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Realistic or Modern Clover Hills Wolf Pack - CS Sheet



(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
Pack/Status: (Willow, Haven, Loner, Human)
Nickname/(s): (optional)
Occupation: (If the werewolf hold a job in the human town)
Human appearance:
Wolf appearance: (ignore if human)
Rank/Role: (Omega, Alpha, Beta, ect, ignore if human)
Pureblood or Halfblood: (Purebloods are larger than other werewolves and have a stronger connection to their wild roots but are fairly rare. Half bloods are common, werewolves who's blood has mixed with normal humans throughout the years, children of a were-parent will always carry the curse)
Personality: (Dot-points or paragraph style)
Backstory: (Short tl;dr or fleshed out)
Theme Song: (optional)
Quote: (Optional)
Pack/Status: Loner
Name: Goldren Solth
Nickname/(s): (optional)
Age: 32
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Occupation: town butcher
Human appearance:1577743012295.jpeg
Wolf appearance: 1577846486282.png
Rank/Role: loner
Pureblood or Halfblood: pureblood
Personality: goldren distrusts halfbloods a lot more then you would expect finding humans to be a good deal more trustworthy than most, the reason for this he refuses to explain something more about purity than any else, he tends to keep calm but general welcoming demeanour when around humans or pureblood's but his tone and actions are a good deal harder when in the presences of half-bloods at least those that haven't erned his respect

Backstory: goldren does really have much to say about his life he’d never exactly been one for packs being raised by his mother alone until she eventually threw him out as was normal finding himself lost and lonely he took up A job as the butcher assistant thanks to his...skills with meat, eventually taking over after the old butcher retired during this time he grew very close to human, especially the ones that visited regularly to the point where he could tell by their smell and mood exactly what they would want even some stranger requests for more gamey meats would be fulfilled by him... of course these times where punctuated by sightings of a enormous white wolf. Noones put to in to together.
Theme Song: (optional)
Quote: ”humans are simple easy to read easy to tell what they want, that’s why id rather associate with them”

Other: actually rather fond of a pat on the head or fluffy/soft things... but he doesn’t exactly admit to this (best way to gain his trust though)
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Pack/Status: Willow
Name: Jacquie DeLorme
Nickname/(s): Jaybird (among friends/pack); as an officer, she responds faster to her family name than her given name.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Police officer
Human appearance:Jacquie.png
Wolf appearance: tumblr_n8sutsQ9g51qfss1jo1_500.jpg
Rank/Role: Warrior
Pureblood or Halfblood: Half-blood
Personality: Kurt, by-the-book attitude but is more lenient when people tell the truth instead of trying to wriggle out of trouble.
Backstory: Jacquie grew up with her human police officer mother for her formative years. Her mother imparted on her daughter a strong sense of civic duty and the need to enforce rules and laws. She never met her father, a loner wolf who left her and her mother when she was about two. Her mother refused to talk about him.

Once she graduated from the police academy, Jacquie moved to Clover Hills after hearing about a pack possibly living there in hopes of a stronger sense of belonging. She found it in the Willow pack.
Theme Song:
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Pack/Status: Willow

Name: Even Beater

Nickname/(s): Eve, Evie, Ev, Beatrix, Bee

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: None. Beta of the pack (doesn't have time).

Human appearance:

Wolf appearance:
(she dyed her wolfs white patches a slight purple with the help of a pack member)
Rank/Role: Beta

Pureblood or Halfblood: Unknown. (her wolf's size doesn't help deem it)

-Sharp tongued
-Quick tempered
-Softy at heart

Backstory: (To be revealed mostly.) Tl;dr Was abandoned as a pup and taken in by Willow, raised like one of their own though greatly injured by a wolf in her early years leaving a large scar across her left leg that sometimes aches.

Theme Song: -

Quote: "Fear is not weakness, fear is the strength that keeps you alive."

Other: Secretly loves fluffy toys and will often burrow under pillows in wolf form to sleep.


Pack/Status: Haven

Name: Era

Nickname/(s): Errie

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: // Not allowed for Omega Haven's since they could run away.

Human appearance:

Wolf appearance:
A small white wolf, fur is a pure white on most of her, but has creamy colored paws and mane. Rather scrawny looking and almost like a fluffy dog.

Rank/Role: Omega.

Pureblood or Halfblood: Half-Blood

-Easily scared

Backstory: (Mainly TBR) Taken by Haven as a pup born illegitimately through an escaped Omega who was re-caught and a human male, the young pup was raised by being beaten up and kept in her low status place. Not a fighter she didn't try to resist or climb the ranks, happy being friendly where she was. She tried her best to help out but is nervous now having been at 'breeding' age for the pack for a while, not wanting to bear pups yet.

Theme Song:
Fight Song - Rebbecca Spinkter

"Even the smallest voice can make the biggest change to someones life, Even if they don't know it."

-Has an old blanket she snuggles up with at night from her mother
-Scared of thunder and lightning terribly.
Name: Haec Sane (Hi-Ek Sah-neh)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Pack: Willow

Pack Position: Alpha

Job: ????

Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Pureblood

Mate: ????

Litter: ????

Wolf appearance:


Human appearance:


Noticeable Characteristics: Haec harbors several scars on his chest and back from his days of combat, most of which span in great size. He has also decorated himself with a sleeve tattoo that spans the entirety of his left arm, as well as a loop of small jade prayer beads that he uses to tie his hair back.

Personality: Haec is easily summarized as Caring, Kind, Respectful, Level Headed, and blessed with a Warriors Heart. He puts his pack above all else and will do everything and anything to keep them safe, even to the point of putting his own life at risk. Every soul belonging to those he leads is perceived as precious and in-expendable. Toward others he does not put himself on the pedestal of a hierarchy, and instead thinks all others in his pack to be his equals. Friends instead of inferiors, Family instead of subordinates. Though one thing that can be easily noted is his soft spot for the Newborns and Pups, of which he is always proud to accept them into the pack be they weak or mighty. Should a struggling mother need a some time to herself, he is all too willing to venture with the little cubs, playing with them and from the get go letting them know that he is to be trusted by them.

In most situations, Haec is perfect at keeping his head in the right state of mind, as not to let his emotions interfere with his decisions or combat. He accepts challenges and struggles with open arms, knowing full well that his mind will never break when greeted with potential stress or anger. At the most he’ll be a little more stern than usual, with his mind all too focused on the tasks at hand. But he’ll always do his best to insure that he never treats those close to him unkindly. Though in truth, no individual is perfect. Should he ever be faced with extreme cases of strife or rage, he can tend to lash out at anyone who crosses him. However he’ll always be quick to apologize afterwards.

Respect runs much deeper than Haec’s own pack, as he will treat any werewolf or individual with the utmost courtesy unless they give him a reason not to. There are few that he will never give a chance at kindness, that being those who pose a threat to himself and his pack, or higher ups belonging to the Haven band. With these select few he’s always prepared to fight, no matter what the outcome might be. Though given that he started out as a warrior, his chances in a fight are usually good.

Haec was born as the sole survivor of a litter of pups that succumbed to disease and unforeseen cases of infant death. He too was thought to suffer the same fate, however his soul willed through the sickness. Though it left him at a disadvantage, being rather weak after his recovery. He grew up with dreams of being strong and proud, much like his father Iro who was the Alpha of Willow at the time. For years he suffered torment and taunting from the other cubs and adolescents, calling him disposable and worthless. It pained him, yet at the same time it drove him be the Alpha he is now.

