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Fantasy ʜᴇʟᴘ! ɪ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ — ✧.* Closed


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to st. valens’ academy

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Welcome to St. Valens’ Academy for aspiring dragon riders from all around the globe! The world is falling apart atom by atom, sure—all the more reason to join! Engross yourself in meaningless trench warfare, represent your nation in pointless politics, or become a slave to paperwork, all made possible by the exploitation of the dragon by your side. It’s never too late to start a boy band with your fire-breathing friend—everything is possible at St. Valens’ Academy!

Worry not about the magical corruption that’s slowly consuming your home or the war that encroaches on the peace of Greater Bylcade. In this war-torn and Corruption-addled world, you can consider this place an oasis for all sorts (so long as you don’t mind the academic torture to get in and the academic torture to stay in).

Whether you’re new or returning for summer break, you can enjoy lush dormitories here on campus safe from the harsh landscape scratching at your doorstep while you study for the task ahead. Prepare to join an epic battle against what may or may not be the apocalypse and whatever hostile forces lie ahead, or pick up a flute and lute together with your dragon to look cool in front of a crowd!

Whatever your goal is for your future as a dragon rider, we can promise you an interesting experience here at the Academy!*
* St Valens’ Academy can promise nothing else. Refunds will not be awarded if the interesting experience** is not achieved. See attached pamphlet and seek Terms and Conditions for more information.
** If an interesting experience to you is touching a strange bush, getting cancer, and dying brutally, you are responsible for all damages, including funeral costs.

♡coded by uxie♡

  • intro


    sub urban


    till here? You must be intrigued! If you’re into lore-heavy worldbuilding, attempts at new takes on common concepts, and story progression based on But Is It Funny, Though?, then we’d love to have you!

    This RP is a semi-apocalyptic high fantasy with medieval elements, although slang and certain beliefs can be quite modernish. All architecture and aesthetics are medieval- or Renaissance-esque, with a hint of gothic modern for some spice. We’ll be following the stories of the students and professors of St. Valens’ Academy, one of the most prestigious dragon rider academies in all eight seven nations.

    In this world, dragon riders are an umbrella term for a profession of people who work with dragons to do a wide range of things depending on what division the rider and dragon are trained under. Despite the amount of choice a prospective dragon rider is given, they were created specifically to be used by the government, whether it’s to take on their enemies in the usual political warfare, to act as advertisement for the military by being cool celebrities and medal-covered warriors to the common people, or, most commonly, fighting off the highly contagious magical Corruption that’s plagued the land.

    Since the collapse of Majia, the Heart of Magic, none of the other nations willing to take the blame for its fall, magic has, frankly, gone absolutely haywire. Majia had fundamentally changed the core of magic in order to be easier accessible to the common man, and with its destruction, magic, once an essential part of the fabric of reality interwoven with nearly all creatures and aspects of life, shattered as a whole. Now, all creatures who partake in it may or may not become Corrupted by the slightest mistake, overuse, or even just by chance, and become brutally marred and infectious to everything and everyone around them—until their atoms are burnt to a crisp at the hands of dragon riders (or other government officers, but we don’t care about them). Even though you can cast spells, the risk far outweighs the benefits.

    The overall instability of the world is fueled by the nations’ growing tensions, leaving most nations on the brink of war, if not already in the midst of wartime, for which dragon riders are exploited to the deaths of many.

    Suffice to say, our characters have to worry about a lot.

    Despite this, many strive to try to live as normally as possible, adapting along the way, distracted from the turmoil of their surroundings with fun activities and homework to do or grade—with only the occasional reality-checking event mingling in. Perhaps, if all goes well, the students of the Academy will graduate with intact limbs and professors will finally get their research grants.

