Other collection of thoughts and writing


jack of all trades master of none
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I really REALLY want to connect with other writers to share ideas and create inspiration. If you're reading this and like it maybe send me a message or something!


The atmosphere of Planet Nyd had been lost when a comet hit. Known as “The Atmospheric Pop”, those who were lucky, if surviving was such a thing, went into the Savior Domes whether on land or underwater. Citizens of planet Nyd who couldn’t make it suffocated as the Earth boiled into Hell. All was lost outside of The Domes. Within them though was life, the still beating heart of a dead celestial body.

Within them were citizens, animals, plants, enough to continue. A civilization of survival. Everything was carefully balance. There had to be enough land for enough food for enough people. That meant there had to be a certain number of resources, and mouths to feed. There could be three people in a bloodline, the parents and the child. Once a parent became a grandparent they would be euthanized. Tightly regulated systems kept things flowing. As long as humans remained it was all worth it. That was the belief baked into each citizen.

Terelye had been born because her ancestor, Mookala, made it into The Domes. Mookala was a farmer who produced food for The Domes during their construction. A place had been promised to her and her bloodline as thanks for the assistance. The Kyd family had lived on because of Mookala, who had also gifted her family the role of a farmer in The Dome. A solid, comfortable job to have.

Farmers were allowed a piece of land to produce a specific crop, Terelye produced potatoes. Her and her workers were a close-knit family, as most farms were. It was fine, really. Despite the hard labor once they were done with chores the day was free. Terelye herself had made a project of renovating the living quarters, and a farmhand, Kylandrey planned to paint it afterwards. They made songs, told stories, had pets, life was good.

Then an unknown citizen arrived. She was scared, wounded, clearly having survived some horrible ordeal. Terelye had found her, and though she wanted to report the citizen to authorities she was begged not to. Clearly this woman was running from the law, but what had happened? Too scared to tell why they agreed she could stay for a couple days. Hidden from even the farmhands in Terelye’s home, separate from the others living quarters, the citizen was cleaned up. A couple days became a couple weeks.

Finally, the citizen tells her name, Maraqua. She has fled from being euthanized. After having a child far too young her parents are killed. The same fate had happened to her child, who also had a baby while young. Somehow, she was able to escape, feeling it was too unfair, that she was too young. Maraqua then reveals that the wound she had wasn’t from trying to escape, but from ripping a tracking device out. Terelye does not know that every citizen has a tracking device. Feeling her stomach, she finds that deep inside is something hard, like a bone.

Unable to process this Terelye asks more about what the other citizen’s life was like before fleeing. Maraqua says that she was a truck driver. Her own ancestor, whose name is unknown, was merely lucky enough to making it into The Domes during the atmospheric pop. Those people were given random jobs, ones that didn’t have such a cushy lifestyle. Maraqua drove, and drove, and drove, only stopping when her body gave up. She would rest, and then she drove, and drove, and drove. After all that, after all of that nothing, she was then expected to die.

Two authority officers arrive asking if anyone has seen something suspicious, as they found blood on the property while patrolling. Terelye decides not to give up Maraqua and lies, saying everything has been normal. A farmhand reports that they saw someone nearby they hadn’t seen before, but was unable to catch up to them when the stranger ran. The authority officers report that they will be doing a full search of the property when a search warrant is approved, around

Terelye panics and demands to ask why Maraqua would risk that. Breaking down Maraqua cries to her friend that she wants to be free, that she doesn’t want to die or drive, she wants to live. There is nowhere to go. Anywhere in The Domes they go, they will be found, there is certain death outside. Maraqua says that she will reveal herself so that they don’t kill Terelye for housing a wanted criminal. Terelye refuses this.

There is only one option to leave The Domes. In case of emergency there is a system of trains that leads to the closest sister dome. It is protected against the harsh landscape of Planet Nyd, but does not have oxygen. Anyone who crosses has to wear a protective suit that supplies oxygen. The trains would take approximately 27 hours between each dome, something of 20 days on feet. If they can make it there, and obtain enough oxygen tanks, they could in theory survive an escape to another dome. To live another life, or at least escape this one.

That evening they remove Terelye’s tracker. Maraqua cuts open her stomach before removing the tracker with pliers. An extremely painful experience, Terelye almost passes out. It is treated and wrapped up. They flee at night with two large bags and two backpacks. They pass multiple farmlands. They make it to the inner door. One authority officer is there. Since there is nothing outside and no real way of escape it isn’t a super big deal to guard it, a waste of citizens really. They are able to lure the guard out with Terelye’s wound before killing him. They take his gun and keys before hiding his body.