Both in human and wolf form, Haec trainer himself to the fullest potential he could muster, all in the name of doing his bloodline proud and being a worthy candidate for a future Alpha of Willow. He grew in stature and weight, which transferred over effortlessly into his canine form. Large and well built, he had finally overcome the very first trial life has thrown at him since the very beginning of his existence. Due to his work and dedication to improvement, he was accepted as a warrior for his pack and did fight for many years in order to defend everyone whom his father watched over.

However, as is the law of nature, in the end everything returns to the soil. During a routine scout of the surrounding territory, Haec, Iro, and a handful of other warriors were ambushed by a cluster of rogue wolves of unknown origin (Haec presumes they were either Haven pack members, or Loners influences by their ways). They fought valiantly, seemingly having the upper hand for the entire confrontation, until one of the rogues caught Iro at the throat and did crush it. It seemed his life was all they had come for, and they did scamper off, leaving the Alpha to slowly suffocate as his son and warriors could to nothing but watch.

After a heart wrenching burial, and customs for the dead, a question was unsurprisingly brought up soon afterward. Who would now take the place as Alpha amongst the pack? Haec wishes to take that place, despite how young he was, but knew that the Beta had arguably just as much right to the position as he did. Others also wished to challenge for the position, thinking themselves worthy candidates despite some of their lack of relation to the pure bloodlines. In the end it resorted to a contest of Haec and the Beta fighting the challengers, and eventually one another. Long story short, Haec came out on top as he did fight honorably against his fellow youth and strong elders. He did so without murder or extreme violence, proving his pure heart and (even in competition) love for his pack. Thus, Haec was to be deemed the Alpha for the Willow pack and has led valiantly ever since.

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Pack/Status: Haven

Name: Beowulf Loffen

Nickname/(s): Beo

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Rookie hire at the local news station

Human appearance: 992FDCB5-48CE-46EA-93CC-C35F9B6212B0.jpeg

Wolf appearance:

Rank/Role: Beta/ Locate and take out key Willow members and leaders

Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood

Personality: Dull, blunt, and no nonsense Beowulf has always been about completely his mission first. He doesn’t make much small talk and is very practical. Not very imaginative and has no concept of desire. That is to say, what he wants, is whatever the pack wants. Very susceptible to being a pawn but despite the fact that he is aware that he is being used for the sake of the pack, he accepts that role

Backstory: Father grooms Beowulf to become the eventual leader of Haven. Beowulf grows up to be someone who never made a life decision of his own.

Theme Song:

Quote: “The mark of a wolf meant to lead is sacrifice. It is loyalty to the pack above all else, Beo, even yourself.” -Beowulf’s late father, Dryden Loffen

Name: Haec Sane (Hi-Ek Sah-neh)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Pack: Willow

Pack Position: Alpha

Job: ????

Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Pureblood

Mate: ????

Litter: ????

Wolf appearance:


Human appearance:


Noticeable Characteristics: Haec harbors several scars on his chest and back from his days of combat, most of which span in great size. He has also decorated himself with a sleeve tattoo that spans the entirety of his left arm, as well as a loop of small jade prayer beads that he uses to tie his hair back.

Personality: Haec is easily summarized as Caring, Kind, Respectful, Level Headed, and blessed with a Warriors Heart. He puts his pack above all else and will do everything and anything to keep them safe, even to the point of putting his own life at risk. Every soul belonging to those he leads is perceived as precious and in-expendable. Toward others he does not put himself on the pedestal of a hierarchy, and instead thinks all others in his pack to be his equals. Friends instead of inferiors, Family instead of subordinates. Though one thing that can be easily noted is his soft spot for the Newborns and Pups, of which he is always proud to accept them into the pack be they weak or mighty. Should a struggling mother need a some time to herself, he is all too willing to venture with the little cubs, playing with them and from the get go letting them know that he is to be trusted by them.

In most situations, Haec is perfect at keeping his head in the right state of mind, as not to let his emotions interfere with his decisions or combat. He accepts challenges and struggles with open arms, knowing full well that his mind will never break when greeted with potential stress or anger. At the most he’ll be a little more stern than usual, with his mind all too focused on the tasks at hand. But he’ll always do his best to insure that he never treats those close to him unkindly. Though in truth, no individual is perfect. Should he ever be faced with extreme cases of strife or rage, he can tend to lash out at anyone who crosses him. However he’ll always be quick to apologize afterwards.

Respect runs much deeper than Haec’s own pack, as he will treat any werewolf or individual with the utmost courtesy unless they give him a reason not to. There are few that he will never give a chance at kindness, that being those who pose a threat to himself and his pack, or higher ups belonging to the Haven band. With these select few he’s always prepared to fight, no matter what the outcome might be. Though given that he started out as a warrior, his chances in a fight are usually good.

Haec was born as the sole survivor of a litter of pups that succumbed to disease and unforeseen cases of infant death. He too was thought to suffer the same fate, however his soul willed through the sickness. Though it left him at a disadvantage, being rather weak after his recovery. He grew up with dreams of being strong and proud, much like his father Iro who was the Alpha of Willow at the time. For years he suffered torment and taunting from the other cubs and adolescents, calling him disposable and worthless. It pained him, yet at the same time it drove him be the Alpha he is now.

Both in human and wolf form, Haec trainer himself to the fullest potential he could muster, all in the name of doing his bloodline proud and being a worthy candidate for a future Alpha of Willow. He grew in stature and weight, which transferred over effortlessly into his canine form. Large and well built, he had finally overcome the very first trial life has thrown at him since the very beginning of his existence. Due to his work and dedication to improvement, he was accepted as a warrior for his pack and did fight for many years in order to defend everyone whom his father watched over.

However, as is the law of nature, in the end everything returns to the soil. During a routine scout of the surrounding territory, Haec, Iro, and a handful of other warriors were ambushed by a cluster of rogue wolves of unknown origin (Haec presumes they were either Haven pack members, or Loners influences by their ways). They fought valiantly, seemingly having the upper hand for the entire confrontation, until one of the rogues caught Iro at the throat and did crush it. It seemed his life was all they had come for, and they did scamper off, leaving the Alpha to slowly suffocate as his son and warriors could to nothing but watch.

After a heart wrenching burial, and customs for the dead, a question was unsurprisingly brought up soon afterward. Who would now take the place as Alpha amongst the pack? Haec wishes to take that place, despite how young he was, but knew that the Beta had arguably just as much right to the position as he did. Others also wished to challenge for the position, thinking themselves worthy candidates despite some of their lack of relation to the pure bloodlines. In the end it resorted to a contest of Haec and the Beta fighting the challengers, and eventually one another. Long story short, Haec came out on top as he did fight honorably against his fellow youth and strong elders. He did so without murder or extreme violence, proving his pure heart and (even in competition) love for his pack. Thus, Haec was to be deemed the Alpha for the Hendrix pack and has led valiantly ever since.


psst, your backstory still says Hendrix XD Otherwise Accepted!!
Pack/Status: Loner
Name: Goldren Solth
Nickname/(s): (optional)
Age: 32
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Occupation: town butcher
Human appearance:View attachment 662349
Wolf appearance: View attachment 662902
Rank/Role: loner
Pureblood or Halfblood: pureblood
Personality: goldren distrusts halfbloods a lot more then you would expect finding humans to be a good deal more trustworthy than most, the reason for this he refuses to explain something more about purity than any else, he tends to keep calm but general welcoming demeanour when around humans or pureblood's but his tone and actions are a good deal harder when in the presences of half-bloods at least those that haven't erned his respect
Backstory: (Short tl;dr or fleshed out)
Theme Song: (optional)
Quote: (Optional)
finish backstory then accepted!!


