• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed code machine go 𝙗𝙧𝙧𝙧𝙧 (by uxie)

all for the gram



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with iridescent. iridescent. !
please click the below to see their design!

ayo.... mobile-friendly cs check ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
this is a character sheet code that features four content tabs and a cover page, inspired by the aesthetics of instagram! thank you to dreamglow for submitting hella requests.
since her previous code seemed to really appeal to the masses, i decided to take it upon myself to make this one mobile-friendly even though she didn't ask for it, in hopes that it'll be used a ton while still being accessible hehe (´• ω •`)
it's been a while since i've challenged myself with a request, and i'm really pleased with how this one turned out, even tho some of the dynamic elements are funhouses compared to their pc mirror counterparts ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ! it's okay. i'm working on it!! (o˘◡˘o)

as always, all colours and pictures are customisable with variables, and i've left a number of comments to help you along the way. keep an eye on "--color-3" -- i think that'll be the one you'll change the most ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )
also, credits 2 @Nano for the very clever trick to maintain image aspect ratios across devices (´꒳`)♡

hope you like! (⌒▽⌒)♡

– uxie


  • filler tab. ignore!

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡

well darn tootin my boots are scootin'

this is amazing (as always)
thank u thank u

red wine



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with @latte!
please click the below to see their design!

edit(08.11): i'm an idiot! i've made an edit to the code so that the name and title won't accidentally end up on the same row!

another mobile-friendly code!!!! i think i'm really starting to get the hang of it (¯▿¯) of course it's a lot easier when the layout allows it, so please do not make me suffer for the most complicated of codes! it will pain me so...
this code features tabs as well as hidden scrolls on every page! it's relatively simple, but simple is good, especially when it works across devices!
very cool, uxie (´ ∀ ` *)
as always, all colours can be edited with the power of ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* variables *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ how magical!

thank you to latte for submitting such a pretty design and being an absolute dear to work with! they were so pleasant (o´▽`o)

hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡

– uxie

Lady Ianthe

lady of the lune

  • hellloooooo

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et posuere enim, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Sed pharetra tristique pretium. Sed ac tempor purus, quis accumsan velit. Pellentesque tristique, felis et accumsan facilisis, nisl enim finibus diam, at tempus eros quam ac nulla. Ut scelerisque consequat diam vel luctus. Fusce tincidunt purus sed massa consectetur vehicula. Suspendisse scelerisque facilisis sollicitudin. Quisque nec leo quis magna ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida consequat. Sed nec libero id leo porta vehicula. Donec mattis, ipsum at pretium euismod, neque felis facilisis ex, nec molestie augue ipsum id lorem. Curabitur suscipit nisi vel finibus imperdiet. Nam sollicitudin elit tortor, et condimentum mi volutpat nec. Aliquam lobortis dui quis elit vulputate, sed vulputate neque aliquet. Pellentesque at purus a tellus condimentum placerat.

    Etiam quis tristique urna. Nunc cursus sapien erat, et posuere tellus malesuada at. Donec vestibulum consectetur est, quis condimentum est vehicula sit amet. Ut ac tincidunt ante, et vestibulum libero. Donec hendrerit diam dictum, lobortis augue et, ullamcorper eros. Ut mi arcu, fringilla a ante ac, varius semper quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et posuere enim, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Sed pharetra tristique pretium. Sed ac tempor purus, quis accumsan velit. Pellentesque tristique, felis et accumsan facilisis, nisl enim finibus diam, at tempus eros quam ac nulla. Ut scelerisque consequat diam vel luctus. Fusce tincidunt purus sed massa consectetur vehicula. Suspendisse scelerisque facilisis sollicitudin. Quisque nec leo quis magna ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida consequat. Sed nec libero id leo porta vehicula. Donec mattis, ipsum at pretium euismod, neque felis facilisis ex, nec molestie augue ipsum id lorem. Curabitur suscipit nisi vel finibus imperdiet. Nam sollicitudin elit tortor, et condimentum mi volutpat nec. Aliquam lobortis dui quis elit vulputate, sed vulputate neque aliquet. Pellentesque at purus a tellus condimentum placerat.

