Clover Hills

Once the blindfolds were removed from the three strangers within the meeting room, silence stretched between them as the guards stepped back, yet still within distance to potentially protect the three remaining council members. It was Adolf who spoke first, the Marshadow council member turning his gaze towards each stranger in turn, his eyes seemingly lingering upon Coyoty and Alexander. "I assume there is a reason you desire to speak to the council?" he questioned. "What is it you seek us out for?"

Klinge tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair in boredom, not saying anything as Adolf took the lead in the questioning while to Adolf's left, Sky remained relatively silent with the arrival of the strangers. "Which one of you ladies is the Winslow girl who informed of some..." he glanced at Adolf and Sky "...interesting information concerning that whelp of a traitor Ross?"

"How did the Winslow child survive the destruction of insane family line and house is what I would like to know," spoke Sky.

"Patience Sky," spoke Klinge. While his tone seemed calm, there was a dangerous undertone to it which caused both younger council members to shift uneasily within their seats and fall silent at Klinge's tone.

A few of the wolves shifted as Axel suddenly appeared among them, the smell of bear meat and dried blood on the alpha's son, making some of them uneasy. Jasper calmly turned his head towards the alpha's son as he asked where his father was. "The alpha is out," spoke Jasper. "He gave no time frame of when he would return but you can take a few omegas and that Sentinel Fir with you to drag a deer back." He surveyed the injured omega who was with the alpha's son. Fir lifted her head from her paws where she had been resting outside in the snow and got to her paws as she obediently traveled after Axel. "Fiona!"

The gangly adolescent, whom was a year older than Ice, rushed across the snow from another building and came to a stop in front of Jasper. "Go with Axel and Fir to bring a deer back. Ice can take over your job of watching Rowan and Andromeda," he spoke. The brown wolf


ambled after Axel and Fir, footsteps light on the snow as she bounded playfully after the pair, a few others slowly emerging from the buildings at the offer of seconds and scurrying after Axel until a small team of six wolves joined the alpha's son and the male omega.

Turing back towards the stranger who seemed confused on what had been said, the beta listened as the other spoke about how Matthew was a distant cousin of this stranger and how this stranger said Matthew's family had told him to look for the alpha. Wonderful, another Hendrix to add to the list, thought Jasper. "Most loners do not willingly come into the territory to look for the alpha, let alone our pack. They tend to end up as a meal," said Jasper with a cruel smile gracing his features. "However, you are a Hendrix and you lot are bloodthirsty when you don't get your way." He tapped his foot on the ground impatiently as he mulled things over. "You can stay and pull your weight or you can go look for the alpha yourself but are likely to miss him. Are you here to join or what?"

Angelica & Triplets
Some hours had passed since Angelica had moved the triplets into the small cave. The mother wolf woke from her sleep suddenly at the sound of feet moving over snow, the gray wolf's head rising quickly as she uncurled herself from the infants snuggled against her side and rose to her paws, disentangling herself with some difficulty from the blanket. Paws padded across the cave floor, the wolf glancing back over her shoulder at her slumbering children as her ears fell against her head and she slowly moved forward. The wolf slowly moved up the tunnel into the open air where she saw the glimmer of a wolf rushing by, carrying what looked like another figure on his back. Topaz eyes watched the wolf until it disappeared out of sight and then ducked back into the cave where the wolf stood there shaking. That scent...the brief glimpse of hickory, the reminded her of the wolf that had taken her from Tobias and Haven.

Gabriel brought herself back from her thoughts as the girl spoke of why she had run she was scared and frightened. The woman didn't catch what had been said earlier and so had a confused look on her face but the girl spoke of putting the pack first before her studies if she decided to go back to school and if she ended up being allowed to be within the pack. Gabriel again thought over Zayne's words concerning recruiting wolves and the knowledge that they needed a healer. Yet was it worth it if they had a healer, when the healer might die during the winter or leave the pack when they got schooling done? "You put the pack before everything else. Loners are not to be healed, nor wolves from Glaswin or Phantasm, the other two packs," spoke Gabriel at last. "Your room can be anywhere on the first two floors though my room is on the second floor. We have three greenhouses but haven't luck with growing plants, however they were built before our old healer betrayed me and ran off...getting herself killed in the process by loners as I understand. They are your responsibility along with any other healers we may get....we have spots for three healers in the pack. There is an infirmary with a Japanese sign carved into it for medicine by my..." Gabriel's face suddenly twisted and she motioned to a wolf to lead the girl to the infirmary, one wolf stepping forward out of the group as she disappeared outside, three wolves following their alpha, the door shutting behind the last wolf outside.

"Follow healer," spoke the wolf who shifted back for the girl's benefit. It always took time for newcomers to gain the pack bond and understand it, the wolf leading the girl through the kitchen and into the hallway where they would turn left and head towards a door encompassing the left side of the house which he pushed open to reveal a large room with a couple operating tables, shelves for medical books and herb storage and some beds for those too injured to get to their rooms. There was another section on the infirmary which had been walled off for quarantine. mikyuu mikyuu CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
“Perhaps I’m just smarter than my other delinquit family members.” Says Viserys while crossing her arms and taking her human form. She threw on a trench coat and tied it around her waist. Coyoty was in too much pain to shift and so she sat down curling her lengthed tail around her paws. Alexander took his human form and threw on just a pair of pants.

“Greetings. I come from a pack in north Germany in the redwood forest.” He says and coyoty rolls her eyes. Poised this one is. Happy of his roots and pious. He always loved flaunting in everyone’s face which pack he owned how well behaved his pack was. If only he were to tell them that his own mate took off to avoid being beaten by him. His pack was only well behaved because everyone was afraid of him and he turned 90% of them. The they 10 were what remained of the strong pups he didn’t kill. She thought briefly for him to go ahead and tell them that. He glared at her as her thoughts were not sacred. “I offer you my alpha mate Coyoty. She is to birth pureblooded direwolves to which I anticipate you use for your army that I am sure you are building this is why you are demanding each house offer up their pureblooded first born yes?” He turned to Viserys and she pulls out the letter she received from them the reason she lied to her pack.

“And I’m just here for the ride. Andrew is dead. I have proof of this.” She nods to Alexander and he pulls out a bag offering it to the council. Coyote didn’t realise they brought his head. She almost felt horrified but wolves are proud creatures and they enjoy glory too much. Alexander opens the bag and sets it a few feet in front of him then bows stepping back.

“Behist as it may the lycanthropes and the hunters were hard to kill. But as I cannot say all of them are dead most of them are.” Viserys blinks and is reminded of her pack leaving them in winter just to come up here. She couldn’t even imagine what they would be thinking and if they’d take her pack if she decided to go back. Her tail flicked back and forth now as she watched Alexander glare at Coyoty.

“We offer you up the knowledge Andrew has passed and hope that you accept our offering.” Alexander said and fitted his lips with a cruel smile. “Oh and that was me by the way,” Viserys put up her hand and wiggled her fingers with a grin.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Axel nodded and stepped through the snow. He stopped though when the Male spoke to Alkali. “The alpha had me take him out and see what he was worth.” He breathed in. “He’s a good hunter. Probably best if he guards, though he attacks well, his anger is a thing not to be trifled with. I am unsure of who turned him but whoever it was had a rage similar.” He then stepped and turned petting the young wolf bounding through the snow. “If you are good I’ll give you some meat,” he whispered as he ran his fingers through the adolescents fur. Then he put his finger to his lips as he bent to the wolf. “Just don’t say anything.” He whispered again then stood brushing the wolf to follow him.
"Or perhaps all the incestuous relations helped contribute to the insanity," spoke Sky.

"Like you're family is better Sky," spoke Adolf. "You take our laws rather too literally."

"We are not here to debate the laws," spoke Klinge. "Adolf has a point...the laws do not mean breeding with one's cousin or family member...just that the twelve houses remain pure," said Klinge. "Pity Dominic Winslow let his son choose poorly in a mate. Contributing to such a weakening of the bloodline in your half-siblings and parents. I suppose we can count our stars that they never passed on their genes to others."

The three fell silent as the male among the strangers spoke and wished them greetings, speaking of ruling a pack within the northern redwoods of Germany. Klinge turned his head towards Adolf with a questioning brow, the younger council member nodding perceptibly to indicate he had heard of the pack that dwelt among the northern German lands. "This one seems rather proud of his accomplishments or lack thereof," spoke Adolf mentally.

"He could do with being knocked down a few pegs...seems to be going down a dark path," agreed Sky.

Klinge said nothing to the mental conversation of his fellow council members. Though he agreed with them that the Winslow girl naturally and the male were too confident. The middle female just sat down and said nothing concerning the information that was being given. None of the council reacted as two of the three shifted and the male began speaking again about his pack being of direwolves and how he was offering up his mate who was pregnant with pureblood dire wolves for a spot on the council. "You request a spot on the council when you are not a member of the original twelve houses?" questioned Klinge sharply, a few murmurs beginning to issue forth from their guards who stepped closer to the three strangers. "The only one here who has such a claim is the Winslow girl."

The man's next words, concerning the reason they were requesting the firstborn child of purebloods to build an army was somewhat surprising, yet also entertaining to the three who began laughing. "Be careful whelp. It would not do well to forget your place," warned Klinge as the laughter quelled and finally trailed off within the large room. So that was Andrew's plan, thought Klinge with a frown. "The council's actions and motives are none of your concern."

"Begging your pardon Klinge," spoke one of the guards. " might be necessary to fill in the remaining seats of the council with new purebloods. Even though it would require training and ensuring they mated with other purebloods to keep their houses pure, the possible eradication of half-blood members..."

Klinge turned his gaze upon the guard, silently staring at him before dismissing him. "Direwolves," spoke Sky. "Not as dangerous as lycans and somewhat tamable which is the reason they have not been outlawed."

"The dires are a rare breed," said Adolf. "Yet you seem to have amassed quite a few of them."