Pack/Status: Willow
Name: Jacquie DeLorme
Nickname/(s): Jaybird (among friends/pack); as an officer, she responds faster to her family name than her given name.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Police officer
Human appearance:View attachment 662938
Wolf appearance: View attachment 662939
Rank/Role: Warrior
Pureblood or Halfblood: Half-blood
Personality: Kurt, by-the-book attitude but is more lenient when people tell the truth instead of trying to wriggle out of trouble.
Backstory: (Short tl;dr or fleshed out)
Theme Song:
Quote: (Optional)

finish backstory then accepted!! :3
Pack/Status: Haven

Name: Beowulf Loffen

Nickname/(s): Beo

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Rookie hire at the local news station

Human appearance: View attachment 663138
View attachment 663139
View attachment 663140
View attachment 663141
View attachment 663142

Wolf appearance:
View attachment 663143

Rank/Role: Beta/ Locate and take out key Willow members and leaders

Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood

Personality: Dull, blunt, and no nonsense Beowulf has always been about completely his mission first. He doesn’t make much small talk and is very practical. Not very imaginative and has no concept of desire. That is to say, what he wants, is whatever the pack wants. Very susceptible to being a pawn but despite the fact that he is aware that he is being used for the sake of the pack, he accepts that role

Backstory: Father grooms Beowulf to become the eventual leader of Haven. Beowulf grows up to be someone who never made a life decision of his own.

Theme Song:

Quote: “The mark of a wolf meant to lead is sacrifice. It is loyalty to the pack above all else, Beo, even yourself.” -Beowulf’s late father, Dryden Loffen

Pack/Status: Haven
Name: Clay Eaton
Age: 23
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual, while his mate is female he harbours no feelings towards her
Occupation: none, a normal thing in the Haven pack due to their hatred towards humans
Human appearance:
Clay stands at the height of 5'11, his body toned and well maintained. His hair is an ashen brown that is light and sombre. His eye is a shade that borders on a type of red yet is brown in nature. His skin is a pale rosy shade that holds light bags under his eyes from trouble sleeping. The left side of his face houses a large claw scar that is still fresh. His left eye is blind, having turned a white due to the damage from the scar. His hair is usually messy, bordering on something some could say needs a cut. He normally wears plain and simple clothing, not really caring that much about how he looks.
Wolf appearance:
similar to his human appearance the left side of his face is adorned with deep scars that aren't very old. His eye is also white and as expected completely blind. His eyes are a shade that could seem like a red or some shade of brown. His coat like his hair is a pale shade of brown that has patches of white. He is a little fluffy but a majority of his build is muscles. He is large like most purebloods and gives off an intimidating aura that makes him seem unapproachable.
Rank/Role: alpha
Pureblood or Halfblood: pureblood
Inpatient, blunt, cold, apathetic, impervious, does what he has to do, and determined
Clay is a very get to the point kind of person. He doesn't care about the formalities or sugar-coating his words. He is blunt and cold, his eye hard with an uncaring appearance. He is impatient and easily annoyed whenever you know what buttons to press. Even with his hard exterior he cares for his people and knows he has to do what he has to do. He has cast a wall around his heart that no one can get in to protect himself, but that leaves him alone to hurt himself. Echos of his past haunt him to the point he can barely sleep on most nights, medicine being the only reason he can sleep, even if it is a dreamless one. He is manipulative and cruel, he doesn't have the luxury for mercy or to feel. He is determined to finish what he has started, no matter the cost.
Backstory: Haven wasn't always the pack it is now. When Clay's father was the Alpha it was a pack that did not engage in violence unless there was no other choice. They lived in a forest with little other packs due to the expansion of humans. Clay's father, however, refused to move the pack. This had been their home. He also refused to attack the humans, he believed that he could convince the humans to stop what they were doing, to go forward with kindness. He continued this even after many months of little result. The pack was low on food with fewer places to hunt, not being able to go into town with the potentially hostile humans.

Clay's people began to go hungry, there wasn't enough food to go around and under his father's rule, there was nothing they could do. Even with the pack suffering his father refused to fight, he still believed that he could solve this with words instead of claws. Clay desperately tried to reason with his father, but he would not listen. He refused to attack or do anything. Clay knew he had to stop this or his pack would not survive the next winter. One day an omega attacked him, looking to rise in the ranks. Her skill was impressive, something Clay had not expected, especially not from an omega.

The fight ended with Clay's victory, but it was close with wounds for both. She was far above the rank she held not to mention someone who could fight on par with Clay himself, the expected next alpha. However, the stubborn girl refused to raise in ranks unless she beat one of the expects alphas, she didn't want the lower ranks she wanted the top. She was annoyed at her loss, she had been one of the more open ones towards attacking the humans. No one had really listened since she was just a kid and an omega. Clay seized this and prompted a plan to her. The girl was surprised at first before she quickly recovered.

Clay originally wanted to take down his farther and simply remove his status, but Morgan pointed out that if he did that no one would follow him, there were many old bloods who would refuse to follow behind a young wolf like him if his father was still alive. Not to mention his father was a very good fighter if he didn't fight with the intent to kill there was a high chance he would lose. The pained Clay but he had to do it if he was going to save his people. Using Morgan to distract any interferences Clay challenged his father one evening. His father tried to persuade him but he couldn't let him get into his head. Clay managed to win the fight at the cost of his eye and his father's life.

He then took over the position as the alpha. His pack changed, he allowed them to go after their desires. His people fought to survive, no longer being bound by codes to suffer. The strong rose in the ranks and the weak stayed at the bottom. They attacked the humans and prevented them from taking any more of their land. They fought for titles and became a pack ruled by the strongest. Clay took Morgan as his mate so that the omega could rise in ranks as she deserved for her help to him and her skill in battle. Anyone who tried to rebel was quickly killed.

During the time his father was ruler a pack of Haven members had abandoned the pack and were looking for a place to stay. They came across Willow's territory and despite that began hunting in it. That was until a scout group came. They had no idea if the pack was going to be hostile so they had to act as if they were. They hid to gain an advantage before striking. They unknowingly managed to kill the Alpha before they fled, not willing to get in trouble with another pack like they had done with their own. Modern Haven has recently scouted around the Willow pack's territory and saw how plentiful it was. They are now looking to take over that land, and of course, they are not interested in sharing it in any way with the other pack.

Theme Song:

listen with subs or I have the lyrics here
To this feeling, I say "Stop", this is just inconsistent
If, in the high-speed, I start, even so
I can never ever catch up, mayday
Getting tired of pretending to be tough
Still not making complaints, still not making complaints
By measuring profit and loss, got thrown away
I go through with putting on another masquerade
Like I have no existence, no one understands me
Arguing based on emotion gets on and soon falls down
Anyway, when you awaken to your dream
What will you see in your eyes?
Crossing beyond the worst days to become the very best
What's wrong? 'Cause I can't dream for the future anymore
I'm waiting for the certain moment to come
Standing in a vague scenery towards the way beyond the limit
If I can't waste even these feelings in my heart
Mix them up, mix them up till I can be born again
And keep having this endless dream
Only by going against, or by getting aversion
Not only by impatience, I don't want to show it as it is
Laughing foolishly again today
Still not making complaints, still not making complaints
Even self-suggestion to behave like a sophist
There's no need to stick to the truth anymore
Feeling I may betray you today, I don't have any words to say
Repeating "Never do it again" gets on and soon falls down
Anyway, even if I wait for the answer
I'll never meet you anymore
Taking arms against the other
Towards the way the emotion rings
If I can’t waste even these feelings in my heart
Mix them up, mix them up till I can be born again
And keep having this endless dream
We are all missing
Only the appearance was repaired
I was frustrated to not continue
And looked down on others
'Cause otherwise my heart will already be broken
I already know in reality that no one expects anything of me
Back at that day, for no reason
There were the eyes that looked straight ahead
Anyway, when you awaken to your dream
What will you see in your eyes?
Crossing beyond the worst days to become the very best
What's wrong? 'Cause I can't dream for the future anymore
I'm waiting for the certain moment to come
Standing in a vague scenery towards the way beyond the limit
If I can't waste even these feelings in my heart
Mix them up, mix them up till I can be born again
And keep having this endless dream
Waiting for you beyond the way
Quote: "I can't forget the smell of your blood on my hands so I stain them with others' to try and dull it." "What is right and wrong in the face of what has to be done?"
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Pack/Status: Haven
Name: Clay Eaton
Age: 23
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual, while his mate is female he harbours no feelings towards her
Occupation: none, a normal thing in the Haven pack due to their hatred towards humans
Human appearance:
Clay stands at the height of 5'11, his body toned and well maintained. His hair is an ashen brown that is light and sombre. His eye is a shade that borders on a type of red yet is brown in nature. His skin is a pale rosy shade that holds light bags under his eyes from trouble sleeping. The left side of his face houses a large claw scar that is still fresh. His left eye is blind, having turned a white due to the damage from the scar. His hair is usually messy, bordering on something some could say needs a cut. He normally wears plain and simple clothing, not really caring that much about how he looks.
Wolf appearance:
similar to his human appearance the left side of his face is adorned with deep scars that aren't very old. His eye is also white and as expected completely blind. His eyes are a shade that could seem like a red or some shade of brown. His coat like his hair is a pale shade of brown that has patches of white. He is a little fluffy but a majority of his build is muscles. He is large like most purebloods and gives off an intimidating aura that makes him seem unapproachable.
View attachment 663279
Rank/Role: alpha
Pureblood or Halfblood: pureblood
Inpatient, blunt, cold, apathetic, impervious, does what he has to do, and determined
Clay is a very get to the point kind of person. He doesn't care about the formalities or sugar-coating his words. He is blunt and cold, his eye hard with an uncaring appearance. He is impatient and easily annoyed whenever you know what buttons to press. Even with his hard exterior he cares for his people and knows he has to do what he has to do. He has cast a wall around his heart that no one can get in to protect himself, but that leaves him alone to hurt himself. Echos of his past haunt him to the point he can barely sleep on most nights, medicine being the only reason he can sleep, even if it is a dreamless one. He is manipulative and cruel, he doesn't have the luxury for mercy or to feel. He is determined to finish what he has started, no matter the cost.
Backstory: Haven wasn't always the pack it is now. When Clay's father was the Alpha it was a pack that did not engage in violence unless there was no other choice. They lived in a forest with little other packs due to the expansion of humans. Clay's father, however, refused to move the pack. This had been their home. He also refused to attack the humans, he believed that he could convince the humans to stop what they were doing, to go forward with kindness. He continued this even after many months of little result. The pack was low on food with fewer places to hunt, not being able to go into town with the potentially hostile humans.

Clay's people began to go hungry, there wasn't enough food to go around and under his father's rule, there was nothing they could do. Even with the pack suffering his father refused to fight, he still believed that he could solve this with words instead of claws. Clay desperately tried to reason with his father, but he would not listen. He refused to attack or do anything. Clay knew he had to stop this or his pack would not survive the next winter. One day an omega attacked him, looking to rise in the ranks. Her skill was impressive, something Clay had not expected, especially not from an omega.

The fight ended with Clay's victory, but it was close with wounds for both. She was far above the rank she held not to mention someone who could fight on par with Clay himself, the expected next alpha. However, the stubborn girl refused to raise in ranks unless she beat one of the expects alphas, she didn't want the lower ranks she wanted the top. She was annoyed at her loss, she had been one of the more open ones towards attacking the humans. No one had really listened since she was just a kid and an omega. Clay seized this and prompted a plan to her. The girl was surprised at first before she quickly recovered.

Clay originally wanted to take down his farther and simply remove his status, but Morgan pointed out that if he did that no one would follow him, there were many old bloods who would refuse to follow behind a young wolf like him if his father was still alive. Not to mention his father was a very good fighter if he didn't fight with the intent to kill there was a high chance he would lose. The pained Clay but he had to do it if he was going to save his people. Using Morgan to distract any interferences Clay challenged his father one evening. His father tried to persuade him but he couldn't let him get into his head. Clay managed to win the fight at the cost of his eye and his father's life.

He then took over the position as the alpha. His pack changed, he allowed them to go after their desires. His people fought to survive, no longer being bound by codes to suffer. The strong rose in the ranks and the weak stayed at the bottom. They attacked the humans and prevented them from taking any more of their land. They fought for titles and became a pack ruled by the strongest. Clay took Morgan as his mate so that the omega could rise in ranks as she deserved for her help to him and her skill in battle. Anyone who tried to rebel was quickly killed.

The pack had been looking for new land to settle in with more food, a group going out looking for one. They had found a place, however, it reeked of another pack. The wolves used to battles hid from the approaching wolves and surprise attacked them. They managed to kill one before having to leave due to the sound of more coming. They had killed an old alpha of the pack, the one responsible rose in ranks immediately. They are now looking to take over that land, and of course, they are not interested in sharing it in any way with the other pack.

Theme Song:

listen with subs or I have the lyrics here
To this feeling, I say "Stop", this is just inconsistent
If, in the high-speed, I start, even so
I can never ever catch up, mayday
Getting tired of pretending to be tough
Still not making complaints, still not making complaints
By measuring profit and loss, got thrown away
I go through with putting on another masquerade
Like I have no existence, no one understands me
Arguing based on emotion gets on and soon falls down
Anyway, when you awaken to your dream
What will you see in your eyes?
Crossing beyond the worst days to become the very best
What's wrong? 'Cause I can't dream for the future anymore
I'm waiting for the certain moment to come
Standing in a vague scenery towards the way beyond the limit
If I can't waste even these feelings in my heart
Mix them up, mix them up till I can be born again
And keep having this endless dream
Only by going against, or by getting aversion
Not only by impatience, I don't want to show it as it is
Laughing foolishly again today
Still not making complaints, still not making complaints
Even self-suggestion to behave like a sophist
There's no need to stick to the truth anymore
Feeling I may betray you today, I don't have any words to say
Repeating "Never do it again" gets on and soon falls down
Anyway, even if I wait for the answer
I'll never meet you anymore
Taking arms against the other
Towards the way the emotion rings
If I can’t waste even these feelings in my heart
Mix them up, mix them up till I can be born again
And keep having this endless dream
We are all missing
Only the appearance was repaired
I was frustrated to not continue
And looked down on others
'Cause otherwise my heart will already be broken
I already know in reality that no one expects anything of me
Back at that day, for no reason
There were the eyes that looked straight ahead
Anyway, when you awaken to your dream
What will you see in your eyes?
Crossing beyond the worst days to become the very best
What's wrong? 'Cause I can't dream for the future anymore
I'm waiting for the certain moment to come
Standing in a vague scenery towards the way beyond the limit
If I can't waste even these feelings in my heart
Mix them up, mix them up till I can be born again
And keep having this endless dream
Waiting for you beyond the way
Quote: "I can't forget the smell of your blood on my hands so I stain them with others' to try and dull it." "What is right and wrong in the face of what has to be done?"

accepted!! also now am thoroughly scared for my small bean of a wolf XD



Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pack: Haven Warrior (But he spends most of his time alone, beyond the territories of either pack)
Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Halfblood
Mate: None
Litter: Never

Rengar has devoted his entire life to improving in strength and making himself more powerful overall. Seeking greater and greater challenges in order to test his ever increasing strength and his tactics. He is very proud of himself, as he feels insulted whenever an opponent holds themselves back when facing him. He will not use any more effort than necessary in order to take those opposing him down. Rengar's usual approach to fighting is to allows his opponents to attack him with their best, only for him to stomp them and quickly end the fight anyway due to his superiority. Though he is not always on the defensive, as if his opponent has an open vulnerability or has no physical strength to stop him, Rengar will sometimes rely on brute strength to push though. This fighting style could be attributed to him attempting to see what his opponent is capable of for his amusement.

