Coden Plague


Senior Member

Character Skeleton


Appearance (Preferably anime):


Age (15-19):



Height / Weight:


Occupation (See Organizations to view occupation list):





How they view the world (Optional):

Background (How they lived before Coden):


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28a9c756_AnimeEmoishThingSnip.PNG.6bf9b0c7f626a156764e83edca31f56d.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28a9c756_AnimeEmoishThingSnip.PNG.6bf9b0c7f626a156764e83edca31f56d.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ayameko Jatsunaki

"Please call me Ayame"



"I'm an adult now, don't baby me"


February 11

"I'm very serious, as an Aquarius should be"



"Duh, I'm a girl, can't you tell that by staring at my boobs"

Height / Weight:

Height 5'6 / Weight 133 LBS

"I'm pretty tall for a girl my age"



"What can I say, boobs are hot"



"I'm strong, but my work ethic is not"


Ayame is definitely an introvert. She enjoys her time reading and writing. When she does talk to someone, it is most likely a friend of hers, not a stranger. Mostly happy in solitude she doesn't go out much. Whenever Ayame does go out, don't interrupt her. She is very short-tempered and extremely bossy. If she talks to you, it's probably because you are cute. If Ayame asks you to do something, you better do it or she will beat you down. A tough cookie like her has a very keen eye. She notices the slightest details, so don't try to hide things from her. Although a happy spirit once, she is no more. Her family died in a house fire when she was 10 and she was the only one who survived. Because of this, she can't stick to one thing. Ayame is afraid it will break, or if it's a person, break her. So as long as you stay out of her way, you'll be fine.

"Dont complain to me about your problems, I already have my own"


Ayame enjoys reading and writing. She loves dark spaces and solitude. Whenever she can she likes talking to her closest friends, and only her closest friends.

"Did I say you could talk to me"


Ayame absolutely hates the government. She hates waiting for anything. If she can, she always gets away from people.

"Can this line go any slower"

How they view the world:

Pretty much, Ayame thinks that this world is an ass. She hates it.

"This is all so stupid! They need to just end it"


Ayame was grew up in Nerima, a Japanese city not far from where she lives today, Tokyo. She and her 2 sisters and 2 brothers lived with her mother and father. When she was only 10, her family died in a house fire. For the rest of her youth, she lived in the orphanage. She met a few friends, but really stuck to being quiet because she could not commit to anyone or anything. She was afraid to break them, or that they would break her. When she turned 17, they let her go out on her own. She moved here, only to find more people to hate, and more books to love.

"I still remember that night vividly"



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Yana Sekido

"Named after my grandmother."



"An official adult."


November, 8th

"I don't act like a Scorpio."



"You don't think I look like a boy, do you?"

Height / Weight:

5'4 , 113 lbs

"I'd say I'm average."



"Yea, I don't swing that way okay?"



"I'm not that bossy, but please respect my authority."


Yana is a very kind individual, she respects other people's opinions and always puts others first. She tends to keep to herself and is great at keeping secrets, but she will do what she has to do for the truth to be told. She is a great leader and decision maker, because she always does what is best for the people. When she gets close to someone it's hard for her to let go, witch may explain why she has never been extremely close to anyone. She is a bit afraid to get close to others, in fear that they will hurt her feelings, but if she manages not to intimidate you, she is one of the best people you will ever meet.

"I know I'm not the best person."


Politics, Science, Rainy Days, Helping Others, The Night Sky, Reading, Quiet Places

"I'm not very sociable."


Crowded Places, Annoying People, Mean People, Society, The Virus, People Who Take Advantage Of Her

"Don't even try."


Getting Sick,

Dying, Being Betrayed,

Loosing The People She

Cares About


Yana had many issues as a child. Her parents got divorced when Yana was 13, and her mother committed suicide because of it. She was very close to her mother when this happened and had no idea her parents were having issues, and because of this she went into a deep depression for a long time. Her father became very depressed as well after Yana's mother killed herself, and believing that it was his fault, he turned to alcohol as an escape. Her father was very unavailable to her because he was always drunk, and tended to verbally abuse her as a teenager. As Yana got older, her father happened to convince himself that he needed to stop drinking. He started going to therapy and disposed of all alcohol in his home, and happened to get a nice job in the government. He was very busy most of the time and became very distant from Yana. He threw himself into his work, trying to work on the medication to expand one's lifespan. When they discovered what they had done, and how bad they messed up, Yana's father informed her, and began training her to be an excellent leader.

"My past is not something I'm proud of."



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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.3e171120450c9e97b98076b80912be95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.3e171120450c9e97b98076b80912be95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: "Rifty Nadastrom, at your service."

Age: "Go fuck yourself...19. Why, you tryna bang?"