"Well, Adolf is impressed. Not something you see every day," spoke Sky with a coy smile on her visage.

Klinge steepled his fingers together as he leaned forward within his chair, eyes surveying the three wolves behind his glasses, moving his foot over his cane as he leaned forward at the Winslow girl speaking of just being there for the ride while the male...Alexander as he introduced himself...had brought something for the council's benefit. Watching intently, Alexander walked forward and set a bag down which he opened before bowing and stepping back to his mate's side. Klinge waved a hand at one of the guards who stepped forward and reached into the bag as Klinge leaned forward to look at what was within. The sudden squall that erupted outside caused the other council members to look at each other and then at Klinge as his eyes flashed to their Cohen's copper color...the wind suddenly picking up and howling through the once sunny day. Sky sighed and rose from her seat, focusing on Klinge and sending calming thoughts and emotions to calm the enraged male down before he attempted to destroy everything in his path while outside, the guards ran for cover within the estate who were outside. It took the woman a while to calm Klinge down in which the guard had lifted the head of Andrew for everyone to see.

Adolf took over the questioning while Sky worked on calming Klinge down. None of the three were impressed with the proof of Andrew's death, though appreciated, they could have brought pictures or something. Still this was enviable proof that the traitor to the council was deceased. Klinge hadn't reacted this way except with Amelia's death and they worried of the toll it would take on the elder wolf. Glancing at his council members, he touched Andrew's head...finding it slightly warm but cooling. was enough..."Druid..."

A few of the younger guards paled at hearing the name of the wolf called, quickly moving out of the wolf's way as he padded forward whose eyes flashed briefly to blue-green as he padded forward, changing from the grey he normally had as a the young Tobias, this wolf had two souls wolves within him.

druid.jpg (normal)
druid 2.jpg (when both wolves are in control)

The wolf slammed his front paws on Andrew's head, claws lengthening and burrowing through the eye sockets. Almost instantly the wolf's eyes began darting to and fro within his own skull. Ignoring this, Klinge finally settled and sank back into his chair, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he removed his glasses. "Where were we?"

"Speaking of this dire offering up his mate and pups like pieces of meat on a platter to gain a spot within the council body," spoke a guard.

"Indeed. didn't manage to kill all the lycans and they are still roaming Clover Hills," spoke Klinge. "How did you manage to kill the lycans when they are stronger than your average pureblood and stronger than dires? Do these packs know of the lycan threat within Clover Hills?"

Jasper turned his gaze towards Alakli as Axel spoke of the wolf. "That will be up to your father...though he may take your input into account," said Jasper. "I do know the alpha wishes to speak with you when he returns." For the moment he ignored the wolf who said he was a cousin of Matthew's.

Fiona flinched slightly at the alpha's son coming towards her, ears going against her head, but was not attacked. Instead the male crouched down and petted her fur as Fir looked around them, scenting the air and trying to pick up the scent of deer that Axel spoke of. The omega wagged her tail at the whispered words of getting something to eat if she was good and nodded before bounding off through the snow. Fir shook her head as the omega rushed past her. The only reasons Fiona had been made omega was because Matthew intended Fiona and Ice to breed and the wolf had bothered the alpha shortly after arriving by stealing his food and running around with it in her mouth. Matthew hadn't been impressed by his meal being stolen and labeled the whelp omega for life, the only kind thing he had done for Ice's sake besides take the adolescent out of the brothel. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Peach Whimpered. Her body was warm but her feet hurt a lot and so didn’t her side. It wasn’t until she felt something push her hair back that her eyes opened up and she tried to move.

Crying out, Peach began to pant for a bit. Her body hurt like hell but eventually she calmed down enough. It wasn’t long before she realized she was in a bathroom. Well, actually she was in a bath-tub.

“Wh-where am I...? Peach drawled. Her mouth wasbegging for water and she was tempted to drink the hot bath water. Upon hearing movement, Peach let out a pitiful squeak in suprise and whined when she tried to clutch her generous bust. Where was the second man she had seen?

“W-who’s there?” Peach asked, her mind clouded by the pain and steam in the room. “I’m sorry for troubling whoever you are. I-I can go whenever youwant. I’m sorry!” Peach just curled up in the tub, one arm over her nipples, the other pulling her knees closer to her body. Maybe it was for the best she couldn’t fully think or else Peach would’ve tried to get out of the room and stumble around for her clothes in the nude.
Daemon shook his head. I don’t know who you are sir i’m very sorry.” The man said, sweat rolling down his face as he collected the bill and went to the back of the diner, hanging up his work clorthes.

“Where are you going Grenakowsky?” Dame’s manager asked.

“I gotta go, that man I served... I think he’s been following me around, Says he knew me from the city but I don’t ever remember being in a city.” Daemon bit his cheek as he was told he wouldn’t be paid for the day and he left. Staying hidden and pulling his hoody up, the young man left the main part of town and went to his apartment not looking back once.
At his home, Daemon forgot to lock the door. He went straight to his closet and looked at all of the money inside. ‘Did I make this with that guy from the diner...?’ He thought to himself in a giddy panic. It was possible the black haired man had seen his power, how it worked. If Daemon was being followed, he knew soon he would get some answers wether he was ready or not.
Direct Interactions: WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys (Peach, 1st half)
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Daemon, 2nd half)
Mentions: @scorpioscorpio (Peach, 1st half)
As she listened and heard them Viserys pulled her ears back, she turned to the male when they made a point and caught the rather audible snort from Coyoty regarding her thoughts on his pride. Alexander was indeed too prideful. As a dark black dire wolf he was offended by their accusations and thus to not allow him or his mate to carry on a line no matter their status among the pure houses. He stepped back narrowing his eyes and furrowing his brow. "The wolves were not easy to apprehend, I do believe they were rather strong but you piss a girl off and they have a tendency to be stronger than you think." Coyoty glanced sideways at the wolf turning to Viserys who was quiet even now her arms cross resting listlessly against a pillar. She would have only looked cooler if she had been smoking a cigarette. Of course in her current wear she looked to be that of a stripper or even a whore.

"I believe that when I picked up Coyoty she was rather.... enraged upon me killing her mate." Coyoty stood up snarling at the male. "A pack member an alpha female, no less abandoning her post it was the least I could do to punish her as death would have been too lenient on the female. So. After I killed her mate I took her with us and upon her help we found the Andrew or whatever person and I let her loose. She was quite angry and thrashed most of the hunters first, after which she took on a lyconthrope, with our help of course we managed to take them down each one at a time until all was left was Andrew and you know the rest of the story."

Coyoty felt appalled with herself not only had she not actively remembered killing those wolves but when she woke she was covered in blood most of his she thought to be Jackson's but that apparently was not the case. She felt sick to her stomach then remembering each person she killed mowing through them like weeds among the largest field. She was strong unguarded rage all being released onto one poor army. He possibly could not have been right though even two direwolves and one regular wolf could not take down a Lycon. She took her human form then feeling weak to her knees. She held herself feeling like she was going to break any moment, and if she had she could cost him whatever position he wanted, but if she did Alexander would take her home and hurt her of this she was certain. Viserys walked over to her and wrapped her up in a soft coat helping her into the thing. She had scratches from the male down her back something Viserys had not seen before.

"Apparently she is not weakened by silver?" she mumbled looking at the various piercings in the wolf girls ears. "I am," she said through clenched teeth. She had been subjecting herself to silver since she was a young pup. Her father first yelled at her for it as it was toxic and the first time she tried it on the eve of her first transformation into human it almost killed her. Since then she would use silver needles and pierce herself, one earring in each ear. She hugged herself because she knew if you removed the silver the way Alexander must have her strength would be tenfold. It was like conditioning training you put them in and they make you weak you work at it and the weaker you are the stronger you become then you remove them and all hell breaks loose.

"If anything I do request a seat on the council and I can sort of vouch for the strength in this one but you must let me treat her. She has suffered various wounds and will not heal fully if she has silver in her system. I was a healer of my pack and a medical major. I can care for her and help her though the term of her pregnancy." The girl helped Coyoty up and upon standing even her human form was tall. She felt stupid for not noticing the torture the male was putting her though.

"Our blood may not be as strong or what have you as pure as you lot are, but if you let me have a seat along your council I promise to participate in whatever you wish me to do without betraying you." Said coyoty shakily. Alexander looked pleased and bowed halfly.

"Well there you-"
"I only request that you understand the pack he's a part of we were so small before he came and offed my father. We among most have survived though the trials of the famines and the lack of humans. I believe our history depicts a wolf lay down its life for our ancestors in return for sanctuary of his pack. The humans natives I believe were welcoming of the wolf and soon thereafter we transformed tailored by the full moon. Our story is not that much different from yours." Coyoty began to feel her muscles aching from lack of proper food and nourishment."

"It truly has been a long trip for us indeed, if you must convene and discuss it than do so but may we at least have a room a.... place to stay fir the night to recollect ourselves and whatever decision you have come to we will abide by accordingly but only if you house us separately from him."

Alexander turned appalled himself, his face twisted anger and he rose his hand to which Coyoty bit into without much hesitation. He yanked it back and Viserys smiled. "You have hurt her plenty enough, I suggest you go back to your little pack wolf boy, run and hide in fear. I will come after you."

"On second thought boys we would just like to be a part of the council and you can do whatever you want to Alexander. I am sure the pack in Germany has got a beta set up that will be less evil than he is." The redhead snickered.

"Oh but if you want i can show you my worth instead," Coyoty behan to reach for her ears.