He is a creature of the night and shadows, as his darker pelt allows him to blend in with the darkness. However, his large size makes it very difficult for him to be a successful hunter, as he can't squeeze through tighter gaps and bumps into twigs branches and whatnot. He is also much more easily spotted, with him tending to stay at the back and moving slowly when hunting with a back to let the more nimble wolves slow the prey down with him ready to lunge in to go for the kill. When on his own, his approach in hunting is a lot more direct, as he tends to pick fight animals that are willing to try to defend against him. These include boars, the secluded males of herds, and more dangerous animals in general. With him taking risks often like this, many scars and scratches can be found across his body. Though he hates spending more time than needed with his pack, he is known quite well by the healers due to this reckless nature. While wandering through his territory, if a creature finds itself staring at a pair of red eyes in the darkness, then it is probably already too late.

There are quite a few wolves who have encountered him however. He won't kill those who aren't there to challenge him, as he will mostly leave them alone. Although he will warn them not to wander around within his territory for long. He does not care for the rivalry between the two packs, with him playing by his own code for the most part. Due to this, he does not attack wolves from even the opposing tribe, with this leading to the knowledge of him and his territory being shared all around. When he newly established his territory, he murdered and butchered the strongest of animals to serve as a warning to anybody that might oppose him. Now, he deems many creatures he already has asserted dominance over to no longer be worth his time, which is why he now allows them to peacefully coexist with him. He does not care for what anybody thinks of him, with him only seeking to satisfy his own hunger.

Rengar is very serious about most things. He is like this not just while hunting but also within the few seconds of interactions he has had with the other members of his own pack. He very rarely speaks more than necessary with him also remaining unfazed by practically anything. He is known to question his superiors within his own pack, with him being critical of ideas he disagrees with at times. He is very easily annoyed and angered by others, which is why he keeps to himself most of the time. Rengar is a very focused and observant wolf, constantly watching and studying his environment to better prepare for any new challenge. He knows his territory inside and out, with it being suicide to pick a fight against him there.

Rengar is not without some personal joy though. Should he face a fearsome foe that requires him to stop holding back to defeat, he expresses enjoyment as he gets to cut loose and fight seriously. Regardless of his confidence in his strength, stemming from the emotional scars of his past, he is, in reality, terrified at the idea of being defeated to the point where he completely loses his demeanour once he is not favored to win a battle by a large margin. Once truly pressured in battle, Rengar will lose his composure, becoming extremely savage in battle, caring about nothing else but victory as he feels losing in any form means losing all he has worked for.

Rengar was born into a smaller pack of wolves who were eventually incorporated into and become a part of the Haven pack. Although they were not a part of either of the two most dominant wolf packs at the time, they were renown for their strength and their hunting ability. Younglings were expected to learn how to fight and forage food for themselves, with the culture of the pack favouring strength in one form or another, independence and dominance. He was a late bloomer which gave him a small and an undeveloped body from birth. This meant that he would have very little success in getting to any notable position or getting any recognition from those he looked up to early on. Being weak eventually built up an immense amount of prejudice against him from virtually every single member of the pack. Growing up, every time he opened himself up to someone, he would get punished for doing so, with the ones he considered to be on his side eventually either betraying him or being taken away from him. His experiences here would teach him to depend on no-one and to fend for himself.

He was sick of everything so he went off on his own, knowing that he would get no respect as long as he was among the other wolves. He spent all of his time training and attempting to improve his ability. His growth spurt came better late than never as he eventually grew to a monstrous size. He returned to the pack once he was far more powerful, leading to him being respected and feared by most. He could be the alpha but he cared little for such a role. He had no intention of helping out those who never stuck by him. He simply wished to prove his might, with him shortly returning to where he resided alone. Over a long period of time and his infrequent visits back to his clan, Rengar's pack was absorbed, with him becoming a part of Haven now. This change meant nothing to him however.

Rengar claimed a wide territory for himself. Though it by no means rivals either of the territories belonging to the primary packs, the size of it is very impressive for a single wolf. Along its perimeter, he left the skulls and the remains of his slain prey as a warning to anybody who would dare challenge him. There aren't many animals left there, with him having to hunt outside of his territory at times for food. Many wolves attempted to venture into his territory to kill him. And now there are many skeletons and mangled corpses carcasses left to decay where they crossed paths with him. Nowadays though, he is less violent to those stumbling into his territory, with him not even bothering to go after those he deems to not be worth the trouble.

Should I be intimidated?
If you have but one shred of intelligence...

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404b06f4c56b989a87bf9794607823c4.jpg- HAVEN PACK -
Name: Jordyn Lyric Sawyer
Nickname/(s): Jay or Lyric
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: N/A
Human appearance: Jay stands at 5'9 when in human form.
Wolf appearance:
Rank/Role: Not sure yet. Probably Lead Guard unless someone has that role or a idea for something else.
Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood

Personality: Jay isn't one to rush into things. She is calm and calculative. A great strategist. She does not let her emotions control her actions or get the best of her. She tends to be a bit blunt and quite brutally honest. Determined but not overly stubborn. Despite being a natural leader, she has no problem following those who she looks up to or trust. Safety of her family/pack comes before her own. Patient and strong-willed. Outgoing.

Backstory: Her father comes a line of wolves loyal to the Haven pack, her mother however had been a lone wolf before meeting her father. Both had strong personalities. Not long after they met they had Jordyn. Jordyn was basically trained and raised to follow her father's footsteps. His ideals and views became her own. His views aligned with the current alpha's views and so she was trained to fight for what she wanted, or the pack wanted. Her mother taught her how to keep her emotions in check and how create strategies in a fight. With bother her parents guidance she worked her way up to Lead guard, surpassing both her parents in rank. Her mother passed away when she was 19, her father following after losing in a fight for rank when she was 21. (ill fix later if needed. Its done though)

Theme Song: Stronger by The Score or Dangerous by Royal Deluxe (both fit her well)
Quote: "Your emotions are like a storm. You must learn to control and use that storm to your advantage" - Her mother
Other: let me know if anything needs to be changed
Last edited:



Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pack: Haven Hunter/Warrior (But he spends most of his time alone, beyond the territories of either pack)
Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Halfblood
Mate: None
Litter: Never

Rengar has devoted his entire life to improving in strength and making himself more powerful overall. Seeking greater and greater challenges in order to test his ever increasing strength and his tactics. He is very proud of himself, as he feels insulted whenever an opponent holds themselves back when facing him. He will not use any more effort than necessary in order to take those opposing him down. Rengar's usual approach to fighting is to allows his opponents to attack him with their best, only for him to stomp them and quickly end the fight anyway due to his superiority. His approach becomes different when he is hunting a creature though. He stalks his pray and strikes at the perfect moment, with him being very resilient as he rarely lets creatures run away after he sets his eyes on them. He is a creature of the night and shadows, as his darker pelt allows him to blend in with the darkness. While wandering through his territory, if a creature found itself staring at a pair of red eyes in the darkness, then it is already too late.

