Clover Hills OOC

Their powers are just beginning to show though not everyone has realized it. They can sense some subtle changes but the powers will take a big part into the RP in future (once things are settled with why they have powers and why the council doesn't want the packs to know about them.)

At most they can only do minor things with their powers right now, if they even realize them.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

I have some questions before I write my starter post. First off, are wolves able to shift when they want to, or is it only during high emotion and the full moon? How do half transformations work? Is it painful for the person? How painful? How easy is it to shift back?

What is the layout of the Winslow Pack's territory like? What's the environment around the place like?

I just want to make sure I know as much as possible before I start lol.
Cosmos Cosmos :D Thought myself into a character as I was weighing my options after le invite. Dang my creative mind!

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon I know its one power.. >.> But totally hoping I can slip by with his since they aren't really combat powers and the second 'power' is pretty much just a neat gimmick for le healer.
Cosmos Cosmos :D Thought myself into a character as I was weighing my options after le invite. Dang my creative mind!

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon I know its one power.. >.> But totally hoping I can slip by with his since they aren't really combat powers and the second 'power' is pretty much just a neat gimmick for le healer.
You will be apprentice to my Suzu then.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

I have some questions before I write my starter post. First off, are wolves able to shift when they want to, or is it only during high emotion and the full moon? How do half transformations work? Is it painful for the person? How painful? How easy is it to shift back?

What is the layout of the Winslow Pack's territory like? What's the environment around the place like?

I just want to make sure I know as much as possible before I start lol.

Please check the Lore page for all your information on transformations and such.

Fantasy - Clover Hills (Reboot) Lore

As for the layout of the pack territory...

There is a large clearing where silver chains are located for omegas (mostly females) and silver cages.

Pack house house faces the clearing and behind it is a large cave which has silver chains, fire for branding (with silver which does not fade with time and marks ownership of slaves), silver cages.

There is a creek and river further into the territory for the pack members. Omegas get a pool of clean water that looks black but is fed by an underground source of water that is pure. Only omegas, Justin and Angelica drink from there.

Large forest extending south from mountains to river....they are north about 6-8 hours from where they are. A gravel driveway for Matthew and very few other wolves to have cars and then it's a long drive to Clover Hills on a road. There's a ruined village to the east with a damaged radio tower.

Pack House Layout:

Basement-no windows, only door at top of stairs. It is where omega women are broken in. Bella bites all incoming females.

First floor has kitchen, large living room, bedrooms and bathrooms for pack.

Second floor has Matthew's room (a second master suite), Bella's room (master suite), slave room (where Angelica lives with puppies-only Bella and Matthew have keys into door. There's a mattress in there for Angelica and the puppies to sleep on, a small bathroom with a toliet, sink and bathtub that only fills a third of the way, bars on a very high window so Angelica and puppies cannot get out, a closet with a high-set door knob so puppies can't reach it. It is very small and is sound proofed as well as Bella's room and Matthew's room. It is directly next to Bella's room with a doggy door leading into doorway for Angelica and puppies to go in and out as well as a doggy door leading into Bella's room. Angelica is summoned via walkie talkie in room. Doggie doors are locked when not in use so puppies and Angelica can't leave.)

Depending on the role a puppy gets, hunters and warriors are moved out of the slave room on their sixth birthday after their first full moon (even if they are bitten). Sixteen-year-old omegas move to the second slave room if they are obedient, otherwise they are moved to the cave where they are kept in silver cages, one omega to a cage. Medical slaves get moved when healers want new apprentices. Fourteen years of age is when servants, cooks and cleaners get moved into servant quarters.

There is a medical room on first floor. The windows have bars and the only door is inside the mansion.

All other bedrooms in pack house are normal sized, even for the lead guard and healers.

There is a cellar (dug by Justin & Angelica) outside near the pack house which is used for storing food and where Angelica teaches puppies. All puppies are given to Angelica to feed and raise upon birth, Angelica is given lactating drugs to make her able to nurse pups. Puppies eat out of child-sized bowls and are never given a chance to form a bond with their parents. There is also a garden for the pack that Justin and Angelica manage, omegas get rotten fruit and half-spoiled fruit.

There is another slave room on the first floor near the cave with a backdoor leading to it. All males in pack are insane, reason they went with Bella because they like raping/torturing Angelica and Bella & Matthew allow it.

Cosmos Cosmos :D Thought myself into a character as I was weighing my options after le invite. Dang my creative mind!

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon I know its one power.. >.> But totally hoping I can slip by with his since they aren't really combat powers and the second 'power' is pretty much just a neat gimmick for le healer.

Since it is minor I will allow it. So long as it doesn't become major and only affects him.
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I spoke to Veltsu.

You said that Artemis was born a wolf so she wouldn't have been bitten by Bellatrix.

Levi is given to Angelica to care for when Artemis is in the cave or in the second slave room according to Velt. WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
You are welcome.

As Angelica has gone out to see Tobias, Levi can either be in cellar working on schoolwork, locked in slave room or she can be with Artemis (assuming Artemis is not within second slave room or cave. WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

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