Coden Plague

okay y'all guess who's gettin skyrim on pc???? ur mum jk me

I had it on the xbox 360 but I never use my xbox cus it's meh dads soooooo ILL PROBS PLAY IT MOR

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Jun has a fear of centipedes. Like, a get-his-gun-out-and-shoot-it kind of fear.
No, I'm just saying. Centipedes beware. Jun will blow your wee lil' heads off.
I added Rifty's only fear just now ^_^

Dafaq? Somebody's got a charecter sheet to fix, lol...

Just reread my post, my keyboard forgot the y on a particular word. ()_()
so. who has finals this week? *hand shoots up*

lol, rifty doesn't have a jacket, he's wearing a button down shirt with a vest over it, he's got SOME class, xD
ehh, ehh, ehhhhehhh, ahm sorry!!!

i think i might stay 15 minutes cuz this is getting good... then I have to sleep... english final is tomorrow DX

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