• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed code machine go 𝙗𝙧𝙧𝙧𝙧 (by uxie)

29. eye for an eye

eye for an eye



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

edit (04.01): quote pt.2 now looks slightly better when it overflows!

this code was made in collaboration with forest fire forest fire !
please click the below to see their design, with help from low fidelity low fidelity !

uxie prime delivery strikes once more (*ノωノ) thank you to psilocin for submitting a request!

another interest check code, this one of a darker,, gothic (?) aesthetic! this code features hidden tabs (the little circles on the top right), and hidden scrolls on all content tabs! as usual, all pictures and colours are customisable, but keep an eye out for the comments i've left regarding some of the limits on certain static features (っ˘ω˘ς )

also, page 5. yay! ٩(◕‿◕)۶

since i worry now about cross-browser compatibility, if you run into any issues viewing/using the code, please drop me a pm after ensuring that the issue isn't on your end. i will only be entertaining issues with regards to the source code. thank you!

enjoy (≧◡≦) ♡

– uxie

the devil and i are gonna
have problems

down in silver city

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

♡design by psilocin, coded by uxie♡

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Hello! I absolutely love all of the different designs you've been able to do! I was wondering if this is one you'd be interested in creating?
The 1-4 are the following icons; I was thinking they're either the colro white smoke, or the circle around them is that color while they stay the golden rod. I'm also not sure how to explain it right, but I really liked how in the Xie Keqing----the Raven one would have a speech bubble pop up with the comment or image inside of it, I hope that makes sense hahaha


uxie ®

unfortunately, i'll be rejecting your request as i feel like the code you mentioned, timekeeper, would already be able to meet your needs ( ; ω ; )
you'd be able to change all the colours & pictures on that with the use of the variables at the top to closely fit the mockup you've suggested!

sorry, once again! (。╯︵╰。)
and thank you for checking out the shop! you're always welcome to submit another design anytime!

hi uxie! i saw this workshop and have been eyeing it for a while and decided to lay a IC down on ya. Totally okay to not accept, this is if you have the time :grinningteeth:


- for the color of the corkboard/board is a #986749, and make the stickers any color you’d like!
- the ‘picture’ is supposed to be clickable to the Scroll IC, and the Mood - Outfit - Interactions - Tags. I’d like that to also scroll (if its okay)
- mobile friendly if you could, please ovo
- if you don’t mind, could you make this a medium?

thank you and like i said it’s totally fine not to accept :3


uxie ®

tentatively! it seems like a pretty interesting idea, but because i foresee some issues with part of the request, i'm going to say i'll be giving it a try, since i'm not sure if i'll be able to do it.

please expect a pm from me shortly! thank you for submitting a request ( ˙▿˙ )

30. memories




hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with lipglossy. lipglossy. !
please click the below to see their design!

so i could do it, albeit somethings had to be let go, but here it is!

a mobile-friendly ic code featuring toggle tabs ☆ ~('▽^人) a nifty little thing i found out a while ago and now am highkey obsessed with using! you can toggle between the images and the post contents with the heart stickers on both "pictures", and each text box features a hidden scroll! !! and it's mobile-friendly!!! crazy

thank you to lipglossy. for submitting a request and being so lovely to work with (⌒ω⌒)

hope you enjoy! (´• ω •`) ♡

– uxie

  • filler text

  • filler text

♡design by lipglossy., coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
hello again #1 coding queen Uxie Uxie , i'd like to humbly submit a code request if you have the time for it !!