There are quite a few wolves who have encountered him however. He won't kill those who aren't there to challenge him, as he will mostly leave them alone. Although he will warn them not to wander around within his territory for long. He does not care for the rivalry between the two packs, with him playing by his own code. Therefore, he does not attack wolves from even the opposing tribe, with knowledge of him and his territory being shared all around. When he newly established his territory, he murdered and butchered everything in sight. Now, he deems many creatures he already has asserted dominance over to no longer be worth his time, which is why he now allows them to peacefull coexist with him. He does not care for what anybody thinks of him, with him only seeking to satisfy his own hunger.

Rengar is very serious about most things. He is like this not just while hunting but also within the few seconds of interactions he has with other members of his own pack. He very rarely speaks more than necessary with him also remaining unfazed by practically anything. He is known to question his superiors within his own pack, with him being very critical of ideas he disagrees with at times. He is very easily annoyed and angered by others, which is why he keeps to himself most of the time. Rengar is a very focused and observant wolf, constantly watching and studying his environment to better prepare for any new challenge. He knows his territory inside and out, with it being suicide to pick a fight against him there.

Rengar is not without some personal joy though. Should he face a fearsome foe that requires him to stop holding back to defeat, he expresses enjoyment as he gets to cut loose and fight seriously. Regardless of his confidence in his strength, stemming from the emotional scars of his past, he is, in reality, terrified at the idea of being defeated to the point where he completely loses his demeanour once he is not favored to win a battle by a large margin. Once truly pressured in battle, Rengar will lose his composure, becoming extremely savage in battle, caring about nothing else but victory as he feels losing in any form means losing all he has worked for. Once reaching this hostile state, he becomes essentially unreachable with words.

Rengar was born into a smaller pack of wolves who were eventually incorporated into and become a part of the Haven pack. Although they were not a part of either of the two most dominant wolf packs at the time, they were renown for their strength and their hunting ability. Younglings were expected to learn how to fight and forage food for themselves, with the culture of the pack favouring strength in one form or another, independence and dominance. He was a late bloomer which gave him a small and an undeveloped body from birth. This meant that he would have very little success in getting to any notable position or getting any recognition from those he looked up to early on. Being weak eventually built up an immense amount of prejudice against him from virtually every single member of the pack. Growing up, every time he opened himself up to someone, he would get punished for doing so, with the ones he considered to be on his side eventually either betraying him or being taken away from him. His experiences here would teach him to depend on no-one and to fend for himself.

He was sick of everything so he went off on his own, knowing that he would get no respect as long as he was among the other wolves. He spent all of his time training and attempting to improve his ability. His growth spurt came better late than never as he eventually grew to a monstrous size. He returned to the pack once he was far more powerful, leading to him being respected and feared by most. He could be the alpha but he cared little for such a role. He had no intention of helping out those who never stuck by him. He simply wished to prove his might, with him shortly returning to where he resided alone. Over a long period of time and his infrequent visits back to his clan, Rengar's pack was absorbed, with him becoming a part of Haven now. This change meant nothing to him however.

On every wall of his den, Rengar mounted the skulls, horns, claws, and fangs of the most fearsome creatures he had taken down, all of which being decorated by chips, cracks and bruises, all of which were the courtesy of Rengar himself . Despite him having quite an extensive collection, he will forever remain unsatisfied, with him wanting to prove his skill as a hunter and a warrior further by looking for greater and greater challenges. He mostly fights on the defensive, with him countering his opponent and shutting them down should they leave themselves vulnerable. This fighting style could be attributed to him attempting to see what his opponent is capable of for his amusement.

Rengar claimed a wide territory for himself. Though it by no means rivals either of the territories belonging to the primary packs, the size of it is very impressive for a single wolf. Along its perimeter, he left the skulls and the remains of his slain prey as a warning to anybody who would dare challenge him. There aren't many animals left there, with him having to hunt outside of his territory at times for food. Many wolves from both packs and even some humans attempted to venture into his territory with the intention of killing him. And now there are many skeletons and mangled corpses of both wolves and human left to decay where they crossed paths with him. Nowadays, he is less violent to those stumbling into his territory, with him not even bothering to go after those he deems to not be worth the trouble.

Eager for a challenge, Rengar patiently waits for whatever brave fool wishes to challenge him. With him growing more restless by the day.

Even when banded together, the weak are NOTHING before true strength!

a little too overpowered and dark, humans haven't really been attacked all that much yet, and he seems too overpowered for a single, younger wolf. can you tone it down a bit please? :3
View attachment 663358- HAVEN PACK -
Name: Jordyn Lyric Tanner
Nickname/(s): Jay or Lyric
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: N/A
Human appearance: Jay stands at 5'9 when in human form.
Wolf appearance:
View attachment 663359
Rank/Role: Not sure yet. Probably Lead Guard unless someone has that role or a idea for something else.
Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood

Personality: Jay isn't one to rush into things. She is calm and calculative. A great strategist. She does not let her emotions control her actions or get the best of her. She tends to be a bit blunt and quite brutally honest. Determined but not overly stubborn. Despite being a natural leader, she has no problem following those who she looks up to or trust. Safety of her family/pack comes before her own. Patient and strong-willed. Outgoing.

Backstory: WIP WIP WIP

Theme Song: Stronger - The Score
Quote: "Your emotions are like a storm. You must learn to control and use that storm to your advantage" - Her mother
Other: let me know if anything needs to be changed
looks great! will add you to the list :) just tell me when your backstory is done!!
ac55d0c113b7fc0e7475ff15af66c7a0.jpg-WILLOW PACK-
Name: Augustine Ash Tanner
Nicknames:August(preferred) Ash, AA, TanTan (His sister only)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (cause why not)
Occupation: Part-times at his mother and sisters Clinic.
Pureblood or Halfblood: Halfblood
Role: Healer
Mate: None at the moment
Human Form: Augustine stands at 6'0 in Human Form.
Wolf Form:
Personality: Augustine comes off as a rather cold and quiet individual when in truth he isn't as bad as he appears. He is patient and caring, always putting the needs of others before his own. A good listener. Patient. Keeps his emotions hidden well. Strong-willed. he is outgoing and has a natural charm with others. Great at negotiation and de-escalating a situation. (ill add more)

Bio: Augustine's father is a warrior for the Willow pack while his Mother is a human doctor who owns a clinic in the small town. The two have a close relationship despite living two different life styles. His early childhood he spent mostly with his father and the pack, visiting his mother on occasions. However in their teen years him and his 1 year younger sister spent their time with their mother, learning about medicine and working in the clinic and greenhouse. Much to his father's annoyance and surprise he became a healer for the pack rather than a warrior like his father. Don't get him wrong he can still hold his ground in a fight and will if needed, but he prefers helping others like his mom rather than fighting or hunting like his dad. His sister spends most her time with their mother, staying in the town while he stays with the pack. (crap ik. Ill make it better later, but at least it's done??)

Theme Song: Fight Back - Neffex
Quote: "Not everything can be settled with fist. Nor can everything be settled with words. You must know when to use the right action to get what you are aiming for." - His mother
a little too overpowered and dark, humans haven't really been attacked all that much yet, and he seems too overpowered for a single, younger wolf. can you tone it down a bit please? :3
Alrighto. I aged him up a tiny bit and reorganized/rewrote some parts of it to make it better/more coherent. I also removed his stealth to make him a full on warrior that would only hunt if working together with more stealthy wolves who can slow down targets for him so he is sometimes dependent on his pack for food.
View attachment 663358- HAVEN PACK -
Name: Jordyn Lyric Tanner
Nickname/(s): Jay or Lyric
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: N/A
Human appearance: Jay stands at 5'9 when in human form.
Wolf appearance:
View attachment 663359
Rank/Role: Not sure yet. Probably Lead Guard unless someone has that role or a idea for something else.
Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood

Personality: Jay isn't one to rush into things. She is calm and calculative. A great strategist. She does not let her emotions control her actions or get the best of her. She tends to be a bit blunt and quite brutally honest. Determined but not overly stubborn. Despite being a natural leader, she has no problem following those who she looks up to or trust. Safety of her family/pack comes before her own. Patient and strong-willed. Outgoing.

