Coden Plague

yea. actually from another demension, I'm the being you call satan's brother. We jumped here acidentially when we killed the doctor, he kinda just dumped us about 3000 years ago. Then brother got soft, and started being religeous about 2000 years ago, putting all this good in the world, and I have to clean up his mess.
no, I don't know you. I'm from another dimension, even if you and my brother have the same roll here we're not related, the different series of events that has taken place here is far more different than what has happened in my old dimension. You guys are about at the time my dimension was about 10,000 years ago. Not that far behind, but still
my brother turned soft 2000 years ago and started spouting that 'love your neighbor' bullshit, so i doubt you're him. looks like the me in this dimension has a sister then.
*pokes you in the side again*

well florically, you gotta go next anyways... *turns to you with poker finger extended*

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