Birthday: "Imma summer baby." July 6, Cancer.

Gender: "Is there confusion?" Male

Height/Weight: 5'11", 130lbs "Not real big, but big enough for you to mind your own buisness mate."

Sexuality: "Yeaaaaaa not gay."

Ocupation: "Traitor. Do what you love, and what you want, not what other people tell ya to."

Personality: Rifty is pretty much a shady charecter, somebody you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. What he lacks in physical strength he makes up for in intelligence. Despite his slim build and friendly demeanor, he is quite the threatening person, probably because he generates an aura of wild giddiness. Rifty goes where he wants, and does as he pleases. He doesn't care about who he might hurt with actions or words, and is incredibly blunt. He integrades this into his job often, but he usually just gets pinned for being an asshole in the 'whodunnit' situation, he always finds a way to alter the evidence in his favor. Rifty is extremely prideful, and insults or inuendos he can't counter are usually met with violent outbursts, depending on who makes said insult. He absolutely hates authority figures, especially the police. Altogether, Rifty just doesn't give a shit.

Rifty carries some spiked knuckles with him, along with a knife. Both govenment issued. He also is always carrying a pack of cigarettes with him, though he doesn't smoke often, it adds to his air of wildness.

Although he is not the most inviting persons, Rifty is none the less friendly. He knows friends are a good thing, and the more people that like him the better. He's quite a nice person when you get to know him. He pretends like he doesn't have feelings, but he cares very strongly abot those closest to him. As long as they don't tell him what to do...

Likes: "Spiked knuckles, Knives, guns, blood, smoking, all in that order. And alleyways." Rifty does most of his dirty work in the alleyways.

Dislikes: "People in general. The feds is the worse."

Fears: Although Rifty will never admit it, the only thing he's afraid of is betrayal. This is kind of ironic since his job is a traitor, but Rifty distrusts the government, and anyone who is related to his work. He knows that at any moment, they could stab him in the back. Rifty tries to do jobs as fast as possible to avoid these situations. "Fear? Hah. That's synonymous with 'you're a bitch' in my book."

World Views: "Everybody wants somethin' from someone, but I'll keep to myself."

Life before Coden: Rifty killed his parents when he was ten, deliberately on purpose. He hated being bossed around, and they wouldn't do it anymore if they were dead right? The government decided to use his talents against the districts, and although he thinks every single person up there is an asshole, they pretty much leave him alone, as long as he causes enough disruption to entertain. He was placed in a few different districts, but the government tied him down to this one permanently.

"You do you and I do me. We don't do eachother. Kay?"



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One more person needed to sign up and make a character, then, wah-lah! Magic happens.

╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚

Appearance (Preferably anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/b582d6bb3fb8556348b0a1a653320ee2.jpg.9bb8958ef442627aa16bd15f1c355f35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/b582d6bb3fb8556348b0a1a653320ee2.jpg.9bb8958ef442627aa16bd15f1c355f35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: "Jackson Stone... is that all?"

Age (15-19): "17, why do you even need to know?"

Birthday: "March 3, yes I'm Pisces what next, my favorite color?"

Gender: "In case you were blind, I'm male"

Height / Weight: "This is turning into a doctor's appointment... it's 5'8" and I'm 168 lbs. What else are you pestering me about?"

Sexuality: "Girls... that's all. Sorry but you guys can't have this," *smirks*

Occupation (See Organizations to view occupation list):

"Nada... jobless. Yeah, don't exactly feel like doing much around here anyway"

Personality: "Well... if you really want to know, I'm kinda blunt. Some people think that's rude but I really don't care. Yeah sure, I'll sneak in a comment or two if I'm in the mood hehe... but not often. You might say I'm a dull guy more often then not and that's probably true but I'm not anti social. I know how to speak english, thank you very much. Anyway... that's about it."




-his ladies

-wasting people's time (No seriously, he will slay 30 seconds of your life with something idiotic)

-those close to him (he may not look the overprotective type, but he is fiercely protective of anyone he cares about)




-mockery (can be a bit hypocritical)


-'getting personal' in arguments

How they view the world (Optional): "Meh... keep friends close... can't trust anyone else other than those you already trust"

Background (How they lived before Coden): "Uh... I don't really like talking about this... I'm making this quick. No parents... they dipped me and I was taken in by some low life. Sure he kept me alive and all that but... he dipped too. As soon as the Coden started going around, he got scared I had it and threw to the streets. Yeah that'll teach you to trust someone. Um... anyway, I'm wrapping this up. Don't really feel the mood to go into detail about my sob story."




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The time.

It has come.

Where a new hero has been born.