- this is meant to be cs code with a title page and four tabs! i'm thinking maybe like 550px by 550px? nice and square
- i realize now that the black container/border is probably a bit thick for the size im thinking and might make the inner contents too small, so if it looks better a bit thinner, that's totally cool.
- all text boxes with hidden scroll please.
- the bold tab titles are all in 'helvetica' and the cursive is 'brittany' but i don't think either of those are google fonts, so something similar like 'lato' and 'mr de haviland' would be alright if you can't insert those. the body text font is montserrat.
- the four white circles at the bottom are meant to be the tab buttons !
- i think thats everything, but if you need any other explanation please let me know c: thank you !!
- edit: ah dang. i meant for the quotation marks to be switching places for each tab, but the last two tabs have them in the same place. if you could switch the quotation marks of the last tab, that would be so lovely







uxie ®

thank you for the request!

i'll get right on it („• ֊ •„) please expect a dm soon so we can discuss it in further detail!

31. magic man

magic man



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

edit 19.12: im a dumb dumb. details now properly overflow, so none of your content cuts off!

this code was made in collaboration with iridescent. iridescent. !
please click the below to see their design!

yet another private request from dreamglow, this time for a matching ic code to match the cs code she requested earlier, ace of spades.

this is a mobile friendly ic code that features tabs and hidden scrolls! you can switch between the image cover & the content by clicking each of the suits, and there's a hidden scroll on the images to hide the details hehe.. . ( ˙꒳˙ ) a fun code for all your magician needs

hope you like (°◡°♡)

– uxie


filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • namename name here

    this is a role

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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32. yin & yang

yin & yang



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with low fidelity low fidelity !
please click the below to see their design!

thank you to low fidelity for being a regular (*¯︶¯*)
this is a pretty little cs code that features tabs, hidden scrolls and a good number of pictures for you to show off your character. the tabs are the little dots at the bottom, and the first page is just a lil cover thing that you can't go back to. it's a monochrome vibe, but you can definitely change it to fit your needs since all colours & images are customisable with variables! ( ´ ▽ ` )

at this point i think i'm just running out of things to say in these little tags, but that's okay, y'all aren't here for these

hope you like (*^^*)♡

– uxie

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

  • yin xiao huo

    yin xiao huo


♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
33. autumn leaves

autumn leaves



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with q r o w q r o w !
please click the below to see their design!

another cs code! at this point i have just been hogging the top of the bbcode center i am so sorry! (ノ_;)

it's an autumn-inspired code from the amazing mind of latte, featuring tabs & hidden scrolls on all text boxes! we were hoping to make it mobile-friendly, but it seems i am not nearly powerful enough for that just yet (ノд`) maybe when bbc+ returns, my power will increase by 2%, and mobile-friendly codes will no longer make me screech.

as always, all colours can be edited with variables! thank you again to latte for submitting a request o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

enjoy! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

– uxie






  • header

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et posuere enim, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Sed pharetra tristique pretium. Sed ac tempor purus, quis accumsan velit. Pellentesque tristique, felis et accumsan facilisis, nisl enim finibus diam, at tempus eros quam ac nulla. Ut scelerisque consequat diam vel luctus. Fusce tincidunt purus sed massa consectetur vehicula. Suspendisse scelerisque facilisis sollicitudin. Quisque nec leo quis magna ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida consequat. Sed nec libero id leo porta vehicula. Donec mattis, ipsum at pretium euismod, neque felis facilisis ex, nec molestie augue ipsum id lorem. Curabitur suscipit nisi vel finibus imperdiet. Nam sollicitudin elit tortor, et condimentum mi volutpat nec. Aliquam lobortis dui quis elit vulputate, sed vulputate neque aliquet. Pellentesque at purus a tellus condimentum placerat.