The sun will rise soon, which means they need to be fast. While the train tunnel walls are thick enough to hide from the solar radiation, the outer layer is see-through and they will be burned by it. It is only safe at night.

They look out onto Earth. It is desolate, barren. Nothing remains, just dust, sand, craters. A black sky. Not knowing what they expected they hold hands, and just stare in silence. After a long time Maraqua finally pulls Terelye away, who can’t seem to stop. They go to the storage room. It’s tall and huge, running along the wall farther than they can see. Able to kick it open. Terelye almost blacks out from effort, and the wound begins bleeding again. Maraqua puts her in a suit and then puts one on herself. She then packs the bags with oxygen tanks, which are palm sized plastic circles that attach to the suits.

Terelye is too weak and is forced to lean on Maraqua as they walk to the train systems opening, which is a transition space between the dome and the station. It will fill with oxygen and once the door closes, it will dispel the oxygen. They open it with the key, but Terelye again collapses. She is too weak to walk, let alone carry bags. Maraqua begins to panic, but forces herself to remain calm. She throws the bags into the station. She then grabs Terelye and pulls her into the station. Authority officers enter the outer layer and pull their guns. Maraqua runs, closing the station door in time though she is shot in the shoulder. Once closed the door locks, as to prevent oxygen from the dome being sucked out.

They sit in silence, leaning against the door as the oxygen is sucked out from them room. Holding hands they watch as the second door to the actual train station opens.
Planet Nyd wasn't a particular beautiful one, but it had been enough to foster life. From ocean to land to sky it had been filled with creatures of all kinds. Exotic flowers, trees that reached above buildings. Of all life the most intelligent was the citizens of Nyd, who had gained thumbs much like a similar species many worlds away. They made homes, and expanded into tribes, then countries. As communities grew larger Planet Nyd retaliated with harsh weather, rising oceans. Great minds had decided one thing, they needed to prepare. That was when The Savior Domes was built. Across the planet they were erected in case of emergency. Filled with resources and the ability to control the atmosphere it was meant for the future, but they couldn't have known that the real threat wasn't from their home, and that it would come much sooner than thought.

The Plexor Comet hit. Initially believed to be a small rock that'd fall right into the ocean, reality hit that it was much larger than anticipated. Citizens fled to the domes. Some made it. Most of the population instead faced an almost immediate, hellish death. Suffocating, burning, boiling into nothing. Those who were lucky enough to survive made new lives within the domes. Of course, they had to adapt to new conditions. Within them though was life, the still beating heart of a dead celestial body. That's all that mattered now.

Within the domes weren't quite cities, but a conglomerate of necessary utilities given pieces of land. Your profession determined where you lived, and often you would live next to the workplace. Every citizen had a job that helped continue life in the domes. Whether it was manufacturing, farming, power, water sanitation, everything had a traceable purpose. If you could not work, well, you were an extra mouth to feed and that was unacceptable. Every citizen was a cog in a well-oiled, but precarious machine. One wrong move could destroy the dome and everything in it, making this lifestyle well understood by all.

Which was why Terelye had been lucky to be born a farmer. It was hard labor, but one that allowed for plenty of free time once chores were done.
She can still feel Terelye's hand through the thin material of the suits. It is warm.
major scenes I can think of right now

- Terelye finding Maraqua injured
- Bringing Maraqua home and treating her wound
- They have a discussion about why Maraqua is fleeing officers and wounded
- Terelye reckons with the realization of the tracker
- Maraqua and Terelye fight about why Maraqua left for a moment
- officers arrive looking for Maraqua, and tell Terelye they will be searching the property
- Maraqua and Terelye panic, but decide to leave
- Maraqua removes Terelye's tracker
- They collect bags and leave in the night
- Running across the farmlands
- confront the officer at the train station, kill him
- Enter the outer layer and stare at the destroyed planet
- kick down the storage room door and gather supplies, Terelye is weakening
- moving the stuff and Terelye into the station after opening the door
- officers enter the outer layer and shoot at them, shooting Maraqua who is able to close the door
- they both pause, staring out into the station

