
Dhea made suspicious eyes at the path on the left, but she wondered what the laugh was from and who it was from. Rather than shy away, she put a hand up to comfort Yan and stepped towards the left path.

She would face danger later, why not do it now? She needed to get used to the world around her, the dangerous parts included.
After climbing up a low hill, Dhea emerged onto flat ground. And it took her breath away. A field filled with strange black flowers. It was beautiful. The smell was wonderful, unlike anything she had ever smelled before. Yan was anxious on her shoulder, his little wings fluttering, but he did not speak. As soon as Dhea made a step into the flower field she felt happier. And very amused. A giggle she could not control left her mouth.

"What's so funny?" Yan asked, but even as he asked it he started giggling as well, for no particular reason.

- Cast a spell.
- Pick a flower.
- Continue ahead.
- Turn back.
A giggle she couldn't control and an eerie field of black flowers, as beautiful as they may be, caused the hairs on the back of her neck to rise. She didn't know if it was magic or if it was simply a strange field.
Instead of disrupting with a spell of her own, she continued forward.
She managed to make two steps forward. Then she burst out laughing again, doubling over and holding her abdomen. Her whole body trembled out of uncontrolled laughter. Yan's voice was sounded frightened now. "We can't go that way." He said and started tugging on her robes as he flew backwards. His giggles subsided and he sounded sane, unlike Dhea. She was struggling to move anywhere, so strong was the sourceless laughter that took over her. Moving anywhere from that point would be a struggle.

- Turn back.
- Go forward.
Dhea, while uncontrollably laughing, listened to Yan and turned back.
She would struggle against the seemingly abrupt spasms of cackling, as long as she got away from the cursed field. She could die and that would be pointless.
She was already quite weakened from the laughter and Minimite's pulling was not helping, but she somehow stumbled out of the flower field. Hee knees buckled underneath her as she felt a flush of weakness and she slumped to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Yan floated in front of her face, resting his hands on her nose and looking at her in worry. "I think there was some magic in the smell of those flowers. Some very potent magic since it worked on me. Us Minimites are usually resistant to any sorcery."

- Continue down the other path.
Dhea gave Yan a weak smile, her hand gently stroking his head in affection. She was thankful that the Minimite had tried to pull her from the field. There was a niggling feeling that she would've died had he not done so.
"Thank you."

She staggered to her feet, before going down the other path. She needed to continue her quest, weariness aside.
"You are welcome!" Yan smiled. "Just be on your guard." He added as she stood up to leave.

They had to climb another rise from the point, although the climb was not too steep. As the noon approached they had crested the ridge and started descending yet again. Dhea was at the highest point of the Hills now - the trees are thin and the view west went on forever, while on the north-east side she was able to catch glimpses of the walls of Khare.

Yan is in a talkative mood, filling the air with his chatter, talking about what he can see and how things smell and what he plans to do once he makes his fortune in Khare. It seemed that he was intent on following Dhea into the city. They passed from the open hillside into a patch of deep forest. Quite suddenly, Yan fell quiet, hissing in her ear. "Stop! Stop now!"

- Ask why.
- Stop.
- Continue.
Dhea looked at the small creature on her shoulder, brow furrowing. She was quite silent and still.
With a small gesture, she seemed to be asking why they were stopping and why he seemed so terrified.

She was still going to listen, of course, but she was so...unsure if it was just Yan being nervous or there was genuinely a threat to them both.
They came to a stop nevertheless. Yan did not get a chance to respond. Instead, another voice sounded. A stranger's voice. "You've seen me. I know it." Something moved through the trees around her. A moment later, a point of still emerged from the darkness between two trees, touching Dhea's neck.

- Look into the darkness.
- Answer.
- Draw your weapon.
Dhea was frightened and tempted to draw her weapon or even cast a fireball at the stranger and run. Instead, she lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. Her eyes stared unblinkingly into the darkness, and her voice was strong.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
As she peered into the darkness of the trees she saw nothing but shadows. And then she noticed it - a shadow that had two eyes. There was no reply to her words, but a tall, dark figure emerged from the trees. He was dressed head to to in black and somehow Dhea was not able to see him just a moment before, even though he had been standing on an arm's length away. He wields two long daggers in expert hands.


"Now, I'm gonna have to kill you." He says, lips twisting into a smirk.

- Try talking to him.
- Attack.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea held up her hands and took a step back, her eyes still on his blades.
"Look, murder isn't always the option you should go with."
She adjusted her stance slightly, so she seemed less...dangerous.
"I have other things I can offer you. Gold or..."
She took another step back, her eyes flickering up to his again.
"Why do you have to kill me?"