    Etiam quis tristique urna. Nunc cursus sapien erat, et posuere tellus malesuada at. Donec vestibulum consectetur est, quis condimentum est vehicula sit amet. Ut ac tincidunt ante, et vestibulum libero. Donec hendrerit diam dictum, lobortis augue et, ullamcorper eros. Ut mi arcu, fringilla a ante ac, varius semper quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et posuere enim, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Sed pharetra tristique pretium. Sed ac tempor purus, quis accumsan velit. Pellentesque tristique, felis et accumsan facilisis, nisl enim finibus diam, at tempus eros quam ac nulla. Ut scelerisque consequat diam vel luctus. Fusce tincidunt purus sed massa consectetur vehicula. Suspendisse scelerisque facilisis sollicitudin. Quisque nec leo quis magna ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida consequat. Sed nec libero id leo porta vehicula. Donec mattis, ipsum at pretium euismod, neque felis facilisis ex, nec molestie augue ipsum id lorem. Curabitur suscipit nisi vel finibus imperdiet. Nam sollicitudin elit tortor, et condimentum mi volutpat nec. Aliquam lobortis dui quis elit vulputate, sed vulputate neque aliquet. Pellentesque at purus a tellus condimentum placerat.

    Etiam quis tristique urna. Nunc cursus sapien erat, et posuere tellus malesuada at. Donec vestibulum consectetur est, quis condimentum est vehicula sit amet. Ut ac tincidunt ante, et vestibulum libero. Donec hendrerit diam dictum, lobortis augue et, ullamcorper eros. Ut mi arcu, fringilla a ante ac, varius semper quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
34. dive in

dive in



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with iridescent. iridescent. !
please click the below to see their design!

another request from dream, this time for an ic code to accompany her earlier request, swim good. she's really giving those matchey-matchey people what they want... .

this is an ic code that features hidden scrolls and tabs! you can click the little icons at the bottom for the different details to pop up, and click the notes to get rid of everything so you can actually read the post!! ! unfortunately, this is not mobile-friendly, but again . .. if bbc+ returns maybe it could be. alteras (*´ I `)ノ

either way, as always, all colours and images can be customised through the use of fun variables! follow the little comments i've left throughout the code, and you'll be all dandy ( ˙▿˙ )

also plz request more thankuuu

enjoy! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

– uxie

  • character name

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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hello again!! i'm sorry for requesting so much here rhsjdkdhsjk your codes are just phenomenal and they're always so amazingly done. if you can then thank you so much ;v;

- first off, pls let me know if this is too ambitious or simply not doable, i totally understand! i kind of went wild with this mockup. if you can, then:
- this is meant to be an interest check code with a title page and four tabs! the size for this is basically as big as a 16:9 ratio could go, nice and wide please and thanks.
- the four squares in the upper left corner are meant to be the tab buttons. when clicking on a tab, the colors of the button invert.
- all text boxes with hidden scroll please.
- the big bold font is hussar bold and the body text font is montserrat. if hussar bold isn't available, a big bold display font like fugaz one, or even just bolded heebo would be alright
- could there be at least seven roles please?
- for the rules tab, i couldn't really show it, but could there be at least four images and the last two images can be revealed as you scroll through the rules?
- the colors i used in this are #0f0f0f, #f1f1f1, #252734, and #51525D.
- the little faux tape pieces on the title page and the roles are meant to be semi-transparent (idk if its visible on these pics), so probs at like 60% opacity
- aaaaand i think that's everything! here's the mockup pics:








uxie ®

it's no problem!!! i love doing requests LOL

everything seems quite feasible, so please expect a DM soon for with further details!!

35. human behaviour

human behaviour



hidden scrolls

uxie ®

please leave a like if you use ♡
please do not remove the credit.

this code was made in collaboration with low fidelity low fidelity !
please click the below to see their design!

low fidelity is absolutely SUPPLYING the interest check market right now, and i am here for it! this is an interest check code that features five tabs, including the first lobby tab, as well as lots of hidden scrolls! it's a fatty one, and you can toggle between tabs with the buttons on the top left („• ֊ •„)

one note, though, try not to have your role names be too long, just in case! since the little shadow/highlight thing will cut into the text if it's too long. it won't affect readability, but it won't look as pretty, y'know (; ω ; ) so yeah, that's that!
as a side note, to all those who aren't so familiar with bbcode -- you're able to remove/add rules or roles as you please! just follow the "copy this whole thing" and "copy me too!" instructions that wrap the sections in question! removing or adding it in that entirety will help you in editing this code to fit your needs (*´▽`*)