"Girls, come on," Coyoty pulled her rings out and took her wolf form. "Girls, you.... you.... come on"

"You killed my father you raped my bretherin in my pack!" Snarled the direwolf full of rage and fury. Viserys reached behind her and took a tea set pouring herself some tea and helping herself to a sugar cube. "Thanks for the tea mate," She smiled. Coyoty snapped at the male making him fall to the ground then he backed up and shifted into his wolf form. "Ah, what a show," the girl giggled. Coyoty attacked the male and it was much like watching to bears go at each other, each angry and snapping both obviously strong. It was not until Coyoty had him to the floor and was tearing into his fur ripping through his flesh that Viserys realised her true strength. She did not quit tearing until his blood stained her fur. "That is what unchecked rage looks like and I would say that is case in point enough for a girl who normally would not have the strength to do as she has just done. I couldn't imagine it. It was a lycon that killed my mate and I promised to hunt them all down. Rage in females is something you do not mess with boys ever. It can be trained into men but it can only ever naturally occur if you are raised like we were. My offer still stands let us stay the night let me take care of Coyoty and we can decide things in the morning,"

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
「♠ you can't buy back lost time ♠」

Zecheriah pursed his lips in annoyance, he always hated when the people start ordering around their goons while he was still in front of them. He tapped his foot slightly against the snow, minimal amounts of movement just shy from the eye's gauge. Yet another skill he put into his tool box on what to do to remain somewhat calm while others were watching. Though the techniques took time to perfect and the slip ups of a few have gotten him some major injuries. Let's just say crime bosses don't like it when you mock them, specifically the Russians. He's gotten his fair share of stories about all the main mafias in Europe, Russians were by far his least favorite. They always think they're so much better than all the other organizations, but of course it's his job to keep them in line. Kill a few, then leave a few survivors crippled with a message to not mess with their own organization. Basic everyday assignments Zecheriah went through; which was something that he liked, it always kept him on his toes and interesting. Though he did earn some important close combat techniques from some defected spy, he was certain those wouldn't be enough to fight these guys. He had little knowledge of what they could do and the extent of damage they could. Which is why he's been passively displaying his annoyance. Eventually the guy who had initially confronted brought up about him searching the guy named Matthew by himself with little luck or join them. There was some disconnection on what he believed the guy said by "joined", but for now he'll just assumed it meant that they themselves were looking for the guy. Plus the other option didn't sound very appealing, he's already gone this far and he wasn't going to leave this trip empty handed. He honestly didn't have any other option, so might as well join them or whatever he said. Sometimes Zecheriah really wished he had paid more attention in English classes at highschool, frankly any classes at all. Maybe if he had actually listened he wouldn't be living this shady life style.

Having had to take some time to process and translate what the guy said, he could see that the man was starting inch away, clearly impatient in waiting for his response. Zecheriah rushed to replied, "Entschuldigung," he accidentally slipped into German and had to correct himself, "I mean, sorry. I will join."

template by astraea
"Just wonderful," Said the male and was truly happiest when around the adolescent wolves. As long as he did not need to speak to or be around ice. He had very murderous intentions regarding the boy. He snickered and padded after the juvenile wolf after taking his wolf form and bundling up his clothes. He sniffed at her and the other not really liking the tricks they played on his noses. Crap, they've become bitches.... He thinks to himself taking into regard his poor lovely adolescent wolves were becoming adults. How he wished he could just romp with children all day long. After all he did love them, all of them. Even in his previous pack even when he was small he always loved them. Of course in his previous pack he was always stuck cleaning up after them and when his father left he no longer had purpose. He felt purpose here and felt he was needed. He remembered most of all being small himself and looking up to the stars, the love he felt from Bella, it was all a lie though, he had to remind himself that his mother never really loved him just did whatever she wanted to gain control over him to the point of which neutering his rage into personal gain.

The wolf shook the snow off his fur and stepped through the forest keeping an eye forward as it began to fall more fiercely. Okay, okay, let's get this over with as soon as we can shall we ladies? He thought but did not expect a response. He was sure that his presence within the pack was well known and he had proved himself worthy long-ago but he was not so sure that all his time spent with the pups anyone except the truly young ones had a bond with him. He hoped if they had they didn't here his regrets about them becoming full on bitches yet. They were just too young. Shaking his head would be the only thing to keep his brain from those thoughts however.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (sorry forgot this one) WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys (Cuz webeplanningsomephing)
「♛ ∙ 夜來風雨聲 ∙ 花落知多少 ∙ ♛」

She couldn't believe it. Airis was just accepted into a new pack. She felt absolutely livid, if she was happy before about just being considered, then right now she was on cloud nine. She felt like she would bounce off the wall if she wasn't containing herself. Then the alpha went along and told her there were greenhouses in the household, in fact, there were three! Three whole flipping greenhouses where she could be where she shined, honestly she felt like a few of her white fur tuff were starting to pop up over her skin. She was honestly just so excited that everything seemed to be playing out so perfectly for her. This was her first strike of luck she's ever gotten while she was here. At first she had thought that she'd be fine with just pretending to live like a human fo the rest of her, as it didn't seem that bad anyway. Though after living like them for a while, she started to feel incredibly dissatisfied with her quality of life. Which now had complete turned on itself and she's found herself a healer of a new pack. She wished this moment would last forever, to always be able to feel this confident and happy with herself. Though of course the harsh reality was settle in sooner or later, but as of right now she would enjoy the moment.

But it was cut much shorter than she'd thought when the alpha brought up something about the Japanese. There was an instant shift of mood and her emotions no longer road haywire. Airis made an obscure facial expression in response to the alpha's words. She probably didn't mean any offense, not that it mattered much since Airis's feelings were invalid compared to her's, but Airis felt suddenly offended that there was a Japanese carving in the medical room. She'd probably ask the alpha about it's removal sooner or later if it were possible since she seemed to imply that there was some level of importance to it. Since her family originated at some level of importance related to the late emperor, her family didn't exactly have the highest views on the Japanese. The actions of the Japanese in Nanjing was no exception even if they try to deny it ever happening.

Though those thoughts were a time for another day, right now she needed to follow the other wolf to the supposed infirmary. Which looked like any other hospital you'd expect to see in any part of the world. A few things seemed to look dusty which was understandable as it's been a while since it's last usage with lack of a healer. Thankfully there were herbal seeds she could use to cultivate a new garden. She'd have to get some more back from her home, but for right now she'd focus on settling down. Before the wolf left her fix herself up, she didn't quite know where the greenhouses where for her to start growing, "Um, excuse me? Where would the greenhouses be?"

template by astraea
Ellie's small and beat up looking form continued to wander the streets curiously, heavy body seeking a rest as her tongue lulled out of her mouth in a gentle pant, still smiling however and graciously taking the small pats or 'good doggie' she got from strangers, though none had yet offered food, whimpering a little her form eventually arrived outside a set of appartments, ears pressing down and tail swaying slowly behind her as she looked at them, maybe if she waited out here long enough she'd get some food- then, then tomorrow she could go try an find a part time job or something! she thought to herself hopefully.

However her stomach soon growled hungrily upsetting the pups, the cold was getting worse as it became later and she decided just curling up on the edge of the street light be better, with any luck someone might drop off some food she can eat, laying down slowly with her watermelon stomach pushed against the ground, stretched skin showing small pink fingers through the fur as her tail wrappe daround, placing her head in her paws.

Cosmosis Cosmosis
"That can easily be corrected," spoke Matthew as the man left his table. Matthew could scent the stranger leaving but was unable to follow at the moment as he was still enjoying his meal and his phone just happened to ring. Frowning, the alpha picked up his phone and tapped the green phone button to answer the call. "Yes?"

"Alpha...there's a wolf here who says he is looking for you," spoke the voice on the other end.

"Oh? What fool would be looking for me?" he questioned as he paused to sip his coffee.

"Don't know alpha. Beta and some others are dealing with him right now," said the wolf.

There was silence on Matthew's end as he ate his breakfast, the alpha stretching his legs out underneath the table as he got into a more comfortable position. He'd need to go to the city and make some more money for Fern's upbringing. Perhaps a trip into the city come Christmas was something Fern would enjoy. His moonbeam certainly had enjoyed the decorations when they'd been children. "Inform Jasper to keep him contained. I am going to be in town longer than planned and then stopping over at Glaswin. Tell Jasper I expect the pack to be ready to move out when I return," he said.


"Is there a problem?"

" alpha! It's just...Aria and Fern...they aren't awake..."

"Then wake them," said Matthew before hanging up. Slipping his phone into his pocket, the alpha wondered if he should add that girl's photo to his album of Angelica and Justin...might be a good idea only he needed an actual camera. The alpha tapped his fingers on the table as he continued eating and twenty minutes after his breakfast had been served, Matthew was done. He left a $10 on the table for a tip and paid the money up at the cash register before heading out to his SUV and getting in. His first stop was heading back to the house where the girl had been and flipping through her clothing to decide on something to wear for her. The alpha found nothing at all appealing to him but did bring her a couple baggy shirts and then went shopping, choosing out a few choice outfits that caught his eye but may or may not be comfortable for the girl. Not that Matthew particularly cared what made the girl comfortable. He also picked up some more winter clothing for Aria and some clothing for Fern, his little moonbeam was growing like a weed. When he was done shopping for clothing and stuffing the bags into his car, he picked up some kitten food and more food for the pack.

Once that was all in his SUV, all food items stuck within the trunk, Matthew headed back to the diner and then got out. Heading behind the diner, he shifted in his wolf form and inhaled the air. The scent was still strong and he easily tracked it through the city until he got to an apartment complex. Though there were multiple scents at play, Matthew isolated the encountered scent and headed towards it, shifting back into his human form and proceeding up to the apartment in question. The Phantasm alpha raised a brow at the door being slightly ajar and unlocked when he pushed on it, the door swung open. He then stepped inside and closed the door behind him, the alpha changing into the clothes he had brought with him as he made his way through the apartment in search of the other man he recognized. When he found him, the other seemed to be counting some money. "Well aren't you just loaded?" Matthew questioned as he moved across the room and peered over the other's shoulder at the cash lying within the closet. Cosmosis Cosmosis

While Druid was doing what the council used him for, an argument soon broke out among the three strangers. More notably between the women and the male. “An alpha abandoning their pack,” spoke Klinge. “Is that not oddly remenisecent of Hannah abandoning your daughter’s pack Sky?”