    Etiam quis tristique urna. Nunc cursus sapien erat, et posuere tellus malesuada at. Donec vestibulum consectetur est, quis condimentum est vehicula sit amet. Ut ac tincidunt ante, et vestibulum libero. Donec hendrerit diam dictum, lobortis augue et, ullamcorper eros. Ut mi arcu, fringilla a ante ac, varius semper quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡
Is there any chance that I could request this but in story style? I LOVE this I'm just really bad at coding and am unable to figure out how to edit it.
well darn tootin my boots are scootin'

this is amazing (as always)
thank u thank u

thank u for the request legend (o˘◡˘o)

Is there any chance that I could request this but in story style? I LOVE this I'm just really bad at coding and am unable to figure out how to edit it.

go ahead and shoot me a pm!
If it's not a big deal, um, I'd like to request a thingy. I'm okay at programming but I have zero ideas on how to use BBCode.

So, for my idea, I was hoping to use something like the site's message code, but make it seem more modern and customizable, such as with being able to change the phone and UI color as well as the background of the texting area, also maybe it is a bit bigger, plus the recipient area not being so... hard to see. Oh! And maybe a circle picture to replace the recipient at the top above the name.

I hope you don't mind, thank you
If it's not a big deal, um, I'd like to request a thingy. I'm okay at programming but I have zero ideas on how to use BBCode.

So, for my idea, I was hoping to use something like the site's message code, but make it seem more modern and customizable, such as with being able to change the phone and UI color as well as the background of the texting area, also maybe it is a bit bigger, plus the recipient area not being so... hard to see. Oh! And maybe a circle picture to replace the recipient at the top above the name.

I hope you don't mind, thank you

would you be able to create a mock-up to more clearly express what you have in mind?
Hi there, Uxie Goddess of Coding! I'm going to apologize ahead of time if what I'm about to request isn't feasible, but I wanted to try since I'm in a Valentine's mood---
Seriously, feel free to tell me this is impossible or stupid, Gen you're crazy get out of here

I made this on Canva under the "Cards" thing... I'm, uh, the type to only use Canva once in a blue moon--
Possible Code for Uxie_.png

Tab Layouts
Possible Code for Uxie_ (1).png
Possible Code for Uxie_ (2).png
Possible Code for Uxie_ (3).png
Possible Code for Uxie_ (4).png

Background: #efebe2
Font (for the headers and such)/Flower Color: #ab2849 I'm not sure how feasible coloring the flowers will be---
Heart Tabs Color: #f57386
I'm not particular about whether or not the tabby hearts have a color when clicked.
(Regular font can just be default.)

I used Alegreya since the template's original font wasn't a Google font. The text I used as example text was just filler--in that case the font can be Avenir or Times New Roman or even just also be Alegreya.

Okay, so basically the "cover" page I saw as being what you see at first. I think it'd be cool if there was either a very visible scroll bar OR a hidden scroll that led down to the tab section. Of course, if you thing a hover/clicking thing is best, that's awesome, too! I just like hidden scrolls.

I'm not sure how possible it is, but hopefully the hearts would be tabs (cuz... hearts), and each one, of course, leads to a different section with new images, a new hidden scroll section, and a new header. The idea is that the header of the tab itself and the images wouldn't scroll, but the text can... I'm not sure how feasible that is. ;w;

I think that's it on my end! I just wanted to feel cool and say I did a design thing even though Canva did most of the work. I'm just glad I managed to find the base images for the flowers, geez---


uxie ®

thank you for requesting! everything you've asked for in your design definitely seems feasible, so no worries (* ^ ω ^)
please expect a dm soon with more information!