I want to incorporate the history and society into conversation between Terelye and Maraqua instead of just straight up explaining it. Need to figure out some character growth filler.
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sometimes I want to wrap myself up in a blanket and somehow manifest some kind of parent to love me. They'd stroke my hair and smile and hug me and it would be so warm and kind. Instead, I'll watch an old 2000s movie about a badly animated cat who loves lasagna. That's all I can do for the little girl wrapped up in a blanket who will never have that loving parent. In a way, I guess she did successfully manifest one, just not the one she wanted.
It is warm. A citizen lay in a field, her stomach exposed and bleeding. This was something Terelye had never seen before. The farmer rushed across the field with a pitchfork still in hand. Maybe if she applied pressure the citizen could live, or was it better to bring her home as soon as possible? Her hat flew off as she ran, skirt fluttering behind her. Panic reached from her feet to her throat. Still, she moved with certainty. Then the citizen raised her head to look at Terelye. Immediately it was clear this citizen was afraid. Her huge, brown eyes echoed terror. Knowing that she was alive made Terelye run faster, heels thudding. The citizen screamed at Terelye, not in some kind of show of pain, no, she screamed because of her. Looking back Terelye would realize this, but details didn't matter at that moment. Now squirming the citizen seemed to be trying to turn away except she could barely raise her arms. With a thump Terelye knelt beside the citizen, ignoring the sudden throbbing pain from her knees that would later turn to bruises.

"No, no, no" the citizen screamed, hands going up over her face.

"I'm going to help you," Terelye said as she took her shirt off. She then pressed it against the still bleeding wound. The citizen cried, and screamed, attempting to claw at Terelye's arms.
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Had it been any other day her farmhands would be around every corner, but it was fertilizer day, and that allowed them to slip through unseen. Past the barns, farther than the living quarters was Terelye's home. The citizen was too weak to stand on her own, practically being dragged along. Terelye slammed the door open with one hand, using the other to hold the citizen up against her body. Gingerly, or as much as she could be, she then flopped onto the floor inside, padding the citizens' fall with her own body. Despite the wind being knocked out of her, she knew that the citizen was okay. She pushed them both further into the home using her foot before pushing the citizen off, who folded onto her side.

"Fuck," Terelye whispered, trying to catch her breath.
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"Why don't you want to involve the authority officers?"

"They," Maraqua studied Terelye's face before continuing, "were going to kill me."

"Are you a criminal?"

"I didn't hurt anyone."

"So why?"

"My child is pregnant."

Silence fell over the room.

"See? I didn't kill anyone. I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what? Are you saying I should have died? You expect me to choose that?"

Terelye didn't know how to respond. Dying once you became a grandparent was normal. She couldn't lie and say it didn't scare her, after all that's why she hadn't had one of her own yet, but that was the rule. It was undeniably important. A necessary sacrifice to keep the next generation fed. Looking at Maraqua though, she couldn't muster up the courage to say that, yes, she had to die.

"Exactly. You understand."

"I... do, yes, but you know they don't, you know that we have to do it."

"It's not fair! I wanted to live, actually live, why do you get to wait? It's not fair!"

"It's not."
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All her life it had been there, nestled away, and if she had never been told, would she have ever known? Why didn't they tell citizens of it? Her fingers pressed into her stomach. Underneath skin and flesh was something hard. When she pushed, she could feel the edge of it. Was it there since birth? She could never imagine feeling it, but why would Maraqua lie?
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"I need to talk to you about something."

Terelye turned, basket perched on her hip, and carefully examined the farmhand who had approached her. "You seem scared," she said, "what's wrong?"

"I saw someone near your home yesterday. It was dark out, but I couldn't tell who it was and... Have you seen anyone around?"
Terelye is a sweetheart. Growing up in a calm, more forgiving atmosphere allowed her to have a softness. She is a very giving individual who strives to make those around her feel seen and heard. After all, her farmhands are the people she will spend the rest of her life with, and so they are to be treated as friends. Ignorance is her biggest flaw. She has a hard time recognizing that she comes from a place of privilege because she doesn't even realize. To her it's all just normal life, nothing to question. Being the farmer, and not the farmhand, means she actually has quite a bit of power over them, which isn't something she abuses because she doesn't really understand it as a position of power. This also lets her feel comfortable with the more fascist aspects of the domes though. Her life is cushy, and she has the option not to have children young, meaning she is allowed to look away from the abuse. Even further she has lived her entire life on an independent farm, born and raised, not knowing how harsh other lifestyles can be. There is that spark of rebellion in her, she just needs the flame. Ultimately her loyalty isn't with the domes, but in the promotion of kindness among her fellow citizens.