“It is,” spoke Sky. “Something we would have punished Hannah for if she were alive.”

They were silent as words were spoken from the male, saying he had killed the middle female’s second mate and was on the quest for blood. Yet they explained also how the female had helped kill the lycans and Andrew, some words spoken concerning silver not really weakening the female. The guards murmured among each other but quelled as Sky raised her hand for quiet. “To be on the council means you forsake all loyalties to anyone else,” spoke Klinge after a bit of silence.

“You no longer have ties to pack and cannot go there is n reason for you to return to Clover Hills if you become council members as we have our youngest member there working for us. You may know her...” Adolf spoke. “Miley Glaswin.”

“Indeed. She should be calling soon with progress on her task to produce a heir for her house and the council seat,” spoke Klinge. Nothing much else could be said as the wolf spoke of the history of the sites and their pack in particular. “So you request a seat for power...” spoke the elder man. He gave another look to his fellow council members who met Klinge’s own gaze.

The Winslow girl spoke of her own request to take on the Winslow seat. It was rightfully hers but she seemed as power hungry as her line which the council did not approve of, that would need to be broken out of the Winslow girl. Almost immediately after it was requested they be given rooms, the female’s requesting a room from their male companion and then a fight broke out. A few guards started forward but Klinge bid the guards stop and instead they all watched the fight.

Klinge seemed most interested in the rage within the middle female as she shifted to remove the silver and then shifted again into wolf before the alpha pair tore into each other. It was entertaining for the council whom had been somewhat bored lately. Finally Klinge raised his hand and silver bullets were shot in the direction of the fighting wolves by a couple guards to get them from making a big mess. “If you desire to fight we have an arena,” said Klinge. Some moments passed before he spoke again. “We will discuss it and you will be given rooms. Separate them,” spoke Klinge and guards started forward to escort the three to a pair of separate rooms, effectively dismissing them.

“Oh and Winslow...your brother was only as strong as he was thanks to being a purebred lycan and us experimenting on him,” said Klinge as he dismissed the trio.

“Wonderful,” spoke Jasper. “You are omega and will help Ice and Fiona watch the elders and care for them, help watch pups though that is the job of the Custodian Bich and some other duties.”

The wolf came back been sent to call the alpha came back and spoke quietly to Jasper. Looking at the wolf, Jasper frowned. “You will transport pack members. We are moving out when the alpha gets back.”

Fir looked at Axel as he spoke of them getting on with the hunt. “Alrght Axel sir,” spoke the submissive sentinel. “How far is it?”

Gabriel now had a healer. For how long was the question. The wolf who had led their healer to the infirmary spoke the answer to her question. “Backyard.” He stared at her for a few moments before sighing. “You wish to see greenhouses?”

Niko had moved out of the bathroom and stood by the door as Artemis and he got the girl into the bathtub. Once she was situated, he left her in the pack female’s hands and leaned against the wall, watching the few wolves on the second floor and glaring at them as they passed. After some time he thought he head the girl speaking and poked his head in. “Bathe,” he orderded the girl. “Artemis here will help you.” Cosmosis Cosmosis mikyuu mikyuu CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
「♠ you can't buy back lost time ♠」

Omega? What the hell was that? Judging by the fact that the guy ordered him around, it was some low ranking goon position. Zecheriah's lips twitched slightly in irritation. He never held a incredibly high rank in the mafia, but he wasn't some expendable footman. His position was somewhat important as their most lethal hitman within the organization. Though he wasn't some long ranged sniper person, he was deadly in close combat situations. He wasn't exactly in the situation to complain right now, so he would have to just follow along. Later on after he got his information or whatever he'd probably just leave and return home to Austria. Right now, he'd just going to deal with what he has.

Not exactly sure what the man meant by "transport pack members" or who Ice and Fiona were. He awkwardly stood there, unsure of what to exactly do. A few wispy strands of his pale blond hair blew over his face from the light wind that swept over. He quickly pushed them back over his head, Zecheriah noted he may need more hair gel soon. Though aside from the little distraction, the man in front of him crossed his arms impatiently, waiting for him. Momentarily flustered and uncertain of what to do, he decided he'd have to save face and just ask the guy what he meant. Zecheriah rubbed his chin uncomfortably, feeling a bit diffident in this situation, "Er, how can I help?"

template by astraea
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「♛ ∙ 夜來風雨聲 ∙ 花落知多少 ∙ ♛」

"Of course!" Airis promptly replied to the wolf, "It's my area of expertise. There isn't any soil I can't salvage or plant I can't grow." She gave the wolf a genuine smile, trying to show she was confident in her abilities. Technically she cheats by using her powers, but its not like other wolves don't use their own abilities to play scenarios to their favor, "Thank you." She nodded her head towards the wolf in additional thanks. She made her way to the cupboard in which she could smell all the scents of the dried herbs. From her extensive knowledge and prolonged exposure to these plants, she could identify a few without even looking into the cupboard. Airis could immediately smell the Echinacea in the mix of herbal scents, it had a very distinct smell, hence why it would attract lots of bees and butterflies. She could also pick up the wintergreen aroma Meadowsweet flowers gave off. Most of them were European based herbs, which was understandable since the pack resided in the US. She would probably have to ask later on if she can go back to her small shop and bring back her Chinese herbs. When she opened the cabinet, it confirmed her suspicions and inside was an assortment of European herbs. She grabbed a little piece from each herb before heading her way into the backyard. All she needed was a sample from each to make them grow again, but it was going to take her some time. Hopefully the greenhouses were still fully functional, but it would be understandable if they weren't as its been a while since their usage. Which subsequently only one of them was fully functional and the other two had some sort of broken heating system or ventilation issue. She's never really used a greenhouse before as all Airis did was grow a surplus of supplies before winter struck so she didn't need to grow more. When she walked into the functioning one, the dust that had settled into the air made her choke into a coughing fit. There was a lot of work to be done...

* * *

Airis greenhouse.jpg
Airis whipped the sweat off her brow and examined her work. She managed to influence every single one of the plants to start growing. Some took longer than others to sprout from the dirt, but all of them began their process of growing into a healthy plant. She couldn't imagine what the others thought seeing plants sprout from basically nothing from outside. Some of them must be severely confused on how she even managed to salvage the place. Though right now she was far too exhausted to even be the slightest bit fazed by what others thought. Airis trugged back out into the freezing cold winter weather and made sure to shut the greenhouse door completely. If the cold managed to kill all of the plants off she'd be very very pissed off. It would have been a whole lot of time wasted for nothing. She wasn't sure exactly what room she should take as her own quarters. So as she went inside back into the main house, she asked the first wolf she saw, "Do you know what rooms are available?"

template by astraea
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Artemis was quick to nod to Niko's instructions. Clean the other girl, ensure she didn't mention werewolves, and then dress her in the nightgown. Simple enough. Ensuring the girl was safe in the bath, not about to drown, Artemis fetched the nearby washing materials, determined to be kind and gentle in her job, but do it perfectly. She startled when she heard a voice, and realised it was the girl. Oh. So she was awake then. At least she hadn't attempted to climb from the tub in her fear, which Artemis was sure she could smell amongst the steam. She hushed her softly, edging closer into view, "It's okay. I-I'm Artemis. My... friend asked me to help you." She crooned softly, coming to kneel beside the bathtub, "I won't hurt you. I... I won't even touch you, if you don't wish me too, but you will have to wash yourself." She told her, setting the soap on the side, alongside the shampoo, "Whats your name?" She asked after, hesitant but trying to ensure the other knew she was friendly. Nico had poked his head in to explain before she'd spoken, but she'd felt like introducing herself anyway. ( scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Cosmosis Cosmosis )

Ash didn't cheer up despite Amora's insistence, flattening her ears as she was whined at. She never liked walking into the human town, and stuck close to her mate. Tiny, and weak, Ash never interacted with the humans themselves, just looked pitiful and stuck to Amora like glue. She knew she was no use to her mate, and sometimes wondered if this was the right choice. Amora would surely be better off without her, wouldn't she? ( Cosmos Cosmos )

Levi was on a mission. Herded to the pup room by his mother, he was bored. He no longer wished to play with the other pups, and wanted to find someone who would entertain him properly. And, well, there was only one wolf Levi knew who would play with him, but Levi hadn't seen him in some time. Axel. Pushing his small body out of the gap in the door where Artemis had left it a little open accidentally, he slipped out of the room and scampered past everyone until he was out of the house. He ran into the territory, barking to try and find Axel, wagging his tiny tail. When no response came, he whined, and started running again, occasionally barking. He needed to find Axel. Axel would play with him, better than the other pups would. ( CZDoubleU CZDoubleU )
Axel sniffed at the ground. He pushed over some rocks to make sure he was headed in the right direction when his ears pricked. He turned sharply then. Keep alert children I sense a pup. He said and padded through the snow. He could smell the scent faintly. What was a wolf doing in the snow at this hour without backup and motherly assistance? He sniffed and found the scent to be familiar. Distant but still familiar. He nosed the ground then. You two can stick together follow the rocks that have been disturbed and the marks on the trees. You will find the dear next to a clearing hung from the trees go now and report back to the house as quick as you can I’m going to investigate this wolf pup. He should have gone with them. They were old enough to handle things on their own but. He regretted sending them alone- that was until he laid eyes on a dark tan wolf markings similar to his own.

You’ve got to be shitting me....

He stood on the border between phantasim and the territory he used to be a part of. He stepped forward and nosed the little pup around as he whimpered and flicked his ear. He turned his head and was rather surprised. This little pup he’d cared for before. Back when he was in this pack. This one, this specific one. What was he doing out here. He dropped toctge wolf looking st him hind in the air head down.Then the wolf flopped down to the snow and tapped at the wolf before rolling completely over and exposing his long fur for the adolescent wolf to play with. He growled lowly-playfully and pawed at the tiny wolf gently. He blinked lots and then licked the Male pup his big tongue washing over the tiny thing.