Sorry if I sound dumb, but what's a mock-up?

no worries! a mock-up is a sample image/design that should closely mimic the final product you're looking for. you can refer to the other requested codes i've done, all of which have links to the requester's initial designs under the . you may use any editing app to create these samples, as long as it clearly shows what you're looking to see in the final code, ideally as specifically as possible, i.e. your designs should be similar to static images of the final code.

i've yet to update my first post, so i'll pop my general requirements here:
- a detailed design mockup, which should in essence look like a static version of your desired final product. please see the other examples for the extent of detail you need to include!
- all colours and fonts -- colours should be in exact hex codes ideally, fonts must be opensource fonts from google fonts
- any desired functionality -- the ones available are mobile-friendliness, tabs, hidden scrolls, accordions and music players. don't be too afraid to go crazy with it, i'll let you know after seeing the design whether it's feasible or not! though i will let you know now that hovers are currently not possible with bbcode.
- for tabs, please submit designs for all of the pages, and indicate where the tab buttons should go​
- indicate all functionality clearly! specify it either using labelling on the design itself, or specific descriptions to accompany your mockups!​

please remember to check the second tab in the first post on this thread to read up on the faq! thanks for ur interest (o˘◡˘o)

you may refer to this for more information of what you should include! thanks for your interest ╰(▔∀▔)╯
no worries! a mock-up is a sample image/design that should closely mimic the final product you're looking for. you can refer to the other requested codes i've done, all of which have links to the requester's initial designs under the . you may use any editing app to create these samples, as long as it clearly shows what you're looking to see in the final code, ideally as specifically as possible, i.e. your designs should be similar to static images of the final code.

I don't really know how to do that so... sorry for bothering you...
soooooo, i have an idea for a valentines day themed whole getup, i have a mockup for a sheet that can be used as a placeholder, cs, AND ic sheet (with a bit of editing of the finished code ofc). for this one, i'd prefer if you made it the ic sheet.
Red Hearts Boyfriend Valentines Card.jpgRed Hearts Boyfriend Valentines Card (2).jpg
Red Hearts Boyfriend Valentines Card (1).jpg
Red Hearts Boyfriend Valentines Card (4).jpg
Red Hearts Boyfriend Valentines Card (3).jpg
background and (if possible) icon color - #FFFFFF
heart color - #C6302C
text and border color - #C81414

i used josefin sans as the title font, and forgot to change the regular font but any sans will do. on the front page, the first heart takes you to the main basics/appearance page. the top heart will take you to the basics/appearance, the second heart to the psyche page, the third to gallery, and the fourth to the relationships, with the images of the other characters and tags beneath them. i had made all the mockups with the icons in the hearts, but i think i like it better without the icons, so please ignore them hahaha. psyche page looks identical to the first page. hidden scrolls would also be nice if possible!

im not sure of any other details you made need, so please let me know if you need to know anything else or need more mockups!

human behaviour



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with @low fidelity!
please click the below to see their design!

low fidelity is absolutely SUPPLYING the interest check market right now, and i am here for it! this is an interest check code that features five tabs, including the first lobby tab, as well as lots of hidden scrolls! it's a fatty one, and you can toggle between tabs with the buttons on the top left („• ֊ •„)

one note, though, try not to have your role names be too long, just in case! since the little shadow/highlight thing will cut into the text if it's too long. it won't affect readability, but it won't look as pretty, y'know (; ω ; ) so yeah, that's that!
as a side note, to all those who aren't so familiar with bbcode -- you're able to remove/add rules or roles as you please! just follow the "copy this whole thing" and "copy me too!" instructions that wrap the sections in question! removing or adding it in that entirety will help you in editing this code to fit your needs (*´▽`*)

also plz request more plz plz

hope you like (´• ω •`) ♡

– uxie

mores hominum

mores hominum

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus felis et tortor molestie dignissim ac eu erat. Vivamus nec consequat mauris. Ut posuere ligula at velit vulputate auctor. Proin tincidunt at mauris et congue. Morbi eu augue faucibus, malesuada neque eu, elementum sapien. Sed iaculis nisl vitae tellus feugiat, ut bibendum dui vestibulum. Nam fermentum, magna ac faucibus egestas, felis mi bibendum tortor, quis congue dui enim et urna. Proin non tellus sit amet ligula tempor blandit.

