• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed code machine go 𝙗𝙧𝙧𝙧𝙧 (by uxie)

36. stellamaris




hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with natasha. natasha. !
please click the below to see their design!
edit (17.01): made another teeny-tiny change to the look of the selected buttons

finally.... another code to post (๑˘︶˘๑)
thank you to nat for giving me yet another amazing design to code! this is a 𝒻𝒶𝓉𝓉𝓎 character sheet that features many sets of tabs, a music player and hidden scrolls! toggle between each main tab with the buttons on the top left, and there are tons of pictures for you to show off your character! so yay (*¯︶¯*)

the psyche and background tab both features their own sets of tabs! the psyche tabs can be switched between with the stars on the left, while the background tabs are the circles in the header (for three stages of life in total!) very cool, nat let me code many tabs this time ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

as always, all colours are customisable, and the comments will guide you along in using the code ( ˙꒳˙ )
hope you enjoy! (´ ω `♡)

– uxie






  • basics

    character name

    the song title here

    artist here

    full name

    Character's full name goes here.


    lorem ipsum
    two lnes


    lorem ipsum


    lorem ipsum

    date of birth

    lorem ipsum

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
Last edited:




hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with natasha. natasha. !
please click the below to see their design!

finally.... another code to post (๑˘︶˘๑)
thank you to nat for giving me yet another amazing design to code! this is a 𝒻𝒶𝓉𝓉𝓎 character sheet that features many sets of tabs, a music player and hidden scrolls! toggle between each main tab with the buttons on the top left, and there are tons of pictures for you to show off your character! so yay (*¯︶¯*)

the psyche and background tab both features their own sets of tabs! the psyche tabs can be switched between with the stars on the left, while the background tabs are the circles in the header (for three stages of life in total!) very cool, nat let me code many tabs this time ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

as always, all colours are customisable, and the comments will guide you along in using the code ( ˙꒳˙ )
hope you enjoy! (´ ω `♡)

– uxie






  • basics

    character name

    the song title here

    artist here

    full name

    Character's full name goes here.


    lorem ipsum
    two lnes


    lorem ipsum


    lorem ipsum

    date of birth

    lorem ipsum

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

as always, you blow me away with your talent. i love love LOVE it. thank you so much!! ♡♡♡
Hi, this is fyi rather than a request. I just modified one of your code a bit then kept your credit (and the mockup maker, since it's from a request). I read that the codes are creative common by rules, but just in case you're not okay with people using your source code as a base, I'll take it down....I'll still be using them to exercise regardless tho ( / . \)

That's about it. But I originally came here to say your works are really superb!
Hi, this is fyi rather than a request. I just modified one of your code a bit then kept your credit (and the mockup maker, since it's from a request). I read that the codes are creative common by rules, but just in case you're not okay with people using your source code as a base, I'll take it down....I'll still be using them to exercise regardless tho ( / . \)

That's about it. But I originally came here to say your works are really superb!

it's perfectly fine, dear! as someone who taught myself bbcode by dissecting others' works, i'm all for it for learning and creating your own works, as long as it's not just pure copying. so feel free to use it as a tool to help you understand and improve on bbcode, but if you find that you've made only very minor edits to the code, i'd appreciate it if you either throw a credit on there or keep it for personal use entirely. that said, if any of the original designers ask for it to be taken down, i hope you'll comply, as i can't speak for all of them. thanks for checking! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶

edit, as an extra clarification: i think the format of crediting you've put up on the code thus far is fine, so no need to take it down! though the physical credit in the code seems to have been lost somewhere else ( ̄□ ̄」)

and thank you for the compliment too, dear ♡( ◡‿◡ ) much of the credit goes to the designers
it's perfectly fine, dear! as someone who taught myself bbcode by dissecting others' works, i'm all for it for learning and creating your own works, as long as it's not just pure copying. so feel free to use it as a tool to help you understand and improve on bbcode, but if you find that you've made only very minor edits to the code, i'd appreciate it if you either throw a credit on there or keep it for personal use entirely. that said, if any of the original designers ask for it to be taken down, i hope you'll comply, as i can't speak for all of them. thanks for checking! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶

edit, as an extra clarification: i think the format of crediting you've put up on the code thus far is fine, so no need to take it down! though the physical credit in the code seems to have been lost somewhere else ( ̄□ ̄」)

and thank you for the compliment too, dear ♡( ◡‿◡ ) much of the credit goes to the designers

Noted! Thank you for the permission and heads up~

Also you're right, the credit appears in preview but somehow drowns(?) once I save it. Don't know how to fix it (yet) so for now I just move the bb above my paragraph and it's showing just fine!