“Where is your mother?” He urged growling after his introduction.
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Viserys was not entirely pleased with the results but she pulled the dark wolf off Alexander and urged her on putting the piercings back in her ears. The dark wolf snorted and they were departed into a room. She turned to the council now rage filling her face turning her fingers red.

“No, you don’t get to speak illy of my family! You don’t get any glory in whatever you want just because you think you are all that and a bag of goddamn chips!” She snapped at him and her rage she felt like she wanted this Male to feel pain- eminence pain. Not the physical kind. She wanted him to feel how she had. When she lost her family watched them torn to shrewds. The moments after the fear she was next, loosing her mate. Killing that child.

She wanted him to feel the debilitating pain she felt her whole life of rejection the fear of the rest of her pack of wolves had towards her the advancements she made and to no avail. She wanted him to suffer the same way she had for 22 years simply because of her name.

A name. It could make you, it could break you. For her it defined her. Everyone who knew her knew she was brandished with a name that branded her evil selfish unkind and careless. If only Yukio was here to testify the ladder. If only he was here to see her cry as she felt she wanted this dillinquint perfect asshat up here claiming she was power hungry.

“Tell me, Is it Brig power hungry to beg and plead for a pack that is rightfully yours but and get this, because of your name you don’t get it? And sure there ARE ways to get what you want killing making harming. Yeah. It helps. It also makes a pack that already distrusts you scared and fear does a lot to a wolf. It can make them more inclined to help you but it can also hurt you to the point of which you have no pack at all and you end up dead, headless in the bottom of a trench somewhere with no friends and no family to moarn your death. Do you think this is the life I deserve cuz...” she stepped back throwing her hands up slightly. “I certainly don’t. Say what you want about me my name whatever but I’ll be dammed if you make assumptions about my dead family members. They were shit but they were family and it is up to ME if i want to call them weak strong or whathave you, you pious piece of high seated ass!” She snarled at the Male and turned stepping back over to Coyoty.

“I only request that I can inform our packs we will not be coming back, you can do whatever you want with him. I don’t like him very much,” Said the red head with a grin and a nod.

Alexander was bleeding by the time Coyoty was pulled off of him but it wasn’t enough to kill him. He felt his ego be bruised more than his wounds
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Levi was surprised when his nose twitched and he scented a familiar scent. One that was a little different now, carrying the scent of a different pack, but with the same undertones that made him Levi's old friend. He whined as Axel approached him and nudged him around, yapping up at the other and wagging his tail. He'd found him! Maybe now he'd come back to the pack and play with Levi, who often felt lonely despite the other pups being around. But if Axel came back, then Levi would have someone to play with again! Someone who wasn't the younger pups anyway.

The little pup yapped excitedly at Axel, pressing his front to the floor as he wagged his tail in the air playfully, trying to show how happy he was to see his friend. He barked gleefully as Axel rolled over, and bounced forward on tiny paws to bat at the others fur in joy, hopping like a rabbit back and forth. It was the happiest Levi had been for a long time, since Axel disappeared from his life. It wasn't like his mother had time for him. He made a face as he was licked, and shook his head firmly as he flattened his ears in dislike. His mother did that, and he hated it. He wasn't a baby who needed cleaning anymore!

He kept wagging his tail even as he was spoken to, and whined up at the other, knowing that he was probably going to be told off, "Back at the house! But she's busy, and I was bored, so I came looking for you!" He chirped in return. He'd bonded with the other easily before, adoring Axel, but his mental voice through their bond always seemed rushed and excited.

CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
The wolves headed off back to the ruined buildings to begin packing things up, leaving the beta and a couple wolves at his side. The stranger, their new pack member, didn't seem to know what to make of anything that was being said to him. This person smelled did he not know what he was? When the stranger asked what he was supposed to do, Jasper rolled his eyes. "ICE!"

The albino wolf jerked his head up at the beta's shout and hurried away from the slumbering pups and two elders, rushing out of the building and across the snow, the youngster blending in with the white powder perfectly until he skidded to a stop in front of the beta, tail going between his legs. "This is a new omega...he's also a Hendrix apparently..." Ice squealed at that information and nervously shuffled away from the new wolf and a stranger. "You will show him to the elders and get him acquainted with duties as an omega."

"Yes beta," squeaked Ice, his ears lying flat against his head. The albino had been sleeping in his half form, hence his wolf-like features. "F...follow me please," stammered out the teenager as he he turned and headed towards the building where the elders were. "You' to being wolf? Don't...seem...know what you are," he stammered. Ice did not have good luck with Hendrix Hendrix wanted to kill him...the omega was aware of the intense dislike the alpha's son had towards him when he hadn't done anything and the alpha found him entertaining and had a habit of cornering the adolescent when he was bored. Which usually involved the alpha taking his frustration out on the albino which was bound to happen a lot more than necessary in Ice's mind with the pack going hungry.

The wolf shrugged and led her outside to the back of the house, taking her through the mudroom and speaking quietly to the guards who started at the scent of an intruder in the alpha's home. Curious looks followed the girl as she left the house and went outside to the backyard, the guards remaining in place as the door shut behind them, the wolf who had taken her to the infirmary watching as she strode across to the green houses. "The Atman's room is off limits as is omega's attic room," spoke the wolf. "Those are upstairs along with the alpha's room and the room for a hunter and warrior couple. Another warrior, Alistair, lives on the first floor I think. You could have the old healer's's on the first floor," he said and headed towards the room in question. There was nothing of real note within the room, just an empty dresser and a bed. No windows since it wasn't facing the outside and was situated right by the stairs. Thankfully the alpha had the bedrooms kept clean, even the ones that no longer had occupants or hadn't been occupied in her time as alpha. mikyuu mikyuu

The pair of females looked up as Axel spoke to them about smelling a pup and looked at each other, neither sure what exactly was going on. Both turned their heads towards the forest around them as they were directed to head past some disturbed rocks and marked trees until they got to the deer carcass that was hanging up. The pair of females nodded and headed off, the rest of the wolves following behind them.

Niko listened as Artemis responded to the girl and told her she shouldn't be afraid. The male snorted but said nothing, instead starting from female to female before withdrawing from the bathroom and again shutting the door. He had no interest in watching the naked child bathe but at least she was more tolerable than Michi was for now and more obedient as well. The alpha didn't scent the hunter's pup, at least he would be putting Artemis back as hunter, leaving the pup room...something Miley had decided to keep from the old house along with the barracks and the beta and alpha rooms on the second floor.


While Alexander and the middle female left, the pair of guards pocketing their guns as the two fighting wolves were escorted out, there remained behind the one female who claimed to be a Winslow wolf. Whom of course began directing her anger at the council or more specifically Klinge who just watched her rant and rave about how difficult her life was and how Winslow deserved to be her own pack because she was a Winslow wolf. She was allowed to rant and rave all she pleased as she spoke about her life and how they shouldn't speak ill of her family members. "Are you quite finished?" questioned Sky. "Your annoyance is why we were adverse to allowing you entrance to our home in the first place and child, you have no true idea what your sister did. She broke many of our laws."

Relatively silent, it seemed Klinge wasn't going to say anything, allowing the other two to carry the conversation and give him some relief. There was another reason besides growing bored of speaking that Klinge was silent and allowing the others to continue the conversation around him. It seemed the Winslow girl had mild empathy powers...nowhere near as strong as Sky's but enough to be an annoyance, like an itch behind one's ear they couldn't quite reach. For all outward appearances, as the memories and emotions of the girl's pain flooded into his mind, Klinge appeared relatively calm at first glance.

His hands, however tightened their grip upon the armrests of his chair, his knuckles turning white. The memories and emotions washed over him as if they were his own...he idly thought this could be trained better on disobedient wolves but it would be Sky's job to train the girl and he wasn't sure the older woman would do so. As that thought appeared in his mind, it was replaced by watching Azarias being torn apart, the elder male feeling satisfaction at watching it first hand as the young Ross and Altman...those the council had tried to keep apart found themselves together again and taking down a common enemy. He watched as the pack went downhill with Bellatrix...this he already knew of it went downhill even further with her death as wolves left and died. How Bellatrix refused to allow any healers in the pack, even among her own sister...he felt his own annoyance arise at seeing that and his face twisted into a murderous scowl as claws lengthened from his fingertips. He didn't show it much but anyone who knew how to look knew the elder gentleman was in discomfort and some pain with the memories assaulting his mind.

" likely didn't see the letter we sent to Bellatrix back in January...I believe it caused some disunion within the pack as she took away their fun. Should results have not been to our liking...Winslow would have been exterminated by the council...every man, woman and child," spoke Adolf. "However, the issues with the town of Clover Hills are our own fault for allowing the Winslow house and the actions of your siblings to run unchecked far too long and now these are the results. A pack that was taken over by a sympathizer of your sister...who has apparently led the pack into their own troubles and as we understand, did nothing to improve the living conditions of the pack...instead moping after a woman who apparently cheated on him among other things. Do not think child that we don't know of your rather unique talents and past time of torturing people you don't like for medical makes you not at all innocent and paints you in a bad light, despite what you try to portray to us."

Miley was not their only source for information...though she was their main source...only source Clover Hills. For this though, as soon as they had gotten wind that the Winslow girl was coming, they had research done on her and this was how they knew things about the girl. The dires didn't particularly interest them in where they came from or what their purpose was but as the Winslow girl continued speaking, asking if she knew what it was like to lose their entire family, there was silence on their part. "We did not say that the dire wolves would be getting a role within the council and there...faster methods than a letter towards your alpha. As of your place within the council is up for discussion and there is no definite decision on the matter," Klinge finally spoke. "Out of the twelve houses, only Winslow, Marshadow, Cohen, Barnes and Glaswin remain. Out of those, only Marshadow and Haven have secure futures and are prosperous. If you desire to be a member of the council you will change your personality by doing a complete 180. Any acts of insanity or improper behavior will result in making sure the Winslow House is completely eradicated from the earth. Now, you are dismissed and will be shown to the room your female companion is situated in." CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
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“M-My name is Peach. Peach Mary Crawford.” Peach said slowly. The woman only smiled. at her. “I can wash myself, I don’t want to cause any more troub-“ peach grunted.