    a criminal minds inspired b.a.u. roleplay

    gm'ed by
    low fidelity


♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡
This is supercool! But I was wondering how do you get back to the lobby screen?


uxie ®

thank you for requesting! please expect a dm shortly with more information, but do note that since i'll be finishing up animegenork's code first, your code may not be completed by valentine's, depending on my speed. o(>ω<)o

This is supercool! But I was wondering how do you get back to the lobby screen?

it's not possible, unfortunately! since the designer didn't request for it, no back button is available to mimic the given layout as closely as possible!
43. candy flowers

candy flowers

hidden scrolls



uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with AnimeGenork AnimeGenork !
please click the below to see their design!

thank you to animegenork for requesting! it seems valentines' has everyone in a mood (o^ ^o)
a simple valentines-themed cs sheet! access the main content by scrolling down from the cover page, where the hearts at the top left will take you to the different tabs (^▽^)
unfortunately, since picture elements are used, the colours for the flowers and hearts aren't customisable! if you do want to change it, you'd have to edit the pictures yourself with an external photo-editing app (⇀‸↼‶)
you can obtain the links to the images from the variables!

enjoy ♡( ◡‿◡ )

– uxie

character name


  • Basic Info

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan facilisis nisi, eget finibus ante porttitor vel. Proin eget sollicitudin ante. Sed auctor felis eu urna efficitur porttitor. Ut sed tempus turpis. Cras luctus arcu non varius egestas. Nam non egestas metus, at consequat ex. Vivamus nec fringilla nunc. Etiam gravida hendrerit dolor in ultrices. Maecenas at justo ornare, pulvinar arcu ut, tempor urna. Nulla fermentum vel risus a vulputate.

    Etiam elementum erat nec scelerisque tincidunt. Nunc sed metus eu sem consectetur suscipit. Ut ornare orci non lacus luctus, vel euismod mi faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce sit amet accumsan mauris. Pellentesque iaculis consequat lobortis. Proin rhoncus augue mauris, mollis porta velit elementum vitae. Ut lobortis fringilla risus, vehicula accumsan nulla dapibus id. Morbi interdum, quam ut ullamcorper imperdiet, ex arcu auctor ligula, ut hendrerit nulla ipsum sit amet tellus. In eget ultricies metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque lacinia velit eu odio vulputate commodo. Cras eget porta mi. Vivamus ac pharetra sem, accumsan consequat purus. Phasellus vehicula congue orci, quis placerat odio pretium eget. Sed tristique nibh nisl, sed consectetur nunc placerat quis. Integer tincidunt magna eget leo dapibus, mollis scelerisque est rutrum. Etiam mollis consequat ipsum. Aliquam pellentesque imperdiet tellus vitae luctus. Ut sodales ut eros quis efficitur. Ut placerat id ex a lacinia. Curabitur suscipit rutrum ante, sit amet lacinia lectus semper eget.

♡design by animegenork, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
Back with another request. This one is super duper simple Tab system.

1. Mock Up
2. Colors
Teals - #5BDDDC
Dark Teal - #18A59B
Orange - #EABF74
Dark Orange - #F7AC60

3. Fonts
Title - Sedgwick Ave
Subtitle - Alegreya
Body - whatever you want it’s not important.

4. Functions
So the boxes at the bottom are tabs. When you hover over the box the title of the tab appears. A check appears on the tab that is currently open.

The title and subtitle are fixed at the top of the text box.

Inside the text box the text is justified and there are hidden scrolls. The bolded text should be darker teal.

if possible could this be mobile friendly?
I just wanted to stop by and say that these are clean and pretty \o/


uxie ®

thank you for the request, but unfortunately i will be rejecting this one!
as a note for future requests: hovers are no longer possible on bbcode! hopefully others looking for hover functionalities will read this as well ( ̄ω ̄)

I just wanted to stop by and say that these are clean and pretty \o/

thank you! many of these codes are only possible because i was given pretty layouts, so much love to all my designers as well (´ ε ` )♡
Oops sorry about that. So would this one be doable?

