his goodbye first. "It was like something out of a horror movie! I'm not even joking!" Kyle lowered his voice as he spoke, not wanting to be overheard. But the lady at the bar, the one from before, kept shooting him curious glances...and that worried him intensely.


Serena knew something was up before Kyle had even walked into the bar. Just by the way he was rushing she could tell something was up. Yes, Kyle liked to exercise, but he would try to avoid running at all costs. She guessed that was one thing they had in common - an aversion to running.

It was true when she said 'difficult to explain' wasn't exactly uncommon, but the story her brother went on to tell would've made any normal person believe he'd lost the plot! But no, not her. She'd still trust her brother even if he had lost it, and that was both sad and heartwarming. It would be a lie to say she wasn't...alarmed, by the whole ordeal, because that she was, but the thing that just sent a shiver up her spine was the fact be culprit was the one that had served them drinks! Serena tentatively pushed away her drink, suddenly forming a hatred for Graffity drinks. She risked a glance back over to her as Kyle finished his story, only to find the woman conversing with Valerian. "And I swear my day just couldn't get any weirder." Serena finally muttered.

"But do you believe me?!" Kyle urged, voice laced with panic.

"Of course I do!" His sister reassured him with a smile. "We just need to be careful now, that's all. Drawing attention to ourselves while on the WPP isn't the best idea. I think I've had enough attention for one day without alerting the authorities again."
Bits and pieces were all Damia could piece together from where she was, but Vergil heard more. The bar scene was loud, which was one of the reasons Vergil preferred it. Their conversations could be drowned out in the noise, but so could others. Though the three vampires had supernatural hearing, focusing on a conversation in this place was difficult.

Still, Vergil gathered enough. When Damia came back around to check on him, putting a hand on Valerian’s shoulder, he said simply, “Eliminate the problem.”

Valerian’s stomach knotted itself as he glanced towards the ‘problem’. “You can’t,” he hissed. That was Serena, his classmate. He had no reason to defend her, except for the fact he didn’t think that she, nor her brother, deserved death. That was the route. That was always the route. Vergil shot Valerian a look that challenged him to speak.

He did. He always did. “No one will believe their story. No one.”

“Hunters will hear of it.” Vergil didn’t care about the police. Damia’s hand left Valerian and she went back to tending the bar, pretending she’d checked in on them and found everything to be all right.

“We can deal with hunters,” Valerian spoke through gritted teeth. “We always do.”

Vergil kept a steady gaze on Valerian, unnerving and calm all at once. He was sizing up how much of a fuss Valerian would cause over this. He usually always came around, but they were in the middle of something much larger. ‘Too big a fuss.’ Vergil decided. “We will wait a week. If hunters show up….” He trailed off, making it clear what he’d do. What Damia would do.

What he might force Valerian to do.

Then, he rose, shoving his laptop back in his bag and he smiled broadly, “Dame, we’re heading out.” And he looked to the other bartender on staff, “Be sure to close up properly,” he didn’t want to wait till 2am. Not in this environment.

A motion, and Valerian also rose and grabbed his bag. Damia grabbed a bag from under the counter, waved goodbye to her coworker, and was out the door after signing out for the evening. It was early for her, but she wasn’t about to argue with Vergil. She was already in a bit of trouble for being seen.

Best to leave the premises. Best to hope nothing would come of it, since Valerian had ‘won’ the argument. ‘Won because Vergil knows he’ll be proven right.’ Vergil always was. In a week, there would be hunters. Damia was certain of that.

"To Stoll then?" Damia asked, finding her keys and clicking the button to unlock the door to her Bentley. Subtlety. She really wasn't good at subtlety.
Out of the corner of her eye, serena noticed Valerian shoot her a concerned look before engaging back in conversation. She warily watched then leave shortly afterwards. "You mustn't tell anyone, Ky! No one! Not your lads down at the gym, not the police, no one!" She whispered forcefully. He nodded in agreement as he turned his head back from watching the group leave. "If we can't tell anyone, then what's the harm in finding out a little?" A sly smile curved up the corner of his lips, and it took a moment for Serena to figure out what he was suggesting. "NO!" She exclaimed, rather loudly, which rewarded her a few looks, so she piped down again to continue. "No, Ky! We are not going through this again! The last time we decided on this, we were deported! I am not going through that again! Especially not for some creepy girl you saw down an alley way! Just let Bygones be Bygones and leave it. Promise me, Ky, promise me you won't do anything stupid?!" Serena pleaded quietly. Her fear wasn't unjustified, but she still had an inclination to believe he wouldn't listen, hence why she was making him promise. "Well?!"