Maraqua on the other hand has never been given a break, never allowed a chance, and so bitterness has festered. In her truest form, if things had gone differently, Maraqua would be a hardworking, a bit too serious, but friendly citizen. She isn't naturally as sweet as Terelye, but she'd be willing to help a neighbor, or stand up for what's right. Chronically serious she has a hard time not taking things personally, or understanding a joke, and she isn't the type to enjoy a party. Except, that wasn't how things happened. Instead, she became cornered and suffocated, forced to work until her body collapsed only to be killed by her dome. Having an unwanted child at a far too young age also created resentment, and an ongoing paranoia about when she'd be executed. When her death was decided she chose to radicalize. If she was going to die, then she was going to do it fighting. She escaped and decided somehow she was going to make it out of the dome. She was going to actually live fucking life.
Terelye grabbed her shoulders, fingers digging into her skin. Face to face they both breathed heavy, one distraught, the other alarmed.

"Why? Why would you go outside?" She said, despite keeping hushed her words were steeped with confusion and anger. "Do you want to be caught?"

"How, I - let go off me!" Maraqua shoved her away, making Terelye trip and fall.

Now on her ass all she could do was look up at Maraqua. Why would she ever risk being caught, risk killing them both?
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Stiff, black suits signified authority officers. They moved with solemn dignity, with tight-lipped frowns to prove it. The presence of those suits was never wanted. A signifier of failure, punishment, or something wrong. So as Terelye watched them from her window a heavy dread settled in her chest.
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Planet Nyd? I dunno... I want it to start with Planet. Planet something

Authority officers seems like a reasonable name.
The domes don't have names as communication isn't maintainable so there's no point in separating them by name. Technically they are dome #36, but it's just "the dome".
The dome is huge, probably like a small state worth of land. The problem isn't necessarily space, though it is a factor, but maintaining enough oxygen, food, and water for the entire population. Everything is human controlled and basically everything is just super limited. Everything is also recycled. The "sky" is like a normal sky with "clouds" and "the sun" and "the moon and "stars", sometimes it's baby blue, other times it is grey. This is based on what that area of the dome needs. If the farmlands need a good rain, they get a good rain, while other areas are mostly sunny, so they don't waste water. In reality it's just a huge wall though. There are real plants, but they all have to be recorded and tracked. Each foot of grass, each tomato plant, each tree, a single flower is recorded so they can adjust if need be. There are also animals, mainly for food, but also a lot of horses. Really the only people who use cars are delivery drivers and authority officers, otherwise you walk or go by horse. There are no carnivorous animals, except for dogs and cats as companion animals (a luxury). There are also regulated fungi, bugs, and birds.

Jobs are usually all clustered together in the same area, for convenience. Farmlands are clustered together on the far left of the dome, industrial jobs are given their own spaces, so on and so forth. Communication between these different areas is maintained by whatever appointed leader, and resources are shared via truck delivery. It creates a very isolated and separate experience between each area.

Self-expression and self-interests aren't demonized, but the continuation of the citizens is priority over anything else. Some jobs are worse than other. It just depends on how needed it is, if the work is constant, what have you. So, if the dome constantly needs you delivering something, or manufacturing something, you'll never get a break. On the other hand, if you're only needed at certain times then you'll have plenty more breaks. Like Terelye, who only needs to complete her chores for the day and then she's free. While Maraqua constantly had to be bringing shit back and forth across the dome.

People whose ancestors were people of power, wealth, or contributed to the domes usually have cushier jobs or a higher position. People don't just change careers, so you'll usually just be doing what your parents did unless something really weird happens.

Usually when a citizen gives birth the child is separated and put into nearby group homes until old enough to work. They then are put back into society. For example, Terelye was separated from her parents, taught the ins and outs of potato farming, before gaining leadership of a different farm from her parents. From the other side of the coin, Maraqua only had a glimpse of her daughter's face before she was whisked away by a doctor. The only time she hears about her daughter is to be told she's pregnant, and that Maraqua will be euthanized.
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"They're going to come back soon and search the property," she said, "that includes in here."


"I don't know. They didn't say."
The knife was meant to cut into cooked meat, not still alive human flesh, but neither of them knew when the authority officers would return. It could be hours or days, but it didn't matter. This had to be done now. Pressing into her skin Maraqua steadied herself. No fear, no reservation, no fear, no reservation. She plunged it into Terelye's soft skin. Blood flowed from the stab wound, but this was only the beginning. Terelye threw her head back, teeth tearing into the washrag that had been shoved into her mouth. Tense. shaking she shook her head in disbelief. Not once in her life had she felt such hot, white pain. It pulsed from the wound across her body. Mixed with the feeling of warmth and internal pressure she wondered if she was still alive, then prayed she would die.