1. Mock Up

2. Colors
Title/Bold Text - #8F65DC
Subtitle/Line under Tab Text - #5C15EA
Background Purple - #E4A4FB

3. Fonts
Title - Permanent Marker
Subtitle - Schoolbell
Tab Title - Alegreya
Body - whatever you want it’s not important.

4. Functions
This one is really simple. The text box has a fixed title and subtitle. There are hidden scrolls and the text should be justified.

Bolded text should be same color as title.

The box at the bottom has two rows of three. A darker purple line shows up under the tab currently selected.

If possible could this be mobile friendly?
Hey there! This might be a bit of an unusual request as it's actually for a quest thread. It's also my first time doing a mock-up and my first time doing a quest thread, as well as my first time requesting a code, so heh a lot of firsts today. Please let me know if I do something wrong or I need to fix something. :)

This code would be called Seeing Stars after the name of the quest, To See the Stars.


Background (Tiled) - xxx
Note: When I tried reducing the image size before tiling it, it created this weird white gridlines around the edges of the tiles, but when I just tiled it in the original resolution, it was fine. Not sure what's up with this, but wanted to note it in case you ran into the same issue.

Text Background - xxx
Note: I made a layer with the Text Box Background Color on fill and put that layer at 50% opacity, and then put the image layer underneath that at 100% opacity on multiply blending mode. I only used the image for the main text box, though.

Text Box Background Color - #c48a4a
Sidebar Buttons - #23262d
Title Text Color - #23262d
Sidebar Buttons Text Color - #ffffff
Main Text Color - #ffffff
Music Attributions Text Color - #ffffff

Title Font - Just Another Hand
Body Font - Lato
Music Attributions Font - Lato

2. The top three buttons in the sidebar should lead to new tabs. Each tab should be identical in layout, and maybe you could invert the Sidebar Buttons and Sidebar Buttons Text Color for the selected tab, to show which tab is selected?
3. An invisible scroll bar on the main textbox.
4. The last button on the sidebar is meant to be a music player.

Misc. Notes
1. The white corners in the mockup are meant to be transparent, but Canva wouldn't let me save it with a transparent background without paying, so just use your imagination. :P
2. I'm totally open to suggestions on the design, so please just let me know if you want to change something!
3. Can you make this mobile friendly? If not, that's okay, but it'd be preferred.
4. I like to change font colors for character dialogue, with each character using a different color, but I like being able to use the rich text editor to do so as opposed to having to copy-paste a code for every line of dialogue...So basically, just make sure I can use the RTE to change text color without interference from the code, please? I'm not sure if the code could interfere anyway, but just in case. :)
5. I absolutely adore all your codes, and how easy they are to customize. You're a goddess. I just thought you should know that.
Last edited:
44. it was always u

it was always u



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with teefies teefies !
please click the below to see their design!
all placeholder art by hiruna454

happy valentines' day!
it's been a busy few days with my other commitments coming up, which is why i took a while to post this code! it's a pretty little character sheet code that can be made into a placeholder if you just. removed all the tabs,, , but it's also mobile-friendly! yay ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
there are hidden scrolls on all of the tabs! most of them are vertical, but the two rows of pictures in the third tabs are horizontal scrolls for you to add more pictures (^人^) there are also hidden scrolls on all of the images in the last tabs, for you to elaborate on your connections hehe

as usual, all colours can be customised with the variables at the top of the code! the tab buttons are fontawesome icons, so you can customise those too if you want! they might not all look as good as the heart tho (¯▿¯)

hope you like! ♡(。- ω -)

– uxie

  • firstname lastname

♡design by teefies, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:


uxie ®

both of your codes are tentatively accepted! that said, since i'm going to be rather busy for the upcoming period, i will be prioritising howling's code first, since nerdy has already requested before. codes may also be delivered later than usual, unfortunately, so if you need it urgently, i won't be able to help with that and will be rejecting it. ( ´ ω ` )