"I promise." Ky lied. Serena held his gaze for a few more tantalizingly long moments before dropping her gaze and gathering herself to leave. "I'll see you later then." Ky called back, watching her exit. She turned around and gave him one final, worried glance before continuing on her way.

Only a moment had she been out of sight that Ky sprung up and headed for the door, discarding his Fanta carelessly. He carefully looked around him, trying to spot any signs as to where they went, when suddenly a large Bentley was spotted hastily leaving through the steel gates. "Gotcha." With that, he sped off towards where his motorbike, courtesy of the WPP budget, was stored in a rental garage just off campus. Flinging on his helmet, and revving the engine he set about following the mystery gang.

(Is this alright?! xD Sorry, replying from a music lesson.)
There were perks to being the eldest of Vergil’s childes. The apartment was one. This car was currently the other. Oh, Valerian had his toys, but he wasn’t allowed to bring them. Of course, Damia was only allowed to bring this toy—she had wanted to bring the Maserati, but the rule was it had to comfortably fit the three of them. The Maserati barely fit two.

They came to the cemetery in good time, to find the gate closed. “No,” Vergil said before anything was even suggested.

“Aw,” Damia visibly pouted, but pulled into the drive. She had wanted to ram the gate. She wasn’t allowed any fun with cars.

Vergil turned in his seat to look at Valerian. “Unlock the gate. We’ll find a place to park the car and join you.”

Valerian knew it would be asked of him. He exited the car and let them pull out of the drive, before going to the gate. ‘We can literally just jump it.’ Why Vergil wanted them to unlock the gate always baffled Valerian, but he did as he was told. He knelt down before the lock. ‘We could even break the chain.’ He dug in his messenger bag for his tools, before realizing it was a combination lock. He stifled a laugh and then just put his hands to it.

His hearing always let him hear the numbers that were part of the code when he spun it, and he smirked as all three clicked seamlessly into place before Damia and Vergil returned. He unwrapped the chain, and pushed both gates wide open.
Serena headed to her next class, bothering no one along the way. She was hugging her books to her chest as if they were the only thing keeping her alive. "Moral Ethics and Sociology. Fantastic." She muttered to herself in disgust, at least it was a class she shared with Ky though. He must have forgotten that when they met at the Bar. "Dipstick." She muttered again with a light shake of her head.

It was only a matter of minutes before she had returned to Humanities again, but concern edged its way to the very heart of her as Ky was no where to be seen. "Not again!" She groaned, frantic steps turning into more of a frantic sprint. Her feet skidded to a halt in front of the small window at the door of the lecture hall. Ky was no where to be seen. Instantly, she whipped out her phone and dialled...but to her disappointment, there was no response. Conflicted, Serena had to make a choice. Risk her brother's safety for the sake of a naf ethics lecture, or go and save his sorry ass from doing something utterly insane.

Making up her mind, she raced again to the garage where their emergency transport was usually held. It was missing. "IDIOT!" Her scream became an inarticulate yell as she slammed the door shut behind her. Once again this is all being left to me! And HE'S supposed to be the eldest! Her rage rarely got this out of hand, but today was just a very special case. Luckily, the pair of them had been given a backup mode of transportation, that Luke wasn't told about for precisely this reason. He could not be trusted. She muttered an array of curses as she unlocked the doors to a Mazda Rx-8, kept safely hidden away a few doors down. "I'm gonna kill him." She promised herself as she exited onto the highway.


It was nice feeling the motor ride again. It hadn't been used in so long, Kyle had really begun to miss it. He tailed the Bentley to an abandoned graveyard, but instead of following them into the drive, he sped on, only to find a nearby layby to park. He was off in a flash, and sprinting back down the highway. Keeping footsteps light, he raced towards the graveyard gates, ducking behind a tree before he was spotted. Tentatively, he edged hi s head round the wide trunk, only to find Serena's classmate? Effortlessly open the padlocked gate. God, this day was getting weirder and weirder. Ky was just starting to emerge from around the tree, with the intent to tail the guy... when a twig cracked eerily and loudly beneath his feet. Great, just great.
Valerian did not enter the cemetery, but waited. The sound of a cracking limb, so close, caused him to look that way. He did not see Damia and Vergil, but he realized belatedly, he wouldn’t. Vergil and Damia were better predators then him—they would never make a sound.

Instead, Valerian saw the boy from the bar as he took a step to the left to get a better look around the tree.