Backstory: Her father comes a line of wolves loyal to the Haven pack, her mother however had been a lone wolf before meeting her father. Both had strong personalities. Not long after they met they had Jordyn. Jordyn was basically trained and raised to follow her father's footsteps. His ideals and views became her own. His views aligned with the current alpha's views and so she was trained to fight for what she wanted, or the pack wanted. Her mother taught her how to keep her emotions in check and how create strategies in a fight. With bother her parents guidance she worked her way up to Lead guard, surpassing both her parents in rank. Her mother passed away when she was 19, her father following after losing in a fight for rank when she was 21. (ill fix later if needed. Its done though)

Theme Song: Stronger by The Score or Dangerous by Royal Deluxe (both fit her well)
Quote: "Your emotions are like a storm. You must learn to control and use that storm to your advantage" - Her mother
Other: let me know if anything needs to be changed
View attachment 663364-WILLOW PACK-
Name: Augustine Ash Tanner
Nicknames:August(preferred) Ash, AA, TanTan (His sister only)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (cause why not)
Occupation: Part-times at his mother and sisters Clinic.
Pureblood or Halfblood: Halfblood
Role: Healer
Mate: None at the moment
Human Form: Augustine stands at 6'0 in Human Form.
Wolf Form:
View attachment 663365
Personality: Augustine comes off as a rather cold and quiet individual when in truth he isn't as bad as he appears. He is patient and caring, always putting the needs of others before his own. A good listener. Patient. Keeps his emotions hidden well. Strong-willed. he is outgoing and has a natural charm with others. Great at negotiation and de-escalating a situation. (ill add more)

Bio: Augustine's father is a warrior for the Willow pack while his Mother is a human doctor who owns a clinic in the small town. The two have a close relationship despite living two different life styles. His early childhood he spent mostly with his father and the pack, visiting his mother on occasions. However in their teen years him and his 1 year younger sister spent their time with their mother, learning about medicine and working in the clinic and greenhouse. Much to his father's annoyance and surprise he became a healer for the pack rather than a warrior like his father. Don't get him wrong he can still hold his ground in a fight and will if needed, but he prefers helping others like his mom rather than fighting or hunting like his dad. His sister spends most her time with their mother, staying in the town while he stays with the pack. (crap ik. Ill make it better later, but at least it's done??)

Theme Song: Fight Back - Neffex
Quote: "Not everything can be settled with fist. Nor can everything be settled with words. You must know when to use the right action to get what you are aiming for." - His mother



Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pack: Haven Warrior (But he spends most of his time alone, beyond the territories of either pack)
Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Halfblood
Mate: None
Litter: Never

Rengar has devoted his entire life to improving in strength and making himself more powerful overall. Seeking greater and greater challenges in order to test his ever increasing strength and his tactics. He is very proud of himself, as he feels insulted whenever an opponent holds themselves back when facing him. He will not use any more effort than necessary in order to take those opposing him down. Rengar's usual approach to fighting is to allows his opponents to attack him with their best, only for him to stomp them and quickly end the fight anyway due to his superiority. Though he is not always on the defensive, as if his opponent has an open vulnerability or has no physical strength to stop him, Rengar will sometimes rely on brute strength to push though. This fighting style could be attributed to him attempting to see what his opponent is capable of for his amusement.

He is a creature of the night and shadows, as his darker pelt allows him to blend in with the darkness. However, his large size makes it very difficult for him to be a successful hunter, as he can't squeeze through tighter gaps and bumps into twigs branches and whatnot. He is also much more easily spotted, with him tending to stay at the back and moving slowly when hunting with a back to let the more nimble wolves slow the prey down with him ready to lunge in to go for the kill. When on his own, his approach in hunting is a lot more direct, as he tends to pick fight animals that are willing to try to defend against him. These include boars, the secluded males of herds, and more dangerous animals in general. With him taking risks often like this, many scars and scratches can be found across his body. Though he hates spending more time than needed with his pack, he is known quite well by the healers due to this reckless nature. While wandering through his territory, if a creature finds itself staring at a pair of red eyes in the darkness, then it is probably already too late.

There are quite a few wolves who have encountered him however. He won't kill those who aren't there to challenge him, as he will mostly leave them alone. Although he will warn them not to wander around within his territory for long. He does not care for the rivalry between the two packs, with him playing by his own code for the most part. Due to this, he does not attack wolves from even the opposing tribe, with this leading to the knowledge of him and his territory being shared all around. When he newly established his territory, he murdered and butchered the strongest of animals to serve as a warning to anybody that might oppose him. Now, he deems many creatures he already has asserted dominance over to no longer be worth his time, which is why he now allows them to peacefully coexist with him. He does not care for what anybody thinks of him, with him only seeking to satisfy his own hunger.

Rengar is very serious about most things. He is like this not just while hunting but also within the few seconds of interactions he has had with the other members of his own pack. He very rarely speaks more than necessary with him also remaining unfazed by practically anything. He is known to question his superiors within his own pack, with him being critical of ideas he disagrees with at times. He is very easily annoyed and angered by others, which is why he keeps to himself most of the time. Rengar is a very focused and observant wolf, constantly watching and studying his environment to better prepare for any new challenge. He knows his territory inside and out, with it being suicide to pick a fight against him there.

Rengar is not without some personal joy though. Should he face a fearsome foe that requires him to stop holding back to defeat, he expresses enjoyment as he gets to cut loose and fight seriously. Regardless of his confidence in his strength, stemming from the emotional scars of his past, he is, in reality, terrified at the idea of being defeated to the point where he completely loses his demeanour once he is not favored to win a battle by a large margin. Once truly pressured in battle, Rengar will lose his composure, becoming extremely savage in battle, caring about nothing else but victory as he feels losing in any form means losing all he has worked for.

Rengar was born into a smaller pack of wolves who were eventually incorporated into and become a part of the Haven pack. Although they were not a part of either of the two most dominant wolf packs at the time, they were renown for their strength and their hunting ability. Younglings were expected to learn how to fight and forage food for themselves, with the culture of the pack favouring strength in one form or another, independence and dominance. He was a late bloomer which gave him a small and an undeveloped body from birth. This meant that he would have very little success in getting to any notable position or getting any recognition from those he looked up to early on. Being weak eventually built up an immense amount of prejudice against him from virtually every single member of the pack. Growing up, every time he opened himself up to someone, he would get punished for doing so, with the ones he considered to be on his side eventually either betraying him or being taken away from him. His experiences here would teach him to depend on no-one and to fend for himself.

He was sick of everything so he went off on his own, knowing that he would get no respect as long as he was among the other wolves. He spent all of his time training and attempting to improve his ability. His growth spurt came better late than never as he eventually grew to a monstrous size. He returned to the pack once he was far more powerful, leading to him being respected and feared by most. He could be the alpha but he cared little for such a role. He had no intention of helping out those who never stuck by him. He simply wished to prove his might, with him shortly returning to where he resided alone. Over a long period of time and his infrequent visits back to his clan, Rengar's pack was absorbed, with him becoming a part of Haven now. This change meant nothing to him however.