I'm in no rush either, I can always edit the code in later. ^^
45. seeing stars

seeing stars



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with HowlingWoods HowlingWoods !
please click the below to see their design!

a mobile-friendly interest check for all of your roleplaying needs! (^▽^) this code features three hidden tabs, toggled with the three buttons on the right, with hidden scrolls on all tab contents and a music player on the right!

if you would like to ensure mobile compatibility, please avoid using long words/phrases for your buttons and title! with a word too long, it might look funky on either device. for the title, at least, i've added an ellipsis overflow for any roleplays with longer titles so it doesn't look too off on mobile (´。• ᵕ •。`) so yeah, be extra-mindful for the buttons.

all colours + images + fonts are customisable, just follow the instructions.

i think i'm getting the hang of mobile-friendly codes!
maybe. ( ˙▿˙ )

hope you like! (´꒳`)♡

– uxie

To See the Stars

Song Name by Song Artist

filler thing. ignore

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis, lacus elementum placerat volutpat, sapien sem pretium enim, eget varius nibh erat in nulla. Praesent sit amet mauris lobortis odio sodales mollis eget vitae metus. Sed pulvinar felis ut hendrerit luctus. In dignissim facilisis lectus a vulputate. Proin in cursus odio. Vivamus interdum laoreet congue. Sed sollicitudin nisi ac nibh hendrerit efficitur. Fusce ultricies, sem sed mattis blandit, sem elit placerat elit, at pretium lectus enim non dui. Etiam nulla leo, luctus dignissim molestie quis, suscipit in ipsum. In et egestas leo, vitae bibendum arcu. Donec accumsan a leo vitae ullamcorper. Cras arcu nisl, vehicula eu ligula id, porttitor vulputate justo. Nulla imperdiet auctor lacinia.

    Quisque magna neque, efficitur eu ullamcorper sit amet, congue a lacus. Integer malesuada, enim placerat auctor blandit, augue eros imperdiet libero, eget convallis tellus ipsum vel augue. Sed imperdiet gravida tortor non tempor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent pulvinar nulla arcu, eu vehicula metus pretium eget. Sed porttitor dui bibendum, convallis enim imperdiet, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus mollis ornare lacus, sit amet ultrices eros efficitur nec. Nunc venenatis purus vitae urna finibus, et interdum ante pulvinar. Pellentesque ut est egestas, ullamcorper nisi vitae, varius massa. Curabitur ligula libero, commodo quis pharetra in, malesuada sed dolor. Maecenas in condimentum ipsum. Praesent non sapien sit amet lectus dapibus malesuada sed id nunc. Vestibulum elementum augue ex, at fermentum ipsum viverra ut. Ut enim est, finibus posuere augue in, cursus porttitor magna. Pellentesque nec magna nec urna commodo congue id vitae orci.






♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
hi uxie! i have a request for an interest check code if you're still taking requests. ive never requested something before so please dm me if there's anything missing or if something's not possible!
here are my mock ups:
this is kind of the home page? i want the little index as tabs? and then while you're in the other tabs,
maybe actual tabs that stick out? or maybe using the outside bottom corners of the page to kind of flip through tabs like turning a page. whichever is easier for you to code!
also maybe at the bottom, could you use a handwriting script font to like mimic a signature? i'd like it to read "lauri minulle"
265-2652330_old-open-book-png-transparent-png.png (1).png
this is the world/information page. id like the little text blurb to have a hidden scroll.
265-2652330_old-open-book-png-transparent-png.png (3).png
this is the character page. i don't think the blurbs are gonna be long enough to scroll so you dont have to worry about hidden scrolls
265-2652330_old-open-book-png-transparent-png.png (4).png
link page.

for fonts, i just used courier bc its what the photo editor had but id like a font that's kind of old timey probably a serif font or maybe a typewriter font.
i have some background images here here and here
for colors, i'd like a natural dark brown instead of black so it doesn't look super harsh
also i'd like the text blocks to not be under 12px, its just kind of hard to read small text lol

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