Unbeknownst to Valerian, Damia and Vergil also saw and heard him as they came up to the gates, leaving the Bentley in that parking lot the bike was also in. Vergil made a gesture with his hand that Damia understood.

“Deal with your mess.”

Without disturbing so much as a leaf, Damia blurred forward. Having fed, she was in much better physical condition so far as strength and speed went.

Valerian saw her, “DON’T!” He yelled, and might have run after her, but Vergil was behind him in an instant. He put a firm, strong hand on Valerian’s shoulder, the warning not to interfere there.

Damia’s head didn’t even turn at Valerian’s shout. Her intent was to slam the boy who followed them against the tree. When that was done, she’d decide if there was even a point to questioning him. Likely, there wasn’t. Valerian knew the woman associated with him, and so she could be gotten rid of quickly to remove suspicion from the three of them.

The first shard of panic shot through him like a knife as soon as the guy turned around. Suddenly, he was aware of two other figures mysteriously appearing to his left, and he in took a sharp breath. "Hey--!" He began, not wanting to appear weak, but before he knew it, a startled shriek was heard and he found himself slammed up against the tree by a ferocious looking woman. "Oof." A grunt could be heard, followed by a searing pain in the back of his head. He really hoped that didn't cause blood to spill. "What's your problem?!" Ky just managed to croak out, feebly.

A mere moments later, the sound of gravel churning hit his ears and a blue vehicle appeared behind his captive. The feisty yell of his sister soon cut out any thoughts about him getting out of this. Now, his priority was his sister. He couldn't lose her again, not because of him... "You touch her, I will break you." A choked growl was expelled with his words, accompanied by what he hoped was an intimidating glare.


Serena hurried along the highway, frantically looking in every direction for any signs of her brother. She was speeding up towards a cemetery, and didn't think that would be of any significance, but she looked anyway. It went by like a blur at her high speeds, but she saw enough to get the gist of what was happening. The brakes were slammed down, hard, and she did an illegal u-turn in order to pull into the driveway quickly. All logical arguments in her head had gone out the window, replaced with sheer fear and protectiveness. Also courtesy of the authorities, a Taser was always stored in the central compartment of the car, in case anyone decided to come after them. The light weapon was in her hand before the car had even fully stopped, and only an instant later was she out of the car, aiming at the woman holding her brother captive. She couldn't quite see her brother, but knew he wouldn't be in a particularly good state. "LET HIM GO!" She yelled forcefully, more forcefully than she ever thought capable of. However, she couldn't completely mask her terror as the shriek wavered towards the end, but her aim remained firm. "I am NOT asking you again!" Her gaze never wavered from the woman's back, but she was aware of two other figures looming nearby. She didn't dare look.
Damia really wasn’t the best with threats—as in, she never took them seriously. She’d laughed in the face of death too many times, and seeing that girl with the taser almost caused her to laugh. A smile certainly bubbled to her lips, a challenge alight in her eyes. ‘Go ahead.’ The look dared. ‘That won’t hurt me at all.’ That manic gleam Valerian had only seen a few times was there, almost giving light to those silver orbs.

Rather than let the boy go, Damia let one hand slide up to his neck, and she forced his head to tilt up and back. “Drop it, or I snap his neck.” She was planning to do that anyway, but—well, she liked the power games. Always had.

“Don’t play games now, Dame, we’re too close to a road,” Vergil sighed. He released Valerian’s arm, intending to walk up behind the woman and deal with her before she could ever use the taser and find out for sure that Damia was inhuman.

Valerian, however, grabbed his arm and held fast. Vergil could shake him off easily, but it bought Valerian a moment, “Wait, please, can we please talk about this!” Valerian pleaded, and then looked to Kyle, “You don’t mean us any harm, right? Why did you follow us?” He was speaking fast, knowing he didn’t have much time.

Vergil and Damia were no strangers to committing murder, after all.

Her jaw clenched at the bitch's words. How DARE she threaten him like that? She was almost tempted to put the Taser down, but she had an inclination to believe it was an empty threat. No Human could snap another's neck! That was just absurd! "Bet you would like that bitch." Serena almost growled, almost. Unlike her brother, Serena was unbelievably stubborn when she came down to it. "You dare even--"

"Serena! Don't!" A startled yelp came from the direction of the woman. He sounded scared, and that chilled her right to the bone. It's happening again... Serena caught a kerfuffle out of the corner of her eye, and finally took a glance in their direction. Her jaw dropped open ever so slightly at the sight of her classmate, Valerian. But it quickly snapped shut as he jabbed frantic questions at her brother. Confused and slightly dazed, Serena snapped her attention back to the woman holding her brother, finger hovering ever so lightly over the trigger.