"Be quiet, please, I'm so sorry," Maraqua said, grabbing the pliers beside her. The metal disappeared into Terelye's stomach, which twisted and moved as if a snake was underneath. Tears ran down both their faces. Finally, the pliers were able to get a grip on the small device inside. As it was pulled out Terelye convulsed, kicking her legs out. There must have been a mistake, as it felt like her organs were about to be pulled out, not the tracker. This was the end, this was death and soon she'd depart this stupid, barren planet. She was sure of it. Halfway out her skin pulled up and away from her body, firmly hugging the device. Her fists slammed against the ground.

Pulling it fully out Maraqua tossed it on the ground. It left a trail of blood before splattering as it landed. Terelye turned to the side, propping herself on her elbow, removed the rag, and vomited. Dinner was now a puddle on the ground, mixing with the blood that had pooled. Her body jerked from the force of each gag until it stopped. She then flopped back onto her back, gasping for air. Was this worth it? Her gaze fell to sweet Maraqua's face. Concern was written across, from knit brows to the scrunch of her nose. Her hand rose, gently cupping Maraqua's face, smearing blood across her cheekbone. "I'm okay," she whispered, despite barely being able to keep her eyes open. "Just a moment, I just need a moment."

Maraqua used a towel to compress the wound, causing Terelye to grunt in pain. "Once this stop bleeding, I'll bandage it, okay? Then we'll have to go," she whispered, pushing sticky, sweaty hair from Terelye's forehead. This wouldn't work, there wasn't enough time. How could they expect to escape after all that? Maybe the officers would take a long time, maybe they had an extra day or two to wait, to let that open wound calm down. Slouching over her, Maraqua began to weep. She grabbed her hand in her own, holding it to her chest. If only Terelye had just turned her in, then she would be fine and freed from the curse that Maraqua seemed to be. Except no, they had stayed together. For some reason, they couldn't let each other go, even when threatened with death. When had this happened? She couldn't say.
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While there were storage units within the station, they didn't know how far the distance was between them or if they could even open them. For a month they'd have to find supplies in a desolate tube that stretched for miles. That was if their oxygen tanks didn't run out first. With a couple of bags of food and more for the tanks they left.
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Maraqua held tight to her friend's hand. Behind her, Terelye did her best to keep up, but her mind was beginning to swim. Her hand hovered over the still fresh wound. Adrenaline had pushed the pain away, but the ragged breathing proved she wasn't ready to sprint. Still, they continued across the farmlands, the faux stars glimmering overhead as if to cheer them on. Their shoes sunk into the freshly wetted soil underneath, splattering mud across their legs.
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This'll probably take place over 3 weeks, enough time for Maraqua's stomach wound to heal. I think I'll also have them be in love, like soul mates who need each other—probably confused about it all though. Romance happens, but I don't think it's something either of them has considered. Maraqua is traumatized after having her baby and finds physical touch and romance repulsive. Terelye is terrified of conceiving a child and avoids any kind of touch or romance to preserve herself, though she'd never say it out loud. Plus, they are raging lesbians who are soul mates, duh. Though being gay/trans would be normal and accepted. Since a biological child from a gay couple is unlikely it's, like, whatever go ahead as long as you aren't taking resources from us!
"Officer my friend is hurt. Please, help us!" Maraqua called out. Her hand slammed against the glass stall housing the officer. He glanced them over, settling on Terelye's stomach. Blood had run through the bandaging, staining her white dress.

"We need your help, please!"

The officer took his keys out before opening the door.
Beyond the outer layer was... Nothing. It was nothing. As far as the eye could see was grey dust and craters. Their planet was gone, and both of the citizens had always known that, but looking out at that dead body of a planet was a loss of hope. Better judgment was useless in the dome. Every child, every citizen, dreamed of finally returning to the past. Where they could run and still never make it back home, just further into new possibilities. Where food was abundant, and oxygen was free. It would never happen though. They knew that now. That light died, but there was no going back.
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Terelye sat on the floor. Her head rolled to the side and her body bent inward. She looked like a dead spider. Beside her was Maraqua who kicked at the door, her foot thudding painfully against metal. Energy was dwindling and with each forceful kick came a haggard gasp for air. Still, she continued.
She hooked her arms under Terelye's, pushing her limp body into the subway.

"We made it," Maraqua chanted to both Terelye and herself.

"We made it," Terelye responded, but it was nothing except a weak exhale.

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