Have a fantastic day ✨
»»—- announcement —-««

what's up!

uxie ®

from this post on, you'll may be seeing a few of my own works! i found the time to remake a select number of codes (like, one) from my old workshop in bbcode, so i've decided to post a few of my favourites here! all of them will be tagged under uxie's originals in the navigation ( ´ ▽ ` )

for these codes in particular, feel free to use them as long as you keep the credit, but i would greatly appreciate if any and all modifications are kept for personal use with credit in place. copying chunks of the code will be disallowed in entirety.

and lastly, yes, requests are still open, and yes, requests still require a full mockup! so the code machine is still operating if you need any coding services, but please follow the guidelines stipulated in the first post. many thanks ♡( ◡‿◡ )

37. lilies




hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

the first remake from yucksie, lilies! a simple ic code featuring just as much info you need for a character, that's now been made mobile-friendly (´。• ω •。`)
click the name for the details box to pop up/disappear, and there's a hidden scroll on both textboxes! it also definitely looks better on light mode. oops!

not much to say except you'll probably be seeing more ic/placeholder remakes from yucksie, since they're easier (✯◡✯) feel free to request for some if you happen to remember any!

hope you like (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

– uxie

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis est arcu, feugiat nec aliquam eget, lobortis et ligula. Quisque ipsum felis, cursus nec elit at, bibendum rutrum nibh. Suspendisse non sollicitudin turpis, sed bibendum tellus. Mauris sed mauris suscipit, auctor enim eget, vestibulum dolor. Maecenas pretium laoreet diam ac volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse accumsan euismod purus, quis sodales mauris mattis a. In sollicitudin sit amet sapien a porta. Fusce nec massa sagittis, volutpat ex et, scelerisque felis. Sed sit amet tincidunt eros. Nam sed suscipit nulla, quis laoreet urna.
"this is a dialogue."

Integer vitae ex id quam convallis pharetra sed ut nibh. Suspendisse et nunc mauris. Vestibulum vitae justo sit amet sapien aliquet feugiat ut sit amet est. Donec ac ligula quis lorem ornare posuere. Sed fringilla elit et condimentum finibus. Etiam at risus fermentum, placerat massa in, imperdiet augue. Mauris sed maximus urna. Nam nisi lacus, malesuada et neque et, volutpat auctor orci. Vestibulum aliquet efficitur laoreet. Maecenas in eleifend eros. Pellentesque commodo ornare urna, ac cursus nibh volutpat eu. Cras quis nibh eu turpis porta tempus vitae vel dolor. Nam interdum at tellus nec ultrices. Vestibulum sodales nisl vel pretium dapibus. Suspendisse id arcu vel odio posuere sodales ut at velit.

Quisque aliquam urna elit, et rhoncus nibh eleifend eu. Donec quis mi quis nulla ultrices consequat eu at dui. Duis vehicula condimentum velit, eget vestibulum arcu rutrum varius. Duis in rhoncus tortor, vel tincidunt libero. Sed lorem augue, pretium non nulla nec, feugiat sodales nulla. Fusce id gravida justo, id varius quam. Ut pellentesque tortor ut sem porta congue. Nulla magna sem, laoreet eu rhoncus at, posuere nec nibh. Quisque pharetra non odio tincidunt semper. Etiam imperdiet nunc felis, sit amet consequat mi volutpat sit amet.

the influencer


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:




hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

the first remake from yucksie, lilies! a simple ic code featuring just as much info you need for a character, that's now been made mobile-friendly (´。• ω •。`)
click the name for the details box to pop up/disappear, and there's a hidden scroll on the text! it also definitely looks better on light mode. oops!

not much to say except you'll probably be seeing more ic/placeholder remakes from yucksie, since they're easier (✯◡✯) feel free to request for some if you happen to remember any!

hope you like (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

– uxie

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis est arcu, feugiat nec aliquam eget, lobortis et ligula. Quisque ipsum felis, cursus nec elit at, bibendum rutrum nibh. Suspendisse non sollicitudin turpis, sed bibendum tellus. Mauris sed mauris suscipit, auctor enim eget, vestibulum dolor. Maecenas pretium laoreet diam ac volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse accumsan euismod purus, quis sodales mauris mattis a. In sollicitudin sit amet sapien a porta. Fusce nec massa sagittis, volutpat ex et, scelerisque felis. Sed sit amet tincidunt eros. Nam sed suscipit nulla, quis laoreet urna.
"this is a dialogue."