Jun Hyzun




November 6



Height / Weight:


235 Ibs.






Jun can usually be described by a mere three words. Happy, kind, fun-loving. However, when duty calls, Jun's personality changes completely, and he becomes cold and emotionless.

"Cold? Emotionless? That doesn't sound like me..."






~Doing nothing

~Bad jokes

~Green food



"Nothing should have that many legs, man."

How they view the world:

"Life's a garden. Dig it."


Both of Jun's parents died of cancer when he was ten. After that he was trained by the military. That's about it.

"Yeeeeaaah, my life isn't that interesting...."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Picture.jpg.68fbeeb9bbf8eb6ae350a1a7f01076a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Picture.jpg.68fbeeb9bbf8eb6ae350a1a7f01076a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Akana Mastumoto

"Hi! My name is Akana! Nice to meet you!"



"I'm 16 years old"


April 12th

"Mhm! I'm an Aries! Rawr!"



"I'm a girl! I don't look like a guy, do I...?"

Height / Weight:

Height: 5'1 Weight: 90 lbs

"I'm considered petite"



"No offence, but I like guys!"



"I just love to help people! It's like, my life!"


Akana Mastumoto is a very caring person, She is very much considered a softie.

She puts herself in other peoples shoes in tough situations,

Akana will often put others needs before her own. She also wouldn't hurt a flea.

Akana loves animals, and nature. Akana is very gentle and innocent.

She has a big heart, and she remains calm in difficult scenarios. She is very forgiving too.

"Y..You really think I'm gentle? Thank you! You're so nice!"




-Helping people

-Her job





"It calms me to think about these things! They're all so...great!






"I shiver at the thought!"

How they view the world:

Akana views the world as something that can be helped.

She thinks as long as everyone works together, they can make a change

and restore peace into the world.

"Well... I think humanity still has a hope... ya'know?"


Akana lived in a happy home with a loving mother and father. Both her parents worked at a flower shop and taught her how to take care of many living things. Akana grew up loving anything and everything, and was also taught how to raise her own garden and her own plants. She eventually was given seeds for a lilac, a lovely pink flower that Akana knew she would love. She cared for the flower greatly, so greatly she even named the flower. She named the flower "Haruki", meaning bright, shining beauty. The flower was a valued charm to her. Whenever Akana looked at the flower, it reminded her of her parents, filling her with happiness and joy. But, against Akana's luck, Coden hit close to home. Her and her family were filled with fear, but luckily, none of them had caught the virus. Once the government came up with the solution to divide citizens into districts, Akana was placed into the district she is currently in now. But on the other hand, her parents were placed into the district that was only for adults and small children. Though her family had been broken up, her lively spirit and personality didn't fade. Almost instantly after she was put in her district, she started training to become a medic, having high hopes that she could one day change the world.

"I love, love, love my childhood! I couldn't have asked for a happier family!"



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Appearance (Preferably anime):



Grei Sierra

Age (15-19):



June 18

"Gemini, I think..."


"Tch, What do I look like?!"

Height / Weight:

"5'6 112 lbs



"Why do you think men fall for this?"

Occupation (See Organizations to view occupation list):


"Manipulation is my best skill."


"Well, then... I'm a pretty good actor myself as I say... Manipulation is one of my best skills, because not very much can trust a man than a woman, yes? I live by my wits and strength, and that's what helps me survive. When I try to manipulate my victims, it usually starts out as I have planned. Sometimes, I'm really pushy and haughty.... But really, it's only sometimes, right?"







~Her looks


~Stupid People

~Someone telling her what to do

~When you insult her looks


~When you get in her way


~Being killed by the plague

~Being tortured

~Her family getting injured in any way

How they view the world (Optional):

"The world is a cruel place, filled with death and monsters, whenever there's good, there's always bad, y'know?"

Background (How they lived before Coden):

Grei was in the military before the plague had struck, but had quit because of a betrayal between her and a dear friend. Her only family is her mother and younger sister. She looks up to them for encouragement and advice. They support her in any way they can to help her do the right thing. Years later, when the plague had struck, she was recruited by the Government to do a 'Special' job for them.


~She smokes only when she's in deep thought or when she's stressed

~She keeps various amount of items inside her coat and elsewhere

Name: Suro Hichima

Age: 16

Birthday: June 16th

Gender: Male

Height / Weight: 5'9, 120lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Upperclassmen

Personality: He is usually calm and smart but he can get unruly and slightly perverted on occasion.

Likes: Spicy food, Guns, Helping people

Dislikes: Sour food, Knife wielding psychos, Diseases

Fears: Being eaten alive

How they view the world: The world is a place going down losing control and it will soon burn

Background: He used to live as a rich boy going to high-school until it was ripped away as his parents died and only he lived from his entire family. This is what sent him to become what he has become now.

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