His heart was pumping so hard he figured this woman could probably hear it and feel it. He frantically yelled out to his sister in a bid for her safety. This was not something she wanted to be tangled up in. His attention was then caught by the questions thrown across to him by Serena's classmate. They would've made him laugh if a deranged psychopath wasn't holding him by the throat. "Are you nuts? I came here unarmed! If I was going to try and hurt you guys, don't you think I would've come a little more prepared?! I was curious, ok?! Curious, and probably stupid! I just wanted to find out what was happening after this one..." He trailed off as he remembered the disturbing images of this woman nestled in that poor girl's neck. "Please..." It came out as more of a whisper, meant as a plea to leave his sister out of it all, rather than for his own welfare.
Vergil shook his head in disgust as the pinned boy told his story. Of course he was just curious, but curious was not a good thing for humans to be. It didn’t kill cats, no, it killed humans. His patience was fraying with each word, each understanding, “It is as I said, Valerian,” Vergil spoke coldly, “He has seen, he has told another, and he will tell others. Then this town will be swarming with hunters. Do you want to end up in a graveyard, pinned by a hunter’s fire and a demon’s power in the next week, Valerian?”

Vergil was positive what they were looking for was a demon, even if he was trying to keep an open mind that it might just be a ghost. That’d be so much easier to deal with. “No….” Valerian answered. “No I don’t, but!” He saw Damia start to move her arm. He raised his voice so that she wouldn’t finalize the action, “but maybe they can keep a secret between them.”

Damia laughed. She couldn’t help it. Valerian’s naivete was endearing most of the time, but right then, it was just stupidity.

Valerian almost hit his forehead, but he had to keep hold of Vergil’s arm. He spoke to Serena, “We’re…Damia was…okay, we’re vampires, but we don’t…right now it looks pretty bad, but I swear we don’t normally kill. Just in self-preservation. One whiff, and hunters will be on our trail, and, ah, DAMIA LET HIM GO!” Damia was not making explaining possible, since Valerian had to keep glancing over at her.

Damia let his neck go, but she didn’t release him from his pinned position against the tree. “Better?”

Valerian huffed. Vergil yanked his arm out of Valerian’s hold, but didn’t advance as Valerian feared he might. He did shoot Valerian a withering glare. “Well, now it won’t matter if they say anything with you announcing what we are like that.” He hissed.

Valerian felt rather small, and foolish, in that moment. "We're not doing anything bad...." Valerian said, looking down, not the bold student he was in class, but now a scolded child, "We don't need to start, either." They were just trying to find out what supernatural chaos was up, to prevent it from spreading and harming so many others, including these two humans.

"Vampires!" She exclaimed, not quite believing and with a slight shake of her head. "Of course! 'Cause that just makes perfect sense!" Serena decided to just drop the whole attack thing, letting her arm droop aimlessly to her side. "Don't tell me you all sparkle. 'Cause that is just one step too far." Her voice was dripping sarcasm as she spoke, although the volume had dropped significantly from the shouting. It had always been her coping mechanism for bad times, however risky. "But I would appreciate it if you let my brother go, you psychos, considering it's now pretty clear you could probably break us in two before we even made the highway." She reasoned, her voice still a little shaky. "Please?!" Serena added as an afterthought, not wanting to seem rude, although that was probably pretty futile at this point.


Typical Serena. Sarcasm being her last line of defense. He could tell she was scared, but he wasn't much better off if he was honest. However, he did seriously agree with what she was saying, and would probably say the same thing if he didn't now have the imminent threat of being eaten alive. He flashed the 'vampire lady' an innocent, yet shaky smile, more in defiance rather than a plea to let him go. "She is right, though. It's not like we'd ever dream of telling anyone." Ky tried to reason, voice also wavering. "But what are you doing hunting around a graveyard, anyhow? And please don't say you're going to go sleep in a coffin or something." He was aiming that more at Serena's classmate, as he seemed the most reasonable (and less scary, but Ky would never admit that). "'Cause that is seriously messed up." This time, Ky actually managed a half-hearted laugh.
Sarcasm was Damia’s favorite, personal defense. In a way, she admired the girl’s reaction, but mostly, she still just wanted to kill them both and be done with it. The flash of a smile didn’t lighten her much, though the way the boy so easily settled down was interesting.