Integer vitae ex id quam convallis pharetra sed ut nibh. Suspendisse et nunc mauris. Vestibulum vitae justo sit amet sapien aliquet feugiat ut sit amet est. Donec ac ligula quis lorem ornare posuere. Sed fringilla elit et condimentum finibus. Etiam at risus fermentum, placerat massa in, imperdiet augue. Mauris sed maximus urna. Nam nisi lacus, malesuada et neque et, volutpat auctor orci. Vestibulum aliquet efficitur laoreet. Maecenas in eleifend eros. Pellentesque commodo ornare urna, ac cursus nibh volutpat eu. Cras quis nibh eu turpis porta tempus vitae vel dolor. Nam interdum at tellus nec ultrices. Vestibulum sodales nisl vel pretium dapibus. Suspendisse id arcu vel odio posuere sodales ut at velit.

Quisque aliquam urna elit, et rhoncus nibh eleifend eu. Donec quis mi quis nulla ultrices consequat eu at dui. Duis vehicula condimentum velit, eget vestibulum arcu rutrum varius. Duis in rhoncus tortor, vel tincidunt libero. Sed lorem augue, pretium non nulla nec, feugiat sodales nulla. Fusce id gravida justo, id varius quam. Ut pellentesque tortor ut sem porta congue. Nulla magna sem, laoreet eu rhoncus at, posuere nec nibh. Quisque pharetra non odio tincidunt semper. Etiam imperdiet nunc felis, sit amet consequat mi volutpat sit amet.

the influencer


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
38. boxed out

boxed out


uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

edit (12.01): fixed up the code a little so it's more friendly for extra long names and extra short roles.

categorising this as "from yucksie" only because it's an older code that i dragged over. i never posted placeholder codes before i don't think, but i am now trying to push for a fancy placeholder agenda in cs threads and thought i would throw one into the mix. it used to be one of my personal favourites, and should be easily customisable! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
there was a matching cs, but that one had hover functions that i'm not ready to finish mourning about yet. so!

anyways! it'll look better if you match the entire palette (including the background colour! i think) to the picture you use for your character. you can use one of those "make a palette out of picture" sites, like Create Natural Palettes from Images or Pick palette from photo - Coolors ! (´ ∀ ` *)

but ya. do with it what u please. just trying 2 keep my dying career alive ☆o(><;)○

hope you like!! (´• ω •`) ♡

– uxie

the survivor

fc: chae soo-bin

im seyoung

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
39. radio love

radio love



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy !
please click the below to see their design!

a simple side character/cast list code designed by the sweet stardust galaxy for our 1x1 (^▽^) it's mobile-friendly only if you don't add any more than one more tab (and that one cuts off), unfortunately, but if you work with two tabs only you should be good!

as always, comments have been left throughout the code to help you out with customisation. not much else to say since it's pretty simple, but here is my silent cry for more krps for me to head-empty join please (つω`。)

hope you like ♡( ◡‿◡ )

– uxie



  • character name

    age | faceclaim

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget ligula eget velit imperdiet convallis quis ac dolor. Integer non feugiat sapien. Cras malesuada lectus et ante finibus ullamcorper. Nullam eleifend varius efficitur. Aliquam pellentesque dui at posuere elementum. Sed rutrum quam sit amet lectus faucibus, sit amet ornare felis luctus. Integer ut consectetur orci, viverra sagittis ex. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin nulla turpis, accumsan sit amet blandit at, blandit a leo.

    Proin ac nunc et magna semper varius nec at mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris dictum molestie metus in gravida. Vestibulum egestas commodo diam eget blandit. Sed commodo ac metus quis ultrices. Maecenas aliquet sit amet erat varius pulvinar. Praesent sodales gravida eleifend. Mauris eu nisi non augue egestas dapibus ut ac ante. Duis ultrices lorem venenatis diam eleifend, nec malesuada enim lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    character name

    age | faceclaim

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget ligula eget velit imperdiet convallis quis ac dolor. Integer non feugiat sapien. Cras malesuada lectus et ante finibus ullamcorper. Nullam eleifend varius efficitur. Aliquam pellentesque dui at posuere elementum. Sed rutrum quam sit amet lectus faucibus, sit amet ornare felis luctus. Integer ut consectetur orci, viverra sagittis ex. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin nulla turpis, accumsan sit amet blandit at, blandit a leo.