The lady told the pinkette she was in no room to try and act tough so Peach agreed to let her help wash her body. There wasn’t any other word spoken as the two girls worked on getting Peach cleaned and after many winces and “ow”s later, The two emerged from the bathroom.The young girl was already worn out from the day’s events and hse felt heavy from her tight muscles unwinding. Being in the comforting heat of the tub wasn’t helping Peach stay awake.

Seeing the man who had saved her from her home, Peach gave a fake smile. After what the first man she had seen in weeks had done to her the girl wasn’t very keen to smile at anyone. “Thank you for saving me sir. I’m in your debt.” Peach said in her normal whisper voice before she was brought to a room.

It was a grayish-blue color with a bed guarded by two windows. The teenager also noticed the room had a dreser adjacent to the bed and on the far side of the door was a small, empty closet. There was no room to complain even if Peach’s mind would let her. She already knew what these two people were dong for her.

“T-thank you so much you two... I’m so greatful.” Peach sniffled. She wanted to cry but knew better. Her father had always smacked her to the floor or to the wall with his boney knuckles any time she had cried.

But these two folks by her had done something for her they probably didn’t know. They’d saved her from living on the streets and for that she would do whatever they wanteed her to do, just as she had always been taught.
Daemon’s breath caught in his chest. He hadn’t thought his lie to the manager would actually be reality.

Standing up quickly, The young adult headbutted the other man in the jaw, hos head slamming into the man’s throat causing him to stumble back a very few amount of steps. Spinning around Dame took his hands and locked them tight around the intruder’s biceps. If Daemon hadn’t suprised him he would’ve been in a real hard fight. With a roar heifted the man afew inches and slammed him against the wall by his bed’s headboard.

“Just who the hell are you?!” Daemon yelled, fighting the pulling sensation that was creeping up. He wanted answers, not a hazey memory. “Well?! Please answer me you stalker!” Despite being scared and angry, Daemon still had his manners.

With a growl, The apartment owner threw the intruder back towards the closet to save the guy from becoming a husk. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I have so just answer me alright? How do you know me? Just who the actual fuck are you?” Daemon pleaded, trying to calm down.
Direct Interactions: WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys and scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Peach, 1st half)
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Daemon, 2nd half)
Nikoluas didn't say much until they got to the girl's room again where she thanked him for saving her and how she was in his debt. Niko doubted that and her thanks made him uncomfortable. He had only left his own children because Matthew had ordered him to pick up the girl and take her to Glaswin, probably because Matthew wasn't in the mood to deal with a jealous female in Jasper's cub. "You are thanking me? Girl, you'll regret thanking me when Matthew shows up here with clothing for you. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up showing you off to Glaswin and threatening to kill everybody if they even look at you if they're males." He did not dismiss Artemis as he figured the female would prefer the presence of another female in her company...if the alpha had plans for this Peach...he would likely throw Artemis out....or not. Niko frowned at that

Matthew was not expecting to be taken by surprise and grabbed by his throat, let alone lifted in the air a few inches and slammed into the headboard of the the man's bed before he was tossed away into the closet as the other's vision suddenly flickered. There was some shouting, the other demanding to know who he was before speaking of stalking. "I live here whelp," Matthew growled. "Have lived here...for years. You, on the other hand, I am surprised to see and you still don't seem to have heeded anything I said about you being a werewolf." Cosmosis Cosmosis
Axel was pleased to see the tiny wolf still attached to him. He licked the boy still even though he disliked it. He was dirty and needed cleaning. “Roughhousing with the other pups not on your menus for today eh?” He sits up now and turns his head slightly at the wolf pup as he thinks to the boy. He sighs slightly and sits down before pushing the pup iver with his paws.

“You don’t think your mother would be loooking frantic for you once she found you gone? Do you think that because it’s winter other wolves won’t just spare you because you are a pup. There are lots of starving wolves out here Levi, it isn’t safe for you little one.” He thinks gently pushing over the pup and playing with him all the while. Axel was large, he had his father to thank for this but whenever his mother was he had her to thank for his gentleness. He was capable of building bonds with even the smallest softest of creatures. Levi was one of those tiny things you end up falling in love with even when you don’t try to. He blinks and reaches down getting face to face with the tiny wolf.

“You know now I have to take you back to your mother. And it probably won’t be pretty for me. I could get hurt because of you,” he stood then fully and took Levi in his chops stepping over the line back into familiar territory. He bounded through the snow making sure to keep his eyes pealed and his nose on high alert for strangers. He padded through the snow silently as he approached his childhood home. He sat outside back pourch in view and set the wolfpup down. “Why don’t you go in there and ask your mother to come out here a moment yeah?” He asks nudging him wig his nose onward. “While you are at it little one,” he nosed in his rucksack and took out some dried dear pulling off a fairly large chunk for the boy. “Take this to her. I believe your mother will understand and you can have some of it on your way chew carefully it’s tough and hard but you’ll get it. It will keep you busy and smells like me. Okay?”

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Viserys let out a huff and exited the office choosing not to do anything else that might hurt her chances of being a council member. She would be wise enough to listen to them as she wasn’t as mad or insane as they said as her siblings her cousins and whatever else. She was sure just as coyoty was she was beginning to feel homesick being not only so far away from it but in a land unfamiliar to her. She walked silently saying nothing as she was guided. She made it to the room with ease and found it to be mildly entertaining. There wasn’t anything too hip or cool about it. Not like silk curtains or Egyptian Cotten bedsheets but it was a room nonetheless.

Dark floor met with a beautiful carpet laying under the bed which was propped up a few steps. It was where coyoty was laying. Her hair touched the floor and curled around where it did. She was staring up at the ceiling her feet crossed at the knees one just bouncing up and down. She was naked and if Viserys was gay or even a little bit into practical jokes she might have kissed the girl. She was however impressed with her hair. She turned to the people escorting her and smiled. “I need a few things gauze, stitch material a bottle of vodka and none of that cheep stuff blue or purple something fancy top shelf. A bucket of berries some lunch, something meaty like lamb or veil were in France so you decide. I need some rubbing alcohol not for consumption that stuff can be cheep if you want and....” the red head tapped her lips thinking. “oh! And a whole raw turkey fresh. I mean like a dead fresh raw turkey feathers plucked I say in my room in about four hours. But I need the first aid stuff urgently. And the vodka too.” She turned her head and smiled. “That shouldn’t be hard right?

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
The Winslow girl finally left and it left the council to themselves, Druid burrowing his claws further into the brain of Andrew as Klinge's grip finally looosened. "Klinge?" questioned Adolf. The elder wolf held his hand up and leaned back in his chair, staying quiet as he attempted to catch his breath and process the memories and emotions.

"The Winslow girl is an empath. Not a very strong one but she has mild empathy powers. It is surprising...given her bloodline and pedigree."

"You speak of her as if she is a dog," spoke Sky. "What did she dare do?"

"Viserys refuses to see the truth, much less hear it. She wants to believe her family is good and pure, when all evidence points exactly to the opposite. The child is living in a fantasy world of her own making." He looked down at Druid. "I'll be fine in a them."

The wolf in question rose from where he had taken everything he could get from Andrew's mind and extended a paw towards Klinge's hand that the elder held outstretched. Sinking claws into Klinge's hand, he shifted through Klinge's mind and pulled up the memories, the wolf then opening his eyes, both beings shuddering as the memories appeared before the council...a play by play of the months leading up and past Azarias's death and extending into Bellatrix's death.

Meanwhile, the guards had said nothing as they escorted the various wolves towards their rooms. A couple of the guards shifted on their feet as Viserys turned to look at them and spoke of needing some things...there was some confusion on the guards faces at the request for vodka and oddly...a freshly killed raw turkey in her room. They exchanged some glances with each other at the odd request. One guard was unable to help himself and outright questioned Viserys. "A turkey?" He looked at his comrades who were silent before disappearing off into the hallways and towards the kitchen. It didn't take long for the blue bottle of vodka to be found or the raw turkey which were brought back to the females' room, another guard bringing back a first aid kit. While the kit was given to Viserys personally, the turkey...which had been wrapped to keep it from making the room a mess...and the vodka were placed on the table with a couple shot glasses.

The berries had been a bit harder to find but the odd ingredients for a meal were they weren't sure what lamb a freshly slaughtered one and some cooked lamb chops and mutton, the rubbing alcohol being carried by the guard who was carrying the bucket with lunch in it...all these items set down on a table and spaced out evenly before the guards departed and locked the door behind them.

Silence was what encompassed the memories that were shown from Druid...pain and memories that had been forced into the wolf...taken away by Druid's searching and expelled into the air before dissipating like drops of rain or wisps of smoke. Klinge fell back against the back of his chair as guards rushed towards him, he waved them off instead. "We need to take precautions with these wolves," he finally said.

"It seems the events of her life were...difficult for her," spoke Sky at last though there wasn't much sympathy and general amusement through the council members at watching Azaris being torn apart. There was no love lost for either of the Winslow older children. Their deaths were nothing short of what they deserved. "Should we consult with Miley concering the appointment of Viserys?"

"Perhaps. In addition to a heir from one of the Barnes' siblings, we should force one of them to take up their seat on the council," spoke Klinge. "It really is time that the Barnes seat was filled and there is no reason we cannot leave one in Clover Hills....perhaps the Ezra girl who seems to have no significant ties other than her relative. As for the three who request council seats...well the might be a good idea to have someone spy and glean information from them. Adolf..."

"Finally, something interesting," said Adolf.

"Sky...inform Miley and Gabriel their beta and...healer...have left Clover Hills," Klinge said and the woman nodded as she went to retrieve her phone to make a couple international calls.