“No, we sleep in beds,” Valerian answered the boy, and added, “We’re here on sort of a…supernatural…hunting mission.”

Damia let the boy go and stepped away with the girl’s ‘please’. It amused her enough.

Vergil wasn’t reacting, so she assumed he had decided to let Valerian have his way. Or he realized it really didn’t matter now, because hunters would be on their way thanks to Valerian’s outburst. Either way, he did not look happy, but he didn’t protest the release of the boy. “Yes, nothing to concern yourselves with. I suggest you stop being curious and go about your normal lives,” Damia gave a dismissive wave and walked to the gates of the cemetery and through them, intent to drop the matter as if she hadn’t just tried to kill someone.

Vergil turned to follow without a word, though Valerian lingered, in case there were other questions to answer. He knew it would be better to try and answer them all now, so that they didn’t go looking on their own. That would only make the situation worse, and he really hoped they’d drop it after this.

Besides, Damia and Vergil could hold their own if there was anything in the graveyard.

Serena watched the others go without protest, just relieved they'd let her brother go. As soon as they were out of sight, Ky rushed to her putting a defensive arm round her just in case anyone got any more fancy ideas. Serena noticed that Valerian still lingered there, seeming kinda awkward. "Soooo..." She dragged out the word, trying to figure out what to say next. He was her classmate after all. "You're a vampire then?!" She gulped, still kinda afraid he would make a move neither of them would enjoy. "So how does all that work? Do you have fangs or do you sparkle?!"

"Serena!" Kyle interjected, utterly astounded, and nudging her in the direction of the vehicle, indicating that he wanted to leave. Now.

"What?! I wanna know!" she shot at him, before returning her gaze to Valerian. "Not so eager to be curious now, are we?" She muttered to her brother, vainly hoping Valerian wouldn't hear, although that theory was unlikely if she was honest. "And supernatural hunting mission?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Serena didn't take even a step towards Valerian, wanting to keep a lengthy distance in between them. She was still scared, deep down.


Ky was utterly shocked at her outburst, now acutely aware of the threat looming mere metres away. He didn't have any time to mull over where his sister had acquired the vehicle, nor did he really care, all he wanted was to skedaddle. Fast. Whilst awaiting Valerian's response, Ky leaned down slightly and whispered ever so quietly to Serena: "Please, sis. We do not need another threat to have to manage. I think the ones we have already are enough, don't you think? And I've never liked graveyards, so perhaps it'll be wise to just let them be?!" Serena shot him a glare, and seemed to ignore him, still curiously awaiting Valerian's response.
Valerian hadn’t been sure what to expect, but by lingering he did receive questions. He shook his head at the question about sparkling. “No,” he shook his head, “We burn in the sun,” should he really be telling her that? She could figure out where his dorm was and throw open the blinds someday to kill him.

Well, never mind, too late now, “The fangs are retractable. See,” he opened his mouth enough so that his teeth—looking human—would be visible. Force of will caused both of his canines to elongate. And then, they retracted, and he closed his mouth, “We need blood to survive, sorta the way you all survive by eating animals,” he tried to draw a comparison. Life for life. Even plants were killed when eaten.

Of course, his family tried not to kill. He wasn’t lying, even if the situation had been a poor one to explain that in. “And, well…really, the less you know about this, the better, but,” a sigh escaped his lips, “Some strange things have been happening in this town. Might not be things you’d notice, but there have been a lot of dry lightning storms,” lightning without rain, “the wild dog population has also increased significantly, but they’re not any dog breed native to the area,” Valerian hadn’t actually seen any in person, but Vergil had received pictures. Some words had been muttered in his mother tongue that sounded like cursing, “and a few of our…um…connections have fallen off the radar completely. Father thinks something demonic is at fault and he wants to put an end to it.”

Valerian hoped the explanation was good enough.


Stoll would prove to be the correct cemetery to investigate. Damia and Vergil knew that as soon as they came upon the imposing church. It had been abandoned years ago, and so there were chains on the door. Vergil tore them off, but when the door opened, they both paused.

Vampires had no fear of holy ground. In fact, some vampires were still quite faithful to their old beliefs, be it Jewish, Egyptian, or Christian.

It was the sound of creaking steps beneath them, and the scent of decay that struck them which made them pause. Damia looked to Vergil, who looked for all the world as if he wished he’d brought his weapon. Naturally, in their haste to leave the bar, they’d forgotten to make a stop to pick up their weapons.

Damia shrugged her shoulders, and walked on into the room. Her steps echoed, which she found to be quite unusual, and very nerve-wracking, considering she was normally able to walk silently.