♡coded by uxie♡
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thank all of you for your interest!!! we'll ping you all when we put up the roleplay! which, note, might take a bit. it's. long.
So besides the likely inability to use dragons that are like world enders, are there any restrictions we should know about in regards to abilities or types?
So besides the likely inability to use dragons that are like world enders, are there any restrictions we should know about in regards to abilities or types?

there aren't many specific restrictions on type, since the world is high-fantasy enough that most things are possible. so you can be an average dragon, wyrm, wyvern, amphiptere, whatever your heart so desires. for physical abilities that come with the type, you can do anything so long as it a) doesn't contradict lore we already have set and b) doesn't take all the fun away. dragons are by default fire elementals (breathing fire and shit, you know how it is) but they can have any other element (not just water wind earth fire, you can have lightning or ice or whatever the fuck) so long as it's only one.

every being can channel every type of magic, dragons being able to do so easier and more safely than others since they have higher magical affinity as a whole, but only their element is biological and so it's the only one they can use with little risk. it's still technically magic, but since they're born with it rather than them sort of accessing the concept of magic that's baked into the fabric of reality, they're good. the magic that everyone else can use can easily cause Corruption.

also, dragons are limited to 20 feet in height so they can at least kind of fit inside of a large building since having no limits on that and having Godzilla in our roleplay would result in several complications
So besides the likely inability to use dragons that are like world enders, are there any restrictions we should know about in regards to abilities or types?

in essence, if an ability doesn't even vaguely fit in with the rest of the lore and takes the fun away, dokjacore and i won't allow it. i personally don't mind powerful characters and whatnot, so long as they're balanced. it really just needs to make sense and be fun :)

a world-ending dragon, for one, could actually exist in this world, but likely wouldn't be anywhere near the Academy since the level of magic they'd be using would be beyond their innate magical prowess (dragons innately can control 1 element, and it can be anything, fire being the most common). they'd likely be banished farrrrrr from where the RP takes place and thus cannot be playable at least for a while, because of the high risk of Corruption they pose. or they might be Corrupted already. in general, they likely wouldn't be a character you can play as at least for a good while. so overall, it just has to make sense, yknow?

but as dokjacore said, we allow virtually anything because of the high fantasy nature of the world. we can be flexible with abilities and types so long as you provide a good means for them to fit in with everything else. and again as he said, size is one thing i can think of that we have a restriction on in regards to dragon type -- anything beyond 20 ft to the shoulder will mean the character at least won't be in the Academy since there'd be problems trying to fit the poor thing into buildings. as for anything else related to dragon type, i can't think of anything dokjacore and i would need to put a restriction on.

i hope that all makes sense!
^^ oh yeah, that reminds me -- powerful characters are MORE than allowed. i like motherfuckers who are able to take shit down easily and efficiently more than anyone. you just have to make sure they aren't perfect as a result, because perfection and power are completely different concepts. you can have cool incredibly powerful characters while still giving them checks and balances.
FiguringThisOutVerySlowly FiguringThisOutVerySlowly dokjacore dokjacore thanks for clarifying. Though, I suppose I was wondering more about other abilities like polymorph or shrinking. Then again, you did say magic was pretty much going haywire so that's probably a no.

it's very much okay for someone to have the ability to polymorph or shrink!! but that character actually doing it would be risky because of Corruption, unless it's something that comes innately to them, but even then, it's still risky to.
it's very much okay for someone to have the ability to polymorph or shrink!! but that character actually doing it would be risky because of Corruption, unless it's something that comes innately to them, but even then, it's still risky to.
Okay, I was just asking because I was thinking about giving that ability to my dragon character with only a few different forms, but now I am not sure.
we want to go for a relatively small group of good roleplayers since they're easier to handle, so 4-10 is our ballpark ^^ we may allow more over time, though!
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hey!! was wondering about a concept; minor god who's ousted from the village they were protecting after the crash of the magic market makes them lose access to a majority of their powers. i wanted to know about the whole 'minor god' part of it; would i be able to make them an actual minor god? or would i have to make them just a worshipped and powerful (mortal) figure, as opposed to a godly one?

either way is good with me!! i just think this concept is funny so i wanted to get an idea built before the cs releases :D
damn, that's a fun idea!! has a lot of potential for silly character moments <3

regarding the 'minor god' bit, every country has several religions within it, but i don't think any actual gods exist on the planet, or really anywhere. the only thing that can be considered a deity is magic itself, although it isn't really a god as much as reality incarnate as a consciousness, if that makes sense?

so i don't think that your character would be an ACTUAL minor god, no, but it's more than possible that your character's village (or maybe even your character themself) believes that they are due to your character's magical prowess or similarities they share with their society's religion. there may also be people who got 'enchanted' (basically struck with magical power) and were touted as gods after that within their society. it'll be easier to go into detail on your question once the lore doc is released and the OOC thread is up.

i would recommend making sure your character somehow and someway winds up at st valens, though!

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