"You know Cohen...they never did say anything about if the packs of Clover Hills had noticed the lycan threat and knew of it," spoke Adolf. Klinge nodded though didn't say anything. What exactly was Klinge thinking? Or rather...just what was the council planning now? CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
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「♠ you can't buy back lost time ♠」

Zecheriah sighed at the boy’s question. He wasn't wrong, he honestly had no idea what exactly he was. He just knew that during full moons the mafia would have him specifically placed in a fully reinforced room on complete lock down. Also when he was a child his mother would lock him up in his room. Which was probably incredibly psychologically damaging for a young child, he honestly didn't feel much to it now. He knew he wasn't able to control himself during those times and from the fleeting rumors he hears, he's quite a monstrosity. Zecheriah didn't like not knowing what happens to him during those times, but he does know that its excruciatingly painful. No amount of torture he's received has been worse than the fleeting moments before the blank spaces in his memory. He grimaced just at the mere mention of the memories, he hoped he wouldn't have to go through it while he was here, frankly it's dependent on how long it would take to get his answers. His intuition told him that it was going to take longer then he wanted, but he really hoped he could prove the feeling wrong.

Though he noted the boy speaking to him was incredibly nervous, his eyes darting side to side while twiddling his fingers. He seemed terrified of him; which made no sense to Zecheriah as the boy was currently fanged and clawed with a complete advantage over him. He was in some sort of half animal half human form, something Zecheriah had no idea even existed. From what he recalled the boy's name was Ice and he held the same position as he did in this weird hierarchy. He also noticed how the boy was albino, something that sold very highly in the black market, especially so if its a human. Zecheriah was never in the division of human trafficking in the organization, but he knew a few basics. He more so was focused on being part of the "clean up crew" rather than the distasteful practice of sexual slavery. If the boy were a girl, he'd bet that Ice wouldn't even be here right now, being bought and sold around in the underground markets. Though boys do sell to a certain audience or customers, but the room for market for girls was much bigger. Zecheriah wrinkled his nose in disgust and pushed away the thought, of all things his brain could be side tracked on, why did it have to be this? Almost briefly forgetting that Ice had asked him a question, he finally replied to him, "Nein," He assumed the boy might at least know what "nein" meant since was a pretty similar sound in pronunciation, but he corrected himself after anyways, "No, I do not." Of course Zecheriah's accent was thick as ever and it seemed to surprise the boy. His eyes went wide and he stared at him uncomfortably, or he could just be scared... Why was he scared anyways? It's not like he's ever done anything or even met him before. Zecheriah was still in his prime years, so he didn't look like a grouchy middle aged man who would snap at people, he doubted the boy was even ten years younger than he was. What made him act so? German language was extremely direct, which often times translated to the speakers also being so. Zecheriah was no exception to said case. He'd constantly speak his mind back in his high school years and still quite a bit while in the mafia. Thus he didn't hesitate to ask Ice, "Why you scared?"

template by astraea
Viserys was pleased. As the things were brought to her room she sat along the edge of the stairs before the bed drinking her vodka and digging in her arm after removing her bandages. “A butter knife of all things,” she whispered as Coyoty helped her pour some of the rubbing alcohol and started to eat the berries. She passed blueberries to the girl and they shared a laugh.

“Blueberries raspberries and strawberries all promote white blood cell count.” Said Coyoty in her German accent as she was guided though the cleaning process.

“Yes. The raw turkey will make for some fun too.” Said the girl as she used her other hand to dig around in the turkey. She shakily poured herself another shot and took it grimincing at the taste. Then dipped her head back and laughed. “My parents were killed I have no doubt the council sent whoever they did to kill them.” She said. She pulled the meat off one section at a time and chewed it. “Yup. This ones a fresh one. Yummy,” coyoty smiled and partook in the turkey using some of the blood to help with the girl’s arm.

“You have been a healer long?” She asked.

“Oh yes, for as long as I can remember. It’s curious and all that alone time helped,” she winced as the blood was introduced into her system. Coyoty gave her another blueberry. “They never noticed at first and when I turned 18 I left the pack for a time. No one noticed. Maybe Axel, the packs dumbass. I came back partial medical degree in hand. Learned all I could, no closer together you want to make sure to railroad the ditches to when you push your finger on it theirs more thread then skin. It’s okay. The silver hasn’t killed me yet.” She griminced though as coyoty pushed the needle through this time closer to her last entry point. More blood came out and Coyoty licked some of it up. It helped that it tasted more like turkey blood. Must have been why she wanted one fresh. “No one noticed me either growing up. My father said I had potential though. Taught me to run fight,”

“Oh yes a very good fighter you are,” agreed the red haired female. She swallowed and dipped her head back relishing in the pain. Coyoty winced this time.

“I’m sorry,” she said but Viserys shook her hand and grabbed for another piece of turkey. It was always her favourite raw though rabbits were the best to kill.

“Did you know if you boil down the fat and well let’s face it the bits if you know what I mean the girl yanked out those bits in the form of giblets and snickered. “It’s great for cell regrowth also.

“Why didn’t you tell them you got attacked by silver?”

“Tell me would you tell them you were raped repeatedly by your ex alpha?” Coyoty’s ears flipped back. “I thought so.” She took some berries and slipped it into the vodka. “Stupid shit doesn’t even get me drunk anymore,” she mumbled and coyoty licked more of Viserys blood off her arm. The redhead poured more on of the turkey blood to combat the iron and toxicity taste of the silver-mixed blood.

Coyoty was happy with her work once it was finished and Viserys checked her having her sit on the very edge of the bed. “Well it’s torn that’s for sure. You’ll need to consume lots of raw food finish the turkey and make sure you eat well. Well have to have you take a test in a few days of course if your heat cycle ends abruptly well know. It won’t be easy,” coyoty bodded and the two sat down as actually ate together.

“How to fight, and run wasn’t all my father taught me,” Said the girl as she ate a strawberry. It spilled reddish clear liquid down her chin.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. He believes....” she paused and sat back looking round. “He believes our pack was blessed. With these sort of powers things and outside of rage I think.... I think...” Viserys looked st her as any other wolf would. Like she was crazy because the assumption in of itself was crazy enough. Let alone then she felt water on her neck, her head and then her face.

“Not funny,” she said frowning pretty intently. She knitted her eyebrows but coyoty was already laughing and having a good time. “Good to know you think that is funny!” She half-yelled half laughed and then made coyoty feel as if she was being tickled. Coyoty started to wiggle until she fell from her chair and the two were laughing soaking wet but laughing.

“You can manipulate weather.” Said the girl as she drew a bath. Coyoty sat at one end and Viserys took the other.

“Yeah. Well kind of. I think if I concentrate really hard or if I’m angry enough I can cause manipulation to happen in basic weather formations and cause little clouds to rain. I think if I work on it some more, practice, I might be able to control lighting and even make it so my enemies freeze or heat up.” Viserys nodded.

“I wonder if someday I might be able to take down armies. Cause them such pain they cannot go on or even break bones. Maybe simulate the experience.” Coyote nodded but then she lifted her finger.

“You know Zephyr. He can manipulate the winds I’ve seen him do it. He runs so fast or attacks fast enough and you’d think it was just the wind. He can disguise everything about Himself. I wonder what other wolves if not just you and me were blessed or whatever with these gifts....” she bit her lip.

After a while the girls got out. Viserys shared some of her vodka but not too much and then the two finally passed out on the bed due to exhaustion. They were sound asleep curled around each other for warmth. Lost in dream space.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Ice jumped and then tripped in the snow as he lost his footing at being spoken to and not either assaulted or attacked by the Hendrix wolf. The teen picked himself up from the snow and brushed himself off, ears pinning against his head as he looked at the stranger who was now a part of the pack and speaking to him. Ice wasn't sure if he should even say anything, it most likely would get back to the alpha or worse the alpha's son. Ice wasn't too sure which one of them he feared least Matthew didn't try to kill him or exhibit murderous intentions towards the boy. The foreign word was one he recognized thanks to one of his earlier customers after his...the boy shuddered and turned away, quickening his pace across the frozen ground and heading towards the building where the elders, Birch and the pups were located...well every pup but the alpha's niece.

When the man spoke to him again, this time clarifying his words and then asking why Ice was afraid of the other, the teenager stopped and turned towards the older male. " Hendrix wolves are all into....t...torture and more aggressive than normal males....and....t...I...don't....don't...don't have good luck...with...with Hendrix wolves," he stammered out. "Al....alpha's slept with about everyone in the original pack...likes....cornering me cause of my....r...rarity....alpha's...son....he....seems to me," the teenager stammered out. mikyuu mikyuu

Sky reached her phone and dialed Miley's number, only to get voice. The woman left the following message. "Miley, it appears your healer, the last living Winslow girl...

"Viserys," echoed Klinge through the phone.

"Viserys," the woman shot Klinge a look to which the elder just raised a hand, causing the woman to turn away, "has apparently decided to request her seat upon the council. It appears she will no longer be part of Glaswin in that also seems Andrew is dead...considering they brought his head and apparently killed off werewolf hunters and some lycans. Klinge apparently desires your opinion on the Winslow girl and if she would be a good candidate for the council...she has already attempted to manipulate Klinge." An answering growl could be heard through the background of the voice message from Klinge which the woman ignored. "We also plan on forcing one of the Barnes females to take their seat upon the is time that house seat was taken. That is all."

The woman then phoned Gabriel as Adolf left the room and Klinge let his healing abilities take effect on his hand as Druid removed his claws from the elder man's hand.

Gabriel's phone went off and she scrambled for it. Groaning as she saw her mother's number on the phone, she grimaced and answered the call. "What?!"

"What happened to Tobias?"

Gabriel blinked and held the phone away from her ear as her face twisted into a grimace. "He died. I have no idea what happened to him." The woman hadn't even found the male's body and Angelica had said nothing when she had come back to the pack for a week before leaving. Was it possible Angelica knew something about her mate's death and had chosen not to tell Gabriel or Zayne? Well, she wouldn't hunt down the hurt wolf who had been through so much and question her.

