Coden Plague


(Has crystal blue eyes)

Name: Sarah "Crystal"

Age (15-19): 16





Height / Weight:

5'7/105 Ib




Shop Owner; Crystal owns a little nature shop in where she sells flowers, herbs, and natural remedies with a garden surrounding in the back.She lives on the second floor in which it has a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms.


Sarah, or Crystal as she is called, is a nice upbeat and happy young girl who likes to help out in anyway she can, make friends with as many people as she can, and in general; is just a outgoing girl, for the most part. She does suffer from selective mutism, or the ability not to speak in social settings, although she does not seem to let this mental disorder get in the way of her life for Crystal has found ways around this. In some situations though, she can tend to act a bit shy, it is rare but can still happen.


+ Flowers

+ Nature

+ Music

+ Interacting with people

+ Making friends

+ Hugs

+ Apples

+ Hot Chocolate

+ Warmth

- The Cold

- Speaking

- Being the center of attention

- Pears


Astraphobio and Ligyrophobio

(Fear of thunder and loud noises)


Before the Coden plague came into her life, she led a quiet and peaceful life in a small town north of here. There she grew up in her mom's flower shop, learning her trade while going to school, a pretty basic and normal life. But that all changed (When the fire nation attacked
xD ) at the age of 12, when she took a trip to her friends place for a week, during this time Sarah's mom and dad got struck with the plague and died quickly from it, traumatizing her forever. She was moved to an orphanage to finish her school life, but quickly ran away and started her own life, remaining quiet forever as she did not feel right speaking.


Extremely ticklish
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