    Proin ac nunc et magna semper varius nec at mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris dictum molestie metus in gravida. Vestibulum egestas commodo diam eget blandit. Sed commodo ac metus quis ultrices. Maecenas aliquet sit amet erat varius pulvinar. Praesent sodales gravida eleifend. Mauris eu nisi non augue egestas dapibus ut ac ante. Duis ultrices lorem venenatis diam eleifend, nec malesuada enim lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


♡design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
40. magnolias



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

inspired by jcnnie's jjong
edit (31.01): made the code friendlier to longer names

an ic i made a while back that i decided to make mobile-friendly not long ago, since i'm aiming for all ic posts that i make to be mobile-friendly! (´。• ᵕ •。`) click the icons for the details, and the outfit textbox is an accordion! pretty nifty
the only downsides are that on mobile, once you click on the buttons you won't be able to get rid of the little details thing, but i kinda prefer it that way. it's cute, just like u (o˘◡˘o) + the music player doesn't work on mobile because i got lazy to do the tabs workaround

also, belated thank you to nano for all the help with mobile-friendly flexboxes! she taught me a lot and i am now able to do wild things like this. luv u nano ♡

hope you like! (°◡°♡)

– uxie








  • home (filler tab)


can i love?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque facilisis quam sit amet maximus interdum. Cras felis justo, elementum ut sollicitudin et, condimentum at erat. Nulla risus mauris, consequat ut ipsum et, cursus gravida urna. Vivamus vulputate condimentum dolor a cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean scelerisque semper risus, in vulputate sem venenatis at. Suspendisse sed lectus bibendum, malesuada arcu et, laoreet magna. Ut nec tellus convallis, porta dui at, interdum nisl. Sed sem lorem, convallis id eleifend ac, vestibulum at tellus. Donec in nibh diam. Mauris vitae ante placerat, consectetur velit nec, interdum neque. Integer vitae sem ac felis vulputate interdum eget at nisl. In a tortor gravida, molestie justo sit amet, rutrum enim. Donec volutpat maximus justo non tincidunt.
"this is a dialogue,"

Pellentesque sed neque in massa tristique faucibus. Donec commodo, mi et porttitor molestie, nisl nunc tincidunt magna, eget posuere mi libero quis ipsum. Aenean convallis turpis quis ipsum tincidunt, eu porta enim laoreet. Nullam porta lorem id risus eleifend porta. Fusce lacinia iaculis euismod. Sed consectetur imperdiet tincidunt. In nec tincidunt urna. Donec vestibulum, dui at sagittis elementum, urna nunc sodales magna, et pretium metus nunc at nisl. In ultricies, lorem id convallis rhoncus, nisi metus pellentesque leo, ut sollicitudin tellus quam in erat. Nulla viverra felis ut tempus malesuada.

Sed tempus arcu convallis odio porta varius. Nam a velit in libero euismod imperdiet elementum quis tortor. Nulla vehicula lectus vel metus vehicula, ut scelerisque urna luctus. Donec et commodo elit. Sed molestie felis magna, eget tempus arcu luctus vel. Mauris vulputate euismod rhoncus. Pellentesque pretium arcu sed scelerisque finibus. Nullam mattis porttitor nisl. Nulla vitae porttitor ex. Ut semper sit amet velit id iaculis. Sed vestibulum egestas metus, at molestie augue dapibus id. Nunc faucibus, dolor sit amet rutrum consequat, odio velit molestie urna, sit amet blandit metus sem vitae lorem. Integer fringilla nunc in facilisis auctor.

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
This is a fairly simple request (I hope)It’s a 1x1 interest check with four tabs.

Background - #e3e3e2
Text Background - #baa393
Text - #62483e
Butterfly (blue) - #a3b5b9
Butterfly (body) - #8a5c40
Butterfly (clicked) - white

Headers text - Allure
Front Page text - Euphoria Script

The front page you click the butterfly to go to the tabs. For tabs you click on the butterflies at the bottom to move between them. There are hidden scrolls in each tab. (If this isn’t possible it’s not super important).

Also it would be great if this could be mobile friendly.

I made it on Canva, let me know if you need the base images.

Mock Up Images
41. curious cat

curious cat



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with nerdy tangents nerdy tangents !
please click the below to see their design!

a simple 1x1 interest/recruitment search! easily customisable, though finding nice pictures that fit the same aesthetic and positions may be somewhat difficult! in case you want to try, though, the dimensions for the pictures are all listed in the variables section! you need not have them in the exact same pixel sizes, but maintain the aspect ratio, and you shouldn't have any issues ヽ(・∀・)ノ

click the butterflies to toggle between tabs! there are also hidden scrolls on every textbox in the tabs (* ^ ω ^)
hope you like! (*^^*)♡

– uxie

A Search

subtitle subtitle.

  • filler tab, ignore!