“Damia, sto—”

The floor broke under her as she didn’t stop when Vergil started to speak. She dropped down, much further than she expected to. The basement floor was buried very, very deep under the church floor—if it could even be called a basement proper. Her eyes adjusted to the dark, and she had to stifle a scream. She put her hands over her mouth and backstepped, managing to be quieter here.

Underneath the church were sleeping draugr—rabid vampires, in any other words, recognizable only by the deformed human features. They did not hide what they were at all. Their fangs never retracted, their claws were always out, and they didn’t use their blood to make their skin look human, no, their skin was constantly an ashy gray. They had lost their sense of humanity, and lived only to feed.

These were the things of nightmares for many vampires, and worse of all, Damia recognized one. One had been a contact who summoned her and Vergil to this town, to investigate what was going on. He looked bloated.
Serena's eyes widened, and she shuddered slightly when Valerian revealed his fangs. So much for a normal classmate! She did try to accept the analogy between the humans and vampires, but it was kinda hard considering the knowledge that he may just try to eat her any day now. "Mmm, mm hmm." Was all she could manage to squeak out. It took her a moment to mull over his words, before she finally came up with a reasonably decent response, drawing away from the whole 'vampire' thing. "Supernatural happenings?! What sort? Can we help?" She jumped straight in. Serena had never been one for discrimination, and she wasn't about to start now. Vampire or not, she would still proceed to treat Valerian as just her classmate...it just might take her a while to...adjust, per say. Kyle quickly clutched her arm as soon as the words had left her mouth, but he didn't have to speak for her to get his meaning. She briefly turned her gaze up to him, her calm eyes meeting his terrified ones. He lightly shook her head, and moved his eyes towards the car, insinuating what he wanted to do, but she was determined not to back off. He'd got them into this, so he'd have to deal with what came next. It was probably a stupid thing to do if she looked back on it, but it was the heat of the moment!


Ky was genuinely mulling over the fact that his sister may have gone mad. What the hell was she thinking, asking to get involved in whatever this was?! Did she have a death wish or something?! He sincerely hoped not. Despite his protests, he could see Serena's stubborn nature was taking over and there would be no getting out of this. He would stick up for her, but if it ever came to saving the vampires of saving his sister it would always be a no brainer in his sister's favour.

(sorry this wasn't great, I wasn't quite sure what to put and my head still hurts. xD )
Valerian shook his head immediately at the suggestion of helping. “We aren’t even sure what we’re up against yet,” he said, his rational and confident voice returning, “You wouldn’t have any idea at all. Vergil and Dame have dealt with this kind of stuff for millennia. They think it’s too dangerous for me,” he emphasized that, “and I’ve been alive for almost two centuries now,” it felt strangely good having a human to explain this to. To talk about it with.

It was good having Vergil and Damia, of course, because they were so much older and so much more experienced, but they were also both…quite inhuman. Valerian never wanted to get as cold as the two of them. He never wanted to see murder as casually as they did. “So—”

There was the sound of a crackle, and Valerian looked back over his shoulder. His eyes widened as he saw smoke rising from within the cemetery.


Damia looked up to see Vergil looking down. The worry was evident on his face, though he couldn’t see all that she could. He was smart enough not to speak, just in case. Damia took a lighter from within her purse. She kept one handy, even though she knew it could be the death of her. The basement was dry enough.

Vergil’s gaze hardened, narrowed, as she knelt and picked up one of the pieces of wood that had fallen with her from the floor. She lit it on fire, and then put the lighter into a pocket in her jeans. “There’s stairs,” she whispered, figuring if the draugr weren’t woken by the floor falling, they wouldn’t be woken by a whisper. “But please get out.”

Before Vergil could protest her actions, she swung the burning bit of wood at the neck of the once-friend, and took the head clean off. The fire helped.

That, however, woke all the others. The scent of blood and death always woke them. The inhuman shriek of one alerted Vergil to exactly what was below, but he didn’t run out, of course. He went to find those stairs to find a safe way into the basement.

Damia wouldn't wait for him, of course. She began to set the entire church ablaze in an effort to destroy the draugr, and keep herself safe. The draugr were just as afraid of fire as most vampires--she was one of those strange exceptions. It would kill her just as fast, but she had mastered her fear of it early on with constant exposure. Eventually, though, she had to let go of the wood as the fire burned too close to her hand--and she wasn't nearly as close to the stairs as she wanted to be by then. She turned to make a break for it.

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