Dhea knows that if she fights him, she has a low chance of winning.
The assassin shrugged. "It's what I do. I kill people and take their stuff. Can't take your stuff without killing you, it's my policy."
"He's insane!" Yan squeaked, slipping into Dhea's hood to hide.
"Here." The assassin tossed one of his knives to her. "A bow wouldn't do you any good against me and I want a fair fight." He took a stance then, ready to attack. There was no escaping him now.

- Fight with his knife.
- Fight with the bow.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea silently agreed with her tiny companion, before taking a fighting stance. She debated a spell or using his knife. If he wanted a fair fight, he would get one.
She decided to to use his knife, as it was what he wanted after all.
The assassin raised his weapon as Dhea readied the knife. He bowed toward her respectfully, tapping two fingers against his chest, readying his stance. Closing his eyes for a moment he murmured a silent prayer in a language she did not understand. Then he beckoned at her to strike first, a taunting smile on his face.

- Roll a die to attack (Bonus: 6 Difficulty: 20).
Dhea shook her head slightly, her feet shifting as she swung the dagger down, trying to strike him from above. She was going to fight as hard as she could.

-Rolled 22
Measuring the weight of her new weapon, and bringing to mind everything she could about her training, she swung it down to deliver a cleaving blow. The assassin brought his own weapon to defend. The blades clashed, metal clanging on metal, as sparks lit the darkness of the forest. Yan yelped somewhere behind her head.

"You are good." The assassin smiled, left breathless by the strength of the blow. He lunged forward then, getting under her guard, trying for a heavy blow, but Dhea read his stance, holding her weapon to deflect. They were both mostly unharmed, though already tired. The assassin laughed appreciatively. "My duty is to sever your head from your neck." He spoke, voice like polished marble. "You will not keep me from it."

- Roll a die to attack (Bonus: 6 Difficulty: 19).
"And my duty is to look pretty while preventing you from doing such."
Dhea gave him a cheeky grin and she licked her lip, ignoring the lingering taste of sweat.
"You aren't too bad yourself, however."
And she danced forward, aiming to strike at his side.

-Rolled 20
The assassin smirked, holding back and anticipating her movements. She swung her sword fast, in toward his chest, creeping past his defence. He managed to deflect the blade to the right, but still it caught him in the side, delivering a wound. Red blood soaked through his black tunic. Breathing deeply, the assassin whispers a mantra, readying his next swing. The blades clash and lock and he strikes with his free hand, a blow to Dhea's ribs that sent her stumbling. But still, she was in a better shape than him now. It was time to finish the fight.

- Roll a die to attack (Bonus: 6 Difficulty: 15).
Dhea spins her blade in her hand, her eyes pinned to the nameless assassin. She doesn't even speak as she moves forward, her blade sweeping across to hit his shoulder.

-Rolled 24
She rushed forward with a deep, heavy slash. The assassin was off balance, not fast enough, and the blade went deep into his shoulder. He turned around by the force of the blow, losing the grip on his weapon. Knees buckling, he fell to the ground in a kneel in front of her. His wounds were bleeding and evidently painful, but not yet fatal.

"I am not so proud as to not admit when I am beaten." He spoke with a groan. "You may finish me, if you so choose. But, do me an honour and do it with my own blade."

- Finish him and search his body.
- Spare him.
Dhea tossed his blade beside him, before crouching in front of the assassin. She rolled her eyes, with a half-grin.
"Look, the dramatics isn't necessary. I don't kill people who have essentially surrendered."
She ran her fingers through her hair, inhaling softly.

"Do you think you'll be okay or would you like me to bandage you up?"
He nodded, taking his twin blades and sheating them. Slowly he stood up, holding onto the wound in his side. "I'm fine. You are an honourable woman. I am glad to have met you, despite the situation." Then he sighed. "Now that you have spared my life, you own me, in part. My name is Rhain and I am an assassin and a thief."
"And crazy." Yan peeped, finally emerging from his hiding spot.

- Ask why did he attack you.
- Ask something in return.
Dhea frowned at Yan, but she was glad to see he was alright. She turned to the assassin, her arms crossed over her chest.
"I am Dhea. It seems only fair that you learn my name."
She was wondering exactly who would want an assassin to kill her and she adjusted her stance, her eyes flashing dangerously.
"Why did you attack me?"

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