♡design by nerdy tangents, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
How does one make a code request? The 1 year anniversery for one of the best 1x1's I've ever had is coming up soon and I would love to make a tribute to our character's relationship together
How does one make a code request? The 1 year anniversery for one of the best 1x1's I've ever had is coming up soon and I would love to make a tribute to our character's relationship together

i've yet to update my first post, so i'll pop my general requirements here:
- a detailed design mockup, which should in essence look like a static version of your desired final product. please see the other examples for the extent of detail you need to include!
- all colours and fonts -- colours should be in exact hex codes ideally, fonts must be opensource fonts from google fonts
- any desired functionality -- the ones available are mobile-friendliness, tabs, hidden scrolls, accordions and music players. don't be too afraid to go crazy with it, i'll let you know after seeing the design whether it's feasible or not! though i will let you know now that hovers are currently not possible with bbcode.
- for tabs, please submit designs for all of the pages, and indicate where the tab buttons should go​
- indicate all functionality clearly! specify it either using labelling on the design itself, or specific descriptions to accompany your mockups!​

please remember to check the second tab in the first post on this thread to read up on the faq! thanks for ur interest (o˘◡˘o)
Last edited:
I owned a pig once. It was round, plump, and toilet trained. It would spend its mornings running around the backyard and its afternoons sleeping on the couch. I loved her like my own child. She was different but that was okay. I like different. One day, I come home and discover that she is missing. Where has she gone? My child has left. Escaped? Kidnapped? Stolen? For whatever reason, she was no longer on the couch. She was no longer running around the backyard. She was no longer... there. I searched high and low for her, but alas, she was nowhere to be seen. I cried for twenty years over her. My heart broke. Would it ever heal? Who knows?

And then I woke up from the dream and realised that your codes had knocked me out and sent me to dreamland cause DAYUM THEY BE FINE AS HELL. GONNA GIVE ME A CONCUSSION OVER HERE FROM BEING BLOWN AWAY YOU BISH.
omg what a touchign story... i cried..........
but i cried harder when i first saw ur codes 😳 they were so beautiful my dog started crying from the next room
Break Down



Button Pressed Ver.

69f6b9f40e8c6b7f57ae491d26f274e0-removebg-preview-removebg-preview (1) (1).png
Tab #2.png

A copy essentially, #tab 2 buttons are..Uh #tab 2

553df823e826161ef8c2bebfb156f1d3-removebg-preview (1).png & dc95r7j-f4bb9083-aa46-4b56-ae85-c41477e7a49b.png

....I am so exaughsted, I've been working round the clock for two days to get this far ;-; I don't have the energy to label them atm but it's pretty self explanitory, click on the icon, thing pops up with the text, different for each one. These will just be interesting facts about the characters

#Tab 3
Untitled design (1).png

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut l...png

Tab #4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut l...png

Tab #5


1611914534647.png < The icons are buttons (oops)... (There's text in the boxes on right..Oops)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut l...png

- Header font - Cookie X
- Tab 5 Name Font - Indie Flower X
- Image Place Holders are....Image Place Holders, totally didn't forget to label them
- I also just now realized the tabs will need a back button oops
- Honestly there's so many custom images and back grounds and stuff, and the sizes are definately wanky because I edited them in post I don't expect you to use any or all of them ;-;
- If you need anything please ask...This is a talk ask and and it's all over the damn place and overly complicated and I need to sleeep


uxie ®

thank you for the request! please expect a dm shortly with more information (´。• ᵕ •。`)
also, since this seems like a request specific to your 1x1 with many custom images, the delivery will be private! for any who come across this design and wish to use it themselves, i will leave it to you to contact terrorkitty yourself! \( ̄▽ ̄)/

42. all for the gram

all for the gram



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with iridescent. iridescent. !
please click the below to see their design!

edit (30.03): minor edits and updated hosting site

ayo.... mobile-friendly cs check ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
this is a character sheet code that features four content tabs and a cover page, inspired by the aesthetics of instagram! thank you to dreamglow for submitting hella requests.
since her previous code seemed to really appeal to the masses, i decided to take it upon myself to make this one mobile-friendly even though she didn't ask for it, in hopes that it'll be used a ton while still being accessible hehe (´• ω •`)
it's been a while since i've challenged myself with a request, and i'm really pleased with how this one turned out, even tho some of the dynamic elements are funhouses compared to their pc mirror counterparts ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ! it's okay. i'm working on it!! (o˘◡˘o)

as always, all colours and pictures are customisable with variables, and i've left a number of comments to help you along the way. keep an eye on "--color-3" -- i think that'll be the one you'll change the most ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )
also, credits 2 Nano Nano for the very clever trick to maintain image aspect ratios across devices (´꒳`)♡

hope you like! (⌒▽⌒)♡

– uxie


  • filler tab. ignore!

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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