"...Are you aware that your beta has gone missing?"

"..." Gabriel was surprised at the question. "I assumed she was at work," spoke Gabriel. "She works in town."

" appears she was kidnapped by her ex mate who is an alpha of a pack in northern Germany. It seems she used to be an alpha female of her own pack."

Gabriel was silent as she tried to process what she was hearing by her mother. The fact that her mother seemed to be gloating over the phone about what she had to inform Gabriel told the alpha that her mother was speaking the truth. The woman racked her brain for any mention that Coyot had been an alpha female or even had a mate before and she shook her head as it wasn't coming to her through her shock at the moment of what she was being told. "Why are you telling me this?"

"It appears Coyot brought a mate to your pack that her ex-mate killed. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

"Mate? No, Coyot just brought in some boy that she said she found..." Gabriel's voice trailed off as she remembered the circumstances of the boy's arrival and how Coyot had gotten into an argument with her. So...that explained why Jackson hadn't been seen or heard from either. Remembering how Coyot had said not to take the boy from her. "So she had two mates while she was part of my pack?"

"Yes, quite astonishing what dire wolves will do to get their way in life isn't it?" questioned Sky.

The female shook, this time not with sorrow but with anger at being lied to, least in her mind, about the wolf's origins and the reason for Jackson being a member of her pack. "I see," said Gabriel in clipped tones. "Is there a reason for this call other than to gloat mother?"

"Yes...your beta...or rather her mate has offered his mate up as a sacrifice along with their pups to the council....the dire wolf alpha requests a seat but doesn't want to hold it, instead he wishes his mate to hold the seat and bring in a new bloodline into the council."

"So...Coyot is not coming back to Clover Hills then or the pack," said Gabriel slowly. The woman was not stupid, she knew if you joined the council, you were a member for life. She was just glad it hadn't passed to her, otherwise she would kill her mother. Sometimes she wanted to, just for her mother not doing anything to help Quinn from going through the trials and nearly losing his life and sanity.

"We have not made a decision on whether Coyot will gain a council seat in her mate's stead," said Sky. "Do you by happen to have a Barnes member among your pack?"

Gabriel's mouth tightened. "What is that to you?" she growled.

"As you know, the Barnes seat has lied empty for a couple centuries. The fact that there are two members of the Barnes family in Clover Hills is interesting to us as we plan on making one take their seat upon the council."

"My hunter has a mate and family here," growled Gabriel. "She will not be going anywhere or participating in whatever game the council has planned for her. You've already ruined the lives of me, Quinn and Tobias...yet you still play with our lives as if they mean nothing!"

"The council exists for a reason. You know why that is Gabriel."

The woman bit her lip but said nothing. She knew well why the council keep order among the werewolf community and because the twelve houses were the first wolves to appear in the world. As the pureblood families grew and died, the council changed as well...keeping tabs on all the packs and lone wolves as well, putting down those who were disobedient or a threat to the werewolf way of life or who worked with humans to hunt the werewolves down and instilling general fear and keeping order. So far, except for the time in the Dark Ages, the werewolf community had kept themselves secret from the humans. "Dire wolves...I knew she was big but I didn't suspect Coyot of being a dire wolf."

"Well she is and the last living Winslow girl is here as well and has requested to take up her seat," said Sky.

First Gabriel had a Glaswin in her pack, now she had a dire wolf. Could anything else go at all wrong this year besides the famine starting on top of it and apparently lycans roaming the area? The only thing worse would be if some idiot got hunters on their tail. "I expect one of the Barnes siblings to take up their position in the seat before spring's arrival at the latest....if it is your wolf, she will not be returning to Clover Hills either. Good day daughter."

Gabriel stared at the phone in her hands before throwing it across the room where it luckily hit the couch and dropped onto one of the cushions. " I've lost a beta as well...but that's not unusual is it? This a failing mess," hissed Gabriel in anger. Maybe Azaris should have taken over Clover Hills when Hannah was alive.

While this was going on, Adolf was walking towards the room where the guards were stationed, one leading him to the females' room and stood outside it, listening through the door as he leaned against the opposite wall. From the conversation, he learned the girl that was a dire wolf and mate to the dire wolf alpha in northern Germany as well as being able to resist silver to a certain extent. There was a lot of laughing and what sounded like licking...Adolf raised a brow and glanced at the guards who shrugged in response. Perhaps the dire wolf was cheating on her mate. There was nothing said on Adolf's end as he continued listening and this is how he found out how the dire wolf...had been raped by her mate. Adolf rolled his eyes at that, This was why he beat his women into submission and only chose submissive females as his mates, Azrael's mother had been dominant before he had gotten her to submit to him...though his deceased mate had been weak willed.

From the conversation he listened in on, Adolf also discovered one of them was suffering from silver poisoning. Well, he wasn't going to do anything about that and tilted his head at the name of a wolf named Zephyr who could apparently control the winds. That was not a real impressive power....his oldest son could manipulate air and do wind generation....with training that could be come quite useful in battle...and for the council's needs if needed. It also seemed the dire wolves thought they were blessed by having powers and had no idea other wolves could have them as well. Adolf shook his head at that, of course wolves could have powers...not all of them did and not all of them were able to unlock their powers. Finding nothing more noteworthy in the conversation...except for the fact that the dire wolf seemed to have a minor ability over weather manipulation which wasn't as strong as Klinge's, the Marshadow Council Head turned and left back towards the room where the rest of the seats of the council were. Signaling the guards to lock the doors and retreat, Adolf began speaking to his companions of what he had learned before Druid showed off his power....releasing all memories of Andrew into the air which would take the rest of the evening and into the early hours past dawn. Mentioned: CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
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「♠ you can't buy back lost time ♠」

Zecheriah small snicker at Ice's behavior. The boy’s clumsiness and cowering persona was truly something entertaining to watch. On top of that the he was about a foot shorter than himself which reminded him of a small mouse with his albino features. Ice picked up his pace in front of Zecheriah, he could tell the boy was getting more and more nervous by the second. He honestly wouldn't blame the pack for using Ice as a punching bag, heck he would pay a similar role if he were in the mafia as well. He was too easy to mess with which was hard to find usually in the organization's ranks, thus if someone like him were introduced, he'd be snapped right up. Punching bag was no understatement to what Ice would be used as, but Zecheriah took no interests in those leisure pleasures. It was more interesting to mess with someone's head in their final moments before he would kill them. Threatened with death, the mind becomes so desperate to try and survive. The flight or fight response, both were equality fun to deal with during his assignments.

The two were approaching some sort of building which he assumed was the "elder's housing" or something like that from what the leaderish guy said. Ice stopped in front of him and turned around to reply to his question. Zecheriah couldn't hold back his laughter any longer and he barked out a low and sharp laugh. It was short lived but nonetheless happened. He wasn't interested in physically messing with Ice, but he did think it was amusing how terrified and fearful of pain Ice was each time he even looked at him. With nothing else better to do, he thought he'd tease the boy a little bit, "Oh? I won't hurt long as money is not for head." He gave Ice an ever so wicked smile and towered a bit over the boy's much smaller physic. He watched the boy's twist in fear and the clear desire to scramble away from him, Ice flinched and Zecheriah once again burst into laughter, "Just kidding."

template by astraea
Ice warily watched the older male as he just stared at the adolescent. Nothing was said for several moments after Ice had finished speaking and the teenager grew worried that he had suddenly said too much though Mathew had never forbidden the boy to least not when introducing newcomers to the pack though that was more Vince's job but the gamma wasn't around at the moment. When the other suddenly laughed as they approached the building housing, what Matthew and Jasper called the weak ones, the omega stepped backwards away from Zecheriah, the teen wondering how Matthew would take another family member in his pack.

If Ice were older, he might say the alpha suffered from a few different mental illnesses...there was no way the alpha's...tastes....were normal let alone his obsession with Angelica had been or his blatant disregard for her welfare and safety. He knew the alpha did care about his pack and he knew the pack was loyal to Matthew, even if the alpha didn't show it much. Ice was glad that he had not been in the woman's place though he did feel sorry for her and hoped she would never come back...then again he hoped he didn't end up in such a predicament with someone but Ice doubted that he would not be lucky forever. When the alpha's...apparently distant cousin if Jasper could be believed...spoke...Ice felt faint, his face paling to a deathly shade of white while the other towered over him which caused the boy to twist away from the other in fear until the male suddenly laughed and said he was kidding with the boy.

He swallowed and turned away from the other, again moving as fast as he could away from the older male until he got into the building where he found the pups for the most part still sleeping along with Birch and the pair of elders. Well...Marie was still an omega but he knew the alpha planned on promoting her to Sentinel soon...likely once the pack moved to the village for the winter. "...That...t...that would likely be given to the alpha and set up with him..." Ice stumbled over his words, not quite sure the other would hear him with Ice being in the building as the teen hadn't paid all that attention while trying to get away from Zecheriah.

"T...these are the...the elders...the...the two in the middle," he said gesturing towards a sleeping Rowan and Andromeda. "They're from different packs...the twelve-moth-old wolf is Birch...he's a Custodian and in charge of the pups plus will get training in all three ranks a wolf can get if they're lucky though they don't have to pursue a rank if they don't want to...but it's a stepping stone up from pups when they turn twelve. Omega is the starting rank for all newcomers into the pack...unless you're a pup or twelve to fifteen...then you go into Custodian or pup rank. When you turn sixteen you can either choose a rank, are demoted to omega if you don't prove yourself or can choose to remain a Custodian if you don't want to pursue a certain rank. Omegas...we take care of the elders, help the custodians watch the pups though the pups are the Custodians' job, cooking, and shopping for food as well as serving as the pack's stress relief and supposed to initiate play with the higher ranks. I was responsible for pups for a while....until the alpha decided to make a new rank for gangly troublemakers as he refers to adolescents." mikyuu mikyuu

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