also plz request more plz plz

hope you like (´• ω •`) ♡

– uxie

mores hominum

mores hominum

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus felis et tortor molestie dignissim ac eu erat. Vivamus nec consequat mauris. Ut posuere ligula at velit vulputate auctor. Proin tincidunt at mauris et congue. Morbi eu augue faucibus, malesuada neque eu, elementum sapien. Sed iaculis nisl vitae tellus feugiat, ut bibendum dui vestibulum. Nam fermentum, magna ac faucibus egestas, felis mi bibendum tortor, quis congue dui enim et urna. Proin non tellus sit amet ligula tempor blandit.

    a criminal minds inspired b.a.u. roleplay

    gm'ed by
    low fidelity


♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
i’m back with another code (if had the time)

★ What kind of code? ~ Placeholder
★ Theme, colors or color palette? ~ Fantasy, Adventurous. Color(s): greenish blue, light grey
★ Size? ~ small
★ Preferred font-family? ~ indie flower (or somethin that makes it look like writing if you could)
★ Aesthetic inspiration? ~ xxx ; code
★ Would you like a music player? ~ Yes, one that doesn’t play though.
★ Would you like a background? ~ once again yes please, if you could just make it a solid color. Like that greenish blue
★ Any specific wording you'd like on it ~ firstname lastname on top, role underneath that
★ Mobile Friendly or PC friendly? ~ Mobile if you can, if not thats rlly okay
★ Any other notes? ~ Its okay not to accept; your codes are lovely and the last code you did for me (cherry blossom) was a blessing to my soul 🙏

a gentle reminder that requests of these nature are not accepted in this code shop! feel free to submit this request in my code collaboration shop, instead, nine lives!
hello Uxie Uxie Uxie Uxie
Forgive me if I'm doing this wrong. I've very new here. I need coming for a simple character sheet. Black and while is fine. Something like a gaming style would be cool.
It needs to hold the following info...
basic abilities info
Weapons info
Physical description

a place to add extras and music would also be nice if you're able. Thank's for your time.


uxie ®

this isn't a traditional requests shop, and requires requesters to come prepared with a near-complete mockup of the design they desire. if you have any further questions, i'd like to direct your attention to the first post on this thread, which holds more details both about the workshop and what i ask from requesters.

you might be able to find better luck in other request threads. apologies!

pls tell me if it's too much and i will happily edit it aksjdh






- i would love it if the dark background could fill the entire page, but for the main content, just a medium-sized thingo in the center would do!
- as always, pls do not bother with trying to make it mobile friendly, i feel like i'm torturing you enough.
- wherever there are stars in the layout, i'd love if those could be editable fa-icons!
- also, the circular picture in the corner of ever tab can stay the same!

- main accent colour: #A9BCD0
- background colour: #1B1B1D
- secondary accent colour: #FFFFFF
- main body colour: switches between #FFFFFF & #333333, depending on the colour of the background.
- colour for the tabs when not selected: #3A3A3A

- main headings + subheading fonts: montserrat
- body font: karla

- so there are a couple of tab icons within the cs layout, but the main tabs are words, not icons!
- for the psyche tab, if it's possible i'd like three different tabs within it (each of the tab icons would be on one of the stars falling on the left side but if that's not possible, i can change the design!)! each one would look like this (only the main content would change. everything else — quote included — can remain the same on each tab):



- for the background tab, i'd like another three tabs within it, if possible! sort of like a timeline (the stars are just for decorative purposes heh. if it's too much of a hassle, just put an image placeholder there instead!


- i think that's it! pls pls pls let me know if it's too much bc i can already imagine it's going to be a lengthy code aksjdhs. ilysm and thank you for even considering this request u queen.


uxie ®

nat ur lucky im a lunatic with no business ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ur request is, as always, accepted!

please excuse me while i cry both from joy and pain while making this


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