Clover Hills OOC

Cosmos Cosmos
I'm going to start making my post now! Sorry it took me a while to get round to it, I've been quite busy today (and will be for the next 3 days-ish).
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys If you click on the spoiler in main thread about Winslow Pack, you will see a layout of Matthew's room. If your Artemis is in there.
What is the layout of Haven territory and the pack house? Also, would you like for me to wait for you to reply for Azrael before I post for Mary, or should I go ahead and post?
What is the layout of Haven territory and the pack house? Also, would you like for me to wait for you to reply for Azrael before I post for Mary, or should I go ahead and post?
Clover hills pack house is at RP under Winslow's pack house. It's at forest nearly Clover hills village there's river nearly, at other side of that is ruins of Winslow's old pack house.
Clover hills pack house is at RP under Winslow's pack house. It's at forest nearly Clover hills village there's river nearly, at other side of that is ruins of Winslow's old pack house.
What is the inside layout of the pack house?
What is the inside layout of the pack house?
As clearly you didn't see spoiler:
Haven House is a 2-story home close to Clover Hills. The first floor has a backdoor leading into a mudroom/utility room. All wolves must remain there when they get muddy and leave muddy shoes there. Down the hallway is a large room where the infirmary is which has a Japanese medical symbol on it. Kitchen, dining room and large living room for pack. Kitchen is quite big. There is a basement of course. Bedrooms on first and second floors.

There is a large pantry that Azrael expanded with lots of shelves and enough room for sacks of flour, cornmeal, rice and barrels of smoked meat. There is stairs going down and a small dirt underground under trapdoor in middle of pantry floor which has some food that can be stored there as well.

Azrael is working on building a cellar to hide pups, mothers and elders if needed as well as store more food.

In the future there will be a green house for Suzu/other healers.

Second floor is bedrooms for pack. There is one master suite, that is where Gabriel and William live. Above the second floor on the upper left is a 2-room attic with an ebony door which opens to a flight of stairs leading upward where Azrael, Amanda and their children sleep. This was built by Azrael as well after he arrived in pack back when Hannah was in control and her mate was still alive.
Infirmary has by to way potion lab where Suzu makes salves and potions that pack needs examples: antibacteria salve that fasters werewolf healing and keeps wounds clean, potions to drop fever, headache, calm down potions that works also to pregnant women, potion to help to get pregnant, silver antidote (needs wolfbane that at alone is lethal to werewolves and one of main reasons why Suzu wants that greenhouse)

Cosmo Cosmo
It is early morning, 1-2 hours past dawn.

Everyone is pretty much waking up.

Just make an intro post. Gabriel and William are available in Haven Pack as are a lot of people I believe. Azrael, Amanda, their daughters are just waking up while William and Gabriel are eating in the dining room.

In Winslow, Justin is with Artemis (another omega female) and has attacked her for being in Matthew's room.
Bella is attempting to get Ann up.
Matthew is on a walk through their territory.
Levi is in the slave room that is between Bella's and Matthew's rooms on the second floor.

Angelica is with Tobias, please do not interrupt that scene as this is something we (Veil & I) had planned for a month.
A loner, Sean, has just woken up and is making his way around his little staked out area.

Cosmos Cosmos
It is early morning, 1-2 hours past dawn.

Everyone is pretty much waking up.

Just make an intro post. Gabriel and William are available in Haven Pack as are a lot of people I believe. Azrael, Amanda, their daughters are just waking up while William and Gabriel are eating in the dining room.

In Winslow, Justin is with Artemis (another omega female) and has attacked her for being in Matthew's room.
Bella is attempting to get Ann up.
Matthew is on a walk through their territory.
Levi is in the slave room that is between Bella's and Matthew's rooms on the second floor.

Angelica is with Tobias, please do not interrupt that scene as this is something we (Veil & I) had planned for a month.
A loner, Sean, has just woken up and is making his way around his little staked out area.

Cosmos Cosmos
kk, I'll have her bump into Faith in the kitchen since we wanted to meet up anyway, since our characters kinda know each other XD
Here trivia question Cosmo Cosmo : Was Conner at pack month ago when was Red's first full moon? As Suzu forced her transformation still so long that she was sure that Red was okay. That is skill when you are experienced.
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Eh, I mean, he probably was, but it would be more enjoyable, for me, to RP him discovering more about the transformation and ways to halt it. :D So I'ma say he wasn't 'present' when Red transformed. Transformation shyness or something.
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Eh, I mean, he probably was, but it would be more enjoyable, for me, to RP him discovering more about the transformation and ways to halt it. :D So I'ma say he wasn't 'present' when Red transformed. Transformation shyness or something.
Could be, because you would take off clothes that you don't want ruin before transforming.
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI I'll probably make the RP reason that he likes to mentally 'note' how long he can hold it off before being forced to transform, the order it happens, how his organs change, etc that he writes down in a notepad after the transformation and wouldn't want others to see it.
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI I'll probably make the RP reason that he likes to mentally 'note' how long he can hold it off before being forced to transform, the order it happens, how his organs change, etc that he writes down in a notepad after the transformation and wouldn't want others to see it.
(Fun fact that it's possible that Suzu has those notes already, written when she was young, but they would be in japanese.)
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Its cool. He probably won't ever look at them, so I get to RP all the painstakingly slow discovery including, once everyone discovers their powers, him experimenting on himself since he will regen the damage.

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