Rengar claimed a wide territory for himself. Though it by no means rivals either of the territories belonging to the primary packs, the size of it is very impressive for a single wolf. Along its perimeter, he left the skulls and the remains of his slain prey as a warning to anybody who would dare challenge him. There aren't many animals left there, with him having to hunt outside of his territory at times for food. Many wolves attempted to venture into his territory to kill him. And now there are many skeletons and mangled corpses carcasses left to decay where they crossed paths with him. Nowadays though, he is less violent to those stumbling into his territory, with him not even bothering to go after those he deems to not be worth the trouble.

Should I be intimidated?
If you have but one shred of intelligence...

GeneralPack: Haven
Nickname: Morg (or Morgue ;])
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual (her relationship with Clay is hardly romantic, though she does consider him to be a very close friend. )
Occupation: n/a
Rank/Role: Alpha's Mate
Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood
Personality: resourceful, vindictive, dedicated, realist, open to change, loyal to a cause, cunning
Morgan is someone who values strength and guile above birthright and honour. Where she comes from the strong survive and the weak go hungry. This is why she will not tolerate weaklings in her pack. As heartless as this sounds, she knows the price of survival and is willing to pay it. The pack is only as strong as its weakest member, afterall, and if it is between the pack and the individual she will choose the pack.

AppearancesMorgan sports blue eyes and black hair with faded silver tips. As a wolf, this translates to a coat that is a mix of silver and black, most strikingly along her frosted mane and a white patch on her chest. Her form is lithe, well-muscled but lean from a life used to hardship. Many scars can be found across her pale skin, left behind by countless battles waged in her homeland. Her choice of outfits almost always prioritizes ease of transformation and she is unafraid of showing off a bit of skin. She can almost always be seen with her signature white fur coat, which looks to be wolf fur.

☼ Human ☼


☽ Wolf ☾

Backstory: (Short tl;dr or fleshed out)
Morgan began as the omega of the Haven pack, joining it shortly after the demise of her previous pack. The lands beyond Clover Hills were different. Instead of ample prey and territory the world she grew up in was defined by the scarcity of food and constant strife. The hunting grounds were ever diminished by the expansion of civilization, leaving fewer resources for the different packs in the area. Haven pack was one that did not agree to violence, and so earned their place at the bottom of the feeding chain. They did not have enough food to begin with, but things became dire after their homelands suffered from deforestation and fires. Their pack faced starvation.

She had always been one to question the passivity of the alpha, even challenging his son, Clay, for the rite of leadership. In the end, she was defeated, but she seemed to talk some sense into the alpha's son. Now that their people were starving and suppressed by other packs, Clay began to see things more clearly. The alpha, on the other hand, refused to admit that something needed to be done. He failed to see that he was killing his pack, trying to negotiate with the pathetic humans with no success. There was only one thing left to do; the alpha needed to be killed to save their pack. She conspired against the alpha, making sure there were no interferences when Clay had the fateful showdown.

To ensure Clay's leadership was unquestioned, she took the place of his mate and struck down any who opposed them. Under Clay's leadership, the once passive pack invaded the territories of other packs in the area, fighting for domination over resources. Over the years they waged a constant battle with other packs, destroying some and absorbing or banishing others. Eventually, they became the dominant pack area, but as the wilderness continued to shrink they eventually ran out of food.

With no choice, the Haven pack searched for other territories. Eventually, they found Clover Hills during a scouting mission. It had everything they needed; ample space and plenty of food. There was a small human town and a new pack, the Willow pack, but both are momentary problems. Knowing what humans inflicted upon their ancestral grounds, Haven seeks to drive out the humans from Clover Hills. As for Willow... well, they are no strangers to combat. While prey is plentiful there is not enough for both packs to live in the long term. Morgan and her mate are willing to do anything to ensure that their pack lives, even if it means the destruction of Willow.

Theme Song:
Unto this storm
Unto this storm
Unto this storm
And wait
I can't control
Withering wonders
Flowers that lose their shape
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I'll be the calm
I will be quiet
Stripped to the bone
I wait
No, I'll be a stone
I'll be the hunter
Tower that casts a shade
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I am the storm
I am the storm
I am the storm
So wait
Quote: "If you desire peace, prepare for war."
GeneralPack: Haven
Nickname: Morg (or Morgue ;])
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual (her relationship with Clay is hardly romantic, though she does consider him to be a very close friend. )
Occupation: n/a
Rank/Role: Alpha's Mate
Pureblood or Halfblood: Pureblood
Personality: resourceful, vindictive, dedicated, realist, open to change, loyal to a cause, cunning
Morgan is someone who values strength and guile above birthright and honour. Where she comes from the strong survive and the weak go hungry. This is why she will not tolerate weaklings in her pack. As heartless as this sounds, she knows the price of survival and is willing to pay it. The pack is only as strong as its weakest member, afterall, and if it is between the pack and the individual she will choose the pack.

AppearancesMorgan sports blue eyes and black hair with faded silver tips. As a wolf, this translates to a coat that is a mix of silver and black, most strikingly along her frosted mane and a white patch on her chest. Her form is lithe, well-muscled but lean from a life used to hardship. Many scars can be found across her pale skin, left behind by countless battles waged in her homeland. Her choice of outfits almost always prioritizes ease of transformation and she is unafraid of showing off a bit of skin. She can almost always be seen with her signature white fur coat, which looks to be wolf fur.

☼ Human ☼


☽ Wolf ☾
View attachment 663558

Backstory: (Short tl;dr or fleshed out)
Morgan began as the omega of the Haven pack, joining it shortly after the demise of her previous pack. The lands beyond Clover Hills were different. Instead of ample prey and territory the world she grew up in was defined by the scarcity of food and constant strife. The hunting grounds were ever diminished by the expansion of civilization, leaving fewer resources for the different packs in the area. Haven pack was one that did not agree to violence, and so earned their place at the bottom of the feeding chain. They did not have enough food to begin with, but things became dire after their homelands suffered from deforestation and fires. Their pack faced starvation.

She had always been one to question the passivity of the alpha, even challenging his son, Clay, for the rite of leadership. In the end, she was defeated, but she seemed to talk some sense into the alpha's son. Now that their people were starving and suppressed by other packs, Clay began to see things more clearly. The alpha, on the other hand, refused to admit that something needed to be done. He failed to see that he was killing his pack, trying to negotiate with the pathetic humans with no success. There was only one thing left to do; the alpha needed to be killed to save their pack. She conspired against the alpha, making sure there were no interferences when Clay had the fateful showdown.

To ensure Clay's leadership was unquestioned, she took the place of his mate and struck down any who opposed them. Under Clay's leadership, the once passive pack invaded the territories of other packs in the area, fighting for domination over resources. Over the years they waged a constant battle with other packs, destroying some and absorbing or banishing others. Eventually, they became the dominant pack area, but as the wilderness continued to shrink they eventually ran out of food.

With no choice, the Haven pack searched for other territories. Eventually, they found Clover Hills during a scouting mission. It had everything they needed; ample space and plenty of food. There was a small human town and a new pack, the Willow pack, but both are momentary problems. Knowing what humans inflicted upon their ancestral grounds, Haven seeks to drive out the humans from Clover Hills. As for Willow... well, they are no strangers to combat. While prey is plentiful there is not enough for both packs to live in the long term. Morgan and her mate are willing to do anything to ensure that their pack lives, even if it means the destruction of Willow.

Theme Song:
Unto this storm
Unto this storm
Unto this storm
And wait
I can't control
Withering wonders
Flowers that lose their shape
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I'll be the calm
I will be quiet
Stripped to the bone
I wait
No, I'll be a stone
I'll be the hunter
Tower that casts a shade
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I lie awake
And watch it all
It feels like thousand eyes
I am the storm
I am the storm
I am the storm
So wait
Quote: "If you desire peace, prepare for war."


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