Clover Hills OOC

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon is okay to just have Fern observing what is going on between Tobias and Angelica if she doesn’t interrupt? I wasn’t sure whether you had made a definite decision- it’s cool if not, I’ll just have her playing in the snow in the mountains or something haha
Veil isn't on right now and won't be until later today/this evening so I don't know what they want to do.

Angelica is very possessive of the clearing, it's her sanctuary away from the pack life and if a pup is spotted around there that can potentially be made to tell Bella or Matthew about the clearing, she will be rather displeased with the pup even though it won't know it has done anything wrong. Though Bella does already know about the clearing and hasn't done anything about it yet except attempt to keep Angelica on a short leash...

I will say there is some food, however you're going to have a pissed off Angelica if you go near the berries she's collected for Tobias's employer who she is also attempting to keep safe...on the edge of the clearing behind Angelica is the lopsided basket of various winter berries...

Either way you run the risk of running into a patrol...whether at the clearing when Matthew and hunters come...or going off into the mountains to play...

Maybe just play somewhere in the mountains, I can have Matthew's patrol run across you. ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion pups doesn't control their wolf forms. Born wolfs don't turn after birth before they reach at least 6 years old and then they would only turn at full moon at teen age they reach at mental skills to point when they could start switching between wolf and humans and some start using half forms.
ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion pups doesn't control their wolf forms. Born wolfs don't turn after birth before they reach at least 6 years old and then they would only turn at full moon at teen age they reach at mental skills to point when they could start switching between wolf and humans and some start using half forms.

I thought I read in lore that they are puppies when born until 6 years old. My bad.

But scorpiodragon scorpiodragon i don’t think minds because they haven’t said anything in posts?- I think it’s easiest for the sake of interaction?
Correct me if I’m wrong scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Extra to pregnancy :

Pups in mother's womb turns to wolfs with mother and in rare cases without mother. After birth pups can't anymore turn before they are 6 years old (bited pups start turning right at first full moon after they had get bite) at teen age they can control bit of half forms if they have trained their mind. Adults can learn to switch between wolf and human outside of full moon and oldest can even stop themselves from turning at full moon.

You said here that they don’t shift after being born pups? Maybe I’m reading this wrong though
Yes, sorry. I thought I was being clear in the Lore page. I have corrected the interest page for future characters to read before making a character.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon if she’s a half blood, and they turn after the first moon, does that mean if I make Fern a halfblood that she can stay in pup form?
Was she born or bited? Halfblood born wolfs come from 2 halfbood mates or human/wolf mating. if either is pureblood, pup is pureblood (unless other partner was human, human mating halfbloods are rare as mating often includes biting.)
From bite pup i think we could do special circumstance as then it could be that at that young pup's wolf form goes confused for x time.
Was she born or bited? Halfblood born wolfs come from 2 halfbood mates or human/wolf mating. if either is pureblood, pup is pureblood (unless other partner was human, human mating halfbloods are rare as mating often includes biting.)
From bite pup i think we could do special circumstance as then it could be that at that young pup's wolf form goes confused for x time.

Okay thank you- I’d say two halfbloods, as that would make more sense in terms of her being in a pack as a puppy.

I’m really sorry for the confusion, I’m tired and have been for a while and so misread easily haha. Thank you both for clearing up the air(:
I would’ve felt bad breaking the rules otherwise.
Okay thank you- I’d say two halfbloods, as that would make more sense in terms of her being in a pack as a puppy.

I’m really sorry for the confusion, I’m tired and have been for a while and so misread easily haha. Thank you both for clearing up the air(:
I would’ve felt bad breaking the rules otherwise.
Sorry, but that would mean that your pup is born wolf...unless if she was born when her mother was wolf form. That is solid reason why she's still stuck at wolf form.
Sorry, but that would mean that your pup is born wolf...unless if she was born when her mother was wolf form. That is solid reason why she's still stuck at wolf form.

I guess whichever option works best is cool with me. That option seems to make sense, seeing as the pups shift in the belly when their mothers do

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